HIST145 Final Exam

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(strike) everyone of India fasting and prayer for a day. Happened on March 30 1919

Punjab Wrong

1 of the reasons non-cooperation movement was started. Many leaders were in jail. Lots of violence happening in Punjab. Was an organized shooting. A mistreatment of it's civilians.

Khilafat Wrong

1 of the reasons non-cooperation movement was started.Muslims trying to keep the authority of their ruler Caliph and the ottoman Empire. Asking the British to support and protect them and Caliph. This made Gandhi more concerned about religion.

Two theories of Pakistan

1) British followed "divide and rule", made policies to split up hindus and muslims. Helps british rule longer (blaming the british) British initiating policies to benefit the Muslims 2) Said the desire was always there to split the provinces of Bengal and Punjab and it was always logical for them to split. Said Islam was incompatible for India. 3) origins of Pakistan happening with the election of Jinnah and the muslim league (challenges the two) after world war 2 - muslim league inspiring the need for pakistan


1) Federal Government 2) Provincial Government a) elected by representatives b) suffrage 1/10th of adult population. This started the conversation of who should be representing who.

Six kinds of boycott

1) titles - honorary titles (giving away our titles) 2. Boycott civil services - stop joining civil services. 3) boycott the police and army 4) non-payment of taxes (don't pay revenue) 5) boycott schools - in colleges, teachers resigning, students leaving 6) Boycott of foreign goods - swadeshi (all of these were well organized)

Jamiyyat-ul-Ulema-i-Hind (Deoband)

1. organization in India, 2 separate communities, each with its own laws, didn't support the demand for Pakistan. Against the territorial division of Muslims.

Features of Hindutva

1.) loyalty and love for motherland 2.) homogenous race 3.) Cultures and Icons

Features of Dandi March

12,000 people. 12 miles a day. Many people joined all over. Lots of media coverage during this. All along the coast of the Dandi shore. Chose this place because at the end of the march people would illegally create their own salt as a way of protest. The making of salt was civil disobedience. Staged and successfully organized. Makes Gandhi internationally famous, routes and points carefully chosen through the province of Bardoli

Satyagraha Pledge

3 Elements. 1) signing commitment for peaceful demonstration 2) promote swadeshi (boycotting foreign goods) 3) commitment to hindu and muslim unity and harmony

Muslim league

An organization of Muslims in northern india pushing for an islamic state (pakistan)

Quit India Movement

April 1942 resolution of congress. Led by indias 1st prime minister. This was the biggest civilian uprising. Gandhi had a slogan "do or die". Gandhi made an almost radical shift during this time. Many felt betrayed by England because they were making them serve in the war .British needing to quit india. British loses control

Cripps Mission 1942

British attempt to get India under their rule. Promised freedom. Comes to india to elicit some form of independence and freedom

British War Policy

British wanted Indian people to serve in WW2. Many did and there was famine in the rural areas of the country. All of the supplies were going to soldiers in the cities. How did the economic policy change? Pro-urban economic policy, supporting the war effort. Printing more money, created an inflation

Bhatgam story

Gandhi discovers some of his volunteers were organizing personal help for milk and food at each stop. Paid help walking with lamps. Gandhi dismisses these people. It made him question the purity and objective of the march. He felt many of his volunteers were corrupt and not good passive resisters

Muslim participation

Gandhi somewhat lost the support of Muslims during the salt satyagraha. Ali (muslim leader) urged a Muslim boycott because he thought the hindus would just be substituted by the british. Many muslims didn't follow Gandhi and Gandhi took pain to this. He had a strength of hindu symbols which maybe didn't appeal to the muslims

Gandhi's letter to Visceroy

Gandhi wrote a letter to Lord Irwin to about how he sees the British as a curse to India and outlines his plans for civil disobedience by breaking the salt laws.

Himalayan Miscalculation

Gandhis realization that he did wrong in the sabha satyagraha. One must have appreciation for state laws before committing, need to be an honest and respectable man. Need to obey the laws of society. The people who were marching were not qualified to march.

Sir Stafford Cripps

Government minister who created cripps mission, British war cabinet, led the Cripps mission of 1942.


Home rule/freedom

Nasik satyagraha of 1930

Karlam temple, again wanted access to temples.

Delhi Khilafat Conference

Khaliafat cow question. Swadeshi vow. Boycott of foreign cloths. Idea of non-cooperation. Ends in a tragedy and violent episode

Satyagraha and Totalitarian states

Knowing satyagraha would not work well in states such as Germany with the Nazi's

Malcom X and Swaraj

Malcom X believed in swaraj and freedom/home-rule. Malcom felt a inadequacy to the white America and he tried to reject their traditions. In doing this, he gained his swaraj and freedom. This he had in common with Gandhi. He did not as much believe in satyagraha.

Bardoli Tax

The people experienced a 22% increase in taxes from the Bombay dept.

1945-1946 Elections

This was a critical role in the transformation of power.

May 5 1929

When Gandhi was arrested for the Dandi March

Rowlatt Act

a legislative act passed by the imperial legislative council in Delhi. The elites were getting involved in popular movements. There were 3 movements during this.1) Kheda - peasantry 2) amadabad 3) Champaran. This was made up of small movements organized by Gandhi. Created a satyagraha. This act put permanent restrictions where laws and restrictions already were. British asking for more and the Indian feeling betrayed.

Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy/Massacre

a massacre against the indian by the britist. happened on april 13, 1919 in a garden square, was a very tragic police firing. 379 dead, 1,000 wounded. Caused Gandhi to call off the satyagraha.

Balraj Madhok

a prominent leader. Part of political organizations. Part of a Hindu nationalist party. Very right wing nationalist.

The Black Muslims Nation of Islam

after Malcom X studied Islam, he decided to convert and create the this organization of Islam which was a black nationalist group.

Occupation and untouchability

all of the untouchables jobs were looked down upon. They were working with leather which went against the Hindu religion. Brought into question religion and untouchables. Also cleaned toilets and basically did the "dirty work"some were working elsewhere and were still considered untouchables. Couldn't enter hindu practices.

Vinayak Savarkar

an Indian leader emerging at the time. Thought Hindu should be the main religion of India. Said that Hindus should play a modern role and should be THE spirit. Sees a NEW view and future for India. Made a set of rules and agendas for this. Was president for 7 years. Author of Hinduvita - founder of this ideology

Hindu Mahasabha

an association of Hindu's. Founded in 1919. They articulated the rights of hindus in India. Hindu nationalist leader founded this.

British policy to Civil Disobedience Movement

british officers finding it difficult to arrest peaceful protestors, having an ambivalence about how to solve the issues. Challenge of managing these movements

Gandhi's untouchables failure by B.R. Ambedkar

claimed that Gandhi failed in trying to help the untouchables. 1) Gandhi Said that the caste system was based on where and what you were born into. Said that Gandhi used to defend the caste system and the caste system means limitation. 2) Gandhi not willing to go against Hindu's who were mistreating untouchables. 3) Gandhi hasn't organized any policies to actually help untouchables

Amritsar Congress Conference

discussing who should be representing who. Saying membership should be open to all. Poor and rich. Made up of 15 members. Congress was an Elite party mainly.

The Peasant party of Bengal

failed in muslim majority provinces. No representation in congress

Bardoli Satyagraha

happened in 1928. There was a pressure to form a satyagraha because of the tax. This was a small scale satyagraha but was successful. There was lots of press coverage and put a lot of pressure on the government to lift the tax. Bardoli victory was one of faith, very peaceful.

The Lahore Congress December 1929

indian congress passed a resolution to demand freedom from the British

Features of Bardoli Satyagraha

lots of press coverage. Made the government look weak and foolish. Seeing non-violence as a way to humiliate. This showed Gandhi and his followers power. Gandhi & Patel leaders in this satyagraha. 1) Complete mass non-cooperation with the government 2) Boycott of british by the peasants by disobeying civil codes 3) hurt authority 4) only provide essential provisions (completely successful) complete control & boycott of British infrastructure

Unionist Party of Punjab

made up of hindus, muslims and middle class. Getting representation in congress

April 6 1929

national day celebrated by congress. Linked to the massacre

Mahad satyagraha of 1927

non violent agitation, a town in Bombay. They wanted access to public wells.

Poona satyagraha of 1929

non-violent agitation. pavarati temple, they wanted the access to temples.

Features of Satyagraha

purification of self, take care of the poor, meetings to talk about how to prepare for non-violent protests. Need to know the laws and understand them that way you know what is right and wrong to obey or disobey. Need well hearted and pure volunteers

Salt Tax

tax put on the people of India for salt, common commodity and was very widely used. Created the salt satyagraha

Satyagragha Sabha

the larger movement against the Rowlatt Act

Salt Act of 1882

there was a monopoly of salt tax placed on the people of India for salt. Salt satyagraha began because of this. Gandhi saw salt as something important to fight for. A necessity of the people next to air and water.

Navjivan and Young India

these were two newspapers/journals that were covering what was going on. Gandhi being encouraged to write about satyagraha in these journals. Wanted to educate the public about satyagraha and what it meant to be a passive resistor.

Dignity and untouchability

they emancipated themselves from the other groups. Many of the dominant castes were harming the women. Couldn't have access to education. Untouchables arranged movements to fight against their mistreatment

Cabinet Mission 1946

trying to create peaceful transfer of power. Needed to establish the government that would be in charge of India. Many arguments came of this. Congress refused that Jinnah and the muslim league should choose the congress. Failure.

The Government of India Act of 1935

trying to meet the Indian demands of having a larger representation over their country.

Space and untouchability

untouchables lived outside of the village. They lived in Dalit village and enjoyed being on their own. Know that they are separate from everyone else. If you lived in the Dalit village, you were considered an untouchable. Spatial consciousness was formed. Also explains why they're untouchables

Satyagraha and British rule

were hesitant to arrest Gandhi. Irwin was ambivalent to arrest Gandhi. Many leaders didn't know how to arrest him without creating an uproar.

Women's participation

women were being seen as peace-makers. The salt symbol touched women because they were typically the ones who were purchasing the salt. Many ordinary village women were participating, this also helped to make sure that it stayed non-violent. The non-violence also made women want to join.

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