HHP final

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what is the Complete Streets?

accommodation for all user of the road way so this induces cars, mass transits, bike and walker

what are policy approaches?

affect changes in physical, economic and social environments

what is the motivation-self determination theory?

basic human needs for .... autonomy, competence and relatedness

what is enhancing interpersonal support intervention options?

-create social network= NEW social group. example= develop walking club -enhance social network= enhance EXISTING social network. teach members of a group how to be supportive. participants recruit a buddy to a PA program -provide social resources=professionals, physicians, nurses, dietitians, counselors, exercise professionals, resources to do PA such as childcare and transportation

what are is access for PA environmental approaches?

-creating or enhancing access to places to do PA ----> plus, informational approach ---->not enough to just create new opportunities

what is the community scale design: street community?

-crosswalks, frequent intersections, short blocks -direct routes for residents

what is land use

-density of residents and employments -mixed land use (homes, shops and services)

what is autonomy?

-feeling of control in decision making -low pressure -initiate actions on own for own reason

what is secondary analysis techniques?

-geographic information system -inputs of social data (density, traffic, crime, resources, green space)

what is a built environment?

-human modified places that influence opportunities for PA. can be + or -

what are aesthetics?

clean, maintained, shade, benches

what is predisopoing factors

cognitive factors related to making the decision to engage in particular behavior -self efficeny, motivation, enjoyment, beliefs, knowledge, existing skills

what is self efficiency?

confidence in ones ability to perform specific behavior in specific situations -influence activities selected -effort expended -degree of persistence source of self efficiency on phone

what is directness of route?


what is enjoyment associated with?

consistently associated with PA

what is hilliness

-ppl prefer flat terrain

what is intangible

emotional appraisial

what is the outcome of the complete streets policy?

"safer streets, stronger economies" complete project outcomes across the country

whats an example of a community wide campaign?

-"step into cuba" ---> trails, walking and PA program -comprehensive program --->goal= decrease chronic disease --->communication material --->events ---> walking groups --->community designs --->trails and walkways

whats a determinant or mediate?

-a causal factor -changes in this factor causes changes in PA behavior

what sustains PA for outcome exceptions?

-attainable and realistic outcomes -health benefits -improved body image -psychological benefits

what are the PA opportunities?

-availability- do resources exist? -accessibility- can i get there? how far? convienet? -affordable- can i afford them -acceptance- do i feel comfortable there? safe? welcomed? -appropriate- suitable for a particular purpose, person, occasion?

whats a process goal?

-behavior -short term -something you do -dependent on willingness/ effect -need to be challenging/ achievable

what is bicycle infrastructure and paths?

-bike paths -lanes separate cyclist from traffic

what are recreational resources?

-close proximity -parks, trails, open space

what are the transtheroetical model process of change?

-cognitive --->increasing knowledge --->caring about consequences to others --->comprehending benefits ---> increasing healthy opportunities -Behavioral --->substituting alternative --->enlisting social support --->rewarding yourself --->committing yourself --->reminding yourself

what are the strategies of the community scale urban design?

-connecting transportation arteries -tax incentives for developers to build sidewalks and trails -community wide programs to encourage biking/walking

what is process change PA behaviors?

-identify readiness to change -select approriate strategies for given stage --->tailored to the individual --->overcome unique barriers --->skill training ----------->develop skills efficiency and PA enjoyment -----------> opportunities for social support ----------->PA competence

what are successful support that comes from individuals?

-important to you -trust -similar(personal attributes, life experiences)

what do healthy and supportive relationships provide?

-inclusion and acceptance -social interaction -emotional support

what is the community guide: informational approaches?

-increased knowledge and reinforce our desire to change when we are motivated -may change behavior through several pathways: ---> increased knowledge of benefits and risk --->increased knowledge about where and and how to be active --->identify personal and environmental barriers and how to overcome barriers

what is the community guide: behavior and social approaches?

-individual strategies -develop skills for behavioral change -address social support for PA -grounded in behavioral theories and models

what is landscape and urban design PA environmental approaches?

-land use ---->management,, planning and development of land in defined space ---->types of use within an area -urban design ---->form, function and outward appearance of physical environment ----->landscape design, sheet design, recreation center design

what are the 3 broad classifications for policy approaches?

-laws rules and regulations= carry legal authority -nonlegal, but accepted and written standards -unwritten social norms

what are ideally the policy approaches?

-make PA safer -provide incentives/disincentives -affect large number of ppl

what is the PA log assignment?

-monitor PA for 2 weeks. week 1 is baseline week and week 2 is goal setting week. the process is to wear step counting device and take daily quizes.

what is the higher socioeconomic position?

-more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, change to adapt to healthy behaviors and reduce risky behaviors

what is a outcome goal?

-physcial change or achievement -long term -dependent on other factors other tahn willingness/effort

what are direct observations (audits)?

-ppl looking specifically at sidewalks, noise, traffic(etc) they're comparing it to the standard. standardized

what are social and community support?

-ppl seen exercising -precieve social support ------->walkability supported by Surgeon General ------->bikeability supported features

what is set goals and plans, self monitoring PA and evaluate

-problem solve and regroup -prevent relapse

what are physical activity mediators?

-process of change -decisional balance -self efficacy -outcome enjoyment -social support

what are interpersonal relationships?

-provide social support and establish social norms -social networks

what are the promises of PA policies?

-quality physical education in schools -joint use polices= shared use of space btw a school and community -community trail policies=funding for trails -worksite policies= allow time during day for PA, incentives for PA -policies for active transportation to and from school=safe routes to school -complete street polcity

what is a road diet

-reallocation of road space ---->typically 4 lanes to 3 lanes ---->space for bike lanes, sidewalks, turn lanes, parking -reduces speed, fewer lanes to cross

how does the complete streets achieve through?

-restructure procedures polices and programs -rewrite design norms or standards -offer training opportunities to planners and engineers -create new performance measures ----->new or repaired sidewalks ------># of bus stops ------>miles of bicycle lanes

what is a smart goal?

-s= specific (what exactly do I want to achieve) -m= measurable (what is the metric I will use" -a= attainable (is this possible?) -r= realistic (given the time?) -t=time (when)

how can enjoyment be modified?

-select or identifying enjoying actives -alter the options available to be enjoyable ---> music, friends, settings, games

how do we measure understanding PA environments?

-self reports of perceptions of environments ------>interview internet, mail survey ------->may or may not reflect reality (matter?)

what are street scale designs:neighborhoods?

-sidewalks (maintained, continuos, wide) -street buffers, street lights, crosswalks, speed bumps, traffic circles

what is competence?

-skilled -clear and realistic exceptions -positive feedback

what are neighborhood and community characteristics?

-social cohesion and social capital -neighborhood factors -home ownership, perceptions of resources, crime

what is relatedness?

-social interactions -connectedness/ emotional support -experience for caring for others

why do we enjoy activities?

-social interactions -self perceptions of abilities -social recognition of PA -mastery and achievement of skills -movement sensation

what are social inequalities?

-socioeconomic position -income inequalities -social discrimination

what are the transtheroretical model constructs?

-stage of change (readiness) -process of change( how we change) -decisional balance (pros/cons) -self efficiency (confidence)

what are the results after the complete streets policy?

-streets were usually safe after complete streets improvements than before -encouraged more multimodel travel -remarkably affordable -examined how complete street projects relate to economic goals

what is individual adapted health behavior change?

-support by the community guide -strategies teach behavioral skills to help participants incorporate PA into daily routine

what are mechanisms influencing PA?

-unequal distribution PA resources(trails, equipment, parks) -lack of access to health care -economic and social deprivation -targeted marking of legal and illegal drugs and substances

what is social support?

-what other ppl do to allow PA to occur -multiple sources, necessary for change --->specific to PA

what is the ideal distance from point A to point B that encourages walking?

1/2 mile

what distance is "sufficiently short"?

3-4 miles distance, 20 min max

what is motivation to develop and select PA that offers autonomy, competence and relatedness?

Autonomy -control= decisions about PA -individuals decide when, how, where and type Competence -allows for skills development -classes=allow for varying lvls of expertise Relatedness -active with others -seek support for our efforts -related to important aspects of our life

what are the pros and cons of pedometers and accelerometers?

PROS -tracks PA daily, deed back, cue to action -relatively inexpensive, small, easy to use CONS -most do not track all types of PA -accuracy based on device -many do not have FITT or specific guidelines -some models are expensive

what is enabling factors

factors that allow one to engage in particular behavior -access, environmental and new skill development

what is reinforcing factors

factors that reinforce a particular behavior -other ppl, positive and negative consequences

which of the following are related outcomes in the result of complete street policy?

fewer collisions, more trips made by walking and economic growth in an area

what is the community scale urban design?

focus- large geographical areas -design elements that address: -------> proximity of home to stores, jobs schools and recreation -------->safety travel by bike or foot

what is street scale for urban design?

focus- smaller geographical area -design components include: ------>improved street lighting ------>increase safety of street crossing ------>use of traffic calming approaches (speed bumps, traffic circles) ------>enhancing street landscape understandment

what is public health goal?

have PA part of daily life

what is lower socioeconomic position?

high lvl of job related PA and walking that may limit non work PA

what are the PA outcomes for outcome expectations?

immediate- energy, satisfaction longer term- fitness, health, weight loss

what is tangible?

informational instrumental

what is road users and safety

lower traffic volume and speed limits

what are policies?

necessary to cause changes @ multiple lvls of influence -policies for individuals -policies for organizations -policies for communities

what are aesthetics and natural environments?

pleasant sights and pollution free

what is decisional balance?

ratio of perceived benefits to barriers -consider benefits -overcome barriers balance shifts along continum

what are the walkability supportive features?

recreational resources, land use, community scale design:street community , street scale design: neighborhoods, aesthetics, social community support

whats correlate?

reproducible association -positive - one variable increases, the other one increases -negative- one variable increase, the other decreases

what are the types of support?

tangible and intangible

what is continuity of trip

traffic calming and red lights

what are the transtheroetical model stages of change?

what needs to change -see reasons to change -make easy change -structure change -maintain change -prevent relapse

what are outcome expectations?

what we expect to happen as a result of a behavior

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