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westward expansion--TJ

"...the idea of expansion westward to the Pacific had long been in the American mind. As far back as his first inaugural address in 1801, President Thomas Jefferson referred to a vast territory that would provide 'room enough for our descendants to the thousandth and ten thousandth generation.' And Jefferson did much to make that dream a reality by purchasing the great Louisiana territory from...France and sending exploratory expeditions to the west..." (Nardo p. 10)

Definition of birthright

"An extra portion"

Annexation of Texas

"Annexation and war with Mexico are identical. Now, for one, I certainly am not willing to involve this country in a foreign war for the object of acquiring Texas. I know there are those who regard such a war with indifference and as a trifling affair, on account of the weakness of Mexico, and her inability to inflict serious injury upon the country." Henry Clay, letter of April 17, 1844. Meltzer p.46

Mexico's army

"As for their [Mexico's] army, it was 'a feeble and degraded soldiery, who would be scattered like chaff by the first volley from the Anglo-Saxon rifle, the first charge of the Anglo-Saxon bayonet." Meltzer p.85

Daniel Webster

-Tyler's Secretary of State; replaced by Calhoun -finished a deal with England before resigning -Webster-Ashburton Treaty: defines the border of Maine -didn't solve the creole issue (1842) -we got the Mesabi Mountain range with iron ore

Additional knowledge we have once we know the Book of Mormon is true

-When we know the Book of Mormon is true we know the church is true, we know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, we know that Jesus is the Christ

1852 election

-Whigs: Winfield Scott -Democrats: Franklin Pierce -Free Soil: John Hale -Pierce won as the 2nd dark horse; 14th president -VP: William King (took oath on foreign soil- Havana)

W. H. Seward

-William Henry Seward -against the Compromise of 1850 because of the fugitive slave law -refused to obey fugitive because he believes in a "higher law" by God -"impressible conflict": North and South will eventually fight, its just a matter of time

The Attack

-Zachary Taylor was shot at in April 1846 -May 1846 Polk says "American blood was shed on American soil" -Polk asked Congress to declare war -Lincoln disagrees with going to war -Henry Thoreau and James Lowell (conscience whigs) disagreed

William and Ellen Craft

-a black and mulatto that tried to escape in 1848 -Ellen (light skinned) dressed up as a white man with William as her slave -they successfully escaped

1831 Virginia legislature

-after Nat Turner rebellion -possibility of abolishing slavery -the vote lost but not by much

The omnibus bill

-aka Compromise of 1850 -Cali is free -gives part of Texas to New Mexico -abolish slave trade in D.C. -Texas gets $10 million for losing land -new fugitive slave law requires northerners to help capture the escaped slaves

J. Pinckney Henderson

-became the first governor of Texas as a state on February 19, 1846

Why did some not want Texas to be annexed?

-did not want Texas to tip the balance of power to the slave holding states -argued it would cause war with Mexico

that "southern rule..."

-dueling when insulting a southern planter -dueled people of the same social class

Free-Soil Party

-emerged during the Mex-American War in 1846 -constituted of anti-slavery Northerns who sought to open western land to free soilers (common farmers)

Anthony Burns case

-escaped slave to Mass -a mob broke into court to defend him 1854

Santa Fe Expedition

-expedition sent by President Lamar to Santa Fe to control the region and open trade with New Mexico -consisted of soldiers, merchants, wagon drivers, and adventurers -misfortune and hardship occured -as they approached Santa Fe, encountered a Mexican army attachment that forced them to surrender -prisoners were marched more than 1000 miles to Mexico City -expedition failed-angered Mexicans, loss of many lives, and failed to capture Santa Fe

Fire-eaters and doughfaces

-fire-eaters: southern extremist who wants secession -doughfaces: northern who wanted to keep the South happy to prevent secession

James Marshall...ereka!

-found gold in California -within six months, 250,000 new people -enough people for statehood -Cali would be free which would make the free and slave states uneven

"America letters"...

-glowing account of how great America was -travelers wrote to their families back home -"forty eighters": German democratic revolution failed

Border States

-had slavery but didn't secede -Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware

Panic of 1857

-lasted for 3 years; caused by banking; Democrats were blamed because they were in office at the time -caused Republicans to want to raise the tariff, expand west by giving out free land, internal improvements and opposed spread of slavery

What losses did Lamar's campaigns cause?

-losses in lives of colonists and native americans -Indian wars cost the republic nearly 2.5 million during his 3 years in office -he bought several ships and kept the navy on active duty -Lamar failed at attempts to borrow money from the U.S and European nations -printed additional money called redbacks which quickly shrank in value - at end of Lamar's term a dollar was worth about 7 cents -public debt rose to 7 million

The Drawing of the Black Beans

-men who surrendered at Mier were marched to Mexico City -overpowered their guards and escaped into the mountains -Mexican troops captured those who did not die in the mountains within a week -Santa Anna order that 17 of the 176 captured men be executed -Men were force to draw beans from a jar -Men who drew white beans were marched to prison in Mexico City -men who drew black beans were executed

Oregon Fever

-most settlers headed to Williamette Valley -Americans were encouraged to move West in an attempt to occupy Oregon from England -Jason Lee, Pier de Smet, Marcus Whitman -1840s

Old Immigrants

-most were Irish or German -came from old northern and western Europe -1815-1860: 5 million people came from Europe -1840-1860: 4 of the 5 million came in this time -most entered in NYC, some in Boston and Phili -"Castle Garden": check in for immigrants in NYC -"black forties": Irish potato famine

The Bloodhound bill

-nickname of fugitive slave law -judges, not juries, decided whether or not the slave was a true runaway -judges got paid more to accuse the black of being a runaway slave (incentive) -slaves weren't citizens so they couldn't defend themselves

1840s Mexico

-owed 3 million to Americans -1829-1844: 20 different presidents -America wants California, Mexico doesn't want to let it go -Massacre of Alamo and Goliad with Texas left bad blood -we said the southern boundary was the Rio Grande -Mexico said the southern boundary was the Nueces -Zachary Taylor was sent in 1846 by Polk to defend the disputed area

"machine" politics

-parties reached out to immigrants who would eventually become citizens -Democrats did this more than Republicans -Tammany Hall: political organization that helped Irish in exchange for their vote

southern social groups

-planters: majority -small slave holders -yeoman farmers -pine barons people: 10 %, squatters, uneducated -free blacks: 250,000 -slaves: nearly 4 million

"Know Nothings"

-political party against foreigners -hatred towards Catholic immigrants -exclusively a Protestant organization -WASP: White Anglo Saxon Protestant -NINA: No Irish Need Apply

Lecompton's Constitution

-pro slavery group voting for slave statehood -Steven Douglas said no and asked for a referendum -southerners didn't like Douglas anymore -they revoted and most said no to slavery in Kansas

Treaty signed in April 1844

-representatives from the U.S. and Texas signed an agreement that would make Texas a territory of the U.S. in return for Texas giving the U.S. its public lands -In return for this, U.S. agreed to pay all the debts of the Republic of Texas -Texans were surprised when THe U.S. senate REJECTED the treaty with a 35-16 vote -many senators voted against the treaty because Texas would ultimately enter the union as a slave state -many sentators voted against the treaty because they did not want to anger Mexico -others voted against it because it was an election year and they wished to avoid controversy

Texas Annexation

-required 2/3 vote in Senate -Tyler suggest a joint resolution which only requires a majority vote in Congress -Tyler did this 3 days before he left office

Mexico will poison us...

-said by Ralph Waldo Emerson -thought the Mexican war would destroy America

the "positive good theory"

-says slavery is good and positive -Greece and Rome were successful with slaves -"wage slaves": workers in factories; not as happy as Southern slaves -bible says to obey masters -John Calhoun and George Fitzhugh defended slavery

manifest destiny

"Why, were other reasoning wanting, in favor of now elevating this question of the reception of Texas into the Union, out of the lower region of our past party dissensions, up to its proper level of a high and broad nationality, it surely is to be found, found abundantly, in the manner in which other nations have undertaken to intrude themselves into it, between us and the proper parties to the case, in a spirit of hostile interference against us, for the avowed object of thwarting our policy and hampering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions. " (John O'Sullivan)

William H. Wharton and Memucan Hunt

-sent after Moffits visit by President Houston to Washington D.C. to work for recognition and annexation -convinced Congress that Texas had a responsible government

J. Pinckney Henderson

-sent by President Houston to obtain recognition and negotiate commercial treaties with France and Great Britain

"wrench in the system"

-slaves believed that messing with the system would be a way of getting back at their masters -exs: breaking a cotton gin, starting a fire

the slave family: pros and cons

-slaves were allowed wives -slaves learned skills and trades -slaves were sometime separated from their families

the yeoman

-small independent white farmer with land, cotton or tobacco -doesn't own slaves but might rent them -most of the Southern Society fell into this group

"personal liberty" laws

-states passes this law in violation of fugitive slave laws -said people could deny helping to find a slave -showed sectionalism -the fed said this wasn't allowed

Henry Brown

-transported from Richmond in a box to escape slavery -aka "Henry Box Brown"

Margaret Garner

-tried to escape slavery with her family by hiding in abolitionist homes -they were found and she killed her kids rather than sending them back into slavery -showed the public how terrible slavery was


-underground railroad -transportation to get slaves to freedom -trains: groups of traveling slaves -stations: hiding places; ex. cave, abolitionist home -conductor: a black or white abolitionist; ex. Harriet Tubman

Marcus and Narcissa Whitman::


Peggy-Eaton Affair

..., (1831)-Social scandal; John Eaton, Secretary of War, stayed with the Timberlakes when in Washington, and there were rumors of his affair with Peggy Timberlake before her husband died in 1828; cabinet members snubbed the socially unacceptable Mrs. Eaton; Jackson sided with Eatons; affair helped dissolve cabinet.

Indian Removal Act

..., Passed in 1830, authorized Andrew Jackson to negotiate land-exchange treaties with tribes living east of the Mississippi. The treaties enacted under this act's provisions paved the way for the reluctant—and often forcible—emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West.

New Parties in Town

1) The American Party -3rd party -ran a candidate in 1856 - Millard Fillmore -nativist, anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant 2) The Republican Party -up and running in 1854 -ran Fremont in 1856 and lost -Lincoln won in 1860

Mexico isn't a good gov

"Your government is in the hands of tyrants and usurpers. We come to obtain indemnity for the past and security for the future...we come to overthrow the tyrants who have destroyed your liberties; but we come to make no war upon the people of Mexico, nor upon any form of free government they may choose for themselves...." Meltzer p. 71

Stephen Kearny

"the Long Marcher"; marched from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, across the desert to Santa Fe, New Mexico

the belt

'cotton belt' South Carolina to Texas (lower south)

Stono Rebellion

(1739) Took place in South Carolina. Caused by the Security Act, and the Spanish encouraging slaves to run away. Led by Jemmy (a slave) --> killed roughly 20 slave owners --> the governor ordered militia to stop rebellion --> most slaves executed --> passing of the Negro Act, which takes away rights of slaves; no more landownership/ selling of crops; (also called Cato's Conspiracy or Cato's Rebellion; Jemmy is sometimes called Cato)

John Jacob Astor

(1763-1848) His American fur company (est. 1808) rapidly became the dominant fur trading company in America. Helped finance the War of 1812. First millionaire in America (in cash, not land).

Henry Clay

(1777-1852) Clay helped heal the North/South rift by aiding passage of the Compromise of 1850, which served to delay the Civil War.

Stephen F. Austin

(1793-1836) In 1822, Austin founded the first settlement of Americans in Texas. In 1833 he was sent by the colonists to negotiate with the Mexican government for Texan indedendence and was imprisoned in Mexico until 1835, when he returned to Texas and became the commander of the settlers' army in the Texas Revolution.

Treaty of 1836 with Cherokee Indians

1. Cherokees promised to remain peaceful during the Texas fight for Independence 2. In return, the Texan negotiators promised the Cherokees title to their land 3. HOWEVER, the Senate of the Republic of Texas REFUSED to accept this treaty; Cherokees DID NOT receive title to their land and more settlers moved into the land in East Tx. claimed by Native Americans

Initial reasons Great Britain and France hesitated in giving the Republic of Texas recognition

1. Did not want to offend Mexico 2. Believed Tx. would be annexed quickly by the U.S.

Council House Fight

1. Meeting with Comanches in San Antonio in 1840 where Comanches brought Matilda Lockheart; 2. Angry Texas troops tried to take the Comanche negotiators hostage until the Comanches freed their captives 3. Comanches resisted and in the fight 7 Texans and 35 Comanches died 4. Comanches killed many of their white hostages to avenge the Comanche deaths 5."Also called "the greatest blunder in the history of Texan- Native American relations"

Sam Houston

(1793-1863) Former Governor of Tennessee and an adopted member of the Cherokee Indian tribe, Houston settled in Texas after being sent there by Pres. Jackson to negotiate with the local Indians. Appointed commander of the Texas army in 1835, he led them to victory at San Jacinto, where they were outnumbered 2 to 1. He was President of the Republic of Texas (1836-1838 & 1841-1845) and advocated Texas joining the Union in 1845. He later served as U.S. Senator and Governor of Texas, but was removed from the governorship in 1861 for refusing to ratify Texas joining the Confederacy.

Jacksonian Democracy

(1800-1830): immigration & moving West moves power from Aristocratic East -> states drop property requirements for voting. All White men now vote and vote for Jackson & new Democrats.

Barbary Wars

(1801-1815): Pirates in No. Africa attack US trading ships if they don't pay tribute. US begins to view itself as Global Super Power.

Louisiana Purchase

(1803): All of LOUISIANA for 15 mil. Doubled the size of the United States.

Erie Canal

(1817 - 1862): Cuts transportation cost by 98%; makes Midwest Farming Center; Facilitates Commercially Viable Westward Expansion; Turns NYC into Commercial Hub.

Missouri Compromise

(1819): Missouri petitioned to join the United States as a slave state. Compromise: Missouri is slave & Maine is free; slavery prohibited in No. of the 38.'

Monroe Doctrine

(1823): Policy states European nations in Western Hem. will be viewed by US as aggressors (though the US won't mess with existing colonies), Pres. Ja. Monroe defines US foreign policy

The Corrupt Bargain

(1824): Election Between Andrew Jackson & J.Q. Adams. Jackson wins popular vote, electoral collage split by Jackson wins more states. Birth of populist Democrats.

Indian Removal Act

(1830) relocated Indian tribes then resident east of the ol Miss to territory in modern day Kansas and Oklahoma

Indian Removal Act

(1830): Gives Pres (Jackson) right to buy Native land in East for new land in the West.

Second Great Awakening

(1830-70): revivals, religiousness, reform movements, utopian societies.

Manifest Destiny

(1830-90): the belief that US is destined to expand across the continent.

Nullification Crisis

(1832): To support manufacturing North, Dems. impose "Tariff of Abominations" on imported Goods.

Worcester v. Georgia

(1832): US Supreme Court rules Georgia can't impose laws in Cherokee territory, only Fed. Gov. has authority in Native affairs -> Pres. Jackson ignores the Court Order.

Anthony Burns

(1834-1862) American enslaved African, he ran away and was arrested in Boston. His arrest became the center of violent protests by northern opponents of the Fugitive Slave Act

Battle of San Jacinto

(1836) Final battle of the Texas Revolution; resulted in the defeat of the Mexican army and independence for Texas. Sam Houston and his troops launched this surprise attack.

Panic of 1837

(1837): US financial crisis due to: (1) over-speculation; (2) Jackson's termination of 2nd Bank of the US -> runaway inflation; (3) in May, NYC, banks only accept specie (gold and silver) -> deflation; & (4) About 50% of Banks close, Unemployment High, no Rebound until 1843.

Martin Van Buren

(1837-1841) Advocated lower tariffs and free trade, and by doing so maintained support of the south for the Democratic party. He succeeded in setting up a system of bonds for the national debt.

Trail of Tears

(1838-39) an 800-mile forced march made by the Cherokee from their homeland in Georgia to Indian Territory; resulted in the deaths of almost one-fourth of the Cherokee people

John Tyler

(1841-1845) His opinions on all the important issues had been forcefully stated, and he had only been chosen to balance the Whig ticket with no expectation he would ever have power. *He was in favor of state's rights, and a strict interpretation of the constitution, he opposed protective tariffs, a national bank and internal improvements at national expense. *He was the first vice president to assume the office because the elected president died in office. And he established the precedents that one assuming office, the elevated vice president would have all the power and perogstives of an elected preident. * At the end of his administration to upstage Polk, he managed to engineer the annexation of Texas. *He was raised believing that the Constitution must be strictly construed and he never wavered from this conviction, although he liberally viewed it when it affected provisions of special interest. *He is generally seen as a failed president, although he had several substantial achievements and he took steps which substantially strengthened the office of the presidency and had some notable fireign policy accomplishments.

John Tyler

(1841-1845) His opinions on all the important issues had been forcefully stated, and he had only been chosen to balance the Whig ticket with no expectation he would ever have power. He was in favor of state's rights, and a strict interpretation of the constitution, he opposed protective tariffs, a national bank and internal improvements at national expense.

Bear Flag Revolt

(1846) a revolt against Mexico by American settlers in California who declared the territory an independent republic Why? It ignited the Mexican War and ultimately made California a state.

Oregon Treaty

(1846):The Oregon Treaty divides Oregon Country along the 49th parallel ->eventually get becomes WASH, OR, Idaho, Montana & WY. (No War but Gets Land)

Mexican-American War

(1846-48): war between US & Mex. after annexation of Texas after Texas Revolution of 1836, the War is controversial in US (Whig Party & Abolitionists oppose).

Seneca Falls Convention

(1848) - This pro-feminism meeting took place in Seneca Falls, New York. They wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which tried to get women the right to vote.


(1848)- February 2nd, 1848. Gave American all Mexican territory from Texas to California that was north of the Rio Grande. This land was called the Mexican Cession since Mexico ceded it to the U.S... U.S. only had to pay 15 million to Mexico for it. 3.5 Million in debts from Mexico to the U.S. Were absolved as well.


(1850)- Stated that both the United States and Britain promised not to claim control over any canal built between the oceans that separated their countries. This included the Panama Canal which America later took over anyway.


(1852)- Stated that the U.S. was to offer 120 million to Spain for Cuba and if it refused and Spain's ownership of Cuba continued to endanger the U.S., then America would be justified in seizing the island.


(1853)- Opened the Northwest for settlement, and passed the unpopular Kansas-Nebraska Act. Purchase of railroad.

Tariff of 1832

(AJ) , The Tariff of 1832 was a protectionist tariff in the United States. It was passed as a reduced tariff to remedy the conflict created by the tariff of 1828, but it was still deemed unsatisfactory by southerners and other groups hurt by high tariff rates. Southern opposition to this tariff and its predecessor, the Tariff of Abominations, caused the Nullification Crisis involving South Carolina. The tariff was later lowered down to 35 percent, a reduction of 10 percent, to pacify these objections.

Harriet Tubman

(Black moses) The most successful conductor of the underground railroad. Helped liberate 300+ slaves.

The mexican War

(JP) 1846-1848 , Mexico broke relations with USA after annexation of Texas. Also, dispute over boundary of Texas (Rio Grande or Nueces River?) Americans interested in New Mexico and California, as well. Polk sent Slidell to try and buy off the Mexicans... they wouldn't budge.Polk ordered Taylor to move army across Nueces River to the Rio Grande- stayed stationed for a while,finally Mexicans crossed river. America got New Mexico and California, ended with Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Minister Denmark Vessey

(Slave Rebellion) (1822): Early Slave Rebellion in US.

Wilmot Proviso

(in 1846) advocated a bill that outlawed slavery in territory gained from Mexico so these lands would be open to free soilers; FAILED to pass

Funeral Services

* No Funerals in the Temple * No religious symbols in funeral homes for service * Bishop or Speaker of the Ward conducts funeral * No honorarium for Mormon Officiant

Moses Austin

* The first empresario to bring settlers into Texas. * Father of Stephen F. Austin. * Got permission from Mexico to bring settlers in 1820. * Died in 1821 from pneumonia.

Wilmot Proviso 1848

- Congressman David Wilmot (D-PA) introduced the Wilmot Proviso in the house in 1848; it called for no slavery in MX Cession - the MO Compromise didn't apply to this new land - the south was very negative towards this because they also just fought a war for this land - It failed in Senate, where the South had more swat (sectionalism trumping part loyalty), but reenergized the slavery debate and led to the creation of the Free Soil Party to oppose slavery's expansion

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo 1848

- Treaty of Mexican War - U.S. got West, known as Mexico Cession, almost 1/2 of Mexico for $15 million; it included CA, NM, AZ, NV, UT, and parts of CO and WY - U.S. grew by 1/3, more land had been acquired than in the Louisiana Purchase - critical turning point because of what it leads to, especially the debate on slavery - causes Gold Rush of 1848

Scott vs. Sanford

-Dred Scott was in free soil for 4 years until his master died -abolitionists tried to get him his freedom -he was given to his masters brother who lived in NY, a free state -obiter dictum: said the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional because it violates a man's right to go where he wants with his property -Sanford gave Scott his freedom

The Annexation Controversy of Texas

-For nine years Texas is it's own country. The lone star republic.


-Fort Sumpter: first shot of the Civil War -Lincoln said it was federal property -Jefferson Davis said it was part of the confederacy -David moves the capital to Richmond when 4 more states joint the confederacy, including Virginia

Gabriel, Denmark, and Nat

-Gabriel's Revolt: Richmond, VA 1800; more of a conspiracy -Denmark Vesey: 1822 becomes a free black through winning the lottery; executed for plotting a rebellion -Nat Turner: 1831 Virginia, killed 60 whites; him and his followers were executed


-Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" -fictional account of what slavery was like -said God wrote it through her

Feet of Clay

-Harrison's presidency -Clay had a lot of control although he wasn't the pres -Tyler took over when Harrison died and didn't give Clay the same authority that he had with Harrison

Satan's temptation

-He knew the plan, and that he needed to help the plan move along in order to drag others down.

Helper's Book

-Helper is a non slave owning southerner -wrote "impending crisis of the South" -says were going to have a Civil War -said slavery poisoned the South -the South will be devastated with the outcome

1844 election

-Henry Clay was the Whig candidate -Democrats nominate James Polk from Tennessee; "little hickory"; "dark horse" -Liberty Party ran James Birney -Polk won and became the 11th president -Voters liked his interest in expanding with Oregon, California and Texas

Why did Sam Houston run for a second term as president of the republic?

-Houston had disliked Lamar's policies -wanted to undue the damage he felt Lamar's administration had done to Texas

What did Mexico's offer of recognition of Texas in 1845 require?

-In May 1845, Mexico agreed to recognize Texas on one condition- Texas must reject annexation by the United States -Texas congress quickly rejected the Mexican proposal and voted to accept annexation by the United States

Significance of how the Book of Mormon came forth

-It takes faith.

Harper's Ferry

-John Brown attacked Harper's Ferry to capture the federal arsenal to give guns to slaves in order to start a space rebellion in Virginia (Oct. 16. 1959) -took place near Washington DC -Robert E. Lee captures John Brown -John Brown was tried for treason and hung on December 2, 1859

Bear Flag revolt

-June 1846 -revolution in Cali -led by John C. Fremont

the L-D debates

-Lincoln Douglas debates for the same senator position -state legislatures chose Douglas -Douglas Freeport Doctrine: said no slave codes


-Lincoln was sworn in Wash DC -Lincoln asked W. H. Seward to be his secretary of state -Seward's suggestion: declare war on another country to stop the Civil War; Lincoln said no


-Millard Fillmore; Taylor's VP -Taylor dies, Fillmore is the 13th president in 1850 -he signs the Comp of 1850


-Montgomery: confederate capital -7 states became the Confederate States of America -elected Jefferson Davis as their president


-Moses Austin was allowed to take Americans to Texas to become Spanish citizens -Stephen Austin, Moses' son, took over when his father died -rules for immigrants: had to become a spanish citizen, convert to Catholicism, and no slaves allowed -300 families were allowed in Texas -he created a police force: Texas Rangers (oldest law enforcement in the country)

Bleeding Kansas

-New England Emigrant Aid Society: got settlers to go to Kansas to make it a free state -Beecher's bibles: abolitionists used bibles to cover weapons

1860 Election

-Northern Democrat: Steven Douglas -Southern Democrat: John C. Breckinridge -Constitutional Union: John Bell -Republican: Abraham Lincoln (winner)

Looking West... 1820s

-Oregon: mountain men went there to get control from Britain; known as "Ashley's Hundred" -California: Californios lived there (mexicans); transformation from Spanish to Mexican -Texas: Tejanos


-Paddy: nickname for Irish men -Bridget: nickname for Irish women -Bridgets were almost always maids or servants -Heinrick Steinweg (German) changed his name to Steinway and made famous pianos -Levi Strauss (German): made Levi jeans; came in hope of gold in California

What effect did the gold rush have on the growth of California?

-People going to discover gold -People going to claim free or cheap land -Chinese emigrants are going to be free.

1848 election

-Polk doesn't run -Democrats: Lewis Cass -Whigs: Zachary Taylor (winner) -Free Soil Party: Martin Van Buren

Slidell Mission

-Polk sends John Slidell to Mexico City to determine the southern boundary -negotiated the disputed area -offered to buy California for $25 million, they said no

The Father of Education in Texas

-President Lamar set aside 18,000 acres of land in each Texas county for the support of public schools


-Rough and Ready: Zachary Taylor -victories at Palo Alto and Buena Vista -Fuss and Feathers: Winfield Scott -took 10,000 men by water from New Orleans to Vera Cruz then to Mexico City

Lone Star Republic

-Santa Anna (mexican pres) didn't like what it had become -March 2, 1836: Mexico declared independence and lead an army of 6000 -Alamo: defended by Jim Beui, Davy Crocket, and William Travis -Santa Anna took the Alamo -Sam Housten retreats into Texas so Santa Anna would follow and get far from Mexico and resources -Battle of San Jacinto: Samuel Houston captured Santa Anna -Texas was now the Lone Star Republic -John Tyler was pres at the time; Texas wanted to become a slave state

Adrian Woll

-Sept. 1842- led larger Mexican army of 1400 into Texas and occupied San Antonio -Texas Militia and Texas Rangers rushed to San Antonio and after heavy fighting Woll's army was pushed out of Texas -Texans losses included killing of Captain Nicholas Dawson and 35 volunteers


-South Carolina seceded as they promised if Lincoln won -Crittenden Compromise: John Crittenden said we put back the Missouri compromise line -Lincoln said no because he pledged free-soil

The Little Giant to the rescue

-Steven Douglas; democrat form NYC -1850: breaks down the omnibus bill to get senators to support certain parts of it -he succeeded by getting it to the president's desk

The Little Giant's Big Idea

-Steven Douglass introduces the Kansas-Nebraska Act to Congress -wants to split up the territory into 2 states -tries to get rid of the Missouri Comp line of 36' 30 to get southerners on board -lets slavery be decided by popular sovereignty -he did it to increase railroad stock -wanted to be the next president

What occurred as a result of the Meier Expedition

-Texans surrendering and loss of life -Texans being executed and imprisoned

Problems that hindered annexation of Texas

1. Mexico refused to recognize Texas's independence 2. The United States Govt. did not want to annex Texas if it meant damaging relations with Mexico. 3. Many anti-slaver groups in the U.S. did not want annexation because Texas would join the union as a slavery state and tip the balance of power in the U.S. Senate towards the slave states

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)

1. Mexico surrendered the Southwest (Arizona, New Mexico, California, Nevada, and Utah) to the U.S. in the "Mexican Cession" 2. U.S. paid $15 million for these territories

Problems that hindered recognition of Texas by the U.S. govt.

1. President Jackson sent Henry Moffit of Virginia to TX.- Moffit said he doubted TX. would be able to keep its independence against a Mexican invasion

Ways Republic tried to get money

1. Tariff - taxes on various goods that were imported to Texas 2. property taxes 3. business taxes 4. land title fees Collection of these taxes and fees was difficult and govt. continued to spend more money than it collected

Treaty of Velasco of 1836

1. Texas's western boundary would not extend beyond the Rio Grande.

List 3 ways in which Texans tried to protect themselves against the arrival of General Cos and his troops in 1835.

1. Towns formed committees of safety. 2. Patrols watched the roads to give warnings of approaching troops. 3. Committees of correspondence were formed to share political and military information.

what are 3 reasons why men from the U.S. joined the Texas army

1. beleif in liberty 2.promise of land 3.desire for adventure

Name 2 weaknesses of the Texans' position inside the Alamo

1. incomplete wall 2. force was to small to defend the size of the Alamo

Name 3 factors that weakened the Texas at the end of 1835

1. no communication or cooperation between troops 2. they were not trained 3. soem soldiers went home

Lamar's Policies toward native americans

1. reversed Sam Houston's Policies 2. Did not believe Native Americans had no fair claim to lands in Texas 3. Summer of 1839 - Lamar ordered the removal of the Cherokees from Texas resulted with 100 cherokees being killed and several texans 4. remaining Cherokees were forced to move across the Red River

Constitution of 1836

1. stated that the president could not serve consecutive terms

Results of the Mex-American War

1. surfaced issues over slavery-disputed over new lands being free or slave states 2. Free Soil Party 3. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

What were the major issues in Houston's 2nd term?

1. the budget 2. the threat of invasion by Mexico 3. annexation by the United States

Name 3 disadvantages that Fannin's troops faced at the battle of Coleto

1. they were surrounded 2. they had no water 3. no reinforcements

3 ways Texans tried to protect themselves against the arrival of general cos and his troops in 1835.

1. towns formed committees of safety 2. patrols watched the roads 3. committees of correspondence were formed

What did Clay do wrong?

1. wrote a lot of angry letters 2. Wishy washy about expanding borders

what are 3 strenghths of the Texans' position inside the Alamo

1.had 21 cannons 2.had good supply of food and water 3. was 2-3 ft. thick and was tall

John Tyler

10th president of the U.S.; moved up from vice president to president when William H. Harrison died early in his presidency; had conflicts with his Whig Party members over banking and tariff policies; kicked out of the Whig Party by the end of his term

James K. Polk

11th president of the U.S.; election was focused on "manifest destiny"; under his presidency Texas was formally invited into the U.S. as the 28th state

Significance of the number of witnesses

12 tribes also 12 apostles

Black Lists

A Black List was a list of workers supporting a union or a free trade society. These lists helped employers fight the rise of Unions by firing whomever's name they might find on the list. These lists were passed around workers by managers to make sure the workers that stayed employed kept up a good work ethic. ECONOMIC


A Christian sect whose beliefs stem from the revelations of Joseph Smith. Mormons settled in Utah in 1847, and received criticism in 1852 for their advocacy of polygamy. They were involved in the Mountain Meadow Massacre in 1857 after President Buchanan sent 2500 American troops to suppress a supposed Mormon uprising.

Robert E. Lee

A General for the confederates, fought many battles. One of his main plans towards the end of the civil war was to wait for a new president to come into office to make peace with. Fought Peninsular Campaign, 2nd battle of Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville (with Jackson), and Gettysburg.

Brigham Young

A Mormon leader that led his oppressed followers to Utah in 1846. Under Young's management, his Mormon community became a prosperous frontier theocracy and a cooperative commonwealth. He became the territorial governor in 1850. Unable to control the hierarchy of Young, Washington sent a federal army in 1857 against the harassing Mormons.

Dorthea Dix

A New England teacher and author who spoke against the inhumane treatment of insane prisoners, ca. 1830's. People who suffered from insanity were treated worse than normal criminals. Dorothea Dix traveled over 60,000 miles in 8 years gathering information for her reports, reports that brought about changes in treatment, and also the concept that insanity was a disease of the mind, not a willfully perverse act by an individual.

Party Caucus

A Party Caucus was an organization within a party that dictated the official position of the party on legislative issues. Van Buren used these chamber meetings to controll the votes in the Legislature.Today, these Caucuses still exist in Congress and the Legislatures. The republicans called it a conference in which they discussed ideas more in depth. Party Caucuses were used to select party leaders and develop party policy. POLITICAL

Provision of the Texas Constitution

A President of Texas could not serve consecutive terms.


A Spanish mission converted into a fort, it was besieged by Mexican troops in 1836. The Texas garrison held out for thirteen days, but in the final battle, all of the Texans were killed by the larger Mexican force.

Captain John N. Seguin

A Tejano who supported Texas independence.

John Deere

A Virginian inventor who created a horse-drawn reaping device that allowed a greater harvest of wheat compared to handheld tools.


A battle at Fort Goliad much like the Battle of the Alamo, resulting in another Texas defeat and happening soon after the Alamo.

The Alamo

A battle during the Texas Revolution ending up in a Mexican victory, however, Texans were able to hold their ground for 13 days even though the were strongly outnumbered. Why? An important part of the Texas Revolution that eventually led to the Republic of Texas and the Texas Annexation


A belief held by some Christian denominations that there will be a Golden Age or Paradise on Earth in which "Christ will reign" for 1000 years prior to the final judgment.

Divorce Bill

A bill passed by Van Buren in 1837, that divorced the government from banking altogether, and established an independent treasury, so the government could lock its money in vaults in several of the larger cities.

John C. Fremont

A captain and an explorer who was in California with several dozen well-armed men when the Mexican War broke out. He helped to overthrow the Mexican rule in 1846 by collaborating with Americans who had tried to raise the banner of the California Bear Republic; led Bear Flag Revolt

Plantation owners often described the master-slave relationship in terms of "paternalism"

A concept whereby a slave's labor and obedience were exchanged for the master's care

Task System

A division of labor established on the plantation which gives each slave one task to do on a day based on what the slave is capable of; It is the less brutal of the two main types of labor systems. The other form, known as the gang system.The difference between the task labor system and the gang labor system was the amount of work time required by the slave and also the amount of freedom given to the slave. Some plantation owners allowed their slaves to produce goods for sale in task systems. The gang systems forced the slaves to work until the owner said they were finished and allowed them almost no freedom

Ostend Manifesto

A doc by Pierre Soule recommending that the U.S. offer Spain $20 million for Cuba. It was not carried through in part because the North feared Cuba would become another slave state.

Wilmot Proviso

A failed proposal David Wilmot proposed to both houses of Congress in 1846 calling for the restriction of slavery in territory captured from Mexico. The proposal was heavily criticized by John C. Calhoun.

Independent Treasury Plan

Instead of depositing its revenue in state banks, Van Buren persuaded Congress to establish an Independent Treasury in which the federal government would keep the revenue itself and thereby withhold public money from the grasp of business cooperation., Proposed during Van Buren's presidency and passed in 1840, but repealed when Whigs came into power in the next election. It stopped the problem of over speculation and expansion of false credit. It was reenacted in 1846 and existed to 1921.

Why did the public debt of Texas continue to grow in spite of attempts by Houston to balance the budget?

Interest on the debt

Irish Potato famine - Irish Immigration

Irish Potato Famine - Period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852; During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.The cause of famine was a potato disease commonly known as potato blight. Irish Immigration - - Land lords send Irish who are elderly or very sick to America - Eventually, any one who is willing to go to the US will get financial assistance from their landlord "Irish need not apply" - Boss Tweed - Tammany Hall - Strength in numbers Irish and German immigrants - Viewed as drunken fools - Shelayla - Stealing the ballot box - Corrupting Democracy - Move to St. Louis and Milwaukee. - De tocqueville - Best-selling book of the 1830's- "Awful Disclosures" by Maria Monk - Strong Anti-Catholic sentiment

Why were there so many Irish Catholic immigrants?

Irish potato famine

Cyrus McCormick

Irish-American inventor that developed the mechanical reaper. The reaper replaced scythes as the preferred method of cutting crops for harvest, and it was much more efficient and much quicker. Why? The invention helped the agricultural growth of America.

Specie Circular

Issued by Jackson - attempt to stop states from speculating land with money they printed that was not backed by anything - required land speculation in speci; Provided that in payment for public lands, the government would accept only gold or silver

How important was agriculture to the economy of the North?

It combined with commerce and manufacturing in a mixed economy

Why did the Texans want to defend the Alamo?

It controlled an important road into Texas

Why were the reaper and the steel plow important?

It decreased costs and made farming more efficient

What did the Battle of Gonzalez demonstrate about Texas colonists?

It demonstrated that they meant business and were ready to fight for their independence.

The Book Of Mormon Fullness of the gospel

It doesn't have all the doctrine of the church but of the doctrine it has it is all correct. Also focuses on the atonement of Christ

The positive result of the capture of San Antonio was?

It drove all Mexican troops out of Texas

What did the number of casualties for the opposing forces at the Alamo show?

It indicated the determination of the Texan forces

What does the San Jacinto Monument represent to Texans?

It is a reminder of the Texans' victory in the last battle of the Texas Revolution.

Book of mormon as keystone, Ezra Taft Benson's elaboration on keystone

It is our keystone of our testimony of Jesus Christ

Which of the following statements about the Texas Bill of Rights is NOT true?

It is part of the Texas Declaration of Independence.

What is the walker tariff?

It made tariffs low.

Why was the location of the Alamo important?

It protected settlements further east

What did the cry, "Remember the Alamo!" reveal bout Santa Anna's victory?

It showed that Texans were dedicated to winning independence

In the Law of April 6, 1830, what specific actions did the Mexican government take?

It stopped immigration from the United States. It suspended most empresario contracts that had not been completed. It set up new forts to prevent smuggling, the introduction of slaves, and illegal land speculation.

Why is the Alamo considered an important historical landmark of the Texas Revolution?

It symbolizes Texan courage because it was used as a fortress to fight Santa Anna's troops

Fredrich Douglass/ North Star

A former slave who was an abolitionist, gifted with eloquent speech and self-educated. In 1838 he was "discovered" as a great abolitionist to give antislavery speeches. He swayed many people to see that slavery was wrong by publishing "Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass" which depicted slavery as being cruel. He also looked for ways politically to end slavery. He was also the publisher of an abolitionist newspaper gained a circulation of over 4,000 readers in the United States, Europe, and the Caribbean. Taking as its motto "Right is of no Sex — Truth is of no Color — God is the Father of us all, and we are all brethren," the North Star served as a forum not only for abolitionist views, but also supported the feminist movement and the emancipation of other oppressed groups.

Oregon Trail

A historical overland route to the western United States extending from various cities on the Missouri River to the Oregon Country and later Oregon Territory. The trail was opened in 1842, and by 1845 more than 3,000 migrants had made the arduous journey. Why? After the coming of the railroad, the trail fell into disuse and was finally abandoned in the 1870s.


A machine invented by Samuel Morse which allowed for a drastic increase of communication speed and efficiency through signaling technology.

William Lloyd Garrison/ The Liberator

A militant abolitionist, he became editor of the Boston publication, The Liberator, in 1831. Under his leadership, The Liberator gained national fame and notoriety due to his quotable and inflammatory language, attacking everything from slave holders to moderate abolitionists, and advocating northern secession

Stephen A. Douglas

A moderate, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and popularized the idea of popular sovereignty.


A movement which began in the late 19th century & continued into the early 20th century. Goal: to restrict and control immigration & immigrants (by controlling their behavior, & limiting their movement, opportunities, schooling, etc.)

South Carolina Exposition

A pamphlet published by the South Carolina legislature, written by John C. Calhoun. It spoke against the "Tariff of Abominations," and proposed nullification of the tariff. Calhoun wished to use nullification to prevent secession, yet address the grievances of sectionalist Southerners. These sectionalist ideas helped lead to the Civil War.

Know-Nothing/America Party

A party dedicated to anti-immigration. Fearful of papal power in America due to Irish and German immigrants, the Know-Nothing Party (which got its name from the "I know nothing" phrase its original members would answer to all questions) was triumphant in the North thanks to native Anglo-Saxon-Protestant voters. However, the party collapsed in 1856 as it did not have a strong stance against the issue of slavery.

Initially the white south defended slavery as a "necessary evil", eventually however southern intellectuals began to argue that slavery was

A positive good because it civilized blacks and brought them Christianity

What is William Travis's "Victory or Death" letter called?

A primary source document

George Henry Evans

A radical reformer who lead the homestead movement and whose actions eventually led to the Homestead Act of 1862.

Bear Flag Revolt

A revolt of American settlers in California against Mexican rule. It ignited the Mexican War and ultimately made California a state.

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals that swept through the united states in the early 19th century. It stimulated the establishment of many reform movements designed to remedy the evils of society before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Lincoln-Douglas debates

A series of seven debates in 1858 between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. The debates were held at the sites throughout Illinois, one in each of the Congressional Districts.


A siege during the Texan Revolution that was the first major defeat for the American settlers and resulted in the death of Davey Crockett. The Alamo later inspired American settlers to achieve victory in the Battle of San Jacinto.

What did plantation owners mean when they described the master-slave relationship in terms of "paternalism?"

A slave's labor and obedience were exchanged for the master's care and guidance.

Fifty-Four Forty or fight

A slogan describing America's want to gain all of Oregon back from Britain, this would be the land all the way to 54 40 Lattitude and Longitude

kitchen cabinet

A small group of Jackson's friends and advisors who were especially influential in the first years of his presidency. Jackson conferred with them instead of his regular cabinet. Many people didn't like Jackson ignoring official procedures, and called it the "Kitchen Cabinet" or "Lower Cabinet".

Overland Trail

A stagecoach and wagon trail used by American pioneers beginning in the 1820's to migrate to Oregon, California, and Wyoming.

Battle of San Jacinto

A surprise attack by Texas forces on Santa Ana's camp on April 21, 1836. Santa Ana's men were surprised and overrun in twenty minutes. Santa Ana was taken prisoner and signed an armistice securing Texas independence. Mexicans - 1,500 dead, 1,000 captured. Texans - 4 dead.

San Jacinto

A surprise attack by Texas forces on Santa Ana's camp on April 21, 1836. Santa Ana's men were surprised and overrun in twenty minutes. Santa Ana was taken prisoner and signed an armistice securing Texas independence. Mexicans - 1,500 dead, 1,000 captured. Texans - 4 dead.

Tariff of Abominations/ Tariff of 1828

A tariff that was passed under Adams presidency. but turned into a national crisis during Jacksons term. This tariff taxed the British wools and other certain raw material imports. This tariff greatly angered the southerners because they opposed protectionism under all circumstances. These southern states stated to consider nullifying the tariff in the year 1830.

Gold rush

A term referring to a massive migration of people intending to make profit from gold mining. The Californian Gold Rush populated California with "forty-niners" and transformed California into a very Americanized society.

Forty niners

A term referring to the American miners who migrated to California in 1849 after the discovery of Californian gold.

Pet banks

A term used by Jackson's opponents to describe the state banks that the federal government used for new revenue deposits in an attempt to destroy the Second Bank of the United States; the practice continued after the charter for the Second Bank expired in 1836.

Transcontinental Railroad

A train route across the United States, finished in 1869. It was the project of two railroad companies: the Union Pacific built from the east, and the Central Pacific built from the west. The two lines met in Utah. The Central Pacific laborers were predominantly Chinese, and the Union Pacific laborers predominantly Irish. Both groups often worked under harsh conditions.

Treaty of Fort Laramie

A treaty signed by the US government and Indian tribes in the Wyoming Territory that officially ended Red Cloud's War.

Explain why the capture of San Antonio was an important victory for Texas.

A volunteer army of only about 400 Texans defeated a force of nearly 1,000 Mexican troops. Texas was now cleared of Mexican troops.

The Mexican-American War of 1846-48

A war (1846-1848) between the United States and Mexico, resulting in the cession by Mexico of lands now constituting all or most of the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado.

Joseph Smith

A young American farmer who established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints based on revelations he experienced.

Steven Austin

A young immigrant from Missouri who established the first legal American settlement in Texas in 1822. He was successful in recruiting immigrants to Texas.


Agents married the daughter of the elite Mexican ranchers. Adopted their manners, attitudes, and Catholic religion

The bombardment of Vera Cruz

American forces under General Winfield Scott made the country's first amphibious landing at Vera Cruz, a Mexican coastal city, on March 9, 1847. Before the Mexican Army knew it, 12,000 American troops were on land and marching toward Vera Cruz. They captured the city several days later. From there, it was a short, triumphant march to Mexico City, the capital. -Scott nicknamed Old Guss and Feathers

Sam Houston

American general and politician who fought in the struggle for Texas's independence from Mexico and became president of the Republic of Texas.

Jim Bowie

American killed while fighting at the Battle of the Alamo during the Texas War for Independence

"The Liberator"

An abolitionist newspaper founded by William Lloyd Garrison in 1831. Garrison published weekly issues of The Liberator from Boston continuously for 35 years; 3,000 circulation and and three-quarters of subscribers were African Americans in 1834; the newspaper earned nationwide notoriety for its uncompromising advocacy of "immediate and complete emancipation of all slaves" in the United States.

John Brown

An abolitionist who attempted to lead a slave revolt by capturing Armories in southern territory and giving weapons to slaves. This was unsuccessful at Harper's Ferry, Virginia.

Fifty-four forty or fight!

An aggressive slogan adopted in the Oregon boundary dispute, a dispute over where the border between Canada and Oregon should be drawn. This was also Polk's slogan - the Democrats wanted the U.S. border drawn at the 54º40' latitude. Polk settled for the 49º latitude in 1846.

"Fifty-four forty or fight:

An aggressive slogan adopted in the Oregon boundary dispute, a dispute over where the border between Canada and Oregon should be drawn. This was also Polk's slogan- the Democrats' wanted the U.S. border drawn at the 54'40" latitude. Polk settled for the 49 latitude in 1846.

Oliver Holmes

An anatomy teacher at Harvard Medical school who was regarded as a prominent poet, essayist, novelist, lecturer and wit from 1809-1894. Poem " the Last Leaf" in honor of the last "white Indian" at the Boston Tea Party, which really applied to himself

The Liberator

An anti-slavery journal published and written by Lloyd Garrison.

Webster-Hayne Debate

An argument between Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne, about the issue states' rights versus national power. Webster said that Hayne was a challenge to the integrity of the Union. Hayne responded with a defense of the theory of nullification. Webster then spent two full afternoons delievering what became known as his "Second Reply to Hayne." He concluded with the ringing appeal: "Liberty and Union, now and for ever, one and inseparable."

John Brown's Raid

An attempt by abolitionist John Brown to cause a slave rebellion by seizing a weapons arsenal; however, it failed since no slaver knew about it. Caused south to believe northern abolitionists were all radical and militant.


An economic system where the means in which private individuals, groups, or corporations own the means of production, goods are created for profit, markets are based on competition, and laborers are paid by wages.

Sterling C. Robertson

An empresario whom Austin had disagreements with over ownership of Texas land.

Frederick Douglass

An escaped slave that became an abolitionist and published "The North Star"

Winfield Scott

An unsuccessful Whig candidate for the 1852 Presidential Elections. Scott served in the War of 1812, Black Hawk War, Second Seminole War, and eventually the American Civil War, but gained fame in the Mexican-American War by capturing Mexico City.


Ancient language that is used in the Book Of Mormon. "The Church is true, and true is the church.

Election of 1832

Andrew Jackson (Democrat) ran for re-election with V.P. Martin Van Buren. The main issue was his veto of the recharter of the U.S. Bank, which he said was a monopoly. Henry Clay (Whig), who was pro-Bank, ran against him The Anti-Masonic Party nominated William Wirt. This was the first election with a national nominating convention. Jackson won - 219 to Clay's 49 and Wirt's 1. The Masons were a semi-secret society devoted to libertarian principles to which most educated or upper-class men of the Revolutionary War era belonged. The Anti-Masons sprang up as a reaction to the perceived elitism of the Masons, and the new party took votes from the Whigs, helping Jackson to win the election.

favor of addition of Texas to our Union

Andrew Jackson in 1844 election in support of expansionist goals of Polk: "If there be patriotism in the effort to increase the wealth and happiness of all classes in our society - to diffuse the blessings of equal laws, and a just government - if there be love in the spirit which finds in this free land of ours the means to spread the light of the Gospel, and to teach fallen man throughout the world how hw may recover his right to civil and religious liberty - it seems to me that all this patriotism - all this philanthropy - all this religion -appeals to us in favor of the addition of Texas to our Union." Meltzer p. 52

Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson was an American General made famous for winning the Battle of New Orleans in 1814. Jackson ran for President in 1824 but lost to Adams. Over the next four years, Jackson led another presidential campaign in hopes of beating Adams. Jackson won, and once he was elected in 1828, he pioneered the Spoils System, putting his personal favorites in place. He also waged war against the Native Americans and the National Bank, winning on both fronts. He left office in 1837. POLITICAL

Old Hickory

Andrew Jackson's name (Democratic Republican); Hickory tough champion

Spoils System

Andrew Jackson's practice of rewarding his political supporters with government jobs.


Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, Stephen Douglas

democrats key goal

Anti-Bank, Anti-Tariff, Pro-Expansion, increased voting rights.

Other northers joined the know nothing order for what reasons?

Anti-Catholicism, Anti-establishment, unpopularity of Kansas Nebraska act associated with the Democrats

What was a much more important reason for the decline of the Whig party in 1853?

Anti-Immigration and Anti-Catholicism

Great and abominable church

Any church that isn't OUR CHURCH!

"Oregon fever"

April 1843 - 6 month trek. Many settled in California, then Oregon, and lastly Wyoming/Idaho/Montana. Death: disease and exposure. Difficult on women.

How did the war with Mexico change the U.S. border and its land holdings?

Because the U.S. won the war (prize was New Mexico and California), the border was pushed down

Who led an attack on Mexican soldiers in San Antonio in Decmber 1835?

Ben Milam

What were the benefits and drawbacks of the belief in manifest destiny?

Benefits-land in the west land ownership, expanded trade markets, prosperity. Drawbacks-affected Native American communities & culture, Black Hawk War, dangerous trade routes, territorial disputes


Besides the specialization of industry (such as textile spinning), the North experienced the specialization of commerce and farming. Entire cities could special in specific commodities (Rochester became a milling center). Farmers stopped growing wide varieties of crop to feed themselves, and instead began specializing in cash crops which could yield much more profit in the market.

Brer Rabbit, "The Trickster"

Central figure as Uncle Remus tells stories of the Southern United States. Br'er Rabbit is a trickster who succeeds by his wits rather than by brawn, tweaking authority figures and bending social mores as he sees fit. The Br'er Rabbit stories can be traced back to trickster figures in Africa, particularly the hare that figures prominently in the storytelling traditions in West, Central, and Southern Africa.

Temple Ordinances

Ceremonial instructions of the Mormon Church, given only within a Temple to worthy members of the sect

The Texas defenders knew that remaining in the Alamo meant what

Certain Death

When Zachary Taylor became president in 1849, he enraged southerners by

Championing a free soil solution to slavery urging congress to admit California and New Mexico to the union as free states

Charles Sumner

Charles Sumner was a leading abolitionist who condemned proslavery men. Most popular (known) for a speech called "The Crime Against Kansas" where he gave particular attention to Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina, comparing to an ugly harlot. Butler's nephew Preston Brooks took exception went to Sumner's office and beat him over the head with a cane. Brooks was revered in the South for the attack and Sumner was revered in the North for being attacked, symbolizing the opposing views towards the slavery issue.

What did the Know Nothing's want most?

Checks on immigration

Trail of Tears

Cherokee relocation to the new territory from GA, 1838 - 1839, many died from the freezing cold and lack of adequate food. 4,000 died in the 116 day journey

Five Civilized Tribes

Cherokees, Choctaws, Creeks, Chickasaws, Seminoles (all made advances to blend in American culture)


Chief Bowles; leader of the Cherokees; killed when Lamar attacked the Cherokees with troops in summer of 1839

Edward Burleson

Chosen to lead the Texas volunteer army in 1835.


Church founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, religious group that emphasized moderation, saving, hard work, and risk-taking. They moved from IL to UT. Why? Group's beliefs criticized for teaching and practicing polygamy

Franklin Pierce

Democrat who won the election of 1852 over the Whigs and the Free Soilers. Devoted himself to avoid offendiong either of the secions of the nation, the slavery issue in particular. Instead, he was committed to expanding American interests with hawaii and Cuba, although this offended many northerners for fear that slavery would spread to those islands.

1856 Election

Democrat: James Buchanan (winner) Republican: John C. Fremont American Party: Millard Fillmore

What were the 2 new parties?

Democratic and Whig.


Democratic president who passed soon after his only term. He worked hard to pursue his goals as president, such as lowering the Tariff of 1842, reinstating the independent treasury, acquiring California, and settling agreements to claim Oregon. America grew tremendously through the vast territorial additions achieved by President Polk.

How did Texas joined the States?

Democrats admitted Texas using a joint resolution of Congress, which required just a majority vote in each house, and Texas became the twenty-eighth state in December 1845. Polk's strategy of linking Texas and Oregon had put him in the White House and Texas in the Union. Shortly, it would make the expansion of the South — and its system of slavery — the central topic of American politics.

8th president election

Democrats ran Van Buren and Whigs ran 3 people. Van Buren won. Served 1 term.

John Brown's raid in Harper's ferry

Demonstrated the determination of some abolitionists

The case of _______________ showed that a prosperous, free, African-American might give his life in the struggle for freedom.

Denmark Vesey

The typical plantation mistress

Did not live a life of leisure and spent most of her time on the plantation

Most white southerners in the antebellum south

Did not own slaves

Wilmot Proviso

Dispute over whether any Mexican territory that America won during the Mexican War should be free or a slave territory. A representative named David Wilmot introduced an amendment stating that any territory acquired from Mexico would be free. This amendment passed the House twice, but failed to ever pass in Senate. The "Wilmot Proviso", as it became known as, became a symbol of how intense dispute over slavery was in the U.S.

Wilmot Proviso

Dispute over whether any Mexican territory that America won during the Mexican War should be free or a slave territory. A representative named David Wilmot introduced an amendment stating that any territory acquired from Mexico would be free. This amendment passed the House twice, but failed to ever pass in Senate. The "Wilmot Proviso", as it became known as, became a symbol of how intense dispute over slavery was in the U.S. -David Wilmot nicknamed D-PA

Compromise of 1850

Divisions over slavery in territory gained in the Mexican-American (1846-48). War were resolved in the Compromise of 1850. It consisted of laws admitting California as a free state, creating Utah and New Mexico territories with the question of slavery in each to be determined by popular sovereignty, settling a Texas-New Mexico boundary dispute in the former's favor, ending the slave trade in Washington, D.C., and making it easier for southerners to recover fugitive slaves.


Dominant in the Fifth


Dominant in the First.


Dominant in the Fourth.


Dominant in the Second.

Neither Party

Dominant in the Sixth


Dominant in the Third.

Lakota Sioux

Dominant tribe on the central as well as the northern plains. Buffalo population decreased.

Fugitive Slave Act

Enacted by Congress in 1793 and 1850 these laws provided for the return of excaped slaves to their owners. The North was lax about enforcing the 1793 law, with irritated the South no end. The 1850 law was tougher and was aimed at climinating the underground railroad.

Fugitive Slave law

Enacted by Congress in 1793 and 1850 these laws provided for the return of excaped slaves to their owners. The North was lax about enforcing the 1793 law, with irritated the South no end. The 1850 law was tougher and was aimed at climinating the underground railroad.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Ended the Mexican American War, American Land now reached California and was purchased for $15 million

Among the ways slaves reacted to their bondage was

Engaging in daily forms of resistance such as feigning illness, breaking farm equipment, or playing dumb

Caroline 1837

England set fire to a ship on our water because they said it threatened Canada

What was the name of the native Texan elected as a delegate to the Convention of 1836?

Erasmo Sequín

"Civil Disobedience"

Essay by Henry David Thoreau that is an argument for disobedience to an unjust state

Hyrum Smith

Established church in Coleville, NY. Very faithful, martyred with Joseph Smith, Jr.

Joseph Smith

Established the Mormons - age 24 -- published the Book of Mormon - died 14 years later -- he had attracted tens of thousands of followers, established cities and temples, and founded a religion and a religious culture that continues to the present day.

Ethnocultural Politics

Ethnocultural Politics was the practice of voting along ethnic and religious lines. This began in the 1830's as more immigrants arrived. It eventually became a prominent part of American politics. Ethnocultural Politics helped the Democrats, whose ideas were similar to those of the immigrants. POLITICAL

Which of the following did NOT occur at the Alamo?

Every Texan in the Alamo, including women and children, was killed.

Why was the ad interim government forced to flee so many times?

Every time Santa Anna's army approached where the government members were located, the members had to flee elsewhere.

Lost tribes

Everyone except Benjamin and Judah


Everyone who dislike Jackson; considered themselves conservatives but really progressive (internal improvements, claimed themselves defenders of the common man) - said that Jackson had gone aristocratic

The Book Of Mormon The most Correct

Everything in it is true.

Abraham Lincoln understood that humanitarian concerns for black people would not motivate northerners to fight to keep slavery out of the territories, somhe promoted the "free labor" concept by asserting that the territories were

Excellent destinations for poor people seeking to imorove their conditions

What were 2 important things he did?

Expanded countries borders. Agrees to split it and took land from Mexico Got congress to pass the walker tariff

In 1860, the increasingly confident Republican Party

Expanded their platform to address other issues

Manifest Destiny

Expansionists developed continental ambitions. Connect North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Gave a sense of Anglo-American cultural and radical superiority. Native Americans and Mexicans would be subjected to American dominion, taught republicanism, and converted to Protestantism.


Eyed by farmers of the Ohio River Valley. British-American allowed Russian, American, and Mexican to settle there. Had Fine harbors, nice trading routes with China and rich soil. Business was fur trading.

Which area on the map corresponds to the label "Oregon territory"? F) Area A G) Area B H) Area C J) Area D

F) Area A

When William Seward Saint"come on then gentlemen of the slave states.. We will engage in competition for the virgin soil of Kansas " his challenge was based in this

Fact that Kansas had been thrown open for settlement under the concept of popular sovereignty

Peter Whitmer

Faithful member, was a misionary

Abraham Lincoln fully supported President Polk's justification for declaring war against Mexico in 1846. Select one: True False


In spite of the controversy over the Statute of Freedom, Thomas Crawford refused to change his original design of the statue. Select one: True False


John Brown was one of the most infamous black abolitionists, after Frederick Douglass. Select one: True False


Moderate Republicans like Abraham Lincoln supported the Dred Scott decision. Select one: True False


Nativism emerged as a major political movement in 1854, with the sudden appearance of the Liberty Party. Select one: True False


Oliver Perry led the contingent of U.S. warships that helped to open Japan to American trade in 1854. Select one: True False


Prior to becoming president in 1857, James Buchanan did not have much political experience. Select one: True False


The Appeal of the Independent Democrats was not a very effective piece of political persuasion. Select one: True False


The Lincoln-Douglas debates were relatively insignificant in American political history and of little consequence to the outcome of the U.S. Senate race. Select one: True False


The Ostend Manifesto suggested seizing all of Mexico, rather than just the Mexican Cession, during the Mexican War. Select one: True False


The Wilmot Proviso was an attempt to annex Cuba. Select one: True False


White American miners welcomed help from foreign miners during the California gold rush. Select one: True False


In what way did Fannin disobey the orders of Sam Houston?

Fannin divided his forces at various times in South Texas

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

February 2 1848. The agreement between President Polk and the new Mexican government for Mexico to cede California and New Mexico to the US and acknowledge the Rio Grand as the boundary of Texas. In return, the US promised to assume any financial claims its new citizens had against Mexico and to pay the Mexicans $15 million.

Battle of Buena Vista

February 22 &23 1847 Zachary Taylor defeated 20,000 Mexican Troops with just 5,000 troops of his own.

On what date did General Urrea defeat the Texans at San Patricio

February 27, 1836

Andrea Villanueva

Female survivor of the Alamo. Lived to be 113.

What made Americans want to settle in Texas?

Fertile soil, free land, looking to grow cotton.

What did the events at the Alamo inspire most Texans to do

Fight for freedom

Why is it difficult for the delegates to stay at the Convention of 1936?


James Neill

First commander at the Alamo. Did not fight at the Alamo, left to take care of sick family.

Anti-masonic party

First founded in New York, it gained considerable influence in New England and the mid-Atlantic during the 1832 election, campaigning against the politically influential Masonic order, a secret society. Anti-Masons opposed Andrew Jackson, a Mason, and drew much of their support from evangelical Protestants.

Why did American loose faith in old parties (Democrats and Whigs)?

Focused on winning over Catholic immigrants not North South rivalry

Free-Soil Party

Formed in 1847 - 1848, dedicated to opposing slavery in newly acquired territories such as Oregon and ceded Mexican territory.

Free Soil Party

Formed in 1847-1848 dedicated to opposing slavery in newly acquired territories such as Oregon and ceded Mexican territory. Emergence of this party and others signaled the divisions in American political parties surrounding the issue of slavery. the dominant parties were unable to capture every American's sentiments around slavery. This party was not anti-slavery it just didn't want slavery and slaves becoming a part of the new land acquired after war with Mexico.

Free-Soil Ideology

Formed in 1847-1848 dedicated to opposing slavery in newly acquired territories such as Oregon and ceded Mexican territory. Emergence of this party and others signaled the divisions in American political parties surrounding the issue of slavery. the dominant parties were unable to capture every American's sentiments around slavery. This party was not anti-slavery it just didn't want slavery and slaves becoming a part of the new land acquired after war with Mexico.

American Temperance Society

Formed in Boston in 1826, It tried to persuade people to cut down on drinking alcohol.

Republican Party

Formed in response to Kansas-Nebraska Act. John C Fremont was the first presidential candidate. It is a Political party that believed in the non-expansion of slavery and was comprised of Whigs, Northern Democrats, and Free-Soilers, in defiance to the Slave Powers.

Colonel Ugartechea (oo-gahr-teh-CHAY-ah)

Fought Texan settlers at Velasco in 1832. Mexican commander at San Antonio in 1835. Ordered Texans at Gonzales to surrender their cannon, which led to the Battle of Gonzales.

Zachary Taylor

Fought in Mexico, reaching Buena Vista, and repelled 20K Mexicans with only 5000 men, instantly becoming a hero.

As a system, slavery by 1860 was

Found in almost every skilled and unskilled occupation in the South


Founded by Mother Ann Lee in Albany, New York - Believe in Masculine and Feminine manifestation of God (Mother Ann Lee believes she is the feminine) - Would adopt and convert orphans because they believed in abstinence Known for: - Wood Furniture - Garden Seeds in Packets - Circular Saw - Flat Broom - Lithograph - Very Inclusive -- African Americans, Young, Old Separation of Men and Women - Dancing going on - Seating around the edges - Women are more virtuous, more sincere - They can exercise control over their own bodies Today: - Belief in simplicity and celibacy - Women in Albany didn't think that the Sabbath Day Lake shakers were legit - Currently Albany women are trying to get the whole Shaker society disbanded


Founded by William Miller - From Massachussets - Spent time in Upstate New York - Claimed to be diviner of water - Calculates the end of the world - Millennialism - Believes in Rapture - Great Disappointment - Basis for the Seventh Day Adventists

Sante Fe Trail

Founded in 1822 by William Becknell, the Santa Fe Trail was the first international trail from the US to Mexico. The trail began in Missouri and ended at Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was also the route used by the US military during the American invasion of New Mexico in 1846.

Joseph Smith

Founded the Mormon religion after reporting that he was visited by an angel and given golden plates in 1840; the plates, when deciphered, brought about the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Book of Mormon; he ran into opposition from Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri when he attempted to spread the Mormon beliefs, but was killed by non believer. Why? Smith establishment of the Mormon faith started a movement within America of values including no drinking, gambling, and an unorthodox view of marriage. His sacrifice for his religious beliefs is a symbol of what America was built on back in the colonial days.

Mother Ann Lee

Founder of Shakers; Came from Britain

Who was the Mexican woman who helped save some Texans from execution?

Francita Alvarez

Who was the Texan sent to attack Matamoros?

Frank W. Johnson

All of the following people gained fame during the Texas independence movement except

Frederick Douglass.

Hudson River Valley School

Frederick Edwin Church - Tried to create an appreciation for the beauty of nature prior to places being settled - Actually makes people want to go and conquer these beautiful place - Made distinctly american art - Painted the environment - Distinctly American Literature - Bartleby the Scrivener - Wall Street, Melville - Moby Dick - Melville - Last of the Mohicans - JF Copper - Young Goodman Brown - Hawthorne - Fall of the House of Usher - Poe - Rip Van Winkle Whats more american than native americans?

Which of the following restrictions were placed on the 260,000 free blacks by 1860?

Free blacks were subjected to special taxes, prohibited from interstate travel, denied the right to have schools and to participate in politics, and forced to carry "freedom papers."

Where did General Urrea lead Mexican troops?


Where was the site of the massacre of Fannin's troops?


Where were Fannin and his troops posted in 1836


after its victory at San Antonio, the Texas army held both _________ and the _________.

Goliad and the Alamo

What early battle gave Texans the courage to start a revolution?


What town were 32 volunteers of the Alamo from


the slogan "on to San Antonio" was the cry of Texan soldiers after fighting at

Gonzales and Goliad

"Lexington of Texas"

Gonzales, first official battle of Texas

James K. Polk

Governor of Tennessee, a slave owner and an avowed expansionist. Known as "Young Hickory" because he was a protégé of Andrew Jackson, Polk shared his mentor's iron will, boundless ambition, and determination to open up lands for American settlement. "Fifty-four forty or fight!"

The Great Plains in the 1820s and 1830s were known as the

Great American Desert.

What did many native born American resent about immigration?

Growth of Catholicism

Horace Mann

He was an idealistic graduate of Brown University, secretary of the Massachusetts board of education. He was involved in the reformation of public education (1825-1850). He campaigned for better school houses, longer school terms, higher pay for teachers, and an expanded curriculum. He caused a reformation of the public schools, many of the teachers were untrained for that position. Led to educational advances in text books by Noah Webster and Ohioan William H. McGuffey.

How did tyler betray the Whigs>?

He was from virgina, orginally a democratic, but left to the Whig party, but in his heart he was always a democrat. n Clay tried to get the American System back running and Tyler said no. Whigs kicked tyler out of their party, tyler was a president w/o a political party. This hurt the whigs.

Why did Santa Anna want to attack the Alamo?

He was furious that Texans had taken it.

Which of the folowing was NOT a reason Texas fought against Santa Anna?

He was not elected fairly.

What did Santa Anna's red flag signify?

He was not going to take any prisoners

What was Polk's Program?

He was one of the most successful presidents. He did everything he promised. 1. he was dislikable 2. hardworking and determined. 3. filled his administration with Southerns.

William H. Seward

He was secretary of state under Johnson and Lincoln. He helped purchase Alaska as well as creating a secret police force.

James K. Polk

He won the election of 1844. Polk favored American expansion, especially advocating the annexation of Texas, California, and Oregon. He opposed Clay's American System, instead advocating lower tariff. He believed in Manifest Destiny.

The San Filipe church served as Santa Anna's what during the battle of the Alamo


Why were open slave revolts uncommon in the South?

Heavily armed whites outnumbered blacks two to one by 1860.

Why did the Provisonal government have difficulty reaching decisions?

Held fast to their own beliefs

Martin Harris

Helped a lot financially, but was excommunicated, but got rebaptized. Lost the original transcript of the BOM.

Name 2 African Americans and 2 Tejanos who fought for Texas Independence.

Hendrick Arnold and Greenbury Logan were free African Americans and Juan Seguin and Manual Flores were 2 Tejanos


Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, William Henry Harrison

November 7, 1835

Henry Smith was elected govenor

Who was the co-leader of the war party?

Henry smith

Which one of the following individuals tried to convince southern yeoman farmers that slavery actually reduced their standard of living?

Hinton R. Helper

Mexican Cession

Historical name for the region of the present day southwestern United States that was ceded to the U.S. by Mexico in 1848 under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo following the Mexican-American War. Why? The question of extending slavery into newly acquired territories had become the leading national political issue.

Houston's capital


Who did the Consultation place in charge of the regular Texas army?


First Capital of Republic of Texas

Houston becomes Capital of Texas 1836; was to be capital for 3 years

What did Houston do when Santa Anna advanced?

Houston called a tactical retreat

Why did Sam Houston want recognition from European countries?

Houston hoped that if European countries, especially Great Britain, showed interest in Texas, the U.S. would move quickly to annex Texas to avoid giving European countries a foothold on the continent

What were the Know Nothing's supposed to reply of asked about their order?

I know nothing

How would you evaluate President Polk's attitude and behavior toward Mexico?

I think that President Polk's attitude and behavior toward Mexico was wrong. He had no right to interfere with Mexico's war. He went onto their land and forced them to do what he thought should be done. I also don't think that should have taken New Mexico and California from Mexico. That's was Mexico's land and we the US had no right to it.

Texas becoming independent

If Texas became peopled with an American population; it was by no contrivance of our government, but on the express invitation of that of Mexico herself; accompanied with such guaranties of State independence, and the maintenance of a federal system analogous to our own, as constituted a compact fully justifying the strongest measures of redress on the part of those afterwards deceived in this guaranty, and sought to be enslaved under the yoke imposed by its violation. (John O'Sullivan)

Lamar and education

Improving education was Mirabeau's first goal when he was elected president. Public schools had not been established before Lamar was elected president. He convinced Congress to set aside nearly 18,000 acres of land in Texas for the support of public schools. Congress reserved an additional 200,000+ acres of land in Central Texas as an endowment fund to furnish income for two universities.

Stephen Austin

In 1822, Austin founded the first settlement of Americans in Texas. In 1833 he was sent by the colonists to negotiate with the Mexican government for Texan indedendence and was imprisoned in Mexico until 1835. He then returned to Texas and became the commander of the settlers' army in the Texas Revolution. After Texas became an independent nation, he served as its secretary of state. Why? Helped Texas gain its independence

Erastus "Deaf" Smith

In 1835, reported that a Mexican calvary (soldiers on horses) were headed toward San Antonio.

Gold Rush

In 1848, Gold was discovered in California, and thousands flooded into the state, thus blowing the lid off of the slavery issue.

Millard Fillmore

In 1850, President Taylor died suddenly and Vice President Millard Fillmore took the presidency. President Fillmore signed a series of compromises. sent Matthew C. Perry to Japan

Raid on Harper's Ferry Arsenal

In 1859, Brown and small band of supporters attacked Harpers Ferry in Virginia. His goal was to seize guns the US Army stored and give the AA slaves weapons and lead them in a revolt. Ten of his followers were killed and Brown was wounded and captured for treason and hanged.

Harper's Ferry

In 1859, the militant abolitionist John Brown seized the U.S. arsenal at Harper's Ferry. He planned to end slavery by massacring slave owners and freeing their slaves. He was captured and executed.

Dorothea Dix

In 18th century, people didn't know how to help the mentally ill - First asylum was in Eastern Lunatic Asylum in Williamsurg - Often imprisoned in poor conditions - Belief that mentally ill don't feel pain Dorothea Dix 1802-1887 - School Teacher - Taught in prison - Political Influence - Decided to actively change the conditions in the prisons Effect in Europe - European mental asylums were modeled after those in America - Between 1854 and 1857 she traveled to England and other countries to establish mental asylums there

What response from Mexico did the Santa Fe Expedition cause?

In March 1842, a Mexican army of about 500 soldiers, commanded by RAFAEL VASQUEZ invade Texas and occupied San Antonio, Goliad, and Refugio

John L. O'Sullivan

Influential Democratic editor who coined the phrase "manifest destiny" and justified the American claims to new territory. "...is by the right of our manifest destiny to overspread and to possess the whole of the continent which Profidence has given us for the development of the great esperiment of liverty and federative self government entrusted to us."


Name given to paper money issued by the government during the Civil War, so called because the back side was printed with green ink. They were not redeemable for gold, but $300 million were issued anyway. Farmers hit by the depression wanted to inflate the notes to cover losses, but Grant vetoed an inflation bill and greenbacks were added to permanent circulation. In 1879 the federal government finally made greenbacks redeemable for gold.


Name of California when it became a republic and before it is accepted into the Union. -John C. Fremont

The leader of the 1831 slave uprising in Southampton, Virginia, was

Nat Turner

Know Nothing Party

Nativist party - A movement of America for "true" americans -- It promised to purify American politics by limiting or ending the influence of Irish Catholics and other immigrants The most prominent leaders were ex-President Millard Fillmore (the party's presidential nominee in 1856), Massachusetts Congressman Nathaniel P. Banks, and former congressman Lewis C. Levi

What was the primary cause of the growth in the southern slave population between 1790 and 1869?

Natural reproduction

What was a consequence of the South's lack of economic diversity?

Newly arrived European immigrants tended to settle in the North.

The Lone Star Republic

Nickname for Texas after the Texas Revolution. They had to be a republic from 1836-1845 because they had to wait for a free state to come in the union in order to join America as a state Why? Allowed free states and slave states to stay equal in number, so that there would be equal representation in Congress of free v. slave

Joseph Fielding Smith on studying the Book of Mormon

No one can stand in the presence of God without sincerely reading the Book Of Mormon

Why did the Republicans have less chance of challenging the Democrats?

No southern backing

Did the release of Santa Anna in 1836 lead to better relations with Mexico?

No, Santa Anna renounced all promises he had made in Texas and declared that he would leave politics forever; However, within a few years he was back in power

Was the government right in denying Cherokees title to the land they occupied in East Texas? Explain.

No, they broke their promise. The Texas government also ruined the Cherokees' future by doing this.

Political Machines

Political Machines were organizations led by corrupt leaders. Political Machines developed in big cities to secure votes for specific parties. These leaders would resort to illegal tactics to get their candidates elected for office. Political Machines were dominant in places like New York City and Chicago. Van Buren established the first such machine, in Albany, New York. POLITICAL

Sam Houston

Politician and military leader who fought to gain independence for Texas from Mexico and to make it a part of the United States; first President of the Republic of Texas; commander of the Texas army at the Battle of San Jacinto; former governor of Tennessee Why? He was an important figure in guaranteeing Texas its independence

Polk's Expansionist Program

Polk hoped to foment a revolution in California that, like the 1836 rebellion in Texas, would lead to annexation.

Rio Grande

Polk said that this river was the boundary line for the southern boundary of Texas.

James K. Polk

Polk was a slave owning southerner dedicated to the Democratic party. In 1844, he was a "dark horse" candidate for president, and he won the election. Polk favored American expansion, especially advocating the annexation of Texas, California, and Oregon. He was a friend and follower of Andrew Jackson. He opposed Clay's American System, instead advocating lower tariff, separation of the treasury and the federal government from the banking system. He was a nationalist who believed in Manifest Destiny. Why? Made a strong puch to acquire the Oregon Territory from Britain

"fifty-four forty of fight"

Polk's campaign, which meant: give the Americans Oregon or they fight. The slogan refered to latitude 54,40', land wanted by the Americans which they and Great Britain shared Why? Polk finally gets an agreement when Britain backs down to avoid war

Who won the election?


Causes of the Mex-American War

Polk... 1. wanted CA from Mexico (but Mexico refused) 2. sent American troops to the disputed border of Texas, provoking a Mexican attack on them 3. used the border attack to argue for a declaration of war on Mexico; Congress approved

Popular Politics

Popular Politics was a new political method developed in the 1830's that involved appealing to the masses rather than to a small elite. Andrew Jackson used Popular Politics to help win the presidential election in 1828 and 1832. This political system focused on expanding the rights and interests of government. POLITICAL

Camp Meetings

Revival during 2nd great awakening was through camp meetings. The camp meeting was a religious service of several days' length with preachers. Settlers in thinly populated areas gathered at the camp meeting for fellowship as well as worship. Religious revival with crowds of hundreds and perhaps thousands of people inspired the dancing, shouting, and singing associated with these events. Great emotional power, with an emphasis of the individual's sins and need to turn to Christ, restored by a sense of personal salvation. Upon their return home, most converts joined or created small local churches, which grew rapidly.

Which staple crop was grown almost exclusively along a narrow strip of coast stretching from the Carolinas into Georgia?


Which of the following free black men headed the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC)?

Richard Allen

Who was the chairman of the convention of 1836?

Richard Ellis

who did the delegates select as the chairman of the convention?

Richard Ellis

Roger B. Taney

Roger B. Taney was one of Jackson's major allies. Taney was appointed to be the fifth Chief Justice of the United States by Jackson. After the Dred Scott decision was made in 1857, Taney decided that slaves / slave descendants had no rights as citizens of the country. POLITICAL

Rotation and Decentralization

Rotation and Decentralization is the term for how Jackson conducted his Administration. Jackson removed most of the people John Quincy Adams had appointed, and rotated in his own supporters. He also decentralized by, among other things, killing the National Bank. Jackson wanted a less centralized government, and thought the Bank did just the opposite. POLITICAL

Election of 1844

Rumors swirled that Great Britain was encouraging Texas to remain independent; wanted California as payment for the Mexican debts owed to British investors; and had designs on Spanish Cuba caused the annexation of Texas. Democratic and Whig politicians alike called for American sovereignty over the entire Oregon Country, from Spanish California to Russian Alaska (which began at 54°40' north latitude). Expansion into Texas and Oregon became the central issue.

A widespread form of protest that particularly angered masters was

Running away

Compare and contrast Santa Anna and Austin as leaders. Use details from the section to explain your answer.

SA was restless, ambitious, reckless, and a better general, while Austin was very strict with who he let in his settlement and was a good land agent

The First President of the Texas Republic

Sam Houston

Who was commander-in-chief of the Texas military?

Sam Houston

commander of the regular army?

Sam Houston

person who the consultation selected as commander of the regular Texas army was

Sam Houston

Texas Rangers

Sam Houston called in the Rangers to patrol central Texas to stop the indian raids improve relations with the indians

Sam Houston's Relations/Views on the Native Americans

Sam Houston hoped to have friendly and peaceful relations with the Native Americans. He was very friendly and peaceful to the Native Americans. Houston thought that if we made friends with the Native Americans they could help us. (like with other Indian tribes)


Sam Houston is caught at the battle of San Jacinto River. The Mexicans are taken by surprise and their general, Santa Anna, is captured. This war gave Texas their independence.

Reduction of spending

Sam Houston took drastic measures to balance the budget. Houston brought government spending down to $511,000. (one-tenth of Mirabeau's 3-year spending) Houston and Anston Jones continued to try to balance the budget, but by 1846, government debt reached $10 million due to a depression and high interest rates.

Temporary peace with Native Americans

Sam Houston tried to renew peace and fairness with Native Americans. He succeeded. Treaties signed with various Indian tribes created temporary peace for several years. The Wacos and Tawakonis provided a buffer.

First President of the Republic of Texas

Sam Houston, elected 1836

What town did Stephen F. Austin and his army carried out a siege?

San Anotonio de Béxar

What is the name of the site where the Alamo is located?

San Antonio

Where is the Alamo located?

San Antonio

Where was the site of Urrea's victory over Johnson?

San Patricio

Who ignored the Mexican constitution of 1824?

Santa Anna

What did Travis mean by writing that "the enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword"?

Santa Anna has given the soldiers at the Alamo the opportunity to surrender or to fight to their certain deaths

Battle of San Jacinto

Santa Anna was chasing the untrained forces led by Sam Houston and the outnumbered texans fled east. They reorganized at the San Jacinto River, and there they took their stand on April 21, 1836. While Santa Anna and his men were taking a nap/siesta, they attacked and captured Santa Anna and forced him to sign a treaty giving Texas its independence Why? Last battle in the fight for Texan Independence from Mexico

Why did the expedition to Matamoros not to take place?

Santa Anna was heading toward San Antonio so all troops were needed

General Martin Perfecto de Cos.

Santa Anna's brother-in-law. Commander of Mexican forces in Coahuila. Surrendered to Texan soldiers at San Antonio in 1835.

When Stephen F. Austin arrived in Mexico City, what problems were present?

Santa Anna's government was not yet well organized. No plans had been made for the dealing with the question of Texas! A cholera epidemic raged in the capital, and thousands of people were dying from the deadly bacteria. Austin had to wait from July through October. (1833)

Robert Owen/ New Harmony

Scottish industrialist and philanthropist founded another experimental community in Indiana in 1825, named New Harmony, was supposed to be a " Village of cooperation", where every resident worked and lived in total equality, but the community was an economic failure, but its vision inspired other Americans.

Know-Nothing Party

Secret Nativist political party that opposed Immigration during the 1840's and early 1850's. Officially called the American Party.

What was Captain Juan Seguín's responsibility?

Seek reinforces and commander of the scott company


Seminole leader who resisted the removal of his people from Florida in the 1830s. He died under suspicious circumstances after being tricked into surrendering (1837).

Why did the Seminole war happen?

Seminoles refused to take money from Florida and they went to war w/ the American gov't. In the end Federal gov't declared victory.

"The Crime Against Kansas"

Senator Charles Sumner's speech against the Kansas-Nebraska Act's allowance for popular sovereignty. This resulted in Sumner being beaten giving him the name "Bleeding Sumner"

Where was the mission were Amon King and his soldiers took refuge?

Senora del Refugio

General Manuel de Mier y Teran

Sent by Mexican government to investigate East Texas. Reported back that Mexico should act or would lose Texas forever.

Colonel Juan Almonte

Sent by Mexico on an inspection tour of Texas in 1834. Recommended that Stephen F. Austin be released from jail.

Purpose of a chosen people

Serve others. Build the kingdom of God.

Election of Anson Jones

Served as secretary of state under President Houston, ran for president in 1844, Jones pledged to follow Sam Houston's policies. Election time, Jones defeated Mirabeau-backed candidate Edward Burleson 7,037 to 5,668 votes. Vice President - Kenneth L. Anderson, Same year America held a presidential election. Democrat James Knox Polk of Tennessee, who strongly favored annexation, was elected President.

John Quincy Adams

Served as the secretary of state under President Monroe's presidency, and is best known for his negotiations in treaties that fixed US borders and opened new territories. He ran for presidency and won the election of 1824. He was a fervid nationalist, and a firm advocate of the american system. He was also a federalists, who still maintained the strong central government. He wished to impose tariffs, build highways, and establish schools and research centers.

The southern lady has been idealized in history, in reality

She could have the responsibility of managing servants , directing the slave hospital and supervising the henhouse and dairy

Texas becoming independent

She was released, rightfully and absolutely released, from all Mexican allegiance, or duty of cohesion to the Mexican political body, by the acts and fault of Mexico herself, and Mexico alone. (John O'Sullivan)


Ship captured by 130 Rebelling Virginian slaves who were freed by British Officials (1841)

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Signed in 1848, this treaty ended the Mexican-American War. Mexico relinquished its claims on Texas and ceded and additional 500,000 square miles to the United States for $15 million Why? Gave the Americans the Mexican Cession and increased the size of the U.S. nation

Constitution of Texas

Similar to that of the U.S. Provisions were made for three branches of government - executive, legislative, and judicial. Also made slavery legal.

Sam Houston's second term

Since Sam Houston disliked Lamar's policies and programs, he decided to run for president in order to try to undo the damage Lamar had caused. In a bitter campaign filled with gossip and scandal, Sam Houston beat Lamar's candidate David G. Burnet. Vice President - Edward Burleson

Fort Sumter

Site of the opening engagement of the Civil War. On December 20, 1860, South Carolina had seceded from the Union, and had demanded that all federal property in the state be surrendered to state authorities. Major Robert Anderson concentrated his units at Fort Sumter, and, when Lincoln took office on March 4, 1861, Sumter was one of only two forts in the South still under Union control. Learning that Lincoln planned to send supplies to reinforce the fort, on April 11, 1861, Confederate General Beauregard demanded Anderson's surrender, which was refused. On April 12, 1861, the Confederate Army began bombarding the fort, which surrendered on April 14, 1861. Congress declared war on the Confederacy the next day.


Size and Scope of political system are factors of which political system?


Size and scope of political government (e.g. Healthcare, civil rights, abortion), foreign policy are factors of which political system?

Buffalo Forge

Slave Garland Thompson is able to purchase goods for an assumed lady friend in Lynchburg, we know from records that the owner of this Iron Foundry paid Garland and other slaves for working overtime. This concerned some plantation owners because they thought that the owner was giving slaves the wrong idea about slavery


Slavery (pre-civil war), Reconstruction (post-civil war), industrialization are key issues of what political system?


Slavery and Tarrifs (States rights) are key issues of what political system?

The Wilmont proviso proposed that

Slavery be prohibited throughout the entire area ceded by Mexico

Chattel Slavery

Slavery system in which the slave owners had total ownership of their slaves and often viewed them as property rather than humans. This caused plantation owners to give the worst, most dangerous jobs, to poor whites in order to protect their property.

How did slaves manipulate planters' emphasis on paternalism?

Slaves sometimes negotiated concessions like small garden plots.

What developments caused the United States to go to war with Mexico?

Slidell goes to Mexico City and is turned away, Border dispute (Nueces River and Rio Grande), Manifest destiny (US convinced themselves they would conquer entire continent), Annexation of Texas, The debts that were owed to American citizens from Mexican government.

who voted for democrats

Small Farmers, the Poor, Southerners

Which of the following was the most common way slaves reacted to their bondage?

Small-scale resistance

Brigham Young

Smith's successor; decided to move supporters

Why God doesn't always give us a perfect knowledge

So he doesn't take away our agency

Why did Santa Anna take the time to attack the Alamo instead of moving against the people forming a government for Texas?

So that the remainder of his forces could catch up to him and to send a message to the Texans

How did William B. Travis' actions at Anahuac in 1835 cause problems?

Some Texans did not want to cause trouble with the Mexican government. They didn't support Travis in his choice to force Captain Tenorio to surrentder. They even wrote a letter of apology to General Cos!

Why was Santa Anna's forced march to the Rio Grande costly?

Some soldiers, horses, and heavy cannons could not keep up the pace

What caused political division among the Texas forces?

Some wanted to support Mexican Federalists, and others wanted to declare independence from Mexico

Stephen F. Austin

Son of Moses Austin. Empresario. Taught himself to read and write Spanish. Was pro-slavery. Imprisoned for one year by Mexican officials . Founded the first Anglo (non-Mexican) colony in Texas. Secretary of State for Texas until his death in 1836.

After Lincoln's election, the vote to secede from the Union came first from

South Carolina

After lincoln's election, the vote to secede from the union came first from

South Carolina

In 1860, which state became the first to pass an ordinance of secession and declare itself separated from the Union?

South Carolina

Lower South

South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas

Where was Cós and his troops required to move as part of the San Anotonio surrender agreement?

South of the rio grande

peculiar institutions

South's name for slavery

Christian Whitmer

Stayed strong. Died in full membership

How did the inventions and innovations of the mid-19th century encourage various regions to specialize in certain industries?

Steel plow, Mechanical reaper would have caused people in mid-west to grow corn or wheat crops. The steamboats would have given southerners opportunity to ship their cotton or sugar up-river. The north east would have used sewing machines and interchangeable parts would have lead people to promote factory work.

As a result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates,

Stephen A. Douglas won a senate seat, but Abraham Lincoln became nationally known.

Freeport Doctrine

Stephen Douglas stated that Congress couldn't force a territory to become a slave state against its will. It said that the exclusion of slavery in a territory could be determined by the refusal of the voters to enact any laws that would protect slave property. (popular sovereignty)

As a result of the Lincoln Douglas debates

Stephen Douglas won a senate seat but Abraham Lincoln became nationally known

Father of Texas

Stephen F. Austin

Under who's command did the Army of the People grow from 300 - 400 during the march from Gonzales to San Anotonio?

Stephen F. Austin

Who was the leader of the army of the People?

Stephen F. Austin

The Death of Stephen F. Austin

Stephen F. Austin died on December 27, 1836.

Army of the People

Stephen F. Austin took command of 300 Texans at Gonzales

First Secretary of State of Republic of Texas

Stephen F. Austin, however he died several weeks later on Dec. 27, 1836 of pneumonia

The fugitive slave act, part of the compromise of 1850,

Stipulated that all citizens were expected to assist officials in apprehending runaway slaves

The presidential election of 1856 revealed the

Strength of the new Republican Party

In 1860, Lincoln was elected president because he had

Strong support in the free states despite winning only 39 percent of the national popular

What two things made the Alamo a valuable fortress?

Strong, thick walls and numerous cannons

Word prints

Studies to find out who the author is. Word Prints prove that the Book Of Mormon had multiple writers.

Thomas Oliver Larkin

Successful merchant in the coastal town of Monterey. Had a strong American outlook.

Why was Houston not re-elected in 1838?

The Constitution of Texas stated that the president could not serve consecutive terms.

March 17, 1836

The Convention adjourns because report was received that the Alamo had fallen and that Santa Anna's army was marching towards Washington-on-the Brazos

Where did James Bonham deliver Travis' last plea for help at the Alamo?

The Convention of 1836

Pillars of eternity (Bruce R. McConkie)

The Creation The Fall The Atonement

The Fourth Party System

The Era of GOP Dominance 1896-1932 - Industrial Revolution - Economic depression of 1893 (bad for agribusiness) - Corporate barrons: Carnegies, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, Davenports - Emergence of Populist party - Included the Progressive Movement - Immigration

Martin Van Buren and the Free Soil Party

The "Free-Soilers" were anti-slavery Whigs and members from the Liberty Party who banded together to prevent slavery from spreading westwards. Not because of racial equality, but more for equal labor for white settlers. Former President Van Buren was nominated for the party's president candidate. Although they lost their first election, they won 10 percent of the nation's votes, which was an astounding precedent for the party.

Jim Crow Laws

The "separate but equal" segregation laws state and local laws enacted in the Southern and border states of the United States and enforced between 1876 and 1965

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The 1848 treaty ending the U.S. war with Mexico, in which Mexico ceded California and New Mexico to the United States

What mission was defended by William B. Travis

The Alamo

What was the name of the abandoned mission used as a fortress?

The Alamo

American System

The American System was a program instilled for the purpose of stimulating the national economy. This economic philosophy of Henry Clay and the Whig Party argued for high tariffs to defend American manufacturing, for internal improvements throughout the country such as railroads and canals, and for the preservation of the Bank of America. When Adams became President he put these policies into practice. They were heavily influenced by the policies of Alexander Hamilton. ECONOMIC

Stephen Kearny

The American military officer who captured Santa Fe without any large opposition, and combined his forces with that of Captain John Fremont in California to eventually conquer Mexican-held California.

What did the know nothing's rename itself in 1855?

The American party


The Anti- Masonic party led a political movement based on opposing Masonry. These people saw Masonry as a secretive society that undermined America by giving power to a shadowy group of people. The Anti-Masons favored temperance, equal opportunity, and were morally evangelical in their beliefs. Many of them eventually joined the Whig Party. POLITICAL

The Bank War

The Bank War was Jackson's attempt to kill the Second National Bank. Even though it had two years remaining on it's charter, Clay tried to renew it to make the Bank a political issue. Clay's attempt backfired when Jackson was reelected in a landslide in 1832. Jackson vetoed the attempt to give the Bank a new charter and then pulled all federal money out of the bank, leaving it essentially powerless. You go Jackson! ECONOMIC & POLITICAL

The Third Party System

The Civil War System Also known as Republican and Democrats in Balance 1860-1896 1. Relative electoral parity 2. Party Identifiers: each group was able to recognize individuals and groups that supported them

Santa Anna

The Mexican dictator and military leader in the time of the Texas Revolution. Believed in three main things: no slavery, catholic religion, and loyalty to Mexico. When Stephen Austin went to negotiate with him, he shut him in jail for eight months. Was the opposition to American Texans. Why? He wiped out Texans at the Alamo, however he surrendered to Sam Houston in 1836.

Santa Anna

The Mexican general and president who attempted to clamp down on the Texan Revolution in 1835. He was captured by Sam Houston's army at the Battle of San Jacinto, and was forced to sign the Treaties of Velasco. He was also later defeated in the

Antonia Lopez de Santa Anna

The Mexican general and president who attempted to clamp down on the Texan Revolution in 1835. He was captured by Sam Houston's army at the Battle of San Jacinto, and was forced to sign the Treaties of Velasco. He was also later defeated in the Mexican-American War by Winfield Scott after claiming himself president again in 1846.

The Alamo

The Mexican general and president who attempted to clamp down on the Texan Revolution in 1835. He was captured by Sam Houston's army at the Battle of San Jacinto, and was forced to sign the Treaties of Velasco. He was also later defeated in the Mexican-American War by Winfield Scott after claiming himself president again in 1846.

Brigham Young

The Mormon leader who led the Mormon community into their "Promised Land" in the Salt Lake Valley in Utah. Brigham encouraged Mormon settlers to migrant to Utah, but discouraged non-Mormons from settling in Mormon territory with organized boycotts.

The Fifth Party System

The New Deal Era 1932-1968 also known as The Era of Democratic Dominance 1932- 1994 - Democrats gained control of the House and Senate because the Republicans failed to react and respond to the Great Depression - Included the Great Depression, the Labor Movement, The New Deal - second realignment of the American party system


The Notables were state elitists who, in most states in the 19th century, were allowed to vote due to property requirements. Notables were composed of northern landlords, southern slave-owning planters, and seaport merchants. Notables excluded poor men and powerless families from running for office. Over a couple of decades, they began to lose their dominance as the franchise was extended to more and more people. This led to more and more middle class people being elected to office. POLITICAL

Council at San Antonio in March 1840 (Council House Fight)

The Comanches promised to bring all of the Anglo captives. They only produced a little girl, called Matilda Lockhart. She was badly beaten. The angry Texans then tried to hold the Comanche negotiators hostage until they released all of their captives. The Comanches resisted in what is now known as the Council House Fight. 7 Texans and 35 Comanches were killed. After the Comanches heard this, they were enraged. The Comanches retaliated by raiding and destroying Victoria and Linnville. The Texans fought back and drove most of the Comanches back to Red River.

Manifest Destiny

The far-reaching, the boundless future will be the era of American greatness. In its magnificent domain of space and time, the nation of many nations is destined to manifest to mankind the excellence of divine principles; to establish on earth the noblest temple ever dedicated to the worship of the Most High -- the Sacred and the True. Its floor shall be a hemisphere -- its roof the firmament of the star-studded heavens, and its congregation an Union of many Republics, comprising hundreds of happy millions, calling, owning no man master, but governed by God's natural and moral law of equality, the law of brotherhood -- of "peace and good will amongst men.". . . (John L. O'Sullivan on Manifest Destiny, 1839)


The formal withdraw of a state from the union. The southern states threatened to succeed from the Union over slavery. SC ------> 1860

Henry Clay

The former House Speaker and Whig leader known as the "Great Pacificator," Clay presented a series of compromises in 1850 in response to the vast territories the US won after the Mexican-American War.

"Fifty-Four Forty or Fight"

The rallying cry for expansionists who wanted to annex all of the Oregon County in spite of the UK's demands.

Contents of brass plates

The record of the tribe of Joseph and not of the Jews.

Brigham Young

The successor to the Mormons after the death of Joseph Smith. He was responsible for the survival of the sect and its establishment in Utah, thereby populating the would-be state. The first governor of Utah Territory Why? Brigham Young led the Mormons essentially to their freedom by establishing a home in Utah. However, his untraditional beliefs caused many controversies and forced Washington to march a military campaign in order to contain Young, who was becoming to powerful.

John Tyler

The tenth president of the US who proposed Texas' admission to the Union after James Polk's election. He signed the Texan Annexation three days before leaving office.

How were the Whigs United?

The two classes of whigs be united by wanting government intervention and they hated Andrew Jackson because they hated the nullification crisis and the national bank

John C. Calhoun

The vice-president who advised the South against the Clay's compromises of 1850. He claimed that the cords of union were already weakening, Clay stressed that the South needed to have its demands met.

Why was the capture of San Anotonio such a great victory for the Texans?

The volunteer army defeated a trained military force and the Texas soil was cleared of Mexican troops

Texas revolution

The war between American settlers and the Mexican government under Santa Anna from 1835 to 1836 that culminated in the independence of Texas.


The war over Maine. Maine had claimed territory on its northern and eastern border that was also claimed by England, and there were small skirmishes in the area.

How did the peace party differ from the war party?

The war party wanted immediate independence and the peace party was willing to wait and work with the federalists.

Info on Whig party

Their leader was Henry Clay Whigs loved the American System Whigs didn't like strong presidents. Weren't happy with expanding borders.


Theological movement named for its understanding of God as one person. The first official acceptance of the Unitarian faith on the part of a congregation in America was by King's Chapel in Boston, which settled James Freeman (1759-1835) in 1782, and revised the Prayer Book into a mild Unitarian liturgy in 1785. In 1800, Joseph Stevens Buckminster became minister of the Brattle Street Church in Boston, where his brilliant sermons, literary activities, and academic attention to the German "New Criticism" helped shape the subsequent growth of Unitarianism in New England. Unitarian Henry Ware (1764-1845) was appointed as the Hollis professor of divinity at Harvard College, in 1805. Harvard Divinity school then shifted from its conservative roots to teach Unitarian theology.

Texas becoming independent

There never was a clearer case. It was not revolution; it was resistance to revolution: and resistance under such circumstances as left independence the necessary resulting state, caused by the abandonment of those with whom her former federal association had existed. What then can be more preposterous than all this clamor by Mexico and the Mexican interest, against Annexation, as a violation of any rights of hers, any duties of ours? (John O'Sullivan)

What happened in 1835?

There was a Seminole war.

What happened in the 1844 ?

There was an Oregon Territory dispute.

During the 1830s and 1840s, transportation and communication linked the country more than ever before. How did these advances affect ordinary Americans?

These advances improved the lives of ordinary people by making their daily lives easier.

What was different about the Cherokees?

They adopted the "White man ways" They sued the Fed Gov't so that they would leave them alone. Worcester v. Georgia. Went to the supreme court and sided with the Cherookes.

Value of eyewitnesses

They are proof

Dorothea Dix

This feminist improved conditions and treatment of mentally ill and was the superintendent of women nurses for the union forces.

Thomas Gallaudet

This man set up the first school for the deaf in hartford connecticut.

Review the map on pages 286-287. In what ways would this map have been helpful to settlers following the Oregon Trail to a new home? Explain your answer.

This map would help the settlers following the Oregon trail to avoid the battles.


This religious community was led by Mother Ann Lee. Popular name for members of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

This treaty required Mexico to cede the American Southwest, including New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California, to the U.S. U.S. gave Mexico $15 million in exchange, so that it would not look like conquest.

Oneida Community

This utopian experiment was founded in new york in 1848. This society practiced complex marriage, birth control, and eugenic selection of parents to produce "perfect" offspring.

New Harmony

This utopian society was created by Robert Owen, yet failed because all members felt that they did not share a fair load of work for the society.

Brook Farm

This utopian society was founded by George Ripley in 1841 in Massachusetts, and prospered until 1846. Inspired by Nathaniel Hawthorne's Blithedale Romance.

Sarah & Angelina Grimke

Throughout their life they traveled throughout the North, lecturing about their first-hand experiences with slavery on their family's plantation. Among the first women to act publicly in social reform movements, they received abuse and ridicule for their abolitionist activity. They both realized that women would have to create a safe space in the public arena to be effective reformers, and became early activists in the women's rights movement.

What did the Texans gain by defending the Alamo?

Time and a battle cry

"The Texas Question"

To annex Texas or not to annex Texas became the center of politics in the United States

Moroni's purpose atop temples

To complete rev. 14:6

What did the bravery of those who fought at the Alamo inspire others to do?

To continue to fight for Texas independence

Purpose of the Book of Mormon

To convince the Jews and gentiles of Christ

Why did Santa Anna and his soldiers enter the Alamo on March 16, 1836?

To defeat the Texas army and stop the revolution

What were Santa Anna's ultimate goals?

To defeat the rebels in Texas and regain control of the territory

Purpose for seer stones

To translate sacred records

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election without a single vote in ten southern states. Select one: True False


Australia prospered because of a gold rush, much as San Francisco did and at about the same time. Select one: True False


By the time Lincoln actually took the oath of office, seven states had already seceded from the Union. Select one: True False


It is ironic that the South supported the Fugitive Slave Act because that law gave enormous power to the federal government to override local authorities, which is something that the South had traditionally opposed. Select one: True False


Many free blacks in the North who had escaped slavery by running away fled to Canada to avoid being caught and brought back to the South under the Fugitive Slave Act. Select one: True False


Polk was the first "dark horse" candidate for president. Select one: True False


Stephen Douglas said during the Lincoln-Douglas debates, "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free." Select one: True False


The Fugitive Slave Act provided for the return of runaway slaves to their owners. Select one: True False


The Republican Party under Lincoln promised free homesteads in the West, a protective tariff, and government aid in building a transcontinental railroad. Select one: True False


The Texas independence movement was sparked in part because the Mexican government, alarmed that its grip on the area was weakening, annulled existing land contracts and barred future emigration from the United States in 1830. Select one: True False


The development of railroads and economic integration of the Northeast and Northwest created the groundwork for the political unification of the Republican Party. Select one: True False


The free labor ideology was based on the assumption that free labor could not compete with slave labor and so slavery's expansion had to be halted to ensure freedom for the white laborer. Select one: True False


The issue of Texas annexation was hotly linked to slavery and affected the nominations of presidential candidates in the 1840s. Select one: True False


What the "gold" plates were probably made of

Tumbaga (alloy of gold and copper)

The free black population in the old south was

Typically rural, uneducated and made up unskilled laborers

Anthony Butler

U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. Proposed that Mexico sell Texas to the United States.

Elias Howe

U.S. Inventor who built early sewing machines and won suits for patent infringement against other manufacturers.


U.S. Operations were led by Stephen W. Kearny and John C. Fremont. (I pray that this isn't on the identification cause I know nothing)

How did the negotiations between the United States and Britain over the Oregon Territory differ from those between the United States and Mexico over the Southwest?

U.S. and Britain worked it out, but U.S. and Mexico fought.

"Great Trek"

Westward journey of Mormons following Brigham Young to the Salt Lake City area. The Mormon Trail or Mormon Pioneer Trail is the 1,300 mile route that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints traveled from 1846 to 1868. The trail was used for more than 20 years, until the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad in 1869.

Panic of 1837

When Jackson was president, many state banks received government money that had been withdrawn from the Bank of the U.S. These banks issued paper money and financed wild speculation, especially in federal lands. Jackson issued the Specie Circular to force the payment for federal lands with gold or silver. Many state banks collapsed as a result. A panic ensued (1837). Bank of the U.S. failed, cotton prices fell, businesses went bankrupt, and there was widespread unemployment and distress.

Panic of 1837

When Jackson was president, many state banks received government money that had been withdrawn from the Bank of the U.S. These banks issued paper money and financed wild speculation, especially in federal lands. Jackson issued the Specie Circular to force the payment for federal lands with gold or silver. Many state banks collapsed as a result. A panic ensued (1837). Bank of the U.S. failed, cotton prices fell, businesses went bankrupt, and there was widespread unemployment and distress.The Bank of England was also on the verge of collapse, and wanted payments from the United States. This lasted until 1843

49th Parallel

The Oregon Treaty of 1846 established a U.S./Canadian (British) border along this parallel. The boundary along the 49th parallel extended from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Why? Settled the boundary between U.S. and Canada, which still exists today

Cite (say) reasons why Texas was almost without a government during the early months of 1836.

The Permanent Council approved a plan to capture the Mexican town of Matamoros, but the governor opposed it. Neither side would cooperate, and the result was a near breakdown of government.

Zachary Taylor

The President who pursued a policy of annexing both Oregon and Texas. Tyler proposed the annexation of Texas after Polk's election, and signed the measure that dictated Texas' annexation and would later cause the Mexican-American War three days before he left office.

James K. Polk

The Presidential winner of the 1844 Election. Polk and the Democratic Party gained votes by calling for the annexation and occupation of Texas and Oregon. Polk won the election after James Birney denied Henry Clay of much needed votes in New York.

James Polk

The Presidential winner of the 1844 Election. Polk and the Democratic Party gained votes by calling for the annexation and occupation of Texas and Oregon. Polk won the election after James Birney denied Henry Clay of much needed votes in New York.

Panic of 1837 and the Depression

When the Bank of England cut down on money and credit flow to America, industries that Britain had heavily invested in had to find new ways to raise capitol. When taking out specie from the Banks, cotton prices fell sharply. This resulted in more people taking money out of the banks which caused the banks to close and businesses to cut down on production. State Governments were then unable to pay off their bonds which hurt confidence and cut down on investments even more. Production went down and unemployment increased. ECONOMIC

November 6, 1835

When the Peace Party delegates prevailed at the Consultation in San Felipe and the motion for immediate independence failed


Where 400 American volunteers threw down their arms and were butchered as pirates

Columbia in Brazoria County

Where Sam Houston and the Texas Congress met in October 1836 to organize the new government.

Whig Party

Whig leaders: Henry Clay and Daniel Webster; wanted to control William Henry Harrison, but he died early in his term; had conflicts with John Tyler over banking and tariff policies

The Tariff Battle

The Tariff Battle was a competition between Andrew Jackson and Adams in which they both passed tariffs in order to gain support and win the elections. It all started when Adams passed tariffs to protect manufacturing industries of the North. Jackson's supporters disagreed so, in response, they passed their own tariffs to gain support for Jackson to win the 1828 election. Adams and Clay then passed tariffs that would hurt Southern interests. This "Tariff of Abominations" turned Southerners against Adams, costing him the 1828 election. ECONOMIC & POLITICAL

The Tariff of 1828

The Tariff of 1828 was passed by Adams and Clay to significantly raised the tariffs on raw materials, textiles, and iron. This tariff angered Southerners, whom felt persecuted. The Southerners called it the "Tariff of Abominations." ECONOMIC

What did Sam Houston learn from the defeats at the Alamo and in South Texas?

The Texan forces needed to be more unified

What did the first encounters between Urrea's troops and Texan forces indicate about the leadership of the Texan forces in South Texas?

The Texan leadership was marked by poor decisions

What was the "Grass fight?"

The Texans believed that a caravan was heading towards Cós with bags of silver. Texans troops headed toward

Why could it be said that during 1835 Texans were talking peacefully but acting warlike.

The Texans were trying to negotiate with the Mexican governement but realized that these negotiations would probably fall through and that they would probably end up at war.

Great Britain

The Texas Declaration of Independence is similar to that of...

Describe the document read and adopted by the Convention of 1836 on March 2.

The Texas Declaration of Independence. "The people of Texas, in solemn convention assembled, appealing to a candid world for the necessities of our condition, do hereby resolve and declare that our political connection with the Mexican nation has forever ended; and that the people of Texas do now constitute a free, sovereign, and independent republic."

What were the major events that led to Texas joining the Union?

The Texas Revolution, the Alamo, and annexation of Texas.

How were the whigs betrayed?

Whigs never wanted a strong president. Clay was supposed to do all the hard work and Harrison just signs the bills to law. Plan didn't work out, Harrison dies 1 month later. the VP John Tyler became president.

Conscience Whigs

Whigs who oposed the Mexican American War and controlled the House in 1847. They threatened to vote down war supplies but never did

Who were the candidates of the 1844 election?

Whigs: Henry Clay Democrat: James Polk

Compare economies of the different regions of the United States in the mid-1800s. Use details from the section to support your answer.

While the South still depended heavily on agriculture, the North was far more industrialized and starting to organize itself around factory life.

How did white Virginians respond to the violence of Nat Turner's rebellion?

White Virginians blamed the revolt on outside agitators.

How did the institution of slavery affect social relations in the South?

Whites were unified around race rather than divided by social class

The effect of the institution of slavery on southern society was that

Whites were unified around race rather than divided by social class

Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century slaves of African descent in the United States to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause

Whigs and their Ideology

The Whig Party was one of several successors to the Democratic-Republicans. They believed in the American System that Clay had developed. This system involved high tariffs to defend American manufacturing, for internal improvements throughout the country such as railroads and the preservation of the Bank of America. They were also opposed to the spread of slavery. POLITICAL

Wilmot Proviso

The Wilmot Proviso was designed to eliminate slavery within the land acquired as a result of the Mexican War (1846-48). Soon after the war began, President James K. Polk sought the appropriation of $2 million as part of a bill to negotiate the terms of a treaty. Fearing the addition of a pro-slave territory, Pennsylvania Congressman David Wilmot proposed his amendment to the bill. Although the measure was blocked in the southern-dominated Senate, it enflamed the growing controversy over slavery, and its underlying principle helped bring about the formation of the Republican Party in 1854.

Why do you think the Law of April 6, 1830 had the effect of creating a turning point between the colonists and the Mexican government?

The colonists were beginning to distrust the Mexican government, and the government was beginning to distrust the colonists. After all, many of the colonists had friends and relatives planning to move to Texas, and this new law was forbidding new immigration from the U.S.!

Popular Sovereignty

The concept that political power rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government. People express themselves through voting and free participation in government

popular sovereignty

The concept that political power rests with the people who can create, alter, and abolish government. People express themselves through voting and free participation in government

According to South Carolina political leader John C. Calhoun, what happened in states where slavery was abolished?

The condition of blacks got worse.

The Second Party System

The creation of new parties-The Whigs and the Democrats. Anti-Jackson voters were Whigs and Jackson supporters were Democrats. Whigs: -Strong union and federal government -National bank and currency -Industry and urban cities -Internal improvements-industrial and commercial development -Cautious about westward expansion Democrats: -Loose confederation of states -No national banks-only state and regional -Farmers -Wanted to expand west -Limited government

Franklin Pierce

Won the 1852 election

At the bottom of the social scale in the south were poor whites who

Worked ambitiously and hoped to move up and away from their miserable living conditions

Working Men's Parties and Unions

Working Men's Parties and Unions began springing up in the late 1820's in Philadelphia. Their goals revolved around making sure that working class people could share in the prosperity of the growing American economy. They wanted higher taxes on the rich and wanted publicly funded schools for their children. These Unions tried get rid of banks and bring about an economic transformation with worker's independence. ECONOMIC


Worst of the 19th century psychologically. Its causes were California gold causing inflation, over-growth of grain, and over-speculation in land and railroads. The north was hard hit, but the South rode it out

James Bonham

Wrote to Sam Houston in 1835 offering to volunteer and refusing any pay. Fought and died at the Alamo.

Our response to people who say Joseph was possessed by a devil

Ye shall know them by their fruits

Manifest Destiny

Yes, we are the nation of progress, of individual freedom, of universal enfranchisement. Equality of rights is the cynosure of our union of States, the grand exemplar of the correlative equality of individuals; and while truth sheds its effulgence, we cannot retrograde, without dissolving the one and subverting the other. We must onward to the fulfilment of our mission -- to the entire development of the principle of our organization -- freedom of conscience, freedom of person, freedom of trade and business pursuits, universality of freedom and equality. This is our high destiny, and in nature's eternal, inevitable decree of cause and effect we must accomplish it. All this will be our future history, to establish on earth the moral dignity and salvation of man -- the immutable truth and beneficence of God. For this blessed mission to the nations of the world, which are shut out from the life-giving light of truth, has America been chosen; and her high example shall smite unto death the tyranny of kings, hierarchs, and oligarchs, and carry the glad tidings of peace and good will where myriads now endure an existence scarcely more enviable than that of beasts of the field. Who, then, can doubt that our country is destined to be the great nation of futurity? (John L. O'Sullivan on Manifest Destiny, 1839)


a 2,000 mile trail which allowed nearly all new Oregon settlers to more easily reach their destination.


a Mexican official much like a mayor

Hinton Rowan Helper

a Southern critic of slavery during the 1850s who wrote a book entitled 'The Impending Crisis of The South'. The book put forth the notion that slavery hurt the economic prospects of non-slaveholders, and was an impediment to the growth of the entire region of the South.


a body of advisers

balanced budget

a budget in which spending does not exceed revenue


a building in which a legislative body meets


a building where a legislative body of a republic, state or country meets

Charles Finney

a central figure in the religious revival movement of the early 19th century (Second Great Awakening); he is sometimes called the first of the professional evangelists. What Finney managed to achieve was to be the most successful religious revivalist during this period. While groups such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and Seventh-day Adventists became closed and exclusivist, Finney was widely admired and influential amongst more mainstream Christians. Finney never started his own denomination or church, and never claimed any form of special prophetic leadership that elevated himself above other evangelists and revivalists.


a city or other district that has local self-government

The Consultation reached what?

a compromise

Plantation owners often described the master-slave relationship in terms of

a concept whereby a slave's labor and obedience were exchanged for the master's care and guidance.

Plantation owners often described the master-slave relationship in terms of "paternalism,"

a concept whereby a slave's labor and obedience were exchanged for the master's care and guidance.


a cruel or brutal act

Declaration of The People of Texas in General Convention Assembled

a declaration in both Spanish and English that the Texans declared themselves to be loyal to the citizens of Mexico and to support the Mexican Consultation - declared that they had taken up arms to defend themselves and to oppose the rule of Santa Anna


a device for the electrical transmission of coded messages over wires

Ostend Manifesto

a document drawn up in 1854 that instructed the buying of Cuba from Spain, then suggested the taking of Cuba by force It caused outrage among Northerners who felt it was a Southern attempt to extend slavery as states in Cuba would be southern states.


a famous and sunny trail from Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fe which was used by General Stephen W. Kearney and his seventeen hundred soldiers in 1846 to capture California

Maria Monk

a famous nativist who wrote the book "Awful Disclosures" which described what went on behind the walls of convents to make Catholics look bad

Grass Fight

a fight between Texans and Mexicans headed to San Antonio because the Texans thought the Mexicans were carrying bags of silver on their mules to pay Cos's soldiers at San Antonio - the bags only contained grass to feed Cos's calvary horses

what happened after the fighting at Gonzales?

a force of 120 Texans took the garrison at Goliad

Denmark Vesey

a free black man who led a slave rebellion in Charleston S.C.

Land Grant

a gift of public land to an individual or organization

In the nineteenth century, southern politics were democratized, which meant that

a greater number of ordinary citizens voted, but yeomen and artisans were still only infrequently elected to the legislatures.

Permanent Council

a group formed before the Consultation met

Agustus Longstreet/ Joseph Baldwin/ Johnson Hooper

a group of southern writers, produced works that were broadly American, were writers from the fringes of plantation society who depicted the world of the backwoods rural areas, and focused on ordinary people and poor whites, sometimes they were painfully realistic.

The New South in the early 1800s was characterized by

a high geographical mobility and a desire to make the West into a slave society.


a meeting of the delegates

John Brown

a militant abolitionist that took radical extremes to make his views clear. In May of 1856, Brown led a group of his followers to Pottawattamie Creek and launched a bloody attack against pro-slavery men killing five people. This began violent retaliation against Brown and his followers. This violent attack against slavery helped give Kansas its nick name, "bleeding Kansas".


a military blockade around a city


a military strategy in which an army surrounds a town or fort, bombing it and waits for the army to surrender


a mission and fort in San Antonio, Texas, where Mexican forces massacred rebellious Texans in 1836.

Gold Rush

a movement of many people to a region in which gold has been discovered.


a neutral region separating two rivals

Election of 1828

a new party formed & gradually became known as the Democratic Party which made Jackson president & Calhoun VP. Opponents called themselves the National Republicans.


a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

Initially, the white South defended slavery as a "necessary evil"; eventually, however, southern intellectuals began to argue that slavery was

a positive good because it civilized blacks and brought them Christianity

Wilmot Proviso

a proposed bill to ban slavery in the acquired land, but it was never passed

The border states of Missouri and Kentucky did not formally secede from the Union, but in these areas

a prosouthern minority remained sympathetic to the southern cause and sometimes resisted Union control.

The American Party, or Know-Nothings, appeared in the mid-1850s as

a reaction to large numbers of Roman Catholics coming to the United States from Germany and Ireland.

Oregon Trail

a route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, used by pioneers traveling to the Oregon Territory.

Santa Fe Trail

a route from Independence, Missouri, to Santa Fe, New Mexico, used by traders in the early and mid- 1800s.

. In 1864, when General William T. Sherman stated that he intended to "make Georgia howl," he was gearing up for

a scorched-earth military campaign aimed at destroying the will of the southern people.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

an 1854 bill that mandated "popular sovereignty"-allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed within a new state's borders. Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas-Abraham Lincoln's opponent in the influential Lincoln-Douglas debates-the bill overturned the Missouri Compromise's use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory. The conflicts that arose between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in the aftermath of the act's passage led to the period of violence known as Bleeding Kansas, and helped paved the way for the American Civil War (1861-65).


an American explorer who discovered the Columbia River and named it after his ship. This discovery was part of America's claim for Oregon.

William T. Sherman

an American soldier, businessman, educator, and author. He served as a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War (1861-65), for which he received recognition for his outstanding command of military strategy and criticism for the harshness of the "scorched earth" policies that he implemented in conducting total war against the Confederate States


an American steam ship called the Caroline was bringing supplies across the Niagara River to prepare Americans to fight British Canada and was destroyed by the British. A Canadian who bragged about his role in sinking the American ship was tried in America for murder, causing England to threaten war if America killed him. He was sentenced to death, but somehow got out of it.

Erastus "Deaf" Smith

an Army scout that first saw the Mexicans headed to San Antonio

Ignaz Semmelweis

an Austrian-Hungarian physician called the "savior of mothers" who discovered, by 1847, that the incidence of puerperal fever ("childbed fever") could be drastically cut by use of hand washing standards in obstetrical clinics.

Edward Jenner

an English country doctor who studied nature and his natural surroundings from childhood and practiced medicine in Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England. He is famous as the first doctor to introduce and study the smallpox., began vaccine

American Anti- Slavery Society

an abolitionist society founded by William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan. Frederick Douglass was a key leader of the society and often spoke at its meetings. William Wells Brown was another freed slave who often spoke at meetings. By 1838, the society had 1,350 local chapters with around 250,000 members, and while it promoted the greater good for slaves, it was not met with welcome arms, but instead violence.


an acute infection of the small intestine caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and characterized by extreme diarrhea with rapid and severe depletion of body fluids and salts. Cholera spread throughout the Mississippi river system killing over 4,500 in St. Louis and over 3,000 in New Orleans as well as thousands in New York. In 1849 cholera was spread along the California and Oregon Trail as hundreds died on their way to the California Gold Rush, Utah and Oregon.


an agreement in which side gives up some of what it wants in order to gain something more important

regular army

an army consisting of the full time, paid soldiers, which was created at the Consultation

Typically, Northerners viewed secession as

an attack on the best government on earth and a severe challenge to the rule of law.

Election of 1824

considered a major turning point in the presidential elections, was also known as the "corrupt bargain of 1824". There were 4 candidates running: Adams, Clay, Crawford, and Jackson. The top three candidates were chosen by popular vote, and then the president was to be chosen from these three by the House of Representatives. Clay had a major role in the House, so he ensured that Jackson not win by electing Adams as president.

Walt Whitman/ Leaves of Grass

displayed the appeal of romanticism when he published his first book of poems, which celebrated democracy, the liberation of the individual spirit, and the pleasures of the flesh; he used unconventional verse, and yearned for emotional and physical release by personal fulfillment.

Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

document signed in 1848 by 68 women and 32 men, delegates to the first women's rights convention, in Seneca Falls, New York, written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The Declaration followed the form of the United States Declaration of Independence. According to many who attended the convention and support of the Declaration helped pass the resolutions put forward, the document was the grand basis for attaining the civil, social, political, and religious rights of women.

endowment fund

donations set apart for a specific purpose

When the Civil War broke out, President Lincoln chose not to make the conflict a struggle over slavery because he

doubted his right under the Constitution to tamper with the "domestic institutions" of any state, even those in rebellion.

Panic of 1837

due to speculation, Jacksonian finance (Bank War and Specie Circular), failure of wheat crops and high prices of grain; banks collapsed by the hundreds including some 'pet banks' which held the government's funds; those funds adding up to a few million were lost; the sale of public lands fell off while customs revenues dried up and factories closed leaving people unemployed

David G. Burnet

early pioneer in Texas and formerly an empresario - chosen to be the ad interim president

The impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson

effectively ended Johnson's interference in reconstruction.

African American Christianity, created by slaves themselves,

emphasized justice.

The African-American family under slavery

emphasized kinship and mutual affection

Slaves increasingly used the chaos and turmoil of the Civil War to whittle away at their bondage by

employing various means to undermine white mastery and expand control over their own lives.

When the first territorial legislature in Kansas met, it

enacted tough proslavery laws and prompted the organization of a rival government.

why was the capture of San Antonio an important victory?

encourage Texans to continue to fight

General Robert E. Lee's surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant near Appomattox Court House in Virginia on April 9, 1865,

ended the Confederate war effort, not because the South was out of troops, but because Lee's surrender demoralized the armies remaining in the field.

White Southerners' greatest fear regarding their slaves during the Civil War was that they would

engage in violent revolt.

Stephen W. Kearmy

engaged Mexican troops in southern California during the Mexican-American War

Among the ways slaves reacted to their bondage was

engaging in daily resistance such as feigning illness, breaking farm equipment, or playing dumb.

When compared with other New World slaves, southern slaves

enjoyed a higher standard of living

There were several advantages to being a house servant in the old South; for instance, house servants

enjoyed somewhat less physically demanding work.

African American slaves utilized all of the following methods of escape except

enlisting in the U.S. Army.

Good physical conditions for slaves were necessary to

ensure that they could work hard and bear children

Oneida/ John Humphrey Noyes

established in 1848, in upstate New York, established by "Perfectionists", residents rejected traditional notions of family and marriage, and all were "married" to all other residents, sexual behavior was , children were raised communally, and women were liberated from the demands of male "lust", and from traditional bonds of family. (economic success due to selling of silverware and steel traps)

Joseph Smith

established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Fayette, NY in 1827

The Civil War affected the United States by

establishing the sovereignty of the federal government and the dominance of industrial capitalism.

"The Peculiar Institution"

euphemism for slavery euphemism for slavery and the economic ramifications of it in the American South. It was in popular use during the first half of the 19th century, especially in legislative bodies, as the word slavery was deemed "improper," and was actually banned in certain areas. When the expression became popular, it was used in association with a vigorous defense of slavery as a good thing. One of the leaders in using the phrase, and in advancing the argument that slavery was a "positive good", was John C. Calhoun.

Slave sermons and religious songs emphasized

eventual deliverance from slavery

The system of agricultural labor that emerged after 1865 often pitted ex-slaves and their expectations for freedom against former slave masters who wanted to restore the plantation system. In this struggle,

ex-slaves could decide who would work, for how long, and how hard, but still remained dependent

Abraham Lincoln understood that humanitarian concerns for black people would not motivate Northerners to fight to keep slavery out of the territories, so he promoted the "free labor" concept by asserting that the territories were

excellent destinations for poor people seeking to improve their conditions.

In 1860, the increasingly confident Republican Party

expanded their platform to address other issues.

Despite their ideological commitment to states' rights and limited government, Confederate leaders

expanded their power by drafting soldiers into the Confederate army and confiscating large amounts of property for the war effort.

The Fifteenth Amendment

extended black male suffrage to the entire nation.


extra soldiers sent to a place to make the force there stronger

Central to slave life was the importance slaves placed on

family, religion, and community.

War Party delegates at the Consultation

favored a declaration of independence

To reunite their party, the Whig strategy in the presidential campaign of 1848 was to nominate a

military hero and remain silent on the issue of slavery.

Most plantation mistresses kept their opinions on issues to themselves, but the diarist Mary Boykin Chesnut echoed most women in railing against



money paid out


money that a nation or state collects

Among free black men of fighting age in the North,

most fought in the Union army.

The typical great planter of the pre-Civil War South was

most likely a self-made man

Brook Farm/ George Ripley

one of the most famous experiments in communal living took place here, when this Boston transcendentalist established an experiment community in West Roxbury, Mass., where individuals gathered to create a society that would permit every member to have full opportunity for self- realization, but eventually tension between individual freedom and the demands of a communal society took a toll and residents left and destroyed the experiment.


one of the people who migrated to California in search of riches after gold was discovered there in 1848.

Nathaniel Hawthorne/ The Scarlet Letter

one of the residents of Brook Farm expressed his disillusionment with the experiment and to some extent with transcendentalism. In one of his most notable novels, he wrote passionately about the price an individual pays for cutting themselves off from society.

Jose Antonio Navarro

one of two Native Americans that attended the Convention of 1836

Jose Francisco Ruiz

one of two Native Americans that attended the Convention of 1836

Cynthia Ann Parker

one of two women and several children who were kidnapped from Parker's Fort near present-day Groesbeck by Comanches and Kiowas in 1836

At the time of the Civil War,

one quarter of white southerners owned slaves

Governor Smith

opposed the expedition to capture Matamoros

In the mid-1850s, Abraham Lincoln's search for a political home was based on his

opposition to the extension of slavery in the United States.

The common thread that wove together northern men into the Republican Party in 1854 was their

opposition to the extension of slavery into any territory of the United States.

General Alexander Somervell

ordered by President Houston to lead a militia of 750 to patrol the area between San Antonio and Laredo -when he reached Laredo and found no signs of the Mexican army, he ordered his troops to retreat to Gonzales -300 soldiers balked at this decision and led by Colonel William S. Fisher, moved down the Rio Grande and attacked the Mexican town of Meier

n the national crisis surrounding the presidential election of 1860, southern moderates refused to support the more radical members of the Democratic Party clamoring for a federal slave code. Instead, they

organized the Constitutional Union Party, a political party that had no platform.

Joseph Smith

original founder of LDS, considered a prophet

According to historians, a planter in the antebellum South may be distinguished from a farmer by virtue of his

owning at least twenty slaves

According to historians, a planter in the antebellum South may be distinguished from a farmer by virtue of his

owning at least twenty slaves.

49th parallel

parallel that separated British and American claims in Oregon

Abraham Lincoln's and Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plans both promised reconciliation and the rapid restoration of civil government in the South; they also shared an emphasis on

pardons for most former rebel soldiers and ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment.


passed the proposal of the veto


passed the proposal over veto

The normal way for most slaves to express discontent was

passive resistance

Inaugural Brawl

people from the masses came to the inauguration of Old Hickory (Jackson) common folk were looking for prestigious political office from the people's man

As the battle over the expansion of slavery intensified in the 1840s, Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan proposed the doctrine of "popular sovereignty," a measure that would allow

people who settled the territories to decide whether or not they wanted slavery.


people who wanted to end slavery

Thomas F. McKinney

person asked by the Permanent Council to go to the U.S. to raise $100,000

Ben Milam

person who led one column at the siege of Bexar

By the early 1870s, Democrats had adopted a two-pronged strategy to defeat the Republicans. That strategy consisted of

polarizing the political parties on the issue of color and relentlessly intimidating black voters.

Free Soil Party

political movement of the 1840s that opposed the expansion of slavery in order to allow white farmers to settle in western territories


political slogans used in the presidential election of 1840 when campaigning among the masses became more popular. "Log Cabins and Cider" was used to portray Harrison as a relatable common American who met with average people and drank cider with them. "Tippecanoe" refers to Harrison's military accomplishments which perfectly rhymed with "Tyler, too" which quickly added his vice presidential candidate John Tyler to his campaign.

Personal Liberty Laws

pre-Civil War laws passed by Northern state governments to counteract the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Acts and to protect escaped slaves and free blacks settled in the North, by giving them the right to a jury trial.

the governor and council would not cooperate with one another in Dec. 1835, preventing them from

preparing for battle with Mexico and Santa Anna


pro-slavery capital of Kansas

Border Ruffians

pro-slavery people from Missouri

In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot proposed to:

prohibit slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico.

In which of the following ways did the federal government not restrict free black people?

prohibition against living in the northern states

William Lloyd Garrison

prominent American abolitionist, journalist, and social reformer. He is best known as the editor of the abolitionist newspaper The Liberator, which he founded in 1831 and published in Massachusetts until slavery was abolished by Constitutional amendment after the American Civil War. He was one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society. He promoted "immediate emancipation" of slaves in the United States. In the 1870s, Garrison became a prominent voice for the woman suffrage movement

William Lloyd Garrison

prominent american abolitionist that published an anti slavery journal, the liberator.

David Wilmot

proposed by David Wilmot; any Mexican land that the U.S. gets would be non-slave states; got through the House of Rep. but not the Senate

Wilmot Proviso

proposed in 1846 that congress ban slavery in all southwestern lands ( land after the War with Mexico) that might become states; passed in the House but not by the Senate; slave states saw it as a northern attack on slavery


proposed latitude by the U.S. in the compromise with Britain over the land in Oregon

The Lecompton Constitution was the:

proslavery constitution proposed for Kansas.

The yeoman farmer of the South was

proud and self-reliant


public documents

As new constitutions were ratified in the South in the late 1860s, local and state Republican governments focused on

public education, the defense of civil rights, the abolition of racial discrimination, and the creation of a diversified economy.

Henry Clay

put up a compromise bill (Tariff of 1833) to calm down the tension, which reduced tariff of 1832 by 10% over 8 years

According to John L. O'Sullivan's Democratic Review, what was the key to the history of nations and the rise and fall of empires?


Wile class differences are based on income, caste differences in the South were based on


Upcountry yeomen, who lived in the hills and mountains,

raised hogs, cattle, and sheep, and sought self-sufficiency and independence.

In his first inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln was

reassuring and conciliatory toward the South on the issue of slavery but firm and inflexible concerning the perpetuity of the Union.

Santa Anna feared that any survivors at Goliad would rejoin the what


John Slidell

was sent by the U.S. to Mexico City as an envoy; his mission: Mexican recognition of the Rio Grande boundary, U.S. would forgive American citizens claims against American government, U.S. would purchase New Mexico area for $5 million, U.S. would buy California at any price; Mexican government refused to see him

Bear Flag Revolution

was the result of a revolt by settlers from the United States on June 14, 1846, in the town of Sonoma against the authorities of the Mexican province of California; the Republic lasted less than a month. The republic eventually became the present-day state of California.U.S. Army Major John C. Frémont, at the behest of his strategist Robert Bradshaw, had spread rumors of impending action against settlers by the Mexican government and encouraged rebellion. A group of thirty-three men strode into the Sonoma town center, and raised a flag with a bear and star on it (the "Bear Flag") to symbolize a new California Republic, independent from Mexico. This use of the flag led these actions to be dubbed the "Bear Flag Revolt."

The constitutional amendment that prohibited states from depriving citizens of the right to vote on the basis of their "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"

was undermined by literacy and property qualifications in southern states.

Henry David Thoreua/ Walden

went far in repudiating the repressive forces of society, he believed each individual should work for self- realization by resisting pressures to conform to society's expectations and responding instead to his or her own instincts, his own effort to free himself was expressed in his novel, which led him to build a small cabin in the Concord woods on the edge of Walden Pond, were he lived alone for two years as simply as he could, attempting to liberate himself from society's interest in material comforts

Matthew Perry

went to Japan and created 2 ports for trade by using force

Fugitive Slave Act

were a pair of federal laws that allowed for the capture and return of runaway slaves within the territory of the United States. Enacted by Congress in 1793, the Act authorized local governments to seize and return escaped slaves to their owners and imposed penalties on anyone who aided in their flight. Widespread resistance to the 1793 law later led to the passage of the second Act of 1850, which added further provisions regarding runaways and levied even harsher punishments for interfering in their capture. The Fugitive Slave Acts were among the most controversial laws of the early 19th century, and many Northern states passed special legislation in an attempt to circumvent them. Both laws were formally repealed by an act of Congress in 1864.

Phrenology/ Orson & Lorenzo Fowler

were leading phrenologists (the shape of the head can determine character, personality traits, and criminality) together with associates Samuel Wells and Nelson Sizer, ran the phrenological firm and publishing house Fowlers & Wells in New York City. Lorenzo spent much of his life in England where he set up the famous phrenological publishing house, L.N Fowler & Co., where he gained considerable fame with his phrenology head (a china head showing the phrenological faculties), which has become a symbol of the discipline.

Southern plain folk, whether they lived upcountry or in the flatlands,

were more likely to attend a religious revival than a classroom lecture.

Most southern whites

were non-slaveholding yeoman farmers

In 1860, the largest number of white Southerners

were nonslaveholding yeoman farmers

In 1860, the largest number of white Southerners

were nonslaveholding yeoman farmers.

In pre-Civil War American society, free African Americans

were treated as social outcasts


what the settlers formed when General Cos and his troops arrived in San Antonio


when 130 slaves from Virginia escaped on an American ship called the Creole, British leaders in the Bahamas offered them asylum in 1841.

All of the following were outcomes of the California Gold Rush except — F) increased diversity in the region. G) the rapid growth of San Francisco. H) an increase in overland migration. J) the expansion of slavery in California.

J) the expansion of slavery in California

A leading advocate of the need for southern self-sufficiency was

J. D. B. DeBow


Jackson believe his election meant the people wanted the bank to be exterminated immediately

Election of 1836

Jackson followed two-term tradition, persuaded Democratic party to nominate VP and master of practical politics, Martin Van Buren, Whig party feared defeat → nominated 3 candidates from 3 different regions hoping to throw election into House of Representatives where each state had one vote, Van Buren 58% electoral vote

Election of 1828

Jackson spent the last four years constantly attacking Adams and used his allies in Congress to prevent any of Adams's programs from passing. Both candidates hurled insults and lies at each other making 1828 one of the nastiest campaigns in American history. Jackson was elected in a landslide, winning every region of the country except New England. LOL. POLITICAL

King Mob

Jackson was nicknamed this for bringing on a whole mob of common folk to the White House

revolution of 1828

Jackson's election showed shift of political power to "the common man" (1828), when the government changed hands from quincy adams to jackson

Who gave birth to the whigs and what did they belive in ?

Jackson's presidency gave birth and they hated Jackson.

John C. Breckinridge

James Buchanan's vice president; youngest to be elected VP at age 36

Who tried to bring 300 soldiers to the Alamo in reply to Travis's plea but never made it?

James Fannin

Who was the commander of Texan troops killed at Goliad?

James Fannin

"Fifty-four forty or fight!"

James K. Polk slogan. Accepting the false claim in the Democratic Party platform that both areas already belonged to the United States, Polk campaigned for the "Re-occupation of Oregon and the Re-annexation of Texas." He insisted that the United States defy British claims and occupy "the whole of the territory of Oregon" to the Alaskan border. "Fifty-four forty or fight!" became his jingoistic cry.

Relationship between Lehi and Jeremiah

Jeremiah=prophet for Judah's line (the Jews); Lehi=prophet for Joseph's line


John Brown (abolitionist) came to this town in 1856 and killed 5 settlers

"Bleeding Kansas"/Pottawomie Massacre/John Brown

John Brown let a party of six in Kansas that killed 5 pro-slavery men. This helped make the Kansas border war a national issue. Brown's intent was to scare slave holders from entering the new Kansas territory. This began a larger campaign known as "bleeding kansas" involving several months of violence between those fighting the slavery issue as well as those interested in gaining land.

Pottawatomic Massacre

John Brown let a party of six in Kansas that killed 5 pro-slavery men. This helped make the Kansas border war a national issue. Brown's intent was to scare slave holders from entering the new Kansas territory. This began a larger campaign known as "bleeding kansas" involving several months of violence between those fighting the slavery issue as well as those interested in gaining land.

Manifest Destiny

John L. O'Sullivan in the Democratic Review, November 1839: "The far-reaching, the boundless future will be the era of American greatness. In its magnificent domain of space and time, the nation of many nations is destined to manifest to mankind the excellence of divine principles to establish on earth the noblest temple ever dedicated to the worship of the Most High - the Sacred and the True." Meltzer p. 42

manifest destiny

John L. Sullivan, Democratic Review, July-August 1845: "The fulfillment of our manifest destiny [is] to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." Meltzer p. 59

John Quincy Adams

John Quincy Adams was the son of John Adams. John Quincy Adams represented Massachusetts in the Senate, served as Ambassador to Russia, and became Secretary of State for President Monroe, where he negotiated American control of Florida. Adams was elected President in the election of 1824, however, was not reelected in 1828. During his term, he tried to implement the American System. Adams wanted to improve conditions for the public interests as well as abolish slavery. He also established the University of Washington. POLITICAL

John Tyler

John Tyler was Harrison's Vice President for all of one month. When Harrison died, Tyler became the first Vice President to take office because of the death of the President. While some were unsure of Tyler's exact role, he forcefully assumed the powers of the President. Furthermore, Tyler had served in Congress as a Jacksonian Democrat, and had only joined the Whigs in order to win office. Tyler vetoed most of the Whig legislation, and earned the derisive nickname "His Accidency", in reference to his accidental Presidency. Before long, he was actually kicked out of the Whig Party, and denied re-nomination in 1844. LOL. POLITICAL

Who was the Mexican general in south Texas?

Jose de Urrea

Who were the two native Texans that attended the Convention of 1836?

Jose' Antonio Navarro and Jose' Francisco Ruiz

Number of words appearing at a time on the seer stone

Joseph Smith translated 20-30 words at a time

Sticks of Judah and Joseph

Judah: Bible Joseph: Book of Mormon (and Brass Plates)

John L. O'Sullivan, editor of the United States Magazine and Democratic Review, described manifest destiny as meaning that American settlers should possess the "whole of the continent" that "Providence" has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and...self-government." Do you think the same attitudes exist today? Explain.

Judging by the countless American wars and interventions in the Middle East and around the world, "manifest destiny" has been extended to the entire planet.

Why were the Whigs no longer a strong political power?

Kansas Nebraska act set Southern Whigs against Northern whigs

Lecompton Constituion

Kansas people were allowed to vote for a Constitution either with or without slavery. Protected slave owners already in Kansas.

Battle of Gonzales

Known as the Lexington of Texas because the first battle of the American Revolution occurred at Lexington, Massachusetts

Why did the Irish settle in the North?

Lack of resources to travel west

Why did President Mirabeau Lamar oppose annexation?

Lamar believed that one day Texas would be a powerful independent nation that would extend to the Pacific Ocean

Financial difficulties II

Lamar spent nearly $2.5 million during his three years in office. The debt rose to $7 million dollars after he left office.

What did President Lamar think about the Texas Navy?

Lamar thought having a strong military would force Mexico to recognize the Republic of Texas - Lamar ordered the newly restored navy into Mexican Waters -Lamar hoped in vain that the Mexican government would recognize Texas in exchange for the promise that the Texan Navy would not harass Mexican ships -When Sam Houston regained presidency in 1841, he recalled the Navy

Lamar's relationship with Native Americans

Lamar was openly hostile to Indians. He did not believe that white men and Native Americans could live together in harmony. Lamar believed that peace could've only be obtained through force. Lamar did not believe that the Cherokee did not have a fair claim to the land in the East Texas. He thought that the Cherokees were working for Mexico as spies. Lamar ordered the Cherokees out of Texas in 1839.

David G. Burnet

Lamar's chosen successor for president -defeated by Sam Houston in a bitter campaign

Prosser's Rebellion !!

Led by Gabriel Prosser, a literate enslaved blacksmith, who planned a large slave rebellion in the Richmond area in the summer of 1800. Information regarding the revolt was leaked prior to its execution, and he and twenty-five followers were taken captive and hanged in punishment. In reaction, Virginia and other state legislatures passed restrictions on free blacks, as well as prohibiting the education, assembly, and hiring out of slaves, to restrict their chances to learn and to plan similar rebellions.

Stephen F. Austin

Led the first of several groups of American settlers to a fertile area

Ultimately, John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry, Virginia

Left an increasingly number of southern whites to conclude that many northerners wanted to end slavery with violence

David Whitmer

Left the Church. Church was reorganized in his home, but he did not believe in polygamy.

John Whitmer

Left the church and published unfavorable material and was excommunicated.

Tribes of Lehi and Ishmael

Lehi: Manasseh Ishmael: Ephraim


Lexington of Texas

Land Bountiful

Likely a small area on the Arabian peninsula called Oman

Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln issued it and freed all the slaves in the Confederate states, but slaves in Border States loyal to the Union remained enslaved. It only applied to states in rebellion (Confederate states). It led to slaves rebelling and joining the Union army and increased sympathy from Europe.

Lincoln/ the Debates

Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 during Illinois Senatorial campaign. A series of seven debates. The two argued the important issues of the day like popular sovereignty, the Lecompton Constitution and the Dred Scott decision. Douglas won these debates, but Lincoln's position in these debates helped him beat Douglas in the 1860 presidential election. Elected in 1860, suspended habeas corpus, "house divided", emanc proc etc

Sam Houston

Lived among the Cherokees for many years. Moved to Texas in 1835. Named Commander-in-Chief of the Texas Army in 1836. First President of the Republic of Texas.

What were "committees of Correspondence?"

Local group formed to share political and military infor with other communities


Location of the capital, financial issues (e.g. National Bank) are key issues of which political system?

Nicholas Trist

Long-winded American diplomat who negotiated the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Reuben's place

Lost the right to the birthright whenever he did one of his dad's other wives.

Walker tariff

Lowered the Tariff of 1842 from 32% to 45%

civility of US army

Lt. William Henry, Matamoros, Mexico: "The behavior of our army after victory is as highly honorable as the victories themselves. In taking possession of Matamoros we have not interfered with either the civil or religious rights of the inhabitants. Their courts of justice are still held, the most perfect respect is paid to law and order, and every infraction of either is severely punished." Meltzer p. 106

Aroostook War

Maine lumberjacks camped along the Aroostook River in Maine in 1839 tried to oust Canadian rivals. Militia were called in from both sides until the Webster Ashburn - Treaty was signed. Took place in disputed territory.

Most important focus when presenting the book

Make sure they know that the reason you are sharing it is because you love them and the Book of Mormon is special to you.

The rarest job on the plantation for skates was that of driver, the person who

Makes sure all slaves work hard


Making us better, more than just making-up for the Fall, but helping us become like Christ Helping us achieve our full potential to become like God Only possible through the merits, mercy and grace of the Holy Messiah

How President Houston eliminated the problems in the Texas army

Many in the Texas army wanted to invade Mexico, and Houston was losing his grip on the Texas army. A man named Felix Houston was drumming up support for invading Mexico. So Sam Houston solved this problem by appointing Albert Sidney Johnston to replace Felix Houston. Plus, Texas could not afford to pay their army also. Houston solved this problem by sending all but 600 soldiers home on permanent leave.

Which of the following is true of cotton agriculture in the pre-Civil War era?

Many planters worked in their land until it was exhausted.

Why couldn't Texas forces prepare effectively for Santa Anna's invasion?

Many volunteers who helped capture San Antonio returned home for winter

When is Texas Independence day?

March 2

The Archives War

March, 1842, 500 soldiers led by General Rafael Vasquez invaded Texas then occupied San Antonio, Goliad, and Refugio. San Antonio - Vasquez raised the Mexican flag in the name of Mexico; several days later, he left. Panic - Houston declared emergency then tried to move the government archives from Austin to Houstin. Suspicious residents - leader Angelina Eberly, fired on them, which insured that the archives and capital remained in Austin

What was the Convention of 1836?

Marked the fourth time that Texas had met to debate the status of Texas. Declaring independence

Hyrum Page

Married a Whitmer girl, tried to receive revelation for the whole church. Left the church

Martin Van Buren

Martin Van Buren was one of Andrew Jackson's closest advisers. Van Buren served as secretary of state during Andrew Jackson's first term, vice president during Jackson's second term, and won the presidency in 1836 to be 8th president of the United States. The panic of 1837 occured during Van Buren's presidency. Van Buren continued Jackson's popular policies, especially his ideas on limited government, however, was defeated for reelection by William Henry Harrison in 1840. In 1848, he ran for President as the nominee of the anti-slavery Free Soil Party. Van Buren also created the Albany Regency. POLITICAL

What is the name of the Mexican city near the mouth of the Rio Grande?


What American naval officer negotiated a treaty that opened two Japanese ports to U.S. ships in 1854?

Matthew Perry

Bishop or Speaker of the Ward

Members of the Mormon priesthood who can officiant at the funeral service

Relationship between Moroni and Joseph

Mentor. 22 recorded visits

who voted for whigs

Merchants, bankers, manufacturers, Midwestern Farmers, New Englanders

General Cos

Mexican General that occupied San Antonio

Domingo de Ugartechea

Mexican colonel at San Antonio in 1835

Colonel Ugartecha

Mexican commander at San Antonio

Colonel Ugartchea

Mexican commander that ordered the people of Gonzales to surrender their brass cannon

Santa Anna

Mexican dictator who was in charge when war broke out between the Mexicans and Americans. He lost Texas to rebels, and was the leader of the armed forces during the war.

Santa Anna

Mexican general who tried to crush the Texas revolt and who lost battles to Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War (1795-1876)

Colonel Jose de las Piedras (PYAY-drahs)

Mexican military official sent to Nacogdoches to prevent uprisings after the Fredonian Revolt.

Lorenzo de Zavala

Mexican official who came over to the side of Texas. Signed the Texas Declaration of Independence in 1836. Became vice-president of Texas in 1836.

Governor Antonio Martinez

Mexican official whom Moses Austin met with in 1820 to try to get permission to bring settlers to Texas.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

Mexican president

officers of the new Republic could not be voted in by the people because

Mexican troops were in Texas already

Baron de Bastrop

Mexican who helped Moses Austin get permission from Mexico to bring settlers to Texas in 1820.

why did the Convention end quickly?

Mexicans were attacking the Alamo and Santa Anna was coming

goal not to enslave Mexicans but to liberate

Moses Y. Beach, editor of the New York Sun, October 22, 1846 wrote of the Mexicans:"The race is perfectly accustomed to being conquered and the only new lesson we shall teach is that our victories will give liberty, safety and prosperity to the vanquished, if they know enough to profit by the appearance of our stars. To liberate and ennoble - no to enslave and debase - is our mission." Meltzer pp. 226-7

Where seer stones came from

Mosiah 28: 13-14

Why Texans wanted to annex America

Most Texans were from the United States, Texas and the United States had strong business and trade ties, Texans wanted the United State's protection, the use of its postal system, and Texans wanted to be part of the United State's strong monetary system.


Most extreme portion of the Peace Democrats. They openly obstructed the war through attacks against the draft, against Lincoln, and the emancipation. Based in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. There was really no victory for this group.

Hudson's Bay Company

Most important company in colonizing Oregon for Britain

What is the Trail of tears?

Most indians agreed to move, and took the money. But the Cherokees who lived in western georgia did not.

Which statement characterizes white Southerners in the antebellum South?

Most white Southerners did not own slaves.

What was the plan for the indians?

Move indians to the west of the mississippi.

David G. Burnet

Moved to Stephen F. Austin's Texan colony in 1826. Was an early empresario. Interim President of Texas, 1836 and 1841. Fought at the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836.

The typical plantation belt yeomen in the old south aspired to

Moving up to the planter class

Free blacks faced all of the following dangers except

Indian massacre.


Individuals who manage or own businesses by investment, despite the possible risks of losing capital, in the hopes of receiving notable profit.

Lowell Mills

Industrial Revolution - 8,000 women - 73 hours a week - Some women under 16 - Over 80 women in each room - Only a little over half what men were paid - Francis Cabot Lowell - The "City of Spindles" - Technology and the industrial revolution - Expansion of the factory system - Economy began to crash as overproduction began - Cut pay even further - Harriet Hanson Robinson wrote "Loom and Spindle" - Went on a strike in 1836 - Women lost feminism in the factory - Young girls removed from parents - "The Lowell Offering" - Written by the women, edited by overseers - Strikes and protests in the 1830's and 1840's - Shift from "cottage labor" - Power loom - Water-powered - Avoided creation of premanent proletariat - Led to more textile firms - Challenged gender roles - Brought about technology advances and increased industry - Lowell has to go to communities because there is nothing in Lowell,Massachusetts, it is a company town - Has to convince the parents that it is a good environment - Go to church - Educational Opportunities > Regulation by the women working there. There are expectations of other women at the mill > OBerlin college is the first to allow women to get a four year education


Industrialization and immigration are key issues in which political system?

What was the main reason that the new nation of Texas was in Debt?

Money owed to othershad been used to buy weapons.


Money paid out


Money received

Meaning of Mormon

More good

Reading, pondering, and praying with real intent

Moroni's promise

Mirabeau B. Lamar's cabinet

Vice President David G. Burnet, and Lamar would later serve as secretary of war.

Sam Houston's Cabinet

Vice President Mirabeau B. Lamar, Secretary of State Stephen F. Austin, Secretary of War Thomas J. Rusk, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Smith


Vice President to William Henry Harrison, who died just a few weeks into office, and "accidentally" became president, the first to do so. Although he left the Democratic Party before he was put on the ticket, Tyler was often seen returning to his Democratic roots, such as his opposition to the reinstitution of the national bank. Interestingly, Tyler turned out to disagree with his predecessor, Harrison, on nearly everything. President Tyler was highly disapproved of by Whigs, who dubbed him "His Accidency."

Henry Moffit

Virginian sent by President Jackson to determine if the U.S. should recognize Texas; he concluded no

When the first territorial legislature in Kansas met, it

Voted to settle the slavery issue peacefully

Texas Revolution

War between Texas settlers and Mexico from 1835-1836 resulting in the formation of the Republic of Texas. It later joined the United States. Why? This revolution allowed the U.S. to eventually add Texas to its expanding territory

The compromise of 1850

Was neither a true compromise nor a final settlement of all the issues it addressed


Was part of Mexico. Had many ranches: raised Spanish cattle which linked Cali to American economy. Some people try to emulate the Americans in Texas by colonizing the country and then seeking annexation.

Where did the Convention of 1836 meet?


the committee that crafted the Texas constitution met at


Southern plain folk, whether they lived in upcountry or in the flatlands

We're more likely to attend a religious revival than a classroom lecture

Robert Owen

Wealthy idealist Scottish textile manufacturer who was a member of the New Harmony Utopian Society.

Who captured Mexican mules and horses grazing near the Medina River?

William Berrit Travis

Election of 1824

With the Federalist Party completely gone, whoever was nominated by the Republican Congressional Caucus would be President. The Caucus, however, was split, and four candidates emerged: John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, Henry Clay, and Andrew Jackson. In the first election, determined largely by the popular vote, each candidate took a sizable chunk, with Jackson winning the Electoral College and the popular vote, but not getting a majority. In the House, Adams won the election after Clay, the 4th place finisher and thus knocked out of contention, threw his support behind Adams, who won. Adams then made Clay Secretary of State, and thus presumptive heir to the Presidency. POLITICAL

What was Fannin ordered to do after the fall of the Alamo?

Withdraw from Goliad

What was the purpose of the Turtle Bayou Resolutions?

The colonists declared their loyalty to Mexico and denied that they were rebelling against Mexican authority.

Frederick Jackson Turner

believes that the western farmer is the fount of democratic virtue; the U.S. owes survival of Democratic tradition to the rise of the west


below the belt political tactics that took use of slander and stretched truths to curb the elections in the favor of an opponent as opposed to another

Edward Burleseon

chosen to command the volunteer army

In the South, social prestige and influence were determined by

class and caste

"Manifest Destiny"

coined by John O'Sullivan; God given right to the U.S. to take whatever land that was westward to it

in the "Declaration of the People of Texas in General Convention Assembled," the consultation declared the following EXCEPT:

to be loyal citizens of the United States

Why did Houston call a tactical retreat?

to delay fighting and try to strengthen his army


to incorporate a country or territory into another country or territory


to incorporate a territory into an existing political unit, such as a state or a nation

what did the Mexican commander promised after the loss of the Alamo?

to never fight against the colonists or constitution of 1824

why did the Consultation send representatives to the U.S.?

to obtain troops, supplies, and money to finance the expected war and to aid the struggle against Santa Anna

Why did Texans attack a Mexican fort at Goliad?

to protect settlers from Mexican soldiers

The Consultation decided that the goal of the Texas Revolution was?

to restore the Constitution of 1824


to this group, nature was not just a setting for economic activity as many farmers, miners and others believed , but the so9urce of deep, personal human inspiration, the vehicle through which individuals could best realize the truth within their own souls, and that spirituality came not from formal religion but from the natural world.

In the upper tier of southern states, the principal slave-produced commodity was


Southern yeoman farmers

tolerated slavery

San Felipe

town to which the Consultation was moved because it had a printing press

purpose of committees of safety?

towns formed committees of safety in case of threat by federal soldiers

The prosperity of the southern yeoman was limited by the lack of

transportation facilities

What was written in the Texas constitution?

3 branches of government, bill of rights, recognized community property, protected people in debt, had rules about property ownership, and legalized slavery

Text complexity

3 different dating systems Political and ethical groups Flashbacks 3 different ocean trips 100 different people's names

the planter class

3 percent of the 25 percent that owned slaves

How many immigrants entered the USA 1845 to 1854?


About ____ percent of whites in the South in 1860 were large landowners with dozens of slaves.


United States, Great Britain, France and Netherlands

4 countries that granted recognition to Texas during Sam Houston's presidency

In 1790, there were fewer than 700,000 slaves in the South; by 1860 that number had increased to about

4 million.

At the time of the Civil War, there were approximately ____ slaves in the South.


Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montanta, Wyoming

5 states in Oregon Territory

The American Revolution lasted how long?

6 years

Year Lehi left Jerusalem

600 BC

How long the translation took

65 Days

The Texas Revolution lasted how long?

7 months

"Young America"

coined by Ralph Waldo Emerson; new era of commercial development, technological progress, and territorial expansion led by progressive new young generation (1840s-1850s)

Juan N. Seguin

commanded a scouting company in the Texas army at San Antonio

Edward Burleson

commanded volunteers who worked to stop Indian raids

Sam Houston

commander in chief for the Texans; captured Santa Anna with his troops

what was Sam Houston put in charge of?

commander in chief of the regular army and the volunteer army

William Barrett Travis

commander of the Texans who held the Alamo for nearly two weeks before they were all mercilessly killed

When reflecting on John Brown's raid on the arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, most Northerners

concluded that his ideals couldn't excuse violence.

Winfield Scott

gained control of the Mexican capital which stopped fighting in the Mexican-American War

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850:

gave new powers to federal officers to override local law enforcement.

Stonewall Jackson

general in the Confederate Army during the Civil War whose troops at the first Battle of Bull Run stood like a stone wall (1824-1863)


get-rich-quick; gambling; getting a large section of land and sectioning it off and selling it for cheap; get rich quickism, which involves the buying, selling, holding or short selling of real estate or other commodities

The Fourteenth Amendment dealt with voting rights for blacks by

giving Congress the right to reduce a state's representation in that body if the state refused to give all of its adult male population, including ex-slaves, the right to vote.

To become a successful planter, it was probably most important that one have sound knowledge of

good business and accounting practices

Henry Smith

governor of the provisional government

who consists of the provisional government?

governor, lieutenant governor, and a general council

Stephen Austin

granted a huge tract of land by Mexicans to bring Americans into Texas where they would be properly Mexicanized (must be Roman Catholic)

Catharine Beecher/ Lucretia Mott/ Elizabeth Cady Stanton/ Susan B. Antony

group of American women and who met to discuss the legal limitations imposed on women during this period, at Seneca Falls, New York. They were all advocators of women's rights through creating women's academies, and eventually the Americans Equal Rights Association.

Members of Congress hoped Lincoln would not veto the Wade-Davis Bill because they wanted to

guarantee freedmen equal protection before the law.

Bill of Rights

guaranteed freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, trial by jury, and other basic civil rights

Civil Rights

guaranteed freedoms

civil rights

guaranteed freedoms

John Brown's leadership of a massacre at Pottawatomie Creek, Kansas, led to

guerrilla war engulfing the territory.

By the early 1870s, the congressional reconstruction goals of 1866

had been mostly abandoned by Northerners.

At the end of 1862, the eastern theater of the Civil War

had reached a stalemate.

Although Andrew Johnson had left the Democratic Party before becoming president, he seemed more a Democrat than a Republican as president because

he advocated states' rights and limitations on federal power, especially in the economic realm.

Captain Juan Seguin

he commanded a scouting company of Tejanos - he supported the Texas movement for independence

In 1854, Stephen A. Douglas sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act and included a section repealing the Missouri Compromise because

he needed southern support to pass his legislation, the price of which was opening up the Nebraska territory to the possibility of slavery.

Why was Austin a good spokesperson for American settlers in Texas?

he spoke for them no matter what

Frank W. Johnson

he was a close friend to Stephen F. Austin and was in favor of going in war with Mexico and complete independence for Texas.

Abraham Lincoln became the Republican candidate for president in the election of 1860 because

he was a moderate on the volatile issue of slavery, demonstrated solid Republican credentials, and represented the crucial state of Illinois.

Dred Scott

he was a slave who had been taken to the north by his master and brought back. Since he had lived in the north, Scott argued that he was free in court. The court said that maybe yes, he should be free, but they refused to recognize the law. Dred Scott was a black slave and not a citizen, and hence could not sue in federal courts. Chief Justice Taney desired a sweeping judgment on the issue of slavery in the territories.

Santa Anna

head of 6000 men; dictator of Mexico; was later captured and forced to sign a treaty under duress

John Slidell

headed a diplomatic mission to Mexico in hopes of averting war in 1846

In 1862, the Homestead Act

helped to encourage Westerners to be loyal to the Union.

Andrew Jackson

hero of New Orleans; VP Calhoun; war hero who had the strongest appeal, especially in the West. His campaign was against the forces of corruption and privilege in government; polled almost as many popular votes as his next two rivals combined but failed to win a majority of the electoral vote; House of Representatives voted and Jackson lost to Adams; didn't like Clay's public denunciation of his Florida foray in 1818

The union of slavery and cotton

hindered industrialization in the South

Reformers were shocked by President Andrew Johnson's quick reconstruction of ex-Confederate states because

his reconstruction plan seemed to contradict earlier statements in which he claimed a willingness to destroy the southern planter aristocracy.

In his 1857 campaign for reelection to the U.S. Senate, Illinois Democrat Stephen Douglas needed to overcome several challenges, including

his reputation as a racist.

the issue on which Consultation delegates 1st called a vote was

immediate independence from Mexico

When Democrats demanded the "reannexation" of Texas in 1844, they:

implied that Texas had once been part of the United States through the Louisiana Purchase.

water cure

improve health through immersing people in hot/ cold baths or wrapping them in wet sheet, even if it did not have deliver the promised benefits, it did have a therapeutical value and is now known as hydrotherapy

Civil Disobedience

in 1849 Emerson argued in an essay "Resistance to Civil Government", (wrote while in jail, due to failure to pay taxes to govt that allows slavery)that a government that required an individual to violate his/ her own morality had no legitimate authority, and that the proper response was passive resistance or a public refusal to obey unjust laws.


in Georgia they decided to assimilate into a white-lifestyle. They turned to agriculture and had a notion of private property and they developed a Cherokee alphabet and had schools and even made a written legal code and a constitution that provided for a 3 branch government before they were sent off to Indian territory


in attempt to satisfy President Polk's desire to reduce the Tariff of 1842, secretary of treasury Robert J. Walker created this tariff that ultimately boosted the economy and increased revenue while lowering the tax from around thirty-two percent to twenty-five percent.

Where did most free southern blacks live?

in coastal cities


in farming, the raising of one or two crops for sale rather than a variety of foods for personal use

Yeoman farmers of the South could be found

in the back-country of the South

endowment fund

income derived from donations that is set aside for specific purposes -congress set aside 288,000 acres of public land in central Texas as a source of income for two universities -later govt's. of Texas substituted land in West Texas which multiplied the value of the endowment funds when oil was discovered on these lands


incorporation by joining or uniting.

A major reason for the weaker hold of slavery in the upper South was the

increasing industrialization and agricultural diversification in the region

While the battle of the Alamo was being fought, the leaders of Texas declared what?

independence from Mexico

Wichitas, Comanches, Kiowas

indian groups that resented the newcomers settling in central Texas; raided and killed new settlers

While the North's industrial production boomed during the Civil War, the working class there found that

inflation and taxes cut so deeply into their wages that their standard of living actually fell.

Rafael Vasquez

led Mexican army of about 500 soldiers in March of 1842; took control of San Antonio, Goliad an Refugio -withdrew after several days -even so many TExans panicked -President Houston declared a public emergency and tried to move the government archives to Houston

American settlement in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s:

led Stephen Austin to demand more autonomy from Mexican officials

Winfield Scott

led The conquest of Mexico City

Ben McCulloch

led a group of Texas Rangers at Plum Creek, killing 100 Comanches and losing only 1 Texas Ranger

Ralph Waldo Emerson

led a small group of intellectuals centered in Concord, Massachusetts, who developed the Transcendentalist philosophy. He was a Unitarian minister in his youth, but later devoted himself to writing, teaching, and lecturing, and was an advocator of commitment of the individual to the full exploration of inner capacities.

Colonel John Moore

led a surprise attack in Oct. 1840 on a large Comanche village on the upper Colorado River killing nearly 130 commanches

Captain Nicholas Dawson

led company of volunteers from Fayette County against invasion by Mexico's Adrian Woll -killed in fighting -buried on Monument Hill near La Grange, Texas

Buffalo Hump

led daring raids by Comanches and Kiowas throughout Texas


led the American troops in war against Mexico in 1846 which was inspired by Mexico's unwillingness to create a deal with America for California and became known as the "Hero of Buena Vista."

Brigham Young

led the Mormons after Joseph Smith was killed in Nauvoo, IL; led thousands of Mormons to the Salt Lake Desert in the "Great Trek"

Ben Milam and Frank W. Johnson

led the attack and capture of the Alamo by 300 Texan volunteers

Zachary Taylor

led the main thrust across the Rio Grande

Frank W. Johnson

led the other column of volunteer soldiers to San Antonio, with Ben Milam leading the other column

The Republican free labor ideology:

led to the argument by William Seward that free labor and slave labor were essentially incompatible.

Jacob Whitmer

left the church and published unfavorable material and was excommunicated.

branches of government

legislative, executive, and judicial

2000 miles

length of Oregon Trail

Why did some Americans think that making California part of the United States would strengthen the security of the nation?

less war threat

James W. Robinson

lieutenant governor of the provisional government

Committees of Correspondence

local groups sharing political and military information

committees of correspondence

local groups sharing political and military information

Bird's Fort and Torrey's Trading House

location of signing of treaties that ensured a period of calm with the indians for several years after Houston returned to office for a second term

Declaration of the People of Texas in General Convention Assembled stated that Texans were ....

loyal citizens of Mexico

The Civil Rights Act of 1866

made discrimination in state laws illegal.

The rarest job on the plantation for slaves was that of driver, the person who

made sure all slaves worked hard.

Southern proslavery arguments did NOT include the belief that slavery was

mandated by the United States Constitution

During the Second Seminole War of 1835-1842

many escaped slaves hiding in Florida actually fought with the Native Americans against US soldiers

The conflict between the Merrimack and the Monitor

marked the birth of the ironclad warship but had little impact on the Union's conventional naval dominance.

Rachel Robards

married Andrew Jackson but found out that she hadn't actually been divorced from her previous husband yet so they hurried to get that fixed


members of a church founded by Joseph Smith and his associates in 1830

Favorite Son

men with regional appeal that the Whigs nominated as their candidates; Whigs hoped to spread out votes so that the final decision would have to be determined in a vote in the House of Representatives where they at least had a chance

William Becknell

merchant in Missouri; sold products in Santa Fe, New Mexico for Mexican gold

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

treaty that ended the Mexican-American War; negotiated by Nicholas Trist; gave the U.S. all Mexican territory above the Rio Grande (Texas and California); U.S. gave Mexico $15,000,000


tried to nullify the South Carolina legislature by getting two thirds of the vote; after the '32 election they got enough Nullies in Congress to go ahead and pass the nullification of the tariff of abominations ;blocked by minority of Unionists

joint occupation

two countries peacefully occumying the same land--Oregon territory 1818, the U.S. and Great Britain agreed to a 10 year joint occupation

Supreme Court decisions in the years following the Civil War largely

undermined reconstruction.

Old South

upper and lower south combined

Colonel William F. Gray

visitor at the convention and wrote a diary of the proceedings


volunteered for Texas army

Ben Milam

volunteered to lead an attack against the Mexicans at San Antonio, where he was shot and killed on the third day of fighting

Popular Sovereignty

vote of people living there.

Prigg v. Pensylvania

was a United States Supreme Court case in which the court held that Federal law is superior to State law, and overturned the conviction of Edward Prigg as a result, during a time when Pennsylvania passed an act of gradual abolition of slavery. (did not have to return runaways)

In strict military terms, the battle of Gettysburg in the summer of 1863

was a crucial turning point for Confederate armies because it proved to be the last time Confederates launched a major offensive above the Mason-Dixon line.

Ex-slaves believed that ownership of land

was a moral right and was linked to their freedom.

Benevolent Empire

was a name that was given to a number of organizations by historians. In the 1820s America, there was disorder among lower waged native-borns. Wealthy Americans who believed that the Bible taught the religious ideal of benevolence, decided that it was their duty to do good deeds for the less fortunate. The groups usually consisted of Congregational or Presbyterian ministers and their wives.

Liberty Party

was a political party in the United States in the 1840s. The party was an early advocate of the abolitionist cause. It broke away from the American Anti-Slavery Society due to grievances with William Lloyd Garrison's leadership. The Liberty Party nominated James G. Birney for President in 1840 and 1844. The party did not attract much support. In 1848, the party met in Buffalo, New York, with other groups to form the Free Soil Party.

Denmark Vesey

was a slave in Charleston, South Carolina; In 1822 he wins the Charleston lottery-600 dollars and buys his freedom; Tries to lead a slave rebellion His Plan was to get a ship captain to take them to Haiti, but the field hands tell about it; 135 Conspirators, 67 executed Task System and property ownership are temporarily banned Everyone given a metal medallion, but slaves make them so they can make fake ones; Citadel is founded to train militia to be ready to put down an uprising

George Fitzhugh

was a social theorist who published racial and slavery-based sociological theories in the antebellum era. He wrote "Sociology for the South," a book that supported slavery.


was a spirit that many of the nation's cultural leaders got from Europe; in literature, in philosophy, in art, and even in politics and economics, American intellections committed themselves to this idea of liberating the human spirit. (based on emotion/intuition)

the Amistdad

was a symbol in the movement to abolish slavery after a group of African captives aboard revolted. Its recapture resulted in a legal battle over their status.

Benjamin Lundy

was an American Quaker abolitionist who established several anti-slavery newspapers and worked for many others. He traveled widely seeking to limit the expansion of slavery, and in seeking to establish a colony to which freed slaves might be located, outside of the United States.

The seige of Vicksburg in July 1863

was an important Union victory that opened up a large portion of the Mississippi River.

Edward Burleson

was chosen to command the volunteer army after Stephen F. Austin went to Washington for help on November 25, 1835

Wilmot Proviso

was introduced on August 8, 1846, in the United States House of Representatives as a rider on a $2 million appropriations bill intended for the final negotiations to resolve the Mexican-American War. The intent of the proviso, submitted by Democratic Congressman David Wilmot, was to prevent the introduction of slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico. The proviso did not pass in this session or in any other session when it was reintroduced over the course of the next several years, but many consider it as the one of first events on the long slide to secession and Civil War which would accelerate through the 1850s.

While Abraham Lincoln espoused a typical racial attitude for a white man of his day, he personally believed that slavery

was morally wrong.

The Compromise of 1850

was neither a true compromise nor a final settlement of all the issues it addressed.

William Gilmore Simms

was one of the distinguished men of the south who produced historical romances or romantic eulogies of the plantation system, his work expressed a broad nationalism that transcended his regional background, but later he too had become a strong defender of the southern institutions (slavery), against the North.

John Warren

was one of the most renowned American surgeons of the 19th century. In 1846 he gave permission to William T.G. Morton to provide ether anesthesia while Warren performed a minor surgical procedure. News of this first public demonstration of surgical anesthesia quickly circulated around the world.

William Morton

American dental surgeon who in 1846 gave the first successful public demonstration of ether anesthesia during surgery. He is credited with gaining the medical world's acceptance of surgical anesthesia.

Sylvester Graham

American dietary reformer who was ordained in 1826 as a Presbyterian minister. Notable for his emphasis on vegetarianism and the Temperance movement

Targeting the central issues of his debates- slavery and freedom- Stephen Douglas tried to depict Abraham Lincoln as

An abolitionist and color blind egalitarian who loved blacks

Controlling power over Jerusalem at the time of Lehi



Battle during Texas Revolution. Texans are massacred by Mexico due to unpreparded Texas soldiers Why? The second decisive defeat by Mexicans, but Texas still remains confident, and the defeat urges them to fight harder

October 9, 1835

Battle of Goliad

October 2, 1835

Battle of Gonzales

William B. Travis

Became an attorney (lawyer) in 1829 in Alabama. Purchased land in Texas from Stephen F. Austin in 1831. Was the recruiting officer for the regular Texan army. Commanded regular troops at the Alamo. Died at the Alamo.

Why did Texans set up an ad interim government?

Because Mexican troops were in Texas and it was impossible to hold general elections to approve the constitutions. they decided to elect officials

As the siege of the Alamo continued, why did Santa Anna grow impatient?

Because he knew the Texans were meeting at Washington-on-the-Brazos

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin influenced northerners attitudes towards slavery

Because it was a compelling novel and a vehicle for a stirring moral indictment of slavery

What happened after three different Texan commanders planned an attack on the Mexican city of Matamoros?

Because of confusion, the attack never took place

Why do you think so many battles were fought near San Antonio?

Because of its location. It is located along the Old San Antonio Road which travels between Mexico and Louisiana. It also lies along the San Antonio River.

Great Plains

Policed the boundary between white settlements and what Congress in 1834 designated as Permanent Indian Territory. Indian practiced hunting buffalo and riding horses. Developed both a horse-based culture and imperial ambitions.

The 9th president election, election of 1840

Dem: van buren Whigs: William Henry Harrison, he foguht and won battle of tippicanou. Whigs turned the election into a whining party, appealing to peoples emotions. Whigs won, and took control of congress.

Spanish missions and presidios

Spanish military settlements and colonies were people of mostly mixed Hispanic descent lived and settled in California.

In 1860, democrats meeting to choose a presidential candidate in Charleston, South Carolina, wound up

Splitting the party into southern and northern factions over the issues of popular sovereignty and a federal code protecting slavery in the territories

Why did the democrats do badly in the 1854 elections?

Sponsored the Kansas Nebraska act

When did Travis thinkSanta Anna would invade Texas in 1836

Spring, March, April May

As late as 1850, there were no statewide public school systems in the South because

State legislatures failed to provide many essential services and planters saw no need to educate their workforce


Stated that slavery shouldn't exist in any of the Mexican Cession territories that would be taken from Mexico; passed twice by the House but never got passed the senate.

The best state in the United States


Why is March 2nd Independence Day?

Texas Declaration of Independence was approved on that day

David (Davy) Crockett

Texas army volunteer. Former U.S. Congressman. Famous for his coonskin cap. Fought and died at the Alamo.

Manifest Destiny

This expression was popular in the 1840s. Many people believed that the U.S. was destined to secure territory from "sea to sea," from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This rationale drove the acquisition of territory.


abandoned mission where Mexican troops took refuge during the Siege of Bexar - After the Texans won the Siege of Bexar, the Texas army now held the Alamo and Goliad - Texas soil was cleared by Mexican troops

John Brown

abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia (1800-1858)

James D. Birney

abolitionist, and candidate for presidential elections of 1840 and 1844, for the Liberty Party, he started his abolitionist weekly publication in Cincinnati, Ohio titled The Philanthropist.


abolitionists and free-soilers

other decisions

ad interim government chosen and slavery became legal


additional money issued during Mirabeau B. Lamar's presidency to help in easing the large public debt (redbacks quickly shrank in value)

What is the background for the American indian policy?

after the war of 1812, US decided they needed a plan for the indians.

After his victory at Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1864, General Ulysses S. Grant

launched a massive military campaign that would take his troops on a sweep through Virginia and get thousands of them killed in the process.

Anti-Masonic Party:

against secret societies for aristocrats; they were a party that attracted democrats (but not Jacksonites necessarily because Jackson was a Mason) and evangelicals who wanted to keep the Sabbath holy and needed government influence in social affairs

Peace Party

agreed to oppose Santa Anna, but they objected to an immediate Declaration of Independence

Legislative branch



lawmaking branch

Before the Civil War, the southern economy was based on agriculture; the North developed a mixed economy based on

agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing.

From the beginning, the Confederacy faced formidable odds in pursuing its bid for independence; it had to succeed in

all of the above

Southerners believed they had a real chance of winning the Civil War based on

all of the above

Force Bill

allowed the president to use the army and navy, if necessary to collect federal taxes

Brigham Young

also co founder- believed they were chosen people

John C. Fremont

led American settlers in California in revolt against Mexican authorities

Angelina Eberly

led Austin residents who fired on govt. officials who were trying to move the govt. archives to Houston

D. W.'s Proviso

-David Wilmot suggested land from the Mexican War should be free soil -got shot down in Congress twice -free soiler: opposed to slavery spreading

Oregon Trail

2000 mile long path along which thousands of Americans journeyed to the Willamette Valley (Oregon) in the 1840's.

Americans moving into Texas

"During the 1820s and 1830s, thousands of American homesteaders moved into Texas. They brought with them their culture and a system of laws and political institutions that clashed with the Mexicans' way of life. The resulting conflicts eventually pushed the two nations to armed confrontation." (Nardo, p.11)


"Even the anti-war magazine New Englander began to think "this war may result in great good to the world - to this country - to Mexico herself - to the cause of learning, good government, and religion." Meltzer pp. 227-228

Henry Clay

"Harry of the West", another presidential candidate who didn't win the top 3 but was the Speaker of the House; later became Secretary of State; ...shady business with Adams?; didn't like the 'military chieftain' Jackson


"It is wholly untrue, and unjust to ourselves, the pretence that the Annexation has been a measure of spoliation, unrightful and unrighteous-of military conquest under forms of peace and law-of territorial aggrandizement at the expense of justice, and justice due by a double sanctity to the weak. " (John O'Sullivan)

Urim and Thummim

"Lights and Perfections" (light in all of its perfection)

natural boundaries

"One such idea [to justify expansion] held that symmetry in nature should be a guide to symmetry in a country's boundaries. Taking over Texas, California, and Oregon was necessary then to "round out" the nation's boundaries. Or there was the law of gravity to appeal to. If large bodies attracted small ones in nature, then surely large nations must attach small ones to themselves. And what about the natural law holding that all living things must grow or die? It followed that the United States must not permit its boundaries to remain unchanged. It had to expand them or perish." Meltzer p. 41


"Opposition to the monarchy". The Whigs first emerged as a identifiable group in the Senate where Clay, Webster and Calhoun joined forces in 1834 to pass a motion censuring Jackson for his single-handed removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States. The Whigs evolved into a potent national political force by attracting other groups alienated by Jackson. Whigs thought of themselves as conservatives, yet they were progressive in their support of active government programs and reforms.

Lehi's counsel before he dies

"Patriarchal Blessings" 2 Nephi 1:21-32, 2:1-30, 4:3-11

Meaning of Gaselem

"Prince of light" (possibly the premortal name of Joseph Smith)

danger of Texas

"Repeated and urgent appeals have been made to the Supreme Government of the Federation regarding the imminent danger in which this interesting Department [Texas] is of becoming the prize of the ambitious North Americans, but never has it taken any measures that may be called conclusive, either because it has always been involved in those fatal convulsions that have destroyed the republic, or because secret agents, deceiving the officials, have made them believe that all is but the exaggeration of weak and cowardly spirits." Jose Maria Sanchez, member of Mexican Commission on Texas. Meltzer p. 32

Reading vs. studying

"Studying and feasting suggest a focus and an intensity that reach far beyond casual reading or quick perusing."

Election of 1840

"The Log Cabin" Campaign; Whigs = Harrison as "common man" + used women in campaigns; Democrats = Buren; Whig victory; first mass election - around 80% white males voted

independence of Texas

"The independence of Texas was complete and absolute. It was an independence, not only in fact, but of right. No obligation of duty towards Mexico tended in the least degree to restrain our right to effect the desired recovery of the fair province once our own-whatever motives of policy might have prompted a more deferential consideration of her feelings and her pride, as involved in the question." (John O'Sullivan)

no boundaries can contain US den. institutions

"The righteous but ill-informed people of that day sincerely believed their democratic institutions were of such magnificent perfection that no boundaries could contain them....This was not imperialism, but enforced salvation. So the average American reasoned in the 1840s when the spirit of manifest destiny was in the air." (p. 574 Westward Expansion)

"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!"

"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!" was the rallying cry for the Whigs in 1840. The Whigs had nominated General William Henry Harrison for President. Harrison was famous for winning the Battle of Tippecanoe. John Tyler was running against Harrison. POLITICAL

Oregon Trail

2000-mile long trail that led settlers from the midwest to Oregon, California, and Texas

Winfield Scott

* made a significant impact on the professionalization of the army.Taking advantage of the postwar nationalism, which caused many Americans to view the military more favorably, he assisted in pushing for a permanent army that adhered to standards of professionalism. In 1821 he wrote General Regulations for the Army, the first comprehensive, systematic set of military bylaws that set standards for every aspect of the soldier's life. *his rise continued during the Mexican-American War. In the Mexico City campaign in 1847, he repeatedly maneuvered his opponents out of their defensive positions *War to him was much like a game of chess that matched brains as well as brawn. His tactics were not always as glamorous as they might have been had he relied more on the bayonet charge, but neither were they as costly. * He had a lifelong ambition to be president, but the closest he came was running as the Whig nominee in 1852. In 1861 he devised the Union strategy called the Anaconda Plan, which emphasized a coastal blockade and utilization of river systems. By maintaining constant pressure on the South, Scott intended to gradually squeeze the life out of the Confederacy. Although initially scoffed at, his method was eventually used to defeat the Confederacy.



Mary Austin Holley

*Cousin of Stephen F. Austin. *Wrote many letters which described life in Austin's colony

Martin de Leon

*Empresario who brought Mexican settlers (NOT Anglos) to Texas *Founded the town of Victoria

Manifest Destiny

*Term coined by newspaper editor John O'Sullivan; in an article on the annexation of Texas published in the July-August 1845 edition of the United States Magazine and Democratic Review, which he edited. *implied that it was a God-given right and inevitability for the U.S. to spread its Protestant religion, capitalist economy, and democratic-republican political system across the continent *This attitude helped fuel western settlement, Native American removal and war with Mexico.

John C. Freemont

*The Great Pathfinder,"leading several expeditions into the west in order to explore the regions and survey them for further expansion. * In July of 1838, he was appointed a second lieutenant in Corps of Topographical Engineers, and led four major expeditions into the west to survey and explore the regions. *During the Mexican-American War, Frémont led the California Battalion to capture the cities of Santa Barbara, Presidio, and part of Los Angeles. He also signed the Treaty of Cahuenga, which ended the war in most of California. *After the war, Frémont received the military governorship of California, but when he refused to give up the seat, was court-martialed and resigned from the military on March 15, 1848. *served as a senator from California from 1850 to 1851, and ran unsuccessfully for president of the United States as the first Republican Party candidate in 1856.

Green DeWitt

*The second-most successful empresario (next to Austin) *Founded the town of Gonzales

The Mexican-American War 1846-1848

*marked the first U.S. armed conflict chiefly fought on foreign soil. It pitted a politically divided and militarily unprepared Mexico against the expansionist-minded administration of U.S. President James K. Polk, who believed the United States had a "manifest destiny" to spread across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. *Texas gained independence in 1836 US didn't readily incorporate into the Union because of the issue of slavery *Mexico said annexiation would be considered and act of war. *President Polk also wanted Oregon, California and New Mexico *the war ended with the Tready of Guadalupe Hidalgo in favor of the US adding an additional 525,000 square miles to United States territory

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

*signed on February 2, 1848, ended the Mexican-American War in favor of the United States. The war had begun almost two years earlier, in May 1846, over a territorial dispute involving Texas. *added an additional 525,000 square miles to United States territory, including the including the land that makes up all or parts of present-day Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. Mexico also gave up all claims to Texas and recognized the Rio Grande as America's southern boundary.

Denouncement of Slavery Under Polk

- Abraham 'Spotty' Lincoln, a Whig congressman from IL; huge supporter of clay; has questions, wants to know exact spot go killings, obsessed with where they attacked; not concern to Americans - Henry David Thoreau refuses to pay taxes, goes to jail; pens 'On Civil Disobedience' to advocate non-violent resistance to unjust laws - Frederick Douglas denounces was as 'a murderous war - as a war against the free states - as a war against the interests of the workingmen of this country - and as a means of extending that great evil, and damning curse, negro slavery. For my part, I would not care if, tomorrow, I should hear of the death of every man who engaged in that bloody war in Mexico, and that ever man had et the fate he went to perpetrate up unoffending Mexicans.' ; represent abolitionists viewpoints

Texas Revolution

- By 1835 Mexican leader Santa Anna had, had enough, makes attempt to establish centralized control 1) In 1836, Texas independence declared with Sam Houston as Commander-in-chief 2) Then at the Alamo in San Antonio Santa Anna's Forces attack, 200 killed including Commander W.B. Travis and Crockett; the deaths galvanized support ('Remember the Alamo') for the Texans across the U.S. 3) But soon Santa Anna is defeated at San Jacinto by Houston and captured; signed treaty establishing Rio Grande as southern border - Revolution succeeds!!

Temperance Movement

- Coincided with religious movements - Women can become involved in these reform movements - American Temperance society has more women than any other society - Maine is first to ban alcohol - At first, temperance is moderation, then it becomes abstinence - Believe drinking ruins the family, leaves kids and mothers without proper support system - Irish settle near breweries

Seneca Falls Convention (1848)

- Convention for Women's Rights - Role of Women > Cult of Domesticity > Godey's Lady Book > Sexual Spheres - Catharine Beecher Some women liked these spheres because they gave them self worth that were they were allowed to do things they were told they were good at > "Invalid" Condition - Belief that women couldn't do the things that men could > Restrictive clothing Causes of the Convention - Second great awakening - World Anti-Slavery Convention (1840) - New York Married Woman Property Rights Act (1848) - Gave women their own property rather than having to give all their property to their husband - Quakerism - Temperance Movement - Abolitionism Seneca Falls, 1848, July 19-20 - Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Lucretia Motts "Discourse on Women": Women are vital and important members of our society and they shouldnt be oppressed - Frederick Douglas - Chaired by James Mott (Lucretia's husband) - Stanton's husband didn't support her - Declaration of Sentiments and Declaration of Independence are VERY similar - Show the similarities between Womens rights movement and revolution Rights Listed: - Voting - Child Custody - Individual rights - Divorce, wages, property - Equality within the church Results - Didn't pass b/c of voting rights - "Cowardly" ministers - "Flag of Independence" - Unnatural - Cultural changes for women - Annual conventions (Civil war 1861)


- Dispute over the border between Maine and Canada - British plan a road through disputed territory, from Halifax to Quebec, but American claim part of the territory as belonging to Maine - Skirmished result as Congress calls up 50,000 troops; 'Aroostook War' averted when Winfield Scott helps negotiate truce - (Daniel) Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842) ultimately settles border dispute: 7,000 of 12,000 square miles to U.S., but proposed road route ok'd

Mexican War 1846-48

- Fighting takes place in CA (which briefly become an independent country), NM, and central MX; our isn't great, but MX worse - Zach 'Old Rough and Ready' Taylor defeated Santa Anna at Buena Vista, becomes 'Hero of Buena Vista'; Winfield 'Old Fuss and Feathers' Scott attacks Mexico City and forces surrender; Scott was likely the best American general from the Revolution to Civil War; day-beau of Civil war generals - 13,000 Americans died, most from disease, not combat - The war trained officers (U.S. Grant and Bobby Lee and George Pickett as well as Jefferson Davis); a new naval academy at Annapolis was set up; the fighting was even commemorated in the marine corps anthem: 'From the Halls of Montezuma . . .' - U.S. and Mexico signed Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848;U.S. got West, known as Mexico Cession, almost 1/2 of Mexico for $15 million; it included CA, NM, AZ, NV, UT, and parts of CO and WY; U.S. grew by 1/3, more land had been acquired than in the Louisiana Purchase; critical turning point because of what it leads to, especially the debate on slavery - Gold Rush of 1848: Gold discovered at sitter's Mill, near Sacramento, in January 1848; a gold mania followed as get-rich dreamers clogged wagon trails and filled clipper ships sailing up the Pacific coast; thousands came in 1849, known as 49ers; In 2 years and becomes the world's most racially and ethnically diverse city; Few get rich from mining, but many (Leland Stanford [Stanford University], Levis Strauss [Levis]) do from mining the miners - selling them supplies, clothes, women; Effect: CA now has enough people to apply for statehood, but could potentially upset the balance of slavery - Results: - Polk praised the acquisition as the apogee of Manifest Destiny; 'The Mississippi, so lately the frontier of our country, is now only its center.' - The 100,000 Mexicans and 150,000 Indians living in the new territory presented problems of assimilation - since the war was seen in part as the victory of a white, civilized race over savage, tyrannical, Catholic brutes it had heightened racal distinctions and exacerbated racial tensions - Most importantly, the slavery issue reemerged - Congressman David Wilmot (D-PA) introduced the Wilmot Proviso in the house in 1848; it called for no slavery in MX Cession - the MO Compromise didn't apply to this new land; the south was very negative towards this because they also just fought a war for this land; It failed in Senate, where the South had more swat (sectionalism trumping part loyalty), but reenergized the slavery debate and led to the creation of the Free Soil Party to oppose slavery's expansion

Brook Farm

- Founded by George Ripley in 1841 - Socialist Utopian Society for Transcendentalists - Fantastic Education - Both adults and children were educated - Bound books - Forierism - Form of Socialism - Brook Farm took this up in 1844 - "Root of all problems is social inequality" - harmony in nature, communal living, hard work - collapsed in 1846 after a huge fire destroyed a large building that was uninsured -Despite its short life, was influential in fights for abolition, womens rights, and labor rights.

Oneida Community

- Founded by John Humphrey Noyes - Used his wife's and dead father's money - Converted people and they believed in communism - Viewed as a promise land - Complex Marriage - Every man was married to every woman and vice versa - Ascending Fellowship - Introduction into Complex Marriage > Central Members - Older male would provide a younger female with spiritual and sexual guidance - Mutual Criticism - Communal Criticism of individuals; Assured the integrity of the community - Community Structure - 21 standing committees and 48 administrative departments - Agriculture and industry Decline - His son screwed it up - Son was a doctorate - Ruled with an iron fist

Gold Rush of 1848

- Gold discovered at sitter's Mill, near Sacramento, in January 1848; a gold mania followed as get-rich dreamers clogged wagon trails and filled clipper ships sailing up the Pacific coast; thousands came in 1849, known as 49ers - In 1848: 15,000 whites in CA; in 1852: 200,000; by 1860: 360,000 - 3/4 of them men; 25,000 Chinese come too; SF goes from 1,000 to 30,000 residents in 2 years and becomes the world's most racially and ethnically diverse city - Few get rich from mining, but many (Leland Stanford [Stanford University], Levis Strauss [Levis]) do from mining the miners - selling them supplies, clothes, women - Effect: CA now has enough people to apply for statehood, but could potentially upset the balance of slavery


- Joseph Smith pushes for move to Ohio, he lives in Upstate New York - Moves to Ohio and Missouri, then Illinois. - Because of persecution, Brigham Young moves them to Salt Lake, Utah - Called the Great Trek - US Government says Utah must drop polygamy to apply as a state - Polygamy, Theocracy, Exclusivity - Only certain days you're invited into a Mormon Tabernacle, only full church members are invited to the inner sanctum.

Horace Mann - Education Reform

- Look at powerpoint - Boston Latin School, if you graduate from ◦ that school, you have guaranteed admission into Harvard - Non-sectarian - Prussian influence - Use Mcguffy readers (teach tales of morality in the sentences for the letters) - Normal Schools - Teacher-training schools - Push to have women included as teachers

Goodly parents

- Parents who are well off, rich.

"I and my father"

- People don't talk like this, Joseph Smith would have never known to write this way. It isn't normal english.


- Soul is microcosm of the universe - Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Nature -- watershed moment - Find your own style - Nature, Individual, and God exist on the same level - Editor for The Dial is Margaret Fuller (a woman) - Women are allowed in the movement - Stepping outside of political boundaries Arose among New England congregationalists who differed from Calvinists on 2 issues: 1. rejected predestination 2. emphasized unity instead of trinity of God


- Spanish control reaffirmed in 1819, by Adams-Onis Treaty; then, Mexican independence in 1821; Mexico = in size to U.S., 2/3 of U.S. pop - Problem: Mexican people live in the south of Mexico and new land in Texas and California is uncontrolled and needs settlers, so Mexican gov't gives land grant to Stephen F. Austin to bring in 300 (Catholic) families to Texas to be 'Mexicanized'; SFA largely ignores requirements; tension builds as none of the settlers are Catholic and they bring their slaves, when Mexico abolished slavery - 30,000 Texas Americans living in Mexican territory by 1835 including Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett (ex-congressman of TN), Sam Houston (ex-governor of TN, then TX); significantly more than the number of 'Tejanos' (Mexicans) living there; the Americans were individualists (not going to change their ways of life) and pro-slavery; could not control them - Texas Revolution: By 1835 Mexican leader Santa Anna had, had enough, makes attempt to establish centralized control 1) At the Alamo in San Antonio Santa Anna's Forces attack, 200 killed including Commander W.B. Travis and Crockett; the deaths galvanized support ('Remember the Alamo') for the Texans across the U.S. 2) But soon Santa Anna is defeated at San Jacinto by Houston and captured; signed treaty establishing Rio Grande as southern border - Texas Revolution succeeds - President Jackson recognized independent Republic of Texas in 1837, but Texas wanted annexation, statehood; this is too controversial because of the slavery issue - northern anti-slavery Whigs staunchly opposed annexation because would make a gigantic slave state

What percentage of nonslaveholding rural white men were landless and very poor?

25 percent

Election of 1844

- Tyler is president at the time; WHH died - Whig Clay (4th in 1824; horrible in 1832; thinks now is his time) vs. (dark horse) Dem. James K. Polk ('Young Hickory', Speaker of the House, Gov. of TN; had Jackson's support, as Jackson handpicked Polk) - Texas and Manifest Destiny are the major issues: Annex Texas or not? Clay is indecisive, Polk is unambiguously pro-annexation, so, after he wins, President Tyler goes forward with annexation and Texas become 18th state in 1845; Polk represents Manifest Destiny - Ugly campaign: rumors that slaves had been found with JKP branding - Results: - Tight: 170 to 105; 1.34m to 1.3m; Clay so close - Liberty Party developed as abolitionists don't want to vote for Polk or Clay; their candidate James Birney (a former slave owner himself) hurt Clay in NY, losing him 5,000 votes- Birney got 16,000 votes; Clay lost by just 5,000 votes there, costing him the election


- dispute over Oregon Territory and British Columbia border; from northern CA to border of southern Alaska; Spain, Russia, America, England all claimed part of it at one point; in 1818, JQA as Sec of State had established joint occupation with Britain; Spain and Russia lose claims by 1825 - Oregon Fever (Oregon Trail) sweeps country in 1830s and 40s; by 1846 about 5,000 settler, having traveled by wagon, are settled north of Columbia River in Oregon Territory - Some enthusiastic expansionists called for American control up to 54' 40 latitude - '54' 40 or fight' became the rallying cry - Under Polk, a compromise is reached and border is established at 49th parallel, where it is today

Manifest Destiny

- means to make clear so = obvious destiny - the belief that God ordained America as the master of the western hemisphere; America should spread democracy and create and 'empire of liberty' - largely based on the notions of racial and cultural superiority; JQA had said in the 1820s that America controlling both Canada and Texas was ' as much the law of nature as that the Mississippi should flow to the sea' - John L. O' Sullivan editor of the 'Domestic Review' magazine, coined the term 'Manifest Destiny' in 1845 to describe an attitude that was not new; the acquisition of Texas, he wrote, was 'the fulfillment of our 'manifest destiny' to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.' He added: *'More, more, more will be the unresting cry, till our national destiny is fulfilled and the whole boundless continent is ours.' = perfect definition of manifest destiny - Author Herman Melville (wrote Moby Dick): 'National selfishness is unbounded philanthropy to the world'; basically saying America's expansion is charity to other peoples because it benefits everyone

Polk as President

- remarkably successful; special because of his attitude toward economic policy - Economic Policy: Walker tarriff lowered rates from 32 to 25%; economy flourished; established an Independent Treasury, no national bank; pretty much followed standard Dem. guidelines - Manifest Destiny and California: 1) Polk decided he must have CA as the ultimate fulfillment of America's Manifest Destiny; CA had west coast ports and in 1845 had 13,000 Spanish Mexicans, 75,000 Indians, 1,000 Americans - it was sparsely populated 2) There were already tense relations with Mexico over the acquisition of Texas and where the border would be; Mexico had recalled its minister from Washington after Texas became a state in protest 3) Polk initially planned to buy it, like the LA purchase - he offered $25 million, which was swiftly rejected, as MX refused to even meet with the American envoy 4) Polk then orders 4,000 troops under Zach Taylor to Rio Grande (disputed territory) with the hope to provoke a showdown; skirmishes break out and 11 Americans are killed; war fever sweeps the nation - a mix of Manifest Destiny-ism and a hunger for revenge; Polk claimed that the U.S. was under attack and so we need to go to war 5) Although the country is largely supportive of the effort, many northern Whigs see the war as an opportunity, first and foremost, for the expansion of slavery and denounce it - Mexican War (1846-48):

"A house divided..."

-"...against itself cannot stand." -said by Lincoln trying to get elected to the Senate -said he didn't like slavery but we need an amendment in order to abolish it -ran against Steven Douglas for the senator position

The Big O

-"Fifty Four Forty or Fight!" -suggest we have Oregon Territory up to Alaska -Buchanan-Pakenham Treaty settled the Oregon boundary at the 49th parallel -James Buchanan was the Sec of State at the time, will later become a president

Soloman Northup

-12 years a slave was based on him -he was a free black from NY and was captured and taken to Louisiana and sold into slavery -it took him over a decade to be freed

The Donner Party

-1846-1847 -road to the West and got stuck in the Sierra Nevadas due to snow -forced into cannibalism

Cotton is King

-1850s, chief export -England and France were the largest customers -James Hammond said "cotton is king" and not to have war, specifically to South Carolina -cotton was a cash crop because there was always demand for it


-Americans who don't like immigrants because they take jobs and are of a different religion -"xenophobia": fear of foreigners -wanted the gov to have quotas or immigrants, literacy tests, and increase residency for citizenship -famous leaders: Lyman Beecher, Samuel Morse and Maria Monk

Upper South

-Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia -last four states to secede in 1861

The Great Trek

-Brigham Young took 4000 Mormons from Illinois to Utah, their "paradise" -1846-1847 -Mormons called it "Deseret"

2nd GA

-Christianity was common on slave plantations -Protestant missionaries gave sermons to owners and slaves -Baptist and Methodist were the most successful -ringshout: religious circle of shouting and clapping -"chosen people": Jews; slaves found themselves to be similar to them; promise land is their freedom

His Accidency

-Clay wanted a 3rd bank, Tyler vetos it -many called Tyler's presidency an accident -Whigs want to raise the tariff, Tyler vetos it -Tyler creates a compromise tariff in 1842 -Clay wanted to give tax money for internal improvements -Tyler didn't want to give money only to certain states -Tyler agreed with preemption -Clay got Tyler's cabinet to resign

The Great Triumvirates last hurrah

-Daniel Webster, John Calhoun, Henry Clay -4th of March speech by Calhoun against the Comp of 1850 because the South had been giving up too much -7th of March speech by Webster agreed with the Comp of 1850 to avoid civil war

What number state does the Republic of Texas enter the United States and what year?

28th state; 1845

San Antonio

1718 The Spanish established a mission and a fort- San Antonio de Valero and Fort San Antonio de Bexar- near present day San Antonio. They were established to provide protection and support to the settlements in East Texas.

Key Elections:

1828. Jackson (D) defeats Adams (NR). 1840. Harrison (W) defeats Van Buren (D)

Force Bill

1833 - The Force Bill authorized President Jackson to use the army and navy to collect duties on the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832. South Carolina's ordinance of nullification had declared these tariffs null and void, and South Carolina would not collect duties on them. The Force Act was never invoked because it was passed by Congress the same day as the Compromise Tariff of 1833, so it became unnecessary. South Carolina also nullified the Force Act.

Elizabeth Stanton

1840s woman who advocated suffrage for women. She was best known for insisting on leaving obey out of marriage ceremonies. Co founded the Seneca Falls Convention

Treaty of Wanghia

1844; opened Chinese ports for American merchants


1848 -where we meet for a treaty -we get California, Arizona, Nevada and disputed area -aka Mexico secession -we gave Mexico $15 million and assumed their $3 million debt to Americans

Treaty of Guadalupe Hildalgo

1848 ends the Mexican American War. For $15 Million the US acquired Texas territory north of the Rio Grande, New Mexico, and California. US territory increased by 1/3 as a result of the treaty.

William Walker

1850s a filibuster and took over Nicaragua to create another slave state

Gadsden Purchase

1853 -Pierce sent James Gadsden to buy the northern part of Mexico from Santa Anna -he purchased it for $10 million

Gasden Purchase

1853 After the Treaty of Guadelupe Hidalgowas signed the U.S realized that it had accidentally left portions of the southwestern stagecoach routes to California as part of Mexico. James Gadsen, the U.S. Minister to Mexico, was instructed by President Pierce to draw up a treaty that would provide for the purchase of the territory through which the stage lines ran, along which the U.S. hoped to also eventually build a southern continental railroad. This territory makes up the southern parts of Arizona and New Mexico.

The Osten Manifesto

1854 -we tried to buy Cuba from Spain for up to $100 million -America has the right to take it

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Kansas- Nebraska Act

1854 - This act repealed the Missouri Compromise and established a doctrine of congressional nonintervention in the territories. Popular sovereignty (vote of the people) would determine whether Kansas and Nebraska would be slave or free states.

Preston Brooks

1856 charles sumner gave a 2 day speech on senate floor. He denounced the south for crimes against kansas and singled out senator andew brooks of south carolina for extra abuse. Brooks beat Sumner over the head with his cane, severely crippling him. Sumner was the first Republican martyr.

Dred Scott vs. Sanford

1857. Determined that people of African descent, imported into the United States and held as slaves, or their descendents, wether or not they were slaves, could never be citizens of the United States. Also, that the United States Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories, slaves could not bring a case to court, and that slaves could not be taken from their owners without due process. Superseded by 13th and 14th Amendments.

Lincoln/Douglas Debates

1858 Senate Debate, Lincoln forced Douglas to debate issue of slavery, Douglas supported pop-sovereignty, Lincoln asserted that slavery should not spread to territories, Lincoln emerged as strong Republican candidate

Crittenden Compromise

1860 - attempt to prevent Civil War by Senator Crittenden - offered a Constitutional amendment recognizing slavery in the territories south of the 36º30' line, noninterference by Congress with existing slavery, and compensation to the owners of fugitive slaves - defeated by Republicans

When the subtitle was added


How many members did the Know nothing's have by 1854?


Samuel Smith

1st missionary, converted Brother-in-law of Brigham Young. Also saved his brothers body from the mob.

Sam Houston

1st president of Texas

Regulators and Moderators

2 groups of settlers in East Texas who were feuding over land titles in area near the neutral ground between 1839 and 1844 -August of 1844 situation worsened spreading to neighboring counties and into Louisiana -Houston sent 600 soldiers into the area to bring about peace -Houston traveled there himself and reminded them they were all Texans and should not fight each other -Houston persuaded both sides to end the Regulator-Moderator War

"North Star"

Abolitionist paper published by Frederick Douglass until June 1851

Which of the following statements about slavery is FALSE?

About ten percent of southern blacks were free.

When considering the wartime leadership of Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, a central irony emerges in that

Abraham Lincoln brought little political experience to his presidency yet rose to the occasion to become a masterful leader, whereas Jefferson Davis, a seasoned politician, proved to be a relatively ineffectual chief executive.

Spot Resolutions

Abraham Lincoln's determination to know the exact spot in Texas where American Blood was shed, knowing there was a border dispute and this determined a war

Crees and Assiniboines

Acquired guns by trading wolf pelts and beaver skins to the British-run Hudson's Bay Company. First Indian to adopt gun into their culture.

Henry Clay

Advocated his American System of high tariffs, internal improvements, and national banking. Clay initially dodged the issue of Texas but, seeking southern votes, ultimately supported annexation.

Hendrick Arnold

African American scout on the side of Texas. Posed as a runaway slave to spy on Mexican troops.

Hendrick Arnold

African American who helped Milam's column into battle

Harriet Tubman

African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and Union spy during the American Civil War. Born into slavery, Tubman escaped and subsequently made more than nineteen missions to rescue more than 300 slaves using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. She later helped John Brown recruit men for his raid on Harpers Ferry, and in the post-war era struggled for women's suffrage.

Brigham Young

After Smith's death in 1844 the Mormons followed Brigham Young to what would become the Utah Territory.

Millard Fillmore

After Taylor's death, Filmore begins his reign as Presiden and helped make the Compromise of 1850 happen. Does not run in the election of 1852, but is the Whig candidate in 1856 loses to Buchanan.

Franklin Pierce

Democrat who won the election of 1852 over the Whigs and the Free Soilers. Devoted himself to avoid offending either of the sections of the nation, the slavery issue in particular. Instead, he was committed to expanding American interests with Hawaii and Cuba, although this offended many northerners for fear that slavery would spread to those islands.

Where was the site of Urrea's defeat of Dr. Grant?

Agua Dulce Creek

Seeking to reduce the fear of many southerners that the newly elected Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party meant to temper with slavery

Alexander Stephens wrote, "revolutions are much easier started than controlled. I consider slavery a much more secure in the union than out if it. "

Significance of witnesses staying true to their testimonies despite leaving the Church

Almost all of them had hard feelings towards JS. However they could never reject the work that was done through JS.

John C. Fremont and the Bear Flag Republic

Also known as the "Bear Flag Republic," is the term given to the revolt against the Mexican government by American settlers in California in 1846 by John Fremont. US military forces were stationed in California at the end of the revolt.

Republic of California

Also known as the "Bear Flag Republic," is the term given to the revolt against the Mexican government by American settlers in California in 1846 by John Fremont. US military forces were stationed in California at the end of the revolt.

Republic of Texas

Also known as the "Lone Star Republic," was an independent sovereignty in North American from 1836 to 1846 as a result of the Texan Revolution. The Annexation of Texas would later be a major factor of the Mexican-American War.

Harriet Beecher Stowe/ Uncle Tom's Cabin

Also on the abolitionist front came, this huge bestseller. UTC both indicted slavery by describing the horrors of slave life and criticized Northern racism; its approach gave slavery a new human face for many Northerners who had never been to the South. (increased controversy over slavery)

American Colonization Society

American Colonization Society - Organization founded in 1817 to transport slaves and all blacks back to africa.

Lucretia Mott

American Quaker, abolitionist, social reformer, and advocate for women's rights. She was aroused when she and fellow female delegates were not recognized at the Candon Antislavery Convention of 1840. Cofounded the Seneca Falls Convention. Lol at womens rights.

What was the oregon territory dispute?

American and British still fighting over who's it is. The decided to both rule over Oregon. But americans started moving in. and who was going to have authority?

Washington Irving

American author, historian, essayist, biographer in the early 19th century.

Martin Van Buren

American born, well-educated, pushed into office with Jackson's support; spoilsman

Sylvester Graham

American clergyman whose advocacy of a health regimen emphasizing temperance and vegetarianism found lasting expression in the graham cracker, a household commodity in which lay the origin of the modern breakfast-cereal industry.

Stephen Austin

American colonizer and political leader who worked to make Texas a state of Mexico but later helped Texas settlers gain their independence (1836).

Elija Lovejoy

American newspaper editor and martyred abolitionist who died in defense of his right to print antislavery material in the period leading up to the American Civil War.

Horace Greenley

American newspaper editor that founded the republican party, supported reform movements and antislavery efforts through his new york tribune newspaper.

Davy Crockett

American pioneer who was killed at the Alamo


American steamer carrying supplies was attacked by British near New York and set on fire (1837)

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American transcendentalist who was against slavery and stressed self-reliance, optimism, self-improvement, self-confidence, freedom, and nonconformity. Why? He was a prime example of a transcendentalist and helped further the movement.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

American transcendentalist who was against slavery and stressed self-reliance, optimism, self0 improvement, self confidence and freedom. Prime example of Transcendentalist.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

American writer, best known for "The Scarlet Letter" Temperance - Moderation in or abstinence from alcohol.

Why was the concept of manifest destiny of particular appeal to Americans in the 1840s?

American's used the Manifest Destiny as justification for expansion. Because it expressed their belief that the United States' destiny was to expand to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexican territory. People are taking opportunity to move Indians and Mexicans out of the way.

What was the name of the Texan sent from Goliad?

Amon B. King

Sojourner Truth

An African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist. Truth was born into slavery in New York, but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. After going to court to recover her son, she became the first black woman to win such a case against a white man. During the Civil War, Truth helped recruit black troops for the Union Army.

Frederick Douglas

An African-American abolitionist; after escaping from slavery, he became a leader of the abolitionist movement, gaining note for his dazzling oratory and incisive antislavery writing. He stood as a living counter-example to slaveholders' arguments that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to function as independent American citizens. Many Northerners also found it hard to believe that such a great orator had been a slave.

Charles Finney

An American Presbyterian minister and leader in the Second Great Awakening in the United States; The Father of Modern Revivalism; Together with several other evangelical leaders, his religious views led him to promote social reforms, such as abolition of slavery and equal education for women and African Americans; taught at Oberlin College which accepted both genders and all races; as president of Oberlin, its faculty and students were activists for abolition, the Underground Railroad, and universal education.

Henry David Thoreau

An American author, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, historian, and leading transcendentalist. He is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay Resistance to Civil Government (also known as Civil Disobedience), an argument for disobedience to an unjust state.

Cyrus McCormack

An American inventor who created a steel plow instrumental to the development of the West, because it could break hazardous terrains and did not require efficient and frequent cleaning.

Samuel F. B. Morse

An American inventor who invented the telegraph in 1844. He late helped developed what is now known as the Morse Code.

Sam Houston

An American settler in Texas who led the Texan Revolution, and was the first president of the Lone Star Republic who later became an American politician after the Annexation of Texas.

James Fannin

Arrived in Texas in 1834. Commander of the forces at Goliad. Executed at the order of Santa Anna.

Nicholas Biddle

As President of the Second Bank of the United States, this man occupied a position of power and responsibility that propelled him to the forefront of Jacksonian politics in the 1830s. He, along with others who regarded the bank as a necessity, realized the threat posed by the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828. Jackson was bitterly opposed to the national bank, believing that it was an unconstitutional, elitist institution that bred inequalities among the people. A bitterly divisive issue, the rechartering of the bank dominated political discussion for most of the 1830s, and for many, this man became a symbol of all for which the bank stood. After Jackson's reelection, the Second Bank of the United States was doomed.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

As dictator of Mexico, he led the attack on the Alamo in 1836. He was later defeated by Sam Houston at San Jacinto.

Trouble with Native Americans

As more Anglos moved into Texas, Native Americans intensified their raids. Sam Houston called upon the Texas Rangers to defend the frontier from Indian raids.

Why did Buren only serve 1 term?

As soon as he became president, the US was hit with the Panic of 1837 and economy went through a depression. because there was no national bank. Everyone blamed Buren

Second Capital of Republic of Texas

Austin becomes Capital of Texas 1839

The new capital of Texas

Austin was named the capitol of Texas after Lamar was elected president.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Author of essay Nature in 1836 -- considered the turning of transcendentalism into a major cultural movement

Black Hawk

Black Hawk was an Indian chief living in Illinois who urged his Sauk and Fox tribes to resist removal. This led to the death of many of his citizens, and the eventual death of Black Hawk himself. In the end, many of the Indians were forced out on the Trail of Tears. DIPLOMATIC


Book - Little Black Sambo - famous; Sambo deemed to be racial slur; In the book, Sambo is a South Indian boy who lives with his father and mother, named Black Jumbo and Black Mambo, respectively. Sambo encounters four hungry tigers, and surrenders his colourful new clothes, shoes, and umbrella so they will not eat him. The tigers are vain and each thinks he is better dressed than the others. They chase each other around a tree until they are reduced to a pool of melted butter. Sambo then recovers his clothes and his mother, Black Mambo, makes pancakes out of the butter

How were James Bowie and Davy Crockett similar?

Both volunteered to fight in Texas

Great Trek

Brigham Young led thousands of Mormons to the Salt Lake Desert in Utah where they settled down

Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)

Britain sent Lord Ashburton to negotiate with Daniel Webster. Britain received Halifax- Quebec route while America got a bit more land north of Maine.

Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)

Britain sent Lord Ashburton to negotiate with Daniel Webster; they agreed on giving Britain their desired Halifax-Quebec route while America got a bit more land north of Maine

When proslavery forces in Lecompton, Kansas drafted a proslavery constitution in 1857 that many felt was fraudulent, Stephen Douglas

Broke with the Buchanan administration and the southern members of his party by coming out against the proslavery constitution


Built up a pastoral economy, raising horses and mules and selling them to northern Indian peoples and to Euro-American farmers in Missouri and Arkansas. First Indian to adopt horses into the culture.


By the 1830s, the Kiowas, Cheyennes, and Arapahos had also adopted this horse culture and, allied with the Comanches, dominated the plains between the Arkansas and Red rivers. While European horses made Plains Indians wealthier and more mobile, European diseases and guns thinned their ranks. A devastating smallpox epidemic spread northward from New Spain in 1779-1781 and killed half of the Plains peoples.

In this passage, the writer uses the term "manifest destiny" to mean that -— A) expansion is not only good but bound to happen. B) neighboring territories will resent U.S. expansion. C) America's growth can be compared to a tree. D) self-government leads to expansion.

C) America's growth can be compared to a tree

California liberating itself

California in the process of liberating itself in the 1840s:"They [Yankees like Fremont] knew how brittle were the few remaining bonds that held the province to Mexico. They knew and freely assisted the vague apprehensions that one or another nation half the world away would hold out a hand to catch it as it fell. They knew that a sizable number of Californians, and those among the most substantial, hope it would be an American hand and preferred that sovereignty to the fraters sent from Mexico to collect revenue, the convicts sent to maintain them ...." DeVoto p.113

Mexico gov has brittle bonds w/CA

California in the process of liberating itself in the 1840s:"They [Yankees like Fremont] knew how brittle were the few remaining bonds that held the province to Mexico. They knew and freely assisted the vague apprehensions that one or another nation half the world away would hold out a hand to catch it as it fell. They knew that a sizable number of Californians, and those among the most substantial, hope it would be an American hand and preferred that sovereignty to the fraters sent from Mexico to collect revenue, the convicts sent to maintain them ...." DeVoto p.113

California Bear Flag Republic

California was its own country for a short ammount of time (1846)

Felix Huston

Called for invasion of Mexico- President Houston wanted no part of such a plan; President Houston sent all but 600 of the soldiers home on leave and never called them back to duty to keep this from happening; Sam Houston feared such action would be costly and cause the collapse of the Republic of Texas

Compromise of 1850 (ominous bill)

Called for the admission of California as a free state, organizing Utah and New Mexico with out restrictions on slavery, adjustment of the Texas/New Mexico border, abolition of slave trade in D.C, and tougher fugitve slave laws. Its passage was hailed as a solution to the threat of national division.

"omnibus bill"

Called for the admission of California as a free state, organizing Utah and New Mexico with out restrictions on slavery, adjustment of the Texas/New Mexico border, abolition of slave trade in D.C, and tougher fugitve slave laws. Its passage was hailed as a solution to the threat of national division. (Compromise of 1850)

Compromise of 1850

Called for the admission of California as a free state, organizing Utah and New Mexico with out restrictions on slavery, adjustment of the Texas/New Mexico border, abolition of slave trade in District of Columbia, and tougher fugitive slave laws. Its passage was hailed as a solution to the threat of national division.

James Bowie

Came to Texas in 1828. Fought and died at the Alamo. Famous for his "Bowie Knife".

Mexican War

Causes: annexation of Texas, diplomatic ineptness of U.S./Mexican relations in the 1840's and particularly the provocation of U.S. troops on the Rio Grande. The first half of the war was fought in northern Mexico near the Texas border, with the U.S. Army led by Zachary Taylor. The second half of the war was fought in central Mexico after U.S. troops seized the port of Veracruz, with the Army being led by Winfield Scott. Results: U.S. captured Mexico City, Zachary Taylor was elected president, Santa Ana abdicated, and Mexico ceded large parts of the West, including New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California, to the U.S.

Classical Liberalism / Laissez Faire

Classical Liberalism / Laissez Faire was an economic and governmental policy that called for limited government, property rights, natural rights, the protection of civil liberties, free trade, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. This policy was first developed by John Locke and was beliefs of the Founding Fathers. The Jeffersonians and Jacksonians also practiced laissez-faire policies. ECONOMIC & POLITICAL

Closed-Shop Agreements

Closed-Shop Agreements were agreements in which stores would only hire people if they belonged to a union. This made it easier for unions to apply pressure on other workers to join. Shops began to sue against these agreements arguing that it was illegal because the contracts violated laws against restraints of trade. Judges tended to side with employers, while juries agreed with popular opinion in favor of unions. ECONOMIC

John L.O' Sullivan

Coined Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny

Coined in 1845, this term referred to a doctrine in support of territorial expansion based on the beliefs that population growth demanded territorial expansion, that God supported American expansion, and that national expansion equaled the expansion of freedom Why? Gave the Americans a reason to expand and travel west. America was able to gain vast new territory and increase the size of the nation.

Where did Fannin surrender?

Coleto Creek

Who led volunteers with a mounted cannon to attack Mexican forces?

Colonel John H. Moore

Colonel William S. Fisher

Colonel who led 300 soldiers who refused to retreat to Gonzales when ordered by General Alexander Somervell -moved down the Rio Grande and attacked mexican town of Mier expecting an easy victory -General Pedro Ampudia brought 900 mexican soldiers to aid the soldiers defending Mier resulting in the Texans surrendering on December 26, 1842

W.B. Travis

Commander of 200 Texans at the Alamo

General Vicente Filisola

Commander of Mexican Armies in 1836.

Stephen W. Kearny

Commander of the Army of the West in the Mexican War, marched all the way to California, securing New Mexico.

Stephen F. Austin

Commander of the first 300 Texans, which was known as the Army of the People


Concept that stated the U.S. was destined to expand across the continent and get as much land as possible.

When reflecting on John Brown's raid on the Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, most northerners

Concluded that his ideals couldn't excuse violence

In 1861, armed hostilities between the North and South began officially with

Confederates firing on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor in April 1861.

Mexican-American War

Conflict (1846-1848) between the United States and Mexico after the U.S. annexation of Texas, which Mexico still considered its own. Why? As victor, the United States accquired vast new territories from Mexico according to the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

In attempting to establish a reconstruction policy after the Civil War,

Congress and the president disagreed about who had the authority to devise a plan of reconstruction.

What happened in 1830 w/ the indians.

Congress passed the law " Indian Removal Act " and it provided money to buy of the Indian tribes land.

March 16, 1836

Constitution of Texas was finished

November 7, 1835

Consultation in San Felipe - when the Declaration of the People of Texas in general convention assembled

March 1, 1836

Convention of 1836 - 59 delegates

December 9, 1835

Cos asked for surrender terms and promised to never fight against the colonists or the Constitution of 1824

the siege of San Antonio was called off because....

Cos was preparing to attack

After 1820, what caused slavery to become more profitable, which in turn increased the South's political power?

Cotton production expanded to the West.

After 1820, what caused slavery to become more vigorous and profitable, which in turn increased the South's political power?

Cotton production expanded to the West.

Washington and Idaho

Country stretch from Sea to shining sea

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska as states, opened new lands, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Who increased the number of Mexican forces in San Anotonio?


Which area on the map corresponds to the label "Mexican Cession, 1848"? A) Area A B) Area B C) Area C D) Area D

D) Area D

March 3, 1837

Date President Jackson granted official recognition of Texas

March 1, 1845

Date President John Tyler signed the resolution for annexation of Texas

December 29, 1845

Date President Polk signed the resolution that made Texas a state

February 28, 1845

Date congress passed a joint resolution for annexation of Texas -Texas could enter the Union as soon as its people approved annexation and adopted a state constitution -Texas could keep its public lands but could sell some of these lands to pay off its public debt -resolution also said that Texas could be divided into as many as 5 states with the approval of Texas and the United States -President John Tyler signed the resolution on March 1, 1845

Who said,"I would rather be in my present situation than to be elected to a seat in Congress for life"

Davi Crockett

Who was president to the ad intern governement?

David G. Burnet

Who was the president of the ad interim government?

David G. Burnet

who was the ad interim president?

David G. Burnet

Sam Houston

Defeated Santa Anna at the Battle of San Jacinto

In the 1857 Dred Scott decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that

Dred Scott could not legally claim violation of his constitutional rights because he was not a citizen of the United States.

In his dissenting opinion in the Dred Scott case, Justice Benjamin R. Curtis argued that

Dred Scott was free, he was a citizen of the US, and the Missouri Compromise was constitutional

James Fenimore Cooper

Early 19th century American writer who wrote numerous seastories and historical novels.


Easterners who flocked to California after the discovery of gold there. They established claims all over northern California and overwhelmed the existing government. Arrived in 1849.

whigs key goal

Economic Nationalism, Pro-Bank, Pro-Tariff, Pro Internal Improvements

What was the source of conflict between the Edwards brothers and the Mexican government?

Edwards, an empresario, was given a vast tract of land in East Texas. He discovered that there were already many families living there, and that his contract required him to recognize the rights of those settlers, but many of those settlers did not have clear titles to their property (meaning that they didn't really have any ownership there). The Mexican government said that Edwards had to let the people stay and leave them alone. Edwards decided he should solve the problem by declaring the colony independent from Mexico.

James K. Polk

Elected as president of the U.S. in 1844 -democratic party member from Tennessee -pro Texas annexation -defeated Whig candidate Henry Clay of Kentucky who feared if Texas was annexed, the country would split over the issue of slavery -signed the resolution that made Texas a state

The voting rights provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment proved a major disappointment to

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other advocates of female suffrage.

Info on Democrats

Embraced Jacksons system and philosophy Hated the american system Supported expanding boundaries.

Haden Edwards

Empresario who got permission from Mexico to settle 800 families. Arrived in Nacagdoches in 1825 to find settlers already there. Haden and his brother Benjamin founded the Republic of Fredonia.

What was the large percentage of other immigrants?



French and Germans who moved to Texas

Jefferson Davis

From Mississippi; president of Confederacy

Early in the struggle to win Kansas, proslavery supporters

From out if state invaded Kansas to control the election through fraud and intimidation

Preston Brooke's caning of Charles Sumner in 1856

Further inflamed sectional passions over the institution of slavery and its future in the republic

The leader of the uprising in Richmond, Virginia, in 1800 was

Gabriel Prosser


Gain independence in 1821, Mexico had not prospered. Its civil wars and political instability produced a stagnant economy, a weak government, and modest tax revenues, which a bloated bureaucracy and debt payments to European bankers quickly devoured. Mexican officials vowed to preserve their nation's historic boundaries. When its breakaway province of Texas prepared to join the American Union, Mexico suspended diplomatic relations with the United States.

James G. Birney

Garnered less than 3 percent of the national vote but took enough Whig votes in New York to cost Clay that state — and the presidency.

Zachary Taylor

General that was a military leader in Mexican-American War and 12th president of the United States. Sent by president Polk to lead the American Army against Mexico at Rio Grande, but defeated. -nicknamed Old Rough and Ready

Identify the author of the Texas Declaration of Independence.

George C. Childress

the TX declaration of independence was written by

George C. Childress

Who was chairman of the committee to write a Declaration of Independence for Texas?

George Childress

What happened after court?

Georgia ignored the ruling , and rounded the cherookes up w. their milita and that is the trial of tears. Walk from West of Mississippi to Arkansa. 4,000 died from hunger and disease.

John Brown's leadership of a massacre at pottawatomie creek led to

Guerrilla wad engulfing the territory

Gullah, Voodoo

Gullah - descendants of enslaved Africans who live in the Lowcountry region of the US states of South Carolina and Georgia; developed a culture that has preserved much of their African linguistic and cultural heritage from various peoples; speak an English-based creole language Gullah - language spoken by the Gullah people Voodoo - witchcraft in Gullah language; African word that has entered American language

By the 1860s, the politicos system of the white south

Had extended suffrage for all adult white males

Bear Flag Republic

Had to do with a revolt from Fort Devenworth to Santa Fe.

Benjamin Edwards

Haden Edwards' brother. Made an alliance with Richard Fields, a Cherokee chief. In 1826 led armed settlers to declare independence from Mexico.

What was the stance of the North in 1854-5?

Hated both Catholicism and Slave Power

How did Travis answer Santa Anna's threat?

He answered it with a cannon shot to let Santa Anna know he would never surrender

What did Polk do?

He appealed to both sides.North and South. 1. He promised to make oregon American terriotry for the north 2. He promised to make Texas apart of the Us for the south.

Captain Juan N. Sequin

He was a supporter of the Texas movement for independence. He recruited volunteers from Mexican ranches along the San Antonio River.


Texas became an American state after taking nine years to declare itself as part of America. The Mexicans wanted to re-conquer Texas and the British wanted to use it as a puppet to attack America, so both countries disapproved of Texas joining the United States.

Stephen Austin

He brought over 20000 americans into Texas by 1830. He requested self-government for the territory, and as subsequently thrown into a Mexican prison. In 1835 he returned, and took the command of a Texan army ready to fight for independence.

Why did President Van Buren refuse to annex Texas?

He feared a war with Mexico.

What were Jackson's impact on politics?

He greatly expanded that power of the presidency by tying it to the will of the people, nobody believe in popular sovereignty more than him. He greatly weakened the other branches of the government. His views of small government, territorial expansion and white supremacy guided the democratic party until the Civil War, and his appeal to the common man changed the way politicians campaigned.

Stephen Watts Kearny

He led his troops to New Mexico and California. He led about 1,500 cavalry soldiers along the Santa Fe Trail from Fort Leavenworth to New Mexico. The Mexican governor fled, leaving the Americans to capture New Mexico's capital of Santa Fe. Important because it was another victory toward winning the war with Mexico.

In 1854, Stephen A Douglas sponsored the Kansas Nebraska Act and included a section repealing the Missouri Compromise because

He needed southern support to pass his legislation, the price of which was opening up the Nebraska territory to the possibility of slavery

James D. B. De Bow

He published the magazine 'De Bow's Review', and used his magazine to advocate the expansion of southern agriculture and commerce so that the southern economy could become independent from the North.

Based on his interactions with Santa Anna, what can be concluded about Urrea?

He respected Texan forces

What courageous act did Albert Martin do after delivering Travis's famous letter?

He returned to the Alamo despite facing certain death

Samuel Morse

He sent electrical impulses through wire. Telegraph was his.

John Tyler

He served practically all of President Harrison's term, becoming the 10th president. His opinions on all the important issues had been forcefully stated, and he had only been chosen to balance the Whig ticket with no expectation he would ever have power. Nominally a Whig, but a Democrat at heart. He was in favor of state's rights, and a strict interpretation of the constitution, he opposed protective tariffs, a national bank and internal improvements at national expense. He served from 1841-1845 Why? The first president to succeed on the death of a president

How did Santa Anna threaten the Texan defender's of the Alamo?

He threatened to kill them if they did not surrender

Matthew Perry

He was a Commodore and he steamed into the harbor of Tokyo in 1854 and asked them to open Japan up. His treaty of Kanagawa formerly opened Japan. This broke Japan's centuries-old traditional of isolation, and started them down a road of modernization and then imperialism and militarism.

George McClellan

He was a Union general that was in charge during the beginning of the war. He defeated Lee, at Antietam, securing a much needed Union victory.

Abraham Lincoln became the republican candidate for president in the election of 1860 because

He was a moderate on the volatile issue if slavery, demonstrated solid republican credentials and represented the crucial state of illinois

How it was that Lehi was in Jerusalem

He was a refugee

Mexican and American War

In October 1845, Secretary of State James Buchanan told merchant Thomas Oliver Larkin, now the U.S. consul for the Mexican province, to encourage influential Californios to seek independence and union with the United States. To add military muscle to this scheme, Polk ordered American naval commanders to seize San Francisco Bay and California's coastal towns in case of war with Mexico. The president also instructed the War Department to dispatch Captain John C. Frémont and an "exploring" party of soldiers into Mexican territory. With these preparations in place, Polk launched a secret diplomatic initiative: he sent Louisiana congressman John Slidell to Mexico, telling him to secure the Rio Grande boundary for Texas and to buy the provinces of California and New Mexico for $30 million. However, Mexican officials refused to meet with Slidell. Overwhelming majority in Congress voted for war — a decision greeted with great popular acclaim. To avoid a simultaneous war with Britain, Polk retreated from his demand for "fifty-four forty or fight" and in June 1846 accepted British terms that divided the Oregon Country at the forty-ninth parallel. Polk expected these victories to end the war, but he underestimated the Mexicans' national pride and the determination of President Santa Anna.

Depression of 1837

In Texas, The price of farm products sold to the United States dropped and the price of goods brought into Texas rose. This left less money for the Texas people and the Texas government.

American Colonization Society

In full "The Society for the Colonization of Free People of Color of America"); established in 1817 by Robert Finley of New Jersey; supported the return of free African Americans to what was considered greater freedom in Africa; helped to found the colony of Liberia in 1821-22 as a place for freedmen; Among its supporters were Charles Fenton Mercer, Henry Clay, John Randolph, and Richard Bland Lee

Stephen Kearney and John Fremont

In the Southwest, U.S. operations led by these guys were successful. Relating to the Mexican-American War.

Election of 1840

In the election of 1840, Van Buren was defeated by Harrison. Van Buren was blamed by the people for the Panic of 1837, which happened just as he took office. Because Van Buren did nothing to alleviate the crisis, he bore the full anger of the people. Sensing victory, the Whigs encouraged women to help them. This also encouraged more males to vote. The Whigs won a resounding victory in the popular vote and the Electoral College. The Whigs also took the majority in Congress. POLITICAL

54-40 OR FIGHT!

In the election of 1844, Polk used this statement as a campaign slogan, implying that he would declare war if Britain did not give the United States al the Oregon territory up to its northern boundary, the line in the slogan. Negotiation occurred, and the countries divided Oregon at the 49th parallel.

Utopian Societies

In the first part of the 19th century, more than 100,000 individuals formed utopian communities in an effort to create perfect societies. The idea of a perfect society intertwined with communalism can be traced back to Plato's Republic, the book of Acts in the New Testament, and the work of Sir Thomas More. The years 1820 to 1860 saw the heydey of this movement with the creation of numerous communities.

Election of 1836

In the presidential race of 1836, Jackson did not run for president for a second term in office. His Vice president, Van Buren, however, was the Democratic nominee. He was challenged by the Whig, William Henry Harrison, a famous general. In addition, the Whigs ran three other candidates. Even though the public vote was pretty much 50% - 50%, Van Buren still won a majority in the Electoral College, and so was elected. POLITICAL

Compromise of 1850

Includes California admitted as a free state, the Fugitive Slave Act, Made popular sovereignty in most other states from Mexican- American War

What else were Irish immigrants accused of?

Increased crime and welfare costs

Republic of Texas

Independent nation of Texas, which lasted from 1836 until 1848, when Texas was annexed to the United States

Compromise Tariff of 1833

It was a new tariff proposed by Henry Clay and John Calhoun that gradually lowered the tariff to the level of the tariff of 1816 This compromise avoided civil war and prolonged the union for another 30 years.

Each of the following is a valid statement regarding the instrument (cotton gin) pictured about EXCEPT:

It was invented in 1863

How did the Provisional Government get its name?

It was only a temporary government

all of these are stated in the Texas Declaration of Independence EXCEPT:

Mexico failed to provide Texas with a sound economic system

What did the battle of Gonzales mean to Mexico?

Mexico was at war with the defiant Texans

Hudson River School

Mid 19th century American art movement that was led by a group of landscapers that were influenced by Romance.

December 5, 1835

Milam and Johnson led troops and fought the Battle of San Antonio, also known as the Siege of Bexar

Levi's place

Ministered the Levitical Priesthood Basically the Priesthood

Who was the vice president in 1836?

Mirabeau B. Lamar

Second President of Republic of Texas

Mirabeau B. Lamar, elected 1838

First Vice President of Republic of Texas

Mirabeau B. Lamar, elected Sept. 1836

The second president of Texas

Mirabeau B. Lamar, he was against annexation. He was elected in 1838.

Matching Lehi's dream with parable of the sower

Mist = Thorns People that partook of the fruit but left afterwards are the seed that shot up but didn't have roots.

Support for the Wilmont Proviso of 1846 came from

Northerners desiring either the abolition of slavery all together or those northerners who wanted to reserve lands for white settlers

"Slave Power" During the Mid 19th Century

Northerns feared that new states in the West would become slave states, hence, disrupting the balance between free & slave states by tipping it in favor slavery

Would you have supported the controversial war with Mexico? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

Not many people supported the controversial war with Mexico. Many people died during the war and it had no positive effect on any country


Nullification was a political idea held by many of Jefferson's followers. Nullification was first brought to light in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. Later seized on by John Calhoun, nullification said that a State could nullify any federal law it disagreed with. Jackson himself, however, did not hold this view. Jackson threatened to hang anyone who attempted to nullify a federal law. POLITICAL

Mexico gov has brittle bonds w/CA

O'Sullivan, Democratic Review, July-August 1845: "Imbecile and distracted, Mexico can never exert the real governmental authority over such a country [California]. The impotence of the one and the distance of the other, must make the relation of one of virtual independence....A population will soon be in actual occupation of California, over which it will be idle for Mexico to dream of dominion. They will necessarily become independent. All this without agency of our government, without responsibility of our people - in the natural flow of events, the spontaneous working of principles, and the adaptation of the tendencies and wants of the human race to the elemental circumstances in the midst of which they find themselves placed." Meltzer p.59

The cultivation of cotton was well suited to the south because

Of its climate and geography

Matilda Lockheart

Only one of 13 hostages held by Comanches in hills west of San Antonio brought to a meeting held in San Antonio in 1840 known as the Council House Fight

Why Joseph Smith had to be in the United States

Only place with religious freedom and where new religions could be accepted

What did the Know Nothing's pledge to do?

Only vote for native born Protestants

Thomas J. Pilgrim

Opened the first school in Texas in 1829, in San Felipe de Austin.

Why did the Texas constitution have clear rules about property ownership?

Opportunity to Own land was a big draw for immagrants in Texas

Colonel John H. Moore

Texas commander who led 160 troops at the Battle of Gonzales against Colonel Ugartechea and his Mexican troops.


Oregon Territory- Oregon stretched from the north tip of California to the 54 40 line. England and the U.S. claimed it. England had good reasons for its claims north of the Columbia River. Americans also had good reasoning because they populated it much more.

What were some of the effects of the California gold rush?

Oregon territory was acquired by the U.S.; Texas Revolution; War with Mexico; U.S. expansion from sea to sea; Gadsden purchase; California becomes a state

LDS views of creation (2)

Organizing matter that already, and will always exist Many people participated in creating the world (Christ, Adam, possibly us, etc)

"Slave Life in the South"

Painting by Eastman Johnson. Painted for a pro-slavery patron by an anti-slave artist so it depicts an ambiguous view on the issue. Also called "My Old Kentucky Home"

Homestead Act

Passed in 1862, it gave 160 acres of public land to any settler who would farm the land for five years.


Paternalism - an individual forcefully asserts their will over another person under the pretense that the person being dominated will be better off under the heel of a superior individual. Basically, "paternalism" boils down to the idea that "it's for your own good," which was the favored argument of pro-slavery ideologues. Most famously articulated by John C. Calhoun. who argued that "the present state of civilization [in the South], where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil...a positive good." Other southern pro-slavery advocates elaborated on Calhoun's basic premise that slavery was good for both those in bondage and their masters. Many cited the bible's approval of slavery as justification for the institution's prominence in the Old South. Moreover, southern religious writers claimed that slavery made masters kinder and slaves more obedient through a mutually beneficial relationship that existed only in the bullshitting minds of slavery apologists.

Joseph Smith Sr.

Patriarch of the church, was 'spiritual' before Restoration, but had no single religion


Patronage was the granting of favors, giving contracts, or making appointments to office. Often times political candidates win by handing out jobs to supporters. Van Buren developed this system when he served in New York. Patronage was used by political machines to maintain control over their city. They maintained city control by handing out jobs, and, therefore, controlling votes. POLITICAL

What were the factors that drew settlers west during the first half of the 19th century?

People going west for free land, religious persecution, economic opportunity (lost everything in the Panic), to start over, and to find gold and silver.

Old Testament-Moses

People justified slavery in the south because of slavery in the Bible, but slavery in the bible is different than slavery in the south; slavery in the bible -- indentured servitude; in Israel, person would sell himself for 7 years If Bible-readers of the South had adhered to three Mosaic laws, slavery wouldn't have been an issue: (a) Anti-harm laws: The Law of Moses calls for the release of servants maimed by their employers (b) Anti-kidnapping laws: The Mosaic Law also condemns kidnapping a person to sell as a slave—an act punishable by death (c) Anti-return laws: Unlike the antebellum South, Israel was to offer safe harbor to (foreign) runaway slaves —a marked contrast to the Southern states' Fugitive Slave Law.

The Sixth Party System

Period of divided government from 1968- - Civil Rights Movement - Vietnam War (split the Democratic party) - increasing numbers of American voters who do not claim affiliation to either party

Whose idea was the matamoros plan?

Phillip Dimmitt


Place in the middle east on the arabian peninsula that had 4 alters with the names of Nahom written on them. Found in 1988

Prior to the Civil War, why did the South remain agriculturally based instead of diversifying its economy?

Planters made good profits and feared that economic change would threaten the plantation system.

Henry David Thoreau

Poet that wrote about nature and advocated for Transcendentalism and civil disobedience.

under the Texas constitution, a free African American who wanted to live in Texas need to petition the:

Texas congress


Power was in the hands of the slave owners

Revival (Camp) Meetings

Presbyterian revivals that displayed and produced emotional, demonstrative displays of religious conviction.

The slidell mission

President Polk (US) decides he will send diplomat named John Slidell to negotiate with the Mexicans about the border. 1. Slidell has an offer for the Mexicans to buy California for $20 million 2. New Mexico for $5 million. 3. recognize Rio Grande as the border b/w TX and Mexico 4. forgive claims that US citizens said about the Mexican gov. When Slidell gets down there, he can't find anyone to negotiate with, because they are in a state of chaos. Slidell gives up, and goes back to D.C.


President Polk sent John Slidell as a minister to Mexico City in attempt to prevent Britain from possibly purchasing California by making an offer of a maximum of twenty-five million dollars and territory farther east in exchange for the California territory, a deal which Mexicans considered insulting.

President John Tyler

President before President James K. Polk -asked congress to reconsider annexation even before Polk took office

James K. Polk

President known for promoting Manifest Destiny.

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

President of Mexico from 1833-1855 (11 terms). Led the attack on the Alamo. Captured by Texans at the Battle of San Jacinto.

President Anson Jones

President of Texas in 1844 -called a special session of the Texas Congress to consider the terms of annexation, which were quickly accepted -last president of the Republic of Texas

President James Polk

President of the United States 1844-1848. Signed resolution which made Texas a state in 1845.

George C. Childress

Primary author of the Declaration of Texas Independence.

Spot Resolution

Proposed by Abraham Lincoln in the spring of 1846. After news from president James K. Polk that 16 American service men had been killed or wounded on the Mexican border in American territory, Abraham Lincoln, then a congressman from Illinois, proposed these resolutions to find out exactly on what spot the American soldier's blood had been shed. To find out were the soldiers fell was important because congress was near to declaring war on Mexico.

John Tyler

Proslavery zealot, called for the annexation of Texas. Disowned by the Whigs because he thwarted Henry Clay's nationalist economic program, Tyler hoped to win reelection in 1844 as a Democrat. To curry favor among northern expansionists, Tyler supported claims to all of Oregon. In April 1844, Tyler and John C. Calhoun, his proslavery, expansionist-minded secretary of state, sent the Senate a treaty to bring Texas into the Union. However, the two major presidential hopefuls, Democrat Martin Van Buren and Whig Henry Clay, opposed Tyler's initiative. Fearful of raising the issue of slavery, they persuaded the Senate to reject the treaty.

2nd Great Awakening

Protestant revival movement during the early 19th century. After 1820 membership rose rapidly among Baptist and Methodist congregations whose preachers led the movement. It was past its peak by the 1840s.The Second Great Awakening stimulated the establishment of many reform movements designed to remedy the evils of society before the anticipated Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Most of the people of the people who arrived in Texas from the United States felt what?

Texas should be independent from Mexico

the "Grass Fight" was between

Texas volunteers and a mule train

What were the Irish accused of?

Pulling down wages and taking jobs

Mirabeau B. Lamar

Put in command of the Texan cavalry in 1836. First vice-president of Texas. Became president of Texas after Sam Houston's term completed. Called the "Father of Education in Texas". Ordered the removal of Cherokees from Texas in 1839. Chose Austin as the State Capitol.

Upcountry yeomen, who lived in the hills and mountains

Raised hogs, cattle, and sheep, and sought self sufficiently and independence

In his first inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln was

Reassuring and conciliatory toward the South on the issue of slavery but firm and inflexible concerning the perpetuity of the Union


Received independence in 1836, texas built up reinforcements because they had no idea if or hen Mexico would attack. Texas made treaties with France, Holland, and Belgium.

What town was defended by King and Ward, but was taken by General Urrea


Yeoman in the plantation belt of the south

Relied on helpful neighborhood slave owners to shop and sell their cotton on the farm

What became the battle cry of Sam Houston's troops?

Remember the Alamo!

In the mid 1850s, Abraham Lincoln typified

Republican ideology in believing that congress must stop the spread of slavery and put it on the course of action

The crime against Kansas

Speech given by Charles Sumner of Massachusetts where he gave particular attention to Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina, comparing to an ugly harlot. Butler's nephew Preston Brooks took exception went to Sumner's office and beat him over the head with a cane. Brooks was revered in the South for the attack and Sumner was revered in the North was revered for being attacked, symbolizing the opposing views towards the slavery issue.

Which statement characterizes the religion of southern plain folk?

Southern plain folk enjoyed religious revivals.

Which group or country gained the most from the entry of Texas into the United States? Who lost the most? Support your opinion with specific references to the section.

Southern states gained; northern states lost

Which of the following locations provided legal freedom to African American slaves in the Lower South until 1819?

Spanish Florida

Which of the following was NOT an agreement in the Treaty of Velasco?

Texas would be allowed to join the United States.

What recommendation was made by Mier y Teran concerning the control of Texas?

That the growing influence of American by slowed at once. This resulted in the Law of April 6, 1830.

What did Texas's response of one cannonball shot symbolize in response to Santa Anna's demand for Texas to surrender the Alamo?

That they were going to fight until the end

What did Travis tell his troops at the Alamo?

That they would most certainly be defeated

Dred Scott Case

Supreme Court case which ruled that slaves are not citizens but are property, affirmed that property cannot be interfered with by Congress, slaves do not become free if they travel to free territories or states, fueled abolitionist movement, hailed as victory for the south

Coat of many colors

Tangible symbol of the birthright The Garment of the Holy Priesthood


Term used to describe low income whites, used because they were so poor they could only eat crackers. Also used the term "mud-eater" because they would eat mud for the nutrients in it. They often got hookworm from the mud which sapped away what little nutrients they had and often appeared very lazy.

Why did slavery become more central to American politics in the 1840s?

Territorial expansion raised the question of whether new lands should be free or slave.

How did the fall of the Alamo affect the situation in South Texas?

Texan troops in the area became isolated and short of supplies

Why did the Army of the People decide that an outright attack on San Anotonio de Béxar was to risky?

Texans had no heavy artillery, large guns, or cannons

Which of the following facts was NOT known by the soldiers at the Alamo?

Texans had written a Declaration of Independence.

Why did Texans respond to what happened at the Goliad with outrage?

Texans were angered that prisoners taken in battle were put to death

Gadsden Purchase

The Gadsden Purchase was the 1853 treaty in which the United States bought from Mexico parts of what is now southern Arizona and southern New Mexico for $10 million. Southerners wanted this land in order to build southern transcontinental railroad. Why?The heated debate over this issue in the Senate demonstrates the prevalence of sectional disagreement.

Why was the Provisional Government weak?

The Governor and Council could not agree on the goals of war

Indian Removal

The Indian Removal occurred because there were many Indians still living in the South and Midwest. Among these Indians were the "Five Civilized Tribes" - the Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, and Cherokee. Jackson made the decision to remove these Indians permanently when he signed legislation forcing all Indians out of the territories and States. Jackson was successful, forcing the exiled Indians to on the Trail of Tears, eventually resettling in Kansas and Oklahoma. DIPLOMATIC

Which movement rose in New York due to concern of Immigration?

The Know Nothings

Financial difficulties

The Republic of Texas was experiencing deficits. In fact, Texas was 1.25 million dollars in debt when Sam Houston was first elected president. The Texas government tried to make up the budget shortfall by raising taxes. But by the time Sam Houston's first term was over, the state of Texas was now 2 million dollars in debt.

What is the river between Texas and Mexico?

The Rio Grande

Spoils System

The Spoils System was the political tactic of employing and promoting civil servants who are the supporters and friends of the group in power to office. The Spoils System was started by Andrew Jackson when he became President. He fired most of the previous President's appointees and put his own people in place. Jackson and Van Buren defended the Spoils System. Van Buren viewed the system as thoroughly republican since the appointments were made by the winners. POLITICAL

Commonwealth vs. Hunt (1842)

The Supreme Court act that led to the legalization of labor unions.

Definition of House of Israel

The children of Jacob

The First Party System

The ____ party system, which emerged under Washington, pitted Jefferson Anti-Fed and Adam Feds against each other.


The amount of public debt Texas had at the end of Sam Houston's first term as president

Jefferson Day Dinner

The dinner where Jackson announced by his toast that he believed that the federal government should have more power than the states. Further increased the hatred between Calhoun and Jackson. After this event, Calhoun ran for the Senate from South Carolina (and was elected) and resigned from the vice-presidency.

Oregon Trail

The east-west route American pioneers used to migrate to the Oregon County. The Oregon Trail was founded by fur traders and mountain men.

Market revolution

The economic revolution in the US from 1793 to 1809 the economic and labor structure from self-sufficiency to a capitalist-style market economy. Revolutions in transportation and communication altered American commerce.

Squatter and popular Sovereignty

The idea devised in 1847 allowing residents of western territories deciding for themselves whether slavery in their specified territories should be legal.

Manifest Destiny

The idea that God wanted America and its citizens to expand over more land

Land grant

The land deals the Mexican government brokered to American settlers according to its Colonization Laws. Vast areas of Texan land could be paid in cheap installments by American settlers as long as they were "good" Christians and promised to establish permanent residency in Texas.


The land that Mexico gave to the U.S. Which was land from texas to California that was north of the Rio Grande.

Anson Jones

The last president of the Republic of Texas (1844).


The mission in San Antonio where in 1836 Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged and massacred American rebels who were fighting to make Texas independent of Mexico

Donner Party

The most tragic wagon trail journey in American history, where only 48 members of the original 87 survived. Cannibalism was resorted to for survival after being trapped in a deadly snowstorm.

What was the impact of the new methods of communication during this period? Use details from the text to support your response.

The new methods of communication made life easier for those living in this time period.

What best explains the Mexican victory at the Alamo?

The number of Mexican troops

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The peace treaty signed by the interim government of the captured Mexico City and the US that ended the Mexican-American War in 1848.

Which one of the following statements about the Consulation at San Filipe is true?

The people at the meeting created a temporary government for Texas.

John Tyler

The president. A Virginian gentleman. He didn't agree with the Whig party, since the Whigs were pro-bank and pro-protective tariff, and pro-internal improvements.

Gadsen Purchase

The purchase of southern regions of New Mexico by the US in 1853 by the US ambassador to Mexico at the time, James Gadsen.

What was the name of the first anti-slavery coalition?

The republicans

Horace Mann

The secretary of the Massachusetts board of education, created a model public school system in massachusetts.

Difference between large and small plates of Nephi

The small plates contained a secular history and the large plates contained the spiritual and teachings of the prophets.

John L. O'Sullivan and manifest destiny

The socio-political belief labeled by John L. O'Sullivan which propelled American expansion in the West. According to Manifest Destiny, white Americans have the responsibility and right by God to civilize and expand into the West.

Manifest Destiny

The socio-political belief labeled by John L. O'Sullivan which propelled American expansion in the West. According to Manifest Destiny, white Americans have the responsibility and right by God to civilize and expand into the West.

Stephen Austin

The son of Moses Austin, who ensured that the Mexican government followed through its deal with his father in 1823 in return for his renunciation of his American citizenship. Austin was responsible for the massive American migration into Texas, which pressed Mexico to pass its Colonization Law. At first an opponent of Texan independence, he became a Texan revolutionary after being jailed by the Mexican government.

Stephen. F. Austin and the American empresarios in Texas

The son of Moses Austin, who ensured that the Mexican government followed through its deal with his father in 1823 in return for his renunciation of his American citizenship. Austin was responsible for the massive American migration into Texas, which pressed Mexico to pass its Colonization Law. At first an opponent of Texan independence, he became a Texan revolutionary after being jailed by the Mexican government.

How were the classes of Whigs different?

The southern whigs didn't think that managers and workers should work together, and because of slavery

Where was the Alamo's most powerful cannon placed?

The southwest corner where it could be fired in two directions

Why was it so difficult for Anglo American colonists to the adjust to the restrictions placed on them by the Mexican government?

They believed most of the restrictions placed on them were unfair, and when some actually agreed with the restrictions, it caused tensions amongst the colonists themselves.

What were the positive and negative effects of the Texans' capture of San Antonio?

They controlled the roads and it drove the Mexican troops out of Texas for a time, but it made them overconfident

Why were the Know Nothing's seen as the larger opponent to the Democrats?

They had influence in the North and South

What happened to slave men when they became elderly?

They moved on to new jobs, like cleaning stables.

How did yeomen in the plantation belt of the South feel about wealthy planters?

They relied on planters to ship and sell their cotton for them.

Whig party

They saw themselves as whigs because they saw themselves as fighting the executive power. In 1834, the get the majority of congress even though they are technically a national party yet. They became a national party in 1836 when they started have conventions to nominate candidates.

How did powerful whites defend slavery from attacks by critics?

They used intimidation tactics to silence critics.

Why was the Texans' capture of Goliad was important?

They were able to take control of the roads and the needed men there

Why did the Texas settlers flee eastward during the Runaway Scrape?

They were afraid of Santa Anna's troops.

What happened to Travis, Crockett and Bowie at the Alamo?

They were all killed

What was done with the bodies if the defenders after the battle at the Alamo

They were burned

Southern Whigs

They were led by John C. Calhoun. They wanted government intervention economically, ecspecially in transportation.

Critics' response to Book of Mormon witnesses

They were payed or lied

What was the attitude of the Mexican authorities toward Texas during the early Colonial years?

They were pretty much left alone. They received land titles, cleared fields, and built homes. They even brought in slaves.

Which statement describes the daily lives of southern women on the plantation?

They worked long hours performing plantation duties.

Webster-Ashburton Treaty

This 1842 agreement with Britain resolved the boundary dispute between Maine and New Brunswick, Canada, setting the northeastern U.S. border Why? Resolved the fighting conflict between Canada and Maine over boundaries

Ulysses S. Grant

U.S. president 1873-1877. Military hero of the Civil War, he led a corrupt administration, consisting of friends and relatives. Although Grant was personally a very honest and moral man, his administration was considered the most corrupt the U.S. had had at that time.

Purpose of memorizing scriptures

Understand, Provide inspiration, add power to the meaning

Oliver Cowdery

Unfaithful with Money. Was present during the restoration of the priesthood. Left the church was rebaptized.

Battle of Gettysburg

Union Civil War victory that turned the tide against the Confederates at Gettysburg, Pennslyvania, resulted in the loss of 50,000 soldiers

James K. Polk

United States President who urged for war with Mexico

Davy Crockett

United States frontiersman and Tennessee politician who died at the siege of the Alamo, example of "common man," partially literate (could only write his name), some thought he should run for president after killing 105 bears in a season...

Sam Houston

United States politician and military leader who fought to gain independence for Texas from Mexico and to make it a part of the United States. Later became the First president of the Republic of Texas

Santa Anna's soldiers were at a disadvantage because they were what

Untrained and undisciplined

Grimke Sisters

Urged for prison reform, the temperance movement and the abolitionist movement.

Divorce Bill

Van Buren decided to take the government's funds out of banks entirely

Martin Van Buren and Mass politics

Van Buren wanted to recreate what Jefferson and the Republicans did of western farmers and southerners. He began to portray Jackson as the defender of the Common Man, and called his new party the Democratic party. Jackson's campaign was the first campaign to use communication and he wins the 1824 election.


this war was fought between local militias from Canada and Maine in the uninhabited Aroostook River Valley and was settled through a treaty between Lord Ashburton and Secretary Webster which nearly split the land equally.

Shakers/ Mother Anne Lee

also redefined gender roles in their society founded in the 1770's, named after their unique religious ritual, in which members of the congregation shook themselves free of sin while performing a loud chant and dance, they also hade the idea of celibacy, where no one could be born into the faith, but had to choose Shakersim voluntarily. Importantly, they endorsed the idea of sexual equality, but women exercised greatest power

Gadsden Purchase

an 1853 purchase by the United States of land from Mexico, establishing the present U.S.-Mexico boundary.

Senora Francita Alavez

Wife of a Mexican army officer. Cared for imprisoned Texans at Goliad.

The compromise of 1850

a series of laws that attempted to resolve the territorial and slavery controversies arising from the Mexican-American War (1846-48). The five laws balanced the interests of the slave states of the South and the free states. California was admitted as a free state; Texas received financial compensation for relinquishing claim to lands west of the Rio Grande in what is now New Mexico; the territory of New Mexico (including present-day Arizona and Utah) was organized without any specific prohibition of slavery; the slave trade (but not slavery itself) was abolished in Washington, D.C.; and the stringent Fugitive Slave Law was passed, requiring all U.S. citizens to assist in the return of runaway slaves regardless of the legality of slavery in the specific states.

Provisional Government

a short term government

"Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!"

a slogan used in the 1844 presidential campaign as a call for the U.S. annexation of the entire Oregon Territory.

Liberty Party

a small antislavery political party, mainly to blame for Clay's loss to Polk in his bid for the Presidency

The Ku Klux Klan developed into a paramilitary organization, but it began as

a social club for Confederate veterans who wanted to restore white supremacy.

joint resolution

a statement passed by both houses of a legislature that has the force of law -congressional leaders who proposed annexation of Texas occur by joint resolution so that only a simple majority in each house would be required for it to pass as opposed to a 2/3 majority need to approve a treaty in the senate

When the Civil War began, most Northerners viewed it as

a struggle to preserve the Union and uphold the Constitution.

poll tax

a tax of a fixed amount per person


a tax on imported goods

provisional government

a temporary government for Texas created after adopting the Declaration of the People


a treaty signed by Nicholas P. Trist, clerk of the State Department, with Mexico out of desperation due to his many foolish previous agreements with Mexico. The treaty declared that Texas belonged to America, added vast amounts of territory going west until Oregon and the ocean, and included the addition of California to America, equaling approximately half of Mexican territory. This deal cost America fifteen million dollars for the land and three million, two hundred fifty thousand dollars to claim the citizens of the new territories.


a written contract that defines a city, educational institution, or corporation

The typical runaway slave was

a young, unmarried man


an economic system in which private individuals and corporations control the means of production and use them to earn profits.

Ben Milam

an empresario, who helped in the capture of Goliad and when he learned that Houston was not going to take the army into the Alamo, he took 300 volunteers to follow him to the old Spanish capital, San Antonio


an explorer who was already in California with many well-armed men upon the arrival of the American troops and helped conquer California with the navy and locals. Upon their victory, local Americans raised the flag of the transitory California Bear Flag Republic.

David G. Burnet

an interim president of Texas

American Colonization Society/ Liberia/ Monrovia

an organization that founded Liberia, a colony on the coast of West Africa, in 1821 and transported free blacks there from the United States. During the next 20 years the colony continued to grow and establish economic stability. Some charged that the ACS was a racist society, but the society was supported by Southerners fearful of organized revolt by free blacks, by Northerners concerned that an influx of black workers would hurt the economic opportunities of indigent white, by some who opposed slavery but did not favor integration, and by many blacks who saw a return to Africa as the best solution to their troubles, and when James Monroe assisted the society in acquiring land and money, they renamed the territory Monrovia.

tactical retreat

an organized pullout of troops from an enemy to gain an advantage


another objective that President Polk would not shy away from was the recreation of independent treasury, despite Whig opposition.


anti-slavery capital of Kansas

Edwin Waller

appointed to lay out streets and construct a capitol on the site at the village of Waterloo

Richard Hofstadter

argued that Jacksonian democracy was not a rejection of capitalism, like Arthur M was saying, but instead the effort of aspiring entrepreneurs to secure laissez-faire policies that would serve their own interests against their monopolistic, eastern competitors

provisional government

asked U.S. for money and made plans to set up an army and navy

Seneca Falls Convention

assembly held on July 19-20, 1848, at Seneca Falls, New York, that launched the woman suffrage movement in the United States. Seneca Falls was the home of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who, along with Lucretia Mott, conceived and directed the convention.

Where did General Cos surrender?

at the Alamo

The economy of the upcountry South depended on


Aroostook War (1839)

battle between American and Canadian lumberjacks over northern Maine boundary; only war ever declared by a state

Under Grant's leadership, the war shifted in favor of the North and the Union armies

became a sophisticated and powerful war machine that continued to fight in the same bloody and ferocious manner.

Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation

because he considered emancipation to be "a military necessity, absolutely essential to the preservation of the Union."

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) influenced Northerners' attitudes toward slavery

because it was a compelling novel and a vehicle for a stirring moral indictment of slavery.

Why didn't Fannin aid the defenders at the Alamo

because of shortage of wagons

why was Gonzales called the "Lexington of Texas"?

because of the similarities and circumstances that touched off the 2 revolutions

How did economic troubles in the East affect settlement in the Oregon area?

because of their resources, the settlers in the East moved to Oregon

Why was the convention of 1836 an important meeting?

because the leaders declared Texas independent of Mexico

Why did merchants earn such large profits during the Gold Rush?

because there was no competition, the stores could make their prices as high as they wanted

Free blacks in the South faced each of the following limitations EXCEPT

being vulnerable to re-enslavement through vagrancy or apprenticeship laws

manifest destiny

belief that the United States was destined to expand coast to coast; part of the reason idea of Texas annexation gained popularity

Moses Austin

born in CN, although determined to be Spanish (cheap land and freedom from laws); pledged allegiance to the King of Spain - Louisiana Purchase made him, once more, a citizen of the U.S.; asked to establish a colony of 300 families in Texas (governor thought that he could possibly 'civilize' Austin); he died a year later and his son took up his father's work

When proslavery forces in Lecompton, Kansas, drafted a proslavery constitution in 1857 that many felt was fraudulent, Stephen A. Douglas

broke with the Buchanan administration and the southern members of his party by coming out against the proslavery constitution.

John K. Allen and Augustus Allen

brothers who founded Houston on the banks of Buffalo Bayou

General Pedro Ampudia

brought 900 soldier to aid those defending mexican city of Mier -after 2 days of fighting, Texans surrendered to Ampudia

General Cos

brought Mexican soldiers to San Antonio

general cos

brought the number of Mexican soldiers to San Antonio

Samuel F. B. Morse

built an electromagnetic telegraph; created Morse code

Historic Rice Hotel

built on the same grounds as the original grounds of the old capitol in Houston

Temple Garments

burial clothing

Aside from leading to the legal destruction of slavery, the Civil War itself helped destroy slavery in practice

by disrupting the routine, organization, and discipline necessary to keep slavery intact.

"Tippecanoe and Tyler too"

came from the election of 1840. The Log Cabin Campaign used the slogan Tippecanoe and Tyler Too since their candidate was a war hero of the battle of Tippecanoe and the vice president candidate was John Tyler. This was important because it helped the Whigs win the election.

Zachary Taylor

captured northern Mexico in the war; known as "Old Rough and Ready" and last Whig president, elected in 1848

When slaves became elderly, they

cared for small children, spun yarn, fed livestock, or cleaned stables.

March 2nd

celebrated as Texas Independence Day

Richard Ellis

chairman of the Convention of 1836

When Zachary Taylor became president in 1849, he enraged Southerners by

championing a free-soil solution to slavery by urging Congress to admit California and New Mexico to the union as free states.

Executive branch

chief governing officer


chief governing officer branch

Southern planters considered their slaves to be

children who required constant supervision

David G. Burnet

chosen as the ad interim president

Elite Southerners maintained their power over the yeoman majority by

convincing yeomen of their shared interests.

President Ulysses S. Grant's administration saw

corruption at all levels of government, a severe economic depression, labor violence, and an attempt to annex Santo Domingo to provide the freedmen with a new home.

The invention in the 1790s that permitted the great expansion of cotton cultivation was the

cotton gin

Initially the Confederacy sought King Cotton diplomacy, a strategy based on the belief that

cotton-starved western European powers would be forced to enter the conflict by offering diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy and breaking the Union blockade to secure cotton.


councils with one representative from each locally governed area

Judicial branch



court branch

"Sherman land" and the establishment of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands

created an expectation among ex-slaves that they would become independent citizens and landowners.

Slave folk tales revealed the attitude that

cunning and deceit worked effectively

The Dred Scott decision of the U.S. Supreme Court:

declared Congress could not ban slavery from territories.

On July 17, 1862, Congress adopted a second Confiscation Act, legislation that

declared all slaves of rebel masters "forever free of their servitude."

Peace Party favored?

delegates agreed that Texans should oppose Santa Anna, but objected to an immediate declaration of independence Cos

War Party favored?

delegates favored an immediate declaration of independence from Mexico

Plantation mistresses were like slaves in that their husbands

demanded that they be subordinate

Plantation mistresses were like slaves in that their husbands

demanded that they be subordinate.

The first battle at Manassas (or Bull Run) in July 1861 is significant because it

demonstrated that Americans were in for a real war, one that would be neither quick nor easy.

The Free Soil Party:

demonstrated that antislavery sentiment had spread far beyond abolitionist ranks.

Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.

described Jacksonian era as a class conflict poor farmers and laborers versus the business community

The domestic slave trade impacted African American families by

destroying one in four slave marriages.

The cotton economy of the lower South

did not create uniform prosperity throughout the region

Most white Southerners in the antebellum South

did not own slaves

Middle-class planters were characterized by all of the following criteria except they

did not play a substantial role in slave society.

President Lincoln's efforts to stifle opposition to the war

did suppress free speech.

Explain the two main causes of the United States' war with Mexico.

disagreed about border line/American's wanted to expand more

Tariff of Abominations (of 1828)

discriminated against the Southern farmers and others by drastically raising protective tariff

Rotation in Office

finding new blood, essentially; anyone could hold political office (give it to the common man to keep the offices rotating)


fled to the Everglades and fought off troops trying to relocate them. They fought for seven years before signing a truce.


following one after the other

Most upcountry yeomen focused on cultivating


In March 1862, Congress tilted toward emancipating slaves when it

forbade the practice of returning fugitive slaves to their masters.

Church of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)

formed by Joseph Smith in 1830 and led to Utah by Brigham Young after Joseph Smiths death. Joseph Smith - formed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 1830, deciphered the book of mormon from some golden plates given to him by an angel. Assassinated in 1844.

Free-Soil Party

formed from the remnants of the Liberty Party in 1848; adopting a slogan of "free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men," it opposed the spread of slavery into territories and supported homesteads, cheap postage, and internal improvements. It ran Martin Van Buren (1848) and John Hale (1852) for president and was absorbed into the Republican Party by 1856.

African Americans

fought in Texas army

Juan Seguin

fought in the Texas Revolution & became a captain in the Army - he survived the Battle of the Alamo because he was away searching for reinforcements. He fought with Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto & helped defeat Santa Anna's army.

As a system, slavery by 1860 was

found in almost every skilled and unskilled occupation in the South.

Joseph Smith

founder of Mormonism; claims to have been sent by an angel and found gold tablets with a language that the angels have helped him understand; the Mormon church is called the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-day Saints

according to the declaration, of what had the Mexican government deprived Texans?

freedom of religion, trial by jury, to bear arms, and to petition

civil rights

freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press

what did the Bill of Rights guarantee?

freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, trial by jury, and other civil rights

Name 2 groups that decided not to help the Edwards brothers in the Fredonian Revolt.

from Austin's colony and from the United States

John Quincy Adams

from Massachusetts; father is ex-president; Calhoun for VP; won the Electoral vote and with some possibility of conspiracy with Clay, also won House of Representative vote

Martin Van Buren

from New York; Jackson's choice; known as a 'yes man'; Jackson rigged the nominating conventions and forced his favorite to the delegates; he was supported without much enthusiasm; won popular vote (barely) and in the Electoral College; made it to office by Jackson's curtails, promised to tread generally in his footsteps


from the early 1840s to 1846, approximately 5,000 Americans had settled in Oregon south of the Columbia River. These pioneers were often strong "border ruffians" and were proficient users of revolutionary weapons, such as the bowie knife.

regular army

full-time, paid soldiers

Preston Brooks's caning of Massachusetts senator Charles Sumner in 1856

further inflamed sectional passions over the institution of slavery and its future in the Republic.

William Walker

installed himself as the President of Nicaragua in July 1856. He legalized slavery, but was overthrown by surrounding Central American countries and killed in 1860.


integrating of races; mulatto: black and white

John Deere

invented the first steel plow in 1837

Cyrus McCormick

invented the mechanical reaper

The federal government played a major role in the expansion of slavery to the New South through all of the following ways except

investing in railroads and other industrial development projects in the 1810s.

John Quincy Adams

irritable, tactless, closeted thinker, very qualified, one of the most successful Secretary of States that has served, but not one of he most successful presidents; was a nationalist who was all for roads and canals being built by the federal government

"popular sovereignty"

is the principle that the authority of the government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (Rule by the People), who are the source of all political power.

Southern apologists claimed the master-slave relationship was more humane than employer-worker relationships because

it afforded greater long-term security

What poor northern men found especially galling about the new draft law of 1863 was that

it allowed a draftee to hire a substitute or pay a $300 fee to avoid conscription.

The domestic slave trade impacted the institution of slavery in all of the following ways except

it helped to slow the expansion of slavery over geographical space.

What effect did the bravery of the Alamo's defenders have on the fight for Independence?

it inspired other Texans to keep fighting

As the price of slaves continued to rise, masters began to treat their slaves marginally better because

it was in the master's best interest to treat his slaves well enough so they could have children.

As the price of slaves continued to rise, masters began to treat their slaves marginally better because

it was in the master's best interest to treat his slaves well enough that they could have children.

How did the Texas army compare to Santa Anna's army?

it was much smaller

Promised land

it's a land of Promises and Covenants "Choice Land" = land where we can choose to make promises AKA: America

What attracted voters to the Know-Nothing Party?

its denunciation of Roman Catholic immigrants


journey on Oregon trail started here

Studies of the slave family reveal that ________ provided a model for personal relationships and the basis for a sense of community.


During slavery, African-American folk tales were kept alive primarily through

kinship networks

Winfield Scott

known as "Old Fuss and Feathers", commanded the seizure of Vera Cruz and Mexico City

Herman Melville/ Moby Dick

known as the greatest American writer of his era, his most important novel, published in 1851, was the story of Ahab, the powerful, driven captain of a whaling vessel who was obsessed with his search of Moby Dick, the great white whale that had once maimed him. This was as story of courage and the strength of human will, but also a tragedy of pride and revenge.

Most free blacks in the antebellum South

lacked education.

gullah + pidgin

languages that slaves used to communicate

When tobacco prices sagged after 1820,

large numbers of surplus slaves were sold from the upper South to the lower South

The gang system of slave labor in the New South was characterized by

large work crews supervised by a black driver and a white overseer to work on plantations.

Perkins school for the blind

named in honor of Thomas Handasyd Perkins. In 1833 the school outgrew the Pleasant Street house of Howe's father, and Perkins donated his Pearl Street mansion as the school's second home. In 1839 Perkins sold the mansion and donated the proceeds.

As a result of the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, the

nation witnessed the demise of the Whig Party and the eventual rise of a system in which the Democrats dominated the South and the Republican Party was limited to the North.

Jose Francisco Ruiz and Jose Antonio Navarro

natives in convention of 1836

The growth in the southern slave population between 1790 and 1869 occurred primarily because of

natural reproduction.

Gadsden Purchase of 1853

needed a southern route for transcontinental railroad; pushed southern border of 1848 cession

Because the South lacked economic diversity,

newly arrived European immigrants tended to settle in the North

Because the South lacked economic diversity,

newly arrived European immigrants tended to settle in the North.

John L. O' Sullivan

newspaper editor; said our Manifest Destiny was to acquire as much land as possible; 1845

Washington on the Brazos, the town where the Convention of 1836 had....

no newly built library, no printing press, no convention hall, and poorly constructed cabins

2 reasons that the Texans believed that the Mexican government was treating them unfairly?

no public education or a right to trial by jury

Going Separate Ways

north is industrialized, south is agricultural

Dorothea Dix and Clara Barton are both known for their Civil War efforts as

nurses on the battlefield and behind the lines.

Non-slaveholders followed the leadership of slave owners because

of their desire to become slave owners


official government documents

Most African Americans experienced slavery

on farms


once called the Democratic-Republicans (in favor of Jackson)

provision government

one important result of the Consultation

Erastus "Deaf" Smith

one of the army scouts. reported that a Mexican cavalry and mule train was heading toward San Antonio

Tariff of 1833

reduced tariff of 1983 by 10% over 8 years





Governor Smith vetoed the proposal of the council to hold a convention of the people, it meant he

rejected the proposal

The foundation of the African-American culture was


As the secession crisis loomed over the final weeks of the presidential administration of James Buchanan, his response was to

remain in Washington and do nothing.

Mormonism/ Joseph Smith

reported to being visited by an angel and given golden plates in 1840; the plates, when deciphered, brought about the Church of Latter Day Saints and the Book of Mormon; he ran into opposition from Ohio, Illinois, and Missouri when he attempted to spread the Mormon beliefs, and he was killed by those who opposed him.


request something from the government

Cotton was well suited to plantation production because it

required intensive, simple labor

When southern Republicans pleaded with Congress for federal protection from the racism and violence of the Ku Klux Klan, Congress

responded by passing the Ku Klux Klan Act and the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

Pardons granted to rebel soldiers under the terms of Lincoln's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction were important in that they

restored property (except slaves) and political participation.

During the Reconstruction era, southern black codes

restricted freedmen's economic opportunities and civil rights.

In the Slaughterhouse cases (1873) and in United States v. Cruikshank (1876), the Supreme Court

restricted the ability of the federal government and Congress to protect individuals from discrimination by other individuals.

Archive Wars

resulted because of panic of Mexico's invasion led by Rafael Vasquez -President Houston tried to move the government archives to Houston and many feared he would try to move the capitol there as well -Austin residents including Angelina Eberly fired on govt. officials trying to move the archives -skirmish ended with the archives and capitol staying in Austin

The California gold rush:

resulted in laws that discriminated against "foreign miners."

Following emancipation, many ex-slaves aspired to

reunite family members sold away

Spoils System

rewarding political supporters with public office

The staple crop in the tidewater area from the Carolinas into Georgia, which required canals, dikes, and huge numbers of slaves, was


Know-Nothing Party

the new immigrants in the U.S. began to pose a threat to the "natives" because of their unknown languages and cultures. Some feared that the foreigners would outnumber them and eventually overrun the country. This hostility rekindled the spirit of European religious wars, resulting in clashes between the Protestants and Catholics. Some nativities formed this party in New York called the "Order of the Star Spangled Banner". The members refused to indentify themselves and would say they know nothing. They were an anti-Catholic group, until it subsided and slavery became the focal issue. Immigrants were helping to form the U.S. into one of the most ethnically and racially diverse societies in the history of the world.

Why did President Jackson refuse to annex Texas?

ruin the balance of slave and free states

A widespread form of protest that particularly angered masters was

running away

The Chesapeake region contributed to the domestic slave trade by

selling surplus African American slaves to the New South.

What agreement did the United States and Great Britain reach about the Oregon trail?

set boundary on 49th parallel

Compromise of 1850

set the present day borders of Texas -Texas gave up claims to land for a large cash payment from the U.S. govt.

What inventions and technological advancements changed lives as part of the market revolution?

sewing machine, steamboat, railroad, steel plow, reaper

The system under which farmers rented small pieces of land, paid their rent with a portion of their crops, and were provided mules and tools by their landlord was known as


The southern lady has been idealized in history; in reality

she could have the responsibility of managing servants, directing the slave hospital, and supervising the henhouse and dairy.

During the nineteenth century, the center of cotton production

shifted rapidly westward

The institution of slavery became even more entrenched in the South because of the increasing importance of

short-staple cotton

The Beer Rabbit stories

showed how a defenseless animal could overcome a stronger one through cunning and deceit, a metaphor for survival as a slave

Texans were able to capture San Antonio after a long what?


Texas Declaration of Independence

similar to the U.S. Declaration of Independence, but it stated that the government of Santa Anna had violated the liberties guaranteed under the Mexican Constitution of 1824 (freedom from religion, the right to trial by jury, the right to bear arms, the right to petition, and that Mexico had failed to provide a system of public education Adopted by unanimous vote on March 2, 1836


site of the Convention of 1836

Village of Waterloo

site of the new capitol to be built on the banks of the Colorado River

Grass Fight

skirmish between Texans and Mexican mule handlers

All of the following are examples of passive resistance except

slave rebellion.

The Wilmot Proviso of 1846 proposed that

slavery be prohibited throughout the entire area ceded by Mexico.

Which of the following plantation values strongly influenced southern life before the Civil War?

slavery, honor, and male domination

Pet Banks

small banks the government dispersed its money across instead of one Bank of the United States

Aroostook War

small scale lumberjack clash between canada and U.S. in Maine

Why did Santa Anna demand that Texans pay taxes on goods from the U.S.?

so that Texans would trade with Mexico only

Davy Crockett

soldier and rifleman who died at the Alamo fighting for Texas, was a master frontiersman, great story teller, backwards hero image


soldiers on horseback


soldiers trained and armed to fight on foot

Stephen Austin

son of Moses Austin; took up his dream; learned Spanish and established a colony where there was no 'drunkard, gambler, profane swearers, or idler; even banished some families for being undesirable and ordered public flogging; Mainly Scot-Irish made up most of the colony;

In the Compromise of 1877,

southern Democrats accepted a Republican president in exchange for federal subsidies and the removal of federal troops from the South.

Redeemers were

southern Democrats who wanted to restore white supremacy in the South.

Mexicans troops could be defeated...

the notion that the victories of Gonzalez and Goliad convinced many Texans of


the only ones that could given free African Americans permission to live free in Texas under the Texas Constitution

Edgar Allen Poe/ The Raven

southern writer, his poems and stories were primarily sad and macabre, his most famous poem (1845), established him as a major, if controversial, literary figure, he evoked images of individuals rising above confines of intellect and exploring the spirit and emotions, but it was filled with pain and horror and made many American writers hold him in contempt.

The Compromise of 1877 essentially

spelled the end of reconstruction and of the Republicans' commitment to the civil rights of blacks.

. In 1860, Democrats meeting to choose a presidential candidate in Charleston, South Carolina, wound up

splitting the party into southern and northern factions over the issues of popular sovereignty and a federal code protecting slavery in the territories.

As late as 1850, there were no statewide public school systems in the South

state legislatures failed to provide many essential services, and planters saw no need to educate their workforce

As late as 1850, there were no statewide public school systems in the South because

state legislatures failed to provide many essential services, and planters saw no need to educate their workforce.

The Fugitive Slave Act, part of the Compromise of 1850,

stipulated that all citizens were expected to assist officials in apprehending runaway slaves.

The black codes were essentially an attempt to

subordinate blacks to whites and regulate the labor supply.

Louisiana was dominated by plantations that cultivated


In 1853, the United States negotiated the Gadsden Purchase in order to

support the dream of a southern route for the transcontinental railroad.

Hard Cider

symbol of Harrison; what he drank often

Log Cabin

symbol of Harrison; where he was born

On March 4, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln delivered an inaugural address in which he revealed his strategy to avoid disunion; that strategy was to

take measures to stop the contagion of secession and buy time in order for emotions to cool.

Tariff of 1842

tax of about 32% on dutiable goods. Tyler didn't like protective tariffs but knew the revenue was needed

ad interim

temporary government

provisional government

temporary government

ad interim

temporary government until the regular elections could be held

The oregon trail

this was the major route in the westward migration, was a 2,000 mile trail- stretched from independence across the great plains and through the south pass of the rocky mountains, migrants moved north into oregon or south(to the california trail) from here

Imp info about the 2nd party system

those 2 politcal parties dominated the political system for 20 years. The economy and country began to expand Politics became more democratized(only had to be a white guy to vote)

Late November, 1835

the "Grass Fight" occurred

Texas Revolution

the 1836 rebellion in which Texas gained its independence from Mexico.

Manifest Destiny

the 19th-century belief that the United States would inevitably expand westward to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexican territory.

In the presidential election of 1876,

the Democratic candidate won the popular vote but fell one vote short of victory in the electoral college, while the Republican candidate initially fell nineteen electoral votes short of victory.

With the exception of Alaska, what was the last piece of territory acquired by the United States toward the solidification of its present boundaries in North America?

the Gadsden Purchase

Slaveholders continually indoctrinated their slaves with the idea of

the God-ordained supremacy of whites

James Robinson

the Lieutenant Governor of the provisional, chosen at the Consultation - member of the War Party

What battle convinced Texans that Santa Anna was brutal?

the Massacre at Goliad

Colonel John H. Moore

the Texan commander against the Mexicans at the Battle of Gonzales

Santa Anna had promised not to invade Texas

the Texans did not prepare for Santa Anna's troops in winter, 1836 because...

slavery was legalized according to...

the Texas Constitution

William Henry Harrison

the Whig 'favorite son'; general from Ohio and hero of the Battle of Tippecanoe

Sam Houston

the ad interim commander of the Texas Army


the approximately thirteen thousand descendants of Spanish and Mexican conquerors who lived in the Mexican territory acquired by America who were soon overwhelmed by Anglos.

Siege of Bexar

the battle led by Ben Milan and Frank Johnson - this was on the third day of fighting - Milam was killed and Johnson took full command. This was a significant victory because 400 Texans had defeated a force of nearly 1000 Mexican troops

Manifest Destiny

the belief in the political, religious, and cultural superiority of American civilization, giving Americans an inherent right to the continent and "true title" to its lands. It was used to justify American expansion in the 1840s.

Free Soil

the belief that slavery must be kept out of the Western territories, for the sake of preserving Northern free labor.

The "invisible institution" was

the black church

"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too"

the campaign slogan for the Whigs in 1840, Harrison known for success at the battle of Tippecanoe and John Tyler as his running mate spawned the slogan

election of 1844

the candidates were James K. Polk and Henry Clay; James K. Polk won the election; Polk's campaign centered around "manifest destiny" and annexing Texas

Sam Houston

the commander of the regular army, but not the volunteer army until the Convention of 1836, which corrected this mistake and made him in charge of both the volunteers and the regular army

Young America movement

the confident, manifest destiny spirit of the Americans in the 1850's. Expansionists began to think about transmitting the dynamic, democratic spirit of the US to other countries by aiding revolutionaries, opening up new markets, and annexing foreign lands

March 2nd

the day in which Texas Independence Day is celebrated

What decision by Sam Houston paid off at the Battle of San Jacinto?

the decision to take some to time to improve his troops

George C. Childress

the delegate who presented the Declaration from Mexico at the Convention of 1836

War Party

the delegates favored an immediate declaration of independence from Mexico


the desire of the United States, strongest in the northwest, to claim all of Oregon, up to 54° 40', rather than 49° which is what was ultimately settled upon by President Polk

In the decades after 1820, the most important factor dividing the North and the South was

the existence of an ever-increasing number of slaves in the South

In the decades after 1820, the most important factor dividing the North and the South was

the existence of an ever-increasing number of slaves in the South.

Why did Houston move his forces north when he was retreating from Santa Anna?

to be closer to the US

Corrupt Bargain

the fact that Clay and Adams struck a deal - Clay influences the House to get Adams in office and then Adams gives Clay the position of Secretary of State (a big deal since most of the previous presidents were also that once upon a time)

King Caucus

the fact that the Presidency was to be determined by the House of Representatives due to such a close election race, as proposed by the twelfth amendment

Stephen F. Austin, William Horton, and Branch Archer

the first commissioners to represent Texas in the U.S., selected at the Consultation

James Fenimoore Cooper/ The Last of the Mohicans

the first great American novelist, most were about the human relationship to nature and the challenges of western expansion, this was one of his most important novels, as it explored the experience of rugged white frontiersmen with Indians, pioneers, violence, and the law.

Hudson River School & Frederich Church/ Thomas Cole/ Thomes Doughty/ Asher Durant

the first great school of American painters, in New York, painted spectacular vistas of the rugged and still largely untamed Hudson Valley, they considered nature, far more than civilization, there source of wisdom and fulfillment, and that wild nature was what made America "better" than Europe.


the first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Northern soil. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with almost 23,000 casualties. After this "win" for the North, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation

Henry Smith

the governor of the provisional government, chosen at the Consultation - member of the War Party

Nicholas Biddle

the head of the Bank of the United States who held immense power over being in control, for a large part, over the government's financial affair


the heads of departments of the executive branch appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate; a group of advisors to a political head of a government


the idea of plural marriage, which was often practiced by many members of the Church of Latter Day Saints (those who followed Mormonism).

Stephen F. Austin

the leader of the Army of the People

Congressional reconstruction did not meet all of its goals, but among those it did meet were

the legacy of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, and the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

Market Revolution

the major change in the U.S. economy produced by people's beginning to buy and sell goods rather than make them for themselves.


the mission in San Antonio where in 1836 Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged and massacred American rebels who were fighting to make Texas independent of Mexico


the movement to end slavery.

Lone Star Republic

the name of Texas as a Nation before joining the U.S.

Republic of Texas

the nation established in 1836 when American settlers in the Mexican province of Texas declared and fought for their independence, also commonly known at that time as the "Lone Star Republic."

Republic of California

the nation proclaimed by American settlers in California when they declared their independence from Mexico in 1846.

William F. Gray

the person who kept a diary of the proceedings of the Convention of 1836

Slavery would not have lasted as long as it did except for

the place it held in the southern economy


the place where the Santa Anna laid siege and killed 200 Texans

What is the Runaway Scrape?

the retreat of Anglos away from Santa Anna's army

Book of Mormon

the sacred texts of the Latter Day Saint movement. It is regarded by Latter Day Saints as divinely revealed and is named after the prophet-historian Mormon who, according to the text, compiled most of the book. It was published by the founder of the LDS movement, Joseph Smith, who said the book was a translation of golden plates that only made possible by god and the angel Moroni.


the shortest reigning president at a mere four weeks before dying of pneumonia in 1841. Nicknamed "Old Tippecanoe," he was often outspoken by his fellow Whigs, whom he often had to remind that he was president. Held many leadership roles in America, including being governor of the Indiana territory prior to hi short-lived presidency.

Yeomen farmers were characterized by all of the following criteria except

they were not influenced by the patriarchal ideology of the South.


this Pennsylvanian Representative proposed an amendment that would prohibit slavery in all territories acquired from Mexico in attempt to prevent the spread of southern slavery. Although it was passed twice by the House, the Senate would not pass the Wilmot Proviso.

Specie Circular

this said that the sale of public lands must be bought with metallic "hard money" because it didn't fluctuate in value so the government would not lose money

In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville observed that the major differences between the North and South revolved around

the southern institution of slavery.


the successor of General Taylor in Mexico who managed to battle his way to Mexico City despite multiple extenuating circumstances and proved to be among the most distinguished generals of his time.


the time period in which several top Mormon leaders took plural wives, and On June 7, 1844 the Nauvoo Expositor criticized Smith for plural marriage. The Nauvoo city council declared the Nauvoo Expositor press a nuisance and ordered Smith, as Nauvoo's mayor, to order the city Marshall to destroy the paper and its press. This controversial decision led to Smith going to Carthage Jail where he was killed by a mob on June 27, 1844.

By the waning months of the war, Confederate soldiers were demoralized because

the toll of years of fighting, lack of supplies, and concern for their families had become too much.

San Jacinto

the town near Houston, Texas where Sam Houston led Santa Anna and captured him


the town where the first conflict between Mexican troops and Texas colonist on October 2, 1835

The domestic slave trade was

the transportation and economic system that brought black slaves to the New South.

Treaty of Fort Laramie

the treaty requiring the Sioux to live on a reservation along the Missouri River.

The negative result of the capture of San Antonio was?

the victory made the Texans over confident

"Come and Take It"

the words on the flag that the Texans flew at the battle of Gonzalez

What reactions do you think the governments of Great Britain and Mexico had to the American idea of Manifest Destiny?

their reactions to the Manifest Destiny idea was war

Planters in the nineteenth century promoted Christianity in the slave quarters because

they believed that the slaves' salvation was part of their obligation and that religion would make slaves more obedient

Planters in the nineteenth century promoted Christianity in the slave quarters because

they believed that the slaves' salvation was part of their obligation and that religion would make slaves more obedient.

Tobacco-growing elite planters were characterized by all of the following criteria except

they experienced historical changes similar to the rice planters of South Carolina.

How did the delegates feel about Sam Houston?

they felt he should become commander in chief for the regular army and the volunteer army

what did the Texans in San Antonio do when Santa Anna's army arrived?

they fled to the Alamo

how did Texans challenge the Mexican troops at Gonzales?

they put their cannon in a wagon and said, "Come and Take it."

Northern WHigs

they thought that the federal government should play a major role in helping economic development. They fully embraced business and factory owners because they thought that these people did the most to improve society, and they courted the middle class by saying if the whigs were allowed to help the economically they would have a better chance of moving up in class.

Some ex-slaves who had formerly worshiped in biracial Methodist churches joined the African Methodist Episcopal Church, an all-black church from the North, because

they wanted religious autonomy and escape from white oversight.

why did the Texans decide to attack San Antonio next?

they wanted to attack general cos

Stephen Kearney

when war broke out between the United States and Mexico, he was promoted to Brigadier General, with orders to gather an army of volunteers around his unit and head down the Santa Fe Trail to seize the Mexican province of New Mexico. His campaign was swift and bloodless. He captured Santa Fe on August 18, 1846, and promptly established a territorial government in the province, over the protest of Texas officials who claimed the region as their own. He then led the bulk of his army of down the Rio Grande and then west toward California. Believing that organized resistance there had ceased, Kearny sent most of his command off to other posts and arrived near Los Angeles, just in time to help suppress a severe revolt against U.S. control. Kearny was slightly wounded at the Mexican victory of San Pascual, but was able to restore U.S. control by the middle of January 1847. With peace restored, Kearny ordered Captain John C. Frémont to relinquish command of California to him, sparking an enormous contest between the two officers, which ended with Frémont's court martial and resignation from the army. Kearny served as military governor until the summer of 1847, when he traveled to Washington D.C., hailed as the conqueror of California. Kearney received brevet promotion to major general and reassignment to command the garrison at Vera Cruz. After contracting malaria, Kearny returned to the U.S. and died in St. Louis in 1848.

Nueces River

where the Mexican government claimed the the Texas territory stopped

Rio Grande

where the Texan government claimed it territory stopped

Washington on the Brazos

where the consultation was scheduled to start on October 15, 1835 - it was moved to San Felipe because of the events at Gonzales and Goliad

San Felipe

where the first consultation was conducted on November 3, 1985 - it was set up here because it had a printing press

Bank of the United States

where the government depositied all their funds, so it remained the only bank with truly stable paper currency as opposed to other banks whose value of paper currency fluctuated constantly

Independent Treasury

where the government's surplus money would go, locked in a vault in different cities; this denied the banks reserves of reliable money so their available credit shriveled

Southern whites of all classes were unanimous in their commitment to

white supremacy

Open slave revolts were uncommon in the South because

whites outnumbered blacks two to one by 1860 and were heavily armed, so rebels had almost no chance of success

Open slave revolts were uncommon in the South because

whites outnumbered blacks two to one by 1860 and were heavily armed, so rebels had almost no chance of success.

The effect of the institution of slavery on southern society was that

whites were unified around race rather than divided by social class.

President Lincoln's determination to hold elections in 1864 is particularly noteworthy because

with the Union war effort stalled and many Northerners basically wearied by the burdens of the war, the Democrats had an excellent chance of ousting the Lincoln administration.

Martin Van Buren

won election of 1836

Zachary Taylor

won many battles in Mexico during the Mexican-American War

Abraham Lincoln

won the 1860 election. 1st Republican to WIN

At the bottom of the social scale in the South were poor whites, who

worked ambitiously and hoped to move up and away from their miserable living conditions

At the bottom of the social scale in the South were poor whites, who

worked ambitiously and hoped to move up and away from their miserable living conditions.

what did Texans hope would happen when they laid siege on San Antonio?

would surrender and run out of supplies

Star Spangled Banner

written at battle of Fort McHenry

Uncle Toms Cabin

written by harriet beecher stowe in 1853 that highly influenced england's view on the American Deep South and slavery. a novel promoting abolition. intensified sectional conflict.

George C. Childress

wrote the Texas declaration of Independence

A. U.S. westward expansion was inevitable - a force beyond the control of the young republic. Jefferson bought LA territory


B. The ideas, culture, and government of the United States were superior to those of Mexico. had gone through Second Great Awakening


The acquisition of what was once Mexican territory was Manifest Destiny; the land acquired did not necessarily belong to Mexico


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