History Exam

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john brown raid

1859 - brown attempted to break into federal arsenal in harper's ferry, va and lead armed slave revolt. he was captured by robert e lee, jeb stuart, and israel green and hanged for treason dec 2, 1859

ms republican party

1876 - 100,000 black males registered to vote and elected republicans into office; party made up of black males, northern whites who came to help register blacks (carpetbaggers), and southern whites who supported reconstruction (scalawags)

plessy vs ferguson case

1896 - black man form new orleans rode white bus to get arrested then sue bus company and make segregation on transportation unconstitutional - plan failed and bc he started disruption judged ruled in favor of bus and said "separate but equal is constitutional"

19th amendment

1920 - gave women right to vote

Ms river flood

1927 - april 21 - levees break @ mounds landing - flooded greenwood/greenville to vicksburg, louisiana, arkansas

great depression

1930-1945 - economic downturn that lasted 15 yrs and especially bad in ms - farms/businesses closed, no jobs, no food, extreme poverty - bilbo gov at time (reelected 1927 - platform was to make highway of bricks) - ms brought out by new deal, general sales tax, ww2

world war 2

1941-1945 - military bases in ms - pascagoula, biloxi, hattiesburg, greenwood, greenville, columbus - military pay and benefits doubled state's average income during war/helped w jobs to help bring the us out of great depression

brown vs board of education

1951 - black family sues for right to go to white school 1954 - us supreme court rules separate but equal is unconstitutional (states had to integrate) 1955 - court ruled to desegregate schools w all deliberate speed (takes ms 15 yrs)

chief junaluska

chief of cherokees; later tells andrew jackson he shouldn't have saved him/killed the wrong people at horseshoe bend when jackson makes his tribe leave

de soto's crew encounters choctaws at mabila...

chief tuscaloosa lures de soto's crew into mabila and ambushes crew, but they escape bc of their guns and horses

3 largest indian tribes in ms

choctaw, chickasaw, natchez

secretary of state

delbert hosemann - in charge of state official records, presides over elections, publishes state documents, administers law over state owned land

3 flat areas in ms

delta, black prairie (columbus to tupleo), gulf coast

mississippi's 4 regions

delta, north central hills, piney woods, gulf coast

presidential election of 1876**

democrat samuel tildon vs republican rutherford b hayes. candidate needed 185 electoral votes to win and rbh was 20 behind so congress created committee to recount votes from la, sc, fl, and or which added to 20. committee said rbh won those 4 states (which was rigged) so he won election and resulted in us military withdrawn from south

3 reasons ms is well suited for growing cotton

fertile land, long rowing season, and many navigable rivers/streams

3 types of slaves

field hand (all areas of cotton planting), domestic (cooked, cleaned, took care of house/kids), craftsmen (artisans, carpenters, blacksmiths)

robert wood

first black mayor in us (1869-natchez)


first event dealing w change/movement of indians - indians try to adopt american culture and become civilized (1785-1812)

flora vs fauna

flora is vegetation/plants, fauna is animals

trail of tears

forced relocation of indians to oklahoma; choctaws (1830, ms), seminoles (1832, fl), chickasaws (1832, ms), creeks (1834, al), cherokee (1838, ga)

who were freedsmen

former slaves who needed jobs after the civil war

1st permanent settlement on the ms river

fort maurepas - created in 1699; present day ocean springs

sam houston

fought in tn militia under jackson; in tn/us house of representatives; leader in mexican-american war; governor of tx

white citizens council

founded by robert patterson in 1955 in indianola - members were white businessmen whose mission was to defeat integration - ended up creating private schools

fort rosalie/fort st pierre built

built due to 3 fur traders being killed by natchez indians; rosalie (1716) is now natchez and st pierre (1717) is now vicksburg

state insect


compromise of 1850

california admitted as free state, allowed western territories to have popular sovereignty (people vote) over slavery - created conflict w missouri compromise

colonel thomas hinds

in charge of ms militia; goes on to serve in ms and us legislature; hinds county named after him


indian practice of men having more than 1 wife (usually sisters)


indian practice where children took their mother's name and lived in her village

indian religion

indians were polytheistic (worshiped many gods) and overall god was the sun (called great spirit); built religious mounds; practiced animism (belief that spirits inhabit forces of nature)

pocket veto

indirect veto where the governor lets the bill sit and it never gets signed


industry of making/selling alcohol during prohibition; kiln lightning - moonshine made illegally on coast and sold to al capone

municipal court

inside city limits - violations of city ordinances; misdemeanors inside city


institution, people, and processes by which a country is ruled and its public policy is created and administered

ferdinand magellan

led the crew that was first to sail around the world; he didn't make it because he was killed in the philippines in 1521

benjamin grierson

led union to burn up everything through 8 mile strip from north to south ms; became in charge of US 10th cavalry regiment (buffalo soldiers) after war - 1st all black cavalry regiment


legal separation of races

henry whitfield

superintendent of ed. for state and pres of muw - runs against bilbo for gov in 1923 and wins bc women vote for him - reforms: created forestry commission, mental hospital in pearl, state teacher college in hattiesburg (usm 1924), conducts review of ms colleges, gov, and funding-wisconsin report - dies in office and replaced w dennis murphree

ms earthquakes

new madrid fault runs under nw part of state; lots of unfelt earthquakes - recently few in madison

ms judicial branch

supreme court - 9 members (justices) elected for 8 year terms - 3 from each of 3 districts; hears appeals from lower courts; 270 days to rule verdict


surface of earth, physical landscape

Fire eaters

Southern politicians that were very vocal/passionate about secession

5 muskhogean tribes

tribes in the se that all spoke similar languages/were related - choctaw (ms), chickasaw (ms), creek (al), cherokee (nc), seminole (fl)

delta region

nw ms, relatively flat, alluvial soil, triangular

what is the "magic state" that you have to win to become president


ms soil

one of ms's most important natural resources made up of air, water, minerals, plant particles, and small decaying organisms over a long time; alluvial - deposited by water; loess - deposited by wind

ak davis

only black lt governor in ms from 1873-1875, impeached bc he was black

voting rights act of 1965

outlawed all discrimination in regards to voting - made poll tax, literacy tests, any other voting restriction illegal

justice court

outside city limits - small claims/civil matters under $2500; misdemeanor violations outside city limits

5 largest rivers in ms

pearl, pascagoula, tombigbee, big black, yazoo

problem w location of ms capital

people in ne wanted capital moved because it was far away in natchez; legislature meets in 1821 and chooses to move capital to lefleur's bluff trading post; jackson built in 1822

problem w who was controlling state

people in ne were unhappy that ms government was controlled by wealthy white farmers in natchez so constitution of 1832 was written; said representation in ms legislature was determined by population including slaves, so control went from natchez to wealthy people in the delta (didn't really solve problem)

state stone

petrified wood

minerals found in ms

petroleum, natural gas, limestone (cement, alkaline fertilizer)

topography of ms

physical features of a land area; ms has rolling hills


serve official papers (ex. subpoenas) for justice/county courts, on duty at justice/county courts

duties of board of supervisors

set policies and hire county administrators, set taxes, set county budget, maintain roads and bridges, appropriate money for projects

hernan cortes

spanish explorer who landed in mexico and conquered the aztecs/found gold and became rich around 1519-1521

alverez de pineda

spanish explorer who was first to discover the MS river in 1519 when exploring gulf of mexico

john r lynch

speaker of the house in ms house of representatives in 1871 and later ms 1st member of us house of representatives (1 of 3)


spoken statement made with intent to harm a person's character

andrew johnson's reconstruction plan

states must repeal secession ordnances, all southerners who took oath of loyalty to us or applied to the pres could be pardoned, states must ratify the 13th amendment, states must write new constitutions

diberville and bienville move settlement...

struggle to grow crops at ft maurepas so they move to ft mobile (mobile, al today) in 1701; casquette girls brought in from france to grow settlements in 1704

freedom summer of 1964

students from northern states came to south to register black voters and led to violence in al and ms

results of desoto's expedition

trip is failure - lost over 1/2 of men, 5000 indians killed, found no gold/silver, spanish don't return for long time; most important result - spread of disease from 1542-1673 killed 90% of indians with 25,000 left just in ms

stephen d lee

under pemberton at vicksburg and was at many other big battles, after war married woman from columbus and became 1st pres of mississippi state; after death, his wife and other widows went to visit grave and eventually started memorial day


underground rock formations where water accumulates and is held

ms in gettysburg

university greys - from ole miss - 11th ms infantry, company a; 100% casualties in pickett's charge of cemetery ridge but made it further north than any other confederates in war (high water mark)

james eastland

us senator 1941-1977 - doddsville, ms - democrat - chairman of senate judiciary committee and subcommittee (pigeonholes all civil rights bills before 1960s) - pres pro tempore of senate

john c stennis

us senator 1947-1988 - chairman of armed forces, appropriations, and ethic committees - father of us navy - appropriated $$ to navy and created gi bill (army pays for you to go to college anywhere you get in if you serve), but also prevented eastland from getting in trouble w ethics for pigeonholing bills

blanche k bruce

us senator elected 1875-1881, 2nd of 2 black senators ever from ms

tax collector/assessor

usually same person; tax collector collects taxes, tax assessor determines value of each piece of property in the county and by this establishes tax that will be levied on property anually/ makes out tax roll that's given to board of supervisors

Article III

Judicial branch - courts - interpret laws

ferdinand claiborne

capt in ms militia; represented ms in us house of representatives; brothers with wcc claiborne; claiborne county named for him

john coffee

capt in tn militia; andrew jackson's nephew; draws ms and al boundary in 1817; negotiates treaty of dancing rabbit creek; later in ms legislature; coffeeville named for him

north central hills region

central and ne ms, rolling hills, pine trees, not very fertile with iron in the dirt

time zone

central standard time zone (cst)

after de soto's crew escapes choctaws...

chased north then go west into ms in 1541 and run into chickasaws and battle; continue west and cross ms river b/w clarksdale and memphis into araknsas


chief law enforcement officer for county, prevents crime/makes arrests, in charge of jail, prisoners, courthouse

MS congressmen

HOR - trent kelly (1), bennie thompson (2), michael guest (3), steven palazzo (4) Senate - roger wicker, cindy hyde-smith

highest/lowest recorded temps in ms

**august is hottest month, january is coldest; lowest: -19*, highest: 115*

how to become a us citizen

1) determine eligibility/get green card or visa 2) fill out N-400 form - application for naturalization, 2 photos, and submit to US Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) 3) live in us for 5 yrs 4) interview where you're finger printed, photographed, FBI background checked, and take an english/civics test 5) take oath of allegiance to US at ceremony

4 causes of civil war

1) south - free trade, north - tariffs 2) south - strong state gov, north - strong fed gov 3) south - agricultural society, north - emphasis on manufacturing 4) south - slavery in western territory, north - no slavery in western territory

how a bill becomes a law

1. introduced/given # and title 2. sent to committee 3. sent to subcommittee for vote 4. back to committee for vote 5. whole chamber votes 6. if passed, its sent to other chamber and goes through whole process again **senate and house have to pass exact same bill, then sent to governor for sign or veto

northwest ordinance of 1787

1. pres appoints territorial gov, secretary to gov, and 3 jugdes 2. once population reaches 5,000 adult free men, voters elect assembly to pass laws and delegate to represent territory in US house of representatives 3. once population reaches 60,000, the territory has delegates write constitution and submit to congress - if approved, it becomes a state

paleo period indians

10,000-8,000 bc; thought to have crossed from asia across siberia land bridge at the end of the last ice age; located in canada; hunted mastadons and mammoths

hernando de soto lands in florida...

1539-lands in tampa with 9 ships, 600 soldiers, 200 horses, pigs for food

la salle and tonti

1682 - la salle and tonti find journal kept by marquette/joliet and put together expedition to claim land for france and went down ms river as far south as natchez; called area louisiana; met natchez indians

diberville dies...

1706 - diberville in cuba planning attack on british at charleston, sc when he dies with yellow fever; bienville takes over

fort built by bienville that no longer exists

1716 - fort boulaye - blown away by hurricane

massacre at fort rosalie

1729 - natchez indians attack ft rosalie and kill 236 french, release 300 slaves; results in bienville sending troops and killing off all the natchez indians

results of french and indian war

1754-1763; french and indians vs british and colonists; ended by peace of paris; results - french had to give up possessions east of ms river, spain had to give up fl, spain got new orleans from france

british control of ms

1763-1799; great britain got control from french and indian war and renamed it MS territory w pensacola as capital in province of west FL; many colonists move to ft rosalie (renamed natchez district) and grow cotton/tobacco/indigo and area becomes rich

spain takes natchez from england...

1779 - bernardo de galvez (spanish gov of new orleans) takes natchez during american revolution when no one was paying attention

spanish control of natchez district

1779-1795 - natchez becomes extremely wealthy under spanish rule; slaves brought in, land cleared, crops grown; exporting 3 billion lbs of cotton in 1790 (1/6 of total cotton production in us); us wins revolution in 1783

articles of confederation

1781 - first government with no national currency, banking system, legislative branch, power to make national laws, or power to tax

invention of cotton gin

1793 - invented by eli whitney; 1795 - 1st used in ms made by slave barclay and used by danial clarke

us gets back natchez...

1795 - us/spain sign pinckney's treaty and us gets control of natchez and right of deposit (free import/export) in new orleans; 1798 - us gets control of new orleans/ms becomes official territory w appointed officials

ms population after becoming state

1800 - 8,000 people --> 1830 - 136,000 people -population grows rapidly w many poor whites moving into ne ms but they're not represented well in ms congress

treaty of fort adams

1801 - us gets 3 million acres in sw ms from choctaws and right to build natchez trace

louisiana purchase

1803 - purchase of the Louisiana territory from France; slavery was hotly debated

treaty of mt dexter

1805 - us gets 4 million acres in south ms from choctaws

invention of petit gulf cotton seed

1806 - developed by rush nutt, walter burling, and henry vick after smuggling seed from mexico and mixing it w cotton from america - this was shorter and produced more cotton, needing more slaves

missouri compromise

1819 - mo admitted as slave state, maine admitted as free state to keep senate even; all land north of 36*30 n latitude had to be free

treaty of doak's stand

1820 - us gets 5 million acres in central ms from choctaws in exchange for 12 million acres for choctaws in arkansas (whites already settled there so indians have to come back)

indian removal act

1830 - 5 southeastern tribes forced to relocate to western territory in oklahoma (choctaw, chickasaw, creek, cherokee, seminoles)

forks of the road

1830 - slave auction site in natchez - 2nd largest in us

treaty of dancing rabbit creek

1830 - us gets all choctaw land in ms, choctaws sent to oklahoma on trail of tears **first tribe to go, 4000/20000 made it

ms colonization society

1831 - encouraged free blacks to resettle in africa (free blacks founded liberia - capital monrovia)

treaty of pontotoc creek

1832 - us gets all chickisaw land in north ms, chickisaws sent on trail of tears w better supplies than choctaws so higher % makes it

nullification crisis

1832 - us tariffs (taxes on imported goods) hurt south bc it had little manufacturing and had to import most goods. south carolina grew angry and john c calhoun proposed to state to nullify fed law on tariff. compromise reached the granted gradual reduction of taxes but also passed bill that denied states the right to nullify fed laws

ms 1st railroad

1838 - vicksburg to jackson railroad, made to transport cotton

kansas nebraska act

1854 - congress allowed people of ks and ne to vote on slavery in their states even though it was north of mo compromise line. john brown (abolitionist wanting to end slavery) went to ks and led riot killing 5 farmers. conflict bw kansas jayhawkers (abolitionists) and missouri border ruffians (pro slavery) known as bleeding kansas

republican party

1854 - created in racine, wisconsin to opposed slavery after kansas-nebraska act

dred scott case

1857 - dred scott - slave who sued for freedom saying his time in free territory made him free. supreme court decided 1) slavery could not be barred from territories and 2) slaves and their descendants could never be citizens of us

emmett till

1955 - 14 yr old boy from chicago who went to live w family in money, ms for summer. beaten and killed by roy bryant and jw milam for whistling at bryant's wife - arrested after body found by fishermen and identified by ring - jury ruled not guilty in 67 mins - mom held funeral in chicago w open caskset and invited news, giving bad impression of ms still today - men later admitted but couldn't be retried

robert clark

1967 - elected to ms house of representatives - 1st black man elected to ms legislature since reconstruction (1870s)

bill waller

1971 - elected governor 1972-1976 - 1) appoints black citizens to various positions in state 2) integrated ms highway patrol and built new headquarters 3) appropriated $600 million for I55 and I20 4) started ole miss dental school, state vet and architectural school 5) vetoed funding for sovereignty commission - ended 1977

evelyn gandy

1977 - elected as 1st female lt gov in state (also 1st female in ms executive branch)

william winter

1979 - elected gov as democrat - passed 1982 education reform act which was largest appropriation of money for education in us at time

mike espy

1986 - elected to us house of representatives - 1st black to us hor since reconstruction - later became us secretary of agriculture

kirk fordice

1991 - elected gov - 1st republican gov since 1873 - 1st republican governor to serve 2 consecutive terms after law changed

ms court of appeals

1993 - 10 judges (5 districts, 2 each) hear cases assigned by ms supreme court; does basically same stuff; created to get to more cases quicker

hiram revels

1st black us senator in us (and ms) for 2 yrs then resigns and becomes 1st president of alcorn state; 1 of 2 us senators from ms ever

james l alcorn

1st republican governor (1868-1873), supported reconstruction, owned plantation outside clarksdale, alcorn state and alcorn county named after him

winthrop sargent

1st territorial gov of MS 1797-1801; from massachusetts; appointed by john adams; federalist while farmers where antifederalist; didn't get along with farmers and couldn't settle land disputes

vasco de balboa

1st to discover pacific ocean in 1513 when setting up colonies in panama; named it pacific ocean meaning peaceful

emerald mound

2nd largest indian mound in us; built by natchez indians; 257 yds long, 146 yds wide, 35 ft tall

adelbert ames

2nd republican governor (1873-1875), going to be impeached bc of being republican but resigned before, grandson was jfk

ms population

31st largest by population; 2.99 million 2019 est

ms location

32* N latitude, 89* W longitude

requirements to be president

35 yo, citizen 14 yrs directly prior, natural born citizen, 4 yr term, 2 terms but no more than 10 yrs

ms size

350 mi long and 180 mi wide (43,000 sq mi); 32nd largest state

robert williams

3rd territorial gov of ms from 1805-1809 from NCappointed by jefferson; wife gets sick so goes back to nc; later comes back and becomes wealthy plantation owner

woodland period indians

500 bc-800 ad; located in ms; still hunted and gathered but settled down w/ permanent settlements; planted maize, beans, squash; held religious ceremonies/burials ate mounds; developed bow and arrow; evidence of trade; made pottery, baskets, dolls, sashes, wooden utensils, wooden trays, moccasins

how to win president

538 total electors (+3 for DC) - candidate has to receive 50% plus 1, so 269+1=270

ms natural vegetation

55% of ms is forested, 10% of delta is forested, 3 most prevalent trees are pine, oak, hickory, ms is mostly rolling hills

general sales tax

7% in ms but some cities have extra; cities get back 18.5% of the general sales tax they collect in a fiscal year (june-june)

andrew jackson

7th pres of us (1829-1837), founds memphis, leads tn militia and becomes ms war hero, jackson named after him, orders removal of indians in southeast

andrew jackson

7th pres of us 1829-1837; great general, poor pres; founds memphis, leads tn militia, famous for battles; jackson, ms named after him

archaic period indians

8,000-500 bc; located in northern ms in warmer climate; hunter/gatherers because large mammals died out; had no writing system; used stone tools; nomadic (moved around)

how many ms men fought/died

80,000 from ms fought, 27,000 from ms died, 17,000 freed slaves fought for union in us 3rd colored cavalry

mississippian period indians

800 ad-1600 ad; larger groups of people lived in more complex societies; built large mounds w/ flat tops and houses for chiefs and ceremonies; arrowheads have been found; depended on crops; built emerald mound and nanih waiya

supreme court

9 members - chief justice john roberts - 8 associates - appointed by pres and serve for life

Presidential election of 1850

Abraham lincoln won - republican - opposed expansion fo slavery but promised not to end it where it already was; beat stephen douglas - democrat, john c breckinridge - southern democrat, john bell - constitutional union party

Who wrote ms secession ordnance

After ms legislature voted 84-15 to secede, LQC Lamar wrote the ms secession ordnance

Battle of shiloh

April 6 1862 - grant and union troops were on way to Memphis when Albert Johnston and confederates were ordered to stop them; stopped around Shiloh church near Corinth, ms; johnston killed so pgt Beauregard takes over south troops; confederates win day but more unions troops show up in middle of night and defeat confederates; north goes on to capture Memphis; most casualties suffered in war up to that point —>both sides realize neither will quit

Star of the west

Boat that started civil war - After turning around from ft Sumter, confederates in tx seize it and turn it into ironclad in Greenwood; later used to stop union troops/William tacumseh Sherman by being sunk on tallahatchie River

Article II

Executive branch - president - enforce laws

Events at ft sumter

Ft Sumter located in Charleston harbor, South Carolina so SC thought it was territory of csa - stopped boats coming in to harbor, including star of the west - started civil war


Historically Black Colleges and Universities

great compromise

James madison's VA plan (representation by size) plus william patterson's NJ plan (equal representation) to make bicameral congress with senate and house of representatives

Date ms seceded

January 9, 1861 **ms was 2nd to secede after South Carolina

Article I

Legislative branch - congress - make laws

Admiral David Farragut

Let union troops on boats up ms River to take New Orleans and Baton Rouge by shooting them with cannons; led 1st attempt to take Vicksburg but failed


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Anaconda plan

Unions war strategy - capture capital(richmond), blockade southern coastline, control ms River, and divide the south

other revenue sources for cities

federal grants, fines/fees, taxes on alcohol, gasoline taxes, road/bridge taxes

chinese and italians in ms

brought in to be sharecroppers but were educated so they couldn't be cheated and it didn't work


ability to self rule

13th amendment

abolished slavery (not ratified in ms until 2013)


addition of land to expand a city's boundary

what is the ms river a major transportation system for

agricultural products, industrial products, raw materials


all of the regions that support earth's plants, animals, people


all water on and in earth

judicial review

allows court to set aside action of legislative and executive branches that are unconstitutional; ex - obamacare, gay marriage


amount of water in the air

commissioner of agriculture

andy gipson - oversees ag business in ms, regulates and promotes ag related businesses ($7.6 bil industry in ms)

automatic appeals to ms supreme court

annexation (addition of land), bonds, constitutional challenges, death penalty cases, contested elections

elastic clause

article 1, section 8, clause, 18 - congress shall have powers to make laws that are necessary and proper to execute all other laws (1787) - congress has power to make/change laws for future problems

attack at ft mims

aug 1813 - near mobile (ms territory), creek indians attack and kill 300 americans

ms hurricanes

august 1969 - camille - class 5 - 140 deaths august 2005 - katrina - class 3 - 238 ms deaths

ms tornadoes

average 30 per yr, rotate counter clockwise, 300 ft to 1 mi wide, average 8 deaths per yr **smith county - most likely county in US to die in a tornado

house of representatives

based on state population - 435 members (5 non-voting) - serve 2 yr terms

states rights

belief rights of individual states should be more powerful than rights of federal government

ms legislative branch

bicameral - house of representatives (122) and senate (52) - serve 4 yr terms - regular session starts tuesday after the first monday in jan and lasts 90 days

james meredith

black man from kosciusko who applied to ole miss in 1962 aided by naacp - barnett tries to keep him out but jfk/robert kennedy said he could go - plan was to get meredith to campus sunday when football would be in jackson to avoid people - barnett tells people at game about plan and 2000 go back to ole miss/riot, 2 killed, 20000 us marines on campus for 2 weeks - meredith graduates from ole miss and is 1st student to enroll in white college in ms

medgar evers

black man in charge of naacp in ms - attended alcorn st then moved to jackson - shot at house june 12, 1963 - at first not taken in ummc but was after explaining who he was - killed by byron de la beckwith (member wcc/kkk) represented by bill waller in 1st 2 trials (hung juries both) - cases goes away then bobby delaughter reopened in 1994 after informant admits it was beckwith but no other evidence left to work with - ends up w rifle used and original court documents for new trial - beckwith w lawyer james kitchens sentenced to life w/out parole


blanket of air that surrounds earth

3 civil rights workers killed during freedom summer

church burned down in neshoba county - james chaney, andrew goodman, and michael schwerner went to investigate but arrested - released and sent certain direction then killed by 18 kkk members - informant reveals details and 7 men charged w violation of civil rights bc lawyers knew jury wouldn't say guilty of murder/kidnapping (all out by 1976) - edgar ray killen was kkk member who directed murder arrested 2005/charged w 2 counts of manslaughter - sam bowers was head of kkk in ms and gave killen order arrested for other murder in 1998


city's basic law or constitution

chancery clerk

clerk for board of supervisors, keeps record of board mtgs, records deeds, is responsible for records of chancery court, treasurer and auditor for county

circuit clerk

clerk for circuit court, registers voters, administers elections, issues marriage licenses

climate vs weather

climate is long-term average temp and rainfall, weather is day to day changes in the atmosphere

natural environment

climate, land surfaces, water, soil, vegetation

judicial branch

constitution estsablished a supreme court then gave congress ability to create any other courts it deemed necesssary; interprets the law


continual speechmaking to delay a vote on a legislative action (hop up hill)


country in which power is held by people and their elected representative and has and elected president (US GOVT)

order of appeals

county courts, circuit courts, ms district courts(northern/southern), us court of appeals (5th district), us supreme court

writ of habeus corpus

court order requiring person to be brought before court to determine if they are being held lawfully

fransisco pizzaro

cousins w cortes; sailed on expeditions with cortes and balboa then went on own expedition to peru and conquered the incas/found gold

black codes**

created at convention where delegates were supposed to get ms readmitted into union - prevented interracial marriages, kept blacks from testifying in court, limited black land ownership to inside city limits, blacks had to be employed by jan 1, 1866 or arrested, blacks couldn't own guns, blacks couldn't assemble without white supervision, blacks were not allowed to vote or hold office

freedsmen's bureau

created by congress to help former slaves with food, shelter, education, health care, and employment; ms had 400,000 freedsmen

sovereignty commission

created by jp coleman in 1956 who was gov at time of emmett till death - program funded by taxpayers that was a spy agency created to identify, watch, and defeat enemies of segregration in ms - members were politicians/private investigators

camp shelby

created in 1917 in hattiesburg, ms during ww1 - 30,000 troops trained in ww1 - largest state owned military training facility in us (134,820 acres) - trains army, navy, air force, marines, national guard

de soto's crew runs into seminoles...

crew demands gold, supplies, guides, etc and kidnaps chiefs/families until given; crew runs into seminoles, travels from fl to ga, turns back and goes through tn and al, run into choctaw village mabila ruled by chief tuscaloosa (today's tuscaloosa)

end of de soto's expedition

crew reaches greenville when de soto gets sick and he dies around farraday, la; crew dumps him in river and moves on; make it to gulf of mexico and eventually back to spain

ms becomes state

dec 10, 1817 - ms becomes 20th state after congress made it split in half; david holmes was 1st gov for 2 split terms

battle of the holy ground

dec 1813 - creeks indians defeated by ms militia/pushmahata/ferdinand claiborne; near present day montgomery, al (still ms territory)

2nd attempt to take vicksburg

dec 1862 - grant goes down ms river/tries again w canal to capture vicksburg; sherman goes down smaller rivers into greenwood but stopped by star of the west, travels on foot but eventually stopped in swamps b/w yazoo city and vicksburg; failure

de soto's plan after crossing ms river

decide to continue to mexico from ar, but change minds when they realize its too far; decide to float down ms river to gulf of mexico

reconstruction act of 1867**

divided south into 5 military districts (ms in 4th w arkansas under gen. edward ord), all adult males could registered to vote, every county set up a voter registration board

search warrant

document that must be presented by a law enforcement officer to legally enter a premises


drawing a legislative district to give an unfair advantage to a party or candidate; illegal for states but legal for federal; district 2 in 1984 (mike espy then bennie thompson)

duties of freed slaves fighting in war

dug trenches/canals, built fortifications, cooked/cleaned, served as guides, guarded prisoners, very few fought

electoral college

each state appoints electors to cast official vote for pres; MS has 6 electoral votes (electors = total in congress); whichever party wins sends their electors to vote


election in which a party chooses its cadnidate for the general election **ms 1st state to pass primary law

president duties

enforce laws, commander in chief of armed forces, balance budget, appoints gov officials, state of the union address

governor duties

enforces, executes, administers state laws; commander in chief of ms national guard; balances state budget ($6 bil a yr); call special session of legislature; power to pardon criminals (phil bryant) - head of executive branch

slave's journey

europeans on west african coast hired african tribes to go into west africa and capture other tribes in exchange for guns/weapons. captured africans were held in coastal trading pens until ships came to take them to the caribbean. coniditions were very bad. after arriving in the carribean, captured africans would be sailed to america and sold as slaves at auctions sties like forks of the road.


every state is represented equal w/ 2 senators - 100 members - serve 6 yr terms

ponce de leon

explored flordia in search of fountain of youth; brought animals to the new world; 1st governor of puerto rico

chancery court

family court - 20 districts/45 judges; divorces, land disputes, guardianship, wills, estates, insanity cases, cases involving minors; no jury for privacy

2 areas slaves worked

farming cotton, producing timber

date ms readmitted into union

feb 23, 1870

other federal courts

federal court of appeals - 11 districts (5th circuit district - MS, LA, TX - courthouse in NOLA - 20 judges) us district courts - 94 (MS has northern and southern districts

bill of rights

freedom of speech, press, religion right to bear arms no quartering of troops in time of peace no search/seizure unless search warrant issued rights of accused persons right to fair and speedy trial civil suits (jury trial & no double jeopardy) no cruel and unusual punishment powers reserved for people powers reserved for states

d'iberville and bienville

french brothers (diberville older) who land on ship island may 1699, go up ms river from gulf of mexico, find tonti's letter with the natchez indians, and go on to set up the 1st major settlement on ms river april 1699

new orleans/biloxi built

french quarter of new orleans built in 1718 then flooded, so french started building biloxi in 1719, but it flooded so they moved back to new orleans and made it the capital of the whole louisiana territory

andrew h longino

from clarksdale - democrat elected gov in 1899. passed law attracting manufacturing to ms, constructed new capitol building in 1903, passed law creating statewide primaries

ulysses s grant

from illinois - first commanded army of the tn, became commander of union general after taking vicksburg, president for 2 terms after war but not very good, lost money and became drunk/depressed then died, belongings donated to mississippi state

william tecumseh sherman

from illinois - union general who blew up ms railroads in 3rd siege of vicksburg and burned up georgia, commander of us army after war and in charge of indians in midwest, donated cannons that started war to lsu bc he was pres there berfore war

nathan bedford forrest

from memphis - plantation and slave auction owner, very rich when he enlists. works way up ranks to lt col and is in charge of cavalry unit/buys them supplies w own money. least utilized weapon in war - highest ranking official that enlisted. nicknamed wizard of saddle bc his horses were killed 28 times. **father/founder of ku klux klan to spook union soldiers still in ms after war

pgt beaugregard

from new orleans; started battle of ft sumter and present at other major battles. after war became engineer and worked to keep new orleans from flooding. his flag was traditional confederate flag in ms's flag today

john c pemberton

from pennsylvania, 2 brothers that fought for north, in charge/surrendered at vicksburg - hated by everyone after, son invented coke

2 major accomplishments of reconstruction government (1867-1875)

got ms readmitted into union and created a tax supported public school system

ms top officials

gov - phil bryant; Lt gov - tate reeves; speaker of the house - phillip gunn

general sales tax

gov mike conner created general sales tax in 1931 to help w great depression in ms - brought in $9 million in 4 yrs - ms 1st state w general sales tax **conner later sec commissioner

ross barnett

governor 1960-1964 - member of wcc - tried to prevent james meredith from attending ole miss

james k vardaman

great white chief - very racist - elected gov in 1893 as populist - lawyer and editor of greenwood commonwealth - legislation passed: increased funding for schools, created textbook commission, regulated railroad/insurance/utility companies, ended convict lease system - elected to us senate 1912 but booted from ms after voting against ww1 (unpatriotic)

grand jury

group of people appointed by court to determine if there is enough evidence to issue an indictment

choctaw govt system

had white and red chiefs - white chief (mingo) ruled during peace, red chief (mingo oumu) ruled during war; 6 subordinate chiefs from large villages


having to do with the city

anslem mclaurin

head of ms democratic party 1885-1907 - us senator 1894-1895, ms governor 1896-1900, us senator 1901-1909

albert sydney johnston

highest ranking officer in us military before war, but fights for csa and commands ms troops in battle of shiloh. shot in leg but didn't think it was a big deal so kept fighting, but bled out on horse

ms climate/weather

humid subtropical; hot summers and mild winters; average temp - 62*, average rainfall - 52 in

supreme court duties

interpret laws, hears appeals from fed courts, disputes bw state, disputes bw states and fed gov


investigates county deaths with suspicious/unknown causes

emancipation proclamation

issued by abraham lincoln during 2nd attempt to take vicksburg; declared all slaves in csa free as of jan 1, 1863

christopher colombus

italian explorer that sailed for spain and was the first to reach the americas

battle of new orleans

jan 1815 - us defeated british but didn't matter bc treaty of ghent signed in dec 1814

ms first 4 colleges

jefferson college - 1811 - washington - now museum hampstead academy - 1826 - clinton - bought by baptist church in 1850 and changed to mc; oldest college still in operation in ms oakland college - 1830 - closed 1860, reopened 1871 as alcorn a&m; 1st black public college in us unversity of ms - 1848 - oxford

attorney general

jim hood - chief legal officer of state, represents state in court, assists local district attorneys, provides opinions on state laws

ms bubble scheme

john law ran one of the biggest ponzi schemes ever (after inflation) 1719-1721 - bienville had to deal with it

ms junior college system

julius zeller wrote bill to turn ag high schools into jucos. junior colleges offer 1st 2 yrs of college at an affordable price then students and move on to 4 yr college or go to work. ms has 15 - ms does this right

war of 1812

june 1812-jan 1815; british and redsticks (creeks) vs us and choctaws/cherokees; due to british capturing american sailors, restrictions on us trade, and british attacking america

seige of vicksburg

june 1862-july 1863 - john c pemberton over confederates, ulysses s grant over union - 3 different attempts - abraham lincoln said this was key to taking south

1st attempt to take vicksburg

june-aug 1862 - david farragut tries to build canal and shoot vicksburg from boats on ms river; failure bc not enough men, men got sick from mosquitoes, water too low to dig canal, and CSS arkansas reinvigorated/motivated confederate troops

la salle and tonti try to colonize...

la salle returned to france to tell louis 14 about land, tonti returns to canada for men/supplies; tonti returns to natchez around 1686 and waits for la salle/writes him letter and leave it with indians then goes back to canada; la salle returns w large crew but couldn't find ms river and ends up getting killed in mutiny in 1687 and neither explorers go back

ms borders

la, ar, tn, al

real property

land and permanent structures (ex: house and its plot)

gulf coast region

land bordering gulf of mexico, poor sandy/salty soil, relatively flat, lots of tourism/fishing, many different ethnic groups

state fish

largemouth bass

largest/smallest counties in ms (population)

largest - hinds - 245,000 smallest - issaquena - 1,500

choctaw indians

largest in ms; located in central ms primarily on pearl river near winston county; called flatheads by europeans; best horsemen in america in 1700s; built nanih waiya (means leaning hill) that is 75x46x25 yds; had great chief pushmataha in early 1800s

latitude vs longitude

latitude is the distance north or south of the equator (parallel), longitude is distance east or west of the prime meridian in greenwich, england (not parallel, meet at poles)

county and city services

law enforcement, road maintenance, recreation, fire protection, education


murder by mob shooting, hanging, or burning - ms had more than any other state

indian society

lived in clans (groups of mostly related families) in villages located mostly on rivers

chickasaw indians

located in north ms on tallahatchie river in longtown (near oxford); called bonepickers bc of bone accessories; similar govt to choctaws; buried warriors in huts facing west; very warlike; great chief tishomingo in 1830s

natchez indians

located in sw ms around st catherines creek and homochitto river in adams and wilkinson counties; had 1 chief who they believed was related to the great sun; lived in grand village (present day natchez); 3 distinct classes (suns, nobles, stinkards); when chief died his wife/servants were killed and buried w him

piney woods region

lower central/southern ms, pine trees, lots of out of state land owners for timber industry

state treasurer

lynn fitch - chief financial officer of state, manages state's money and financial records

18th amendment

made buying/selling of alcohol illegal

21st amendment

made buying/selling of alcohol legal

civil rights act of 1964

made it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race

state tree/flower/nickname


county board of supervisors

main governing body in county; 5 or 6 in each county, one member of board from each

ms legislative branch 4 powers

make laws, approve budget, amend ms constitution, investigate other state offices

duties of superintendent/school board of supervisors

manage finances of schools, determine employment policies, oversee construction/maintenance of school transportation, handle discipline cases

railroads in ms

many railroads built to transport timber (white pine). mccomb, hattiesburg, and laurel started out as logging sites

battle of horseshoe bend

march 1814 - present day eastern al; creek indians defeated by gen. andrew jackson and col. thomas hinds; chief junaluska saves jackson

marquette and joliet

marquette and joliet went looking for NW passage but went down ms river as far south as rosedale, ms; kept journal; returned to canada when they realized ms river went s not w; no one returned for 9 yrs

when did ms troops surreneder

may 4, 1865 near mobile, alabama a month after robert e lee surrendered at appomattox courthouse

3rd attempt to take vicksburg

may-july 1863 - grant crosses ms river at bruinsburg, ms then goes on to take jackson(largest water crossing until d day), orders sherman to take troops to blow up railroads and grierson to burn everything but port gibson; grant takes larger troops through port gibson, raymond, jackson, and champion hill (deadliest 1 day in ms history); reaches vicksburg may 18 and sieges 6 weeks until pemberton surrenders july 4, 1863 (40,000 southern soldiers lost/captured)

3 forms of city government

mayor-council form, commission form, council-manager form


means messenger of death; greatest choctaw indian chief (no longer white/red chiefs); brigadier gen of choctaws in us army; half french-half choctaw; us gives him money and he uses it to civilize choctaws; buried in washington dc

roles of men vs women in indian life

men hunted and constructed village; women cooked, cleaned, raised children, farmed, did most of work


messenger of death - greatest choctaw chief, brigadier gen of choctaws in us army, half choctaw half french, gets money from us and he uses it to civilize choctaws, dies in 1824 in washington dc from the croup

insurance commissioner/state fire marshall

mike chaney - enforce/regulate insurance laws, directs investigations of suspicious fires, establishes guidelines for city/county fire depts

ms river

mississippi - father of waters; 2340 mi long; 4th longest, 10th largest in world; forms western border of ms; starts in lake itasca in Minnesota


money deposited with court by the accused to get out of jail for the time being and guarantee they will appear in court


most bills are never brought up in a committee/subcommittee and therefore die

personal property

movable items that belong to an individual (ex: car, rv, motorcycle)

fielding wright

ms governor that ran as president in 1948 for dixiecrat party (splinter party that southern democrats supported in 1948 election)

county info

ms has 82 counties; only LA(parishes) and AK(boroughs) don't have counties

rural state

ms is one bc over half of its population lives outside of city limits/rural areas

jim crow laws

ms segregated public restaurants, restrooms, drinking fountains, cemeteries, railcars, hotels, schools

great migration**

poverty and hard times led many blacks to leave state in search of better life - influenced by newspaper chicago defender - blacks went to chicago, detroit, philadelphia, and harlem - 1900 ms was 58% black/42 % white --> 2019 ms 61% white 38% black - 150,000 left 1910-1920 (ww1), 150,000 left 1920-1940, 300,000 left 1940-1950 (ww2) - resulted in labor shortages in state, poorest and least educated ppl in us left in state, ms has taken long long time to recover


pre civil war south

state fossil

prehistoric whale

abraham lincoln

pres during civil war. april 4, 1865 - shot in head in fords theater by john wilkes booth and died next day. he wasn't going to pardon csa leaders charged w treason but new pres andrew johnson did - caused congress to change law todays system where vp runs with pres to prevent assassinations

jefferson davis

pres of csa; arrested after war but charges eventually dropped but this kept him from being in office again. owned cotton plantation bw natchez and vicksburg - briarfield. used life savings to turn beauvoir home in biloxi into retirement/nursing home, now a museum

duties of ms speaker of the house and lt governor

preside over session, enforce and interpret laws to debate bills, make committee assignments, refer bills to committees


printed statement with intent to harm a person's character


process of becoming a city


process of readmitting seceded states back into the union


process where representatives are elected from districts with an equal number of people

county attorney

prosecutes cases in justice court and county court and also assists the district attorney in court


ratified jul 21, 1788 by 9/13 state; all agreed to sign after bill of rights added in 1791

vice president duties

replace president when office is vacant, decides questions of presidential disability, votes in senate if tie - 9 times has vp replaced pres

1927 wisconsin report

report says to consolidate msu, ole miss, and muw into 1 school and move it to jackson - bilbo tries to pass bill but killed by legislature and heads of colleges

district attorney

represents county/district and prosecutes cases in district/carries out criminal investigations in conjunction w sheriff and/or local police

superintendent of education

responsible for administration of all public schools in the state (not county official)


responsible for administration of public schools in their school district (152 different school districts in ms)

2 major problems in antebellum ms

rich white farmers from natchez controlled state and location of the capital

14th amendment

said all men/blacks were us citizens

15th amendment

said every man/blacks could vote - universal male suffrage

hernando de soto

sailed with pizzaro and commanded troops conquering incas; governor of cuba in 1539; returned to spain to get his own expedition to north america

school board of education

school district board made up of 1 member from each district in the county/school district(5 or 6)

battle of ft mchenry

sept 13, 1814 at chesapeake bay - francis scott key wrote star spangled banner; 1st used by woodrow wilson in 1916 and made national anthem by herbert hoover in 1931

new deal

series of federal programs designed by fdr to bring the country out of the great depression - 1) welfare 2) social security 3) workers progress administration 4) public work administration 5) civilian conservation corps 6) agricultural adjustment administration

state auditor

shad white - investigates and audits public records, approves funds for legislature

fannie lou hamer

sharecropper from ruleville who got kicked off farm for registering to vote - became civil rights activist after and spoke at 1964 democratic national convention - "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired"

colleges established during reconstruction

shaw college- 1866 - now rust college - methodist tougaloo- 1869 - hbcu - jackson - church of christ alcorn st- 1871 - 1st public black college in us jackson st- 1877 - 2nd public college in ms mississippi st- 1878 - 2nd largest land grant institute. in us ms university for women- 1884 - 1st public college for women in us millsaps- 1890 - liberal arts - methodist belhaven- 1894 - liberal arts - presbyterian

indian recreation

sing, dance, tell stories, play chunky and ishtobohl (lacrosse)


small groups of representatives or senators who study bills and make recommendations on changes to bills

greenwood leflore

son of louis lefleur and nancy cravitt, grandson of pushmataha, goes on to take over father's business, own malmason plantation, be in ms legislature, be choctaw indian chief, negotiate treaty of dancing rabbit creek


southern whites that wanted to return control of the state back to the democratic party


system of legal slavery where plantation owners own land and poor blacks/whites farm it. laborers paid with small share of crops and very little fraction of profit from their crops. little bit of money they had was used to pay off debts which grew faster than they made $ so they never paid off. laborers weren't allowed to leave until debts paid off so they were stuck farming whole lives - caused many generations of black families to live out their lives in hopeless poverty

lieutenant governor

tate reeves - assumes governor's duties if something happens; presides over senate; commission of budgeting/accounting

ad valorem tax

tax levied on the assessed value of real and personal property (city tax)

david holmes

territorial gov for 2 terms 1809-1817 from pennsylvania appointed by james madison; adds land to territory and deals w battles in ms during war of 1812

wcc claiborne

territorial gov from 1801-1805 appointed by thomas jefferson; antifederalist from va so got along better w farmers; moved capital from natchez to washington (3 mi) in 1802; solves land disputes/communicates better w people

4 characteristics of a country

territory, population, government, sovereignty

civil rights

the basic rights for all humans, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

theodore bilbo

the man - very short and racist - elected to ms legislature 1908, lt gov 1911, gov 1915 - reforms: created tax commission, board of bank examiners, highway commission, pardons board, appropriated millions for education, created beauvoir mental hospital - reelected gov in 1927 for 2nd term w wife campaigning for him to get women - runs w platform being highway of bricks - gov during great depression and when wisconsin report returns

natural hazards in ms

thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail storms, hurricanes, high winds, short droughts, lightning, earthquakes, flash floods


time period when buying/selling alcohol was illegal 1919-1933

davy crockett

tn legislator/in tn militia; killed in 1836 at alamo

why were arkabutla, enid, sardis, and grenada lakes built

to prevent flooding in the delta

Presidential Succession Act of 1947

vice president, speaker of the house, president pro tempore of the senate, secretary of state

circuit court

violent/felony crimes - all series criminal cases (felonies); some civil cases w money; hears appeals from justice, county, municipal court; jury trials; judges rotate on circuits w 49 judges in 22 districts

mayor council form of government

voters elect a mayor and city council members from wards (sometimes called board of aldermen); strong type has mayor with power to hire/fire dept heads and govern city (jackson); weak type has city council with power to hire/fire dept heads and govern city (mccomb)

commission form

voters elect mayor and 4 commissioners, each having 4 specific duties over depts (clarksdale)

council-manager form

voters elect mayor and city council who in turn hire city manager to handle day to day operations

green corn festival

week long festival in november when tribes pause fighting to celebrate harvests/trade gifts; smoked peace pipe - calumetchick

state land mammal

white tail deer, red fox


withdrawal from the Union

state water fowl

wood duck

highest point in ms

woodall mountain - tishomingo county - 806 feet tall

ms constitution of 1890**

written by james z george and included mississippi plan (scheme to eliminate black voters) - voters had to register 4 months in advance, live in state 2 yrs and voting district 1 yr, pay $2 poll tax, and read/understand any section of constitution

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