Himalayas Ecosystem

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What adaptations do golden eagles have that make them successful raptors in these mountain ecosystems?

Golden eagles have excellent eyesight, a very sharp beak, strong talons, and powerful wings. They can also survive on a wide variety of prey animals, from squirrels to markhors and small deer. Golden eagles also scavenge and eat carrion if they cannot find live prey.

What are the only apes in india?

Hooklock gibbon

How did the ecosystems change from the bottom of the mountain to the top?

From the tropical forest, as you climb higher, you pass through other types of forests, alpine grasslands and meadows, and finally the cold, subarctic scrublands.

What are Golden Eagles?

Golden eagles are large raptors, or birds of prey.

Why do Markhors move down the mountain in the winter?

In the winter, they may move down to areas that offer protection from the harsh winter weather and more winter food sources.

Snow leopards are at the top of a food chain that includes plants, markhors, and snow leopards. What do you think might happen if snow leopards were removed from the ecosystem?

It is possible that the population of markhors would increase. If their population got too large, they might eat all the plants, and they would not be able to survive. The balance of the ecosystem would be disturbed.

What are Markhors?

Markhors are a species of wild goat.

If you had to describe the role of markhors in their ecosystem, what would you say?

Markhors are large browsers and grazers that eat a wide variety of grasses and other plants. They also serve as prey—a source of energy—for large predators, such as the snow leopard.

What is the tallest mountain in the world?

Mount Everest

What are the rarest of the himalayan animals?

Snow leopards are secretive and are the rarest of Himalayan animals

What is the tallest mountain range in the world?

The Himalayas are the tallest mountain range in the world.

What was the perfect pack animal?

the Yack

What does the word Himalaya mean?

the abode of snow

What ecosystem is found at the base or the foot of the Himalayas mountains?

tropical forest

What are the youngest mountains in the world?

They are also the youngest mountains; the range is about 40-50 million years old. Mount Everest is here: the world's tallest mountain at more than 29,000 feet in height.

What do Markhors eat?

They are herbivores. As primary consumers, they get their energy from the plants they eat.

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