History Ch. 13

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Why is the minimum wage controversial?

Opponents argue that when the minimum wage is increased, some businesses cut jobs to keep their labor costs the same which, then, contributes to unemployment.

How did Dorothea Lange represent Americans during the Great Depression?

She photographed impoverished farmers to document their struggles.

How did Eleanor Roosevelt contribute to women's rights?

She provided women with unprecedented access to the President.

Why did some Americans push for Mexican American and Asian American repatriation?

Some white people wanted to eliminate minority competition for jobs.

Why did the Supreme Court consider the National Industrial Recovery Act to be unconstitutional?

The Court ruled that the President does not have the power to regulate interstate commerce.

Why did President Roosevelt decide not to pursue his "court packing" plan?

The existing Supreme Court began to favor his legislation.

Which 1929 event sparked a chain reaction that led to the Great Depression?

The stock market crashed.

How did new farming methods in the 1920s impact the Great Plains?

They altered landscapes and made the land more vulnerable to drought.

Why were gangster films particularly popular during the 1930s?

They reflected the public's distrust of government.

What does it mean to say that factory workers sometimes went "from unemployed to unemployable"?

They took on a ragged appearance that kept employers from hiring them.

How did the Great Depression affect European immigrants?

Thousands left the country for both voluntary and involuntary reasons.

According to John Maynard Keynes, what was the main cause of the Great Depression?

a lack of government interference in the economy

"Hand in hand with this we must frankly recognize the overbalance of population in our industrial centers and, by engaging on a national scale in a redistribution, endeavor to provide a better use of the land for those best fitted for the land. The task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities. It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms. It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, State, and local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced. There are many ways in which it can be helped, but it can never be helped merely by talking about it. We must act and act quickly."—Franklin Delano Roosevelt, first inaugural address, 1933What is President Roosevelt's message in this excerpt from his inauguration speech?

Action must be taken to help farmers and people living in rural areas.

How did the Great Depression affect American workers?

Almost one fourth of all workers were unemployed.

Which factor contributed to the rise of a welfare state in the United States?

Americans received direct benefits from the federal government during the depression.

Why did mass entertainment become such big business during the 1930s?

Americans sought to escape their worries through movies and radio.

What was one reason that money funneled through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation didn't get to the people who needed it?

Businesses did not use the money they borrowed to hire more workers.

How did U.S. demographic patterns change during the 1930s?

City populations grew as farmers left their homes on the Great Plains in search of urban work.

What did John Maynard Keynes's theory of pump priming argue?

Deficit spending would stimulate the economy and end the depression.

Why did many banks fail in 1929?

Depositors withdrew their money all at once.

What happened as a result of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?

Foreign nations increased their tariffs in response, leading to a decline in trade

Why did President Roosevelt refuse to support a federal antilynching law?

He feared that southern Democrats would turn against him and prevent him from passing other reforms.

How did President Roosevelt help to expand the rights of African Americans?

He invited African Americans to serve as his unofficial advisors.

How did Woody Guthrie help people to understand the damaging effects of the Dust Bowl?

He sang songs that described the hardships of Okies.

How did President Roosevelt's treatment of the Bonus Army differ from Hoover's approach?

He showed that the government cared and sympathized with the marchers.

Why did Roosevelt's presidency prompt the passage of the Twenty-second Amendment?

His four election victories increased support for restricting the presidency to two terms.

What happened in 1929 as a result of stock speculation?

Investors lost their expected profits and faced economic devastation.

How did Superman affect the American public?

It demonstrated that ordinary people could be heroes.

Because Social Security relies on payroll taxes, how might the program be affected if unemployment rises?

It would become more difficult for the government to pay benefits.

What role did the Federal Reserve play in causing the Great Depression?

Its policies discouraged lending at a time when more money was needed in the economy.This answer is correct.

How did voting patterns change during the 1930s?

Many African Americans began to vote Democratic in support of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.

"We are the leading democracy of the world and as such must prove to the world that democracy is possible and capable of living up to the principles upon which it was founded. The eyes of the world are upon us, and often we find they are not too friendly eyes."—Eleanor Roosevelt, November 22, 1938When Eleanor Roosevelt referred to "living up to the principles upon which it was founded," she most likely meant

achieving equal rights for all racial groups.

How did the Federal Reserve try to limit speculation in 1929?

by limiting the money supply

The National Industrial Recovery Act

developed codes of fair competition to regulate industries.

Which democratic principle did the American Liberty League accuse President Roosevelt of abandoning?

limited federal government

What were Roosevelt's fireside chats?

radio speeches in which Roosevelt explained his policies and tried restore the confidence of Americans

Which policy did Huey Long support in opposition to the New Deal?

taxing corporations and the wealthy to redistribute income

Which New Deal program focused more on spreading culture?

the Federal Art Project

Which New Deal program created during FDR's first one hundred days was intended to provide both immediate relief and long-term recovery from the depression?

the Public Works Administration

Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington, D.C., in 1932?

to demand the early payment of an anticipated bonus

What was the main purpose of the WPA cultural projects?

to provide work for unemployed Americans

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