House of Representatives

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What truly happens when we vote

"You are telling your State which candidate you want your State to vote for

Who authorized California Supreme Court


Tell me the two departments of census

Data Visualization Team, Geography

Is Washington D.C. a state?


Is anybody excluded from census


What composes of the legislative branch of California

The State Assembly and Senate make up the Legislative Branch.

How much do the plane tickets to Hawaii average

They start at 350

Capital of US

Washington D.C.

Does California have its own judicial, executive, legislative branch



relating to government revenue, especially taxes.

States highest court?

CA supremes court As the state's highest court,

When was California Supreme Court established


When was California supermen court establish


How old is dc

232 years old

The decennial census is mandated by what


What type of company is the census


California Supreme Court

It is headquartered in San Francisco at the

Describe California Supreme Court to all other courts

Its decisions are binding on all other California state courts.

What do they do with the information?

Leaders also use the data to make decisions. Your response helps guide planning for the future of our communities. The 2020 census will help inform desicions on how billions of dollars are allocated annually for ciritical public services like roads, schools, hospitals and healthcare clinics. Fire services, and more.

Article 1 of the Constitution

Legislative Branch

Has an elector been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged?

No elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged. However, several electors were disqualified and replaced, and others fined, in 2016 for failing to vote as pledged.

capital of the State of Washington,


Did any states lose population in sensus 2000-2010?

Only one state lost population during the last census period.

statistic survey from census

Percentage without a high school education - Hispanic

Another map from census

Percentage without health insurance coverage. Will show how populated each state is with colors becoming darker. Dark blue means more populated than light blue. California was dark blue: more than 14% of population.

Two types of jobs census workers have

Regional jobs and headquarter jobs

Where is California Supreme Court

San Francisco

Where is California Supreme Court located

San Francisco

A complete count of children in the United States is important for...

School funding

Since when did California start the influential decisions. What deceiving did they do

Since 1850, the court has issued many influential decisions in a variety of areas including torts, property, civil and constitutional rights, and criminal law.

What do takers do when they talk to home pwners?

Social distance

What are the effects of faithless elector?

Some State laws provide that so-called "faithless electors" may be subject to fines or may be disqualified for casting an invalid vote and be replaced by a substitute elector.

What did the Supreme Court say about states and how it's electors can vote

The Supreme Court decided (in 2020) that States can enact requirements on how electors vote.

He highest and final court in California

The Supreme Court of California is the highest and final court of appeals in the courts of the U.S. state of California.

The highest court of California

The Supreme Court of California is the highest and final court of appeals in the courts of the U.S. state of California.

Company name

The U.S. Census Bureau

Where is dc located?

The capital city is located on the Potomac River between the states of Maryland and Virginia

Does the census data only help the federal government?

The data allows federal, state, and local decision-makers

How are electors determined?

The electors are picked by the political parties from among their on members who pledge in advance to vote for the party's canidat

How did dc gets it's name

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

Describe one map from census

They will demonstrate if more males or females gained percentage for that occupation group.

What is the population determine?

They will divide the power based on population.

Do electors have to vote a certain way?

This depends on the state. In some states there are laws requiring that electors vote the same as the people who voted for them. Most of the time electors vote as expected , but in rare cases they have changed their vote and voted for a different candidate than the people who voted for them.


To ask a higher court to review the decision and determine if justice was done


apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.

How are the number of electors determined?

by population and a states total representation in congress



Where do federal funds go to

go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources,

Is census federal or state government

in the federal government.


institute legal proceedings against (a person or organization

Describe Washington state on map

the northwestern-most state in US mainland.

Where and when do electors vote

which they do at the meeting of the electors (the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December).

Qualifications for President

35 years old, born in the U.S., and has to have lived in the U.S. for 14 years

How many positions in California Supreme Court


Data Visualization

A term used to describe the use of graphical displays to summarize and present information about a data set. the presentation of data in a pictorial or graphical format describes technologies that allow users to see or visualize data to transform information into a business perspective

Who does California Supreme Court appeal to

Appeals to: Supreme Court of the United States

Benefits of being a census taker.

Apply for a role that allows you to influence the lives of millions of Americans by collecting or analyzing impactful data. As a valued member of the Census Bureau team, you will be responsible for contributing to the fabric of our nation~where everyone counts!

Takers outfit

Badge, backpack, gloves, mask, Id

Who authorized the California Supreme Court to be?

California constitution

How many trial courts are there in California

California has 58 trial courts, one in each county.

When do electors vote for president

Monday following the second Wednesday in December

What is the official name of census

The us census Berau

Currencies of territories

US dollar

When you vote for a Presidential candidate,do you vote for a presidential candidate

When you vote for a Presidential candidate, you aren't actually voting for President:

Does the federal government have a constitution


Is census participation required by law?


Is our information private


Is there a lead position in California Supreme Court


When do electors vote for president

at the meeting of electors.

What determines where the funds go?

based on census data collected through the American Community Survey, Economic Census, Census of Governments, Decennial Census, and more.


(law) a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision and a reversal of the lower court's judgment or the granting of a new trial


(v.) to bring before a court of law for trial; to carry out

What street is Nevada capitol on

101 north Carson st

Judge term length on California Supreme Court

12 years; renewable

How many seats in California Supreme Court


What is the purpose of Washington DC

As the seat of the U.S. federal government and several international organizations,

Tell me the process of census.

Beginning in march, the us census Berau will invite households across the country to participate in the 2020 census.

Describe trump and Biden Arizona

Biden ultimately won the state by some 10,000 votes over Trump, marking the first time a Democratic presidential nominee carried Arizona since Bill Clinton in 1996, and only the second time since Harry S. Truman's 1948 victory.

If Biden wins one electoral vote from Nebraska trump. Who would be happy?

Biden, if winner takes all, trump would win all, Biden luck got 1

Who ultimately decided bush won? What did she determine?

Bush won Florida's electoral votes. and the United States Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore, Bush won Florida's electoral votes by a margin of only 537 votes

When you conduct a census, do you only represent yourself?

By completing a survey, you represent not only yourself but other households or businesses like yours in the nation.

What country does census take place?

Canada, America

The Nevada State Capitol located where

Carson City

Nevada's Capital

Carson city

Where is nevadas capitol located

Carson city

Company called

Census Bureau's

How does Census Taker Records Data

Census Taker Records Data on Government-Issued Phone

Data visualization, or the graphical representation of information and data includes visual elements such as:

Charts, graphs, maps.

If the electors vote for President, why should I vote in the general election?

During the general election your vote helps determine your State's electors. When you vote for a Presidential candidate, you aren't actually voting for President. You are telling your State which candidate you want your State to vote for at the meeting of electors. The States use these general election results (also known as the popular vote) to appoint their electors. The winning candidate'sState political party selects the individuals who will be electors.

Describe every other state of the country besides michingan simply

Every other state in the country grew that decade, led by Texas, which gained 4.3 million people, and California, which gained 3.4 million.

How much was Texas and Calis growth

Every other state in the country grew that decade, led by Texas, which gained 4.3 million people, and California, which gained 3.4 million.

How often does census determine population?

Every ten years is when census determines population.

How much money does federal funds spend

Every year, billions of dollars in federal funds

Article 2 of the Constitution

Executive Branch

Who lost population from 2000-2010? How much did population lose?

From 2000 to 2010, Michigan's population fell 0.6 percent, from 9,938,444 to 9,883,640,

How many headquarts and offices they got?

From our headquarters to our six regional offices, the Census Bureau has physical offices across the country.

Electors chosen process

General election results are used to appoint electors.

Where is Atlanta?


California Supreme Court composition method

Gubernatorial nomination and confirmation by Chief Justice, Attorney General and a senior presiding judge of the Court of Appeal

Where is census headquarters located

Headquarters is located in Suitland, MD,

Is the census beneficial

Hell yeah foo

Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

How often does census conduct? What do they conduct?

In addition to conducting a census every 10 years, we conduct surveys on virtually every aspect of life in the United States.

The Geography Department at the Census Bureau makes maps that show which characteristics:

Income, diversity, age

The complicated purpose of the census.

It gives an idea of America's population and where we live. They will divide the power based on population.

Describe the tourist statistics in Washington DC

It is one of the most visited cities in the U.S. with over 20 million visitors as of 2016.

How common is it for an elector to not vote according to popular vote

It is rare for electors to disregard the popular vote by casting their electoral vote for someone other than their party's candidate.

How many censuses happened in us history.

It marked the 24th census in U.S. history and

California Supreme Court binding status

Its decisions are binding on all other California state courts.

What does constitution say about dc

Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States.

Second President of the United States. Who was he and how long?

John Adams (1797-1801)

Article 3 of the Constitution

Judicial Branch

Does California have a constitution

Just like the federal government, California has a state constitution and a three-branch system.


Kind of printer used to produce high-quality drawings such as maps and circuit diagrams. A really big printer. A graphics printer used to produce complex images and text and maps

What do takers do when they arrive at peoples doors?

Knock door

Largest city in Nevada

Las Vegas

Where does census taker work

Local community

Is the information they receive private?

Maintaining the privacy of your survey answers is important to us. All information that we collect from our participants is strictly confidential

Geography provides ____ to statistical data.

Meaning and context

Why is the capital of Nevada not Las Vegas

Several reasons. For one, Carson City has been the capital of Nevada since Day One and all of the political, administrative, and legal power was concentrated within its confines long before southern Nevada was even part of the state.

Do Electors have to vote with popular vote?

Some States, however, require electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote.

What does the census ask?

Some questions. Like how many people live in your home, Including their age and sex, and if there are any children there are living.

Who do electors represent

Stat. They vote for our state.

Where is representative democracy seen

State local and national

Where is the Supreme Court located? Federal

Supreme Court Building

Who does California Supreme Court appeal to

Supreme Court of us

What two sttes had the highest growth?

Texas and cali

What does the executive branch have for the state of California

The Executive Branch comprises the Governor and other constitutional officers.

What dothe judicial branches Of California consist of

The Judicial Branch includes all of the state courts. The Judicial Branch includes all of the state courts.

Largest statistical agency

The U.S. Census Bureau is the largest statistical agency in the federal government.

Does the constitution say that electors are free to chose whoever they want?

The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not require that electors be completely free to act as they choose and therefore, political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the parties' nominees.

What did the founding fathers want?

The people to hold political power

Do electors have to vote for the candidate who won their state's popular vote?

There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States.

How often do we count children? What if we don't count children, how will it specifically affect them?

This decennial census, including its count of children, impacts how federal funds are allocated each year for special education, classroom technology, school lunch assistance, and teacher training. The count also can impact funds for Head Start, after-school programs, and other education-related services.

Who does the census and why? How often? When was first census?

To be sure that the government represents the people, the us consittiution requires a population count every ten years. Ever since 1790, the census has determined the number of seats each state receives in House of Representatives.

How did electors get their positions as electors?

We vote for them

What does census determine?

Workers want to be as accurate as possible. So the government will know what communities really need. We all have a role in shaping the future of our country. It takes a lot of us working together to help kids and their families to help them with the resources they need. How are resources to our friends families and kids allocated to our communities? Much depends on the us census.

Describe Olympia simply

a port city and the

When was the capitol of Nevada built. When was it open

between 1869 and 1871. 1871 was opened.

Where else does California Supreme Court hold sessions?

but it regularly holds sessions in Los Angeles and Sacramento.

The census takes place every ten years. What is another word for ten years. (One word)

decennial census

Tasks of the Data Visualization Team include:

designing and responding to data requests?

What is the census used for? (2)

determine how many representatives each state should have and used only for statistical purposes.

Who elects the president?


What is the purpose of the electoral college

its purpose is to spread the power to elect the president across all 50 states. It was designed to ensure that the more populous states didn't overpower the smaller states when choosing the nation's leader.

Data visualization tools

move beyond Excel graphs and charts into sophisticated analysis techniques such as controls, instruments, maps, time-series graphs, and more Sophisticated analysis techniques such as pie charts, controls, instruments, maps, time-series graphs, and more data presented to users in visual formats such as text, graphics, and tables following data processing. Data Visualization makes IT applications more attractive and understandable to users. information delivery, data analytics, data integration Geographic information systems and reality mining

How many people voted in Florida? In 2000

out of almost six million cast and, as a result, became the president-elect.

When are elector elected compared to president?

political parties in each State choose slates of potential electors sometime before the general election.

What does census do for us?

to provide services, products, and support for you and your community.

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