History Chapter 7

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Feudal Contract:

exchange of pledges between lords and vassals.


exclusion from the Roman Catholic Church as a penalty for refusing to obey Church law.


foreign soldiers serving for pay, to defend its borders, that Rome hired as soldiers. Because the people there lost their patriotic


a loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their landholdings among lesser lords in exchange for loyalty and service.


a medieval European monk who traveled from place to place preaching to the poor. o Traveling monks o First order were known as the fransiskins started by.....


a mock battle in which knights would compete against one another to display their fighting skills. Fight each other with mase


a new capital at a centuries-old city of Byzantium (why they named that empire the byzantine) that was established by Constantine. Most important city in Rome.

Corruption in the church and reform efforts

"Lay investiture" - Lay is referencing non church officials - Something that non church officials do - Investiture is placing someone into a position - Pope didn't like this because wealthy nobles started using their wealth to get their kids and themselves into church positions (bishops) - Using influence as lord or king to get my king to become bishop for land - Greg the 7th said no more lay invesititure no more kinds picking out who the officals will be in their kindom only the pope can be -No more simony. No more selling positions. For 1000 dallors you can be bishop....

What is the importance of Charlemagne?

- Crowned emperor of the Romans in 800. Evolved in the holy roman empire. - Really big empire (short lived so we don't care about it) - After his dies his grandsons split it up into 3 sections but it fell apart - Very influential on setting Europe on its path way - European culture is roman, Christianity, Germanic o He helped it happen - Universities that relied on Greek and roman style of learning (classics) - Pushed Christianity in northern Europe - Brought Germanic culture (Lasting legacy)

Powers of the Pope. How did he "flex" his muscles?

- FLEX meaning show off how powerful he is o declared papal supremacy • Him stepping out on his balcony and telling everyone saying he was above every king and queen in Europe o Weapons to enforce this • Excommunication -just kicked you out • Kick out of church o Cannot have sacraments "rituals that priests perform" • Interdict • Kicked you and everyone in kingdom out o Caused peasents to rebel against you and would back down - would become social outcasts

Obligations between lords and vassals

- Land for loyalty (exchange) creating a pyramid of support - King gives land to powerful lords (not everyone for themselves) - Powerful lords give it to the knights - Everyone is helping everyone else in the community - How do you ensure it that people will help? o They sign feudal contracts o You give me this land and I will do this this and this... • Provide advice • Give loyalty • Give 40 days military service o What if you have two feudal contracts? If you two fight each other this is what ill do for you, and this is what ill do for you. Ill go fight for you but send nights to other nights o Your lord with first priority is your "liege lord" normally the first lord you got

Purpose of a Manor Economy

- trade and travel slowed down - you couldn't relie on people bringing the necessities of life - set up the situation where you set up all what you needed on the lords land "self sufficient" - food, items were made at the lords manor - relied upon serfs "peasants bound to the land" o couldn't be bought or sold o right to be on that land o no lord could kick him off the land o if land went to one lord to another the serf had the right to stay there o not free

Jewish populations role during the Middle Ages

1. Discrimination increases in Late middle ages • Viewed as outcasts because they weren't involved in the church. • Leads to them getting blamed in events that occurred because they were suspicious. • Lending people money then charging them interest was immoral to Christian. But Jews were not allowed jobs • Jews lended money which created an increase in discrimination from the European people • People turned on the people they owe money too. • Many went to Poland to get accepted because king coselaw said they would accept Jews.


: a European noble who served as a mounted warrior.

What caused the hordes of invaders from the North?

A chain reaction started by the Huns when they invaded the Germanic people, which caused the Germanic people to invade Rome. They could fight the huns or invade roman empire. Roman empire was weak and was using mersanaries. Huns had cone heads to look more intimidating. Huns did eventually invade western Europe but then left. The Germanic tribe sayed.

Purpose of Feudalism

A. Created in response to need for protection B. Loosely organization system rule - A SYSTEM OF WHICH THEY PROVIDE ASSESTENCE TO ONE ANOTHER


About 900, a new wave of nomadic people, the Magyars settled in present-day Hungary. Finally, after about 50 years, they were pushed back into Hungary. (An ethnic group centered in present-day Hungary)

Process of Middle Class being created

As trade picked up- merchants and artisans (people who trade and make stuff) become wealthy- they gain influence due to that wealth. 1. Between Nobles and Peasants/ Serfs - Basically wealthy merchants 2. Guilds a) Apprentice > Journeymen (employee of a master)> Master (only master could set up their own shop) b) Started early (age is about 7) c) Effect on industries i. insured profits ii. insured high quality goods (anyone who opened a shop would have started when they were 7)

What is the importance of clovis?

Gaul (what Germans called franks) • In 486, Clovis, king of the Franks, conquered the former Roman province of Gaul. Clovis took an important step when he converted to Christianity. This started the Christianizing processes of the Germanic people. • Leading the Frankish tribe into their asult of rome • Took over france "gaul" • King realized her was outnumbered • More romans then Germanics • New they would never respect them • He thought the best way is for him to have something in common with him. That is why he converted to Christianity along with his people

Charles Martel:

Leaders of the Church and of Christian kingdoms became alarmed when Muslim armies overran Christian lands from Palestine to North Africa to present-day Spain. When a Muslim army crossed into France, Charles Martel rallied Frankish warriors.


In 486, Clovis, king of the Franks, conquered the former Roman province of Gaul. Clovis took an important step when he converted to Christianity. This started the Christianizing processes of the Germanic people. Conquered gual.


In 768, the grandson of Charles Martel became king of the Franks. He briefly united Western Europe when he built an empire reaching across what are now France, Germany, and part of Italy.

Importance of the Church in Medieval Society? Functions they performed.

In time, the Roman Church emerged as the most powerful force in the region. Life revolved around the church. If you weren't apart of the church you brought up suspicion. - center of medieval life o all important events had something to do with the Christian church • coming of age, birth, marrage, death, holiday, day, day off o performed other functions such as medival church operated schools, cared for the sick, counseloring, o people were expected to may a tithe which was 10% of all of their income • made church very wealthy o largest single land owner, richest most influencial

What is the importance of martel?

Martel: Leaders of the Church and of Christian kingdoms became alarmed when Muslim armies overran Christian lands from Palestine to North Africa to present-day Spain. When a Muslim army crossed into France, Charles Martel rallied Frankish warriors. At the Battle of Tours in 732, Christian warriors triumphed. • (hammer) • Spread out over Mediterranean • Islamic empire spread across north Africa and jumped over into Spain and took it over • Stopped in France by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours (732) • Tried to go into France and in the battle of tours the Frankish king defeated the Islamic army and pushed them up into Spain into the Pyrenees Mountains. • Islamic empire will never expand • Stayed in Spain and traded w/ Christians and france for years • Pushed back into spain and stayed there for the next 700 years


Muslims 800-900 O In the late 800s, they conquered Sicily, which became a thriving center of Muslim culture. Not until the 900s, when power struggles erupted in the Middle East, did Muslim attacks finally subside. O Islamic Empire spread across North Africa and jumped over into Spain and took it over O Stopped in France by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours (732) O Tried to go into France and in the battle of tours the Frankish king defeated the Islamic army and pushed them up into Spain into the Pyrenees Mountains. O Islamic Empire will never expand


Sacred ritual of the Roman Catholic Church.


Scandinavian peoples whose sailors raided Europe from the 700s through the 1100s.


The Germanic tribe that conquered parts of the Roman Empire. They were mostly farmers and herders, so they had no cities or written laws.


The roman emperor who tried to save rome and wanted to split the romain empire in half. Western Empire and the eastern empire. Whatever your fathers occupation was your occupation. In 284, the emperor Diocletian set out to restore order. To better handle the challenge of governing the huge empire, he divided it into two parts.

What started to happen in the Roman Empire that led to the end of the Pax Romana? Pax romana= roman peace

There were economic, social, political, and military problems. After the death of the emperor Marcus Aurelius in 180 CE Pax Romana ended. Political problems o unstable o they had 26 emperors in 50 years (losing an emporer every two years) only one died of natural causes -Political instability Economic problems o Roman farms started to fail o individual farmers would lose farm because the taxes were so high o not nearly as productive. The economy wasn't doing so well. o Food production o High taxes -Social o Number of homeless people raised and they went to streets o Jobless people o Hungry o Bread and circuses were the answer for what to do for homeless people • Feed homeless people (bread lines) • Kept them busy by putting on huge colosiums and put on big shows to keep them entertained • Just like a baindate. Wasn't a way for them to support the homeless just kept them from starting a rebellion • They were costly and it further more hurt the economy. - People stopped believing in their government. - Lost civic duty (patriotism) - Roman legions just became shells - Rome had to start relying on mercenaries. o From Germanic tribes • Created a problem • By allowing the Germanic people to fight for them they were exposing them to roman life • Encouraged them


a wandering poet or singer of medieval Europe. (tights) they preserved history o value of troubadour is that they did oral story telling. Passed stories down from generation to generation o tails of adventure o Jeffery (movie) o Influenced from early story telling from troubadors

St. Francis of Assisi:

a wealthy Italian now known as St. Francis of Assisi who found The first order of friars, the Franciscans. Giving up his comfortable life, he devoted himself to preaching the Gospels and teaching by his own examples of good works. o Take the name

Battle of Tours:

battle in 732 in which the Christian Franks led by Charles Martel defeated Muslim armies and stopped the Muslim advance into Europe

Canon law:

body of laws of a church. o Under Catholicism o Idea that truth to Christian comes from the bible but also laws and rules o Created by the pope • Can make declarations and become "truth"


code of ethics for knights during the middle Ages. To be a well respected knight you had to protect the weak (true to word) (honor the woman)(remain loyal)


during the Middle Ages in Europe, a lord's estate which included one or more villages and the surrounding lands. Manor: lords house was self sufficient


having to do with worldly, rather than religious, matters\; nonreligious.


in medieval Europe, a peasant bound to the lord's land.


in medieval Europe, an estate granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for service and loyalty.


in the Roman Catholic Church, excommunication of an entire region, town, or kingdom.

Monasteries and Convents. Function? Importance?

my • Used their knowledge and copied many classic work, bibles. 2. Worship, Labor, Study (day split among this) • Six months or a year of their lives to make one copy of the bible, roman literature. o Monks lived in monastaries o Nuns lived in convents - places were people to go away from society so they could focus on relgion - literate and well educated - many advancements came out o three field method o beans and soil (nitrogen fixation) o credit for using first species of plant breeding (fertilize) - represented for respectable place for nobles to send their children (story of third son) - made a donation to church to try and get him to become a monk


nomadic people migrating from central Asia toward Eastern Europe, which they reached by 370 CE. These skilled riders fought fierce battles to dislodge the Germanic peoples in their path. The Germanic tribes then flooded into rome. (asian guys on horse back)

Agricultural Revolution. What caused it? What was its effect?

o Agricultural Revolution (800's) • Caused by new technologies (Europeans) • Development of iron plow o Used to use wooden plow o More land was able to be plowed o Were aloud to plow rougher land • Horse drawn plow o Used to use Oxon o Not as good as horses o They were slow o Animals were faster • New method of organizing their farm o Three field method o Before, they would divide their farm into two half's o Only 50 percent would produce crops while the other one would be fallow. o The nutrients replenish while it goes fallow o But then monks found, that if you separate it into three parts. One was fallow, one was cropped, and legumes. The three field method. 66% of land is now producing food. • Increased amount of farmland available • Peasants clear land • Population triples

Mayars (900-950)

o Plundered much of Europe to Hungary o They were a new wave of nomadic people O when leader died they went back to Hungary


receiving the land


referring to the Middle Ages in Europe or the period of history between ancient and modern times

Benedictine Rule:

rules drawn up in 530 by Benedict, a monk, regulating monastic life. The Rule emphasizes obedience, poverty, and chastity and divides the day into periods of worship, work, and study. o Obey person in charge (abbot) o Live a life of poverty o Remain pure (no wife)

Papal supremacy:

the claim of medieval popes that they had authority over all secular rulers.


the rapid rise of prices

Growth of Cities during the middle Ages. How did this progress?

• Charters= a contract between lord and merchants allowing for an establishment of a town o Early middle ages they were seasonal o Fair festival o Permanent and on weekends it was crazy o Eventually, they started living there permanently and all the employers wanted to. o They then needed laws and rules o They approached the king and they said they would pay a fee to establish town outside of the kings land o That is how we got towns o The contract between the king and the town is called a charter o Buying and selling of items occurred at the town

How did Diocletian attempt to get things under control?

• Diocletian is one emperor that ruled in 284 C.E, of Rome that TRIED to help when Rome "fell" but failed. • First he divided the empire into 2 parts. He kept control of the wealthier eastern part for himself and appointed a co-emperor, Maximian, to rule the western provinces. • Then he set fixed prices of many goods and services. - In cities sons had to follow father's occupation, these rules were meant to ensure steady production of food and other goods. • Tried to solve over inflation because he was trying to stabilize roman economy

Vikings (700's-1110's)

• great sailors, colonized, traders • traders and explorers who sailed around the Mediterranean Sea and across the Atlantic Ocean. • FOUNDERS OF RUSSIA • Trade routes that took them through Ukraine down to the black sea and traded with the Byzantine Empire during the dark ages. • More to them than most people think

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