HONORS CHEM Electron Configuration
shell 2
2 subshells s and p orbitals 1 orbital in s subshell, 3 orbital in p subshell 4 orbitals in n2 energy level 8 electrons in 2n2 energy level
energy level 3
3 sublevels, 5 orbitals, 18 electrons
energy equation
E = h(v) where v is frequency
speed of light
c= 2.998 x 10^8 m/s
shapes of orbitals
s: sphere, 1 orbital p: dumbbell/infinity sign, 3 orbitals d: flower/clover, 5 orbitals f: cluster, 7 orbitals
1 amu mass, located in nucleus, neutral charge
1 amu mass, located in nucleus, positive charge
energy level 1
1 sublevel, 1 orbital, 2 max electrons
shell 1
1 subshell s orbital 1 orbital in subshell 1 orbital in n2 energy level 2 electrons In 2n2 energy level
energy level 1
1 subshell s sphere orbital 1 orbital in sublevel 1 orbital in n2 energy level 2 electrons in 2n2 energy level
things electron configuration shows
1. principle quantum number (energy level) or shell (n) - distance from the nucleus 2. energy subshell or sublevel: (orbital/angular quantum number) tells type/shape of orbital - shows electron cloud shape - s, p, d, f 3. number of electrons
1/2000 amu mass, negative charge, located in electron cloud outside nucleus
1s2 - representation
1: quantum number/energy level/shell s: energy subshell 2: # of electrons found in each subshell
energy level 2
2 sublevels, 3 orbitals, 8 electrons
energy level 2
2 subshells s sphere and p dumbbell orbitals 1 and 3 orbitals in sublevels 4 orbitals in n2 energy level 8 electrons in 2n2 energy level
energy level 3
3 subshells s sphere, p dumbbell and d flower orbitals 1, 3 and 5 orbitals in sublevels 9 orbitals in n2 energy level 18 electrons in 2n2 energy level
shell 3
3 subshells s, p, d orbitals 1, 3 and 5 orbitals in subshells 9 orbitals in n2 energy level 18 electrons in 2n2 energy level
3p5 - what does it represent?
3: quantum number/energy level/shell p: energy subshell 5: superscript - # of electrons in each subshell
energy level 4
4 sublevels, 7 orbitals, 32 electrons
energy level 4
4 subshells s sphere, p dumbbell, d flower and f orbitals 1, 3, 5 and 7 orbitals in sublevels 16 orbitals in n2 energy level 32 electrons in 2n2 energy level
shell 4
4 subshells s, p, d and f orbitals 1, 3, 5 and 7 orbitals in subshells 16 orbitals in n2 energy level 32 electrons in 2n2 energy level
possible levels and shapes
7 possible energy levels, 4 possible shapes
frequency wave equation
C = V//\
size of radius of negative ion to neutral atom
Cl o Cl - O as an ion gains electrons, its atomic radii increases
size of radius of positive ion to neutral atom
Li O Li+ o as an ion loses electrons, its atomic radii decreases
properties of light relationship
V = c//\ E = hv E= hc over v c = v/\ 1 nm = 1.0 x 10^-9 m convert wavelength from nm to m v = frequency, /\ = wavelength, c = speed of light
V, H^2, or s-1 rate at which vibration occurs that constitutes a wave, measured per second in a material: sound waves, electromagnetic field - radio waves, light c = V/\
a quantum of energy is the amount of energy required to move an electron from one energy level to another
flame test lab
absorbing energy excites atoms, but then they move back to their normal level/ground state going from a higher to lower level = photons energy of photon determines color
amount of energy required to move an electron from 1 energy level to another
Pauli Exclusion Principle
an atomic orbital may describe at most 2 electrons, and to occupy the same orbital, electrons must have opposite spins
atom w/electric charge due to loss or gain of electrons, ability of neutral atom to gain or lose electrons
atoms that have gained or lost electrons to try to be like a noble gas
diff of cations/anions
cations - lose electrons, become positive anions - gain electrons, become negative
contains 2 electrons
diff # of neutrons, same atomic and proton
distance between crests of a wave
orbital notation
electrons are drawn in on blanks representing the orbitals
understanding electrons using the Bohr Model
electrons can be found in different shells around the nucleus and correspond to regions in space that electrons can occupy - like rungs of a ladder, electrons can't be located between shells - each shell can only hold a certain number of electrons, and when full, electrons must go to a new shell
Aufbau Principle and order of sublevels
electrons enter orbitals of lowest energy first - orbitals represented by boxes, each orbital holds 2 electrons, within a principle energy level (n) the s is always the lowest energy sublevel, as the principal energy number increases, sublevels can overlap - 4s is lower than 3d, 4f is lower than 5d
electrons exist at energy levels in these defined areas known as orbitals - orbitals are regions of probability in which the electron can be found, and these regions have very specific shapes based on the energy of the electrons that will be occupying them
core electrons
electrons located in all of the inner shells, total electrons minus valence electrons = # of core electrons
valence electrons
electrons occupying the outermost shell
elementary particles, forms hadrons (protons/neutrons)
Planck's Constant
energy of each photon in terms of frequency
atomic radius trends
gains: increases size, loses: decreases size - period: increases right to left <---- (highest at left) - group: increases top to bottom | (highest at bottom) - large radii very bottom left of table, small at very right top
Planck's Constant and its use
h= 6.625 x 10^-34 J/s - using this, we can calculate the energy (E) needed to excite that electron to the next energy level
hard, opaque, shiny, good conductor of electricity/heat
have negative charge, gained electrons
have positive charge, lost electrons
how electrons move levels
heat, electricity and light can move the electron up to diff energy levels, the electron is now said to be excited and as it falls back to the ground state, it gives the energy back as light
core electron
inner shells
periodic law
law that properties of chemical elements are periodic functions of their atomic number
S Orbital
lowest-energy style orbital, sphere-shaped and is always first orbital filled in any energy level, first 2 columns of periodic table are S block elements - electrons can move anywhere within the S orbital sphere
electronegativity and trends
measure of the tendency of an atom to attract a bonding pair of electrons - Francium lowest, Fluorine highest - periodic table: increase up left to right / - metals lowest, nonmetals highest - group: increase bottom to top - period: increase left to right
how electron configuration works
n = principal quantum number, shell, energy level energy sublevel - s, p, d, f - each sublevel has orbitals - each orbital holds 2 electrons each
negatively charged ion that gained electrons
P Orbitals
once the s orbital has been filled for any energy level, the electrons start filling this orbital - the p orbitals are shaped like propeller blades, with one set lined up along the x axis (horizontally), 2nd set along the y axis (vertically) and 3rd set along z axis (from front to back through atom)
what do outermost electrons determine?
outermost electrons determine the chemical properties of the element
valence electron
outermost shell
transition metal
partially filled d-subshell, can rise to cations
particle representing quantum of light/electromagnetic radiation
positively charged ion that lost electrons
electron configuration representation
principle energy level - assigned values 1, 2, 3 or 4 atomic orbital - region in space where there is high probability of finding an electron: s, d, p, f sublevel: combined principle energy level and orbital - 3s, 3p, 3d
energy level or quantum level
principle level 1, 2, 3, 4
ionization energy and trends
process by which an atom or molecule acquires negative or positive charge, increases upward left to right, gain or lose electrons - group: increase bottom to top - period: increase left to right - periodic table: increase up left to right /
Pauli Exclusion Rule
responsible for idea for spin or shape orientation of electron in the orbital
Aufbau Rule
responsible for orbitals filling from lowest to highest energy level
Hund's Rule
responsible for orbitals filling one electron per orbital until all orbitals of subshell are filled
subshell or shape
set of electrons w/same quantum number
electron shells
shells are represented by the letter n (the quantum number) and each shell can hold 2n^2 electrons
Aufbau Principle
the Aufbau Principle starts at the lowest energy level and build up to the higher energy levels only after the lowest are filled
Hund's Rule
the Hund's Rule states that each p orbital must receive one electron before any p orbital can receive a 2nd filling electron: each of the 2p orbitals will receive one electron (up-facing) before any will get a second electron (down-facing)
Bohr Model
the energy level of an electron is analogous to the rungs of a ladder: the electron cannot exist between energy levels, just like you can't stand between rungs on a ladder
what do energy levels show?
the energy levels of the atoms correspond to the rows of the periodic table, and the energy levels are built up from the level closest to the nucleus outward
what does electron configuration show you?
the total of the superscripts will always be equal to the atomic number
D Orbital
there are 5 making 10 electrons in all, filled by the elements in the dropped central section of the table with d block elements/transition metals
F Orbital
there are 7 making 14 electrons in all, the 2 rows separated at the bottom of the table are F Block elements
color as light
this light as energy is color, and we see this at a specific wavelength in the visible spectrum: from the wavelength, we can use the equation C=/\V to calculate the frequency (V) at which this occurs)
Hund's Rule
when electrons occupy orbitals of equal energy, they don't pair up until they have to
explanation of atomic spectra
when we write electron configurations, we are writing the lowest energy or the ground state: the lowest energy level and where the electron starts from