Hitler Consolidation and Ideology

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nazi salute

"heil hitler"; signals obedience to the leader and to glorify the nation; believed to have ancient roman origins; citizens required to perform salute

german superiority, anti-semitism, social darwinsim, and cult of the leader

2 nazi ideas that were already accepted by many in society

people want had to support hitler and be seen getting on board; turning in a couple people who should be on the list

2 ways people could get off the list of the "enemies of the state"

german citizens were empowered to engage in behavior that would otherwise be forbidden, propaganda shifts the "frame of reference" regarding the subject (formerly extreme ideas enter legitimate discussion), and the "piling on" effect quiets opposition

3 results of anti-jewish propaganda

to connect jews to every problem facing germany, to reinforce traditional negative stereotypes about jews, to create a climate of contempt toward jews, to dehumanize the image of jews (to facilitate discrimination, segregation, exile, and eventually murder)

4 goals of anti-jewish propaganda

the police state meant there was little opposition to the nazis, justice disappeared, society became more suspicious and tense, and the number of criminal offenses dropped

4 impacts the police state had on the german people

economy, education system, communication/media/message, religion, family life

5 key areas hitler needed to control

cinema, radio, images, spoken word, printed word

5 methods the nazis used to deliver their propaganda message

censorship of the press, control of radio broadcasts, large public events, use of loudspeakers in public place, and control of culture

5 ways Hitler used propaganda

Hitler took control of state (Lander) governments

Part of the Gleichschaltung; seized public buildings; locan officials forced to resign and loyal Nazis appointed

SS (Schutzstaffel)

Part of the Nazi police apparatus; led by Heinrich Himmler; oversaw the other 2 groups; set up concentration camps and developed their own industrial enterprises where prisoners were used as slave labor

enabling act

Passed on March 24, 1933. "Law to remedy the distress of people and Reich." temporary emergency measures; Gave hitler the power to make all the laws without the consent of the Reichstag. He used the Reichstag Fire, the fear of communists, and nationalist fervor to get it passed

January 30, 1933

When did President Hindenburg name Hitler chancellor of Germany


a set of ideas/beliefs shared by members of a group or society


a specific type of message presentation aimed at serving an agenda; information, especially baised or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a political cause or point of view and influence an audience or agenda

forcible coordination

all german institutions were to conform to nazi ideals (ideology)

abolish treaty of versailles

all german-speaking people (lands lost from the treaty) should be reunited in one country


anti-communism; saw marxist views as dangerous, only weaken a nation and spreading international revolution

mein kampf

becomes basis of nazi ideology and said that everything is to bring greatness and glory back to germany


believed that jews were the lowest race in the heirarchy and should be persecuted and eventually eradicated

blut und boden

blood and soil; relationship of a people to the land they occupy and cultivate, it places a high value of the virtues of rural living


coordination; hitler took control of the state governments, established gestapo, trade unions dissolved, law for the restoration of the professional civil service, all political parties banned; Goal: control as many aspects of government/society as possible


democracy gives a voice to an element of society that should not have been one; Nazis saw Weimar government as weak due to the nature of many people/groups having a voice

no, they only received 288 votes (44%)

did the nazi party receive the majority in the March 1933 election

Reichstag Fire

event that happened on February 27, 1933 that was blamed on a dutch communist. Hitler used this event to stir up fervor and resentment against "political enemies of the state"

white rose

forced by students at munich university in 1943. They published anti-nazi leaflets, distributed posters, wrote anti-nazi graffiti and march through the city in protest at hitler's policies


gender discrimination; advocated excluding women from political involvement and confining them to the spheres of "kinder, kuche, kirche" (children, kitchen, church)

swing/jazz youth

groups were mainly upper middle class young people who rejected nazi values as well as having the money to visit night clubs. They danced the jitterbug to banned jazz music. They were closely monitored by the gestapo, who regularly raided illegal jazz clubs

concentration camps

in 1933, dachau was the first camp to be opened. By 1939 there were 6; criminals not released upon completion of sentence, political opponents, and asocial were sent there


information, often of a biased or midleading nature, used to promote or publicize a point of view and influence an audience


leader principle; the idea that there shoud be a single, all powerful and knowing leader with a complete and unquestionable power; a "cult of personality" develops from this


living space; the right of the superior german race to colonize and settle other's lands for the german nation to expand

triumph of the will

name of the groundbreaking nazi propaganda film which showcased in 1934 party congress at nuremburg

gestapo and SS

name the two groups/intitutions used by the nazis to elicit intimidation, repression, and establish fear amongst the german people

controlling the radio broadcasts and louspeakers played Hitler's speeches in public places

name two methods nazis used and saw as essential to influencing the masses


nazi party symbol since 1920; ancient symbol dating back to 10,000 bc in indus river valley; means "well-being"

iron eagle

nazu symbol used on all government buildings; german eagle was national sign of power, strength; used since holy roman empire; still used today for the federal republic of germany

trade unions dissolved

part of the gestapo; May 1933; took away workers' right to strike

all political parties banned

part of the gleichschaltung; july 1933; all parties except nazis were disbanded and leaders jailed; law to ensure the unity of party and state; legally established a one-party state

law for the restoration of the professional civil service

part of the gleichschaltung; june 1933; all non-aryans/jews were purged from government jobs

Established gestapo

part of the gleichschaltung; secret police; encouraged citizens to report opponents and "grumblers"


people's community; a way to unite people; aryan race is bound together by german blood; a community with strong national pride would be created uniting all social classes and regions of germany behind hitler

pan-germanism (herrenvolk)

superior people; supremacy of german aryans as master race


the Nazi's secret police force; they listened to phone calls, intercepted letters, and encouraged ordinary germans to inform on their fellow citizens; they dressed as everyday people and their job was to keep everyone in line; established by Herman Goering; relied on information from informants; by 1940 there were 45,000 members and 160,000 informants; rounded up opponents to nazi rule

the night of long knives

the SA wanted more power so the SS rivalled and killed SA members

social darwinsim

the belief in darwin's theory that in society like in nature, only the strongest will win a struggle


the belief that aryans were master race

social darwinism

the belief that life is a constant struggle and the strongest will always win

supremacy of the state

the belief that loyalty to the state is more important than any other loyalty

supremacy of the state

the belief that loyalty to the state is most important

blut und boden

the belief that the blood of the community is rooted in the soil


the idea that germany should be economically self-sufficient


the idea that people are bound together by a sense of national community

SD (sicherheitsdienst)

the intelligence gathering agency of the SS

edelweiss pirates

the main working class youth group that opposed hitler

joseph goebbels

the minister of popular enlightenment and propaganda for the nazi party


the most recognizable symbol for nazi germany which was originally an ancient symbol of well-being and good wishes


the principle that the leader's will is the source of all authority and is unquestionable


the right of the german race to acquire more living space for its people


the view that government by the people gives undue weight to weaker and mediocre people

Hitler Youth

their aim was to control the activities of young people outside the classroom, make them loyal to Hitler, train boys to be soldiers, and prepare girls to be wives and mothers


true or false? goebbels ordered the creation of cheap radios called gleichschaltungs which played an important roll in influencing the masses


true or false? herman goering was the head of the schutzstaffel (SS)


true or false? herrenvolk refers to the german aryans as being the master race


true or false? hitler wrote in mein kampf that cultures are destroyed by the mixing of its blood


true or false? hitler wrote in mein kampf that effective propaganda must be detailed in its content and appeal to intellect


true or false? hitler's use of the greeting 'heil' and the title fuhrer were meant as signs of respect and authority


true or false? nazi ideology was influenced by 19th century writers and philosophers


true or false? one of the main goals of anti-jewish propaganda was to warn the jewish population about what hitler was planning to do to them in the future


true or false? the german word for people's community is herrenvolk


true or false? the persecution of jews was not unique to hitler's germany

-silence opposition-gestapo, SS, and SA silenced opposition and jailed anyone who spoke against hitler or did not use the hitler salute -school system- hitler had schools teach kids about how nazis and aryans were good and jews were bad. Taught boys to be soldiers and girls are meant for children, kitchen, and church -concentration camps- needed a place to put all those who opposed him and were jailed. He sent anyone who was considered an "enemy" to the nazi party, handicapped, and "asocial" to concentration camps

upon being granted law-making powers (Enabling act) in march 1933, hitler then needed to begin consolidating his power. List three areas he needed to control or steps he took in the next few years to consolidate that power

controls central/state/local governments and police, banned political parties (single party state), banned trade/labor unions, and loyalty of army

what 4 parts of german society does hitler control

the steps hitler and the nazis took to make germany an authoritarian state, including establishing a gestapo, burning of books, and dissolving of trade unions.

what is meant by the term gliechschaltung

press, radio, and police

what three things did Hitler use to intimidate voters to vote for the Nazi Party in the general election in March 1933

to brainwash people into obeying the nazis and idolising hitler

what was the main purpose of propaganda


what were massed produced and hitler's speeches were broadcasted on their

-to show hitler as a savior who is helping germany -to blame the enemies (communists and jews) for germany's problems

what were two general goals of nazi propaganda

19th century philosophers and hitl'er life experiences

where did nazi ideology come from

german, austrians, dutch, scandinavians

who was considered ayran

jews, adricans, russians, slavs, serbs, poles, romanians

who was not considered aryan

convicted criminals, political opponents (communists, jews, minissters, and priests), "asocial" (prostitutes and homosexuals), handicapped

who was sent to concentration camps

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