History Exam 3

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Andrew Jackson became a hero during the War of 1812 for winning which of the following battles against the British?

Battle of New Orleans

Many northerners were troubled by abolitionist tactics for all of the following reasons except

Christian doctrine appeared to support slavery.

Most Americans blamed which of the following parties for the depression of 1837-1843?

Democratic Party

All of the following people gained fame during the Texas independence movement except

Frederick Douglass.

The Great Plains in the 1820s and 1830s were known as the

Great American Desert.

Why did President Van Buren refuse to annex Texas?

He feared a war with Mexico.

The rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States became an issue because

Jackson's opponents wanted to use the issue to hurt the Democrats.

Which of the following locations provided legal freedom to African American slaves in the Lower South until 1819?

Spanish Florida

Wealthy silk merchants Arthur and Lewis Tappan founded a magazine called

The Christian Evangelist.

The Whigs differed from the Democrats in which of the following ways?

They believed that the wealthy should govern.

Whig presidential candidate William Henry Harrison ran in 1840 in part on his war record from the Battle of


American manufacturers turned to women as a source of labor for which of the following reasons?

Unskilled male workers sought higher-paying opportunities.

The most determined abolitionist of the era was

William Lloyd Garrison.

The nullification controversy developed over southern resistance to

a protective tariff.

A Market Revolution in America was prompted beginning in the 1820s by the construction of

a system of canals and roads linking the Atlantic coast states and the trans-Appalachian West.

Because the Shakers believed that God was both male and female, they

attempted to eliminate gender distinctions.

John Humphrey Noyes wanted to liberate individuals and reform relations between men and women and so embraced the concept of

complex marriage.

The first American factory produced

cotton textiles.

European observers of American democracy generally agreed that

democracy was inherently unworkable.

Andrew Jackson's first priority upon entering office was to

destroy the American System.

All of the following describe Nat Turner except that he

did not experience separation from his loved ones and family.

Middle-class planters were characterized by all of the following criteria except they

did not play a substantial role in slave society.

The presidential election of 1824 was the last stand of the notables because

elections after 1824 would be dominated by modern parties with broad social bases.

The Mormons differed from other communal experiments in their

emphasis on traditional patriarchal authority.

Southerners responded to the abolitionist movement and to fears of slave rebellion in all of the following ways except

ending the foreign slave trade.

African American slaves utilized all of the following methods of escape except

enlisting in the U.S. Army.

Fast-growing western cities had what in common?

flourishing commercial centers

American textile manufacturers eventually out-competed British textile producers through which of the following?

getting protective tariffs from the federal government

Emerson had his greatest impact on the middle class because they

had already accepted the idea of moral perfection and moral free agency.

John Quincy Adams favored the American System because

he wanted to help northern businessmen and commercial farmers.

All of the following describe Charles Grandison Finney except

he was born to a rich family in Barbados.

The rise of the business class changed the social order by

increasing the differences between manufacturers and their employees.

An interconnected transportation network, the growth of industry along similar patterns, and a similar ethnic composition all were evidence of

increasingly close regional ties between the Northeast and the Midwest.

Prominent transcendentalists rejected all of the following except

individual communion with nature.

The domestic slave trade impacted the institution of slavery in all of the following ways except

it helped to slow the expansion of slavery over geographical space.

All of the following describe the American economy in 1843 except

labor unions increased in strength and power.

Arthur Brisbane believed that the phalanx would

liberate women.

The most successful tactic of Garrison's American Anti-Slavery Society in affecting public opinion was to

mail abolitionist pamphlets throughout the country.

The most important form of urban entertainment in the United States between 1820 and 1860 was

minstrel shows.

Civic leaders throughout the Northeast copied the Erie Canal because they

needed to compete for western trade.

Expansion of the franchise advanced the development of political parties because

politicians had to organize their appeal to newly enfranchised voters.

Labor unions fought for all of the following except

prohibition of alcohol in the workplace.

The abolitionist strategies to eliminate slavery in America included all of the following except

purchasing slaves' freedom through a massive program of remuneration to southern masters.

By the 1840s, approximately one thousand escaped slaves reached freedom in northern states or Canada each year by

receiving aid from the Underground Railroad.

In 1820 to meet the demand for cheap farmsteads, Congress

reduced the price of federal land.

The Chesapeake region contributed to the domestic slave trade by

selling surplus African American slaves to the New South.

American mechanical institutes were important because they

spread mechanical knowledge and skills.

In his view of states' rights, John C. Calhoun believed that

state convention in any state could declare a federal law null and void in that state alone.

Brook Farm appealed primarily to

teachers, writers, and students.

The Irish in America helped to invigorate which of the following churches?

the American Catholic Church

All of the following were organizations established by women as part of the Benevolent Empire except

the Franklin Institute.

Abolitionism drew upon which of the following movements?

the Second Great Awakening

Walt Whitman went beyond Emerson's teaching in his belief that

the individual was divine.

Critics of transcendentalism such as Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville focused on

the perils of excessive individualism.

Average whites responded to the abolitionist movement in all of the following ways except

they embraced African American people.

Tobacco-growing elite planters were characterized by all of the following criteria except

they experienced historical changes similar to the rice planters of South Carolina.

Yeomen farmers were characterized by all of the following criteria except

they were not influenced by the patriarchal ideology of the South.

Ethnocultural politics refers to the practice of

voting along ethnic and religious lines.

Martin Van Buren defended the existence and use of political parties because parties

were the best means of curbing government power.

All of the following describe historical aspects of the Underground Railroad except

whites did not assist in helping slaves escape and secure freedom.

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