HRM 360

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situation factors that drive employee engagement

- Job characteristics - Stressors - Leadership

attitudinal outcomes of job satisfaction

- Withdrawal cognitions - Motivation - job involvement - Perceived stress

ways that POS( perceived organizational support.) can be increased

- limit work environment stressors - treat employees fairly - provide job security - avoid political behavior

examples of organizational citizenship behavior.

- respect for the spirit as well as the letter of housekeeping rules - constructive statements about the departments - expression of personal interest in the work of others

Organizations can promote desired behaviors and not CWB's by:

- screening for CWBs during the hiring process. - designing jobs that increase satisfaction. - defining desired behaviors.

Schwartz's first bipolar dimension includes

1) self-transcendence 2) self- enhancement

___________________ reflect feelings about people, places, and objects and can be positive or negative.


The statement "I intend" reflects which overall attitude component?

Behavioral component

Schwartz's second bipolar dimension ranges from self-directed independence or openness to _________________ to __________________.

CHANGE to CONFORMITY (or conservation)

The statement "I believe" reflects which overall attitude component?


True or false: Managers should try to increase negative effects of stress by decreasing job satisfaction.

FALSE (Managers should try to decrease negative effects of stress by increasing job satisfaction.)

Counterproductive work behavior has a strong negative relationship with

Job satisfaction

Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior are called


Our values are influenced by the values of our________________ and by the __________________ we have as children


______________________ can be a good thing when a low performing person quits or gets fired.


Which of the following is true about attitudes?

They range from positive to negative.

The abstract ideals that influence the choices we make are called


A person's perception about the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange between him or herself and another is called:

a psychological contract

The statement "I feel" reflects which overall attitude component?

affective component

Beliefs you have that concern something specific, such as a specific person, objects, or particular situation are known as personal__________________.


cognitive attitude

beliefs or ideas that one has about a given object or situation

n Schwartz's value theory, values are organized into two

bipolar dimensions

OB researchers define ________________ as "a force that binds an individual to a course of action of relevance to one or more targets."


Individuals committed to an organization tend to display a

continuation of employment with the firm

Low employee engagement and low performance are examples of

counterproductive work behaviors

Feeling a sense of urgency to complete your work is one indicator of

employee engagement

Kahn described "the harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles" as

employee engagement.

behavioral attitude

how one intends or expects to act toward someone or something

What can an organization that has high levels of aggregate job satisfaction could expect to experience ?

improved accounting/financial performance

Ajzen and Fishbein consider __________________ as the key link between attitudes and planned behavior.


An affective or emotional response toward various facets of one's job is called __________________.

job satisfaction

Job involvement is ____________ related to job satisfaction.


Shalom Schwartz believed that values ______ our behavior across any context.


Five Predominant Models of Job Satisfaction

need fulfillment- understand and meet employees' needs met expectations- meet employees' expectations about what they will receive from the job value attainment- structure the job and its rewards to match employee values equity- monitor employees perceptions of fairness and interact with them so they feel fairly treated disposition/genetic components- Hire employees with an appropriate disposition

In Schwartz's circular-motivation structure, individuals are least likely to hold two values that are

on opposing sides of the circle.

Individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and promotes the effective performance of the firm is called:

organizational citizenship

An employee who always arrives early, volunteers to train new hires, and offers constructive statements or suggestions for improvement exhibits which of the following?

organizational citizenship behaviors

The extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals is: (personal values match the values present in a firm culture)

organizational commitment

Only when a firm's favorable treatment is voluntary rather than mandated by an external constraint will it be seen as:

organizational support

Feelings of equity are based on a comparison of which two factors?

outcomes and inputs

The extent to which employees believe their organization values their contributions and genuinely cares about their well-being is:

perceived organizational support

The idea that good treatment inspires good work is the basic premise of

perceived organizational support.

Organizational commitment occurs when employees value achievement and an employer rewards people for accomplishing goals. When this occurs, the consistency is called

person-culture fit

People who have a ________________ attitude about work will be more open to working longer hours.


Environmental characteristics that cause stress are called


In Ajzen's theory of planned behavior, a perceived social pressure for or against a behavior is a(n)

subjective norm

What drives behavior according to Schwartz's theory?

the relative importance we place on two dimensions of opposing values

The relationship between job satisfaction and organizational financial performance is ____________ the relationship between job satisfaction and individual productivity

weaker than

An individual's overall thoughts and feelings about quitting and the thought process that encapsulates this are called:

withdrawal cognitions

What are the negative effects of stress?

- Absenteeism - Increased turnover - Viral infections - Heart disease

person factors that contribute to employee engagement.

- Human and Social capital - Personality - positive psychological capital

What are the behavioral outcomes of job satisfaction?

- Organizational citizenship behavior - Job performance

__________________ has a number of consequences for health and a negative association with employee engagement.

Perceived stress

True or false: Perceptions of organizational support can be either positive or negative.


True or false: Values and attitudes are usually in agreement.


When people express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during a role performance. they are demonstrating_____________________.

employee engagement

If an employee values achievement and an employer rewards people for accomplishing goals, the employee is more likely to experience:

organizational commitment

Personality and positive psychological capital are considered____________________ that contribute to employee engagement.

person factors

An employee's beliefs about what he or she is entitled to receive in return for what he or she provides to the organization are represented by his or her

psychological contract.

Leadership and stressors are considered _____________________ factors that contribute to employee engagement levels.


When employers allow employees to do all or some of their work from home using technology and internet tools to send work electronically from home to office and vise versa, this is called


characteristics related to organizational citizenship behaviors. Multiple select question are

- voluntary - promote the firm's productivity

components that influence overall attitudes:

1) Behavioral 2) Affective 3) Cognitive

feelings related to employee engagement:

1) Enthusiasm 2) Urgency 3) Intensity 4) Focus

Which of the following are workplace attitudes that managers pay attention to?

1) Job satisfaction 2) Organizational commitment 3) Employee engagement 4) Perceived organizational support

Individual behavior that is discretionary and not part of a formal reward system and promotes the effective performance of the firm is called

Organizational citizenship

the characteristics of telecommuting

- decreased absenteeism - enhanced productivity and retention

When an employee enjoys the work being done and has a positive attitude, which of the following will be true?

1) The employee will be more open to taking on greater burdens. 2) The employee will be more agreeable to working harder.

Which of the following are true of personal values?

1) They influence behavior across all situations. 2) They represent global beliefs.

he benefits of perceived organizational support

1) organizational citizenship 2) organizational commitment 3) job satisfaction 4) employee engagement

Which of the following are among the general motives in Ajzen's theory of planned behavior that predict or influence intention and behavior?

1) subjective norms 2) perceived behavioral control 3) attitude toward the behavior

affective attitude

feelings or emotions that one has about a given object or situation

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