Honors Biology Final Study Guide

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What type of bonds join the two strands of a DNA molecule together?


What were the three theories for DNA replication?

1.Conservative 2.Semi-Conservative 3.Duplication

What are the 3 parts of a DNA Molecule?

1.Nitrogenous Base 2. Phosphate groups 3.Sugar

What two parts of the nucleotide make up the backbone or sides of the DNA molecule?

1.Phosphate 2.Sugar

How is RNA different from DNA? (3 things)

1.RNA has one strand 2.Dna uses thymine not Uracil 3.Rna has the sugar ribose

What are the two parts of protein synthesis?

1.Transcription 2.Translation

How many strands of DNA make up a DNA molecule?


15. Aristotle believed that a. species are fixed (permanent) and perfect b. species evolve through natural selection and other mechanisms c. no two individual organisms are alike and all types of organisms are equally valuable d. the best evidence for change within species is seen in fossils e. an individual's use of a body part causes it to further evolve


A carrier of a genetic disorder who does not show symptoms is most likely yo be ________ to transmit it to offspring a. heterozygous for the trait and able b. homozygous for the trait and unable c. heterozygous for the trait and unable d. heterozygous for the trait and unlikely e. homozygous for the trait and able


A population of 1,00 birds exist on a small Pacific island. Some of the birds are yellow, a characteristic determined by recessive allele. The others are green, a characteristic determined by a dominant allele. A hurricane on the island kills most of the birds from this population. Only ten remain, and those birds all have yellow feathers. Which of the following statements is true? a. The hurricane has caused a population bottleneck and a loss of genetic diversity b. the ten remaining birds will mate only with each other, and this will contribute to gene flow in the population c. This situation illustrates the principle of adaptive radiation d. this situation illustrates the effect of a mutation event e. assuming that no new birds come to to the island and no mutations occur, future generations of this population will contain both green and yellow birds


After a copper smelter begins operation, local populations of plants downwind of the plant begin to adapt to the resulting air pollution. Scientists document, for example, that the acid tolerance of several plant species has increased significantly in the polluted area. This is an example in response to a. directional selection b. genetic drift c. disruptive selection d. heterozygote advantage e. stabilizing selection


After reading the following paragraph, answer the question(s) below. A woman has been trying to conceive for several years, unsuccessfully. At a fertility clinic, they discover that she has blocked fallopian tubes. Using modern technologie, some of her eggs are remove, fertilized with her husband's sperm, and implanted into her uterus. The procedure is successful, but the coople discovers that their new son is color blind and has blood type O. The woman claims that child can't be theirs since she has blood type A and her husband is type B. Also, neither parent is color blind, although one grandparent (the woman's father) is also color blindIn regard to the baby's color blindness, a sex linked recessive trait, you can explain that a. since color blindness is sex linked, a son can inherit color blindness if his mother has the recessive color blindness allele b. the eggs must have been accidentally switched, since males inherit sex linked traits only from their fathers c. since color blindness is recessive, bothe parents can pass it on, even if neither is color blind d. color blindness often appears randomly, even if neither parent is color blind e. the baby's father must have a recessive allele for color blindness


Darwin found that some of the species on the Galapagos islands resembles species of the South American mainland a. more than they resembles animals on ecologically similar but distant islands b. less than they resembled animals in Europe c. very closely; in most cases, the species from the mainland and the islands were identical d. less than they resembled animals on ecologically similar but distant islands e. less than they resembled animas from Australia


Dr. Smith's parents have normal hearing. However, Dr. Smith has an inherited form of deafness. Deafness is a recessive trait that is associated with the abnormal allele d. The normal allele at this locus, associated with normal hearing, is D. Dr. Smith's parents could have which of the following genotypes? a. Dd and Dd b. Dd and DD c. dd and dd d. DD and DD e. DD and dd


Genes located close together on the same chromosomes are referred to as ______ genes and generally ______. a. linked... do not support independently during meiosis b. linked... sort independently during meiosis c. codependent... do not sort independently during meiosis d. associated.. sort independently e. homologous... are inherited together


Most genetic disorders of humans are caused by a. recessive alleles b. a mutation that occurs in the egg, sperm, or zygote c. drinking during pregnancy d. multiple alleles e. dominant alleles


The most common chlorophyl type is what?


The process by which the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell divides to produce two cells is called a. cytokinesis b. binary fission c. spindle formation d. telophase e. mitosis


The type of chlorophyll found in all algae is chlorophyll: a. a b. b c. c d. d


To study the dark reactions of photosynthesis, Calvin used radioactive: a. carbon dioxide b. enzymes c. NADP d. phosphates


Varieties of plants in which self fertilization produces offspring that are identical to the parents are referred to as a. true breeding b. hybrids c. monohybrid cross d. the F2 generation e. independent crosses


Which of the following best describes chlorophyll? a. it absorbs red light b. it is located in the stroma of the chloroplast c. it reflects blue light d. it is an accessory pigment


Which of the following is part of the process of chemiosmosis? a. electrons move along the electron transport chain b. water molecules are split c. hydrogen ions pass through membranes d. light is absorbed through chlorophyll


Which of the following statements best represents the theory of pangenesis developed by Hippocrates? a. particles called pangenes, which originate in each part of an organism's body, collect in the sperm or eggs and are passed on to the next generation b. heritable traits are influenced by the environment and the behaviors of the parents c. fertilization of plants is dependent on an animal d. pregnancy is a spontaneous event, and the characteristics of the offspring are determined by the gods e. offspring inherit the traits of either the mother or the father, but not both


Which of the following would prevent an organism from becoming part of the fossil record when it dies? a. it is fully decomposed by bacteria and fungi b. it is frozen in ice c. it is buried in fine sediments at the bottom of a lake d. it is trapped in sap e. it falls into an acid bog


What are replication forks?

A Y-shaped region in a chromosome that serves as the growing site for dna replication.

Which two bases are purines?

Adenine and Guanine

What is the general term for photosynthesis organisms?


4. The ultimate source of all new alleles is a. genetic drift b. mutation in parent cells (asexual organisms) or in cells that produce gametes (sexual organisms) c. chromosomal duplication d. natural selection e. any form of mutation, regardless of the cell type


According to scientists, about what percentage of men currently living in cnetral Asia may be descended from the Mongolian ruler Genghis Khan? a. 25% b. 8% c. 4% d. 12% e. 40%


Crossing over _____ genes into assortments of _____ not found in parents a. combines linked... genes b. recombines linked... alleles c. recombines unlinked... genes d. recombines unlinked... chromosomes e. combines unlinked... alleles


Electrons needed to reestablish the chlorophyll in photosynthesis II come from: a. accessory pigments b. water molecules c. carbon dioxide d. photosystem I


The major advantage of C4 photosynthesis is that it: a. occurs at a lower light intensity b. fixes carbon at a faster rate c. can be carried out at night d. requires much less energy


Which of the following represents a pair of homologous structures? a. the feathers of a bird and the wing membrane of a bat b. the wing of a bat and the flipper of a whale c. the wing of a bat and the scales of a fish d. the wing of a bat and the wing of a butterfly e. the antennae of an insect and the eyes of a bird


Which of the following statements is false? a. heterozygotes for hypercholesterolemia have blood cholestrols about twice as normal b. incomplete dominance supports the blending hypothesis c. the four blood types result from various combinations of the three different ABO alleles d. ABO blood groups can provide evidence of paternity e. the impact of a single gene on more than one character is called pleiotropy


Which of the following statements regarding genetic diversity is false? a. Genetic diversity is enhanced by crossing over during prophase I of meiosis b. Genetic diversity is enhanced by mitosis of somatic cells c. Genetic diversity is enhanced by independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I d. Genetic diversity is enhanced by random mutations the DNA e. Genetic diversity is enhanced by random fertilization


Which of the following statements regarding natural selection is false? a. Natural selection depends on the local environment at the current time b. natural selection starts with the creation of new alleles that are directed toward improving an organism's fitness c. Natural selection and evolutionary change can occur in a short period of time (a few generations) d. Natural Selection is more of an editing process than a creative mechanism e. Natural selection can be observed working in organisms today


Which of the following takes place in CAM plants? a. CO2 is absorbed during the day and released at night b. CO2 is absorbed at night and released during the day c. CO2 is continually absorbed d. CO2 is continually released


Which sentence best describes the true nature of natural selection? a. only the strongest survive b. heritable traits that promote reproduction become more frequent in a population from one generation to the next c. the strong eliminate the weak in the race for survival d. survival of the fittest e. organisms change by random chance


What is the name od the energy carrier in Photosystem 1, before it picks up its electrons and hydrogen?


What are the basic buildings blocks (monomers) of DNA?


What process is used by prokaryotes?

Binary Fission

3. Both mitosis and meiosis are preceded by a. prometaphase b. telophase c. interphase d. anaphase e. prophase


6. Which of the following statements is false? a. a zygote is a fertilized egg b. somatic cells are diploid c. gametes are made by mitosis d. gametes are haploid cells e. a typical body cell is called a somatic cell


7. Genetic differences between populations tend to be reduced by a. mutation b. the founder effect c. gene flow d. natural selection e. the bottleneck effect


Any gene located on a sex chromosome a. is called a dominant allele b. will exhibit pleiotropy c. is called a sex linked gene d. will exhibit codominance e. is called a recessive gene


Calvin's investigation with green alga allowed him to work out the sequence of steps in: a. the light reactions b. aerobic respiration c. the dark reactions d. lactic acid fermentation


During which phase of mitosis do the chromosomes line up on a plane equidistant from the two spindle poles? a. telophase b. interphase c. metaphase d. anaphase e. prophase


How is sex determined in most ants and bees? a. by the X-O system b. by the X-Y system c. by the number of chromosomes d. by the size of sex chromosome e. by the Z- W system


How many sex chromosomes are in a human gamete? a. two b. three c. one d. five e. four


In the Hardy- Weinberg equation, the frequency of homozygous dominant individuals in a population is equal to a. q2 b. 2pq c. p2 d. q or p e. 2p


Photosynthesis and respiration are alike in that both: a. require FAD as a hydrogen accpetor b. produce ATP as the final end product c. involve an electron transport chain d. take place within mitochondria


The sex chromosome complement of a normal human male is a. XO b. YO c. XY d. YY e. XX


The vast majority of people afflicted with recessive disorders are born to parents who were a. subjected to some environmental toxin that caused the disease in their children b. both affected by the disease c. not affected at all by the disease d. slightly affected by the disease, showing some but not all of the symptoms e. affected by the disease but had subclinical symptoms


Using a six sided die, what is the probability of rolling either a 5 or a 6? a. 1/6 b. 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/12 c. 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3 d. 1/6 + 1/6 = 2/3 e. 1/6 x 1//6 = 1/36


WHich of the following is essentially the opposite of pleiotropy? a. blending inheritance b. incomplete dominacne d. polygenic dominance d. multiple alleles e. codominance


Which of the following conditions would tend to make the Hardy- Weinberg equation more accurate for predicting the genotype frequencies of future generations in a population of a sexually reproducing species? a. mutations that alter the gene pool b. a small population size c. little gnee flow with surrounding populations d. frequent interbreeding with individuals from a second population with different values of p and q e. a tendency on the part of females to mate with the healthiest males


Which of the following kinds of data could be used to map the relative position of three genes on a chromosome? a. the frequencies with which the genes exhibit incomplete dominance over each other b. the frequencies of mutations in the genes c. the frequencies with which the corresponding traits occur together in offspring d. the frequencies with which the genes are heterozygous e. the frequencies with which the genes are inherited from the mother and from the father


Which of the following statements regarding domestic dogs is false? a. shar- pei and Akita are genetially very similar to the wolf b. humans have bred dogs for thousands of years c. all dogs descended from wolves d. dogs of different breeds can be identified through genetic analysis e. dogs originated in East Asia


Which of the following statements regarding sickle- cell disease is false? a. Persons who are heterozygous for sickle- cell disease are also resistant to malaria b. sickle cell disease is common in tropical Africa c. sickle cell diseas causes white blood cells to sickle shaped d. all of the symptoms of sickle cell disease result from the actions of just one allele e. about one in ten African- Americans is a carrier of sickle cell disease


The bond between nucleotides in the same strand known as the inter strand bond is formed between what parts of a nucleotide?


Photosystem 2

Picks up new electron from water


Product of Photosystem 2

What are the 2 major groups of nitrogen bases found in DNA?

Purine and Pyrmidine

What are the two main colors of light absorbed by chlorophyl?

Red and Blue

n which model of replication was it thought that 2 molecles of DNA would be created with a mix of new and old DNA found a long each strand of the molecule?


Advantage of C4


What is the name given to the pores that regulate the movement of CO2 into and out of a plant?


In what region of a chloroplast do the C3 reactions occur?


If the codon has a sequence AUG, what is the complementary anticodon sequence?


Autotrophs and heterotrophs carry out respiration.


Calvin used Chlorella to study the dark reactions


Photosynthesis converts energy from the sun into chemical energy.


Stomata are pores that regulate passage of water vapor into and out of plants.


Which carbon fixation pathway is used by cactuses and other desert plants?


Which reaction is catalyzed by RuBP Carboxylase?

CO2 Fixation

What group of pigments includes xanthophylls?


In which molecule of replication was it thought that each strand in the original DNA molecule was used as a template on which new strands of DNA were built?


What type of bonds join the 2 strands of the DNA molecule together?


Where does translation take place?


What does guanine always bond with?


1. Microevolution, or evolution at its smallest scale, occurs a. a community of organisms changes due to the extinction of several dominant species. b. a new species arises from an existing species. c. a geographic area is altered by erosion, volcanic eruptions, or other geological forces. d. a population's allele frequencies change over a span of generations. e. an individual's traits change in response to environmental factors


10. Independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I results in an increase in the number of a. points of crossing over b. gametes c. homologous chromosomes d. possible combinations of characteristics e. sex chromosomes


13. Which of the following assumptions or observations contradicts Darwin's idea of natural selection? a. Heritable traits that promote successful reproduction should gradually become more common in a population b. Populations produce more offspring than their environment can support c. Organisms compete for limited resources d. whether an organism survives and reproduces is almost entirely a matter of random chance e. organisms vary in heritable ways


2. Darwin was the first person to draw an evolutionary tree, a diagram that represents a. final, factually established evolutionary relationships among different groups of organisms b. groupings of organisms based on overall similarity c. evidence-based hypotheses regarding our understanding of patterns d. records of lineages in humans (also known as a family tree) e. records of breeding in domesticated animals


21. Humans share several features with salamanders. Certain genes and proteins are nearly identical between the two species; both species have four limbs with similare skeletal structurel the species' earpy embryos are very similar; and wehre the salamander has a functional tail, humans have a vestigial tailbone. In evolutionary terms, these are examples of a. independently acquired traits b. coincidental similarity c. adaption by natural selection d. homology e. biogeography similarity


5. If you had to choose, where would you rather get infected with a serious bacterial disease? a. in a livestock barn where the animals have been treated with antibiotics b. in a hospital, where most of the bacteria are probably already weakened by antibiotics in the environment c. in a big city where antibiotics are routinely prescribed by doctors d. in a remote, sparsely populated area where the bacteria have not been exposed to antibiotic drugs


8. A population is a. all individuals of a species, regardless of location or time period in which they live b. a group of individuals of a species plus all of the other species with which they interact c. a group of individuals of different species living in the same place at the same time d. a group of individuals of the same species living in the same place at the same time e. a group of species that share a common characteristic


A person with AB blood illustrates the principle of a. blending inheritance b. incomplete dominance c. polygenic inheritance d. codominance e. pleiotropy


A testcross is a. a mating between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual heterozygous for the trait of interest b. a mating between two individuals of unknown genotype c. a mating between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual homozygous dominant for the trait of interest d. a mating between an individual of unknown genotype and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait of interest e. a mating between two individuals heterozygous for the trait of interest


All the offspring of a cross between a black eyed mendelien and an orange eyed mendelien have black eyes. This means that the allele for black eyes is _____ the allele for orange eyes. a. better than b. codominant to c. recessive to d. dominant to e. more aggressive than


All the offspring of a cross between a black eyed mendelien and an orange eyed mendelien have black eyes. What is the expect phenotypic ration of a cross between two orange eyed mendeliens? a. 3 black eyed: 1 orange eyed b. 1 black eyed: 1 orange eyed c. 0 black eyed: 1 orange eyed d. 1 black eyed: 3 orange eyed e. 1 black eyed: 0 orange eyed


Amniocnetesis and chorionic villus sampling allow for _____ and ______ of the fetus so that it can be tested for abnormalities a. direct observation... biochemical testing b. imaging... karotyping c. sexing... imaging d. karotypung... bichemical testing e. imaging... biochemical testing


Female inheritance patterns cannot be analyzed by simply studying the X chromosome because a. the X chromosome is too difficult to isolate from the other chromosomes b. the X chromosome is too fragile for long term analysis c. the X chromosome is obtained from both father and mother d. the X chromosome is obtained from both father and mother e. the X chromosome is physically too large to analyze accurately


For the most sexually reproducing organisms, Mendel's laws a. indicate if a particular genotype will cause a certain phenotype b. help us understand the global geogrpahic patterns of genetic disease c. explain the reasons why certain genes are dominant d. cannot strictly account for most patterns of inheritance e. clarify the phenomenon of incomplete dominance


If A is dominant to a and B is dominant to b, what is the expects phenotypic ratio of the cross AaBb x AaBb a. 4:4:4:4 b. 8:4:2:2 c. 16:0:0:0 d. 9:3:3:1 e. 1:1:1:1


Linked genes generally a. follow the laws of independent assortment b. reflect a pattern of codominance c. show incomplete dominance d. do not follow the laws of independent assortment e. show pleiotropy


Mendel's law of independent assortment states that a. genes sort independently of each other in animals but not in plants b. genes are sorted concurrently during gamete formation c. independent sorting of genes produces polyploid plants under some circumstances d. each pair of alleles segregates independently of the other pairs of alleles during gamete formation e. chromosomes sort independently of each other during mitosis and meiosis


The individual features of all organisms are the result of a. genetics and cytoplasmic determinants b. the environment and individual needs c. the environment d. genetics and the environment e. genetics


Which of the following statements best explains why dominant alleles that cause lethal disorders are less common than recessive alleles that cause lethal disorders? a. the presence of a lethal dominant allele causes sterility b. lethal disorders caused by dominant alleles are usually more severe than lethal disorders caused by recessive alleles c. most individuals carrying a lethal dominant allele have the disorder and die before they reproduce, whereas individuals carrying a lethal recessive allele are more likely to be healthy and reproduce d. many lethal recessive alleles cause enhanced disease resistance when the are present in the heterozygous state, and carriers of these alleles have more children, on average, than other people e. unlike lethal disorders caused by recessive alleles, lethal disorders caused by dominant alleles usually cause the death of the embryo


Which of the following statements regarding genotypes and phenotypes is false? a. An organism with two different alleles for a single trait is said to be heterozygous for that trait b. the genetic makeup of an organism constitutes its genotype c. the expressed physical traits of an organism are called its phenotype d. an allele that is fully expressed is referred to as recessive e. alleles are alternate forms of a gene


Which of the following will tend to produce adaptive changes in populations? a. genetic drift b. gene flow c. the founder effect d. natural selection e. mutation


Which of the followung pigments absorb green light? a. chlorophylls a and b b. carotenes c. xanthophylls d. phycobilins


{LOOK AT DIAGRAM ON TEST: PAGE 5} Which plants in this figure must all be heterozygous? a. purple flowered plants in the P generation b. white flowered plants in the P generation c. white flowered plants in the F2 generation d. purple flowered plants in the F1 generation e. purple flowered plants in the F2 generation


Why are the strands of the DNA molecule said to be anti parallel?

DNA strands normally go from 3' to 5'. DNA strands match their 3' end up to the opposite strand's 5' end.

What is the 5 carbon sugar found in DNA?


In which model of replication was it believed that the original DNA was left intact and a new molecule produced identical to it?


11. Genetic drift resulting from a disaster that drastically reduces population size is called a. nonrandom mating b. gene flow c. the founder effect d. natural selection e. the bottleneck effect


12. Lyell's book Principle of Geology, which Darwin read n board the H.M.S. Beagle, argued in favor of which of the following concepts? a. Meteorite impacts may have been a major cause of periodic mass extinctions b. Earth's surface is shaped mainly by occasional catastrophic events c. The processes that shape Earth today re very different from those that were at work in the past d. Earthquakes were less important than sedimentary processes in creating the landscape of South America e. Earth's surface is shaped by natural forces that act gradually and are still acting


14. Which of the following terms represents the frequency of heterozygotes in a population that is in Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium? a. q b. p2 c. q2 d. p e. 2pq


9. A dog breeder wishes to develop a breed that does not bark. She starts with a diverse mixture of dogs. Generation after Generation, she allows only the quietest dogs to breed, After 30 years of work she has a new breed of dog with interesting traits, but on average, the dogs still bark at about the same rate as other dog breeds. Which of the following would be a logical explanation for her failure? a. There is no variation for the trait(barking) b. She did not breed enough of the frequently barking dogs to obtain the desired result c. The selection was artificial, not natural, so it did not produce evolutionary change d. There was no selection (differential reproductive success) related to barking behavior e. The tendency to bark is not a heritable trait


Mendel conducted his most memorable experiments on a. roses b. clones c. guinea pigs d. fruit flies e. peas


Recessive X linked traits are more likely to be expressed in a male fruit fly than a female fruit fly because a. the male chromosome is more susceptible to mutations b. the male's SRY gene doubled the chnaces that sex linked genes are expressed c.males are haploids d. the male chromosome is more fragile than the female chromosome e. the male's phenotype resultus entirely from his single X linked gene


Research since Mendel's time has established that the law of the segregation of genes during gamete formation a. applies to all asexually reproducing organisms b. applies to all forms of life c. applies only to unicellular organisms d. is invalid e. applies to all sexually reproducing organisms


What is meant by the statement that "male bees are fatherless"? a. the queen bee's mate dies before the male eggs hatch b. male bees are produced by budding c. male bees don't play a role in the rearing of bee young d. male bees develop from fertilized eggs e. male bees develop from unfertilized eggs


Which of the following is an example of incomplete dominance in humans a. skin color b. sickle cell disease c. phenylketonuria d. ABO blood groups e. hypercholesterolemia


Which of the following statements regarding hypotheses about inheritance is false? a. The theory of pangenesis incorrectly suggests that reproductive cells receive particles from somatic cells b. the blending hypothesis does not explain how traits that disappear in one generation can reappear in later generations. c. contrary to the theory of pangenesis, somatic cells do not influence eggs or sperm d. Aristotle suggested that the inheritance is the potential to produce body features e. the blending hypothesis suggests that all of the traits of the offspring come from either the mother or the father


What is the difference between exons and introns?

Exons-codes for dna Introns-trash in between that get put out

In photosynthesis, the oxygen atoms from CO2 are released as O2.


In photoysnthesis, light energy is used to break down a molecule of glucose.


Most plants carry on CAM photosynthesis


NADPH is a reactant in the light reaction of photosynthesis.


The Calvin cycle is also called the citric acid cycle.


The dark reactions of photosynthesis can only occur in the dark.


Where is DNA found in the cell?

The nucleus

What is meant by the term complementary base pairing?

The pair of nitrogenous bases that connects the complementary strands of DNA

What is a pancake-like photosynthetic membrane within the chloroplast called?


What does Adenine always bond with?


Which two bases are pyrimidines?

Thymine and Cytosine

Why do cells carry out respiration?

To break down sugar and turn it into usable energy

Where is the anticodon found?



Used to drive Dark reactions


a five carbon sugar

What is the purpose of Transcription?

a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA by the enzyme RNA polymerase

What are codons?

a sequence of three nucleotides that together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.


absorbs green wavelengths of light

What is the role of DNA polymerase?

enzymes that produce nucleotides

The order of amino acids determines the _______ and _________ of a protein.

function and shape

RuBP Carboxylase

makes up about 25% of the proteins in chloroplast

Where does transcription take place?



place where the Calvin cycle occurs

CAM Photosynthesis

plants absorb CO2 at night


regulates gas exchange in leaves

What is the purpose of translation?

the process by which a sequence of nucleotide triplets in a messenger RNA molecule gives rise to a specific sequence of amino acids during synthesis of a polypeptide or protein.

What is the role of the enzyme DNA helicase?

to unwind the DNA Molecule``

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