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3. What conclusions can be drawn about the following statement: "'And before that,' said Ford, 'we had platinum. Bit dull. We thought you'd like to see this one though'" (Adams 124). Consider what is being said by Ford.

fords expectations are high

7. Who was Yooden Vranx?

former pres of galaxy,friend of zaphod,captain of betelguese trading scouts

2. What is the imaginary planet made of?


When Zaphod was little, what color was he most superstitious about?


4. What would Slartibarfast rather be than right?


4. How does Marvin feel about other robots?

hates them

1. What does Ford give to Arthur in order to pass the


9. What do Frankie and Benjy want Arthur for?

his brain

1. What causes the alarm to sound?

hostile ship landed on planet

What kind of craft does he have?


What does Zaphod have a hard time figuring out?

how he does things, why things happen to him

2. Why do the mice believe the Ultimate Question they made up will sound plausible to the general public?

how many rads must man walk down -not to literal -fits answer

"I'm fifty thousand times more intelligent than you and even I don't know the answer" (Adams 92), is an example of what characteristic of satire?


1. Where could Ford have more fun than being on Magrathea?

in a cat liter

What is distance considered to be?

incomprehensible therfore meaningless

4. How is the following statement satirical: "They left the car and went through the door into a waiting room full of glass-topped tables and Plexiglass awards" (Adams 130)?"


4. Based on the description, what seems to be wrong with the ship?

it was dead

8. What do Fook and Lunkwill want the answers to?

life,the universe,everything

2. What does Arthur seem to have tremendous difficulty with? What does Arthur cause with this remark?

lifestyle- wormhole opened causing war of another aien race

According to legends, where did most Magratheans live most of their lives? Why?

lived underground bc above ground wasnt good enough

1. What does careless talk cost?


1. How long was it before anyone spoke?

long long time

6. Who will be the first to hear the computer speak?

lonqual and phouchg

9. Who are the philosophers?

majikthis and vroomfandel

5. Who does Arthur find lying face-down in the cold dust?


4. What kind of gas do the beings from this planet breathe?


Who paid for and ran Earth?


What does Trillian notice on the inside of the walls to the whale?

mosaics of geometrical shapes/symbols

3. Where does Slartibartfast offer to take Arthur

new earth

4. What is made on the factory floor?


. Why was the light in the tunnel of Magrathea irritating?

played tricks on the eyes, made it impossible to focus on it properly or tell how near/far it was

5. "Only by counting could humans demonstrate their independence of computers" (Adams 93); How does Adams portray humans based on this statement?

potrays them as tech relying idiots

3. What type of chair is Slartibartfast's chair made of?

rib cage of a stegosaurus

2. "It gives me a headache just trying to think down to your level" (Adams 92), is an example of what characteristic of satire?


1. How does Arthur describe Slartibartfast?

salutary, gide for him

5. What ranking is this super computer?

second greatest

3. What does Zaphod have as a secondhand business?

seconhand ballpoint pens

2. How is Arthur able to experience the answer to the great question?

sens-o-tape recordings

4. What does the following statement mean, "There are some things you have to do even if you are an enlightened liberal cop who knows all about sensitivity and everything!" (Adams 137).

sometimes you have to do things you dont wank to do

. Describe the man that Arthur almost runs into.

tall,elderly,wears long gray robe, thin,distinguished face

who are Frankie and Benjy

the mice

4. What does the following line mean: "Whatever your tastes, Magrathea can cater for you. We are not proud." (Adams 124).

theyll create anything even if they dont approve/like it

2. What happens to his cleaning staff?

theyve been dead for nearly 30,000 yrs

5. Why does Zaphod's brain begin to hurt?


7. What is not a problem for Arthur?


8. Before Yooden died, what did he tell Zaphod?

told him to steal the heart of gold

1. How is Slartibartfast's study characterized?

total mess,library explosion

5. Where have Trillian, Zaphod, and Ford been during this time and what have they been encountering?

w mice around table eating

What has opened the passage into the interior of the planet?

whales impact

2. What has mankind achieved?


2. Where does Veet Voojagig go to school?

university of Maxi Megalon

1. What is "R" and how is it defined?

velocity measure

3. Can Deep Thought figure out the great question?


What on Earth did Slartibartfast create and receive an award for?


2. What does Slartibartfast create the wins him awards? Know what it actually means.

norway/fjords-long/narrow/inlet of the sea betwn cliffs

What conclusions can be made about him as a result?

not most interlligent computer

1. How fast were Arthur and Slartibartfast traveling in the tunnel?

several hundered mph

3. What do the cops say that they won't do but end up doing? Why?

shoot at them bc its not easy being a cop

5. "The narrower streets looked rather like centipedes rolled over on their backs and frantically waving their legs in the air" (Adams 118). Identify the figurative language used and what it means (not literally, but figuratively).

similie, they are in a positive frenzy

1. What is Zaphod good at?


2. What is the size of the super computer?

small city

4. What was the final message from the dolphins?

so long,thx for the fish

6. What is the secret that Zaphod can't let anybody know?

he doesn't know

4. What happens when Arthur grabs the wire ends?

he is sent into the records, invisible to himelf

7. What are Deep Thoughts intentions, in regards to computer design?

he will design a better computer than himself

3. What seems to have escaped from Trillian's cabin?

her mice

7. How long have the mice been running Earth in order to find the Question to the Ultimate Answer?

10 million years

Why is Arthur so excited to be on Magrathea?

1st planet other than earth hes walked on

4. Where is human intelligence ranked?

3rd on earth

7. What is the answer to the greatest question?


11. How long will the program need to run before it can provide an answer?

7 mill yr

What is the old man's name?


8. What initials are burned into Zaphod's brain?


3. In the replacement Earth, what is Slartibartfast going to be given?


2. Why did Phouchg and Loonquawl think they were going to be lynched?

answer was basic/unexpected

5. What is the third most probable event in the history of the Universe?

arrival of arthur,ford,trillian

10. What is Zaphod implying about Arthur when he says: "you'd just have to program it to say What? and I don't understand and Where's the tea? Who'd know the difference?" (Adams 133).

arthur is n idiot

5. What does the note by Slartibartfast say in his aircar?

"this is probably the best button to press"

1. When the gunfire stops, who goes to investigate?


3. What happens to the entire battle fleet?

attacked the galaxy, eaten by dog

What reason does the old man give for the missiles that nearly destroyed the Heart of God?

automatic system

People aren't dead on Magrathea, but are sleeping. Why?

b/c they were waiting for a better economy

10. Describe the relationship between Vroomfondel and Majikthise.

bantering coworkers

12. What is Vroomfondel implying when he says "think our brains must be too highly trained, Majikthise" (Adams 115).

bc philosiphers overthink, they missed the simple answer

3. What do the characters find sitting next to the Heart of Gold upon their return to the surface?

blaglan kappa police ship

3. What planet are the cops from?

blagulan kappa

What are the first two?


2. Why does the gunfire stop?

cop was dead

1. What is Brockian Ultra Cricket?

curious game which involved suddenly hiting people for no reason and then running away

6. What does the following quote mean: "Molest me not with this pocket calculator stuff" (Adams 112)? Look for the underlining meaning, not the obvious.

deep th finds the simple questions to be offensive considering his enormous capacities

4. What is the name of the super computer?

deep thought

3. What is the intelligence of a human being compared to in this chapter?


What is Phouchg's impression of the name "Earth"?

dull name

What will the new computer be called?


11. What saves Arthur from having his head cut open?

every alarm on the palanet

1. Why is paranoia consider normal and insignificant?

everyone in the unvirese has it

1. What is an important and popular fact?

everything is not what it seems

. Who are the programmers for the super computer?

fook and lunkwill

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