Headaches from head and neck

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the promontory is formed from the:

initial part of the cochlea

spinal accessory nerve passes through which opening of the skull?

jugular foramen

which of the following is found between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches?


the _____ ganglion is found in the infratemporal fossa


all the muscles of the pharynx except the stylopharyngeus muscle receive their motor innervation by this nerve

pharyngeal plexus of nerves from vagus nerve

the muscle that abducts the vocal ligaments is the:

posterior cricoarytenoid

which of the following ganglia is associated with the nerve supply of the lacrimal gland?

pterygopalatine (might want to double check)

the cricoid cartilage lies at this vertebral level


which of the following structures passes through the gap superior to the superior constrictor?

Superior to the superior constrictor: levator veli palatini, pharyngotympanic tube , and ascending palatine artery

which of the following nerves carries preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the pterygopalatine ganglion? A. Lesser petrosal nerve B. Greater petrosal nerve C. Deep petrosal nerve D. Maxillary nerve

B. greater petrosal nerve

what muscle of the pharynx is NOT innervated by the vagus nerve?

stylopharyngeus (glossopharyngeal)

the structure that lies just below the floor of the tympanic cavity is the

superior bulb of IJV

the mucous membrane of the larynx below the vocal folds is supplied by this nerve

superior laryngeal nerve

the pterygomandibular raphe is an essentially vertical line of connective tissue indicated the plane of the interconnection of the buccinator and the:

superior pharyngeal constrictor

The supraorbital foramen of the skull provides and exit from the orbit for which of the following

supraorbital nerve

what structure forms the roof of the middle ear cavity?

tegmen tympani

the artery supplying the inferior part of the larynx is a branch of the

the inferior laryngeal artery (branch of the inferior thyroid artery)

what nerve is in contact with the medial wall of the tympanic cavity?

tympanic nerve (from glossopharyngeal)

the cranial nerve that innervates the mucosa of the tympanic cavity is the:

tympanic plexus (might want to double check)

the attachment of the malleus to the tympanic membrane occurs at the A. Promontory B. Pyramidal eminence C. Umbo D. Round window


all of the following muscles are innervated by the vagus nerve except

vagus does NOT innervate the stylopharyngeus muscles and the tensor veli palatini

the middle constrictor muscle arises from the:

stylohyoid ligament and hyoid bone

the maxillary nerve provides innervation to all of the following except

(Don't have any options) Maxillary nerve provides innervation to the cutaneous to side of the nose, nasal septum, lower eyelid, upper lip, and upper teeth, meninges mucous membranes in nasopharynx, maxillary sinus, soft palate, tonsil, and roof of the mouth.

Waldeyer's tonsillar ring includes all of the following except

(no options) i. anteroinferior part of the ring is formed by the lingual tonsil ii. lateral parts of the ring are formed by the palatine and tubal tonsils. iii. posterior and superior parts are formed by the pharyngeal tonsil.

the pharyngeal plexus is made up of branches from all of the following except

(no options) made up of motor fibers from vagus nerve via pharyngeal branch, and sensory fibers from glossopharyngeal nerve

which of the following structures is correctly matched with its location in the middle ear:

(no options) roof - legmen tympani floor - jugular wall lateral wall - tympanic membrane and epitympanic recess medial wall - labyrinthine wall (includes oval and round window) anterior wall - carotid bone (includes opening of pharyngotympanic tube and canal for tensor tympani) posterior wall - mastoid wall (includes adieus to mastoid antrum, facial nerve canal, and pyramidal eminence)

(BONUS) all of the following pass through the cavernous sinus except

(no options) Contents of cavernous sinus: i. internal carotid artery, in cavernous sinus ii. abducent nerve (CN VI), in cavernous sinus iii. oculomotor nerve (CN III), in the lateral wall of each cavernous sinus. iv. trochlear nerve (CN IV), in the lateral wall of each cavernous sinus. v. CN V1 and CN V2 divisions of the trigeminal nerve, in the lateral wall of each cavernous sinus.

all of the following cranial nerves emerge from the pons except

(no options) The middle four cranial nerves originate from the pons: trigeminal nerve (CN V) abducens nerve (CN VI) facial nerve (CN VII)

which of the following structures is present in the superior orbital fissure?

(no options) present in the superior orbital fissure are Ophthalmic veins; ophthalmic nerve (CN V1); CN III, IV, and VI; and sympathetic fibers

all of the following structures pass between the superior and middle pharyngeal constrictors except:

(no options) these structures pass between the gap: stylopharyngeus, glossopharyngeal nerve, and stylohyoid ligament

the three branches of the facial nerve come off within the petrous portion of the temporal bone are:

1. greater petrosal 2. nerve to stapedius 3. chorda tympani

The tonsillar fossa: A. Lies posterior to the palatopharyngeal arch B. Is also known as the piriform fossa C. Contains the tubal tonsil D. Contains the pharyngeal tonsil

Lies posterior to the palatopharyngeal arch

From superior to inferior, the correct sequence of the structures and spaces in the larynx are A. Vestibule, vestibular fold, ventricle, vocal fold B. Vestibular fold, vestibule, ventricle, vocal fold C. Vestibule, vestibular fold, vocal fold, ventricle D. Vestibular fold, vocal fold, ventricle, vestibule

Vestibule, vestibular fold, ventricle, vocal fold

the anterior wall of the tympanic cavity is related to which of the following structures?

anterior wall - formed by carotid bone has opening of pharygnotympanic tube and canal for tensor tympani muscle

a 45- year old woman with recurrent left middle ear infection (otitis media) complained of partial dryness of her mouth. Taste sensation and hearing were normal. After a thorough clinical examination at the hospital, the doctor concluded that the infection must have spread to a component of the glossopharyngeal nerve that supplies the parotid gland. On which of the following walls of the middle ear is this nerve component located?

anterior wall - opening of pharyngotympanic tube which is innervated by glossopharyngeal

which of the following is a paired cartilage?


the vocal cords are attached to the ______ cartilages

arytenoid cartilage

the sensory innervation of the auricle of the ear includes:

auriculotemporal nerve

If the facial nerve is injured just proximal to the chords tympani nerve, the patient would experience which of the following symptoms? A. Loss of taste sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue B. Decreased saliva from the submandibular salivary gland C. Loss of lacrimation (tearing) from the lacrimal gland D. Both a and b Both a and b

both a and b

a 3-year old girl ruptured her eardrum when she inserted a pencil into her ear. At the emergency department noticing that the child was crying and complaining of pain in her ear with a few drops of blood in the external acoustic meatus. the doctor examined the child for possible injury to a nerve that runs across the eardrum. the most likely nerve would be:

chorda tympani

the vocal ligament is the thickened upper free margin of the:

conus elasticus

what type of cartilage is present in the auricle?

elastic cartilage

the pyramid (hollow boney cone) of the middle ear (tympanic cavity) A. Encloses the stapedius muscle B. Indicates where the chorda tympani nerve enters the tympanic cavity C. Is formed by the basal turn of the cochlea D. Is on the medial wall of the tympanic cavity Encloses the stapedius muscle

encloses the stapedius muscle

what is true about cranial nerves III IV and VI?

exit through the superior orbital fissure

the stapedius is innervated by the:

facial nerve

taste sensations from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue travel through a branch of the:

facial nerve (VII)

mandibular nerve passes through which of the following openings of the skull?

foramen ovale

the third branch of the trigeminal nerve (v3) leaves the middle cranial fossa by way of the:

foramen ovale

The maxillary nerve passes through

foramen rotundum

which ganglion contains sensory cell bodies for neurons that travel in the facial nerve?

geniculate ganglion

The carotid body and sinus are innervated by this cranial nerve


what nerve carries pain fibers from the posterior 1/3 of the tongue?


what nerve stimulates the parotid gland to produce saliva?


loss of somatic sensation over the posterior 1/3 of the tongue indicates damage to the:

glossopharyngeal nerve

the cranial nerve attaching to the medulla is:

glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) vagus nerve (CN X) accessory nerve (CN XI) all emerge from the medulla

the ___ nerve leaves the tympanic plexus and goes to the parotid gland.

lesser petrosal

chorda tympani accompanies which of the following nerves to reach the submandibular gland?

lingual nerve

the foot plate of base of the stapes attaches to the ____

margin of the oval window

the anterior and posterior ethmoid nerves are branches from the _____ nerve

nasocilliary nerve (from ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve)

The auditory tube opens directly into the A. Nose B. Nasopharynx C. Oropharynx D. Internal ear


The pharyngeal tonsils (adenoid) are located in A. Laryngopharynx B. Nasopharynx B. Oropharynx D. Tongue


the auditory tube opens directly into the A. Nose B. Nasopharynx C. Oropharynx D. Internal ear


the vestibular ligament of the larynx is the lower margin of the

quadrangular membrane

all the intrinsic muscles of the larynx except the cricothyroid are supplied by the ____ nerve

recurrent laryngeal nerve (branch of CN X)

The lower border of the nasopharynx is defined as the: A. Epiglottis B. Hyoid bone C. Thyroid cartilage D. Soft palate

soft palate

What nerve supplies sensory fibers to the area of the larynx above the vocal fold? A. Vagus nerve B. Hypoglossal nerve C. Glossopharyngeal nerve D. Trigeminal nerve

vagus nerve

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