history ch 15/16, Chpt. 17 History, History 18/19, Chap 22&23--UnitTest, History 26 & 28

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What law reduced the average tariff on imported goods to about 30 percent of the value of the goods?

Underwood Tariff Act

Who was Roosevelt's desired successor to the presidency during the 1908 election?

William Howard Taft

How did Roosevelt and Wilson differ in their beliefs about how the government should handle monopolies?

Wilson believed monopolies should be destroyed while Roosevelt favored regulation.

What result of inflation caused national unrest across the country in 1919?

Workers began to strike in massive numbers.

What was the Red Scare?

a fear of Communists seizing control of America

In the 1920 election, Warren G. Harding ran on the platform of _______.

a return to normalcy

What was progressivism?

a set of responses to the problems caused by economic expansion and industrialization

Woodrow Wilson became the first president since John Adams to _________________ .

appear before congress

In the coal strike of 1902, the United Mine Workers agreed to accept ______________________ a settlement negotiated by an outside party, but the mine owners refused.


Why did England seek to forge alliances with France and Russia?

because Germany was creating a naval fleet that threatened the British navy

Why did trench warfare result in such horrific casualties?

because artillery and machine guns had made capturing an enemy's position nearly impossible

Where was the Western Front?

between Germany and France

How did American Admiral William Sims change the war at sea?

by creating convoys in which merchant ships and small, maneuverable warships called destroyers traveled together

How did the Fuel Administration attempt to conserve coal and oil during the war?

by instituting Heatless Mondays and creating daylight savings time

How did America fund the $32 billion war effort?

by raising taxes and selling bonds

The Keating-Owen Act was passed in order to regulate

child labor

During World War I, women officially served in the armed forces for the first time in

clerical and nursing positions.

In what area did Taft's contributions equal or surpass Roosevelt's?


To conserve energy, the Fuel Administration shortened workweeks for factories that did not make war materials and introduced

daylights saving

Theodore Roosevelt warned William Howard Taft that tariff reform would

divide the Republican Party.

Taft set up the Bureau of Mines to monitor the activities of mining companies, protect waterpower sites from private development, and

expand the national forests.

What were three of the main ideas in Wilson's Fourteen Points?

free trade and open diplomacy, national self-determination, and the establishment of the League of Nations

What were "victory gardens"?

gardens in which citizens grew their own vegetables

Wilson believed that the result of Roosevelt's policies toward trusts _______.

gave the government too much power over the economy

According to the Zimmermann telegram, if Mexico allied with Germany, Germany would

help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.

During the Red Scare, Americans often linked __________ with radicalism.


In the case Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that

immigrants from countries at war with the United States could be excluded from positions of power.

Progressivism was partly a reaction against ___________ economics, which emphasized an unregulated free market.


What was the primary goal of the Prohibition Movement?

laws banning the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol

What two new forms of warfare were introduced during World War I?

machine guns and trench warfare

Journalists who exposed corruption and terrible social conditions were called _______.


One reason for the tension between the European powers was their intense pride in their homelands, called


The desire to promote one's own country's culture and interests above all other nations is called _______.


The crisis in the Balkans represented a clash between which two ideals that were emerging in Europe?

nationalism and imperialism

One provision of the Clayton Antitrust Act banned

price discrimination

Which progressive government reform allowed voters to demand a special election to remove an elected official from office before his or her term had expired?


General Pershing insisted that American soldiers who entered the war _______.

remain in American units under American command

One principle of progressivism was its strong belief that _______.

scientific principles could alleviate social problems

Theodore Roosevelt supported the Republican nomination from William Howard Taft in the 1908 election after Taft has served as his

secretary of war

Realizing a draft was necessary, Congress created a new system of conscription called

selective services

The Board of Governors of the regional banks had the power to _______.

set national interest rates and regulate the circulation of currency

What battle on the Western Front resulted in a massive German retreat?

the Battle of the Argonne Forest

What strike led to the dismissal of the entire striking workforce?

the Boston Police Strike

What event allowed Germany to sign a treaty with Russia, ending their campaign in the east?

the Russian Revolution and establishment of a Communist state

Advancements in technology led to what new theater of battle?

the air, with dogfights between planes

What was the purpose of the Committee on Public Information?

to sell the war effort to Americans

Wilson supported the creation of the Federal Trade Commission, or FTC, in order to prevent companies from engaging in ________.

unfair trade practices that limited competition

Alice Paul was arrested after picketing the White House, an example of her attempts to

use protests to force suffrage

How were women eventually granted the right to vote?

with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution

What was the primary concern of female progressives?

womens suffrage

What was the primary reason that the Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles?

It rejected the notion of a League of Nations.

What caused rapid inflation in the U.S. after the war ended?

Jobs were scarce, and companies that were forced to keep prices low during the war raised them dramatically.

President Wilson called for the creation of a "general association of nations" known as the

League of Nations.

What was the significance of Taft signing the Payne-Aldrich Tariff into law?

Many progressives felt betrayed and turned against him.

What effect did the war have on women in America?

Many took jobs that were traditionally held by men.

Wisconsin became a model of political reform under the leadership of

Robert La Follette

How did Taft's handling of U.S. Steel differ from the policies of Theodore Roosevelt's?

Roosevelt encouraged regulation of trusts; Taft sought to destroy them.

What were the European alliances that were triggered when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Russia and France allied with Serbia against Austria-Hungary and Germany.

How did the unification of the German states and the emergence of the German Empire lead to tensions in Europe?

Several countries feared that Germany would invade them and begin to create alliances.

Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia in 1908 had what effect on the empire's relations with the Slavic people?

Slavs felt that Austria-Hungary had no intention of giving them independence.

What event in April 1919 further fueled fears of Communist radicals in America?

The Postal Service intercepted 30 bombs sent to prominent Americans.

How did the arrival of American troops in Europe change the attitude of those fighting the war?

Allied forces were enthusiastic and German forces demoralized.

What was one effect progressivism had on the American public's opinion of government?

Americans expected government to regulate the economy and deal with social issues directly.

The Triple Entente included

Britain, France, and Russia.

In November 1917, Vladimir Lenin's Bolshevik Party seized power in Russia and established a

Communist government.

What was the result of alliances between European countries against one another?

Countries began to engage in militarism.

In order to provide security for bank customers and oversight of U.S. banks, Wilson supported the creation of the __________.

Federal Reserve

To restore public confidence in the banking system, Wilson supported the establishment of a

Federal Reserve System.

In World War I, the Central Powers included

Germany and Austria-Hungary.

What were Roosevelt's views on environmental issues?

He believed that natural resources must be conserved.

How did Roosevelt try to ensure that trusts were both fair to the public and allowed to operate efficiently?

He created the Department of Commerce and Labor to investigate their practices.

How did Woodrow Wilson gain a solid reputation as a progressive?

He enacted many progressive reforms as governor of New Jersey.

How did Governor La Follette reform the political party system in Wisconsin?

He helped pass a law requiring direct selection of political candidates through a primary.

During the 1902 coal strike, how did Roosevelt end the dispute between the union and coal mine owners?

He invited both groups to work together in arbitration.

How did Wilson attempt to prompt American businesses to become more efficient and competitive in the global market?

He lowered the tariff on imported goods by 30 percent.

How did President Roosevelt deal with what he saw as the creation of a monopoly by J. P. Morgan's Northern Securities?

He ordered the attorney general to file a lawsuit, which eventually reached the Supreme Court.

Why is it believed that Harding won by such a wide margin?

He promised an end to the reforms that had led to so much strife.

Perhaps the most successful government agency during this time was the Food Administration, which was run by

Herbert Hoover

What was one of the great failures of progressivism as a social and political movement?

It failed to address racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination in the country.

What was the progressive stance toward municipal government?

It needed to be run more efficiently using business principles.

What was the purpose of the Palmer Raids?

to seize and deport immigrant anarchists

What event in 1914 triggered the beginning of World War I?

the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary

The event that touched off the first declaration of war in World War I was

the assassination of the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.

What did progressives think needed to play a more active role in solving society's problems?

the government

What three political reforms did progressives push for in state legislatures to make elected officials more responsive to voters?

the initiative, the referendum, and the recall

One important provision in the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913 that affected individuals directly was _______.

the institution of an income tax on individual earnings

What was the "Great Migration"?

the movement of massive numbers of African Americans to the North to take factory jobs

What event prompted Congress to pass the Meat Inspection Act in 1906?

the publication and popularity of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

What was the major cause of the outbreak of race riots during 1919?

the scarcity of jobs

What was the final German act that caused the United States to declare war on Germany?

the sinking of six American ships by German submarines

Theodore Roosevelt's progressive policies became known as _______.

the square deal

What was the Zimmermann telegram?

the telegram to Mexico from Germany promising to give Mexico land lost to the U.S. if they joined the war

What two ideas did progressives propose to help properly manage municipal government?

to appoint commissions with expert leaders and hire a city manager to oversee the city's operations

What was the primary purpose of the War Industries Board?

to coordinate the production of war materials

Why did Congress pass the Selective Service Act?

to draft Americans into the armed forces

What was the purpose of the wartime agencies created in the U.S. during World War I?

to foster cooperation between the national war effort and private businesses

What was the purpose of the Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902?

to irrigate and develop Western lands for business and habitation

What were the purposes of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

to prevent spying and curtail criticism of the government

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