HIST 1020 Exam 2

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Diderot to David Hume:

"My dear David, you belong to all nations, and you'll never ask an unhappy man for his birth-certificate. I flatter myself that I am, like you, citizen of the great city of the world."

By the end of September, 1791

- 1,000 Frenchmen dead - 161 and 1,200 coffee plantations burned down - Damages estimated at 600 million livres - Goods from Saint-Domingue tripled in price - Destroy plantation systems as that is majority of their captivity

Holy Roman Empire

- A loosely politically affiliated group of states - Leader is more like figure instead of political leaders - Map shows europe was very divided and competitive

1799 and Napoleon Bonaparte

- A military man, commanded french armies in Egypt and Italy, involved in politics - Some french start to see him as only person that can reset the revolution and restore peace - Bonaparte launches a coo and takes control of Paris, ending the Revolution - Has no vision/plan of leaving power as soon as he seizes it, sees himself as only way to restore peace and power - He claims 20 assassins rushed him, instead go for president of National Assembly, and president of legislative body sends guards stopping them - Leaves out part that Assassins were politicians who did not agree with him, guards were put there by Napoleon's brother (president of legislative body)

Social Order of the Ancien Régime

- Absolute monarch at the top - Nobility (first estate, exempt from taxes, special court just for nobles) - Clergy (second estate, quite powerful, landowners that made/sold goods, connected to church, exempt from taxes, and had own court system to try any member of clergy - And effectively, everyone else (paid taxes, least wealthy, did not own land, limited political power)

Independence Won

- All Haitian citizens were considered "black" and had equal rights, regardless of color or class. - First government to abolish slavery

New Spain and Rebellion of 1810 Primary cause: summed up in Grito de Dolores, September 1810

- Calls for death of gachupines (spanish becoming to french) - Allusion to spaniards who ally with Bonaparte - Want to restore the monarchy, Long live Ferdninad - Emphasis on catholicism: wants to go back to the way was before french revolution - Revolution as discontinuity with indigenous participating

Europe, 1812

- Capture of Spain is part of Napoleon's imperialism ambitions - Many regions influenced or controlled by French - Only places not controlled by France are Sweden, Russia, and British - Napoleon's biggest failure is invasion of Russia

Catherine's Reforms and Public Health

- Catherine promotes health - Cartoon: vaccination of smallpox

Storming of the Bastille - July 14, 1789

- Comes from fear that the King and Nobles are conspiring to end the revolution - French's independence day - Significant as the lower classes in Paris armed themselves and raided an armory and political prison which commonly had political figures

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, August 1789

- Document that outlines the freedoms of the people - Highlights popular sovereignty, natural rights, free speech, The Social Contract (ideas of Rousseau), the General Will - At the very beginning of French Revolution - Number 1= men are equal and social distinctions/classes are decided by the popular people and their should be no social distinctions/classes - Number 16=refers to idea of checks and balances

Aristotle (384-322 BCE)

- Educated persons in 16th century Europe turned to the ancients, chief among them was Aristotle - Aristotle's philosophies and methods provided explanations - Linked to Scholasticism - Classic philosopher with many theories to explain how world works and approach learning - Pushed out during scientific revolution

What did the French Revolution do?

- Embraced popular sovereignty - France became a republic in 1793 - Passed universal male suffrage - Created a military machine capable of defending the republic Army of over 800,000, reach over 1 million people - Emphasized membership to the nation, Church and local communities not as central - Spread its revolutionary principles through conquest - France was not only a state in Europe, but it was also an empire. - Principle colony in Haiti, Slave Society - Did not extend political equality to women, however... does not mean woman were inactive during the french revolution

American Revolution, 1776-1783

- English colonists allied with Spanish, French, and Dutch in war against Britain (Imperial War) - Americans revolt against their right to tax English Colonies - Not just war between English and Colonists

Ex. of women active in french revolution

- Ex. March on Versailles, October 1789: March starts out as a bread riot, woman protesting the price of bread saying the king was responsible for keeping order and law, needing to do something. King was not in Paris but Versialles so they decided to storm until he came to Paris and fixes things. March works, make it all the way to Versailles, force Louis XIV to move to Paris and deal with Estate-General and attempt to fix things - Ex. Olympe de Gouges: Declaration of the Rights of Women, 1791 Executed for this during reign of terror - THQ - de Gouges used specific Enlightenment language; how did she know about those ideas? salons, coffee houses, newspapers, conversations, journals, readings, she's literate

Simon Bolivar

- Ex. of failed civil war - Makes allies with venezuela - Always short on manpower as was only elites - Chased out of South America in 1815

What group was the author?

- Free people of color writing to leaders of Third Estate of National Assembly - Written in October 1789 - Free white men have more power than them - Calling themselves as if they are slaves - Not advocating for Abolition- highlights competing interests - Use french language to make claims - Revolution or Reform? Both

Cost of the War

- French Empire spent 150 million lives for the army alone - Roughly 37.5 billion dollars

Seven Years' War, 1756-1763

- French and Indian War - Like a world war, fighting on every continent

Toussaint Louverture

- Haitians were tired of indecisive french republic - Joins Spanish and fights against French, hoping to bring Spanish dominion - Switches sides and goes back to french republic and allies with them - French Republic fears losing colony, French approach him and say will support abolition if he joins - Louverture plays sides, French offers him a governor position and he rises up in ranks to become leading political leader in Saint Domingue - Beats Spanish and British- beats 40,000 british sent to take over Saint Domingue - Major reforms to bring back order to colony, end slavery, and abolition - Louverture resists French Invasion and regains his sons - Louverture is later captured by French and sent and dies in French prison - Refocuses on complete independence from France, not just abolition

The Peninsular War, 1808-1814

- Hidalgo's rebellion ends quickly - Mexico City fears rebellion and that the spanish empire will fall, assembles large force to defeat Hidalgo's rebellion, capture him, and execute him - The Humpta thing fails as their is still a french army trying to take as much of spain captive - Must of Spain falls to French by 1811


- Highly contagious virus - Repeatedly ravaged world populations - Symptoms: High fever Vomiting Bumps full of pus

Classical Republicanism

- Ideology that emphasizes civic participation, responsibility or virtue of citizens, consent of the governed or popular sovereignty. - Lines in sand about gender and race - Want virtuous people involved in government - Popular sovereignty: power in the people

TH- What caused the French Revolution?

- Imperial Wars like the American Revolution (ideas of AR are not causing the French Revolution) - Popular classes asserting political rights

Protestant Reformation & further dividing Europe

- In 1519 the Protestant Reformation occurs where division happens in Catholic church there are diversions and new denominations (Protestantism, Calvinism, Anglican, Lutheranism) - Government starts to pay money for scientific research as they are in competition

The Enlightenment

- Intellectual movement wherein thinkers used human reason to improve existing institutions and practices - Reform a central theme - Knowledge was meant to be shared (connected to Cosmopolitanism) - Enlightenment science sought to make the world "knowable" through categorization and classification - Textbook argues "thinkers claimed that oppressive governments, religious superstition, and irrational social inequalities were not ill people simply had to accept" (549).

The Enlightenment

- Intellectual movement wherein thinkers used human reason to improve existing institutions and practices - Reform! - Knowledge was meant to be shared - Enlightenment science sought to make the world "knowable" through categorization and classification - Textbook argues "thinkers claimed that oppressive governments, religious superstition, and irrational social inequalities were not ills people simply had to accept" (549).

Napoleon Bonaparte

- Interested in constructing europe wide empire and wants to weaken the british - Begins to worry Portuguese or Spanish monarchy will not abide by his imperialism ambitions - Invasion in 1807 in Iberia Authorizes invasion of Spain, take Ferdinand and his family out and hold captive in France, leaving spain without a king - Start of monarch crisis in Spain

Supreme Junta Central, 1808

- Junta: a temporary governing body - Formed by Spanish Quite revolutionary, claims rule in name of Ferdinand the Seventh (Ferdinanad had no contact with spain, was a prisoner) - Clear sign of loyalty to Ferdinand - Authorizes the creation of representative government and approves imperial wide elections to have representatives from Spain and the America's to have representation in parliament (REVOLUTIONARY AND GESTURE OF POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY)

Cortes de Cádiz, 1812

- Last attempt of holding empire together in Cadiz, port city in south Spain - Hold a parliament and form a constitution

José Leonardo Chirino, leader of the Coro Revolt in 1795

- Learn about Haitian revolution, pursuing abolition of slavery in Venezuela - Highlights just how connected world was so much so that they are appealing for abolition of slavery in middle of spanish empire - Revolt did not occur due to fear/anxiety of Spanish not wanting another Haitian Revolt

The Reign of Terror 1793-1794

- Led by Maximilien Robespierre - Tens of thousands deemed enemies of the revolution were put to the guillotine - Looking for enemies of the republic as anxiety and fear of those going against the revolution and wanting to preserve the republic - Robespierre is executed, after the French Republic is mainly at war with different european states

War of Spanish Succession, 1701-1714

- Long deadly war - Charles ll of Spain: habsburgs chin and inbred - No clear heir after death - Massive war in europe and america's

Peter III of Russia

- Married to Catherine the Great - Killed by Coo sent by Catherine the Great - Not effective monarch, very brutal

New Spain and Rebellion of 1810

- Massive rebellion breaks out due to new government - Led by Miguel Hidalgo, a catholic priest in new spain who rallies a huge alliance of people with mixed ethnicity and indigenous descent - Not led by military but catholic priests Massive rebellion with around 50,000

War against the French returns in 1801

- Napoleon interested in restoring colony in America's - Wanted slavery reestablished - Sends 40,000 man army to raid Saint Domingue - Captures two of Louverture son's, hopes that haitians will surrender - Louverture resists French Invasion and regains his sons - Louverture is later captured by French and sent and dies in French prison

Execution of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, January 1793

- National Assembly fears Louis XVI and other monarchs are partnering with different countries and trying to revolt - Majority of countries in Europe were absolute monarchs, fearing the idea of Revolution - Louis XVI and family try to escape France, are caught brought back to Paris by National Assembly, trialed and seen as enemies, and publicly executed - Turning point of French Revolution becoming violent/brutal, turns majority of Europe against France

Cost and Casualties of the American Revolution

- Nearly 300,000 dead (half from smallpox and other diseases) - British spent 250 million pounds, double what it spent during the Seven Years' War - Spanish doubled its military spending, reaching 700 million reales - French Empire spent 1.3 billion livres Or 325 billion dollars - French treasury is empty, must find way to pay debts

Cost & Casualties of the Seven Years War

- Nearly one million dead - British doubled their national debt from war expenses - Raise taxes to pay debt for war

Waldseemüller's 1507 World Map

- New map that features America's - When Capernicus sees this map he rethinks the old ways of the solar system that used Aristotle's 4 elements - Capernicus says no way earth is at center because there's "too much" earth Aristotle's way was not including full earth - Arguing math can be applied to the solar system - The Catholic Order are one of reason's it was not widely accepted due to the way he shares his theory - Best way to share theory was a scholastic debate - Major point is that his ideas are bold and radical and he is coming up against people who were anti-radical change and Capernicus did not go through the proper way

Jean-Jacques Dessalines

- On victory: "I have given the French cannibals blood for blood; I have avenged America" -January 1804 - Claims he avenged europe after centuries of brutality

Great Northern War, 1700-1721

- Over 500,000 dead by end of the war - Similar to american's who died in civil war, shows what empires were willing to engage in

Calling the Estates-General, May 1789

- Parliament, legislative body - King was desperate to solve imperial debt, calls for Estates-general, had not been called to meet for centuries - The Three Estates meet: nobles, clergy, other People had to be voted into positions due to the Estates-General being called: 6 out of 27 million people vote - The early Estates-General was originally about reform, continues until June of 1789 - The representatives give list of grievances - Grievances are linked to the Enlightenment - Revolution starts when people start to come and place their opinions and when lower class assert their political power against the king and nobles - French Revolution results in now modern-day politics

Maria Sibylla Merian (1647-1717)

- Perfect example of naturalism in the scientific revelation - Would go into nature, record findings, take samples, and take them back to discover what they were - Naturalists were eager to find plants that would make money - Bioprospecting - Artist and depicted the plants - Shows scientific revolution was not purely secular

Joseph Bonaparte

- Placed by Napoleon as the new heir of Spanish Empire - Spaniards do not recognize him as king

Catholic Counter-Reformation

- Pope's anxiety about dissidents encouraged limited tolerance of non-approved theories about the world - Or in Galileo's case, about the "heavens"

René Descartes (1596-1650)

- Primary source - He has a lot of self doubt about verifying what he knows - Arguing senses can be deceiving, how do we know what we know? -Does not believe humans can know everything, only God does


- Process of deliberate infection with smallpox - Meant to induce a mild form of smallpox and upon recovery, the individual would be immune - Knowledge of variolation brought to Europe from the Ottoman Empire in 1721 by Lady Mary Montagu - Not for everyone, specifically used by upper classes (limit of enlightenment) - Practice from Ottoman Empire leading to resistance - limit of enlightenment - Not new just new to europeans

THQ - The "general will"

- Promotes common good - Way he talks about peasants: room for social inequalities - No room for political inequalities - Need political participation

What is the Social Contract?

- Promotes common good - When there's a majority of one opinion, the general will can no longer be followed - Not the individual but population


- Radical theory that sun is at center of solar system not earth - Linked to Columbus' expeditions

Civil War across Latin America

- Regions fighting over what government should look like after independence - Almost all fail because they cannot form alliances - Unable to get subalterns to buy into their revolution

Qing dynasty

- Replaces the Ming dynasty after its collapse in the early 1600s - Bureaucrats in Qing Dynasty

Catherine the Great of Russia r. 1762-1796

- Rules by divine will - Rules russian empire throughout chaos - Ex. of what patronage of great monarchs can do German, comes to power by marriage to peter - Aspiring, ambitious - Intrigued with enlightenment and making Russia competitive w other states - Political savvy - Partitions poland under her reign - Fights wars against ottomans

Mughal Empire

- Rules over large territory - Economically oriented as connected to trade in indian ocean world - Very diverse: religion (muslims, hindus, buddhist, jingists operate in this territory) - Have to spend resources, people to hold things together

Attack on Cap Français

- Slaves, free people of color join British and Spanish - British and Spanish offer freedom to everyone that joins their side - Significant as they side with monarchy, not french republic (Monarchs were consistent, quick to make decisions, around for centuries, etc/ Interested in allying with best guaranteer- that was the monarch - Problem with republics in late 1700s (Slow to make decisions, takes time to pass laws, unreliable, etc) - Not many republics: dutch, french, USA

Saint Domingue

- Spain has half of island The wealthiest colony in the French Empire as well as americas - Colonial name for Haiti Prominently sugar producing colony: around 80% of sugar - Slave society: relied on slave labor, which was crucial to production of sugar

August 22, 1791: Largest Slave Uprising in the history of the America's

- Starts off at 20,000 slaves, around 180,000 in total - Goal was to abolish slavery - Image depicts terror from Slaves - British and Spanish get involved- sending help to end slave revolution

Entrenchment of Slavery in the Atlantic Spanish Cuba:

- Strengthened slave codes - Regulated slaves' movement within the colony. - Encouraged increased monitoring practices - Encouraged greater use of slavery - Haitian revolution allowed Cuba to rise up and take place - Increased in slave's

The Tennis Court Oath & the National Assembly, June 1789

- Third estates starts to believe Louis will remove them from government No reforms were being brought forward due to competing views - Third estate forces change in Estates-General as they make up the "national assembly" - Declare they will not leave palace until Louis XVI recognizes the national assembly as sovereign (tennis court oath)

Revolution through Conquest

- To beat opponents, French bring revolution out of country through war and conquest - Liberating other people through conquest - Napoleon is very active in Italy

Catherine's Patronage

- Used state funding to transform St. Petersburg, the capital of Imperial Russia - Used for arts, sciences, museums to show Russia was sophisticated - Over 100 pieces of art paid by royalty - Used state funding to transform St. Petersburg, the capital of Imperial Russia - Sponsored: Education, science, and the arts, like the Buch Chalice on the left (byzantine gym, shows cultural heritage)

The Encyclopedia

- Way to make knowledge shared - Storage place of all knowledge of french enlightenment thinkers so that people interested could come to find one source for all things

Good government The executive authority must be in the hands of a monarch, for this part of the government, which almost always requires immediate action, is better administered by one than by several, whereas that which depends on the legislative authority is often better organized by several than by one person alone. If there were no monarch, and the executive authority were entrusted to a certain number of persons chosen from the legislative body, that would be the end of freedom, because the two authorities would be combined, the same persons sometimes having, and always in a position to have, a role in both.

- Worries of tyranny which would be instability, interests not of country, lose freedoms - Advocating for good government, can have with monarch in charge with right systems - Linked to classical liberalism

Louis XIV, King of France between 1643-1715

- also known as the Sun King - Promotes a image of himself that gets others to buy into idea that they are deserving of more power - Different views of masculinity - Examples of Louis XIV's Pageantry - Palace of Versailles, constructed and expanded 1661-1714


- petits blancs did not like grand blancs but wanted french revolution ideas in the colony, but worried about free people of color - Gens de coleur libres liked things just the way they were as they had power


- tons of trade routes throughout world and tons of goods moving in of europe - Overseas empires: creates opportunities to receive good, travel, and explore - Europeans are encountering with things they have never seen before, continuing


1. Belief that knowledge is progressive and the modern is better than the agent 2. Increasingly achievable goal of replacing human suffering with experiment and science 3. The uniformity of all matter whether on earth or in heavens 4. Rational self not dogma as the arbiter truth 5. The virtue of painful and painstaken observation recording and the illustration for use of others 6. The application of mathematics to movement and change

First Wave of Latin American Revolutions: 1808- 1816

1808: Start of Revolutions Revolutions were divided in two waves: first wave was 1808-1816

Populations of Saint Domingue: 4 Prominent Groups

40,000 whites divided by: - grand blancs - petits blancs (did not like grand blancs but wanted french revolution ideas in the colony, but worried about free people of color 30,000 free multiracial people: - gens de couleur libres landowners, owned slaves, very much part of colonial society 500,000 enslaved people, predominantly Black

Based on who came before him and this image, Louis XVI was most likely?

A Absolute Monarch

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)

Comes up with theory of Heliocentrism- not automatically accepted when he comes out with it Heliocentrism

Linnaean Taxonomy

Describes and classifies animals, bacteria, and fungus

French Constitution of 1791

Established: - Popular sovereignty: power comes from people - Separation of powers: each branch has their own rule - How would the king fit into this? King is executive branch

Where does Scientific Revolution begin?


Carl Linnaeus 1707-1778

Father of taxology

The Pursuit of Abolition of Slavery

Haitian leaders made alliances with whom they believed would help them realize their main goals: The abolition of slavery and Political equality for all

THQ - What was he describing? In every state there are three kinds of power: the legislative authority, the executive authority for things that stem from the law of nations, and the executive authority for those that stem from civil law. By virtue of the first, the prince or magistrate enacts temporary or perpetual laws, and amends or abrogates those that have been already enacted. By the second, he makes peace or war, sends or receives embassies, establishes public security, and protects against invasions. By the third, he punishes criminals, or determines the disputes that arise between individuals. The latter we shall call the judiciary power, and the other, simply, the executive power of the state.

He is saying one person should not fo everything

Classical Liberalism

Ideology that promoted limited government, free markets, civil liberties protected by law, and political freedoms

The Casta Paintings 1730-1780

Image 1 by Jose de Ibbara: a family, interracial couple, says "a spaniard with a barata make a bet," take place in new pain aka present day mexico Image 2: Las Castas, depicts power dynamic in societies/hierarchy, link to ancestry, racial groups, idea of pure blood and social division, casta is new way of dividing, not by religion

TH- During the Age of Revolutions, Napoleon Bonaparte affected regions of the world in all the following ways except:

Invited delegates of conquered regions to France

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher responsible for birth of modern science

Coffeehouses in Britain

Knowledge shared as people would talk about government, economic, and scientific issues

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Laws related to gravity and motion

Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-1778

Most well known for Discourse on Inequalities and The Social Contract

Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

Most well-known for creation of Scientific Method

Archimedes (287-212 BC)

Painting from 1620, reflective of the growing interest in Archimedes work 1800 years later!

Absolutism or Absolute Monarchs

Political doctrine that promoted highly centralized authority and the idea of absolute sovereignty unrestrained by all other institutions such as: - churches - legislatures - social elites

Salons of Paris

Portions opened up to friends and family where people could come in, talk, debate philosophy and science

Tertulias (salon) of Latin America

Public places were people can share ideas in Latin America

The Constitution of 1812

Talks about: - Greater equality between Americas and Europe - Less emphasis on ancestry - Slavery still exists - Attempt to hold empire together - Similar to Rousse and common will - Monarchy exists - To be spanish was to be catholic

Science as Culture

The extent to which science has become a regular part of our language is linked to the Scientific Revolution - Our understanding of food can be boiled down to chemistry and calories - Our ideas about health and longevity rely on scientific understandings - Not least, war and politics have been and remain linked to science


Things scientists seeked were meant to share

THQ - What did the Qing and Mughals have that Europe did not?


Louisiana Purchase

Without Haitian Revolution, would not have this

Constitutional Monarchy

created by the French where monarch is hereditary but representatives are elected into office, not a republic. Keeping king in government shows effort to reform

Language is a barrier to what in europe?


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