HRM Quiz 1

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What are two things data helps companies

1) there are drowned in data, but starved for information 2)Data driven decisions are evidence based , yet there is still a great need for informed judgement and intuition.

HR big data

1) to improve recruiting 2) to improve employer brand 3) Analyze pay and engagement scores

Uninformed services employment and reemployment rights of 1994

An employer may not deny a person initial employment, reemployment, promotion or benefits on the basis of that persons membership or potential membership in the armed services.

workforce forecasts

Forecasting external workforce supply Agencies regularly make projections of external labor market conditions and estimates of the supply of labor Organizations find such projections helpful

Workforce forecasts internal

Forecasting internal workforce supply The simplest type is the succession plan The overall objective is to ensure the availability of competent executive talent


Formulas and to comparisons to industry averages and adjustments to seasonality. It also includes surveys and interviews with employers to figure out what may cause the absent.

Workforce Analytics

It is a set of quantitative approaches that answers two simple questions: 1.What do we need to know about our organization and workforce to run the company more effectively? 2.How do we turn that knowledge into action?

Show Empathy

It is frustrating when you can't understand someone"

Sexual Harassment

Quid pro quo (you give me this; I'll give you that) and Hostile work environment (an intimidating, hostile, or offensive atmosphere)

Job performance

an analyst actually performs the job under study to get firsthand exposure to what it demands

Mixed motive cases

rely on both direct and intention discrimination on some impermissible basis (gender, race disability)

Separation Cost (administration related to termination)

removal of employee from payroll , termination of benefits, and turn in company equipment

Flexible Work Arrangements

-Frequently viewed by managers and employees as an exception or employee accommodation -Financial/nonfinancial effects that have been reported: Talent management and human-capital outcomes which affect cost and performance, leading to financial, operational, and business outcomes.

Financial Effects of Collaboration and Sharing Knowledge

-Global competition and the rapidly changing financial environment are driving the need to innovate constantly and effectively -An increasingly important part of competitive advantage is the ability to develop and share insights

Relationship of HR Strategy to business strategies

-Pushing responsibility down to employees operating in flatter organizations -Increased emphasis on line managers as HR managers -Instilling learning as a priority -Decentralizing decision making to autonomous units and employees -Linking performance measures for employees to financial performance indicators

Silent generation

1930-1945. Born in the middle of the great depression. They were in heavy demand.

Baby boomer generation

1946-1964. Acounts for 78 milllion people and 54% of the workforce. Generally they believe in rights to privacy, due process and freedom of speech in the workforce.

Litigating claims of unfair discrimination

1:She or he has asserted a basis protected by title 7 2:She or he was somehow harmed or disadvantaged 3:She or he has qualified to do the job 4:Either a similarly situated individual was treated more favorable than them

5 Reasons of diversity

1:Shift from a manufacturing to a service economy 2:Globalization of markets 3:New business strategies that require more teamwork 4:Mergers and alliances that require different corporate cultures to work together 5:The changing labor markets

Women in the workforce

5 key forces acount for change 1:Changes in family 2:Changes in education 3:Changes in self perception 4:Changes in technology 5:Changes in the economy

Prima Facie Case

A body of facts presumed to be true until proven otherwise

Organizational Commitment

A bond or linking of an individual to the organization that makes it difficult to leave.

Quality of work life

A set of objective organizational conditions and practices. Employees' perceptions that they are safe, relatively well satisfied, have reasonable work-life balance, and able to grow and develop as human beings.

Activities that comprise SWP

A talent inventory A workforce forecast Action plans Control and evaluation

Work Life Program

A work-life program includes any employer-sponsored benefit or working condition that helps an employee to balance work and non-work demands

Strategic workforce planning

An effort to anticipate future business and environmental demands on an organization, and to provide qualified people to fulfill that business and satisfy those demands

Ways to provide opportunities to women

Alternative career paths Extended leave Flexible scheduling Flextime Job sharing Teleworking


Analytics: transforms HR logic and measures into rigorous, relevant insights.

Strategy formulation

Answers the basic question, "How will we compete?"


Any failure of an employee to report for or to remain at work as scheduled, regardless of reason

Turnover and the formula

Any permanent departure beyond organizational boundaries. The number of turnover incidents per period/ Average workforce size multiple by 100%

Competency models

Attempt to identify variables related to overall organizational fit and identify personality characteristics consistent with the organization's vision and mission(e.g., drive for results, persistence, etc.)


Based on 5 steps: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control

The six exemptions of Title VII coverage

Bona fide occupational qualification: Discrimination is permissable when a prohibited factor

Generation X

Born 1965-1980. Represents 50 million and 1/3 of the workforce. tend to be independent and do not expect security of long term employment.

Family and medical leave act of 1993

Covers all private sector employers with 50 or more employees including part time. The law gives workers up to 12 weeks unpaid leave each year for birth, adoption, foster care, care for a spouse, parent or children with a serious health condition.


Can assume a variety of forms, of which employment downsizing is probably the most common. Companies can restructure by selling or buying plants or lines of business, or by laying-off employees.

Replacement cost

Communicating job availability


Compromises the activities of identifying work requirements within an organization, determining the numbers of people and skills mix necessary to do the work and recruiting, selecting and promoting qualified candidates

Cost of Loss of Productivity

Cost of additional overtime to cover the vacancy Cost of additional temporary help Wages and benefits saved due to the vacancy Cost of reduced productivity while new employee learns the job

What is Culture

Culture refers to the characteristic behavior of people in a country or region. Culture helps people make sense of their part of the world. It provides them with an identity - one they retain even when they emigrate

Replacement Cost( entrance interview)

Entrance Interviews: perhaps multiple interviews


Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The EEOC follows a 3 step process. Investigation, Conciliation and litigation. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of alleged violation. Then they immediately refer to state agency charged with enforcement of fair employment laws for resolution within 60 days


Debunk myths, provide facts, explain

Strategy analysis

Defines the crucial elements for the strategy's success

Manage Diversity

Focus on bringing in the best talent, not on meeting numerical goals Establish mentoring programs among employees of same and different races Hold managers accountable for meeting diversity goals Develop career plans for employees as part of performance reviews Promote minorities to decision-making positions, not just to staff jobs Diversify the company's board of directors

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Divided into several sections, or titles each dealing with a particular facet of discrimination. Examples, voting rights, public accommodations, and public education. Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin and all aspects of employment.

Workers with disabilities

Employers regard most people with disabilities as good workers, punctual, conscientious, and competent, if given reasonable accommodation Despite this evidence, persons with disabilities are less likely to be working than any other demographic group under the age of 65 Perhaps the biggest barrier is employers' lack of knowledge

Equal employment opportunity

Evaluation of candidates for jobs in terms of characteristics that really do make a difference between success and failure. Example:in selection, promotion, performance appraisal, or layoff

Separation Cost (exit interview)

Exit Interview: including the cost of the interviews time and the cost of terminating the employer

Civil Rights act of 1991

Expand the remedies in discrimination cases. Victims of intentional discrimination based on race, gender, religion, disability can ask for compensatory damages for including pain and suffering as well as other damages that may demand a jury trial.

Equal employment opportunity (2)

Fair and equal treatment of employees on the job. Example: equal pay for equal work, equal benefits, freedom from sexual harassment

strategy implementation

Firms take the necessary actions to implement their strategies


Five key lessons: -The CEO must drive the talent agenda -Identify and communicate a common set of leadership attributes -Use performance reviews as the building block for assessment, development, and management consensus about performance and potential -Keep to a schedule for performance reviews, broader talent reviews outside one's functional area, and the identification of talent pools -Link all decisions about talent to the strategy of the organization

Civil Rights acts of 1866 and 1871

Grants all citizens the rights to make and enforce contracts for employment and 1871 grans all citizens the right to sue in federal court if they feel they have been deprived of any rights or privilege.


In schedules is the key, as organizations strive to retain talented workers.

Separation Cost( Increased unemployment tax)

In states that base unemployment tax rates on each companies turnover rate

strategic management

How firms compete with each other and how they attain and sustain competitive advantage

Forecasting workforce demand

Identify pivotal talent Assess future workforce demand Accuracy in forecasting the demand for labor varies considerably by firm and by industry type: roughly from 5 to 35 percent error factor

Separation Cost (separation pay)

If any

Training Cost

Informational literature New employee orientation Instruction in a formal training program Instruction by employee assignment


Internal states that focus on particular aspects of or objects in the environment.Elements include:◦cognition◦emotion◦action


Is a function whose objective is to preserve and enhance employees' competence in their jobs through improving their knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics

Job Satisfaction

Is a multidimensional attitude; it is made up of attitudes toward pay, promotions, coworkers, supervision, the work itself, and so on.

Seniority System

Is a scheme that, alone or in tandem with "non-seniority" criteria, allots to employees ever-improving employment rights and benefits as their relative lengths of pertinent employment increase.

Manage change

Is an ongoing process whose objective is to enhance the ability of an organization to anticipate and respond to developments in its external and internal environments, and to enable employees at all levels to cope with the changes.

Job analysis

Law makes it clear that job applicants must be able to understand wat the essential functions are 2. Existing job analyses may need to be updated to reflect addional dimentions of jobs 3 once job analyses is complete, went over and summary becomes the job description

State your needs and expectations

Let's develop an approach we can both live with

Structured questionnaires

List tasks, behaviors, coordinating, and what actually gets done.


Logic: to help leaders outside of HR to understand and use the measurement systems to enhance the talent-related decisions they make.

Six Sigma

Main value to corporations lies in its ability to save time and money. Goal: Reduce variability from a process to avoid defects and increase predictability.

Cautions in flexible arrangements

Making the business case through data and research Offer to train managers on flexible workplace approach issues Utilize surveys and focus groups


Measure of the output of goods and services relative to the input of labor, capital and equipment


Measures: helps managers "slice and dice" the data in a wide variety of ways, each manager pursuing his/her own pet theory about employee turnover and why it matters.

Replacement costs(medical)

Medical examination either performed in house or at doctors

Making the case for diversity

Modify the business case Look beyond the business case Adopt a more analytical approach Experiment and evaluate Help managers and team members develop skills in conflict resolution and effective communications

Adverse impact discrimination

Occurs when identical standards or procedures are applied to everyone, despite the fact that they lead to a substantial difference in employment outcomes.

Strategic Workforce Plans

Parallel the plans for the business as a whole

Ethnic Minorities

People classified according to common traits and customs. Immigrants and women

Replacement Costs

Post employment; associated with all in process of new employment

Replacement cost (pre-employment administration functions)

Pre-employment administration functions: accepting applications and checking references


Process: to present relatively simple measures and analyses that match the mental models that managers already use.

The Americans with disabilities act of 1990

Prohibits an employer from discriminating against a qualified individual with a disability. A qualified individual is one who is able to perform the essential functions of a job with or without accommodations.

Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments

Prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude. Any form of discrimination may be considered in incident of slavery or involuntary servitude

Competetive Stategy

Refers to the decisions process and choices that an organization make to position themselves for sustainable success.

Affirmative Action

Refers to those actions appropriate to overcome the effects of past or present policies, practices, or other barriers to equal employment opportunity

The Equal Pay Act of 1963

Requires men and women working at the same establishment be paid the same rate of pay for work that is substantially equal in skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions.


Rewarding employees for performing their jobs effectively. Ensuring harmonious working relations between employees and managers. Maintaining a safe, healthy work environment


Simply observes a worker or group of workers doing a job

SMART objectives

Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, Timely

Age grading

Subconscious expectations about what people can and cannot do at particular times of their lives.

Replacement Cost: Testing

Testing: types of other assessment procedures


The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs

"one best way"

The dominant approach to job design in the industrial society of the 20th century


The free movement of capital, goods, services, ideas, information, and people across national boundaries


The giving of an unfair advantage (or disadvantage) to the members of a particular group in comparison with members of other groups

Human Resource Information Systems

The most central use of technology in HRM is an organization's human resources information system (HRIS)

Logic diagram

The objective is to connects investments programs tat contribute to employer engagement with outcomes that senior executives value, such as higher customer satisfaction, higher profitability and increased shareholder value.

Total Cost of turnover

The purpose of measuring turnover costs is to improve management decision-making.A turnover-reduction strategy might include: Providing realistic job previews. Conducting and following up on employee surveys. Merit-based rewards to retain high performers

Age discrimination in employment act of 1967

This act prohibits discrimination in pay, benefits or continued employment for employees age 40 and over unless employer can demonstrate that age is a BFOQ for this job in question. a key objective of the law is to prohibit financially troubled companies from singling out older employees when there are cutbacks.

The immigration reform and control act of 1986

This law applies to every employer in the U.S. Even those with only one employee. It also applies to every employee, whether full time or seasonal. Makes enforcement of national immigration policy of the job. 1:Employers may not hire illegal workers 2:Must verify the identity and work authorization of every employee 3:Employers with 4 to 14 employees may not discriminate on the basis pf citizenship or national origin

Human Resource Management Systems

To understand how each of the major activities within activities within HRM relates to every other one

Race Norming

Under "race-norming," each individual's percentile score on a selection test was computed relative only to others in his/her race/ethnic group, and not relative to the scores of all persons who took the test. Affirmative action makes this practice unlawful.

Critical incidents

Vignettes comprising brief actual reports that illustrate particularly effective or ineffective worker behaviors


What makes you say that?

Dont polarize people or groups

What might be other reasons for this behavior?"


What you actually get from the job or where observation is impractical it is necessary rely on workers own descriptions

Virtual workplace

Where employees operate remotely from each other and from managers

Virtual Organization

Where teams of specialists come together to work on a project and disband when the project is finished (e.g., the movie industry)

Modular corporation

Where the organization focuses on a few core competencies (e.g., designing and marketing of computers or copiers) and outsource everything else to a network of suppliers

Inter generational conflict

Work ethic: Different generations have different perceptions of what makes an employee dedicated. Organizational hierarchy: Younger members bypassing the chain of command; older members thinking seniority trumps qualifications. Managing change: Older members perceived as reluctant to change; younger members perceived as constantly wanting to try new ideas.

Unequal Treatment

based on an intention to discriminate, including the intention to retaliate against who opposes discrimination.


comprises activities intended to maintain compliance with the organization's HR policies (e.g., through discipline) and business strategies (e.g., cost leadership.

Reverse Discrimination

discrimination against whites and in favor of members of protected groups

Job design

focuses on the processes and outcomes of how work is structured, organized, experiences and enacted

Circumstantial evidence

intention to discriminate, including those that rely on statistical evidence


is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as walking, talking, seeing, hearing, or learning

Job description

is an overall written summary of task requirements

Job specification

is an overall written summary of worker requirements

Managing Diversity

means establishing a heterogeneous workforce (including white men) to perform to its potential in an equitable work environment where no member or group of members has an advantage or a disadvantage.

Business strategy

provides an overall direction and focus for the organization as a whole, including for each functional area of the business

Replacement Cost: Travel and moving costs

travel of all applicants and travel plus moving expenses

Direct evidence

such cases are proved with direct evidence other bias based on an open expression of hated, disrespected or inequality knowingly directed against members of a particular group.

Replacement Cost: Staff meeting

to determine if replacement is needed go over job analytics and job satisfaction

Gay/Lesbian/Biexual/Transsexual employees

◦GLBT employees, as a group, are highly educated and comprise 6 percent of the population◦More than 75 percent of Fortune 1,000 firms have added "sexual orientation" to their nondiscrimination policies

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