HR Original test anwsers

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Which of the following best describes job sharing?

A work option in which two part-time employees carry out the tasks associated with a single job.

A telework arrangement is generally difficult to set up for_____?

Manufacturing workers

Which of the following is the most comprehensive U.S law regarding worker safety?


Which of the following bodies is responsible for enforcing the executive orders that cover companies doing business with the federal government?

Office of Federal Contract Compliance Procedures.

____ are the products of any work unit.


Julie works at Matrix Inc. Her primary role in the company is to create self rating, job-related questionnaires.....

Performance management.

The process of ensuring that employees activities and outputs match the organization goals is called ______

Performance management.

Montero Inc., an automobile manufacturing company, had the largest number of employees in the manufacturing sector last year...

The employees are the source of the company's success or failure.

Identify the correct statement regarding skilled knowledge workers.

They are not easily replaced because they own the knowledge that the company requires to produce its products.

Which of the following terms describes a company wide effort to continuously improve the way people, machines, and systems accomplish work?

Total quality management.

Which of the following arrangements would qualify as job rotation?

Training housekeeping staff in front office functions through periods of alternating work arrangements.

sexual harassment

Unwelcome sexual advances

An HR manager becomes a(n)____ when she is so well respected in the organization that she can influence the positions taken by managers....

Cultural Steward

Job design is the process of:

Defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires.

Which of the following statements about the composition of the U.S labor force during the next decade is true?

Despite a small increase in the number of young workers, the overall workforce will be aging.

____refers to a condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral yet disproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities.

Disparate impact

At the most basic level, HR managers fulfilling the role of ____, carry out particular HR functions such as handling the selection, training, or compensation of employees.

operational executors.

Employee empowerment primarily involves____

Giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions.

Which of the following responsibilities is specifically associated with the HR function of support for strategy?

Human resource planning and forecasting.

The term external labor market refers to the:

Individuals who are actively seeking employment.

Which of the following best describes job design?

It is the process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires.

The process of getting detailed info about jobs is known as____

Job analysis

In the context of HRM functions, the activities of training and development include:

Making decisions whether an organization will emphasize enabling employees to perform their current jobs, preparing them for future jobs, or both.

Anne, a business researcher, believes that organizations will have to spend a lot of money on employee health care in the future. Her colleague Nick argues that organizations will not have to increase their spending on employee health care benefits. Which of the following statements weakens Nick's argument?

By 2022, all baby boomers will be at least 55 years old, increasing the ranks of workers nearing retirement.

How can an HR department that is considered its company's strategic partner help the company gain a competitive advantage?

By providing the needed human resources to the company and understanding the existing ones.

Joanna, a local farmer, is affected by the operations of Wooster Inc. because she buys the products manufactured by the company. This indicates that Joanna is a..?


The industrial engineering approach is most likely to emphasize.

Streamlining jobs to make them simpler, efficient and automatic.

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