Health Study Guide Unit 4

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3. Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is the ability to use techniques for self-monitoring and time management. It is the ability to focus and persevere through challenges to complete a task and achieve goals.

SEL Area: Self-Awareness

Recognizing emotions Self-efficacy Growth mindset

SEL Area: Self Management

Stress management Goal Setting Self-Discipline

Recognizing emotions

recognizing your emotions and understanding your feelings is a key component of self-awareness and an essential skill for recognizing the emotions of others. --Identifying your emotions means you are able to clearly understand the differences between different emotional states and determine what impact these --emotions have on your physiological state and feelings. --You feel emotions physically, in your body.

3. Teamwork and Collaboration

teamwork and collaboration requires individuals to communicate, cooperate, and coordinate with others. empathy, perspective taking, trust, a service-mindset, conflict resolution, and negotiation in team settings..

Define self-directed learning and discuss several strategies one could use to cultivate it.

--If you took the initiative to learn something because you wanted to learn it and took responsibility for learning it, you demonstrated self-directed learning. --People are motivated to learn something new when they discover a need for knowledge and skills or seek to have an experience that requires learning. --Self-directed learning is empowering and facilitates life-long learning and greater satisfaction and success in life.

3. Growth mindset

--Intelligence is flexible. People can develop their intelligence and grow intellectually. --Talent is developed. People need to apply time and effort to develop talent. --People who are successful make a conscious effort to learn and will apply new strategies when they experience failure.

Define self-management and discuss a personal experience in which you utilized self-management.

--Self-management is the ability to accept responsibility for, be accountable for, and effectively manage one's own emotions, behavior, actions, and well-being. --Self-management skills help an individual become organized and more effective in their endeavors by incorporating systems, strategies, and mindsets to achieve optimal outcomes and results.

benefits of adaptability

--more likely to experiment and therefore more likely to find unexpected solutions to problems. --Learning new skills will be easier, as will dealing with challenges and rebounding from adversity. --Being viewed as flexible and cooperative will benefit your relationships and build your leadership capabilities.

Define adaptability.

-Adaptability is the ability to effectively adjust to changing situations and conditions. -A person who is adaptable can adjust to changing roles, jobs, responsibilities, schedules, and work environments in a climate of ambiguity and fluctuation. -Adaptability requires cognitive flexibility and the capacity to embrace change.

list several characteristics of executive function

-Resist reacting on impulse and have self-control -Adapt to changing circumstances -View problems objectively and from multiple perspectives or points of view -Conduct research and evaluate situations to choose a course of action, solve problems, and make decisions -Use specific processes and systems to focus, learn, organize, and remember information -Solve a complex problem creatively and make decisions -Take initiative to learn

Define and discuss responsibility to others

-Responsibility to others refers to the ability to empathetically consider the interests of others and act responsibly out of respect for the larger community. -People who are responsible to others are accountable for their actions and attentive to the needs of other individuals or groups.

Discuss several ways in which self-awareness can benefit a person at work and in relationships

-a primary benefit of self-awareness—of being conscious of who you are and why you do the things you do—is that it can help you be your own narrator and craft your own life story. -The following is a list of benefits of being self-aware. --Improves the ability to respond to situations in more productive ways. --Improves the ability to make better, healthier decisions and identify healthy or unhealthy habits. --Improves individuals' own well-being and their relationships with others. --Allows people to evaluate and learn from their mistakes and avoid repeating them. --Increases chance of success and motivation to put forth the effort it takes to learn and change. --Helps individuals make decisions that reflect what is important to them and helps them accomplish their goals.

List and discuss the steps one could follow to solve a problem

1. Define the problem: Determine the root causes of the problem. Clearly articulate the problem and make sure you are addressing the correct problem. (Facilitate a discussion to help clarify the goal.) 2. Brainstorm solutions: When possible, work with others and always generate multiple strategies and solutions. (Students share ideas about how they can help create an inclusive environment to work as a group.) 3. Evaluate options: Evaluate potential downsides and outcomes and identify resource needs as well as possible barriers. Decide on a course of action that includes specific goals. (Review ideas and choose those that are practical and that will meet the goals of creating community and reducing the amount of time it takes to change table groups.) 4. Implement the solution or plan: Create a schedule and articulate benchmarks to check on progress toward goals. Separate the plan into smaller steps as needed. (Students try rotating assigned groups each week.) 5. Review and evaluate results: Compare the results to the goals and determine what worked, what didn't, and why. Celebrate accomplishments. (Discuss what went well with the selected solutions, what didn't, and why.)

Discuss the benefits of social awareness in one's life.

1. Experience more positive moods 2. Have more energy and interest in life 3. Outperform those who lack these skills 4. Contribute to the success of businesses, organizations, and communities

Social Awareness Characteristics

1. Interact appropriately with a variety of people 2. Engage, react, and respond appropriately in a social situation 3. Form and maintain good relationships with diverse groups of people 4. Refrain from judgment and remain open-minded 5. Adapt to a diverse workplace environment 6. Demonstrate cultural awareness and welcome differences among various individuals and groups 7. Apply ethical principles in the treatment of others

Define appreciation for diversity.

Appreciation for diversity refers to the ability to recognize and appreciate diversity of culture and other differences that individuals encounter when interacting with others and forming relationships.

Define and discuss the benefits of appreciation for diversity.

Being around people who are different can make you smarter, more creative, and more willing to work harder. Diversity fosters learning and problem solving: Hearing ideas from people who are different provokes more thought than the same ideas coming from a person who is like you. Diversity enables innovation and creativity: Differences in perspective and experience based on different life experiences bring new perspectives and creative ideas.

the benefits of responsibility to others

Being responsible to others can help people, improve organizations, and bring a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment to individuals.

Name several benefits of effective communication and leadership.

Benefits of Communication and Leadership --Reduction in misunderstandings and related mistakes --Boost in self-esteem and confidence in decision-making abilities --Improved morale through use of positive feedback --Increased engagement and achievement --Increased mutual trust and stronger relationships --Sustained relationships during times of stress --Fulfillment from helping others through mentoring and coaching

Discuss several ways in which high self-management can benefit your life.

Benefits of self-management include the following: --Improved relationships even in difficult situations --Improved physical and mental health --Ability to focus on a task, even with distractions --Better decision-making --Ability to accomplish more in less time, resulting in more personal free time and less stress --Improved learning outcomes and success in school and at work --Improved self-confidence and self-esteem

Discuss the key difference between self-management and self-awareness.

Both self-awareness and self-management involve understanding and regulating emotions and related behaviors. However, one major difference is that self-awareness focuses on the recognition and identification of emotions while self-management focuses on how people handle their emotions and their ability to modify their external behavior in response to emotions. Self-management is informed and guided by self-awareness.

Communication and leadership

Communication and Leadership-is about individuals' ability to develop strong personal and professional relationships. --People who are effective communicators are able to listen to and cooperate with others. --They are able to create healthy relationships with people who may have different backgrounds and perspectives, and can help lead themselves and others through change. --Effective interpersonal communication and leadership skills help individuals build strong personal and professional connections that enable them to interact effectively with others and lead teams.

2. Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is the ability to use a variety of communication techniques—including assertiveness, persuasion, perspective taking, and cooperation—to negotiate and resolve disagreements.

Discuss several strategies that can be used to foster collaboration and teamwork.

Create space for imagination and innovation. Include a scheduled amount of time for everyone to brainstorm and share ideas. This type of brainstorming creates buy-in and trust. Even unusual ideas can help solve a problem. Make sure the work is coordinated. Coordination is essential when collaborating in a team. Be sure that everyone in the team knows what their responsibilities are and how and when the work will get done. Be adaptable to change. Project priorities can shift and the schedule can change. Acknowledging as a team that you need to be flexible, have a back-up plan, and adapt to changes as they arise will help alleviate stress associated with change.


Self-discipline is the ability to use techniques for self-monitoring and time management. It is the ability to focus and persevere through challenges to complete a task and achieve goals.

List some characteristics associated with effective interpersonal communicators.

Effective interpersonal communication and leadership skills include --actively listening --Empathizing --collaborating and cooperating --respecting diversity --taking the initiative to solve problems.

2. Self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is a person's belief in their own ability to address challenges, achieve goals, and succeed in all aspects of life.

State the difference between emotions and feelings.

Emotions are responses to an event that have physiological reactions. For example, if you experience fear when watching a scary movie, your heart may race or you may sweat. Emotions can be unconscious and are not necessarily logical, rational, or reasonable. There is no universally recognized list of emotions, and the number of distinct emotions identified by psychologists ranges from four to as many as twenty-seven. For example, the traditional six emotions are anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. Feelings are learned responses to emotions that are based on a person's unique life experiences. A feeling represents your awareness of an emotion. There are over 4,000 English words to describe feelings. Two or more emotions can be combined to result in a variety of feelings. The same two people can experience the same emotion, such as sadness, and have different primary feelings as a result. One person may feel lonely while another may feel incompetent or unable to do anything.

SEL Area: (Interpersonal) Communication and Leadership

Empathy Conflict Resolution Teamwork and Collaboration

Strategies for Developing Empathy

Empathy is innate, but it can be learned and developed. Here are some strategies for developing empathy: --Cultivate curiosity. Being curious about people you meet and asking questions instead of making judgments will improve your empathy. --Diversify. Getting to know people who are different culturally, racially, and ethnically from you can change the way your brain perceives others and increase your empathy. --Read literature. Reading quality literature that contains complex characters helps you understand people and situations that contrast what you know.

1. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to imagine yourself in another person's situation and understand that person's feelings and perspective.

Define empathy

Empathy is the ability to imagine yourself in another person's situation and understand that person's feelings and perspective.

Executive Function

Executive Function-skills are the higher-order mental processes that help individuals manage complex tasks such as organizing and planning, remembering information, problem-solving, and regulating emotions. --People with executive function skills are able to think critically and make responsible decisions. --They are flexible thinkers who can innovate to find new ways to think about and solve problems.

Define executive function.

Executive function skills are the higher-order mental processes that enable individuals to manage complex tasks --Planning --remembering information --problem solving --regulating emotions --controlling cognitive flexibility.

Discuss the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.

GROWTH MINDSET -Intelligence is flexible. People can develop their intelligence and grow intellectually. -Talent is developed. People need to apply time and effort to develop talent. -People who are successful make a conscious effort to learn and will apply new strategies when they experience failure. FIXED MINDSET -People are either intelligent, or they are not. -Intelligence is an inherent quality that does not change. -Talent is innate. People are born with certain talents and have these talents regardless of effort. -People are successful in the world because of a trait they possess, not due to their effort or approach to problems.

2. Goal Setting

Goal setting is an essential skill to obtain personal and professional milestones. It is a key part of self-management because it provides you with a road map for achievement and success by helping you remain organized and manage your time and providing a structure for self-discipline.


Goal setting is an essential skill to obtain personal and professional milestones. It is a key part of self-management because it provides you with a road map for achievement and success by helping you remain organized and manage your time and providing a structure for self-discipline. Effective goals meet the following criteria: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely (use the acronym SMART to remember this method). The following table explains lists questions to ask when developing SMART goals.

Discuss ways in which stress management skills can be used in work, school, and home environments

Hannah applied stress management, goal setting, and self-discipline skills. She demonstrated stress management skills by taking a break and focusing on her senses (smelling the rose) to calm herself. She also managed ongoing stress by getting enough rest and eating healthfully. She and her husband created SMART goals for their renovation plans. They were specific about what they wanted to do, were realistic about what they could achieve, and set a schedule and a means for measuring success. She demonstrated self-discipline and remained focused by avoiding temptations that would have taken her off task.

1. Recognizing emotions

Identifying your emotions means you are able to clearly understand the differences between different emotional states and determine what impact these emotions have on your physiological state and feelings.

Discuss several key characteristics of SEL. (Social and Emotional Learning)

SEL is a lifelong process, one that emphasizes the development of the whole person. It includes reflection on one's own learning and an understanding of why specific skills are learned and developed. SEL is primarily concerned with the affective domain, which is the type of learning that involves emotions and interactions with others. Social and emotional skills are practical and applicable in the workplace. Employers in all industries recognize the importance of attributes and skills such as personal responsibility, self-management, and the ability to collaborate with a team to make decisions and solve problems. SEL can take place in a variety of formal and informal settings, when it is deliberate and entails self-reflection. For example, observing a coworker who handles conflict well can result in learning. Social and emotional skills are measurable. Progress on learning and using these skills can be measured.

Which statement about SEL skills is true?

SEL skills are important for personal relationships but also apply to work settings in which they help people become better collaborators. --A key characteristic of SEL skills is that they have practical applications for school and work.

Discuss several ways in which SEL skills can benefit you in your work, relationships, and community.

SEL skills provide key benefits to your health, performance in school and work, relationships, and community: 1. Improved overall health, including stress reduction 2. Reduction in unhealthy behaviors 3. Improved academic performance 4. Increased productivity at work 5. Increased empathy and social awareness 6. Improved ability to contribute to the community 7. Improved ability to adapt to rapid change


Self-Awareness-describes individuals' ability to recognize their own emotions and related reactions. -People who are self-aware are mindful of the attitudes, beliefs, and practices that shape their behavior. -Self-awareness helps individuals assess their strengths and limitations and determine how they can grow and change.


Self-Management-is about individuals' ability to regulate their emotions in different situations, control impulses, and manage stress. -People who can self-manage are able to set goals and motivate themselves to change behavior and make progress in their lives. -Self-management can help them create a solid foundation for lifelong success and resiliency.

Define self-awareness and discuss a personal experience in which you utilized self-awareness.

Self-awareness enables you to notice the connections between your thoughts, emotions, feelings, attitudes, and related behaviors and their outcomes. -regulating your emotions, -self-care and compassion. -being honest without criticizing yourself.

Define and discuss the benefits of sociability.

Sociability is the ability to engage in social or collaborative situations. This involves communicating effectively with others while maintaining an attitude of openness and curiosity. Sociability enables an individual to develop and maintain good relationships and communicate effectively with many different types of people and situations.

Social awareness

Social Awareness-describes individuals' ability to look outward and consider the needs of others and the world at large. -People who are socially aware understand and practice empathy for others, including those who may have a different culture, background, or perspective from their own. -They appreciate diversity and respect others. Social awareness can help them make a positive impact on their community and the world around them.

Define social awareness

Social awareness is an individual's ability to engage, react, and respond in a variety of social situations with diverse groups of people.

Define SMART goals.

Specific--Does the goal answer who, what, when, where, and why? Measurable--How will I know when I've met the goal? Can I measure the goal by how often I accomplish something or how much I achieve? Achievable--How realistic is the goal? What can help me reach the goal? What will help me make progress toward achieving the goal? Relevant--Is the goal worthwhile? Do I have the skills or information I need, or can I get them? Does this goal align with my needs? Timely--What is a reasonable schedule for my goal? What can I do today? What can I do in the next few months?

1. Stress management

Stress management is the process of managing factors that cause anxiety and maintain overall well-being.

Stress management

Stress management is the process of managing factors that cause anxiety and maintain overall well-being.

Name some characteristics of people who have strong self-management skills.

The following is as list of characteristics you may see in people who have mastered self-management skills. --Manage daily and ongoing stress --Recover from adversity --Avoid reacting on impulse --Self-motivated --Establish goals and make a plan to achieve them --Organize priorities and manage time --Ignore distractions and maintain focus on task

Discuss the three skills associated with self-awareness.

a. Recognizing emotions b. Self-efficacy c. Growth mindset

Discuss the three skills associated with self-management:

a. Stress management b. Goal-setting c. Self-discipline

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