HIS 202- Unit 3 & 4 Tests

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An important reason for the passage of the GI Bill was to:

prevent the return of the depression

All of the following are true of Kennedys assassination

primary suspect was Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby shot and killed the primary suspect, it occurred in Dallas on November 22, 1963

In 1964, students at the University of California at Berkley:

protested for freedom of political expression

The GI BIll did all of the following:

provide educational benefits and housing loans for veterans, help prevent a postwar depression

The Hollywood Ten:

refused to cooperate with Congressional investigations

Changes in immigration in1965

removed quotas based upon natural origin

The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago

resulted in massive rioting in the streets

The Pentagon Papers

revealed that the Johnson administration had deceived the public in regard to war policy

The music Alan Freed labelled rock was actually:

rhythm and blues

Malcolm X

said blacks should be proud of their African heritage

State Department Official George Keenan:

said the US should contain Soviet expansionist tendencies

Between 1945 and 1960, home ownership:

significantly increased

Nixon's "southern strategy" involved winning southern support by:

slowing down progress on civil rights

When Alabama governor George Wallace was ordered by the federal marshals to stand aside from the doorway at the U of A, so that black students could enter, Wallace:

stood aside

Early in his presidency, Kennedy accomplished:

support for space exploration, the creation of peace corps, increases in social security benefits and the minimum wage

The "silent majority":

supported politicians like Richard Nixon and George Wallace

Indian activists ultimately discovered that their most effective tactic for bringing about change was:

taking legal action to make the government adhere to old treaties

All of the following were established by the National Security Act of 1947:

the Central Intelligence Agency, a permanent Joint Chief of Staff, the National Security Council

One sign of the times came in 1956 when Congress added the words "under God" to:

the Pledge of Allegiance

The country that suffered the most deaths in the fighting of WWII was:

the Soviet Union

In early 1950, Senator JOseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of Communists in:

the State Department

As a result of WWII:

the depression ended

In its earliest years, the gay rights movement especially emphasized:

the importance of "coming out"

Eisenhower most notably promoted commerce and defense in supporting construction of:

the interstate highways

Before becoming president, Eisenhower was most shaped by:

the military

In his farewell address, Eisenhower warned about:

the power of the military-industrial complex

One major reason WWII inspired postwar changes in race relations was:

the racist nature of the enemies of the US

The protest tactic by black students in Greensboro, North Carolina was:

the sit-in

The zoot-suit riots of 1943 refers to:

the violent conflict in LA that pitted white civilians and servicemen against MExican Americans

What significance did the use of atomic bombs against Japan have?

they allowed Americans to avoid amphibious invasion of Japan

By the end of his presidency, Eisenhower was:

trying to improve his relations with Castro

In early 1968, increasing opposition to the war within its his own part:

ultimately forced Johnson out of the presidential race

By 1950, the suburban life was marked by an increasing:


All of the following are true of Cesar Chavez:

used boycotts to pressure grape owners, was founder and leader of Untied Farm Workers, was committed to non-violent tactics

By the end of the Eisenhower years, public school integration:

was still massively opposed in the deep south

The Bay of Pigs invasion:

was thoroughly bungled by the CIA

During the 1950s, the income gap between blacks and whites


With the end of WWII, Korea:

became divided into northern and southern halves

In regard to Israel's founding in 1948, the US:

became the first country to recognize the Jewish state

By 1966, black leaders like Stokley Carmichael and H. Rap Brown were proponents of what they termed:

black power

Elvis Presley recordings:

blended a variety of musical styles

One of rock and roll's most important contributions was to:

bridge class and racial divisions

The bracero program:

brought more than 200,000 Mexican farm workers into the western US

At the Yalta Conference of 1945, the Allies did all of the following:

call for a conference to create a new world security organization, agree to Soviet territorial demands in eastern europe, make arrangements for the postwar governance of Germany

Following the defeat of Germany

came the shocking realization of the full extent of the Holocaust

Students for a Democratic Society in the early 1960s:

challenged established authority in favor of "participatory democracy"

The postwar economic boom was fueled mainly by:

cold war- related military spending

By 1967, public opposition to the war was especially strong among:

college students

In the 1950s, teenagers became especially important as:


In retrospect, the material success of the 1950s:

created new problems that would be addressed in the 1960s

In his letter from a Birmingham city jail, MLK Jr:

declared his willingness to break unjust laws

The major purpose of the Soviet missiles placed in Cuba was to:

deter another American-supported invasion of Cuba

The Tet Offensive of 1968:

dramatically affected public support for Johnson's war policy

The Voting Rights Act of 1965:

dramatically expanded black votes in the south

By the mid 1960s, MLK Jr had decided to:

emphasize the need for economic uplift for the black urban poor

In 1961, Krushchev escalated tensions over Berlin by:

erecting the Berlin Wall

Many critics of American life in 1950s believed the middle-class society suffered from:

excessive conformity

Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique:

explained the unhappiness of so many middle class women

Senator McCarthy was very effective in:

exploiting public affairs

The US emerged from WWII with:

far-flung global responsibilities and interests

A significant economic problem during the war was:

finding enough workers for the essential wartime industries

In retrospect, Johnson's war on poverty

generated middle-class resentment that benefited the Republicans

Kennedy's successor as president, Lyndon Johnson:

genuinely cared about the disadvantaged in society

President Johnson's first priority on the domestic front was to:

get Kennedy's legislative program through Congress

The use of the term Chicano indicated:

growing political assertiveness among Mexican Americans

Richard Nixon:

had a reputation for hard-line anti-communism and rough campaign tactics

By 2006, Hispanics:

had become the country's largest minority

By 1971, the New Left:

had split into factions and largely self destructed

A major reason for McCarthy's downfall was:

his arrogant behavior during televised Senate hearings

The person most persuasive in getting President Kennedy to endorse civil rights would have been:

his brother, Robert

War relocation camps:

housed more than 100,000 Japanese Americans during the war

As a result of WWII, presidential authority in the US:

increased dramatically at the expense of congressional and state power

Truman's response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948 was to:

launch a massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin

The mobilization of women in the labor force during WWII:

led to more than 1/3 of all American women joining the labor force

The Soviet acquisition of the atomic bomb in 1949 inspired Truman to:

order the development of a hydrogen bomb

The Civil Rights Act of 1964

outlawed segregation in public facilities

All of the following were consequences of the Vietnam War

58,000 Americans died, Saigon fell to the communists and became Ho Chi Minh City, and many young men questioned the value of military services

The following engagements helped turn the tide of the war against Japan in 1943&44:

Battle of Leyte Gulf, Phillipine Sea, Bismark Sea

Following the Allied victory at the Battle of the Bulge:

British, American, and Soviet forces are advancing toward Germany from both the east and west

Baseball was integrated in 1947 when JAckie Robinson played for the:

Brooklyn Dodgers

The US experienced a shock in 1949 when Communism took over


In the presidential election of 1944:

Franklin Roosevelt won a fourth term as president

The secretary of state who devised the plan of massive economic recovery aid to Europe was:

George MArshall

In early 1942, the biggest challenge the US faced in the Atlantic was:

German submarine warfare

President Johnson labeled his overall program of domestic reform the:

Great Society

At the Altamont concert in 1969:

Hells Angels killed a man in front of the stage

In South Vietnam in the early 1960s:

Kennedy was increasing the number of military advisers

The location of William Levitt's first suburban development was:

Long Island

On April 4, 1968, James Earl Ray shot and killed


The legislation passed at Johnson's urging in 1965 included

Medicare and Medicaid, funds for urban renewal and public housing, arts-poverty aid for Appalachia

All of the following are true of the 1968 presidential election:

Nixon won by a very close popular vote victory, George Wallace appealed to social conservatives,even outside the south, wallace made one of the strongest third-party showings in history

Less than a month before the surrender of Germany

President Roosevelt died in office

Which statement best describes the allied invasion against Sicily in July 1943?

Sicily fell quickly after the Allies surprise landing

Violence erupted in 1962, when James Meredith attempted to integrate:

The University of Mississippi

Shocking events at Kent State University involved:

The killing of four students by the national guard

From late 1941 into early 1942, during WWII in the Pacific:

There was a succession of Japanese victories that saw numerous Allied outposts fall

Which of the following statements accurately describes the overall approach the British and Americans adopted to fighting the war?

They prioritized the war in Europe because Germany posed the greatest (threat) to the Western Hemisphere

At Columbia University in 1968:

a student strike shut down the campus

Life magazine's ideal woman of the mid 1950s was

a white suburban housewife

A. Phillip Randolph cancelled his planned protest march on Washington in exchange for what?

an executive order prohibiting racial discrimination in defense work

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