history chap 16 and 17. 1

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Which of the Enlightenment thinkers described in this section had the greatest influence on the actual structure of the U.S. government? What was his contribution?

Montesquieu contributed greatly to the structure of our government. He felt the best way to protect liberty was to divide functions and powers among three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial.

Louis XIV called himself the "Sun King" and said "I am the state". Describe how each statement reflects absolutism, and explain which you find to be the best "slogan" for Louis XIV.

Sun king meant that the king is the center of the nation and has absolute power. I am a state, will also equal to that the king itself is a representative and the main of the state. Louis states that he will govern himself which makes the sun king the bets slogan for Louis XIV. The sun lets the other planets to circulate. The sun is Louis XIV and the planets will b everything in the nation.

What are some possible effects (both foreign and domestic) from Louis XIV 's many costly wars?

The costly wars could have led the nation's economy to be more unstable as the wars required them to use a lot if resources.

How did Peter the Great westernize Russia? Cite at least three examples.

improved education simplified russian alphabet encouraged trade

John Locke proposed that if a government fails in its obligations, the people have the right to overthrow their government. What are some of the obligations you believe a government owes to its people?

Allow basic rights (eg. Freedom of speech) Nobody can be above the law No favoritism when getting judged in court. Government is to be judged the same as a normal citizen Citizens deserve to have basic privacy (eg. The Government cannot closely watch over people for having a different political view)

How did Richelieu's treatment of the nobles and the Huguenots strengthen the monarchy?

By reducing the independence of the huguenots. They were tied to the king which gave him more power.

How are the Long Parliament and the imposition of the Anglican prayer book connected?

Charles I needed to pay to suppress Scotland after they revolted and refused to accept the Angilican Prayer Book, so he asked Parliament for funding and they refused by revolting like Scotland.

How was James I similar to and different from Elizabeth I?

Elizabeth I worked with parliament and consulted with them while James I lectured parliament and did not consult with them. Elizabeth gave boundries to parliament and James clashed and argued with them. They both originally agreed to work with english law and custom but then James I did not follow through.

What was the makeup of George I's cabinet? What purpose did they serve?

George I's cabinet was made up of leaders of the parliament, whose purpose was to help George I rule bc he did not speak any English.

How did Frederick William I gain the loyalty of the Prussian nobles? Can you think of two other methods that absolutist rulers have used to control their nobility? Which were most successful? Why?

He gained their loyalty by giving them positions in the government and army. This gave him control over the nobles and allowed him to increase his power and rule over Prussia. Other absolute rulers have tried to increase their power by strengthening their army and by showing off their wealth and power and many have also claimed divine rule. I think absolute rulers are most successful when they give the nobles important jobs since it makes them loyal and gives the ruler more control.

Thomas Hobbes argued that people entered into a social contract, an agreement by which they gave up their freedom for an organized society. Give two examples of how we must give up absolute freedom to live in an ordered society.

He gave the right of power to the government, meaning the government has all the power and they overrule all of us. He gave the right to privacy, also with the government having access to your personal data. Also social media where anyone can see what you post online.

Peter the Great's motto was "I am a student and I seek teachers." How do you think this motto relates to his practice of observing everyday people when he toured Western cities?

He learned about how the other European cities operated and brought back ideas, teachers, soldiers, etc. for Russia to adopt them and westernize it.

How did Louis control the nobles? Use some examples from the text.

He used his power to control them. To do anything for Louis as a noble was more that an honor. He also gave the right to nobles to not pay taxes. This made them like him more.

What do you think Henry IV meant when he said, "Paris is well worth a mass?"

I think he meant that becoming the king of france was worth th sacrifice of changing religion.

Read the section under the heading "Rousseau Promotes the Social Contract." Rousseau argues that the unequal distribution of property was fundamental to corrupting the basic goodness of people in their natural state. Why might people be "corrupted" by an unequal distribution of property?

I think that people might be corrupted by an unequal distribution of property because people with more property than others might act more superior than people than with less property.

Why did Parliament react so negatively to James I's speech about divine right?

King James I wanted divine right. In other words, he wants to have all the power in England. If King James I has all the power, Parliament won't have any power. Most if not all people in Parliament are rich people who don't believe in divine right, so they will react very negatively to the King talking positively on divine right.

Success in science convinced many educated Europeans of the power of human reason. How did an emphasis on human reason lead to developments in other areas of life?

Laws and rules over science was discovered by people which led other reformers to focus more on human behavior. They were related to the problems of society from people. As they get to understand more on themselves, they were able to develop in many specific areas of life.

Catherine the Great continued Peter the Great's efforts to westernize Russia and was also a ruthless leader like her predecessors. Give examples of both her reforms and her repression in a paragraph in which you assess Catherine's strength as a leader.

Like Peter the Great, Catherine westernizes Russia by adopting the french language and writing histories/plays. As a leader, she allowed education for both boys and girls, made laws clearer, reorganized government, and seized land from others (ex: Poland). She was a ruthless leader because she gave many rights to nobles, causing peasants to get rebellious. Catherine took firm action against these peasants, forcing them into serfdom, or debt.

What are two differences between the physiocrats and the mercantilists?

Mercantilists forced government regulation, believed building wealth through trade and physiocrats opposed government regulation, believed in building wealth through land productivity.

What is one reason that Peter the Great greatly expanded the military during this reign?

Peter wanted to have a warm-water port so he could bring more western influence and trade. This meant he had to take land from the Sweden near the black Sea (never got the port).

Ho did Elizabeth I handle her relationship with parliament? Why do you think this was that case? Cite evidence from the text in your answer.

She both consulted and controlled with the parliament. Based on her wishes, there were discussions in every topic. Since it was not only herself who made the major decisions, she made it popular and relatively fair.

What might have motivated Maria Theresa to reform tax policies?

She wanted support from her peasants. She wanted to unite her people, so by making tax reforms that increased taxes for nobles and wealthy people, she was able to lower taxes on peasants.

What was the English Bill of Rights? What was its impact?

The English Bill of Rights stated that the parliament and the monarch would share power. Thie ensured that the monarch did not have too much power. It also protected the citizens from getting thrown into prison without a trial by a jury.

Why did European monarchs respond as they did to the death of Charles I?

The European monarchs responded as they did because for the first time a ruling monarch had been tried and executed by his own people and now no ruler could claim absolute power and ignore the rule of law.

Describe the causes of the Glorious Revolution.

The Glorious Revolution started from religious and political conflicts in England. King James II was catholic and due to his religion this changed the way people felt about him. People were okay with him ruling but only because they thought Mary, who was protestant would rule next. But James II had and son and this changed the way people felt. The Glorious Revolution started as a way to try and overthrow James II because he was catholic and the people did not agree with his beliefs.

Compare the maps of the Holy Roman Empire before the Thirty Years' War and of Europe after the war. Which two states came into existence after the 30 Years' War? What else do these two states have in common?

The Netherlands and Switzerland were both recognized as independent states after the 30 Years' War. Like the other states, they both had their own government, currency, church, armed forces and foreign policy.

What are some reasons for the Roundhead victory?

The Roundheads won because of their leader, Oliver Cromwell. He was a skilled general that used strategic tactics, allowing them to win over the Cavaliers. The Roundheads were also tough fighters and had courage. Cromwell gives military strategy to everyone. It was not ranked on wealth or status in society, rather it was on merit.

What kinds of conflicts could emerge in an empire as diverse as the Hapsburg Empire?

The hapsburg empire had trouble unifying the empire physically and ideologically because of how diverse the people are. Different regions have different religions, languages, cultures and worldviews.

Look at the map of the Holy Roman Empire in 1600 on page 2. Which regions in the Holy Roman Empire were mainly Catholic?

The regions that were mainly Catholic were the Southern parts of the empire.

"The poorest he that is in England hath a life to live as the greatest he," wrote one Leveller. Compare the points of view of the Leveller quote in this Reading with James I's statement about divine right on the very top of the page. How do these two statements reflect different ideas about the rights of human beings?

These 2 statements reflect different ideas about the rights of human beings because Levellers believe all social classes should have equal say where James mainly thought nobles should have the most power, James believed in absolute power.

How were Catherine the Great's goals similar to those of Peter? How did they differ?

They are similar because she embraced western ideas and made Russia fully into a european cultural and political life. She also expanded Russia's borders. They are different because she encouraged the french language and customs, wrote histories and plays, organized performances and later, she led the Enlightenment

What happened in Ireland during the Commonwealth period, and why?

They went to Ireland, they brutally crushed the uprising. He killed anyone there who couldn't or wouldn't make food. There where harsh measures against Irish Catholic. Also, England was getting threats.

Look at the map of Russia's Expansion, 1689-1796. Why were the ports on the Black Sea more appealing to Russia than those in Asia?

They were more appealing because of the warm water coast along the black sea. This allowed the Russians to trade easier, without the water routes freezing during the winter.

How does this image show the class divisions in England in the 1700s?

This image shows the class divisions in England in the 1700s because there was a strong middle class. Introducing merchants, craftspeople, and manufacturers. The classes work together, hand and hand. For trade to grow as well as the economy to flourish. The richer people bought goods from others, which increased the economy of England.

What does the phrase "Prussia is not a state which possesses an army, but an army which possesses a state" mean? What does this say about Prussia's values?

This quote means Prussia's army is very big and influential. Prussia cares about their army more then anything else.

.Describe the differences between the Tories and the Whigs.

Tories were aristocrats that wanted to preserve old traditions.They supported broad royal powers and a dominant anglican church. The Whigs they supported the ideas set by the glorious revolution. They also supported religious toleration and favored the power of Parliament over the crown.

Use this graphic organizer to help you take notes about the sequence of events leading up to the English Civil War.

-James I clashes with Parliament and discusses divine right -James and Charles dissolve Parliament and Charles signs Petition of Rights -Charles and Laud tried to make Scotland follow the Anglican prayer book, the Calvinists revolted and Charles needed Parliament which led to the Long Parliament and that led to the English civil war.

Study the infographic on Louis XIV and absolutism below. What does it take to be a successful absolute monarch?

A king or queen who has unlimited power and seeks to control all aspects of society, meaning a ruler who can do anything with out and consequences and doesn't need anyones permission.

Why did Louis XIV expel the Huguenots? In your opinion, was it a good decision or a bad decision? Why?

Louis XIV saw frances protestant minority as a threat to religion sand political unity. In 1685 he revoked the Edict of Nantes and more that 100,000 huguenots fled France. I think this was a bad decision bc the huguenots had been amount the hardest working and most prosperous of Louis' subjects.

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