History Unit 1 Global Tapestry copy

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Creation of Borugeoisie

(iron plow) which led to food surpluses. As Europe's population doubled, this required more towns, villages and cities to be built. With more people, this expanded the social order as new jobs and opportunities presented itself. This led to the creation of a new group - the middle class = bourgeoisie - who dabbled in pottery, weaving, metalwork and trading. Not rich like the lords but not in poverty like the peasants and serfs.

China Golden Age

Inventions of gunpowder, the compass, and printing, under song dynasty

Islam spread to Spain adn India Historcial context

Islam orginated from Middle East. It was orginals expanded via conquest vs weaker/vulnerable neibeor. Set up govts in N. IDia and Islamic spain. They were not like by t Islam began a global religon - spread along the trade rouths of the era (silk road, Indian ocean) via merchants and missionaries, spread to India Europe but also - Africa - SE Asia.

SE ASIA 1299-1450

Islam spread peacefully via merchants & Sufi missionaries via Indian Ocean network Islam syncretically blended with native beliefs & practices Began to religiously compete with Hinduism & Buddhism for followers By 1400 CE, Sultanate of Malacca rose to power Traded silk Taxed travellers & merchants moving through Straits of Malacca India ⇔ China

Exchange networks connected Africa to Eurasia BUT enhanced with________________ West Africa:_________________ East Africa: ______________________ Both traded ________________________ Created new language in East Africa - __________ (Arabic (middle east/ muslims) + Bantu (Africa) dialects) ⇒ communicate and trade

Islamic connections, Trans - Sahara, Indian Ocean, gold, slaves & ivory, Swahili Arabic +Bantu(aftica dialect) easier to trade and communicate.

House of Wisdom Learnings & Transfers

Keepers, translators, enhancers of past-current knowledge & innovations Greco - Roman philosophy, astronomy, science Math ⇒ Algebra & Geometry (Arabic + Hindi) Medicine ⇒ 1st hospitals, travel clinics, surgeries - copied by Europe Literature - poetry, philosophy Chinese paper making process = improved literacy for upper classes, spread to Europe Improved farming practices & travel technology - Greek astrolabe

Fueldism Classes and what was unique about this sytem

King, Lords, Kinghts, Peasents, Serfs (each gorup relied on each for soemthing)

Religious reality = ____ Islamic conversion Diffreneces with Hinduism and Islam

LOW, Hinduism's traditional polytheism v. Islam's new monotheism Hindu temples/artwork known for pictures of deities v. Islam's focus on avoiding idolatry Hinduism's connection with caste system (religious purity) v. Islamic view that believers are spiritually equal before Allah

Admiral Zhenge Ming dynasty

Led 7 expeditions (300 ships, 28,000 people) = travel entire Indian Ocean ***Born Muslim - spread of Islam*** Goals ⇒ tribute, trade, spread culture & illustrate Chinese greatness

The House of Wisdom

Library & research facility - Baghdad - capital of Abbasid Caliphate MAJOR intellectual center of Afro - Eurasia Abbasid caliph encouraged scholars, inventors, philosophers from ALL OVER to study, collaborate, translate and create ⇒ expand & diffuse knowledge

What were the methods of empire used by song rules

Mandate of heaven- Divine right merit based government

Examples of Learning in Abbasids house of wisdom

Math - alegra and Geometry Medicine- clincins, surgeons Literature, poetry,philosphy Chinese paper making-improved literacy in wealthy Greco, roman philosphy

Song's China's Cultural Golden Age

Metal works ⇒ strongest weapons + farming tools out of iron and steel (unmatched until Britain's Industrial Revolution) Gunpowder - bamboo flamethrowers & bombs Magnetic Compass - revolutionize navigation Moveable type - block printing ⇒ text production = learning (farming books) + literacy rates for upper classes Paper money - easier to facilitate commercial transactions, trade (easy to carry + organize) & bank Problem ⇒ inflation

1279 CE, Song Dynasty collapsed due to _____________________________________________ Effects ⇔ Consequences of Mongol Conquest

Mongol invasion led by Genghis Khan's grandson - Kublai Khan who created the Ying Dynasty (1279 - 1368) Claimed Mandate of Heaven to legitimize ruler/rule Promote more Buddhism Lessen Confucian influence - no exams/meritocracy, gender Raise status of merchants & promote more Silk Road activity (spread gunpowder) Women improved status - no foot binding, better property + inheritance, voice in politics - Mongols were pastoral (bigger role in society) No intergration - kept races separate (resentment) favor own over Chinese

NORTHERN INDIA 1200 - 1450

Muslims establish Delhi Sultanate Rely on Hindu princes to help rule - too large, diverse, Muslims clear minority Vibrant trade via Silk Road & Indian Ocean


Physical separation = selective breeding Largely similar to conquered areas Emperor - BUT figurehead BUT Japanese culture (Shintoism) + Feudal system (like Europe) remained intact

Black Plague

Place of Origin - Central Asia Merchants -----------> Silk Road. - traveling and meeting and talking to new people (spread germs unintentionally) Mongols - Biological Warfare - Knew once you got the Plague it was a done deal death. They shoot the dead-infested bodies to neighboring towns/cities they disagree with. 33-50 percent of the population in Europe Died 76 million/ 450 million

Fueldism Politcal

Politically - decentralized government England- several kings. England was broken up into 5 areas with each a separate king. Kings did not like each other. Lots of wars and instability Ruler used divine right - God chose me to rule. Question me = questioning god = your wrong

Why did Christianity have a schims - 2 branches

Pope belived he was the only legitamen ruler in term of religous matters. wanted to decide religous decesiion without approval East Europe - Disaggreed, Orthodox,Greek Catholic(west europe, Latin)

Muslim simple facts

Prayer & worship of Allah (omnipotent, omniscient) Schism over Muhammad's successor = Sunni v. Shia Holy text (Quran) & moral code (Sharia Law) Hajj - pilgrimage to Mecca (holiest city) Idolatry - favor geometric shapes & calligraphy over illustrating Muhummad/Allah Mosques - unite diverse believers, symbolize power/wealth of Islam + ruler (show you I'm in charge) & typically syncretically blend architecture & artistic styles

Gender in Islam

Protections BETTER than most of Eurasia - Europe, India & China Spiritual equality before Allah, work - merchant, infanticide illegal, bride controls dowry Continuities ⇒ based on pre-established beliefs and blends into new areas Polygamy BUT limited to 4 wives, Veiling/'modesty' = open to interpretation; meant to protect honor and purity of women (prevent social taboo situations) Honor Killing House seclusion Supervision for middle-upper classes

How is Islam similar and different to Judisma and Christian

Same-prayer worshup, schism, holy text moral code, chariatble, missionares, pop in lower class Different-Quaran is God word bible is more narractive, Idoloatry is forbidden in Islam


Serfdom was the popular form of coerced, hereditary, labor. Serfs would farm, do artisan work & maintain public works for specific nobles or landlords in exchange for protection. Serfs, while not enslaved, were below peasants in the hierarchy as they could not travel or marry without their lord's permission. High taxes paid to their lord for protection and living space kept them in poverty with no chance at social mobility - like the peasants.

Merchants along exchange networks -___________________ - via _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Silk Road, selling religious artifacts, talking with people at marketplaces + marrying locals ⇒ diasporic communities Islam had a very positive view of trade as Muhammad was a merchant - way to access wealth, knowledge and new converts

Fuedlism Social

Social- Social order Kings, Noble/Lords, Knights, Peasants, Serfs (gives job/responsibility). Mutual obligation - I help you = you help me. Classes help each other out both ways. Kings power is dependent of the loyalty of the lords Kings give land/titles/peasant workers to Lords so during war times the Lord will give them their army. Whatever king gives most to the lord is who he is loyal to. Lords can change who they are loyal to. Classes are dependent on Each other Feudalism is the social structure of how we order our tasks.

Dynasties Simple facts, Song, Yuan ming

Song - paper moeny, champa rice, footbinding begins, neo confucianisms Yuan- Marco Polo, mongol Invasion of Japan Ming - Rebuilt Grand canal, Zhenghe Voyages


Strong agricultural base = champa rice = drought-resistance, grows 2x a year ⇒ doubled population (120 million) = 40% world's pop Also helpful ⇒ i = more arable land MASSIVE urbanization Most vibrant economy Luxury items - silk, porcelain and tea - HIGHLY sought by Afro-Eurasia Trade primarily via Silk Road; Indian Ocean - made easier with paper $$$ The Grand Canal increased trade, wealth, communication and integration of China by connecting north-south (joins their two most important rivers - yellow & yangtze)

Crusades and How did it impact muslim chrsitan relations

Turning Point for Europe - End of Dark Ages Holy War - Failed - Goal was to take back land in Middle East and make Christian - created tension When get to Middle East, come across Reopening Trade, Technological (gunpowder, compass, sailing), Intellectual (math, philosophy, astronomy, Greco Roman Text), Silk Spices, Indian cotton, Bananas, Oranges, Exotic Goods 1430 Printing Press is created. Block Printing. Print one time and place ink. Printing Press is easier. Europe would have never had a printing press without Chinese movable type. Get rid of Bartering adopt trading This is the Reason Christopher Columbus sailed on a journey toward Asia for trade to find a faster trade route. Started out purely Religiously take back the holy city Jerusalem from Muslims, Failed. After a time in the Middle East, they learn things from Muslims like Tech, and Intelectual.

Whyd did islam have a relgious schism. Explain the sides

When Muhammad died, who would take over. Sunni 90 percent leader hsould be chpsen Shia 10 percent leader needs to be blood

To what extent were muslims tolerant

allowed others to worship, practice faith, work for muslims, but had Jizhya tax, on muslims had a tax, less pay, wear identifiying clotoehs no new worhsip buildings. Sill better than other places.


anothe rturkicarmy that took over in in Egypt

trading in fuedlimsm


Tributary System in China

cemented China's political, cultural and economic power How you gained access to Chinese markets, learnings & diplomatic Non - Chinese perform the KOWTOW - acknowledge China's superiority + tribute (goods, food, exotic animals etc.) Gain = silk, porcelain, tea, technology, culture For China ⇒ kept order in territories conquered & reinforce Middle Kingdom sentiment

Explain the irony of the china centrail asia relation ship/interaction

chinese fashion archtiectieure confucina taoism budhism goods china gained champa rice

Complicated history of Islamic Spain

collaboration, exchanges BUT also violent conflicts - Islamic invasions, Crusades, Reconquista of Spain by Christians

how could conflict be considered a contunuity of feudal european histoy prior to 1450

conflcit throughtout europe caused fuedlism attacked each other for terriotty internal external.

South Asia - Islam arrived via ________________ by ______ (effects)

conquest by Islamic Central Asian Turks - NORTHERN INDIA Relations w/ Indians subjects complicated (similar to Europe) Violent arrival Central Asian Muslims = 'outsiders' Initially repurpose Hindu + Buddhist temples as mosques Hated jizya tax Shared Golden age learnings & innovations Extensive trade

Neo (NEW)-Confucianism was created to establish

cultural stability Confucianism - gender roles, govt. - meritocracy, classes, mandate of heaven, unequal relationships, filial piety Buddhism - spiritual aspect (nirvana = heaven) Taoism - nature, balance-harmony WHY ⇒ accommodate 'barbaric'

Bhakti Movement ⇒

deemphasize Hindu rituals & texts, build a relationship w/ specific deity = INCREASINGLY POPULAR (similar to Sufism) More welcoming to women & low caste = spread Hinduism OUTSIDE India ⇒ SE Asia

Mystical form of Islam ⇒

focus on personal relationship via prayer, singing, poetry & dancing Very popular - spread Islam to Africa, India, SE Asia & Central Asia Less focus on rules & texts Encouraged followers to revere Allah in 'their own way' via s with native practices ⇒ Africanized Islam (sacrifices, face paintings, ceremonial dances) + accommodate Hindu concepts dharma and karma At times, persecuted by traditional Muslims for being heretical- NOT traditional

How did Islam spead? Describe 3 major ways (christianity and buddhism were mostly similar

furst spread thorught militaty conqest - byanite persian. Then spread throguh missiornarie - Sufis- focuesd on personal relationship thorguh prayer/Afrcianized Islm Merchants sold islam artifacts, taliking marry locals *conver). islam posite view on merchant because muuhamm ad was oen to gain knowledgee

Things aqquired/learned from crusades

gunpowder, sialing, math, astronomy,cotton, banna,oragnes

Islam Africanized ⇒

incorporated animal sacrifices, music, face painting + ceremonial dances + festivals into Islam

After 1433, Ming China became more

independent = maritime ban, trade partners had to travel to China Border conflicts with Central Asia - resources/$$$, expeditions expensive = built most of G Death of supportive emperor

What caused the fuedal age in Europe

internal and external conflicts made europe unsatable, chaotic,vulnerable,. No strong government.

W Europe mostly___________________ ⇒ Feudal 'Dark Ages' ____________________ thriving & cosmopolitan 2 major demographic shifts Massive pop growth 1000 - 1300 (_________________________) Led to ________________________________ Massive pop loss 1300 - 1450 _______________________+_______________________

isolated & disconnected from world Rest of Afro-Eurasia & Americas good climate, new foods, equipment URBANIZATION, DEFORESTATION & ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGES Black death + Little Ice Age

midle east trades

linen iron citrustrus fruits.

Islam attracted ________+____________ want higher _________________

low-caste Hindus + Buddhist, status/rank

How as islam introduced to Sub saharan afrcia and south east asia

merchannts peacefully.

Diffusion & Syncretic blending of global beliefs largely via ___________________________________ Chinese Daoism & Confucianism - ____________________ - as part of China's _______ system Buddhism in _____________________ Hinduism in ________ Islam spreads from ______ to _____________________________ Christianity dominates ___________-

merchants & missionaries, Korea, Japan, SE Asia tribute, Japan, Korea, Central Asia & Southeast Asia, SE Asia, Arabia to Europe, Africa & Asia, europe

Muslim _________ moved to Indian port cities (____________________) and married locals. Their wives & children often _________________

merchants, diasporic cmmunites.convverted

Islam was introudiced into SE asia via ___________ in the indian ocean network. Islam began to compete with _______________ and ________________-- utilizing _________________ blending tactics. In the 14000s the ____________________________ became the main power in Indonesia due to its ability to trade ____ and taxed _______ comign and going form india to china.

merchants, hinduism, buddhism, syncretic, Sultnate of Malacca, silk, taxed

Islam created by Prophet Muhammad, spread 1st by ________________ Unified Weak neighbors ⇒______________________________________________________

military conquest, Byzantine & Persian Empires, feudal kingdoms in Europe

Islam would later spread via _______________ ⇒ Sufis


Song tributary system. Explain what this system was and who partcipated and impact

non chinese had to perform kowtow ackknoled china as superior bowing down received silk proclein, tech culture kept order

Social Hierarchical classes (elites - slaves) continue to_________________ Europe and Japan saw something new - ____________________

organize societies across the world, feudalism with serfdom


overthrew abassisd calliphate then conquered Middle East (Holy Land) - Abbasid 'protectorate' "Turkish State"

Islam reached Sub-Saharan Africa _________________ before 1200 Elites _________________________________________ Majority________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

peacefully via merchants. convert - legitimize ruler (connect w/ all-powerful god), better trade & learning-technology access & simple faith, (80%) not hugely impacted Most remain polytheistic - animistic Women ⇒ public life, no escort/veil, traditional dress, matrilineal

Mongol Yuan Dynasty overthrown by a

peasant who created the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) Re-establish Chinese rule Back to Basics ⇒ Mandate of Heaven, merit-based bureaucracy, Neo-Confucianism

Christianity and Catholic dominated fuedal euope/ Explain how.

provided many hobs could be punished if church didný like something employeer of artish controlled art emplyer of architect controlled building types employer of musican controlled music

How did song dynasty use confucianism

provided purpose stbalilt gender roles, job speculation classes unequal relationship filal piety

Exchange networks INCREASE_______________ = _______________ SILK ROAD, INDIAN OCEAN & TRANS-SAHARA ROUTES Increased farming yields in Europe + Asia (new foods + equipment) = growing pop SLAVERY continues in the Mediterranean & Americas WHILE Western Europe & Japan rely more on ________________

reach/connectivity, high levels of wealth, SERFDOM

How and why was intolerance exhibited during Europes fuedal peiord

reconquista - spain take back from muslims Europe was not tolerate twords different religions did not like jews/ muslim. Not practcing chratisiona is practing the wrong fatih. jew swere in ghettos blamed for plauges and fourced out of countries

india trades

silk and spices

How did china see themselves

superior best city, sophisticated

ow did little ace age impact europe and world

tempature decreased by 2 degrees killed crops which led to famine and death

Closeness to exchange networks (Silk Road, Indian Ocean) allowed ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

the Islamic World to sit at the crossroads (nexus) of Afro-Eurasia Wealth from trading (luxury goods) - invested in scholarship, universities, schools Chinese, Indian & Mediterranean innovations, technology & learning brought into Islamic World = preserved and improved Encouraged foreign philosophers and inventors to travel to Dar-al-Islam & collaborate

Islam golden age

the empire grew; it became wealthy from the lands it ruled and from trade; a Muslim helped develop algebra; medical knowledge, science,pholisphy

1258 Mongol invasion

took over Seljuks & Abbasid (killed last caliph)

To what extent was sub saharan afrcia affected by the arrival of Islam Both sides.

Elite a20 percent converted legitimze ruler better trae and tech simple failth. Majority 80 percent not impacted remained poly theistic.

Effects of Abbasid Collapse

End of golden age learning - House of Wisdom ransacked Rise of Central Asian Turkic language & customs Islam still dominant Arrival of gunpowder via Mongol conquest (from China)


End of golden age learning - House of Wisdom ransacked Rise of Central Asian Turkic language & customs Islam still dominant Arrival of gunpowder via Mongol conquest (from China)

Black Plauge Impacts

Ended Serfdom with less people so Serfs demanded Higher wages, land back, less taxes. because there were less workers. Fight/Rebel/Revolt/Bargain to meet needs Religious Fanaticism - Christians thought it was doomsday, public hurting of themselves with leather whips asking for God's forgiveness. Did not work. Created huge cuts in the back and allowed for more infections. Anti-Seminism increased

Too what extent did India evole after islam arrived.

Evole Islam attrracted low caste hindus/bud Buslim merchants married locals who woeuld theen convert Caste system remained glue, muslim fit in on job, no social mobility Indian uslim adoped south india gender roles Didnt evolve South india still hindu

How cursades transformed western europe (Commerce,3 fileid system, The renaissance)

Get rid of bartering and adopt trading, 3 Field system provide dmore food and more pople nearby. Caused urbanization, increased diesease deforestation and resources shrunk. Now working class borugeouse. Transfered into renisance time with new learnings

Little Ice Age

Global temp dropped 2 degrees Crops failed, increasing Famine Death Rates Increase, War/Revolts about Food Usage Highly common in Peasant and Serfs (less food) already had less food and didn't want to give up more food.

__________________________________, Innovation & Diffusion of Ideas CONTINUE via _____________________________ Islamic - China-

Golden Ages of Learning, India, China & the Islamic Abbasid Caliphate, Math, astronomy, literature, medicine, Compass, gunpowder, movable type, paper $, sailing tech

the europe-islamic relationship could be characterized as complicated since islamic forces took over spain in the 7th Centry, Provide examples for both

Good: Collaborate and exchanges Bad:Violent conflicts - islamic innovations crusades

Similarates of ISlam to Spain and India (culturally, economcally)

Got access to golden age learning Islamic contorl could be limited Minimal conversion Trade was better

SOUTHERN INDIA 1200 - 1450

Hindu controlled Indian Ocean network ⇒ trade + culture transfers More peaceful interactions with Muslim merchants & missionaries (intermarriage & syncretism)

_____________ remained cultural glue of South Asia - _____________________


Islami reached its apex with the ____________, Why

Abbasid Caliphate experiencesd a golden age.

Why did Islam experiencee a golden age

Advancements in many places, geco, roman, philosohy, medicine, tech,literatur chinese paper making, imporved farming practices, Encouraged to study collaborate, translaate, expand of diffuse knowledge

Empire model CONTINUES -______________________ Feudalism dominated the ______________ continent and _________

Afro-Eurasia, Aztec & Incas in the Americas, europe and japan

Why did th Abbasid Caliphate Collapse in 1258

After capture on Central Asia turkic, and one oint they revolted from being slaves. They made new idpeendetnt slave territories. 1258 - Mongol invasion took over Seljuks & Abbasid (killed last caliph)

To What Extent Were Muslims Tolerant???

Allowed to practice faith, work for Muslims, kept places of worship Jizya tax, live smaller houses, less pay/jobs, can't build new worship places, wear identifying clothing Still better than many other places - Incan S America, Europe, China

East Asia Empire Building & Maintaining Power

Allowed to rule if things going well (virtuous enough); similar to Europe's divine right Legitimize emperor (increase power) = more loyal/obedient subjects Merit based centralized bureaucracy Civil Service Exam ⇒ govt. job based on ability = competent officials, advisers & governors to carry out emperor's will

How did islam arrive on the South Asian subcontenten? How did muslims forces attemed to maintain control. Howis it simialr to europe

Arrived via conquest by islamic central turks, violent arrival, made hindu and bud temples mosque, hatted jizya tax, shared golden age learning and more trade. Smilar to Europe because relations w/indians were complicated.

Castse system with muslims in s india

Caste system remained societal glue of India - FLEXIBLE Muslims fit in based on occupation Former low-caste Hindus NOT able raise status - education ⇔ better jobs - not just new religion Indian Muslims largely adopted South Asian gender expectation

Abbasid Caliphate conquered part of __________________

Central Asia - Turkic - groups converted to Islam, utilized them as slaves, warriors & bureaucrats. Turkic groups revolted ⇒ established independent, Islamic, kingdoms = weakened Abbasid***

Middle Kingdom in China

China = most sophisticated, cosmopolitan civ - around which all others revolve Non-Chinese = inferior

Korea, Vietnam, parts of Central Asia (conquered - greater Chinese influences) had ________________________

Chinese fashion, architecture, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, goods China did gain from Vietnam - Champa Rice - 2x China's population

Fuedlism Impacts

Christian Schism Happened because the Pope's Authority said he is the only to decide religious decisions without question. (In Catholicism, the most important person). East Europe disagrees with that. Catholic (West Europe, Latin) v. Orthodox (greek (east Europe) Religion) Europe is Christian Crusades 1100-1300 (expose Europe to things in Asia) Turning Point for Europe - End of Dark Ages Holy War - Failed - Goal was to take back land in Middle East and make Christian - created tension When get to Middle East, come across Reopening Trade, Technological (gunpowder, compass, sailing), Intellectual (math, philosophy, astronomy, Greco Roman Text), Silk Spices, Indian cotton, Bananas, Oranges, Exotic Goods 1430 Printing Press is created. Block Printing. Print one time and place ink. Printing Press is easier. Europe would have never had a printing press without Chinese movable type. Get rid of Bartering adopt trading This is the Reason Christopher Columbus sailed on a journey toward Asia for trade to find a faster trade route. Started out purely Religiously take back the holy city Jerusalem from Muslims, Failed. After a time in the Middle East, they learn things from Muslims like Tech, and Intelectual.

Cultural & Economic Exchange: Islam ⇒ Europe

Christian monks & scholars came to access Greek-Roman philosophy, Arabic improvements (on Indian + Chinese ideas) in medicine, astronomy, botany, mathematics in the largest library in the world & innovations - like paper Muslim Spain provided access to luxury goods ⇒ silks, spices, tea, cotton, gold, citrus fruits

East Asia Confucian Social Hierarchies

Confucian Social Hierarchies - provided order, purpose, stability, job specialization, gender roles Classes Unequal relationships Filal Piety ⇒ virtue of respect/honoring ancestors, elders and parents. Family stability served as a microcosm of dynasty

Interregional exchanges & learning improved by Islamic interactions via Silk Road & Indian Ocean are _______________________________

Cotton, spices, 1st to crystallize sugar Islamic enhancements to Indian learning ⇒ algerbra from Hindu numerals, medicine & astronomy, philosophy, innovations - papermaking, compass, sailing technology

Treatment of Subjects - Non Muslim

Diverse population - Europeans, Africans, South/Central Asians Dhimmis (people of the book - Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians)


INTERNAL intellectual and artistic movement known as the Renaissance which began c. 1300 - 1600 CE. Europe was reintroduced to the ancient Greco-Roman texts that Islamic scholars had translated and enhanced. They also gained access to Indian and Chinese learning via Islamic & Mongol intermediaries. European intellectuals, inventors, painters and sculptors

Feudlism Econoimc

Economic- Manorialism - estate that has everything Independent of each other Not alot of trade (did not travel outside of manor) Barter (ex. 2 goats for 12 chicken) basic goods made within community Never leave manor, can't leave, only trade within, never travel more than 20 miles Serfs Not slaves, but only a step up from slavery, step down from peasants. If you buy property the serfs that were there come with it Peasants can become fighter at times of war between other kings Pay the highest tax percentage Miserable Work

Crusades impact (E,EA,HR)

3 Field System- 3 parts 1 part wheat 1 part corn 1 part empty. Each season you rotate. Help prevent soil from getting old and less fertile. plow iron - an iron plow that gets into the ground and digs deeper and easier before Evidence - If we have an iron plow and 3 field system we have more food production, surplus, support more people Evidence Analysis: (Impact on people) provided food for more people. Historical Reasoning: Urbanization, increase towns and cities, Easier to spread disease (black plague), deforestation increase, resources shrink (more people to cater too), less animal habitats (CHAIN REACTION) Bourgeoise- Skilled labor, marchands, artisans.

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