history 121 final exam chapter 8-13

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*John Tyler

(10th president)was president when Webster-Ashburton Treaty was createdCommonly referred to as, "His Accidency" •unable to accomplish much during his presidency due to party divisions. •The Whigs threw him out. • entire cabinet except Secretary of State Daniel Webster resigned. b/c his vetoes of laws creating the Third Bank of the United States. This went against his party's policy.

James K. Polk

(11th)Manifest Destiny lower the tariff, reeastblish the federal reserve, *he defeated Henry Clay as a "dark horse candidate." also was a North Carolinian that the people referred to as "Young Hickory."

*John Buchanan

(15th president)(Pennsylvanian) with Southern sympathies. He believed in Southern states' rights to practice slavery. efforts to maintain peace between North and South were pathetic . He did nothing when South Carolina seceded from the Union on December 20, 1860.Was in constant battle with Stephen Douglas for the control of the Democratic Party, which led to the break in the party (this was a major division)

*Abraham "Spotty" Lincoln

(16th)civil warHe was among (Spot Resolution) the group of politicians wanted to know where the spot of the fighting began (Mexican troops crossing the Rio Grande& killed 16 Americans arrived in Washington). before committing to war; "

*George Washington

(1st president)Elected from Va , only president to be elected unanimously Inaugurated in New York City on April 30, 1789•VP John Adams Events as President Creation of the Federal Court System - The Judiciary Act of 1789: Creation of the Presidential Cabinet: Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution in 1791: whiskey rebel, the capital to be washington dc

*John Adams

(2nd president/1term) Elected from Massachusetts in 1796 XYZ affair,Alien sadiation act,established US Navy,•Defeated Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1796•VPThomas Jefferson established the U.S. Naval Department.

*John Quincy Adams

(6th president krupted bargain 1824)famous foreign diplomat (one term). establishment of a national university, the financing of scientific expeditions, and the erection of an observatory. (House of Representatives after his presidency) Accomplished more as congressman. He pushed for the abolition of slavery in the U.S. and for government funding of the Smithsonian.

*13 Amendment (1865)

(June of 1864 Lincoln)ban on slavery, leading to the Republican Party's call for this amendment which was passed in early 1865.

*John Marshall

(VA) 4th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court(1801-1835)longest chief justice he rules cased that strengthened the court system judicial branch

*John C. Calhoun

(democrate)sentor &VP.wrote "The South Carolina Exposition" 1828, proslave &southern compremiser boldly denouncing the recent tariff and calling for nullification of the tariff by all states. resigned as Vice President as a result of the Nullifcation Crisis and the Petticoat Affair (caused by Floride Calhoun vs. John and Peggy Eaton).

*Whigs Party

(founders henry clay& Daniel webster) appeal to common ppl believed community, national bank, protective tariffs, internal improvements, public schools, and moral reforms•Disliked Andrew Jackson and the Jacksonians. •Supported Henry Clay's "American System" and internal improvements. •Once formed, America would have at least two major political parties.

*stephen douglas

(little gaint) comprisor that went after clay, helped with compromise 1850, kansas nebraska act defeated lincoln in illnosis sentant race

*14th Amendment

(post civil war)citizenship, all africian americans that born in americian were citizens& equal rights(rights were taken away due to jim crow law

*James Monroe

(va)5th President pulled country out of panic of 1819 Monroe doctrine purchased florida frm spain

*Ulysses S. Grant

(westpoint)mexican war, not good business man won some important victories for the Union in the land and rivers of Tennessee at the battles of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. These triumphs opened Union paths into Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. gain union army of west,potmoic

"Little Mac" George B. McClellan

(westpointer)commandor of the army of Potomac. lost and gain his command a couple times. ran for president against Lincoln but lost

*Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

(westpointer)won against union in 1st battle of bull run, mexican war served, teacher at va military institute, commandor, best military compagin in civil war led a much smaller Confederate force in the Shenandoah Valley from March to May (Valley Campaign). y and defeated a Union force four times its size in a series of skirmishes and battles

*Homestead Act (1862)

- land grant act for cheap to ppl who would settle west

*Morrill Land Grant Act (1862)

- land was given to states to establish new colleges (this movement would lead to agricultural and engineering schools, Virginia Tech).

Polks 4 point(plan)(himself and the nation)

1. Restore the independent treasury (put U.S. money into non-government banks) to help stabilize the markets. 2. Cleared up the Oregon border issue (old issue from the War of 1812). 3. Got California and the "Mexican Cession" - AZ, NV, UT, and NM.4. Lower the tariff. Polk's secretary of treasury, Robert J. Walker, did so, lowering the tariff from 32% to 25% despite complaints by industrialists. Despite warnings of doom, the new tariff led to a stronger economy. •Polk also demanded that gas lamps be installed in the White House, so he could work 12 to 16 hour days.•Polk died three months after leaving office just as the California Gold Rush began to boom in the spring of 1849.

*Mexican War

1846-48 Arizona,neveda,newmexico,california&utha. manifest destiny war. they felt that US stole land that they already fought for

*Thomas Jefferson

3rd president, Established the democratic republican party started the University of Virginia 1819 made the Louisianan Purchase enforce embargo act to avoid war w/france&England which was one step closer to war of 1812 Secretary of State- In charge of foreign affairs during washingtons Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Outlawed

*Andrew Jackson

7thpresident(soldier and polician b4) drop republican and is just democratic spoil system( to give government jobs to friends and supporters),uses veto alot, trail of tears(indian removal) won with national bank ,war 1812, indian wars

*William Henry Harrison

9th president.Va native and governor of the Indiana Territory&OH, sent 1,000 U.S. soldiers to stop the rebellion on the Tippecanoe River. defeated the rebellion in the Battle of Tippecanoe. first wig to be elected He gave a two and a half hour inauguration speech caught pneumonia, which led to his death in office just a month after he was elected.

*Panic of 1837

A financial crisis in the United States that led to an economic depression

*john brown

Abolitionist who killed pro slavary supporters,lead slave revolt

Why did the issue of admitting Missouri to the Union precipitate a major national crisis? How was the crisis averted? Who was the U.S. senator that brokered the deal and why did the North and South each agree to the terms of the Missouri Compromise?

After Missouri's requested to become a slave state, tensions started to rise as this would upset the number of slave states vs free states. As a compromise Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was free, and except for Missouri, slavery was to be excluded from the Louisiana Purchase agreement. The congressman Henry Clay had a vital role in this balanced solution. Both sides agreed to the terms because this compromise kept the equal balance of power in the Senate.

Emancipation Proclamation (1863)

After the Battle of Antietam, Lincoln this on jan 1 1863. executive order- Union did not recognize slavery in rebellion states (not border states). leads to 13-15 amendment. keep england and france out of civil wat

How was "Manifest Destiny" of the 1840s achieved during the Polk presidency? Why do many historians highly rate James K Polkś efficiency as a single term president?

Americans, stirred by their hunger for land and the ideology of "Manifest Destiny," flocked to new frontiers. *conflict between American settlers and Indian (First American) nations in the Southeast and the old Northwest resulted in the relocation of many Indians (First Americans) to reservations. American settlers poured westward from the coastal states into the Midwest, Southwest, and Texas, seeking economic opportunity in the form of land to own and farm.•The belief that it was America's "Manifest Destiny" to stretch from Atlantic to Pacific provided political support for territorial expansion

*Harriet Beecher Stowe

Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

*The Federalists Party•

Created by Alexander Hamilton•believed in strong National Government•Wanted limits on the state's power•Favored industry for U.S. economy•Favored a National or U.S. Banking system

*Democratic-Republicans Party•

Created by Thomas Jefferson stronger power for the states, small business and farming (agriculture)•No U.S. Bank•He and Madison will agree to assumption of state war debts and the National Bank with the movement of the capital to Washington, D.C.

*Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)

Eastern Theater) union & confederate Union won The offensive into Maryland was not as successful as the Confederacy had planned. This Battle was the single bloodiest day of the entire war on September 17, 1862. McClellan (regained his job from John Pope) turned Lee back out of Maryland, but was relieved of command by Lincoln. 3 x the meet. inspire lincoln emancipation proclamation

*Treaty of Ghent (1814)

Ended the War of 1812

*the Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia

In May of 1863 at , "Stonewall" Jackson led a crushing defeat against Union Army Commander "Fighting Joe" Hooker.He was shot by a Confederate picket line guard and die of pneumonia as a result disease from his wounds in May of 1863.

*Henry Clay

Kentucky (VA by birth) founder whig party, Secretary of the State ( john q adam presidency) congressman& sentor (AKA great compromiser for missouri compromise Nullifation crisis& compromise 1850) American System higher protective tariffs behind which eastern manufacturing would flourish&for the building of the National Road, also included network of roads and canals, especially in the Ohio Valley, to be funded for by the tariffs and tax revenue, and through which would flow foodstuffs and raw materials from the South and West to the North and East. •The system would not work without tax revenue and a strong banking system.

*Gettysburg Address (1863)

Lincoln gave this on November 19, 1863 to commemorate a memorial and cemetery in honor to the men lost at the Battle of Gettysburg.


Members of the Shawnee tribe were led by two brothers, Tecumseh and the Prophet (Tenskwatawa). They created a rebellion with an Indian confederation to stop white settlers. fought with willam harrison@ tippicun

*"The Know-Nothing Party."

Nativists (NY)(william bilpool immigration,catholic,german "Order of Star-Spangled Banner" AKA,

*Whiskey Rebellion

October 3, 1794- grp Pennsylvania farmers got upset that the government put a federal excise tax on whiskey in 1791. These farmers used whiskey to barter, so they refused to pay the tax. To stop the rebellion, GW led military troops to make the farmers pay the tax. They paid and GW's actions proved that the new National government and Constitution were strong.

*Alexander Hamilton

Secretary of Treasury-& First Political The Federalists Party

*3/5 Compromise

Slaves counted as 3/5 of a person

*Anaconda Plan

The Union used Winfield Scott's in the civil war, hoping to stop the Confederacy's supply through a blockade along the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and the Mississippi. The Union planned to capture the C.S.A. Capital (originally in Montgomery, Alabama but moved to Richmond, Virginia in 1861). •The Union was careful to maintain good relations with Great Britain. There were two instances where this was threatened -

*1st Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)

The first major battle of the war took place on July 21, 1861 near Bull Run Creek in Manassas, Virginia. Union & confederates. Confederate won b/c ofGeneral Thomas (westpointer)"Stonewall" Jackson gained fame and his legendary nickname here by holding his troops in line and essentially holding the entire Confederate forces from destruction.

*Marbury v. Madison

U.S. Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the United States, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws, statutes, and some government actions that contravene the U.S. Constitution.

*Harriet Tubman

Underground Railroad 19trips union spy during civil war

*Dred Scott v. Sanford

a slave agrued he was free because he lived on free land went to supreme court but lost the case

*Battle of Gettysburg (1863)

bloodest battleof war turning point of civil war war. 3days July 1-3, 1863.With the support of the C.S.A. government, Lee moved his Army of Northern Virginia to Pennsylvania to lead an offensive attack. Lee's army was met by George Meade's Union forces at Gettysburg, PA between The battle ended with the fateful charge led by Virginia Confederate, George Pickett. Pickett nearly lost his entire brigade from the charge. The Confederate loss here forced Lee to move his army back to the South.

*David Wilmot of Pennsylvania

congressman-PA)introduced his Wilmot Provisoion(a provision or amendment), ban slavery should never exist in any of the Mexican Cession territories that would be taken from Mexico.it failed, the importance of the Wilmot Proviso lay in the fact that it opened old wounds—those of slavery.

Describe some early events of the Women's Rights Movement and the Abolitionist Movement of the 1830s and 1840s. Please provide examples of men and women who helped champion both causes.

early fight was the right to vote (suffrage) was led by Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Carrie C. Catt, Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell (1st female medical graduate), Margaret Fuller, Angelina & Sarah Grimke (anti-slavery advocates), and Amelia Bloomer (semi-short skirt and underwear inventor), Catharine Beecher(fought for women to gain more rights in education and promoted kindergarten education for young girls), and Carrie Nation (temperance). ** Abolitionist movement to end slavery. •The Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention (1848 Seneca Falls, New York-major landmark in women's rights) Co-founded by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. *Declaration of Sentiments was written in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence saying that "all Men and Women are created equal." •Women demanded voting ballots and launched the modern women's rights movement.•The women's rights movement was temporarily eclipsed by the issue of slavery when the Civil War heated up, but served as a foundation for later days. The women's rights movement picked up speed after the Civil War, but women would not gain the right to vote until 1920 (19th Amendment).

*frederick douglas

ex slave frm maryland, published abolitionist newspaper¨ẗhe north star¨ got saves to fight in civil war, first african american ambasitor of a foreign country Haiti helped slaves get jobs

*Monitor (Union) vs. Merrimack (Confederacy)

in hampton rds first iron clad battle. it was a draw.Naval Battle of the on March 9, which was important because that was the first battle of ironclad warships in history.

*Amercian System

internal project system build road canals,etc with tax payer dollars

*Gibbons v. Ogden

interstate trade could be determined by federal gov. not the states/private buisness

*Freedom's Bureau

lead by oliver ohower, provided vocational and education skill to african americans who were free

*nat turner

lead largest slave revolt in hampton va 1831

*Winfield Scott(Dinwiddie County native)fusing feathers

led American troops into Mexico City and captured the city in September of 1847 in the Battle of Mexico City. grand ol man of army -war of 1812,civilwar,mexican war Anaconda plan.

*Brigham Young

led followers to present-day Salt Lake City, Utah. prophet of Mormon pioneers blazed the Mormon Trial from Illinois to Utah.

*appomattox court house

lee surrender to grant april 9 1865

*Missouri Compromise

missouri entered a slave state & Maine a free state all louisianna purchase below missouri was slave terriorty

*Clara Barton

nurse founder american red cross

*Jefferson Davis

only president of confederate states(Eastern Theater) Lee's victory encouraged him to order a general offensive (while at the same time calling for the support of the border states). Lee's army would move north across the Potomac and win a major CSA victory at the 2nd Battle of Bull Run (same location of the 1st Battle of Bull Run) in Manassas, Virginia in late July of 1862 against General John Pope

*Albert Sidney Johnston

original confederate commander of west, apart of mexican war. transapplalachian,texas revolution,western indian war, killed in battle of shallow bad lost for the confederate

*John C Fremont

pathfinder organ trail, mexican war,lead bar flag republic,union general of civil war, ran for president a few time but never won

*15 amendment

post civil war, reconstrution gave african amerian man the right to vote

*2nd Great Awakening

religious movement,that resulted in prison reform, church reform, temperance movement (no alcohol), women's rights movement, and the abolition of slavery, new colleges in the South (Hampden-Sydney and Washington College in VA) and West (Transylvania in KY) with the curriculum focused mainly on Latin, Greek, Math, moral philosophy

*underground railroad

safe place that run aways slave would hide

*Elizabeth Cady Stanton

sinaca fall- The women's movement and the right to vote (suffrage)

*Charles Sumner and Preston Brooks

spoke out against someones cousin and beat him with a cane

*McCulloch v. Maryland

states can not tax the federal government ¨the power to tax was the power to destroy¨

*Republic of Texas

texas found for independence and gained it. was there own country,slave state

Describe the attitudes, policies, and events that led to the "Trail of Tears" Indian Removal in 1837.

the American Indians were repeatedly defeated in violent conflicts with settlers and soldiers and forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands. They were either forced to march far away from their homes (the "Trail of Tears," when several tribes were relocated from Atlantic Coast states to Oklahoma) or confined to reservations. •The forcible removal of the American Indians (First Americans) from their lands would continue throughout the remainder of the nineteenth century as settlers continued to move west following the Civil War.

*Gabriel Prosser

tried to lead slaves in henrico va rebillion stopped b/c of weather, slaves turned him into police

*Siege (Battle) of Vicksburg

turning pointof war inwest. a major Union siege that lasted from May of 1863 to July 4, 1863. it was the last major Southern fortification on the Mississippi River. Grant had control of Union forces in the West . Union won at Vicksburg awarded Grant continued national fame, allowed the Union to control the Mississippi, cut the South in two, and moved the focus of the war back to the east on taking Richmond.

Charles Sumner (massachuetts)

was also against war between US and mexico

*Robert e Lee

westpoint US army colonel resing frm army after va won took command of va forces northern va, commandor of whole confederate army end of war, president washington(washington lee)college made form confederates education and reunite

*William T Sherman

westpoint)mexican war vet,resign as post union command in east, mental health issues. command in west, battle of shallow grant right hand man during western theather

*william lloyd garrison

wrote the abolition news paper the librator

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