Health final quizlet

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-Approximately_________ Americans suffer from health disorders caused by tobacco.

16 million

-Results from an American College Health Association study indicate that most college students feel tired or sleepy ___ or more days a week.


-To ensure safety, leftovers that have been properly wrapped and refrigerated should be eaten within _____days.


Naps are most effective for improving alertness if they are shorter than:

30 mins

-Binge drinking is defined for the typical adult as _____ or more drinks for females or _____ or more drinks for males in about two hours.

4, 5

-In the U.S., what percentage of all pregnancies are unintended?


-What is the percentage of alcohol in 100-proof whiskey?


-What percentage (range) of a persons body weight is water?


Approximately what percentage of Americans consume alcoholic beverages regularly.


-In the United States, alcohol consumption is involved in more than ____ percent of sexual assaults or unwanted sexual contacts.


-What percentage (range) of Americans aged 20 and over are obese?


Define the "medical model" of health

A view of health in which the health status mainly focuses on the individual and a biological or diseased organ perspective.

What are young adults (15-24) most likely to die from?

Accidents/ unintentional injuries.

What are the three phases of the general adaptation syndrome.

Alarm resistance, exhastion.

what is the most common mental health problem in the US?


A type of autism spectrum disorder in which the individual is highly functioning-often able to succeed academically and professionally-is known as

Asperger syndrome.

-What are some examples of Fertility awareness methods of birth control?

Both partners must be willing to abstain for 10 days per month. Requires a regular cycle.

Partially hydrogenated oils are linked to...

Cardiovascular disease.

-What act requires institutions of higher education to collect and report data about sexual crimes on their campuses?

Clery Act

-What are the five components of the CERTS Model for Health Sexuality?

Consent, equality, respect, trust, safety

What is the leading cause of death for Americans?

Csrdiovascular Disease

-In which type of sexual dysfunction does an individual experience pain during or after sex?


What is the primary difference between emotional and mental health.

Emotional: dealing with feelings, not thought process.

The science of _________ studies how behavioral choices influence our cells' ability to use genes


What is the difference between Eustress and distress.

Eustress is positive, disttress is negative.

-What is "sexual prejudice?"

Negative attitudes and hostile actions directed at those with a different sexual orientation.

The U.S. Supreme court ruling in _________________- made same sex marrige legal in all 50 states

Obergefell v. Hodges

-Define social network.

People you know who can provide social support when needed.

define values

Principles that guide the choices individuals make in their lives

What are the three facets of human spirituality?

Relationships, values and purpose in life

Define the physical dimension of health.

Shape and size of your body. How responsive your senses are, and your body's ability to function at optimum level.

-What is social capital?

Social capital: Collective value of all the people in your social network and the likelihood of those people providing social support when you need it

What was life expectancy in the early 1900s was largely determined by?

Socioeconomic bracket

Define the social dimension:

The ability to have a broad social network and maintain satisfying interpersonal relationships.

What is the definition of wellness?

The achievement of the highest level of health possible in each of several dimensions.

-True or False: Most adults need only 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night, provided it is high-quality sleep.


-True or False: Sexual orientation is based on biological, psychological, and socioenvironmental factors.


-True or False: The number of U.S. adults electing to remain single is increasing.


True or False Social isolation increases the risks for high blood pressure and poor immune function.


True or false: Schizophrenia is a mental illness with biological origins.


true or false: People are at increased risk for suicide if they identify as LGBT.


-What type of female sterilization procedure involves tying off or cauterizing certain structures of the reproductive system?

Tubal ligation

define mindfulness

ability to be fully present in the moment

Cortisol is secreted by the:

adrenal glands

-Rape that involves a stranger is classified as _________ rape


-The long-term wear and tear on the body caused by the stress response is:

allostatic load

giving of oneself out of genuine concern for others is _____________.


-The interaction of two or more drugs at the same receptor site in which one blocks the action of the other is called ____________


What characteristics are likely to influence your response to stressors?

appraisal, self esteem, self efficacy.

sexual identity is based on

biological sex characteristics, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

-What are some reasons that marijuana is administered therapeutically?

can help control chemotherapy side effects like severe nausea and vomiting, improve appetite, reduce the muscle pain and spasticity caused by diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

-What is the difference between celibacy and abstinence?

celibacy: no sexual activities, absitinance: no sex

-The disruption of your _____________________ results in jet lag.

circadian rhythm

________ Therapy is treatment for depression that involves correcting pessimistic or faulty thought patterns.


Define the intellectual dimension:

cognitive abilities, educational background, and past experiences

-According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, which type of love combines commitment and intimacy?

companionate love

-In relationships, the process of resolving differences peacefully and creatively is:

conflict resolution

-Toxic forms of alcohol known as _________ may be a contributing factor to hangover.


According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, the most complete, ideal type of love is _____________ love


Sleep deprivation related to COVID-19 is referred to as.


-The use of force to control and maintain power over another person in the home environment is:

domestic violence

-What is a disorder that occurs more frequently in babies born to mothers over the age of 35?


what are intense feelings that people experience?


-A lung associated with smoking in which alveoli are destroyed is known as


A cause of infertility in which uterine tissue is implanted outside the uterus and blocks the fallopian tubes is ___________


-The lining of the uterus is the


-The system of tubules atop the testes where sperm reach maturity is the


The primary hormone responsible for physiological stress responses such as increased heart and breathing rates is:


Areas of the body that, when touched, lead to sexual arousal are known as ___________ zones.


-What is "Process addiction?"

examples. behaviors that are known to be addictive because they are mood altering and, thus, a reward for the brain (ex. technology, gambling, buying, sex, exercise, and work)

True or False: The majority of nighttime sleep is spent in REM sleep.


what are some links between poverty and poor health.

food insecurit, risk for obesity, chronic stress, low life expectancy.

________ foods are foods believed to have additional health benefits beyond the basic nutrition they provide.


HDL is ______ cholesterol and LDL is _____ cholesterol

good, bad

-What is the sexual orientation of a person who feels romantic and sexual attraction to women?


-What are the small stressors, frustrations, and petty annoyances that collectively can add up to a higher level of stress?


American Indians/Alaska Natives have a higher rate of diabetes than any other U.S. population group. This difference in diabetes rates is an example of___________

health discrimination

-Women who use oral contraceptives and also smoke are at a higher risk of

high blood pressure and hypertension

-Gender________ is our personal awareness of being masculine or feminine.


-What are some symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

inability to be roused; a weak, rapid pulse; an unusual or irregular breathing pattern; and cool (possibly damp), pale, or bluish skin

What is the fastest-acting method?


-What is the most dangerous method of administration for psychoactive drugs?


-What is the most common sleep complaint?


According to Sternberg"s triangular theory of love, love involves what three things

intamacy, passion, and commitment

-What term describes a person who does not exhibit exclusive male or female sexual anatomy?


- Relationships characterized by behavioral interdependence, need fulfillment, emotional attachment, and emotional availability are considered________relationships.


-Violence that occurs between two people in a current or former marriage or sexual or dating relationship is:

intimate partner violence.

define meditation

involves concentration on a point of focus such as a sound, breath, or attention itself.

-The most common nutrient deficiency in the world is _____deficiency.


what is a mantra

is a word repeated silently or aloud as part of meditation.

-What is the relationship between sleep and obesity?

less sleep leads to a higher risk of obesity.

-Chewing tobacco can lead to a condition characterized by leathery white patches inside the mouth known as


Who is more likely to report loneliness?? Men or women?


-The permanent cessation of menstrual periods is called


stress is a _______ and ________ response to real or percived threats to well-being

mental, physical

-A major contributor to college student's lack of sleep is

mobile devices.

-Carbon ________ diminishes the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells.


Another name for opioids is


Morphine, codeine, and heroin are examples of which TYPE of drug?


-About 2/3s of U.S. abortions are performed before the____ week of pregnancy.


what are the constituents in food that the body requires to function properly.



occurrence of panic attacks

learned helplessness:

one gives up and fails to take action to help themselves


one's realistic sense of self- respect or self-worth.

-Among American adults, the second most commonly abused type of drug, after marijuana, is.


-A rise in a woman's basal body temperature signals that ________ has occurred.


-A hormone referred to as a "cuddle chemical" that boosts feelings of satisfaction and attachment is


-What is "enabling?"

people who knowingly or unknowingly protect addicts from the natural consequences of their behavior.

-What is "online vigilance?"

persistently thinking about the online world (salience), the need to respond instantly to notifications (reactability), and the tendency to constantly check a device (monitoring).


person's belief about whether they can successfully engage in and execute a specific behavior

What are the dimensions of health.

physical, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, environmental

-A ______________ drug is defined as having the potential to alter a person's mood or behavior.


define the emotional dimension:

self-esteem, confidence, trust and love.

bipolar disorder

severe mood swings

-Nicotine is a powerful central nervous system______


-Surgical abortions in the first trimester are typically done by what method?

suction curettage

-Children who have experienced sexual abuse are at increased risk for anxiety disorders, depression, and ______ _________

suicide attamepts

What are the stages of the cycle of intimate partner violence.

tension building, incident of acute abuse, remorse/ reconciliation .

Define the spiritual dimension:

the need for: meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life; hope/will to live; belief and faith.

-True or False: A key reason that U.S. divorce rates are declining is that the number of couples who cohabit instead of marrying has increased.


-True or False: Appetite is more psychological than physiological.


-True or False: As romantic relationships evolve, PERSONALITY increases in importance as a relationship factor.


-True or False: During the first six months of 2020, while the COVID-19 pandemic spread throughout the United States, rates of rape, burglary, and robbery decreased.


-True or False: Exposure to sunlight during the day improves sleep by regulating the sleep-wake cycle.


-True or False: Half of all regular smokers die of smoking-related diseases.


-True or False: Homicides are among the five leading causes of death for persons aged 1 to 44.


-True or False: More than half of all deaths due to gun violence in 2020 were suicides.


-True or False: People with a physiological dependence on a substance, such as an addictive drug, will experience either tolerance or Withdrawal, but not both.


-True or False: Polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) is one of the most common causes of female infertility in the U.S.


-True or False: Predictability is a fundamental element of trust.


-True or False: Psychoactive drugs enhance, suppress, or interfere with neurotransmission.


-True or False: Research has not demonstrated a clear link between exposure to violent media and a propensity to engage in violent acts


-True or False: Self-disclosure involves sharing feelings and information as a means of getting to know a person.


-True or False: Sexual identity is based on biological sex characteristics, gender identity, and sexual orientation.


-True or False: Homicide by a current or former intimate partner is the leading cause of death among pregnant women in the United States.


define enviornmental wellness

understanding the health of the enviornment.

-Menstrual flow is actually sloughed off ________ lining.


my plate says the largest portion on your plate should be _________


-The external female genitalia are collectively referred to as the


-Can chronic sleep deficiencies increase the risk for Type 2 diabetes?


can your mood affect alcohol absorbtion.


-In 2020, which U.S. age groups experienced the highest levels of stress?

younger adults and women

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