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What did the Northerns pass to strike back against the Fugitive Slave Act?

Personal liberty laws.

Who beat Senator Charles Sumner after he criticized the South?

Preston Brooks beat Sumner after he criticized Andrew Butler, who was his uncle.

Who were border ruffians?

Proslavery resident of Missouri who rushed into Kansas to sway votes.

What were the advantages of the Confederacy?

Psychological advantage. They were fighting for survival. Had no navy. Faced challenges in assembling an army, but it had fine leaders. They were avoiding defeat and fighting on familiar terrain.

Who was the chief justice who ruled in the Dred Scott case?

Roger B. Taney

Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe?

She published "Uncle Tom's Cabin." The novel sold over 300,000 copies in its first year.

What was the question that divided America?

Should slaves be permitted west of the Mississippi River?

Describe the northern view of slavery.

Slavery ended early in the North, but it ended slowly. In 1800, there were 50,000 slaves in the north and 1 million slaves in the South. In 1860,were 18 slaves in New Jersey and no slaves in any other part of the North. Most white northerners at the time viewed blacks as inferior. Laws in the northern states limited the rights of free African Americans, and they prevented the migration of more. Few Northerners had experience with blacks, and few held strong opinions about slavery. Few were abolitionists.

Describe the southern view of slavery.

Slavery was an integral part of southern life. Many southerners believed that God intended for blacks to provide the labor for white civilized society. Calhoun was one of the ones who defended slavery. Many believed that the northern free labor system harmed society more than slavery did. Southerners claimed that enslaved people were healthier and happier than northern wage workers.

What was the result of Harpers Ferry?

Some northerners were moved by John Brown's cause. Southerners were scared of other slave rebellions.

What was the Gettysburg Address?

Speech delivered by lincoln in dedication of cemetery built in memory of those 6,000 soldiers lost.

What was the Fugitive Slave Law of 1793?

Stated that runaway slaves must be returned to their masters, but it provided no government aid to do so. The South felt that its property and its honor were at stake. Many northerners insisted that the federal government should not help to enforce slavery.

Who worked tirelessly to to steer each component of Clay's plan through the Congress?

Stephen A. Douglas

Who was the president of the northern democratsin the election of 1860?

Stephen Douglas

What was Jackson nicknamed?

Stonewall Jackson because of his refusal to yield to the Union armies.

Who won the election of 1848?

Taylor won the election with slim majorities in both northern and souther states. Free- Soil Party, which won 10% of the vote, had clearly captured American's attention.

What were other issues that prompted the compromise of 1850?

Texas and the government were fitting over Texas' northwestern border. New Mexico and Utah were organizing to become territories but seems likely to someday join the Union as free states. In the North, abolitionist seems to be gaining ground in their bid to ban slavery in Washington, D.C. Southerners demanded that the federal government enforce the weak and often-negelcted Fugitive Slave Law of 1793.

What were the know-nothings also called?

The American Party. However, the party soon divided over the issue of expanding slavery to the western territories.

What was the Union's strategy in the civil way?

The Anaconda Plan. Devised by Winfield Scott. 1) The Union would blockade southern ports, starving the South of income and supplies 2) Union forces would drive southward along the Mississippi would split the Confederacy in two, fatally weakening it

What was the Battle of Bull Run known as in the South?

The Battle of Manassas.

What did the seven seceding states call themselves?

The Confederate States of America. They proceeded to make their own constitution. It resembled the U.S constitution; however, it stressed the independence of each state and stressed the right to secede. It also guaranteed the protection of slavery.

What parties split in the election of 1848?

The Democrats and Whigs split over the question of whether to limit the expansion of slavery.

What was one of the parties formed in the election of 1848?

The Free- Soil Party was formed.

What was Lincoln's plan of action?

10% plan, willing to grant pardons to former confederates, considered compensating them for lost property, did not require equality for african americans.

What political party arose because of the disapproval of a growing immigrant society?

The Know-Nothings.

Describe the North.

The North had busy cities, industry & technology, factories with paid workers, immigrants, and a very diverse society.

What was another party that was created in 1854?

The Republican Party.

What was significant about the election of 1852?

The Whigs lost to the Democrats who supported the Compromise of 1850. The Whigs would never again achieve enough harmony to mount a presidential campaign.

Describe Abe Lincoln.

6 feet 4 inches, tall, lanky, slow in speech, Nicknames Honest Abe because of his directness and integrity, opposed slavery, but his political party life was marked by a desire to steer a middle course, opposed the kansas-nebraska act,

What happened at the Battle of Bull Run?

>30,00 0 Union troops were sent to do battle with Confederate forces waiting outside Washington. Two armies met at Bull Run, a creek near Manassas, VA. Union troops gained the upper hand. Determined stand led by General Thomas J. Jackson sent them back to WA.

What did Millard Fillmore support?

The compromise of 1850- specifically CA entering as a free state, the fugitive slave act, and popular sovereignty.

What did Millard Fillmore approve of?

The compromise of 1850.

What did Lincoln issue after Antietam?

The emancipation proclamation

What did the proslavery laws, that Kansas passed, require?

The gave penalties for antislavery agitation and a requirement that officeholders take a constitution that would have legalize slavery and punish those who spoke or wrote against it.

What was the platform of the constitutional unionist partyin the election of 1860?

The government should support slavery and also defend the union.

What was the corruptness in the court regarding payment and ruling against slaves?

The judges were payed $10 if they ruled in favor of slave owners, but they were only given $5 if they ruled that the captive should be set free.

What was Fort Sumter?

The most important fort that remained in Union hands. (guarded the harbor at Charleston)

How did white southerners respond to all of the books written about the negative side of slavery?

They wrote books about how slaves were happy and carefree. They said slaves were gently cared for and taught Christianity. They said an illness made slaves run away.

What happened in Kansas after the Act was passed?

Two governments were set up. proslavery and antislavery. Proslavery settlers set ip a territorial government near the border of Missouri, a slave state. Proslavery people form MO came in and swayed local voters into voting proslavery. They also casted their own illegal votes. The new legislature passed proslavery laws.

Describe the Battle of Shiloh?

Ulysses S. Grant pursued Mississippi Valley part of Anaconda Plan. Directed attack and capture of two confederate strongholds- Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. His action drove Confederate forces from western KY and TN, and boosted northern morale. Grant moved army along TN river. while planning, he exposed his men. Confederates ordered attack on union. Many of Grant's troops sleeping or eating breakfast.

Who was Dorothea Dix?

Union army's first superintendent of women nurses

What was naval blockade?

Union ships prevented Union vessels from entering or leaving the South's few good ports.

Describe the Union capture of New Orleans.

Union, under command of David Farragut sailed through the Gulf of Mexico and seized the southern port of New Orleans. He continued to sail North and hoped to capture Vicksburg. However, Confederates stopped him.

What was Sherman's March to the Sea?

William Tecumseh Sherman implemented total war. Set out form TN-GA line to Savannah, GA. Destroyed everything in his path. Left south in ruins.

Who was the Whigs President?

Zachary Taylor. He was a Mexican- American War veteran. He never expressed his political opinions. However, he was a slave holder, so many southern voters automatically assumed that he supported slavery.

What was the conscription instituted?

a draft for soldiers. over 20 under 45

What was the Klu Klux Klan?

a group from TN that roamed the country side burning houses, schools, and churches, they heated and killed african americans and white allies. They dressed in white robes and road on horses.

What is sharecropping?

a landowner dictated the crop and provided the sharecropper with a place to live, as well as seeds and tools, in return for a "share" of the harvested crop.

What is a siege?

a military tactic in which an army surrounds, bombards, and sits off all supplies to an enemy position in order to force its surrender.

What was US v. Cruikshank?

a white mob killed a large group of blacks at a political rally. court ruled that due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th amendment protected citizens only from the action of the state and not from the action of other citizens.

What was the 13th amendment?

abolished slavery in the US

What was the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?

all black regiment

What was the Legal Tender Act?

allowed treasury to issue paper money. made a common currency for the US

What value did the Southwest have?

and value to both north and south. held risk gold mines and offered access to California and the Pacific.

What was the ten percent plan?

as soon as ten percent of as state's voter took a loyalty oath to the union, the state could set up a new gov

Where did Lee surrender?

at the appomattox court house

What is contraband?

captured for war supplies. The Union generals sou,d capture the fugitives and declare them contraband.

What is integration?

combining schools

What was the civil rights act of 1866?

created federal gov of civil rights and superseded any state laws that limited them. Johnson vetoed. veto was overridden.

what was the military reconstruction act of 1867?

divided the 10 southern states that had yet to be readmitted into the union into 5 military districts governed by former union generals.

What is share-tenacny?

farmworker chose that crop he would plant and bought his own supplies. then gave a share of crop to landowner.

What was the land grant college act?

gave money from the sale of public lands to states for the establishment of universities that taught agriculture and mechanical arts.

What was the 15th amendment?

gave universal men's suffrage

What was the freedmen's bureau?

goal was to provide food, clothing, healthcare, and education for both black and white refugees of the south.

What was the Pacific Railroad Act?

granted land to companies to build railroad through Union land.

What was the 14th amendment?

guaranteed equality for all citizens.

Who was thomas nast?

he made the political cartoons during the civil war.

What did Lincoln say he intended to do in his inaugural address?

he said he intended to preserve the union.

Why did Lincoln suspend Habeas Corpus?

he saw any action to undermine the war as a grave threat.

Who was Mathew brady?

he was a photographer during the civil war.

how was Lincoln assassinated?

he was shot by John Wilkes booth at a play.

What was the emancipation proclamation?

it freed all enslaved people in the states still in rebellion after Jan 1st 1863. Did not apply to border states or places already under military control. didn't free any slaves, but it was a turning point in the war.

What is habeas corpus?

it protects a person from being held in jail without being charged with a specific crime.

What kind of southerners did not back the Confederacy?

large planters with economies ties to the north still hoped for a compromise. So did small farmers with no vested interest in slavery.

What were black codes?

laws that sought to limit the rights of blacks and keep them as landless workers.

Who were the copperheads?

loyal to union, wanted to end war, some wanted violence,

What were the enforcement acts?

made it a federal offense to interfere with a citizens right to vote.

What was the Wade-Davis Bill?

majority of a state's prewar voters swear loyalty to the union before the process of restoration. demanded guarantees of blacks equality. Lincoln killed with pocket veto.

What was the Militia Act?

mandated that all black soldiers be accepted into the military.

Was johnson impeached?

no he escaped it by one vote. He tied to fire someone from office. it was against the tenure of office act.

What were carpetbaggers?

northern republicans who moves south, sought to make profit off os southern misery.

Who were radical republicans?

people who opposed lincoln's plan. they though south committed crime. wanted full citizenship for blacks.

What were redeemers?

politicians who aimed to repair the south in the eyes of congress.

What was the platform of the northern democrats in the election of 1860?

popular sovereignty should decide slavery in the western territories

What was the tenure of office act?

president needed senate to approve to remove certain officials from office.

Who is Rutherford B. Hayes?

republican in election of 1876. union general

What was reconstruction?

returning the eleven states back to the union. would they be punished? how would the land be given? what rights will be given to free blacks?

What decision did Lincoln make to do to Fort Sumter?

send food and NO arms

What is segregation?

separation of races

Describe Stephen A. Douglas.

short, round, filled with energy, commanding voice, nicknamed Little Giant, supported annexation of TX, promoted popular sovereignty , some people were skeptical of his motives. they wondered if he was supporting these politics because he believed in them or because he had financial stake in the railroads that would profit from them.

What was the platform of the Republicans in the election of 1860?

slavery mus not be allowed in the territories.

What were scalawags?

southern republics, mostly poor, most of him had opposed secession.

What is total war?

striking civilian as well as military targets.

What was the income tax during the civil war?

tax based on individuals earning to help pay for the war. 3% on all income over $800

What was the southern Democrats platform in the election of 1860?

the federal government must protect slavery.

What was the significance of the election of 1860?

the southerns felt like they did not have a voice anymore, and the north and south were two political parties.

Who formed the constitutional unionist party in the election of 1860?

the whigs and know-nothings

What were Lincoln and Douglas's debates about?

their opposing views of slavery and slavery's role in America

What did the southern states do when they seceded?

they seized the federal forts and arsenals within their borders.

What was Johnson's reconstruction plan?

wanted to restore political status. offered pardons and restoration of land to any confederate who swore allegiance to the union and constitution. each state had to ratify 13th amendment and draft a constitution that abolished slavery. didn't want blacks to vote.

What is tenant farmer?

you pay to rent the land, keep all your crop

Who was Harriet Tubman?

A Maryland-born fugitive slave who led many out of slavery. She was known as "Black Moses" after Moses from the Bible. After her own escape she made almost 2 dozen more trips back to the South guiding hundreds of slaves to safety.

What is popular sovereignty?

A policy stating that voters in a territory- not congress- should decide whether or not to allow slavery.

What was Andersonville?

A prison in GA with horrible conditions.

What was the Crittenden Compromise?

A proposed constitutional amendment allowing slavery in western territories south of the Missouri compromise line. He also called for federal funds to reimburse slaveholders for unreturned fugitives.

What kind of northerners did NOT want to end slavery?

Bankers, mill owners, and merchants did not want to end slavery. They earned a lot of money on southern cotton and tobacco or by trading or transporting enslaved people. They were sympathetic to slave owners, and they did not want to abolish slavery. ALSO, northerners who were in unskilled and low-paying jobs opposed abolition because they feared that freed slaves might compete with them for work.

Describe the Battle of Antietam.

Bloodiest day of the war. Lee led troops to Maryland, hoped to inspire a pro-confederate uprising and get food for his troops. issued "proclamation of maryland" that invited them to ally themselves with the south. marylanders not enthused. Union forces found Lee's battle plans. Union soldiers attacked in three phases. >23,000 soldiers dead or wounded.

What happened in what was referred to as "Bleeding Kansas?"

Both sides in Kansas prepared for battle, and violent outbreaks occurred in Kansa throughout the fall of 1856. It was referred to as "Bleeding Kansas."

What two people prepared long and deeply passionate responses to Clay's proposal?

Calhoun and Webster.

What man was too old to deliver his speech, so a younger man did it for him?


What was the major issue prompted the compromise of 1850?

California wanted to be admitted into the Union was a free state. California's request created an uproar in the nation. California's admission would tip the balance of free and slave states.

What did the Union do after the Battle of Bull Run?

Called for additional troops and replaced McDowell with McClellan.

Describe the Free- Soil Party.

Comprised of rebellious northern democrats, antislavery whigs, and members of the Liberty Party. Pledged to a national platform of freedom that would resist the aggressions of the slave power. The Free- Soil Party promised "free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men." Main goal was to keep slavery out of the western territories.

What was the most significant battle in the Southwest?

Confederate forces marched up the Rio Grande from TX. goal was to drive Union troops front the Southwest and capture it for the Confederacy. Confederate troops defeated. Destruction of supply train. Confederates retreated back to TX.

Describe Gettysburg.

Confederate unit set out to seize footwear form the town of Gettysbyrg. Lee's men ran into several brigades of Union cavalry commanded by Buford. Buford's men spread out and called for back up. First day of fighting went to confederates. night fell and union got stinger. Union was at high ground at little round top and big round top. Union troops stretched over two miles. lee ordered force to move at union who had abandoned cemetery. the confederates couldn't beat the union forces. After three days of fighting, the south was defeated.

Describe the Second Battle of Bull Run.

Confederates defeated Union forces.

What did exactly did the Compromise of 1850 do?

Congress admitted CA as a free state, popular sovereignty would be used to decide slavery in UT and NM, the slave trade-but NOT slavery- was ended in Washtington D.C, Congress would pass a new stricter fugitive slave law, and TX would give up its claims to NM in return for $10 mill.

Who proposed the Wilmot Proviso?

David Wilmot

Who won the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

Douglas. However, Lincoln earned a large following that would help when he ran for election.

What happened at the Christiana Riot?

Free blacks gathered at a farmhouse in Christiana, Pennsylvania. Heavily armed, they came to protect several fugitives from their Maryland master, who had brought a federal official to reclaim them. The slaveowner was killed in the fight. White bystanders refused to help. No now was tried for the conspiracy.

Who was the Democrats President?

Governor Lewis Cass of Michigan. He opposed the Wilmot Proviso and supported popular sovereignty.

Describe the siege on Vicksburg.

Grant moved his army down Mississippi River toward Vicksbrug. At the same time he ordered attack on rail lines in central Mississippi. Grant turned west toward Vicksburg, gaining control of the main rail line leading into the city and fortress. Vicksburg was completely cut off. After failing to break confederate defenses, he placed Vicksburg under siege.

What was the compromise of 1877?

Hayes elected president. remaining federal troops withdrawn from south, southerner appointed powerful cabinet position. southern states guaranteed federal subsidies to build railroads and improve their ports.

Because of pressure from the South, what did Douglas do to the bill he proposed?

He amended the bill to divide the region into two distinct territories, Kansas and Nebraska.

What did Clay argue?

He argued that the North and South had to reach an agreement. He advanced a series of compromise resolutions, offering concessions to both the South and the North.

Describe McClellan.

He did not want to go into battle until everyone was ready. He was very cautious.

Who was Henry "Box" Brown?

He had himself packed into a small crate and shipped from Richmond, VA to the Underground Railroad conductors in Philadelphia.

What was Lincoln's goal that he stated in his inaugural address?

He insisted in saving the union.

What was another thing that Clay proposed in his compromise?

He proposed that popular sovereignty would decide slavery in the Utah and New Mexico territories.

What was the most significant thing that Clay proposed?

He proposed to admit California as a free state but also enact a stricter fugitive slave law.

What did Taney rule in the Dred Scott case?

He ruled that slaves and their descendants were property, not citizens, and therefore were not entitled to sue in courts. It also stated the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional because it was illegal for Congress to deprive an owner of property- in this case, a slave- without due process of law.

What did Calhoun's speech say?

He said the compromise did not protect the South enough. If the North did not agree, the South would secede from the Union.

What did Douglas set up in Nebraska Territory?

He set up a government. He proposed it would be organized by popular sovereignty.

What did Webster say in his speech?

He tries to rally the northerners and southerners to the cause of unity. Webster urged senators to accept Clay's compromise.

Who was Jefferson Davis?

He was a Mississippi senator who convinced Congress to adopt resolutions restricting federal control over slavery in the territories. The resolutions also asserted that the Constitution prohibited Congress or any state from interfering with slavery in the states where it already existed.

Who was John Brown?

He was a New York abolitionist who moved his family to pursue abolition. Brown carried out a midnight execution of five proslavery settlers in Kansas.

Who was Robert E. Lee?

He was a military general for the confederate army. He was one of the best. He actually opposed slavery, and he turned down an offer to command for the Union forces.

Who was Dred Scott?

He was a slave who sued for his freedom.

What was Henry Clay's nickname and why?

He was nicknamed the "Great Pacificator" because of his ability to work out compromises to the thorniest problems.

Who came forward in the crisis that was brewing in that late 1840's?

Henry Clay.

What was the drastic thing that happened after the election of 1860?

In December, South Carolina seceded from the Union. in the next six weeks, 6 other states also seceded.

Why was Buchanan a weak President?

In his last weeks in office, he told Congress that he had no authority to prevent succession. He made no serious effort to resolve the crisis.

What was the Fugitive Slave Act?

It added stringent amendments to the earlier law, including the requirement that private citizens assist with the apprehending runaway slaves. The law required citizens to catch and return runaway slaves. Citizens who assisted with a fugitive slave could be fined or sent imprisoned.

What was the Kansas- Nebraska Act?

It created potential for slavery in Kansas and Nebraska territories by allowing for popular sovereignty. Idea that Kansas would be a slave state and Nebraska a free state, but it was not written in the bill. The Act nullified the Missouri Compromise Line by allowing slavery to spread to areas that has been free for >30 years.

How did people feel about the Fugitive Slave Act?

It enraged northerners. Some felt forced to support the slave system. They also hated what they saw as increasing federal intervention in the affairs of the independent states.

What kind of appeal did popular sovereignty have and why?

It had a wide appeal, since it seemed in keeping with the traditions of American democracy. It allowed Whigs and Democrats once again to focus on personal exploits and triumphs of their candidates rather than on the issues.

What was the significance of Shiloh?

It horrify both the North and the South and damaged Grant's rising reputation.

What was the significance of the Battle of Bull Run?

It proved a shock to those who had hoped to war would end quickly-and who were unprepared for the carnage modern warfare could produce.

What was the significance of Gettysburg?

It split the confederation in two.

What was the Underground Railroad?

It was a loosely organized network to help enslaved people escape to freedom. It was not not underground, and it had no tracks or cars. The escape system used railroad terminology to describe its actions. A secret network of "conductors" helped slaves and moved them to the north or farther.

What was the Wilmot Proviso?

It was a proposed law that banned slavery in the land acquired by Mexico in the Mexican American War. It stated " neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any" lands won from Mexico. The law was never passed. The northern-dominated House of Representatives approved the law, but the Senate voted it down.

What was the significance of Monitor v. Virginia?

It was the end of wooden ships.

Who did the Democrats nominate?

James Buchanan.

Who was the President of the Confederacy?

Jefferson Davis

Who was the president for the constitutional unionist partyin the election of 1860?

John Bell

Who was the president of the Southern Democrats in the election of 1860

John Breckinridge

What happened at Harpers Ferry, Virginia?

John Brown gathered his group of 21 followers- including 5 black men- and he set out to seize the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferrry. He hoped to inspire local slaves to join a revolution that would destroy slavery in the South. The plan failed, and brown unintentionally killed several.

Who did the Republicans nominate?

John C. Frémont- he was a Mexican War hero.

Who proposed the final compromise?

John Crittenden

Who killed Lincoln?

John Wilkes Booth

What was the idea of Douglas' new amendment to his bill?

Kansas would become a slave state and Nebraska would a free state, but assumptions were not written in the bill.

What was Stephen A. Douglas' nickname?

Little Giant

What was the confederacy's strategy in the civil war?

MILITARILY, the hoped to preserve small armies while doing enough damage to erode the Union's will to fight. Trade with the North was crucial for the South, and it was cut off. European textile industry was dependent on southern cotton. If the war dragged on, French and Britain mills would run out of raw cot to. Then, they might be willing to provide military aid to the South. SO ALSO, they wanted foreign recognition from Britain and France.

What was the Homestead Act?

Made western lands available at a very low price to those who would farm it.

Who was the President of the Free Soil Party?

Martin Van Buren

Describe McClellan's action he was forced to take by Lincoln.

McClellan sailed army across Chesapeake Bay and landed on a Peninsula southeast to capital. It was called the Peninsular Campaign. Battle known as seven days, Lee defeat Union forces.

What was the name of book about a slave who rebelled?


Who did the know-nothings nominate for President?

Millard Fillmore

Who was the President after Calhoun and Taylor were dead?

Millard Fillmore

What emerged at the election of 1848?

New political factions emerged, with slavery at the center of debate.

What other people rushed into Kansas after the Kansas- Nebraska Act was passed?

Northern abolitionists. They established an antislavery government.

Who was Clara Barton?

Oversaw the distribution of medicine to troops and helped found the american red cross

What did the northerners think of John Brown's rebellion?

They were stunned, but they were outraged by the events that triggered it. The condemned his massacre.

Who were the know-nothings?

They were a political party who was against immigration. They replied with " I know nothing" when asked about their organization. They were joined by antislavery whigs.

What two people had a series of seven debates while competing for a seat in the U.S Senate?

Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.

Who won the election of 1860?

Abe Lincoln. He won without getting any electoral votes in the south. He was not even on the ballot in most northern states.

What was an abolitionist?

An abolitionist was someone who wanted to end slavery. They believed slavery was morally wrong. Some forced a gradual end, while others demanded that all slavery be outlawed at once.

What violence did the Border Ruffians do in Kansas?

They raided the antislavery town of Lawrence. They pillaged homes, burned down the Free State Hotel, and destroyed the presses of The Kansas Free State newspaper.

What happened in the Dred Scott case?

Dred Scott, a slave, sued for his freedom because his master took him to the free state of Illinois and Wisconsin Territory, where slavery was outlawed by the Missouri Compromise. Between 1834 and 1838, Scott lived mostly on free soil while remaining enslaved.

Who was Elizabeth C. Stanton?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an American social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement.

What kind of people came to Kansas and why?

Farmers came to Kansas because they were looking for land. It also attracted settlers with political motives.

Describe Monitor v. Virginia.

Few battles took place at sea. Monitor and Virginia ironclads met at battle and neither won.

What did the Wilmot Proviso give the nation's political parties?

The proviso gave the nation's political parties a new focus.

Describe the South.

The south had an agrigarian, or agricultural society. The south was dependent on slaves and cotton.

What were personal liberty laws?

The statutes nullified the Fugitive Slave Acts and allowed most states to arrest slave catchers for kidnapping.

What happened when Lincoln sent supplies to Sumter?

The union troops refused to surrender and the confederacy fired on the fort. union ran out of ammo and had to surrender. few days later, lincoln called for 75,00 volunteers to fight against the confederacy. The confederacy eventually grew to 11 states. Both sides prepared for battle.

What were the border states?

These states were the border between the Confederacy and the union. They were not in the Confederacy. Lincoln needed to keep them in the Union because if not he knew the Union would be lost.

What had the Whigs and Democrats done in previous elections?

They avoided the slavery issue and managed to win support in both the North and South. Did not happen in 1848 election. Each side was forced to take a stand.

How did the Whigs and Democrats address the problem of slavery?

They embraced the idea of popular sovereignty.

What were the advantages of the North in the Civil War?

They had a greater population than the South. The north had 22 million people and the South had 9 million, and 3.5 of those 9 million were slaves. The North was more industrialized. The North could produce more ammunition, arms, uniforms, medical supplies, and railroad cars. The North had a larger railroad network. They had a small, but well organized navy. The North had an established government, and an outstanding leader: Abe Lincoln.

Describe the Republican Party.

They opposed slavery. They attracted antislavery Democrats, Whigs, Free-soilers, and Know-nothings. It grew rapidly in the north. They tried to rally americans to reject popular sovereignty and to insist that slavery be excluded from the western territory. Also wanted to admit Kansas as a free state.

Who did the Whigs put forward as their president in the 1852 election?

They put Winfield Scott forward since Henry Clay and Daniel Webster were dead.

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