History 180 ch 1-5 test

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Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia was triggered by

A routine episode of violence in the middle ground inhabited by Europeans and Indians.

What was the Reconquista?

A 700-year contest between Spain and Islamic peoples for control of the Iberian Peninsula

What did the first English arrivals seek to secure on their arrival in Plymouth?

A community of religious purity.

Why did England conquer Ireland between 1565 and 1576?

Irish noblemen refused to submit to the English monarchy.

Enlightenment/Great Awakening

None of the statements is accurate.

In the mercantile system, colonies were useful to European countries because they

Provided raw materials and markets for manufactured goods.

What does the case of Mary Dyer in 1660 illustrate?

Quakers were willing to defy authority even at their own personal risk and expense.

Why were religious dissenters so frequently persecuted in late-sixteenth-century and early-seventeenth-century European nations like England?

Religion was a state matter

The Great Awakening in the 1740s was a

Revival movement with an emotional appeal.

Which of the following contributed to an environment that allowed slavery to take root in the English colonies?

A weak colonial government

The first English colony at Roanoke was

Abandoned by the British because it served no useful economic or military purpose.

Southern Colonies

Accounted for 60 percent of colonial exports.

The survival of the Plymouth colony was made possible by

Assistance from friendly Indians

Enlightenment thinkers

Believed in rational thinking and scoffed at superstition.

The New England colonies benefited from

Better relations with Indians than Chesapeake colonists.

What was the status of most slaves when Europeans traded for them in Africa?

Captives of War

Which of the following appears to have been the most important reason for the extinction of the woolly mammoth?

Climactic shifts

A dramatic change in Indian culture produced by the arrival of Spain was the

Conversion of the Plains Indians to a horse culture.

French traders and Huron and Algonquian hunters

Created a network that made each group dependent on the other

How did planters keep their slaves busy all year?

Diversifying crops

Treaty of Tordesillas

Divided the discovered world between Spain and Portugal.

The House of Burgesses was the first

Elected representative government in the New World.

Puritans wanted to

Eliminate aspects of Roman Catholicism from the Church of England.

Chesapeake planters modeled themselves after

English country gentlemen.

Between 1619, possibly when the first African slaves reached Virginia, and the elimination of the international slave trade in the United States in 1808, approximately how many Africans arrived?

Slightly more than 500,000.

What enabled the New World slave system to grow so rapidly?

The European demand for plantation crops.

Why did the combination of corn and beans prove so crucial to the diet of early Americans?

The beans added amino acid to the corn, making the combination as nutritious as meat.

What accounted for the relative autonomy of slaves in the South Carolina low country?

The slaves' escape to the Sea Islands

How did the French learn to survive in New France?

They adapted to Indian customs and assisted Indian friends against their enemies.

How did colonial elites respond to the Stono Rebellion of 1739?

They sought to curb the import of African slaves and encourage European immigration instead.

What was the primary purpose of Spain's colony of New Mexico?

To serve as an outpost of Spain's empire and protection for its northern border from France.

Time that Africans spent aboard ship en route to enslavement in America was called


Roger Williams advocated

separation of church and state

By an Act of Toleration, settlement in Maryland was open to

those who believed in Jesus Christ

The chief cash crop among southern colonies was


Most colonists in Virginia who did not survive were

victims of malnutrition and disease

Archaeological evidence suggests that the earliest Americans arrived on the continent

By 12,000 BCE

Anne Hutchinson was forced out of Massachusetts for

Criticism of its clergy and the Puritan doctrine of "preparation."

What accounted for the relative prosperity of Pennsylvania in the middle of the eighteenth century?

Its easy access to landownership.

Who wrote Two Treatises of Government?

John Locke

In Spain's New World culture, the offspring of conquistadors and Indians were known a


Parliament asserted its authority to regulate trade with and within its empire by several acts known collectively as

Navigation Acts

Wampanoag chieftain Metacom, or King Philip,

Occupied land claimed by Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Rhode Island.

The slave code in Carolina was influenced most by

Similar regulations in Barbados.

England's first activity in the New World was to

Steal wealth from Spain.

Why have scholars called Mesoamerica the "Cradle of the Americas"?

The region hosted the first technologically advanced civilizations

What problem did the Half-Way Covenant try to address?

The shrinking number of spiritual rebirths in the Puritan community.

What did the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment have in common?

They criticized established authority.

According to the author of Two Treatises of Government, what was the purpose of government?

To protect the lives, liberties, and fortunes of people who created it.

The Enlightenment was a belief that

Understanding and improving the universe could be achieved through the human mind.

Under the theory of mercantilism, one nation's gain was

another nation's loss

What was the boldest and most radical assertion of Two Treatises of Government?

Identification of a right of revolution against a government that violated the civil rights of its citizens.

Those known as Separatists

Gave up on reforming the Church of England.

The Columbian Exchange refers to the process by which

Goods, germs, and ideas travel from the Old World to the New World and the New World to the Old World.

The bloodless, or Glorious, revolution in 1688

Placed Mary and William, both Protestants, on the throne.

Planters in South Carolina

Preferred to live in elegant houses in Charleston than on their plantations.

Sir Francis Drake is best known as a

Privateer who helped defeat the Spanish Armada.

Why did Carolina's governor complain that slaves were "running dayly" to Florida?

Spaniards paid them wages and introduced them to Catholicism.

Which of the following was not one of the reasons for the Pueblo Revolt of 1680?

Spanish colonists were trying to sell Pueblo Indians into slavery.

The pilgrims aboard the Mayflower were

Supposed to go to the Chesapeake area to help develop Virginia.

To address the colony's labor problem, Virginia governor John Rolfe

Tasked England to send its poor across the Atlantic

Most English settlers believed

That Indians were incapable of conversion to the English way of life.

Mercantilism defined a nation's wealth by the

amount of gold and silver it possessed

What was a notable characteristic of Jamestown during its first decade?

an appallingly high mortality rate

The term "middle ground" refers to

an area where European and Indian cultures and people coexisted in relative peace.

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