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Depressed fontanel may indicate


Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

developed to assist primary care health professionals to detect whether mothers are suffering from postnatal depression

The nurse suspects respiratory distress in a newborn infant who exhibits which of the following?

sternal retractions


- Done at 1 and 5 minutes after birth (followed by 5 min increments in score <7) - Max score of 10 - Generalized skin color (Appearance) - Heart rate (Pulse) - Reflex irritability (Grimace) - Muscle tone (Activity) - Respiratory effort (Respiration)

Menarche is

- First menstrual period - Often begins just after the peak of adolescent growth spurt, at approximately age 12

FLACC scale

- Five categories (face, legs, activity, cry, and consolability) - 2 months to 7 yrs of age - a behavioral pain assessment scale used for nonverbal or preverbal patients who are unable to self-report their level of pain

Palpate sinuses

- Frontal sinus is above eyes - Maxillary sinus is below eyes

Types of tonsils

0 = no tonsils 1+ = visible 2+ = halfway between uvula and tonsilar pillars 3+ = nearly touching uvula 4+ = touching each other

A woman at 10 weeks of gestation seen in the prenatal clinic with presumptive signs and symptoms of pregnancy likely has which of the following?


Which technique is used for palpating lymph nodes?

Apply gentle pressure over the nodes with the pads of the fingers.

Tonic neck reflex

Arm & leg extend on side to which head turns

With the patient in a supine position, how does a nurse test the external rotation of the patient's right hip?

Asking the patient to place the right heel on the left patella

What does BUBBLEHEE stand for?

B-Breasts U-Uterus B-Bowel B-Bladder L-Lochia E-Episiotomy H-Hemorrhoids E-Edema E-Emotions

Expected changes during pregnancy (Breasts)

Become full & tender; enlarge; nipples & areolae more prominent; mammary veins become engorged

Scant amount

Blood only on tissue when wiped or less than 1 inch stain on peripad

Musculoskeletal assessment inspection expected outcomes

Body symmetric, straight spine, knees straight line (hips and ankles), feet flat, forward

How does the nurse assess a patient's consensual reaction?

By shining a light into the right eye and observing the papillary reaction of the left eye.

0/5 None (0), 0%

Complete absence of visible and palpable muscle contraction.

2/5 Poor (P), 25%

Complete range of joint motion possible only with the joint supported by the nurse to eliminate the force of gravity and without any manual resistance from the nurse.

3/5 Fair (F), 50%

Complete range of joint motion possible only without manual resistance from the nurse.

When an adolescent patient appears reluctant to discuss sensitive issues with the parent present, which of the following is the nurse's most appropriate intervention?

Create time at the end of the interview when the adolescent is alone with the nurse.

Expected changes during pregnancy (Reproductive)

Fundus becomes palpable; vagina, vulva, and cervix take on bluish color

The cracking noise heard in a patient's joint with movement is known as which of the following?


external rotation of hip

crossing leg over to opposite knee

A patient is diagnosed with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) pneumonia. Which of the following types of isolation precaution is most appropriate for this patient?


What is the most effective way to reduce the transmission of infections?

hand hygiene practices

A forward curvature in the thoracic spine is known as which of the following?


Which of the following hold bones to bones?


Which of the following types of lochia should the nurse expect to find when assessing a woman who is one day postpartum?

lochia rubra

Uterus involution refers to

the process where your pregnant uterus (womb) returns to the way it was before pregnancy

The allergic salute refers to

the upwards swipe of the fingers or palms of the hands, along the tip of the nose, while sniffling in

Where should the fundus be immediately after delivery?

the uterine fundus is palpable at or near the level of the maternal umbilicus

Six bones of the cranium

one frontal, two parietal, two temporal, and one occipital are fused together

pH for pathogens to survive

pH: 5-7


patient feels like the world is spinning around them


patient feels off-balance, feels like they're going to fall down/pass out

hyperextension of hip

patient lays in prone position and lift their leg

Enophthalmos is

the displacement of the eyeball into the eye socket, making it appear sunken or smaller

Fundal height is

the distance from your pubic bone (symphysis pubic) to the top of your uterus (fundus)

Signs of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

- Coughing - Stridor - Grunting - Retractions - Nasal flaring

RR for newborn


5/5 Normal (N), 100%

Complete range of joint motion against both gravity and full manual resistance from the nurse.

4/5 Good (G), 75%

Complete range of joint motion against both gravity and moderate manual resistance from the nurse.

BP for toddler

S: 80-112 D: 50-80

Nasal flaring is a hallmark sign of...

respiratory stress in an infant

Palmar erythema

unusual redness of the palms of the hands sometimes seen in pregnancy

full-term pregnancy

37-42 weeks

The nurse observes tonsils that are erythematous with white exudate. The tonsils are enlarged and displace the uvula as they touch each other. This rating of the tonsils would be documented as:

4+ bilaterally

HR for adolescent


Spine is composed of

7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, and 5 sacral vertebrae

Examination of spine expected outcome

75 degrees of flexion while touching toes 30 degrees back from neutral with hyperextension 35 degrees lateral flexion (Full ROM of the spine)

HR for school age


HR for toddler


Endometriosis is

A disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus

Expected changes during pregnancy (Cardiovascular)

Increased cardiac workload (blood volume increases 1500 mL); heart shifts upward & forward; varicosities & edema in lower extremities

Palmar reflex

Infant grasps finger

Rooting Response reflex

Infant turns head in direction of stimulus and opens mouth

Expected changes during pregnancy (Urinary)

Nocturia & urinary frequency

The nurse testing the patient's muscle strength finds the patient has full range of motion with gravity. How would the nurse document this finding?

Normal or 5/5

After assessing a patient's eyes, all expected findings are observed. How should the nurse document these findings?


Step in place reflex

Paces forward using alternate steps

Expected changes during pregnancy (Respiratory)

Periodic shortness of breath; respiratory rate may increase; thoracic cage widens

Lochia serosa

Pinkish brown - approximately days 4-10

Ears inspection expected outcome

Pinna should directly align with outer canthus of the eye, vertical position with no more than 10 degrees

By the child is 7 or 8 years of age, the __ can be used to test visual acuity

Snellen chart

Test visual acuity (distant vision) by using

Snellen's chart

Goodell's sign

Softening of cervix

Hegar's sign

Softening of the lower uterine segment

Moro reflex

Startles to loud noise—abducts and extends arms and legs

Sucking reflex

Sucking motion follows with lips and tongue when lips touched

The student nurse is studying the changes a woman goes through during pregnancy. The student nurse knows that which body system undergoes the most dramatic physiologic changes during pregnancy?

The cardiovascular system

What are the characteristics of lymph nodes in patients who have an acute infection?

The lymph nodes are enlarged and tender.

Plantar reflex

Toes flex down to grasp

Characteristics of lymph nodes that may indicate malignancy

Unilateral Hard Asymmetric Fixed Nontender

Children are ___ until about the age of 7

abdominal breathers

Exophthalmos is

abnormal protrusion of the eyeball

Where are the frontal sinuses located?

above the eyebrows

profuse clear, watery nasal discharge can indicate



also known as melasma or the "mask of pregnancy," is a pigmentation disorder of the skin characterized by darker skin patches that primarily affect the face and other sun-exposed areas

Apgar scoring is

an assessment of five indications of a newborn's physiologic state: heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color at 1 and at 5 min following birth

Consensual response is

any reflex observed on one side of the body when the other side has been stimulated ex: the change in pupil size in the eye opposite to the eye to which the light is directed

Barlow and Ortolani maneuvers

- Screen for developmental dysplasia of the hip - There should be no clicking sound

The fundus will decrease by ___ per day

1 cm

A patient who has been in the hospital for several weeks is about to be discharged. The patient is weak from the hospitalization and asks the nurse to explain why this is happening. What is the nurse's best response?

"Your immobility in the hospital is known as deconditioning."

Appropriate communication with school-age child (6-12)

- Determine child's understanding of illness - Dispel myths/fears - Give child opportunity to speak for themselves - Allow/encourage children to communicate their needs - Provide information in clear terms - Be aware that child may respond to third-person prompts

Appropriate communication with toddler (1-3 yrs)

- Allow the child to complete a thought without interruption - Say specifically what you want the child to do - Do not offer a choice if there really is none - Speak at child's eye level - Use parallel play or toys to teach - Expect child will not understand time or "why"

Acrocyanosis means

- Bluish discoloration of the extremities due to decreased amount of oxygen delivered to the peripheral part - Can last for 12-24 hrs

Musculoskeletal assessment palpation expected outcomes

- Bones nontender - joints or muscles same temp as tissue - no tenderness or edema - firm muscles

Musculoskeletal assessment palpation variances

- Bones tender - joints or muscles warmer then tissue, with tenderness and/or edema - muscle atrophy or muscle hypertrophy

Probable signs of pregnancy

- Chadwick's sign - Goodell's sign - Hegar's sign - Ballottement - Positive pregnancy test (hCG) - Serum - Urine

Appropriate communication with preschooler (3-6 yrs)

- Keep instruction brief for short attention span - Use simple, direct language - Speak with a simple vocabulary - Make learning fun - Allow child to act out or express thoughts/feelings - Separate fantasy from reality

Examination of the knees variances

- Knees unaligned with tibia; ankle with decreased medial or lateral deviation - Deformities of the knee: genu valgum (knock-kneed) & genu varum (bowlegged)

Abdomen characteristics (pregnancy)

- Linea nigra - Striae gravidarum - Venous patterns - Fundal height - Fetal heart sounds

Common primary lesions in newborns

- Milia (clogged sebaceous glands) - Erythema toxicum (rash) - Mongolian spot

Meconium is

- Newborn's first poop - Sticky, thick, dark green poop is made up of cells, protein, fats, and intestinal secretions, like bile

Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale

- Pain scale for young children and is often described as suitable for children aged 3 to 18 years

Hourly rounding (Four P's)

- Position - Possessions - Pain - Potty

Types of signs of pregnancy

- Presumptive - Probable - Positive

Alterations in musculoskeletal system (pregnancy)

- Progressive lordosis - Waddling

Positive consequences of mobility

- Purposeful movement - Changing position and/or location without pain or discomfort

Appropriate communication with adolescent (12-20 yrs)

- Show respect by listening and explaining clearly - Allow for more independence - Give privacy and opportunity for confidentiality - Help adolescents trust adults by being honest about their treatment - Use peer support when possible - Never use "baby" voice - Speak as to another adult - Provide space for questions

Appropriate communication with infant (birth-1 yr old)

- Speak softly - Communicate through touch - Avoid overstimulation

Examples of assistive devices when patients unable to maintain proper positioning

- Trochanter rolls/towels - Lift sheets - Trapeze bar

Positive signs of pregnancy

- Visualization of fetus by ultrasound - Auscultation of fetal heart tones - Doppler - Fetoscope - Palpation of fetal movements - Observable fetal movements

Examples of assistive devices

- Walkers - Canes - Crutches

Negative consequences of mobility

- Weakness or loss of function - Patient Injury - Pressure Ulcers - Contractures

Around 37-40 weeks, the fundal height moves down about 4cm? Why?

- body is preparing for birth - baby has settled down to pelvic cavity

Presumptive signs of pregnancy

- breast changes - amenorrhea - nausea or vomiting - urinary frequency - quickening (fetal movement)

Bursae are

- small sacs in the connective tissues adjacent to selected joints - lined with synovial membrane containing synovial fluid, which acts as a lubricant to reduce friction

flexion of knee

- standing position - bring foot up

hyperextension of knee

- standing position - hyperextend leg from midline (foward)

Neonatal infant pain scale (NIPS)

- used for infants who are greater than 33 1/2 weeks gestation

RR for adolescent


HR for newborn


RR for school age


By age 5/6 years old, the ratio of AP: lateral diameter is


pre-term pregnancy

20-36 weeks

Visual acuity snellen chart expected outcome

20/30 or better

Ideal temperature for pathogens to survive

20° to 43° C or 68° to 109° F

RR for toddler


Where should the fundus be 2 days after birth?

2cm below the belly button

Ptosis is

Drooping of the eyelid

Characteristics of lymph nodes that may indicate infection

Enlarged Tender Firm Moveable

Pregnancy schedule of appointments

Every 4 weeks up to 28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, and weekly after 36 weeks

When a nurse asks a patient to place the right arm behind the head, the nurse is testing for which range of motion?

External rotation and abduction of the shoulder

Babinksi reflex

Fans toes when lateral surface of sole is stroked

While assessing the range of motion of the patient's knee, the nurse expects the patient to be able to perform which movements?

Flexion, extension, and hyperextension

A woman comes to the office for her first prenatal visit. She reports a history of one miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation, one live birth at 35 weeks, and one live birth at 38 weeks. She brought her two living children into the office with her. What is her GTPAL?

G-4, T-1, P-1, A-1, L-2

Acronym for obstetric history

GTPAL - Gravity (# of pregnancies including current pregnancy) - Full-Term births - Preterm births - Abortions (spontaneous/elective) - Living children

During symptom analysis, the nurse helps the patient distinguish between dizziness and vertigo. Which description by the patient indicates vertigo?

It seemed as if the room was spinning around

Expected changes during pregnancy (Integumentary)

Itching & reddened appearance of hands & feet; chloasma, linea nigra; striae gravidarum over abdomen & breasts

Light amount

Less than 4 inch stain on peripad

Moderate amount

Less than 6 inch stain on peripad

Expected changes during pregnancy (Musculoskeletal)

Lordosis & back discomfort; waddling gait & balance problems; separation of abdominal muscles

Palpation of lymph nodes expected outcome

May or may not be palpable, if palpable should be soft, mobile, nontender, bilaterally equal

When evaluating the reflexes of a newborn, the nurse notes after a loud noise, the newborn symmetrically abducts and extends his arms, his fingers fan out and form a C, and he has a slight tremor. The nurse should document this finding as a positive ______ reflex.


1/5 Trace (Tr), 10%

Muscle contraction detectable but insufficient to move the joint even when the forces of both gravity and manual resistance have been eliminated.

The due date or expected date of confinement (EDC) can be calculated using...

Naegele's Rule - Determine first day of LMP, subtract 3 calendar months, add 7 days and 1 year

Expected changes during pregnancy (Gastrointestinal)

Nausea & vomiting; heartburn & constipation; hemorrhoids; swollen & bleeding gums


Presence of a floating object

Lochia rubra

Red - 1-3 days after delivery

BP for newborn

S: 60-90 D: 20-60

BP for school age

S: 84-120 D: 54-80

BP for adolescent

S: 94-139 D: 62-88

Heavy amount

Saturated peripad within 1 hour

Musculoskeletal assessment inspection variances

Scoliosis Kyphosis Lordosis

Chadwick's sign

Violet-blue color to cervix

Lochia alba

Yellow to white - day 10 to 6 weeks

Cephalohematoma is

a buildup of blood (hemorrhage) underneath a newborn's scalp

Erythema toxicum is

a common rash seen in full-term newborns

Where should the fundus be at 20 weeks gestation?

at about the bellybutton

Where should the fundus be 1 hour after birth?

at the belly button

At 7 days postpartum, the fundus should be

at the symphysis pubis

Where should the fundus be at 36 weeks?

at xiphoid process

For children less and up to age 5, take temperature by

axillary or temporal

thick green/yellow nasal discharge can indicate


By 10-14 days postpartum,...

can't palpate uterus

To examine musculoskeletal system, use a...

cephalocaudal organization with side-to-side comparisons for examining bones, muscles, and joints

Subinvolution is

failure of uterus to revert to a pre-pregnant state through gradual reduction in size and placement

Lanugo is

fine, soft immature hair on newborns

Where are preauricular lymph nodes located?

in front of the ear

bulging fontanel may indicate

increased intracranial pressure

Which of the following best describes adduction of the hip or shoulder?

moving a limb toward the body and swinging across the front of the body

eversion of ankle/foot

point toes away the body

plantar flexion of foot

point toes toward the ground

inversion of ankle/foot

point toes towards the body

dorsiflexion of foot

point toes towards the sky

radial deviation of wrist

pointing fingers in (fingers point near the body)

ulnar deviation of wrist

pointing fingers out (fingers point away from body)

When taking tympanic temperature for a child over 3 years old, you should...

pull earlobe up

When taking tympanic temperature for a child less than 3 years old, you should...

pull their earlobe down

The examiner shines a penlight on a patient's left pupil. Which immediate response is expected with the right pupil?

pupil constriction

internal rotation of shoulder

put both of hands behind their back

external rotation of shoulder

put both of hands behind their head

internal rotation of hip

put knee up and allow it to fall toward body

After about six weeks, the uterus...

returns to its pre-pregnancy size

The "white" of the eye is called the ______.


Where should the fundus be at 12 weeks?

should be above the symphysis pubis

Tendons are

strong, nonelastic cords of collagen located at the ends of muscles to attach them to bones

Caput succedaneum

swelling of the scalp in a newborn

A 4-year-old child had a tonsillectomy. Which of the following techniques is most appropriate for the nurse to assess this patient's pain?

the Wong/Baker FACES rating scale

Anisocoria is

when your eye's pupils are not the same size

After 20-30 weeks, the fundal height...

will reflect weeks of pregnancy (+/-) 2cm

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