Hiroshima Powerpoint

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After the first Hiroshima bombing in Japan, one policeman from Hiroshima went to Nagasaki and taught police about ducking after the atomic flash. Due to this, not a single Nagasaki policeman died in Nagasaki's bombing. A man named Tsutomu Yamaguchi survived the atomic blast at Hiroshima, dragged himself into a shelter, and in the morning caught a train so he could arrive at his job on time in Nagasaki. Here he survived another bombing. After the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, hundreds of people (many of them already injured), made their way towards Nagasaki. Of these, 165 survived both the bombings and lived to tell the tale. The most destructive bombing event of WWII was neither Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It was the Operation Meetinghouse, the American firebombing of Tokyo.

"Horton Hears a Who" had a hidden message about Hiroshima and the America's occupation of Japan and may have been Dr. Seuss's way of apologizing for his support of Japanese imprisonment. It took Tokyo about 3 hours before they realized Hiroshima had been bombed. The Japanese army planned to have every man, woman, and child fight America to the death Kamikaze style (filling a plane with explosives and suicide crashing) even after Hiroshima. The US dropped about 49 practice bombs nicknamed "pumpkin bombs" that killed 400 and injured 1,200 before nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The gutted Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall. A small sight near the Aioi Bridge in Hiroshima. The Yorozuyo Bridge.

A picture of the Yorozuyo Bridge from a different angle. People on the Aioi Bridge with the Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall in the background.

On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on a town in Japan called Hiroshima. They used a bomb called "Little Boy" which contained Uranium-235. It was ten feet long and weighed 9,700 pounds. It was the first atomic bomb used in warfare. It was the second explosion of a nuclear weapon, after the Trinity test.

Before the bombing, Hiroshima had a population of 255,000 (Barberton's being 26,337). The bombing had caused 69,000 injuries and had killed 66,000. This gives a total of 135,000 casualties. A couple days later the United States bombed another town called Nagasaki. After this bombing Japan announced its surrender, ending the war.

The bombing of Hiroshima, although devastating to Japan, was a necessary act for the United States after being attacked. It is a prime example of atomic weaponry in use. This all happened due to nuclear fission causing a chain reaction that was able to take out a whole town. This comes from Einstein's theory that a small amount of mass can create a tremendous amount of energy, and vice versa.

It is spontaneous and uncontrolled. Atomic or nuclear weaponry is very dangerous and powerful with the capability to nuke an entire town, or larger. It all comes back to being plausible due to nuclear chemistry.

These are some picture examples of the damage caused by this nuclear bomb. Remembering that this bomb is ten feet long. The Commercial Museum, now commonly known as "Genbaku Dome", and what's left of it after the bombing. Komiya Street (750 meters from Ground Zero) before and after. The heavy arch structures have fallen.

Prefectural Office. The bombing has caused the building to burn and collapse. Large area filled with buildings before and after. The wooden structures have all crumpled and burned. The concrete ones withstood the blast, but have been gutted on the inside by the fire.

"Little Boy", the bomb used to attack, would be a type of nuclear fission. All nuclear weapons are examples are uncontrolled fission reactions. Most atomic bombs contain either isotopes of Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239. In fission a large nucleus splits. During this large amounts of thermal energy, gamma rays, and two or more neutrons are released.

The escaping neutrons hit the Uranium nucleus, causing it to undergo fission. This causes it to split, emitting more neutrons to split more nuclei. This series of multiple rapid fissions causes a chain reaction, which ends up causing an explosion. This is how fission is used in nuclear weaponry.

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