How to take tests

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Tells ONLY difference

Steps to get better grades on tests

1. Ask your teacher what will be on the test so you know what to study exactly. 2. Review textbook notes to be sure they're complete. Compare them to your friend's and if you have doubts ask your teacher. 3. Review class notes and do the same as in step 2. 4. To learn everything prepare your time so that you have enough time. Schedule your time so that you have enough time to study 5 days before the test.

Guidelines for taking true/false tests

1. Choose true unless you can prove the statement is false. 2. For a statement to be true, all parts of the statement must be true. 3. Be careful when reading statements that contain negatives because a negative can completely change your answer. 4. If a statement has two negatives get rid of both of them and make the statement positive. 5. Absolute statements are usually false, qualified statements are usually true. Example of absolute: All people go to the movies on Friday. Example of qualified: Some people like to go to the movies on Friday. 6. If you are uncertain about an item, take an educated guess unless there is a penalty for guessing.

Guidelines for matching tests

1. Read all items in both columns before making any matches. 2. Start by making the easiest matches. 3. Make all correct matches before guessing other matches. 4. Cross out items on both columns after you have made the match. 5. Make your best guess for any remaining matches unless there is a penalty for guessing.

Strategy 5

Read notes, textbook notes, read handouts and identify the most important info by highlighting or underlining.

Strategy 2

Rehearse again and come up with a study guide and answer it.

Strategy 3

Rehearse the information using the strategies.

Guidelines for essay tests

1. Read and restate the question in your own words. 2. Decide if your answer needs to be long or short and if it is long then make an outline. 3. Answer all parts of the item. 4. Write directly to the point of the item. 5. Use pictures and diagrams to explain your ideas whenever necessary. 6. Write neatly for the teachers to give you credit. 7. Proofread your answer for clarity, spelling, and answer. 8. IF you are running out of time quickly list all of your ideas so that the teachers will see everything you know about the topic.

Guidelines for multiple choice test

1. Read the stem/prompt and underline key words, such as not, except, incomplete, and false. These words give you clues for the correct answer. 2. Read stem with each possible answer choice to decide which answer is correct. 3. As you decide which answer choice is incorrect draw a line through it. 4. If there is only one question left, then that is the correct one. 5. If there is more than one answer choice left, reread each and choose the best answer. 6. Do not change your answer unless you are sure you are incorrect. 7. Answer all items unless there is a penalty for guessing.

Types of multiple choice test

The first type is an incomplete statement with answer choices and the other one is a question with the answer choices.

What to do when taking tests?

1. Read test directions carefully. 2. Look over the entire test to see how much there is to do. 3. Decide how much time you should spend answering every question. Plan to spend more time on the questions that count for more points. 4. Answer easiest questions first. 5. Review your questions to be sure they are correct.

What is an outline?

To give the main points using letters and numbers.

What is the question or the statement called?

Stem or prompt

Diagram and Illustrate

Tells you to make a drawing.

Direction word

Tells you what you have to do when writing an answer.

What is a summary?

Short statement that tells you something about all of the important ideas.

Strategy 1

This os the day of the test. Rehearse info. While eating breakfast or riding to school.

What does it mean to list?

To present information in order usually using numbers.


To say two or more things that the things have in common as well as differences.

What does describe, discuss, and explain telly you?

To write or say as much as you know about the topic.

Strategy 4

Use strategies you have learned to help you remember important info.

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