Head & Neck Anatomy - The Skeletal System

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Zygomaticomaxillary suture

A "notch," more correctly described as a depression, in the midpoint of the infraorbital rim (or margin) can be palpated on a patient that is formed by the more vertical paired ________________ _________.


A generally deeper depression or concavity on a bony surface - Can be parts of joints, be attachment sites for muscles, or have other functions.


A large, often rough prominence on a bony surface.


A longer narrow tube-like opening in a bone.


A narrow cleflike opening in a bone


A narrow opening in a bone.

Styloid Process

A pointed bony projection, the __________ _________, is noted lateral and posterior to the carotid canal.


A prominent, often roughened border or ridge on a bony surface.

Posterior corner of each greater wing of the sphenoid bone

A sharp pointed area, the (angular) spine of the sphenoid bone, is located at the?


A short windowlike opening in a bone.

Sagittal suture

A single suture that extends from the anterior to posterior of the skull at the midline between the parietal bones. parallel of the sagittal plane of the skull. Superior view


A small abrupt prominence on a bony surface that may be a blunt or sharp pointed projection.


A small hornlike prominence.


A small prominence located superior to or upon a condyle.


A smaller opening especially as an entrance into a hollow organ or canal in a bone.


A straight, small ridge on a bony surface.


A type of canal in a bone.

Crista galli

A vertical midline continuation of the perpendicular plate superiorly into the cranial cavity is the wedge-shaped ________ _______, which serves as an attachment for layers covering the brain.

Ethmoidal spine

Additionally, this part of the body of the sphenoid bone presents a prominent ___________ _______ for articulation with the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone.

The middle ear

Air-filled, mucous membrane-lined space in the temporal bone between the tympanic membrane laterally and the lateral wall of the internal ear medially. Transmits vibrations of the tympanic membrane across the cavity of the middle ear to the internal ear.

Immovable, suture, vertebral column

All skull bones are _______. except the mandible with its TMJ. Instead, the articulation of many of the bones in the skull is by a _________. The skull also has a movable articulation with the bony ______ ______ in the cervial region.

Foramen lacerum

Also on the external surface of the skull is the large, irregularly shaped __________ ___________. When intact it is filled with cartilage. Located between the sphenoid one, apex of petrous part of the temporal bone, and the basilar part of the occipital bone

Hypoglossal canal, internal acoustic meatus

Also present in the superior view of the skull is the ____________ _______ for the twelfth cranial or hypoglossal nerve and the ________ __________ ________ for the seventh cranial nerve and the eighth cranial or vestibulocochlear nerve.

Superior Surface

Also present on the _____________ ________ of the internal skull are the inside openings of the optic canal, superior orbital fissure, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, foramen lacerum, jugular foramen, and foramen magnum, as discussed before when viewing the external skull surface.


An area of the skeleton where the bones are joined to each other - Associated with either a movable or immovable joint

Transverse Palatine Suture

An articulation between the two palatine processes of the maxillae and the two horizontal plates of the palatine bones.


Anatomists may also use this term for the cranial bones because they enclose the brain.


Anatomists use this term for facial bones.

Lambdoidal suture

Another single suture, located between the occipital bone and the parietal bone, is the? It is also far more serrated-looking than the others and resembles an upside down "V".

Articular eminence, postglenoid process.

Anterior to the articular fossa is the ____________ __________, and posterior to it is the ____________ _______.


Anteriorly, the nasal septum is formed by both the the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone superiorly and nasal septal cartilage inferiorly. The posterior parts of the nasal septum are formed by the __________.


Area on bony surfaces that is not a prominence nor depression - flat bony structure of a bone.

Parietal bone

At each lateral part is the paired? Superior view

Frontal bone

At the anterior part of the skull is the single? Superior view

Hard palate, Alveolar

At the anterior part of the skull's inferior aspect is the _______ _______, bordered by the ____________ process of the maxilla with its maxillary teeth


At the inferior part of the medial plate of the pterygoid process is a thin curved process, the?

Occipital bone

At the posterior part of the skull is the single? Superior view

Single frontal bone, ethmoid bone, vomer, sphenoid bone, and mandible and also the paired lacrimal bones, nasal bones, inferior nasal conchae, and zygomatic bones as well as the maxillae. The facial bones that form the facial features like the orbit, and the nasal cavity are also noted from this view.

Bones that can be seen from anterior view of the skull

Orbital walls

Composed of the orbital plates of the frontal bone (the roof or superior wall), the ethmoid bone (the greatest part of medial wall), the lacrimal bone (at the anterior medial corner of the orbit and orbital surfaces of the maxilla, the floor or inferior wall), and the zygomatic bone (the anterior part of the lateral wall).

Skeletal System

Consists of bones, cartilages, ligaments, and joints.


Contains and protects the eyeballs, and is a prominent feature of the anterior part of the skull. Certain skull bones for both the four walls and apex of each of these.

Pterygopalatine Fossa

Deep to the infratemporal fossa and more difficult to see is the ________________ _______.

Incisura or Notch

Depression on a bony surface - indentation at the edge of a bone.

Frontonasal duct

Each frontal sinus communicates with and drains into the nasal cavity by a constricted canal to the middle nasal meatus, the _______________ _________.

Infratemporal crest, the temporal and infratemporal surfaces

Each greater wing is divided into two smaller surfaces by the?

Superior, Middle, and Inferior

Each lateral wall of the nasal cavity has three projecting structures that extend inward from the maxilla, which are the nasal conchae or turbinates. These are the __________, ___________, and ____________ nasal conchae; each extends like a scroll into the nasal cavity. Increases surface area of the oral cavity by directly and reflecting airflow of inspriated air.

Malleus, incus, and stapes

Each middle ear contains one _____. _____, and _____. Their function is to transmit and amplify vibrations to the inner eat by may of the tympanic membrane or ear drum.

Zygomatic bone and parietal bone as well as the occipital bone, sphenoid bone, and the mandible.

Each temporal bone articulates with the?

The squamous, tympanic, and petrous parts.

Each temporal bone is composed of three parts:

Superior orbital fissure (carrying the ophthalmic nerve), foramen rotundum (carrying the maxillary nerve), and foramen ovale (carrying the mandibular nerve).

Foramina, fissures are located in the sphenoid bone, such as the?

Jugular notch of the occipital bone

Forms the medial part of the jugular foramen (the lateral part is from the temporal bone).

Lacrimal fossa

From the inferior view of the frontal bone, each _____________ ________ is noted. Located just internal to the lateral part of the supraorbital rim. contains the lacrimal gland, which produces lacrimal fluid or tears. After lubricating the eye, the lacrimal fluid empties into the nasal cavity through the nasolacrimal duct.


General term for any prominence on a bony surface

Early Childhood

Growth continues to take place in all bones of the skull during?

Mandible, condyle

Growth in the lower face takes place at the bony surfaces of the _____ and at the head of its _______.

Maxillae, bones

Growth of the upper face also occurs at the sutures between the _______ and other ____, as well as at bony surfaces.


How many bones are in the skull - this is not including the six auditory ossicles or the middle ear.


How many bones form the cranium?

Zygomatic process of the temporal bone

In addition to helping form the braincase, the squamous part of the temporal bone forms the ____________ ________ ____ ___ ________ _____, which consequentially goes on to be a part of the zygomatic arch. Also forms the cranial part of the TMJ with its own complex structures.

Foramen spinosum

In addition, the sphenoid bone contains the ____________ _________ (with the middle meningeal artery, middle meningeal vein, and the meningeal branch of the mandibular nerve).

Body of the sphenoid bone

In the center of the sphenoid is the _______ ___ ___ ________ _______, which articulates on its anterior surface with the ethmoid bone and posteriorly with the basilar part of the occipital bone


Infection within the mastoid antrum and mastoid cells is usually secondary to infection in the middle ear (otitis media). The mastoid cells provide an excellent culture medium for infection. Infection of the bone (osteomyelitis) may also develop, spreading into the middle cranial fossa.


Inferior and medial to the external acoustic meatus is a long, pointed bony _____________, the styloid process.

Pterygoid process.

Inferior to the greater wing of the sphenoid bone is the?

Infratemporal Fossa

Inferior to the temporal fossa is the _______________ ________.


Is a site of a junction or union between two or more bones.

Hypophyseal fossa

Its deepest part of the body of the sphenoid bone is the __________ _______, which contains the pituitary gland (or hypophysis). It is a pea-sized gland that controls the function of the endocrine glands.

Maxillary tuberosity

Large, rounded area on the outer surface of the maxillary bones in the area of the posterior teeth

Superior orbital fissure

Lateral to the optic canal is the curved and slitlike ________ __________ _______, located between the greater wing and lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. This is where the third cranial or oculomotor nerve, the fourth cranial or trochlear nerve, the sixth cranial or abducens nerve, the the ophthalmic nerve and vein travel through this fissure.

Zygomatic process of the frontal bone

Lateral to the orbit is a projection, the orbital surface of the?

Ethmoid sinuses, lateral masses

Located between the orbital plate and each set of these two conchae are the _________ _______ or ethmoid air cells, which are a variable number of small cavities in the _______ _______ of the ethmoid bone.

Mastoid notch

Medial to the mastoid process is the deep groove of the __________ ______.


Mineralized structures protecting internal soft tissue and serving as biomechanics basis for movement along with muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Pterygoid canal

Near the superior border of each posterior nasal aperture is a small canal, the ___________ ________. Runs through the medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone to the posterior border of the pterygopalatine fossa. Thus the pterygoid canal extends to open into the pterygopalatine fossa and carries the pterygoid nerve and blood vessels.

Nuchal Line

On the external surface of the occipital bone from a posterior view, the horizontally placed nuchal lines can be noted that mark the superior limit of the neck. The most raised of the nuchal lines includes the superior _________ ______ and the inferior nuchal line. they serve as sites for muscle attachments.

Completely formed

On the external surface of the occipital bone from an inferior view, it can be seen that the foramen magnum is _____________ ___________ by the occipital bone.

Mastoid process

On the inferior aspect of the petrous part of the temporal bone and posterior to the external acoustic meatus is a large roughened projection, the __________ _________.

Articular fossa

On the inferior surface of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone is the?

Pharyngeal tubercle

On the stout basilar part of the occipital bone, which is a four-sided plate anterior to the foramen magnum, with a midline projection, the __________ _________.

Sella turcica

On the superior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone is a deep saddle-shaped depression, the _______ ______ (or pituitary fossa).

Sphenoid bone and Ethmoid bone

Parts of the cranium are noted on the lateral aspect and include the following cranial bones: the occipital, frontal, parietal, temporal bones, as well as the ___________ _______ and ___________ _______.

The second cranial or optic nerve - Ophthalmic artery

Passes through the optic canal to reach the eye ball.

Petrotympanic fissure

Posterior to the articular fossa, the tympanic part is separated from the petrous part by a fissure, the _______________ ________, through which the chorda tympani nerve emerges.

Dorsum sellae, Tubercular sellae

Posterior to the hypophyseal fossa in the body of the sphenoid bone is the __________ _______, a square part of the bone; anterior to the fossa is a slight elevation, the _________ _______.

Carotid canal

Posterolateral to the foramen lacerum is a round opening in the petrous part of the temporal bone, the ___________ _________. This carries the internal carotid artery and carotid plexus of nerves.


Prominence shaped on a bony surface like a bridge with a bowlike outline.

Hypoglossal Canals

Prominent openings anterior and lateral to the foramen magnum are noted on the inferior view of the occipital bone. These openings are the paired ____________ _______. The twelfth cranial or hypoglossal nerve is transmitted through this.

Nasal meatus, Nasolacrimal duct

Protected by each nasal concha is a channel, the _____ ________. Each of these has openings through which the paranasal sinuses or _____________ ______ communicates with the nasal cavity.


Rounded surface projecting from a bone by a neck.

Occipital condyles

Rounded, curved, smooth projections lateral to the foramen magnum that articulate with the first cervical vertebra. On the lateral part of the occipital bone.

The bones of the head and neck

Serve as a base for palpation of the soft tissue during both an intraoral and extraoral examination of a patient - the most complicated bony structures

Almost every significant juncture of the skull

Since the sphenoid bone is complex and centrally located, parts of the sphenoid are encountered in?

Occipital Bone

Single cranial bone that forms the posterior part of the skull and the base of the cranium. irregular 4-sided bone that is somewhat curved.


Specific type of prominence located on bony surface - oval and usually involved in joints

Inferior temporal line

Superior border of the temporal fossa where the fan-shaped temporalis muscle originates.

Superior Nasal Concha

The ________ _______ _______ and the middle nasal concha are bony projections from the ethmoid bone; the inferior nasal chocha is a separate facial bone.

Superior head

The _________ ______ of the lateral pterygoid muscle originates from the infratemporal surface and infratemporal crest of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone.

Carotid Plexus

The _________ _________ of nerves is a network of intersecting sympathetic nerves that run parallel to the carotid artery into the head.

Inferior orbital fissure

The __________ _________ ________ can also be seen between the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the maxilla. This also connects the orbit with the infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae. Both the infraorbital and zygomatic nerves, which are branches of the maxillary nerve, ophthalmic vein (joins the pterygoid plexus of veins) and the infraorbital artery enter the orbit through this fissure.

Inferior head

The ___________ ______ of the muscle originates from the lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone.

Temporal fossa

The ____________ _______ is noted on the lateral aspect of the skull. This is also formed by parts of several bones of the skull and contain the body of the temporalis muscle.

Paranasal sinuses

The ____________ __________ are paired, air-filled cavities in bone, which project laterally, superiorly, and posteriorly into surrounding bones. Lined with mucous membranes and are continuous with the nasal cavities.

Temporal bone

The _____________ _______ are paired cranial bones that form the lateral walls of the skull in the temporal region and part of the base of the skull in the auricular region.

Horizontal cribriform plate

The _____________ ________ __________ is within the inner surface of the cranial cavity and is present on the superior surface of the ethmoid bone surrounding the crista galli.

Jugular foramen

The ______________ ___________, just medial to the styloid process, is the opening through which pass the internal jugular vein and three cranial nerves: the ninth cranial or glossopharyngeal nerve, the tenth cranial or vagus nerve, and the eleventh cranial or accessory nerve.

Zygomatic Arch

The ________________ _______ or cheekbone is noted farther inferior on the lateral aspect of the skull, which is formed by the union of the slender zygomatic process of the temporal bone and of the broad temporal process of the zygomatic bone.

Foramen Spinosum

The adjacent smaller and more posterior opening is the __________ _________, which carries the middle meningeal artery into the cranial cavity

Piriform Aperture, Nares

The anterior opening of the nasal cavity, the _________ _________, is large and triangular. This also anchors the cartilaginous midline part of the nose the, nasal septal cartilage, in the intact state. Also when intact, the anterior openings to the nasal cavities are the _______, bordered laterally by the cartilaginous state.

Nasal cavity

The anterior part of the body of the sphenoid bone help form part of the _________ ______.

Sphenoidal sinuses

The body of sphenoid contains the paired paranasal sinuses, the ____________ _______.

The lesser wing, greater wing, and pterygoid process.

The body of the sphenoid bone has three paired processes projecting from it:


The bone has a number of features, but unlike the sphenoid, the __________ cannot be noted from the usual viewpoints of the skull. Also is hard to describe and then visualize, the more hidden ethmoid is the second most difficult.

Single or paried

The bones of the skull can be?


The bones of the skull or braincase can be divided by this - contains the brain with its outersell of the cranial bone, and into the face with its inner support by the facial bones.

Temporomandibular Joint

The bones of the skull, whether cranial or facial, protect the brain, from the facial features, participate in the______ ____, and serve as a base for the dentition.

Prominences, depressions

The bony __________ and __________ on the body surface serve as muscle attachments.

Paired nasal bones

The bridge of the nose is formed from the?

The single occipital bone, frontal bone, sphenoid bone, and ethmoid bone as well as the paired parietal bones and temporal bones.

The cranial bones include:

Orbital apex

The deepest part of the orbit and is composed of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone (the base) and the palatine bone (a small inferior part).

Frontal bone, sphenoid bone, lacrimal bones, and the maxillae, as well as adjoining the vomer at its inferior and posterior borders.

The ethmoid bone articulates with the?


The ethmoid bone is a single midline cranial bone of the skull that runs through the _____________ plane.


The ethmoid bone is located __________ to the sphenoid in the anterior part of the cranium.

Hard palate, palatine bones

The floor of the nasal cavity is formed from the two separate bones of the ______ _______: the palatine processes of the maxillae anteriorly and the horizontal plates of the _______ _______ posteriorly.

Sphenoid bone

The foramen spinosum receives its name from the nearby (angular) spine of the _________ ________, which is at the posterior extremity of the sphenoid bone.

the parietal bones, sphenoid bone, lacrimal bones, nasal bones, ethmoid bone, and zygomatic bones, as well as the maxillae.

The frontal bone articulates with?


The frontal bone is a ___________ cranial bone that forms the anterior part of the skull superior to the eyes in the frontal region. It includes the majority of the forehead as well as the roof of each orbit.

A posterolateral process

The greater wing of the sphenoid bone is?


The inferior surface of the external skull has a large number of ___________. They provide entrances and exits for the arteries and veins that supply the brain and facial tissue. They also allow the cranial nerves to pass to and from the brain.


The large deeper posterior openings are the posterior nasal apertures or ____________.

Squamous part of the temporal bone.

The large, fan-shaped, flat part on each of the temporal bones is the?

Foramen Ovale

The larger anterior oval opening on the sphenoid bone is the ___________ _______ for the mandibular nerve (or third division) of the fifth cranial or trigeminal nerve.

Trigeminal nerve

The larger oval opening, the foramen ovale, transmits the mandibular nerve or third division of the _____________ ________.

Foramen magnum

The largest opening is the ____________ __________ of the occipital bone, through which the spinal cord, vertebral arteries, and eleventh cranial or accessory nerve pass.

Pterygoid process

The lateral borders of the posterior nasal apertures are formed on each side by the ______________ __________ of the sphenoid bone.

Superior nasal conchae, middle nasal conchae

The lateral part of the ethmoid bone forms the _______ _______ ______ and _______ _______ ______ on each side that projects inward within the nasal cavity (in that order as part of the lateral nasal wall) as well as forming the paired orbital plate.

Squamosal suture

The lateral view of the skull also present the arched _________ ________, which is located between the temporal bone and parietal bone on each side.

Maxillae, turbinates

The lateral walls of the nasal cavity are mainly formed by the ___________. In addition, each lateral wall of the nasal cavity has three projecting structures that extend inward, which are the nasal conchae or ____________.

Deepest part

The lesser wing forms the base of the orbital apex, the __________ _______ of the orbit.

The base of the orbital apex

The lesser wing of the sphenoid bone is an anterior process that forms?

Mastoid air cells

The mastoid process is composed of air spaces or ___________ ______ _____ that communicate with the middle ear cavity and also serve as the site for attachment of the large muscles of the neck such as the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Superior orbital

The most anterior curved and slit-like opening, the __________ ___________ fissure, transmits the ophthalmic nerve or first division of the trigeminal nerve.

Fractures involving the nose

The most common fractures of facial fractures. Not usually serious and treatment usually involves stopping the bleeding with simple pressure. If pushed out of position surgery is usually required to straighten them.

Orbital Rim

The mostly sharp edge of the orbital opening or ______ ________ (or margin) is the peripheral border of the base of the pyramid-shaped orbit. The orbital rim is rectangular-shaped with rounded corners; its margin is discontinuous at the lacrimal fossa.

Nasal Cavity

The nasal cavity or _______ _________ can also be viewed on the skull from the anterior. It has lateral walls and a floor with anterior and posterior openings, and it is mainly composed of bone and cartilage. It is also the superior part of the respiratory tract and is located between the orbits.

Stylomastoid foramen

The nearby _______________ ___________ carries the seventh cranial or facial nerve and is named for its location between the styloid process and mastoid process.

First cervical vertebra or atlas, and with the parietal bones, temporal bones, and the sphenoid bone of the skull.

The occipital bone articulates with?

The single squamous part, single basilar part, and paired lateral parts

The occipital bone can be divided into what 4 parts?


The occipital condyles have a movable articulation with the _________, the first cervical vertebra of the vertebral column.

Wall, Orbital roof

The orbital plate of the frontal bone forms the superior ________ or _______ ________. The curved elevations over the superior part of the orbit are the supraorbital ridges, adjacent to the eyebrows. between that is the glabella. The prominence of the forehead, the frontal eminence, is also evident .

Lateral wall

The orbital surface of the greater wing creates the posterior part of the __________ ______ of the orbit

Frontal sinuses

The paired _________ ________ are located in the frontal bone just superior to the nasal cavity. they are asymmetric (approx. 2 to 3 cm in diameter), but the left and right sinuses are always separated by a septum.


The paired sphenoidal sinuses are located deep within the body of the sphenoid bone and thus ___________ be palpated on a patient during an extraoral examination. They are appox. 1.5 to 2.5 cm and frequently asymmetric due to the lateral displacement of the intervening septum.

Sagittal Suture

The parietal bone are paired of cranial bones that articulate with each other at the?

Occipital, frontal, temporal, and sphenoid bones; they articulate with the occipital bone at the lambdoidal suture.

The parietal bones also articulate with the?

Square, Curved

The parietal bones are each relatively __________ like and __________ plate, and each has 4 borders. These bones are located posterior to the frontal bone, forming the greater part of the right and left lateral walls and the roof of the skull.

Posterior nasal apertures

The posterior edge of the hard palate forms the inferior border of two funnel-shaped cavities, the ______________ _______ _________ or choanae. The medial by the vomer, inferiorly by the horizontal plate of the palatine bone laterally by the medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone, and superiorly by the body of sphenoid bone. Thus this is located between the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx, allowing for communication.

Superior meatus, middle

The posterior ethmoid air cells open into the _________ ______ of the nasal cavity, and the middle and anterior ethmoid air cells open into the _________meatus

Flattened, Thinner

The pterygoid process consists of two plates, the __________ lateral pterygoid plate and _________ medial pterygoid plate, with the pterygoid fossa between them.

Two roots

The round opening in the orbital apex is the optic canal, which lies between the _______ ______ of the lesser wing.

Orbit canal

The round opening in the orbital apex, lies between the two roots of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone.


The second cranial or optic nerve passes through the optic canal to reach the ___________. The ophthalmic artery also extends through the canal to reach the eye.

Tympanic part of the temporal bone

The second part is the small, irregularly shaped ___________ _______ ___ _____ __________ ______, which is associated with the ear canal.

Midsagittal section

The single sphenoid bone is a midline bone since it runs through the ___________ _______ and thus is internally wedged between several other bones in the anterior part of the cranium.


The sinuses communicate with the nasal cavity through small ________ or openings in the lateral nasal wall.

Smooth, rounded

The size of the internal acoustic meatus varies considerably; its margins are ___________ and __________. Leads into a canal approx. 1cm in length, which then runs lateralward. both the cranial nerves enter the skull through here. The vestibulocochlear nerve remains within the petrous part of the temporal bone, which contains the inner ear.

Foramen rotundum

The smaller round opening, the ____________ ________, transmits the maxillary nerve or second division of the trigeminal nerve.

Frontal bone, parietal bones, ethmoid bone, temporal bones, zygomatic bones, palatine bones, vomer, and occipital bones as well as the maxillae.

The sphenoid bone articulates with the?

formation of the base of the cranium and the lateral borders of the skull, as well as the floors and walls of each of the orbits.

The sphenoid bone assists with?

Various viewpoints of the skull

The sphenoid bone can be seen from?


The sphenoid bone is also important to dental professionals because it is the attachment site for certain muscles of _____________ and also provides passage by way of its foramina for the branches of the fifth cranial or trigeminal nerve that serves the oral cavity.

Describe and visualize

The sphenoid bone is one of the more difficult bones of the skull to?

Features and openings

The sphenoid bone itself consists of a body and its processes along with a number of __________ and ___________.

Wings, wing

The sphenoid bone somewhat resembles a bat with its ________ extended; others see a butterfly taking _______.


The sphenoid helps to connect the cranial skeleton to the ________ skeleton.


The sphenoidal sinuses communicate with and drain into the nasal cavity through an opening superior to each __________ nasal concha.

Supraorbital rim , infraorbital rim

The superior half of the orbital rim is the ______________ _______ (or margin), and the inferior half is the ____________ ______ (or margin). The frontal bone and zygomatic bones as well as the maxilla contribute to the orbital rim, which is generally strong to protect the orbital contents.


The suture between the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and the broad temporal process of the zygomatic bone is the _________________ suture.

Coronal suture

The suture extending across the skull, between the frontal bone and each parietal bone, is the paired? This is also the location of the Dimond shaped anterior fontanelle or "soft spot" in a newborn where the frontal bone and the parietal bones join. Remains open til about 2 years old. Superior view

Petrous part of the temporal bone

The third part is the ___________ _______ ___ ____ _________ ________, which is inferiorly located and helps form the cranial floor.

External acoustic meatus (EAM)

The tympanic part of the temporal bone forms most of the _________ _________ ________ (EAM), a short canal leading to the tympanic cavity, located posterior to the articular fossa.


The union of bones joined by fibrous tissue that appears on the dry skull as a jagged line - Considered to be generally immovable but may provide biomechanics protection from the force of a blow by moving slightly to absorb the force - Flexible in infants.

Between the two bones that form the infraorbital rim (or margin): the zygomatic bone with its maxillary process (lateral part) and the maxilla with its zygomatic process (medial part).

The zygomaticomaxillary suture is located where?

Perpendicular plate

There are two unpaired plates forming the ethmoid bone: the midline vertical ___________ ______ and the horizontal cribriform plate, which cross over one another.

Anterior, middle, and posterior ethmoid air cells

These paranasal sinuses (ethmoid sinuses) are roughly divided into the?

Muscles and Tendons

Tuberosities are usually attachment sites for?

Coronal suture, an articulation between the frontal and parietal bones, and the lambdoidal suture, an articulation between the parietal and occipital bones.

What are the sutures that can be seen from the lateral view of the skull?

The two palatine processes of the maxillae anteriorly and the two horizontal plates of the palatine bones posteriorly, with an articulation at the prominent median palatine suture that underlies the median palatine raphe.

What are the two separate bones that form the hard palate?

Palatine bone

What can not be seen in the anterior view of the skull, and is also not considered to be a facial bone, but for the ease of learning it is included under the general heading of facial bones?

Articulating surface of the condyle

What is the part of the condyle that articulates with the temporal bone?

Other prominences of bone including tubercles, crest, lines, and spines.

What primarily serves as muscle and ligament attachments


When the external skull is viewed from the ___________ aspect, the division between the cranial bones and facial bones can be noted. This can reinforced by making an imaginary diagonal lone that passes inferior and posterior from the supraorbital ridge of the frontal bone to the tip of the mastoid process of the temporal bone.

Frontal bone, Zygomatic bones, and Maxilla

Which bones contribute to the orbital rim, which is strong to protect the orbital contents?

Paired paranasal sinuses, the frontal sinuses.

Internally, the frontal bone contains?


On the intracranial surface of the petrous part of the temporal bone is the ___________ acoustic meatus (IAM), which carries the eighth cranial or vestibulocochlear nerve and the seventh cranial or facial nerve.

Temporal lines

On the lateral external surface of the skull are two separate parallel ridges, the __________ ________, crossing both the frontal and parietal bones. - superior and inferior.

Aveolar Process of the maxillae

Ridge of maxillary bone that houses roots of maxillary teeth.

External occipital protuberance

Ridge on the midline of the bone's posterior surface is the ___________ ___________ ______________ that runs vertically, intersecting with the nuchal lines.

Tubercle or Eminence

Rounded elevation on a bony surface

Larger deep

The _________ ________ head of the medial pterygoid muscle originates from the pterygoid fossa on the medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone.


The __________, a cephalometric midpoint landmark, is located at the junction of the frontal and nasal bones.

Pterygopalatine fissure

The ______________ _________ is between the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone and the maxillary tuberosity of the maxilla.

Pterygoid Fossa

The depression between the medial and lateral plates is the?

Nasal bones and the frontal processes of the maxillae to form the root of the nose

The frontal bone articulates with the?

Internal surface

The frontal bone, ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone, temporal bones, occipital bone, and parietal bones are noted from this view of the __________ _______ of the skull.

Floor of the nasal cavity as well as the roof of the mouth.

The hard palate forms the?

Olfactory, olfactory, smell

The horizontal cribriform plate is perforated by numerous __________ foramina to allow the passage of the __________ for the sense of _______.

Greater wing

The orbital surface of the ______ ______ of the sphenoid bone is also included (the posterior part of the lateral wall).


The paired ___________ sinus covers each of the lateral surfaces of the body; this venous sinus is important to dental care since it can be involved in the serious spread of dental (or odontogenic) infection.

Frontal bone, lateral walls

The parietal bones are located posterior to the _______ _______, forming the greater part of the right and left ________ ______ and the roof of the skull.

Cribriform plate, Foramen rotundum

The perforated _____________ _________, with foramina for the first cranial or olfactory nerve, and the ______________ ________ for the maxillary nerve (or division) of the fifth cranial or trigeminal nerve are also seen from this view (Superior).

Nasal cavity, aiding the nasal septal cartilage and vomer in forming the nasal septum.

The perpendicular plate is viewed within the structure of the?


The temporal bone is deep to the temple, the superficial side of the head posterior to each _______.

Temporal Bone

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is also noted, which is a movable articulation between the _____________ _______ and the mandible.

Nasal Septum

The vertical partition or fin of the nasal cavity, the __________ ________, divides the nasal cavity into two parts.

Masseter Muscle

The zygomatic arch serves as the origin for the prominent?


The zygomatic bones, vomer, temporal bones, sphenoid bone, occipital bones, and palatine bones, as well as the maxillae are noted on the __________ view of the skull's external surface.

Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, and occipitalis muscles

What are the muscles that are from the superior nuchal line?

The superior and inferior orbital fissures

What are the two orbital fissures noted on the anterior aspect of the skull?

The orbital plate of the ethmoid bone

What forms the medial orbital wall?

The frontal, sphenoidal, ethmoidal, and maxillary sinuses.

What is included in the paranasal sinuses?

Jugular notch

When the skull is tilted, the _________ ________ of the temporal bone is visible, which forms the lateral part of the jugular foramen (the medial part is from the occipital bone).


When the skull is viewed from a superior aspect, ________ cranial bones are noted.

describing the location of pathologic lesions, taking dental x-rays, administering local anesthetics, and help with understanding the spread of dental/odontogenic infections.

Bones and their associated surface tissues help serve as landmarks to help ?


Depression on a bony surface - shallow depression or groove that usually marks the course of blood vessels or nerves.

Thin, Flattened

Each pterygoid process consists of a ________ medial pterygoid plate and a ___________ lateral pterygoid plate.

Stylomastoid Foramen

Immediately posterior to the styloid process is the _______________ _______, an opening through which the seventh cranial or facial nerve exits from the skull to the face.

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