HED 120 Unit 5 Exam

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- attracted to people of both the same and the opposite sex - some bisexuals choose not to act n their impulses; others have not had the opportunity to do so - 0.9% of people

infant mortality rate

- a calculation of the ratio of babies who died before thier first birthday to those who survive until their first birthday

premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

- a collection of emotional and physical symptoms that occur just prior to menstruation - stress and psychological problems do not cause it, but can exacerbate it - 85% of women experience PMS - 15% experience a constellation of symptoms at a sufficient severity to interfere with some aspect of life - naturall reducing symptoms by exercising regularly, reducing intake of foods high in sugar and salt, and avoid alcohol and tobacco - relief in SSRI antidepressants


- a condition in which enodmetrial tissue grow in areas outside of the uterus - tissue responds to the same hormonal signals thus breaking down and bleeding into abdominopelvic cavity


- a domestic group of people with some degree of kinship, be it through marriage, blood, or adoption


- a fertilized egg

domestic partnerships

- a legal arrangement in which a couple lives together in a long-term committed relationships and receives some, but not all, of the rights of married couples - legal benefits vary widely based on location - domestic partnership is an option for homosexual and heterosexual couples who have lived together for a length of time (usually greater than 1 year)


- a medical or surgical procedure used to terminate a pregnancy - it involves removing the embryo or fetus from the uterus - in 2011, 23% of women who underwent an abortion used the medical method - 2% have baby, but put baby off for adoption, 14% miscarry, 42% abort - 3 million unintended pregnancies occur each year between birth control failure and failure to use birth control

early signs of pregnancy

- a miss period - an extremely light "period" that is actually implantation bleeding, which occurs when a fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus - frequent urination - nausea - swollen breasts and/or breast tenderness - fatigue - food aversions or cravings - mood swings - abdominal bloating or pressure - dizziness


- a person who is sexually attracted to someone of the opposite sex


- a person who is sexually attracted to someone of the same sex


- a pregnancy that suddenly terminates on its own before the 20th week - 10-15% of known pregnancies - may be closer to 40% since it may occur before a woman knows she is pregnant


- about 40% of all American marriages are a remarriage for at least on of the spouses and many of these families include children from prior relationships - blended families have become commonplace in modern society - 3/4 of divorced adults go on to remarry - in 65% of these remarriages, one or both partners have children form a previous relationship - it can take several years for family members to integrate and the effort is not always successful - setting realistic expectations and encouraging open communication can help

single parenthood

- about 40% of children today are born to unmarried mothers - 22% live with one parent - any risks of single-parenting can be greatly reduced with increased access to economic, social, educational, parenting support - most often, single parents are female - one of the biggest hurdles faced by single mothers is economic hardships - 80% of unmarried live in poverty, 8% of married - research is mixed on whether being raised in a single parent household is detrimental to children (children born out of wedlock are no more likely to experience behavioral/emotional problems, be less educated, or have a lower income) - children from single parent families have a risk of difficult life outcomes that is 2-3 times higher

abstinence and celibacy

- abstinence: the avoidance of sexual intercourse - it can be by active choice or a matter of circumstance - celibacy: long-term abstinence - some choose celibacy for religious or moral reasons - others choose it out of a desire to avoid becoming pregnant or developing an STI

medical abortion

- administration of medication (pill or injection) - 1.1 million women - intended for women in the earliest stages of pregnancy (9 weeks since last period or 7 weeks of pregnancy) - no surgery or anesthesia required - time-consuming, involving a multistep and multiday regime of drugs - can be preferred because it allows ending of a pregnancy at home without invasive medical procedure - ex: RU-486 blocks progesterone, the misoprostol which causes the uterus to contract and expel the fertilized egg (and endrometrial lining)


- any method used to prevent pregnancy - 70% of women 24-44 use some form of contraception 1. natural methods involve no pills or devices 2. barrier methods work to prevent sperm from reaching an egg 3. hormonal methods deliver hormones to a women that prevent ovulation 4. surgical methods are the most permanent options


- approximately 14% of couples (12% of women) in the U.S., including 7.3 million women, experience infertility (the inability to conceive after trying for 1 year) - the problem becomes more prevalent with age - many treatment options are available - 1/3 problems come from women, 1/3 from men, 1/3 from both/unexplained - 2/3 infertile couples can have children with fertility options

did you know (sexuality, contraception, and reproductive choices)

- approximately 37% of college students report that they have never engaged in vaginal intercourse - approximately 50% of college students report that they did not use contraception the last time they had vaginal intercouse - in the U.S., half of all pregnancies are unplanned (about 3 million each year)

preconception care

- before pregnancy, it is important that women and men are healthy - nutrition, exercise, and health problems may need to be addressed - prenatal care: nutritional counseling and regular medical screenings through pregnancy aid the growth and development of the fetus - babies born to mothers who receive no prenatal care are 5 times more likely to die than those whose mothers get regular care

gender roles

- behaviors and tasks society considers appropriate for men and women - gender roles are often learned in childhood and continue into adulthood, affecting how we communicate - adolescent girls tend to place greater value on interpersonal connections which can leave girls more vulnerable to depression and lower-self esteem

combination pill

- birth control pills that reduce menstrual cramps 0 a combination of estrogen and Progestin - Progestin: thickens cervical mucus making it difficult for sperm to fertilize an egg - the combination pill has been shown to reduce the risk for endometrial and ovarian cancers by 30-50% - increased risk of blood clots

starting a family

- birth rates in the U.S. are at an all-time low - 3/4 of Americans say their families is the most important element of their lives - women are waiting longer to have children, spacing births further apart, and ending fertility at earlier ages - 18% of women say they wouldn't mind at all if they never had children

causes of infertility in women

- blocked fallopian tubes - a failure of ovulation - a deformed uterus - uterine fibroids and other non cancerous growths

dysfunctional relationships

- can come in many forms - many include one or both partners being manipulative, controlling, mean, disrespectful, or even verbally or physically abusive, one person is being "clingy" - such relationship challenges are often learned in childhood when children observe how their parents relate to each other

hooking up

- casual, noncommittal, physical encounters that may range from kissing and "making out" to oral sex and intercourse - hooking up is often fueled with alcohol - negative effects: negative impact on psychological well-being and social status, regrets, decreased relationship skills, and sexual risk taking - increased risk of STIs and unplanned pregnancy - preferred more by men - more common in the first 2 years of college - doesn't help singles learn the skills needed to build intimacy and test out whether someone would be good long-term or marriage partner

communication skills

- certain strategies can be helpful, particularly when dealing with disagreements or other uncomfortable situations 1. stay focused 2. take responsibility 3. use "I" messages. begin discussion with "I feel" 4. listen effectively 5. be solution focused (look for a "win-win" compromised) 6. step away if necessary 7. avoid jumping to conclusions or making quick judgments 8. resist antagonizing the other person


- cessation of the menstrual periods (3 months) - often traced to severe weight loss, hormonal imbalance, or significant stress - some medications can suppress menstruation - risk for osteoporosis/low bone density due to lack of estrogen

secretory phase

- characterized by - degeneration of the follicle sac into corpus lutenum - rising levels of progesterone in the blood stream - further increase of endometrial lining - ovulate: to release an egg from the ovary (unfertilized ovum lasts 12-24 hours) - if sperm is present in sufficient numbers in the fallopian tube when ovum is also present, fertilization will likely occur - fertilized egg produced human chorionic gonadotropic (hCG) to sustain pregnancy

proliferative phase

- characterized by a thickening of the lining of the uterus (in preparation for potential fertilization of an egg) and discharge of cervical mucus - this phase ends when lutenizing hormone (LH) triggers the release of a mature egg (ovum) - ovulation around day 14 indicated by the presence of cervical mucus

characteristics of happy families

- commitment: they are dedicated to the family and promote one another's happiness by being honest, faithful, and dependable - appreciation and affection: they care for one another and are not afraid to express it - positive communication: they are good talkers and good listeners - time together: the spend quality time together as often as they can - spiritual well-being: they have hope, faith, and compassion, as well as shared ethical values - the ability to manage stress and crises

communication in relationships

- communication is a cornerstone of every successful relationship - true communication can be challenging - effective communication is a skill that can be developed and improved

nonverbal communication

- communication that is conveyed by body language - posture, physical reactions, yawning, crossing arms are some cues that can influence communication

OTC methods

- condom: a thin sheath typically made of latex, polyurethane, or lambskin that is unrolled over the erect penis prior to vaginal penetration - when used properly, it provides excellent protection against pregnancy and STIs - only used with water based lubricants - female condom - can be inserted several hours before sex - some women find it awkward to insert and it can cause discomfort during sex - it is associated with a higher pregnancy rate than the male condom - contraceptive sponge: a flexible foam disk containing spermicide (a substance containing chemicals that kill or immobilize sperm) inserted into the vagina prior to sex - emergency contraception (EC): "the morning after pill;" a pill containing levonorgestrel, a synthetic hormone used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex

resolving conficts

- conflict is a normal part of relationships because people have different needs, viewpoints, interests, and backgrounds - people handle conflicts in different ways - conflict avoidance: the active avoidance of discussing concerns, annoyances, and conflict with another person - conflict resolution: resolving a conflict in a matter that both people can accept and that minimizes future occurrences of the conflict - conflict escalation: increasing conflict to a more confrontational, painful, or otherwise less comfortable level

methods available by prescription

- diaphragm: a flexible silicon cup filled with spermicide and inserted into the vagina prior to sex to prevent pregnancy - intrauterine device (IUD): a plastic, T-shaped device that is inserted in the uterus for long-term pregnancy prevention - pharmaceutical hormones (birth control pills): pills containing combinations of hormones that prevent pregnancy when taken regularly as directed

separation and divorce

- divorce rates peaked in the 1980s, but have since stabilized to just under 50% - risk factors: having parents who are divorced, marrying under age 21, having less education, lower income, reacting strongly or defensively to problems and disappointments - children of divorced parents are 50% more likely to get a divorce themselves - divorce rates are lowest for people with at least some college education, have incomes over $50,000, who are religious, who have parents who are married, and wait until age 25 to marry and have children

communicating about sex

- each year, more than 15 million STIs occur in the U.S. (1 million unplanned pregnancies are terminated) - it is important to communicate with your partner about your comfort levels with 1. sexual behaviors 2. frequency 3. contraception and safe sex 4. STI 5. other potentially sensitive issues

complications of pregnancy

- ectopic pregnancy - miscarriage - hypertension - low birth-weight - sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

male sexual dysfunction

- erectile dysfunction (ED): the inability to obtain or maintain an erection firm enough for intercourse - most commonly results from physical injury or disease, but can stem from other reasons - treatment includes lifestyle modifications and/or medications - premature ejaculation (PE): a condition in which a male ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like him to - most commonly due to psychological factors


- fear and hatred of homosexuals


- fertilization of a female egg with male sperm

pregnancy and childbirth

- for a young, healthy couple having unprotected sex, there is a 20% chance that the woman will get pregnant during a menstrual cycle - pregnancies are divided into 3 trimesters (3 months each) - a pregnancy test can be use to determine pregnancy (at-home pregnancy test and blood tests are options)


- friendships are important for good emotional and physical health - research has shown that college students with lower levels of social support are more likely to experience mental health problems and have a sixfold greater risk of depression - teenagers that had a circle of friends in high school enjoyed better health and lower health care costs over the next 5 years after graduation - loneliness is associated with stress and poor like satisfaction - the quality of social support matters: it must provide a sense of belonging and also help people to be more competent and feel more capable - friendships may be more complex and less immediate today 1. between 1985 and 2004, the number of Americans who felt they have someone to discuss important matters with dropped by almost 1/3 2. the percentage of people who spoke about important matters only with family members jumped from 57-80%

maintaining old friendships

- friendships can be some of the longest lasting and most fulfilling relationships of your life (lasting longer than many romantic relationships) - to help maintain friendships under the stress of everyday life: 1. understand that you and your friends are changing 2. don't overwhelm old friends with information about your college life 3. keep in touch 4. don't be afraid to reconnect

preventative care

- girls should have their first gynecologic visit between 13 and 15 (a pelvic exam will most likely not be performed) - women should have their first pelvic exam and Pap smear by 21 - most women younger than 30 should receive cervical screening once every 2 years - most women age 30 and older can wait 3 years between Pap smears - about half of college age women do not get screened regularly

being a good listener

- good listening requires concentration, focus, and attentiveness - be silent while another person is sharing his or her feelings or concerns - empathize with what the other person is saying - try to set aside any anger or resentment you may be feeling - make other people feel comfortable when they are speaking to you - give the speaker your undivided attention


- how we relate to others depends in part on how we feel about ourselves - people with low self-esteem are more likely to feel lonely and socially isolated - self-esteem: a sense of positive self-regard that results in elevated levels of self-respect, self-worth, self-confidence, and self-satisfaction

physical abuse

- if a partner is physically threatening or abusive to you or your children, remove yourself and the children from the relationship as soon as possible

staying single

- in 2013, one national survey found that about 65% of Americans aged 18-34 had never been married - most common in younger people who are not caucasion - in 1980, the median age at marriage was 22 for women and 24.7 for men, 30 years later the average age was 25.8 for women and 28.3 for men - some prefer to focus on education and career - rising cohabitation rates mean that many people are choosing to remain legally single while still receiving the benefits of a committed relationship - women are much more financially independent and face less pressure to marry for economic stability - attitudes about childrearing have changed (48% of first births occur outside marriage) - single people are likely to have networks of important relationships that last years beyond many marriages


- intense excitement - rapid heart beat - genital sensitivity - secretion of pre-ejaculatory fluid in men, vaginal swelling in women - vagina expands and lengthens and the clitoris retracts under hood - bulbourethal gland: produces and secretes the lubricant for the head of the penis

cost-free methods of contraception

- intimacy without intercourse can be fulfilling, but requires commitment, self-discipline, and cooperation - fertility awareness (rhythm or calendar method) is the tracking of a woman's monthly menstrual cycle (to predict ovulation) - it may be used to prevent pregnancy if the woman tracks carefully and has regular periods, but is not fail-safe - withdrawal (coitus interruptus): the withdrawal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation - associated with a very high failure rate - 1/3 of females rely on withdrawal

intimate relationships

- intimacy: a sense of closeness with another person formed by being emotionally open and caring - passion: the motivation component that fuels romance, physical attraction, sex - commitment: the cognitive component is the short-term decision to love another person and the long-term decision to stay committed to maintaining that love - Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love

campus advocacy (social relationships and communication)

- keep the lines of communication open - initiate conversation - words are not the most important part of human communication - empathize - join a campus organization that promotes tolerance (NEADS, CampusPride)


- labor: the physical process involved in giving birth - transition: the final phase of the first stage of labor, characterized by the dilation of the cervix and strong, prolonged contractions - agar score: a measure of how well a newborn tolerated the stresses of birth, as well as how eel the neonate is adapting to the new environment (muscle tone, heart rate, reflexes, skin coloration, breathing - cesarean section (c-section): a surgical procedure involving the incision of a woman's abdominal and uterine walls to deliver a baby ; highest risk of complications and longer recovery time (1/3 of babies even thoug 15% is recommended)

low birth weight

- less than 5 lbs 8 oz - 8% of babies

umbilical cord

- links the bloodstream of the placenta to that of the baby and enables the exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes


- lodging of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus

causes of infertility in men

- low sperm count - incorrectly formed sperm or poor sperm mobility - prior infection - environmental exposure to substances that disrupt hormones in the body

when relationships end

- many relationship end despite our best efforts - recovering from a failed relationship takes time and effort 1. talk about it 2. focus on what is good about you 3. take care of yourself 4. let your emotions out 5. do things you normally enjoy 6. keep yourself busy 7. give yourself time to recover


- marriage has practical implications, benefits, and obligations - benefits include better mental, physical, and financial health - longer life expectancies (7+ years for men, 3+ for women_ - half of couples married for the first time will end the relationship with divorce - some simply do not believe that marriage is a lifelong commitment - as expectations for marriage go up, marital satisfaction goes down - 80% will be married by age 40

same-sex relationships

- median age for "coming out" is 20 - long-term same-sex couples are just as committed and satisfied in their relationships as heterosexual married couples - such couples often face challenges due to disapproval and discrimination from society or family - 9 million people identify as LGBTQI - 3% of college students identify as LGBTQI

common sexual health problems in females

- menstrual irregularities - sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC, yeast infection)

did you know (social relationships and communication)

- more than 1 billion people use Facebook every day - more than 50% of unmarried Americans aged 15-24 lived with a partner outside of marriage. About 40% of those couples tie the know within 3 years - more than 20% of American adults over age 25 have never been married, more than doubled the number in 1960

committed relationships

- most adults value having a committed relationship with another person - committed relationships come in multiple forms - cohabitation, marriage, domestic partnerships

ectopic pregnancy

- occurs when a fertilized egg implants within one of the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus - considered a medical emergency - 2-3% of pregnancies - accounts for 3-14% of maternal deaths - African Americas at greatest risk - risk factors: smoking, endometriosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia

gender roles in communciation

- one of the most fundamental difference between men and women in communication is the motivation or drive force - men: - men are more likely to communicate in order to perform tasks and seek social status - men are independent information givers - prefer giving orders and pointing out superiority - men speak bluntly; speak significantly few words each day (get to the bottom line) - men want to make decisions expediently on their own - men think silently then verbalize solution - men communicate linearly - women: - women are more likely to communicate to build personal connections and seek social interaction - women want to build census before making a decision - women attempt to minimize differences - women process problems out loud and use conversation to think through a problem/work towards a solution - women are circular communicators - women more frequently use digital communication tools - women like to build connections and share details

online dating

- online dating sites report millions of users each month - Match.com and eHarmony - they provide a place where potential partners can both advertise themselves with a personal profile and view the profiles of others looking for partners - partners have the ability to build a relationship before a face-to-face encounter - use precautions when exploring online dating

labor and birth

- onset of labor: contraction; oxytocin is released - first stage of labor: 12-14 hours - second stage: 30 mins-3 hours; baby's head downs and baby is born - third stage: expelling the placenta (5-15 mins to control bleeding)

orgasm and resolution

- orgasm: the peak/climax of sexual response characterized by - rhythmic muscle contractions of genitals and surrounding areas - ejaculation in men - urethra in men carries the sperm out of penis - resolution: the stage of the response cycle in which the body returns to normal functioning - men experience refractory period, but women can return back to plateau stage


- pain during menstruation that is severe enough to limit normal activities or require medication - leading cause of absenteeism in school in adolescent girls - cramping pain is due to prostaglandins - prostaglandins: chemicals that regulate many body functions, including contraction of smooth muscles (causes uterine muscle cells to contract, expelling uterine lining)

female sexual dysfunction

- painful intercourse: pain felt just before, during, or after intercourse - experienced by 75% of women - both physical and emotional issues can play a role - low levels of sexual desire: - can result from physical and psychological reasons - experienced by 5-15% of women - inability to achieve orgasm - can result from physical and psychological reasons - affect 20% of women

male sexual anatomy and sexual health

- penis: the male sexual and reproductive organ - erection: the process of the penis filling up with blood as a result of sexual stimulation - circumcision: the surgical removal of the foreskin - scrotum: the skin sac at the base of the penis that contains the testes, responsible for regulating the temperature of the testes - testes (testicles): the 2 reproductive glands that manufacture sperm - epididymis: a coiled tube on top of each testicle where sperm are held until they mature - vas deferens: a tube ascending from the epididymis that transports sperm - accessory glands: galnds (seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and Cowper's gland) that lubricate the reproductive system and nourish sperm - semen: male ejaculate consisting of sperm and other fluids from the accessory glands - urethra: a duct that travels from the bladder through the shaft of the penis, carrying fluids to the outside of the body - prostate gland: a walnut-sized gland that produces part of the semen

complications of abortion

- physical complications can include minor infection, excessive bleeding, blood infection, injury to the uterus or cervix, and incomplete abortion - death due to abortion is rare, but possible - psychological complications can include feelings of sadness or guilt - there is no credible evidence terminating a single unwanted pregnancy creates mental health problems for adult women


- preecampsia: a serous health condtion characterized by high blood pressure in pregnant women - 5-8% of women - most common medical disorder in pregnancy - develops after 20th week - no prevention, only childbirth

disorders associated with the menstrual cycle

- premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) - dysmenorrhea - endometriosis - amenorrhea

sexual dysfunction

- problems can occur during any phase of the sexual response cycle - at least one symptom of sexual dysfunction at some point has been experienced by an estimated 43% of women and 31% of men

common sexual health problems in males

- prostatitis (infection or inflammation of the prostate gland) - prostate gland enlargement - prostate cancer

choosing to have children

- relationship changes - changes in relationships with family and friends - less time for yourself - your health - your finances - your child-care arrangements - parenting styles

legal status of abortion

- restrictions exist on who can get an abortion and when - rules exist related to minors, parental notification, mandatory waiting periods, types of abortions allowed during certain months of pregnancy, and restriction f federal funds used for abortion - federal medicaid funds can be used for elective abortions when a pregnancy would endanger a woman's life, or in cases or rape/incest

communicating feelings

- self-disclosure: the sharing of honest feelings and personal information about yourself with another person - sharing feelings can leave us vulnerable and exposed, but to be close we must speak honestly and freely about what is on our minds

premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)

- severe, debilitating psychological symptoms experience just prior to menstruation - 3-8% of women experience 5 of the following symptoms 1. mood swings, suddenly sad or tearful episodes, increases sensitivity to rejection 2. persistent irritability or anger 3. depressed mood, feelings of hopelessness, or self-deprecating thoughts 4. anxiety or tension 5. sense of being overwhelmed or out of control 6. sleep disturbances 7. food cravings or other significant changes in appetite 8. low energy or fatigue easily 9. difficulty focusing 10. a loss of interest in daily activities and relationships - relief in SSRI antidepressants


- sexually attracted to partners of the opposite sex - 96.6% of men and women in the U.S. - this is the only sexual orientation that receives full social and legal legitimacy in most countries - those with a heterosexist view think their orientation is the only normal one


- sexually attracted to people of the same sex - homophobia: the irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuals or homosexuality - criminal violence can erupt as a result of homophobia (18.6% of hate crimes) - 1.6% of people identify as homosexual

nontraditional families

- single-parent households and unmarried-couple households are on the rise, with their number increasing sixfold since 1950 - in 2015, only 70% of U.S. children lived with two married biological parents


- spending time with another person on a one-on-one basis to determine if there is an attraction or desire to see more of each other

personal choices (social relationships and communication)

- stay true to who you are - respect others for who they are - learn to give and receive - lighten up

effective conflict resolution

- strive to resolve conflict, rather than "to win" - voice your frustrations as soon as possible - approach the conflict as you would any other problem that needs to be solved - evaluate each possible solution, agree on an option, and make specific plans on how and when to implement it - communicate your concerns and opinions clearly, honestly, and directly, instead of expecting the other person to read your mind - listen to the other person's feedback and summarize what you think you heard - postpone a discussion to an agreed upon time

healthy relationships

- successful relationships are built on trust, respect, and communication (shared decision making, appreciation) - no deep, intimate relationships is without challenges - cooperation, compromise, and commitment can help couples through troubled times - in a healthy family, environment, children are respected and nurtured and learn how to have strong relationships of their own

surgical abortion

- suction curettage (vacuum aspiration): a relatively quick procedure in which a tube is used to suction tissue from the uterine walls - typically used for the first 6-12 weeks of pregnancy - dilation and evacuation (D&E): a multistep method involving multiple trips to a health care provider - ultrasound, medication, anathesia, instruments, and suction are used - for pregnancies that have progressed beyond 12 weeks

options for infertile couples

- surgery - fertility drugs (that promote fertility in women) - intrauterine insemination - invitrofertilization (VF) - gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) - zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) - intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) - egg donation - surrogate motherhood - adoption - preventive actions earlier in life that can protect later fertility

amniotic fluid

- surrounds the developing fetus; aids in temperature regulation and allows the baby to move freely

gender expression

- the appearance of a person's gender identity which may or may not conform to his or her biologcial sex


- the biological, physical, emotional, and psychosocial aspect of sexual attraction and expression


- the collection of cells that become a baby


- the cyclical discharge of blood and tissue from the vagina - 21-35 days, but average is 28 days - since it is controlled by the hormones, the menstrual cycle can be interrupted by anything that affects hormone production (illness, excessive dieting with or without excessive exercising, breast-feeding)

first trimester

- the first 13 weeks of pregnancy - the most critical period in the baby's development - the baby is the most susceptible to any substances a woman ingests


- the first onset of menstruation - average age at menarche is 12, but a normal range is 8-15


- the first phases of the sexual response cycle marked by: - erection in men - lubrication and clitoris swelling in women - increased heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure

early relationships

- the first relationship ever experienced is the family relationship - attachment theory - a healthy family environment, with respect and nurturing, allows children to learn how to have strong relationships later in life

the sexual response cycle

- the human sexual response cycle consists of distinct phases extending from the first moment of sexual desire until the calm after orgasm

oral contraceptives

- the most widely used method of temporary fertility control - women should not smoke while taking oral contraceptives because it may cause high blood pressure


- the name given to the developing embryo 8 weeks after fertilization

attachment theory

- the patterns of attachment in our earliest relationships with other form the template for attachment in later relationships - the type of relationships we have with others when we are young strongly influences our behavior in later relationships

continuation rate

- the percentage of couples who continue to practice a given form of birth control - couples will often stop using a method and before use of a new method the will have unprotected sex

failure rate

- the percentage of women who typically get pregnant after using a given contraceptive method for a year

menstrual phase

- the phase of the menstrual cycle characterized by: - menstrual flow (day 1): breakdown of endometrium in unpregnant females - the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary gland to the brain: FSH stimulates the maturation of the immature eggs within a few of the follicles (egg sacs) - the release of estrogen into the bloodstream and then to the uterus (day 6)


- the rate of cohabitation (unmarried couples living under the same roof) increased significantly during the last century - 60% live together before getting married - it can allow time to get to know a partner before marriage or it can be an end unto itself - issues of unwed pregnancies, poverty, and relationship instability must be addressed - report the lowest levels of wealth - the couple who do get married after cohabitating are more likely to get divorced - 40% of cohabitating, unmarried parents in their 20s who had a baby between 2000 and 2005 split by the time the child was 5 (3 times higher than those were were married)


- the response to a threat to a relationship from an actual or imagined rival for a partner's attention - associated with low self-esteem, irrational thinking, depression, divorce, physical violence - a marker of insecurity immaturity, and a need to be in control; a fear of abandonment - becomes serious when it is a precursor to domestic violence or interferes with relationship in other ways

sexual orientation

- the romantic and physical attraction towards others - experts believe our tendency to be attracted to men or women is shaped by biological, environmental, and cognitive factors - sexual orientation is neither a conscious choice nor something that can be readily changed - (1.1% of people report as "other")

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

- the sudden death of a seemingly healthy infant while sleeping


- the time when a women stops having menstrual cycles - early 50s

Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love

- the type and intensity of love a couple experiences depends on the strength of intimacy, passion, and commitment in their relationship - these 3 factors combine to characterize 7 different types of love 1. liking: intimacy alone; it is a closeness to another person, without passionate feelings or a long-term commitment 2. infatuation: passion alone; "love at first sight" 3. empty love: commitment alone; present in some stagnant relationships or just before a couple breaks up 4. romantic love: passion and intimacy; physical attraction with an emotional bond 5. companionate love: commitment and intimacy; a committed friendship in which the passion has died down, as sometimes occurs in people who have been married a long time - ex: Mark is 80 years old ad lost his wife last year. He marries a women who lives nearby who lost her husband several years ago. They sleep in separate rooms, but enjoy each other's company. 6. fatuous love: commitment and passion alone; a whirlwind romance that often does not last very long 7. consummate love: all 3; the kind of love many of us strive for 8. (nonlove): absence of 3; a casual interaction that makes up a majority of our relationships with other people

surgical methods

- these methods permanently prevent contraception through surgical manipulation of the reproductive organs - sterilization can be performed on either men or women - tubal ligation: a woman's fallopian tubes are tied off or sealed; this procedure can sometimes be reversed - hysterectomy: a woman's uterus is surgically removed; this procedure leads to irreversible sterilization - vasectomy: a man's vas degerens is tied off and cut on both side of the scrotum; this procedure is difficult to reverse

gender dysphoria

- those who experience clinically significant distress due to their biological sex differing from their gender identity

gender transition

- those who express their own sense of gender identity rather than one that corresponds to their biological sex


- tissue that connects mother and baby - embryo receives its nutrients and oxygen and expels waste


- transgenderism: the state in which someone's gender identity and sexual expression is different from his or her assigned sex at birth - a transexual is a transgendered individual who lives as the gender opposite to his or her assigned sex - hormonal treatments or surgical procedures are sometimes used to complete the physical transformation


- unfavorable views of a person because he or she is perceived as homeosexual

female sexual anatomy: internal

- vagina: the tube that connects a woman;s external sex organs with her uterus - uterus (womb): the pear-shaped organ where a growing fetus is nurtured - endometrium: inner most lining of uterus - ovaries: the two female reproductive organs where ova (eggs) reside - fallopian tubes: a pair of tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus - menstrual cycle: a monthly psychological cycle marked by menstruation

female sexual anatomy and sexual health

- vulva (genitals): all of the female external organs, collectively - mons pubis: the fatty, rounded areas of tissue in front of the pubic bone - labia: two pairs (majora and minora) of fleshy lips surrounding and protecting the clitoris and the vaginal and urethral openings - labia minora: the thin, inner folds of skin that rest protectively over the clitoris and vaginal opening - labia majora: outer lips - clitoris: an organ composed of spongy tissue and nerve endings; the only organ (in men and women) with the sole purpose of sexual arousal and pleasure)

what causes attraction?

- we tend to pick partners who are a lot like ourselves - assortative mating: the tendency to be attracted to people who are similar to use - who we are and how we behave influence attraction - similarly in personality appears to most influence whether the pair will be happy as one

second trimester

- woman begins to feel fetus moving and kicking and heart beat can be heard through stethoscope

signs of a dysfunctional relationships

- you focus on the other person at the expense of yourself - you feel pressured to change to meet your partner's ideas - your partner expects you to justify what you do and who you see, or you expect your partner to do so - one of you makes all the decisions without listening to the other's input - you are afraid to disagree and your ideas are criticized - you lie to each other - you feel stifled and trapped, unable to escape the pressures of the relationship - you or your partner is addicted to drugs or alcohol - jealousy

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