HI 102 PCC Test 2

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Germ Theory of Disease

"Every infectious disease is caused by a specific germ?"

Christian Socialists

A group who wanted benevolent social reform but did not want to take the Bible internally?

Victoria Falls

Africa's largest waterfall?

Union of South Africa

Boers and British joined to form what?

Transvaal and Orange Free State

Boers established which two new republics?


British North America Act makes Canada a self-governing commonwealth? (year)


Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species? (year)


Cyrus McCormick invents the mechanical reaper? (year)


Edward Jenner develops the first vaccine? (year)


Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin? (year)

Factory System

Ever-increasing numbers of people were employed to produce manufactured goods in a systematic way for wages?


Fabian Society formed? (year)

Subsistence Farming

Growing just enough food to feed family?


Guglielmo Marconi invents the wireless telegraph? (year)


How many inventions did Thomas Edison patent?


How much did Australia's population increase when the Australian Gold Rush?


Reform Bill grants suffrage to all middle-class males? (year)

Monitorial Schools

Schools that had older students teach younger student to make up for lack of teachers?


Slavery abolished throughout the British empire? (year)


Strategic negotiation between nations?


Suez Canal completed? (year)

Carey and Teague

The first Christian missionaries to Liberia?

The Great Exhibition

The first world's fair?


The idea that government should own or at least control a nation's economy?


The idea that matter is the only reality and that everything in the world must be explained through matter?


The right to vote?

Protestant Work Ethic

The way of life based on the biblical teaching that God expects all men to work and that all work is a noble duty to be performed toward God?


To describe one who believes that the existence of God and anything but material reality cannot be proved by human reasoning and thus is not an important area of human inquiry?

Real Wages

Wages as compared to the cost of living?

William Carey

What Protestant missionary helped British rule in India and discouraged the native practice of suttee?

"The sun never sets on the British empire!" "Portania (England) rules the waves."

What are the two phrases associated with England?

Suez Canal

What connects the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea?

Bessemer Process

What is converting iron to steel using air currents called?


What is giving away one's wealth called?


What is the one word that could sum up Victorian England?

British North America Act

What made Canada a self-governing commonwealth?

Treaty of Amity and Commerce

What permitted missionaries to enter Japan?

Proverbs 14:34

What verse says that the blessing that is promised to a nation whose people live by principles of righteousness?


What was an organization that was designed for temporary stays, meals, and for enjoying Bible studies and good Christian fellowship?

Enclosure Movement

What was it called when fences were built to keep livestock in order and this forced many farmers to move?

Sepoy Rebellion

What was it called when the local natives of India fought the British because they had no respect for their beliefs?

Great Trek

What was it called when thousands of Boers packed up and left the Cape?


What was the first independent African republic?


What was the key issue preventing peace between England and Ireland?

Boxer Rebellion

What was the revolt in China called that killed over 200 people most being missionaries?

Crimean War

What was the war to stop Russia from taking over Turkish territory?

Gold, God, Glory

What were the three reasons England expanded her empire across the world?


When the government controls the nation's trade through tariffs and regulations intended to feed the national treasury?


Who believed "the greatest happiness for the greatest number?"


Who coined the term agnostic?

Commodore Matthew Perry

Who convinced Japan to sign the treaty for trade and diplomatic relations with the United States?

Henry Ford

Who created the first MODERN automobile?

Lord Ashley

Who dealt with the mentally handicapped?

Edward Jenner

Who developed the first vaccine?

Louis Pasteur

Who developed the germ theory of disease idea?

Captain Cook

Who discovered New Zealand?

Townsend Harris

Who finally convinced Japan to open their country to missionaries?

Henry Bessemer

Who found out a way to convert iron into steel by using air currents?

Webb & Sidney & Shaw

Who founded the Fabian Society?

Sir Robert Peel

Who founded the London Metropolitan Police?

Joseph Lister

Who introduced antiseptics?

Alfred Nobel

Who invented dynamite?

Karl Benz

Who invented the automobile?

Michael Faraday

Who invented the electric motor?

Samuel Morse

Who invented the electric telegraph?

John Kay

Who invented the flying shuttle?

Thomas Edison

Who invented the incandescent electric light bulb?

Sir Humphry Davy

Who invented the miner's safety lamp?

Edmund Cartwright

Who invented the power loom?

Cyrus McCormick

Who invented the reaper, thresher, and combine?

Jonathan Goble

Who invented the rickshaw for his wife?

Jethro Tull

Who invented the seed drill?

James Watt

Who invented the steam engine?

Thomas Newcomen

Who invented the steam engine?

John Deere

Who invented the steel plow?

Alexander Graham Bell

Who invented the telephone?

George Muller

Who is known for founding orphanages?

J. Hudson Taylor

Who is the founder of the China Inland Mission?

William Booth

Who is the founder of the Salvation Army?

Amy Carmichael

Who rescued Indian girls from living a life of prostitution?

Andrew Carnagie, Humility

Who said, "What can God give me that I don't already have?" And what was the answer?

Florence Nightingale

Who single-handedly created the modern nursing profession?

J. P. Morgan

Who was 10x wealthier the the U.S. Treasury?

Ira Sankey

Who was D.L. Moody's song leader?

Prince Albert

Who was Victoria's husband?


Who was a model for the world?

William Gladstone

Who was known as "The Grand Ole Man", he was the one statesman to whom oppressed people turned in hope?

East India Company

Who was originally in charge of India for England?

Charles Spurgeon

Who was the "Prince of Preachers?"

Samuel Adjai Crowther

Who was the first black bishop of the Church of England?


Who was the longest-ruling monarch in English?

David Livingston

Who was the most famous African missionary?


Who was the most famous Japanese Christian?

Henry Stanley

Who was the reporter who said, "Dr. Livingston, I presume?"


Who were the original inhabitants of the land?

Adam Smith

Who wrote the Wealth of Nations and promoted capitalism?

Andrew Carnagie

Who's story was an example of "Rags to Riches?"

Potato Famine

Why did millions of Irish immigrants take in the United States?

Domestic System

Work being down in small private shops?

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