Health 7 - Unit 1

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T in SMART Goal


active process that involves becoming aware of and making choices toward improving aspects of health; balance of the aspects of health

Social Media Anxiety

anxiety disorder characterized by being unable to check social media accounts

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

anxiety disorder characterized by fear about parts of their lives they cannot control

Social Anxiety Disorder

anxiety disorder characterized by fear of being judged in social situations

Panic Disorder

anxiety disorder characterized by moments of intense fear; panic attacks


any factor that causes stress; trigger

Mental and Emotional Health

aspect of health that has to do with a person's thoughts and feelings

Social Health

aspect of health that involves interacting and getting along with others in positive, healthy ways

Physical Health

aspect of health that refers to how well a person's body functions

Risk Factors

aspects of people's lives that increase the chance of disease, injury, or decline of health


belief that others are threatening or plotting against you

Fight or Flight Response

body's impulse to either fight off or flee from threatening situations; stress response


circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life; all living and non-living things around you

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

condition characterized by behaviors that are uncooperative, disobedient and hostile toward others

Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder

condition characterized by having irregular thoughts and delusions, hearing voices, and seeing things that are not there

Major Depressive Disorder (Clinical Depression)

condition characterized by intense negative feelings that do not go away and negatively affect daily life

Bipolar Disorder

condition characterized by periods of intense depression that alternate with periods of manic moods

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

condition in which a person has difficulty paying attention and controlling behavior

Anxiety Disorder

condition in which someone responds with extreme or unrealistic fear and dread to certain situations, experiences, objects or people


desired result of something you plan to do


doing something to take your mind off the problem and to focus on something else that is not stressful


extreme stress due to deeply disturbing events, such as disasters, sexual assault, or violence


false beliefs


how you feel about yourself


involves being present in the moment and paying attention to thoughts and feelings in a nonjudgmental way - you avoid letting your mind wander or shift to ongoing worries and concerns

Deep Breathing

involves taking slow, deep breaths to help your brain and body calm down and relax (can help lower heart rate and blood pressure)


involves thinking about or imagining being in a pleasant environment (Ex. sounds of waves at the beach, warm sun on your skin)


looking at the situation from another point of view and changing your emotional response to the situation

Conduct Disorder

mental illness that can grow into antisocial personality disorder in adulthood - behaviors such as: ignoring other people's feelings, hurting animals and picking fights

Mental Illness

mental or emotional condition so severe that it interferes with daily functioning; AKA Mental Disorder


moods or feelings you experience

Mental Health Conditions

patterns of thoughts and feelings that decrease mental and emotional health

Suicide Survivors

people who lose a loved one to suicide


physical, mental, and emotional reactions of your body to the challenges you face


positive stress that encourages growth and motivation

Stress Management

process of using strategies to reduce the impact of the stress response and handle threatening situations in positive ways

Relaxation Response

reaction in which the body returns to its resting state after a stressful event


segments of DNA that determine the structure and function of a person's cells and affect individual development, personality, and health

Suicide Clusters

series of suicides in a particular community that occur in a relatively short period of time

Emotional Awareness

skills of knowing which emotions you feel and why


stage of grief characterized by a deep sadness that comes with the reality of the loss


stage of grief characterized by accepting the loss as real and beginning to move on with life


stage of grief characterized by feelings of anger that may last a long time


stage of grief characterized by ignoring the facts and trying to carry on as though nothing has happened


stage of grief characterized by people trying to make deals when they feel like they have control over the situation


state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being

Toxic Stress

stress caused by repeated, long-lasting exposure to severe stressors, such as neglect and abuse, violence, or loss of loved one


stress that causes negative feelings and harmful health effects


strong, irrational fear of objects or situations


taking energy from your stress response and directing it into an activity that is not stressful

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

technique in which you tense and relax each part of your body until your entire body is relaxed (practice Deep Breathing along with this technique)

Suicide Contagion

term that describes the copying of suicide attempts after exposure to another person's suicide


the act of killing oneself


thoughts and feelings about yourself; can be positive or negative


who you are, which includes your physical traits, social connections, and internal thoughts and feelings


your mental picture of yourself, which includes how you look, how you act, your skills and abilities, and your weaknesses; also called "Self-Concept"


M in SMART Goal


R in SMART Goal


S in SMART Goal

Identify the Decision

Step #1 in Decision-Making Process

Brainstorm Options

Step #2 in Decision-Making Process

Identify Possible Outcomes

Step #3 in Decision-Making Process

Make the Decision

Step #4 in Decision-Making Process

Reflect on the Decision

Step #5 in Decision-Making Process


A in SMART Goal


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