History Chapter 2
Why were the colonists upset about the Stamp Act? Document A Stamp Act Source: B.W.'s Public Letter
It is stripping their freedom and tying them to England
Why were the colonists upset about the Stamp Act? Document B Stamp Act Source: London Paper
The rich have the all riled up
Paraphrased Preamble of The Declaration
When it is necessary to break away politically (from England) to become a legitimate Nation (Independent) they should explain why they are separating. We believe that all men are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness In order to keep the rights, we create governments that get their power from the people Whenever the govt fails to do its job they have the right to find a new one Wisdom says that govt should not be changed easily History has shown that people would rather suffer than change As citizens it is their duty when things are bad to change the situation Have waited long enough don't have other choice The King has abused the colonies so here is a list of fact to prove it
Differences between Document 1: Articles of Confederation and Document 2: Preamble of Constitution
- Articles of Confederation were more lenient, basically a test run, allyship of states when under attack - Became more strict because the Articles of Confederation were abusing their individual rights
Who wrote the document? What type of document is it? When was it written? Loyalist Document B Reasons...
Anonymous letter to the editor Primary Source 1775 - They supported us to come here - They protected us - Let's go back to when it was great - Tense + Rioty
Who wrote the document? What type of document is it? When was it written? Loyalist Document A Reasons...
Charles Inglis, Anglican minister Primary Source 1776 Pamphlet - They will take our ships - So many troops - They won't help us (no one will) - We will die - We rely on the English.. very dependent on Eng, Big divide
Boston Massacre Pictures (2)
March 5th, 1770 after death of an 11 year old by customs employee Colonists agitate "redcoats" (British Soldiers) Redcoats kill or injure 11 citizens
Role of central government Document 2: Preamble of Constitution How much independence should individuals and states have
To provide justice, peace, common defence, general welfare, liberty for generations to come Less, they are a "union"
Role of central government Document 1: Articles of Confederation How much independence should individuals and states have
To unite the states in case of emergency (defense) Take input from all states, treat family Sovereign: States are independent of each other
Why were the colonists upset about the Stamp Act? Document C Stamp Act Source: A Stamp Act Collectors Letter
Unconstitutional, oppressive, Presbyterians want everything to be about religion and Jesus, punish ringleaders of the riots