History 11-13

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The notion of slavery as a "necessary evil" and a "positive good" was supported by which idea?

Slavery allowed a civilized lifestyle for whites and cared for genetically inferior blacks.

The 1867 dred scott decision had which of the following consequences?

The decision persuaded many republicans that the supreme court and president buchanan were part of the "slave power" conspiracy

Which of these factors contributed to the development of an increasingly homogenous African American culture in the nineteenth century?

The domestic slave trade

Which of the following statements characterizes the cotton planter class in Alabama. Mississsippi, and texas in the mid - nineteenth century?

The goal of the planter class was to make money

The 1845 annexation of texas provoked

The mexican war

How did pro-annexation democrates engineer the annexation of texas in 1845?

The party approved it through a joint resolution, which required only a majority vote in both houses of congress.

What was the gag rule passed by the house of Representatives in 1836?

The policy automatically tabled and prevented discussion of any anti-slavery petitions received by the house.

The cotton boom that began in the 1810s set which of the following results in motion?

The redistribution of the african american population.

Which of the following was the critical catalyst for antebellum reform movements?

The second great awakening

Which of these factors contributed to the tremendous increase in commercialized sex in the new cities of the mid nineteenth century?

The subsistence wages and exploitative conditions of womens jobs

Which if the following statements describes the 1848 treaty of guadalupe hidalgo?

The treaty purchased more than one third of mexicos territory for a mere $15 million.

Which of the following statements was true of the American south in 1860?

The vast majority of southern white families did not own any slaves.

What prevented white southerners from working to diversify their economy in the nineteenth century?

Wealthy planters believed that the plantation economy would continue to produce wealth indefinitely

Popular sovereignty solved which of the following issues temporarily?

Whether congress had the authority to legislate slavery in the territories

Americans who migrated to the Oregon territory in the 1840s settled in which of these regions?

Willamette valley

Which of the following methods was highly uncommon form of slave resistance in the slave south?

Large-scale uprisings

Efforts by women reformers to regulate sexual behavior resulted in laws in Massachusetts and new York that did which of the following?

Made seduction of women a crime

Which of the following statements characterizes the planter elite of the upper south in the early and mid 1800s?

Many elite planters considered themselves benevolent masters

For which of the following reasons did the salt lake mormons succeed and thrive in the nineteenth century even as other social experiments failed?

Mormon society had strong, hierarchical leadership

Which of the following contributed to the harassment and persecution of Mormons at nauvoo in the early 1840s?

Mormons power as a voting bloc in local elections

Which of these statements most accurately describes the experiences of free blacks in the early nineteenth century united States?

Most held low wage jobs as farm workers, day laborers, or laundresses.

In its campaign to end slavery, the American anti-slavery society embraced which of the following tactics?

Mounting civil disobedience actions and mass demonstrations to protest slavery

Smallholding planters in the nineteenth century south owned about how many slaves, on average?

One to five

Which of the following policies was implemented as part of the compromise of 1850?

Passage of a new fugitive slave act

How did the Franklin pierce administration approach the settlement and organization of the kansas territory in 1854 and 1855?

Pierce officially favored the legitimacy of the proslavery legislation in lecompton

Why did a labor crisis develop in the cotton south in the first few decades of the 1800s

Planters heading west needed many new slaves to clear, plant, and harvest the war.

Which action president polk take in 1845 as part of his California strategy?

Polk sent orders to the U.S navy in the Pacific to seize san Francisco bay and other California ports in the event of war with mexico.

Which of these factors explained the surplus of slaves in the chesapeake region in the early nineteenth century?

Population growth through natural reproduction

Why did united states decline to annex Texas in 1837

President van Buren feared that annexation would spark an American civil war over the issue of slavery.

What did the wilmot proviso, introduced in congress in 1846, propose to do?

Prohibit slavery in any new state or territory where the voters wished to allow it.

What was the outcome of the midterm election in 1858?

Republicans won control of the U.S house of Representatives

The domestic slave trade affected the african american family unit before 1865 by?

Separating family members through sale and trade.

James K. polks declaration that american blood had been shed "upon American soil" was his call for

War with mexico

The popular 1844 phrase "fifty four forty or fight!" Served as

A push for American control of the entire Oregon territory

Which of the following statements describes the institution of slavery in the nineteenth century south?

About 5 percent of southern whites owned 50 percent of the souths slave population.

Which of the following characterizes the plantation labor system of the southern cotton industry?

African American slaves worked from sunup to sundown all year long

What did alexis de tocqueville mean when he used the term individualism to describe american society in 1835?

Americans lived in social isolation, without any ties to caste, class, association, or family.

From 1854 to 1856, which of the following was the fundamental principle all republicans agreed on?

An absolute opposition to the expansion of slavery into any new territories

Which of the following describes the changes in slaves living conditions in the early nineteenth century?

As blacks formed stronger social, family, and cultural ties, they resisted the breakup of families through sale by their owners.

Which of the following events took place in kansas during the summer of 1856?

John brown and his followers murdered and mutilated five proslavery settlers at pottawatomie

Despite stiff mexican resistance, American forces also secured control of which future state in 1847?


Under the task system, slaves were required to...

Complete a precisely defined job each day

The oneida community, founded in 1839 by John Humphrey Noyes, was known for which of the following practices?

Complex marriage

The creation of the Republican party, the pottawatomie massacre, and the negation of the missouri compromise were all consequences of the

Kansas Nebraska act

Which of the following was the critical issue facing political parties in the late 1840s?

Expasion of slavery

In the cotton growing regions of the south, which of the following was true of the gamg labor system of work?

Gang labor depended upon the work of white oversees and black drivers.

Which of the following statements is true about william Lloyd garrison?

Garrison called for the institution of gradual abolition in all states

How did hames gadsen distinguish himself during Franklin pierces presidency?

He bought a small amount of land from mexico to facilitate a southern transcontinental railroad

In 1854, why did senator stephen A. Douglas introduce a bill to extinguish native american rights in the freat plains and organize the nothern segment of the louisiana purchase into a large territory called Nebraska?

He wanted to build a transcontinental railroad from Chicago to nothern California

Which of the following individuals went to jail rather than pay taxes in support of the mexican war and slavery?

Henry david thoreau

Why did the Republican party nominate Abraham Lincoln for the presidency in 1860?

His egalitarian image would attract votes among farmers and workers

Which of the following factors was critical in the ballooning populations of cities like new york in the mid - nineteenth century?


Which of the following qualities did henry david thoreau urge in his readers, as demonstrated by the statement, "if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer"?


Which of the following describes The book of Mormon, published in 1830?

It claimed that Jesus christ visited an ancient american civilization soon after his resurrection

Which of the following statements describes the fugitive slave act of 1850?

It denied alleged runaways a jury trial or the right to testify in their own defense

Why was the south on the cutting edge of the market revolution by 1840?

It produced and exported over two thirds of the worlds cotton supply.

Which of the following statements describes the historical significance of harriet beecher stowes 1852 novel uncle toms cabin?

It sparked an unprecedented discussion about race and slavery in the united states and abroad

What feature of the lakota sioux protected it from the epidemics that decimated other native American groups in the nineteenth century?

Its small groups and nomadic lifestyle

Many African American slaves who converted to Christianity compared themselves to which of the following groups?


Which statement characterizes the typical relationship between slaves and their masters in the 1850s?

Slaves were investments and therefore were generally provided with clothes, shelter, and enough food to keep them healthy.

What did ralph waldo emerson believe would promote individuals mystical union with god and achievement of self-realization?

Spending time alone in nature

Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe pen her novel uncle toms cabin, which was published in 1852?

Stowe sought to depict slavery as degrading to slave women.

During the 1840s, American womens rights activists focused on which of the following goals?

Strengthening the legal rights of married women

Which of these groups accounted for the largest percentage of the white population in the mid - nineteenth century cotton south?

Tenant farmers and day laborers

Which of the following statements describes the American party, or know nothings, that emerged in the north in the 1850s?

The American party originated in anti immigrant and anti catholic societies of the 1840s

Which of the following statements describes the American invasion of mexico in 1846?

The Americans captured matamoros, monterrey, tampico, and most of northeastern mexico.

The 1854 kansas Nebraska act led to which of the following outcomes?

The Missouri compromise of 1820 was repealed.

What did nineteenth century american expansionists mean by the term manifest destiny?

The citizens of the united states had a god given right to conguer the land to the pacific ocean.

Which of the following describes the nineteenth century shakers?

They allowed both women and men to govern their communities.

Which of the following did Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville have in common?

They criticized transcendetalism and warned against excessive individualism

What prevented planter elites from exercising complete political dominance over the cotton south in the 1830s and 1840s

They lived in a republic society with democratic institutions that elicited input from all white men.

Which of these statements describes southern rice planters of the mid - nineteenth century?

They were at the apex of the plantation aristocracy.

Which of the following describes the minstrel shows that became popular in American cities in the 1840s?

They were pioneered by P.T. Barnum. Who founded the barnum and bailey circus

In 1845 texans claimed that their boundary extended

To the rio grande on the south and west

The philosophy that people could gain mystical knowledge and harmony beyond the world of the senses is known as which of the following?


Why did many nothern wage earners not support abolition in the mid - eighteenth century?

Wageworkers feared that freed blacks would work for lower wages and compete for jobs

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