History Unit 2 test-7th grade

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Explain how the Election of 1824 ended the Era of Good Feelings.

5 candidates run, all equal votes up to the House of Representatives, they choose John Quincy Adams, Jackson vows to run again, forming the democrat party.

In addition to the Department of State and the Department of War, which executive department did the Congress first set up? a) Treasury Department. b)Department of Commerce. c)Cabinet Department. d)Justice Department.


The arguments Thomas Jefferson and James Madison put forth in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were based on a)the States' Doctrine. b)loose constructionism. c)the Alien and Sedition Acts. d)Washington's Farewell Address.


McCulloch v. Maryland

A case in which the Court decided that the Second Bank of the United States could not be taxed by the state of Maryland

Gibbons v. Ogden

A case in which the Court decided that the federal government has exclusive power over interstate commerce

According to Hamilton, what part of the Constitution allowed Congress to set up a national bank? a)the loose construction clause b)the elastic clause c)the good government clause d)the due process clause


President James Monroe's 1823 announcement that the Western Hemisphere was not open to European Colonization is called the a)Blockade Bill. b)Monroe Doctrine. c)Embargo Act. d)Madison Law.


Which economic system, based on private ownership, did Henry Clay promote? a)socialism b)capitalism c)communism d)liberalism


Which event happened first in the election of 1800? The Electoral College voted and Adams won the most electoral votes. a)The Electoral College voted and the result was a tie between b)Jefferson and Burr. c)The House of Representatives voted and the result was a tie between Jefferson and Burr. d)The Electoral College voted and Jefferson won the most electoral votes.


Why did President Washington warn the nation against political parties in his Farewell Address? a)He only wanted the nation to have a single political party. b)He believed that political parties might divide the nation. c)A political party prevented him from running for a third term. d)He believed that political parties opposed the First Amendment.


How did James Monroe deal with the The Monroe Doctrine?

Basically telling Europe to not colonize in any Latin American nations and that any attempts at colonization would be seen as a threat to the United States.

Explain the Alien and Sedition Acts.

Federalists in Congress pass 4 laws "to protect against foreigners," Lengthened time for immigrants to gain citizenship from 5 to 14 years, Could deport or jail aliens suspected of activities against the government

What was the French Revolution? Why did it happen?

The french revolution was the french going against their king, America changed its mind about helping the french when news got shared that 20,000 people were killed there.

What was the Whiskey Rebellion? Why did it happen?

The government needs money so they started taxing whiskey, farmers who produced whiskey refused to pay. The "Whiskey Boys" started ignoring the tax collector. 13,000 troops sent to stop them.

In the Election of 1800 what happened? What was the final outcome?What was the significance? 12th amendment?

There is a tie between Burr and Jefferson, vote goes to the house of representatives which leads to another tie, Hamilton says vote for Jefferson not Burr, Jefferson becomes president

All of these characterize John Marshall's Supreme Court decisions in the early 1800s except a)they promoted national economic growth. b)they reinforced the authority of business contracts. c)they increased the power of the federal government over states. d)they established the power of states over the federal government


President Washington viewed the Whiskey Rebellion as a) proof that the national government was a failure. b) evidence that whiskey should be banned. c)a threat to the authority of the national government. d) a reason to declare war against Great Britain.


Who supported the Alien and Sedition Acts? a)Alexander Hamilton b)James Madison c)Federalists d)Republicans


Why did Jackson oppose the Bank of the United States? a)He thought its president was inexperienced and poorly educated. b)He thought it loaned too much money to farmers and workers. c)He thought it was unconstitutional and that it favored the rich. d)He thought it benefited western business owners over those in the east.


Why did the ruler of Tripoli declare war on the United States during Jefferson's presidency? a)He felt he would gain support from Great Britain. b)He did not believe in neutrality or isolationism. c)He wanted more tribute from the United States. d)He desired to obtain land in the United States.


The Trail of Tears refers to a)Jackson's angry negotiations with the Five Civilized Tribes. b)the movement of Seminole Indians from the West to Florida. c)government workers who lost their jobs due to Jackson's spoils system. d)the removal of Cherokee Indians from Georgia to Indian Territory


Which of the following was a result of the War of 1812? a)Some Indian resistance weakened. b)U.S. National Pride increased. c)The Federalist Party was damaged. d)all of the above


Which of these statements reflects a view held by Thomas Jefferson? a)The nation's economy depends on bankers and merchants. b)Wealthy citizens should have the power to govern. c)The national bank supported the goals of farmers. d)Informed citizens can make good decisions for the country.


Why did Hamilton want to establish a national bank? a)to help the government collect taxes b)to give the nation a stable currency c)to expand businesses by making loans d)all of the above


What was the Farewell Address?

President Washington warned Americans not to create political parties and not to make permanent foreign alliances.

How did Thomas Jefferson deal with the Pirates, Impressment, and Embargo Act of 1807?

Sent warships to the Mediterranean, instead of paying tribute.

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