HSC1100 Final 2

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Omega-3 fatty acudes assist in

Improving arterial health, lowering triglyceride levels & protect against autoimmune disease

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

In Maslow's work, the state attained when a person has reached his or her full potential.

Examples of electrolytes

Sodium & chloride

Consumption of this beverage tripled between 1970s-1990s

Soft drinks

Goal of "good health"

State of complete physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being.


Stimulates appetite

Body composition

-the relative amounts of fat and fat-free mass in the body. Fat-free mass includes muscle, bone, water, body organs, and other body tissues. Body fat includes both fat that is essential for normal functioning, such as fat in the nerves, heart, and liver, and fat stored in fat cells, usually located under the skin and around organs. The recommended proportion of body fat to fat-free mass, expressed as percent body fat, is 21 to 35 percent for women and 8 to 24 percent for men. The relative amount of body fat has an effect on overall health and fitness. Too much body fat is associated with overweight and obesity and with a higher risk for chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and many types of cancer. A greater amount of fat-free mass, on the other hand, gives the body a lean, healthy appearance. The heart and lungs function more efficiently without the burden of extra weight. Because muscle tissue uses energy at a higher metabolic rate than does fat tissue, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories you can consume without gaining weight.

30. Which of the following statements regarding stressors is FALSE? A. Stressors are things that upset or excite us. B. Stressors are specific or nonspecific agents that activate the stress response in the body. C. Stressors cause distress and do not cause eustress. D. The body reacts to stressors in the same way, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.


Substances in food that neutralize effects of free radicals



A period of time that an intoxicated person can not recall

bipolar disorder

A person with bipolar disorder experiences one or more manic episodes, often but not always alternating with depressive episodes (euphoria, energized, etc). People experiencing a manic episode typically are not aware they are ill; occurs equally in men and women, with an average age at onset of about 20; strong evidence of a genetic component in this disorder.


A prohibition; the act of forbidding.


A psychotic disorder in which a person has disorganized and disordered thinking and perceptions, bizarre ideas, hallucinations (often voices), and impaired functioning; most common disorder; symptoms are sometimes so severe that the person becomes socially, interpersonally, and occupationally dysfunctional. Age at onset is usually the early 20s for men and the late 20s for women; has a strong genetic component.

calorie restriction

A reduction in calorie intake below daily needs. Very-Low-Calorie Diets are an aggressive option for patients with high health risks because of obesity, VLCDs require a physician's supervision. These diets provide a daily intake of 800 calories or less and must be monitored closely. VLCDs are used for moderately to severely obese patients (people with BMIs greater than 30) who are highly motivated but have not had success with more conservative plans. Patients with BMIs of 27 to 30 with medical conditions that could improve with rapid weight loss are also candidates. Weight loss after a 26-week program averages 20 percent of the patient's initial weight. However, maintaining weight loss is challenging.

If someone decides to eat 1½ cups of this food, how many servings would he/she be eating? a. 1 b. 1.5 c. 2 d. 2.5


Daily protein intake for healthy adults

10-35% of calories consumed

typical male body fat percentage

11 to 20%

puberty increases body fat percentage from____% to 15% for boys but to 25% for girls.


On average, how many years earlier will smokers die than non-smokers? A. 5-6 years B. 9-10 years C. 13-14 years D. 17-18 years

13-14 years

Which of the following activities is considered a moderate intensity aerobic activity? a. Playing doubles tennis b. Playing singles tennis c. Cycling greater than 10 MPH d. Jumping Rope

13.jumping rope

Body fat (% for post pubescent boy)


The minimum amount of time per week to achieve substantial benefits

150 min. ea. week of exercise.

typical female body fat percentage

17 to 30%

Approximately what percentage of adults in the United States are smokers? A. 12% B. 10% C. 19% D. 25%


Health was previously thought to refer to: A. the absence of disease. B. having regular medical checkups. C. Mental and physical well-being. D. a state of complete physical well-being.

A state of complete physical well-being


A state of drunkenness characterized by impaired coordination and judgement


A structured, planned physical activity that is done to improve fitness


A three dimensional polymer made of monomers of amino acids.

Consuming too much caffeine contributes to

Anxiety, increased heart rate & nausea

All of the following are considered one standard drink EXCEPT: A. 12 ounces of beer. B. 2 ounces of vodka. C. 4 to 5 ounces of wine. D. None of the above.

2 ounces of vodka


Any of a number of drugs, such as LSD and mescaline, that distort visual and auditory perception

Approximately how many calories per day does the average adult need to maintain his/her current body weight? a. 1,800 b. 2,000 c. 2,200 d. 2,400


______ of americans are now obese

2/3 two thirds

How many calories in this food product come from protein? a. 10 b. 20 c. 35 d. 45


What is the maximum heart rate a 20-year-old male should reach when exercising? a. 180 bpm b. 190 bpm c. 200 bpm d. 210 bpm


By the estimates noted in the text, what percentage of people will develop an STI of some kind in their lifetime? A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 25%


Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, what percent daily value of sodium does one serving of this food provide? a. 10% b. 20% c. 28% d. 56%


ACSM recommends you stretch

2x per week

To obtain maximum hydration, experts recommend getting fluids through

Apples and oranges

Passive (or relaxed) stretching

Applied pressure to muscles.

Type of exercise that has primary purpose of ensuring healthy range of motion


sources of complex carbohydrates

whole games, vegetables, fruit

What is the average duration of a workout session

30 mins

33. According to the life events model, how many life change units would one have to accumulate in one year to have a significantly high risk of suffering a serious health problem? A.300 B. 250 C. 150 D. 200


19. Protein supplies how many calories per gram? a. 2 b. 4 c. 7 d. 9


21. Each gram of fat supplies how many calories? a. 2 b. 4 c. 7 d. 9


31. Each gram of carbohydrate supplies how many calories? a. 2 b. 4 c. 7 d. 9


True regarding probiotics

Available in variety of forms, including pills & powders, found in various foods including yogurt, treat various issues including diarrhea

Advantages to cross training

Avoid risk of wanting to quit exercise program bc of boredom & reduce risk of overuse injuries

A craving for tobacco lasts approximately how long? A. 1-2 hours B. 30-45 minutes C. 10-15 minutes D. 5-10 minutes

5-10 minutes

Young people (less than age 25) account for approximately what portion of STI's in the United States? A. 75% B. 50% C. 35% D. 25%


Carbohydrates account for about how many calories in the typical American diet?

50%, half

14. ACSM recommends working at what percentage of your maximum heart rate in order to receive cardiorespiratory benefits? a. 30% to 45%. b. 55% to 65%. c. 70% to 85%. d. 85% to 100%.

55% to 65%

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that people exercise at a THR betwee____percent and _____percent of their maximum heart rate?


How many grams of unsaturated fat are in this food product? a. 13 grams b. 5 grams c. 7 grams d. 6 grams

6 grams

___% of processed food in supermarkets contain one or more GM ingredient


if both a person's parents are obese, he or she has _______% higher chance of becoming obese than a person without obese parents.


What is the daily recommendation for cholesterol based on a 2,000 calorie/day diet? a. < 150 mg. b. < 200 mg. c. < 250 mg. d. < 300 mg.


For both men and women, which waist-to-hip ratio measurement would indicate a potential health risk? a. > 0.70 b. > 0.80 c. > 0.90 d. > 1.00



A a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings, world view and physical well-being.

ecological model of health and wellness

A framework that recognizes the interrelationship between individuals and their environment; emphasizes the multiple social determinants that influence health.

If both if your parentd are obese you have

A greater likelihood of being obese


A hormone that increases relaxation and sleepiness, released by the pineal gland during sleep.

Muscular strength

A muscle's capacity to exert force against resistance in a single, all-out effort


A nutrient that helps build strong parts of your body that comes from the earth and is in almost every type of food

At the onset of menopause, fat distribution shifts to the


Is associated with high cholesterol levels

Abdominal fat

Cardiorespiratory fitness

Ability of the heart and lungs to provide oxygen and nutrients to muscles and cells


Ability to bounce back from adversity.

health-related fitness

Ability to perform daily living activities with vigor; Components are cardiorespiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness, and body composition. Musculoskeletal fitness, in turn, includes muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.

Define Skill Related Fitness

Ability to perform specific skills associated with various sports and leisure activities.

Water assists the body in

Absorption of food, digestion & temperature regulation

18. Nutrients required by the body in the greatest amounts are: a. micronutrients. b. essential nutrients. c. macronutrients. d. minerals.


Which of the following statements are true about fitness gaming

An exercise gaming workout is roughly equivalent to moderate instensity walking Fitness gamers can burn 75-125 calories in 30 min workout

In general, unhealty foods

Are less expensive than healthy foods, are more readily available


Are micronutrients, meaning the body needs them in small quantities. These are organic compounds produced by living beings. These and minerals support the body's biochemical processes. Each of the these and minerals has a distinct function, including regulating metabolism, guarding the cells from oxidative stress and synthesizing hormones.

Positive psychology

Area of interest within the field of psychology that focuses on positive emotions, character strengths, and conditions that create happiness; One outcome of this research has been the identification of a set of character strengths and virtues that "enable human thriving" and that are endorsed by nearly all cultures across the world.3 The six broad virtues are wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence.

40. A mathematical formula that correlates with body composition and is the ratio of weight to height squared is called: a. body composition. b. body mass index (BMI). c. body ratio. d. waist-to-hip ratio.


measurement of body weight in a relationship height to determine deviance from healthy weight

BMI (body mass index)

Obese women may find it difficult to

Become pregnant

What could happen if peioke have too little body fat

They would not be able to produce hormones

Cooling down with a low intensity activity after a workout enables

Blood vessels to return to their normal size to prevent bloof from pooling in the extremities

Fatfree mass in the body

Bone, organs, muscle


Broken down to glucose to provide energy.

Complex carbohydrates must be _____ before they can be used or stored

Broken into simple sugars

Common overuse injuries of the soft tissue

Bursitis, tenditis

Effects of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine on sleep

Caffeine, a stimulant, disrupts sleep, whether it comes in coffee, tea, chocolate, or soda. Caffeine enters your bloodstream quickly, reaches a peak in about 30 to 60 minutes, and it may take up to 4 to 6 hours for half of caffeine intake to clear the blood system of a young adult. It may also reduce the amount of slow-wave or deep sleep by half and quadruple the number of nighttime awakenings. Nicotine is a stimulant that can disrupt sleep. Brain wave pattern analysis indicates that they do not sleep as deeply as nonsmokers. Smoking also affects the respiratory system by causing congestion in the nose and swelling of the mucous membranes lining the throat and upper airway passages. These physiological factors increase the likelihood of snoring and aggravate the symptoms of sleep apnea. They also decrease oxygen uptake, which leads to more frequent awakenings. Alcohol induces sleepiness but it causes poorer sleep and restlessness later in the night. Even if consumed 6 hours before bedtime, alcohol can increase wakefulness in the 2nd half of the night, probably through its effect neurotransmitters that regulate sleep. Because alcohol is a depressant, it prevents REM sleep from occurring until most of the alcohol has been absorbed. After absorption, vivid dreams are more likely. Sleep experts call this an alcohol rebound effect, in which the body seems to be trying to recover REM sleep that was lost earlier. Additionally, alcohol can aggravate sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea and trigger episodes of sleepwalking, sleep-related eating disorders, and other disorders. The impact of alcohol can even be deadly.

One important consideration about very low calorie diets is that they

Can make it hard to maintain long term weight loss

essential nutrients

Carbs, Fats, Proteins, vitamins, minerals and water Molecules that must be obtained from food because your body cannot make them

Exercise programs that help the heart rate


Included in the health-related fitness components

Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness, & body composition

Elevated blood levels of cholesterol can clog arteries and contribute to the disease of this system


barriers to an active lifestyle

Common barriers to active lifestyles cited by adults are inconvenience, lack of self-motivation, lack of time, fear of injury, the perception that exercise is boring, lack of social support, and lack of confidence in one's ability to be physically active

complex carbs

Composed of many sugar molecules. Starches and grains


Consuming 5 or more drinks in one sitting

Functional strength training is also

Core-strength training

One area of focus of genetic modification has been

Creating strains of crops resistant to disease

dietary approaches to stop hypertension

DASH Eating plan


Demonstrating a degree of muscle power when movement is resisted, as with objects or gravity

People who don't consume enough essential nutrients are likely to

Develop nutritional deficiency diseases

3 medical strategied to treat obesity

Diet drugs, very low calorie diets & surgical procedures


Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

recommend intake levels of nutrients for optimal health

Dietary reference intakes (DRI's)

People should avoid mixing energy drinks with alcohol bc the mixture

Disguises effects of alcohol & makes drinkers federal sober

Food retailers reluctant to build supermarkets in low-income areas Bc they feel that the areas

Do not have high demand for their stores, often feature high crime rates

common term for 'muscle dysmorphia'


anorexia nervosa (diagnosis and complications)

Eating disorder marked by distortion of body image and refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight. Criteria for anorexia nervosa are as follows: Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height (usually less than 85 percent of expected body weight). Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight. Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight. Amenorrhea—the absence of at least three consecutive menstrual cycles. Anorexia nervosa carries the highest death rate of all psychiatric diagnoses and all eating disorders.25 Death is usually due to cardiac arrest, electrolyte imbalance, or suicide. The signs and symptoms of anorexia are due to starvation and are shown in Figure 8.2. Most of the complications are reversible if the person receives enough calorie replacement. However, some complications do not appear to be reversible, most notably, bone loss. Decreased bone calcium (osteoporosis) is one of the most serious long-term effects of severe calorie restriction. Peak bone density is reached during the adolescent years. After that it remains relatively stable until the middle 30s, when it starts a slow decline. People with anorexia do not reach the same peak bone density as those without the disease and thus have a lifelong increased risk of bone fracture

9. Having a membership to a health club is an example of which type of influencing factor? A. A. predisposing B. B. enabling C. C. reinforcing D. D. behavioral


Type of amino acids that cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through foods


The Food and Nutrition Board's AMDR measurement describes the levels of

Essential nutrients needed for nutrition, nutrients that could lead to chronic disease


Essential nutrients that do not yield energy, but that are required for growth and proper functioning of the body.

types of nutrients

Essential, Macro, Micro, Calorie

body fat distribution

Fat carried around and above the waist is abdominal fat and is considered more "active" than fat carried on the hips and thighs. Abdominal fat (also called central obesity) is a disadvantage because it breaks down more easily and enters the bloodstream more readily. A large abdominal circumference or waist circumference is associated with high cholesterol levels and higher risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and some types of cancer. If your BMI is in the healthy range, a large waist circumference may signify an independent risk for disease. If your BMI is in the overweight or obese range, measuring your waist circumference can be an additional tool to determine your health risk. Greater than 40 inches (102 cm) for men Greater than 35 inches (88 cm) for women

Fad diets follow a pattern of altering

Fat, carbs, & protein

Function of fats in food

Fats are a concentrated energy source and the principal form of stored energy in the body. The fats in food provide essential fatty acids, play a role in the production of other fatty acids and vitamin D, and provide the major material for cell membranes and for the myelin sheaths that surround nerve fibers. They assist in the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and affect the texture, taste, and smell of foods. Fats provide an emergency reserve when we are sick or our food intake is diminished.

Symptoms of food borne illnesses include

Fever& diarrhea

Non digestible plant carbohydrate


To gain weight you should increase servings of more energy dense foods such as

Fish, nuts

Sources of complete protein

Fish, poultry

Low income area where more than 1/3 of population has low access to a supermarket

Food desert

Vegetarians need to pay attention to make sure their diet provides them with

Food diversity


Food poisoning that occurs when a food is contaminated by natural toxins or microbes that produce toxins


Frequency, Intensity, Time, & Type

What are the components of the FITT Principle? a. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Tempo b. Fitness, Intensity, Training, Teaching c. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type d. Fitness, Intensity, Time, Type

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

what is FITT acronym

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type

Antioxidant rich foods

Fruits and vegetables

Carbohydrates provides the body with

Fuel & energy

about 70% of all processed foods now sold contain at least one of these


Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning HPV? A. HPV is the least common STI on college campuses B. Men and women can experience genital warts or cancer from an HPV infection C. Gardasil and Cervarix are vaccines that prevent the strains of HPV that cause cancer D. Most people who are infected with HPV show noticeable symptoms

Gardasil and Cervarix are vaccines that prevent the strains of HPV that cause cancer

an eating disorder in which one eats huge amounts of food usually in isolation

binge eating

gender differences in dieting

Gender is clearly a risk factor for eating disorders, with female gender increasing risk. Sexual orientation may alter risk for males, with gay and bisexual men at greater risk than heterosexual men. Gay and bisexual men report higher rates of body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. They aim to attract men and thus may be subject to the same pressures as heterosexual women. They may place greater value on physical appearance than do heterosexual men. Lesbians appear to have the same rates of eating disorders as heterosexual women.

Complex carbohydrate containing glucose


also known as 'good cholesterol', these actually help prevent cardiovascular disease

HDL (High density lipoproteins)

the two types of cholesterol


Drugs and supplements do not

Have a lot of scientific data about them

Ability to perform daily activities without vigor

Health-related fitness

Diseases and conditions linked to long term effects of free radicals

Heart disease, macular degeneration, cancer

Prior to entering menopause women tend to store more of their body fat in their


free radicals/oxidative damage

Humans need oxygen in order to live, yet the simple act of breathing in oxygen results in the formation of highly reactive molecules called free radicals. As the free radicals interact with other molecules in the body, they cause oxidative damage that can result in the development of a wide range of illnesses and diseases. Oxidative stress occurs when the production of reactive oxygen is greater than the body's ability to detoxify the reactive intermediates. This imbalance leads to oxidative damage to proteins, molecules, and genes within the body. Since the body is incapable of keeping up with the detoxification of the free radicals, the damage continues to spread. Free radicals occur naturally within the body, and for the most part, the body's natural antioxidants can manage their detoxification. But, there are certain external factors that can trigger the production of these damaging free radicals. These factors include: • Excessive exposure to UV rays • Pollution • Smoking • Eating an unhealthy diet • Excessive exercise • Certain medications and/or treatments

Sternberg's Love Triangle

In this view, love has three dimensions: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Intimacy is the emotional component of love and includes feelings of closeness, warmth, openness, and affection. Passion is the sexual component of love; it includes attraction, romance, excitement, and physical intensity. Commitment is the decision aspect of a relationship, the pledge that you will stay with your partner through good times and bad, despite the possibility of disappointment and disillusionment.


Inability to continue exercising at desired level of intensity

Taste convenience and cost

Influence the consideration of familiar food choices

Fats function to

Insulate the body and nerve fibers, build cell membranes

Which of the following is NOT a barrier method of birth control? A. Intrauterine Device (IUD) B. diaphragm C. female condom D. male condom

Intrauterine Device(IUD)


Is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness. It most commonly features auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction.

Bipolar disorder

Is a psychiatric diagnosis for a mood disorder in which people experience disruptive mood swings that encompass a frenzied state known as mania (or hypomania) and, usually, symptoms of depression.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety, or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions.

Essential nutrients mostly serve as

Sources of energy

What results when cocaine is used in the body? A. It stimulates the central nervous system. B. It depresses the brain. C. It creates a hallucinating effect. D. It has a sedative effect.

It stimulates the central nervous system

Amount of energy needed to raise temperature of one kg of water by 1 degree centigrade


the 'bad cholesterol'

LDL (Low density lipoproteins)

Examples of incomplete protein

Legumes, nuts

The four fat soluble vitamins are known by

Letters of alphabet


Living bacteria that help ease distress in the digestive system

Physical benefits of exercise

Longer life span, stronger immune system

Obesity levels have increased for children in

Lower-income households

During a woman's menstrual cycle, which hormone triggers ovulation? A. Estrogen B. Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) C. Progesterone D. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

Luteinizing Hormone

An oversctive thyroid causes weight loss because it

Speeds up a person's metabolism

Humans need large daily amounts of these type of minerals


Importance of flexibility exercises

Maintain normal range of motion in the major joints of the body

Organic farming is beneficial to environment

Maintains biodiversity of crops

Weight loss aids are not regulated heavily like medications because they are

Marked as dietary supplements


Masculine or feminine behaviors and characteristics considered appropriate for a male or a female in a particular culture.

gender role

Masculine or feminine behaviors and characteristics considered appropriate for a male or a female in a particular culture.

Which are true regarding phytoestrogens

May reduce risk of heart disease, may lower cholesterol l, identified in vegetables of cabbage famiy

BMI for obesity and overweight

Measure of body weight in relation to height. Greater than 25 is overweight, greater than 30 is obese

When our bodies transform food into nutrients and waste


Weight loss drugs are not recommended for all obese persons because the drugs

Might have potential side effects, require medical supervision


Minerals & vitamins

Fast food meals are low in

Minerals, vitamins & fiber

Stages of Change Model

Model of behavior change that focuses on stages of change.

Foods with unsaturated fats

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids are found primarily in plant sources. Olive, safflower, peanut, and canola oils, as well as avocados and many nuts, contain mostly monounsaturated fat. Corn and soybean oils contain mostly polyunsaturated fa

visual icon designed to raise awareness about the different food groups


Complex carbohydrates found in plant foods


If your body takes in fewer calories than your body uses, this situation is known as

Negative energy balance

Healthy weight loss is considered how many pounds per week?

One to two

circadium rhythm and young adults

Over the course of the day, your body undergoes rhythmic changes that help you move from waking to sleep and back to waking. These circadian rhythms are maintained primarily by two tiny structures in the brain, the suprachiasmic nuclei (SCN), located directly behind the optic nerve in the hypothalamus The sleep cycle pattern changes across the lifespan, with children and young adolescents experiencing large quantities of NREM stages 3 and 4 sleep (deep sleep). Sleep needs are constant across adulthood, but as people get older, high-quality sleep may become more elusive, and older adults may experience less deep sleep and REM sleep and more NREM stage 1 sleep and wakefulness.

Among American adults, a majority (68%) meet the criteria for


Reduced anxiety and improved self image are associated with

Participation in exercise

8 foods responsible for 90% of food allergies

Peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat

When buying supplements, consumers should look for research that is

Peer-reviewed in mainstream publications

Key nutritional guidelines for Americans

Physically active, limit intake of saturated and trans fat, control calorie intake to manage body weight

Substances extracted from fruits & veggies that are used in supplements & assist in preventing cancer, dementia, & other disease



Plant hormones similar to human estrogens but less potent

Major cause of the recent increase in overweight & obesity

Poor childhood eating habits

What disease is characterized by depression and physical symptoms that occur in the last week of a woman's menstrual cycle? A. Premenstrual Syndrome B. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder C. Dysmenorrhea D. Toxic Shock Syndrome

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder


Probably the most popular core-strength training program being taught in health clubs today; developed in the 1920s by physical trainer Joseph Pilates. The exercises, performed on special apparatus and a floor mat, are based on the premise that the body's "powerhouse" is in the torso, particularly the abdomen. Exercises are taught by trained instructors and are tailored to the individual.


Process of adopting patterns of behavior that can lead to improved health and heightened life satisfaction; wellness has several domains and can be conceptualized as a continuum.

Serves the body by building and maintaining muscles and other body tissues


With rapid weight loss that is associated with fad diets, the body can enter this mode


Institute of Medicine discovered FOPs

Provide little guidance for consumers about actual healthiness of products, a single standard FOP system should be regulated

Know the benefits of physical activity and of exercise

Provides long life span, improved body systems, cognitive benefits, psychological and emotional benefits, spiritual benefits.

Effective ways to reduce salt intake

Purchase low sodium foods, increase amount of whole grains in diet& remove salt from table

Vigorous Intensity

Race walking, jogging, or running, Swimming laps, Tennis (singles), Aerobic dancing, Bicycling 10 miles per hour or faster, Jumping rope, Heavy gardening (continuous digging or hoeing) Hiking uphill or with a heavy backpack, competitive soccer.

THR (% range of max heart rate)

Range of exercise intensity that allows you to stress your cardiorespiratory system for optimal benefit without overloading the system. The formula is 220 (MHR) minus your age times your desired intensity. For example, if you are 20 years old and want to work out at 60 to 80 percent intensity, you would subtract 20 from 220 and multiply by 0.60 and 0.80. Your target heart rate zone would be 120 to 160.

average daily amount of nutrients to protect against nutritional deficiency

Recommend dietary allowance (RDA)

Essential nutrients

Regulate body functions, provide fuel for body

Fad diets label products as "good" or "bad" and they often typically

Require elimination of one of the basic food groups, prescribe certain foods that alledgedly burn fat

Major role of fats?

Serve as an emergency reserve

Although the size acceptance movemeng promotes and stands for many positive things, it

Should not be taken to mean that obesity is not a major health issue


Sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling or staying asleep; can be caused by stress, anxiety, medical problems, poor sleep environment, noisy or restless partners, and schedule changes

Sleep apnea

Sleep disorder characterized by periods of nonbreathing during sleep; also known as breathing-related sleep disorder; estimated that almost 40 percent of the U.S. pop has some form of sleep apnea; 2 main types of sleep apnea - central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea. In central sleep apnea, a rare condition, the brain fails to regulate the diaphragm and other breathing mechanisms correctly.

7 dimensions of wellness

Social - interactions with people Physical - your fullness level Occupational - liking & connecting with people at work Emotional - understanding & dealing with your emotions Spiritual - your beliefs and values (in tune with nature) Intellectual - challenge yourself every day Environmental - what you do for the earth

social determinants of health

Societal conditions that affect health and can potentially be altered by social and health policies and programs; This term highlights the fact that the conditions in which you live, work, and pursue your life goals influence the options you have available and the choices you make.

simple carbs

Sugars (mono, disachharide) - fruit, milk, honey

A product that combines probiotics and prebiotics


True regarding phytonutrients

The FDA has not recognized foods containing phytonutrients as disease preventatives


The ability to move your joints through their normal, full range of motion.

Define Health Related Fitness

The ability to perform daily living activities with vigor.

Muscular power

The amount of work that can be performed by the muscles in given time period

(FITT Principle) Frequency

The key to fitness training is the body's ability to adapt to increasing demands by becoming more fit—that is, as a general rule, the more you exercise, the fitter you become. The amount of exercise, called overload, is significant, however. If you exercise too little, your fitness level won't improve. If you exercise too much, you may be susceptible to injury. When you are designing an exercise program, you need to think about four different dimensions of your exercise sessions that affect overload: frequency (number of sessions per week), intensity (level of difficulty of each exercise session), time (duration of each exercise session), and type (type of exercise in each exercise session).

Nutrient Categories

The macronutrients are water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet includes adequate intake of all the nutrients, primarily from nutrient-rich foods (as opposed to dietary supplements). Whole foods and especially plant foods contain additional important substances, such as antioxidants.

Cardiovascular/cardio respiratory endurance

The maximal capacity of your heart/blood vessels/lungs to deliver oxygen and nutrients to working muscles before becoming fatigued. E.g. those who can run consistently at higher speeds on the treadmill for a long durations show good cardiovascular endurance.

Muscular strength and endurance

The maximal force you can exert, and for how long. Lifting heavy objects require muscular strength, while walking and climbing stairs require endurance.

Ballistic stretching

The muscle is stretch in a series of bouncing movements designed to increase the range of motion. Ballistic stretching is used by experienced athletes.

Define mental health

The presence of many positive characteristics in one's life.


The process in which Trans fatty acids are produced

eating disorder development (stages of life most likely)

The rates of disordered eating are higher in college populations than in the general population, with studies showing 50 to 60 percent of college women and 10 percent of college men reporting disordered eating.

Public health measures

The study and practice of health promotion and disease prevention at the population level. Public health efforts include both health promotion and disease prevention.


This nutrient is a major energy source. Along with providing fuel for physical activity, they also power the body's involuntary functions, including heartbeat, breathing and digestive processes. Food sources of this nutrient include grains and grain products, vegetables, fruits, legumes, dairy products and sugars. Should supply 40 to 60 percent of the average person's caloric intake.


This nutrient is essential for skin, muscle and bones depend on dietary normal growth, development and maintenance. Getting enough of this is rarely a problem in industrialized countries such as the U.S. Complete proteins from animal sources contain all the amino acids your body needs for normal functioning. Plant sources only contain incomplete proteins, meaning some amino acids are missing. If you do not eat much meat, poultry, fish or other animal products, eat a variety of protein-rich plant foods such as beans, nuts and whole grains to ensure an optimal combination of amino acids.

Polyunsaturated fats

Type of fats that are liquid at both room temperature and in the fridge

stages of REM sleep

Type of sleep characterized by brain waves and other physiological signs characteristic of a waking state but also characterized by reduced muscle tone, or sleep paralysis; most dreaming occurs during REM sleep. Begins about 70 to 90 minutes after you have fallen asleep. As you enter this stage, your breathing and heart rate increase, and brain wave activity becomes more like that of a waking state. REM sleep is characterized by noticeable eye movements, usually lasting between 1 and 10 minutes. During this period, you are most likely to experience your first dream of the night. Although dreams may occur in all stages of sleep, they generally happen in REM sleep. After your first REM period, you cycle back and forth between REM and NREM sleep stages. These cycles repeat themselves about every 90 to 110 minutes until you wake up. Typically, you experience four or five sleep cycles each night. After the second cycle, however, you spend little or no time in NREM stages 3 and 4 and most of your time in NREM stage 2 and REM sleep. After each successive cycle, the time spent in REM sleep doubles, lasting from 10 to 60 minutes at a time.

Non rapid eye movement sleep (NREM)

Type of sleep characterized by slower brain waves than are seen during wakefulness as well as other physiological markers; divided into four stages of increasingly deep sleep.

90-95% of people with diabetes have this type


Graphic nutritional tool developed to accompany the 2010 dietary guidelines for Americans


"I" statements

Using "I" statements helps you take responsibility for your own emotions and reactions rather than trying to place responsibility on someone else. For example, it is more productive to say, "I feel ... when you ..." than to say, "You make me feel ..."

If you only have 74 minutes or fewer to devote to exercise every week, you should exercise at a ____ intensity level


Organic substances that are needed by the body in small amounts are known as


Extra sources of these aren't necessary unless you are pregnant or have a deficiency

Vitamins & Minerals

serve as catalysts for releasing energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Vitamins A, C, D, and K

Moderate Intensity

Walking briskly (3 miles per hour or faster, but not race-walking), Water aerobics, golf - no cart, Bicycling slower than 10 miles per hour, Tennis (doubles), Ballroom dancing, General gardening

The most popular form of sedentary entertainment among Americans is

Watching television

A person's body mass index measures this aspect of a person relative to his/her height


Best way to gain muscle tissue

Weight training

To gain weight in a healthy manner you should engage in physical activity that empasizes

Weight training

What is the relationship between restricted diets and weight loss?

When people leave restrictive diets, they tend to gain weight

22. Which condition is characterized by experiencing mania and euphoria alternated with feelings of depression and despair? A. major depression B. panic attacks C. bipolar disorder D. acrophobia

bipolar disorder


When you are trying to resolve a conflict with your partner, keep the topic narrow. Try not to generalize to other topics, incidents, or issues. Avoid being either passive or aggressive; assertiveness means speaking up for yourself without violating someone else's rights.


While these are inorganic elements that originate in the earth, these are important in building strong bones and teeth.

Refined carbohydrates

White rice, bread & other products made of white flour

Whole grains preferred over refined carbohydrates

Whole grains make u feel full longer, whole grains provide more nutrients

Whole grains

Whole wheat, corn, oatmeal

Excess body fat leads the heart and lungs to

Work harder due to excess body weight

Functions of Water

You can survive without water for only a few days. We need water to digest, absorb, and transport nutrients. It regulates body temperature, carries waste products out of the body, and lubricates our moving parts. The right fluid balance—the right amount of fluid inside and outside each cell—is maintained through the action of substances called electrolytes, mineral components that carry electrical charges and conduct nerve impulses. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets standards for water quality and inspects water supplies for bacteria and toxic chemicals. Adults generally need 1 to 1.5 milliliters of water for each calorie spent in the day. If you expend 2,000 calories a day, you require 2 to 3 liters—8 to 12 cups—of fluids.3 Heavy sweating increases your need for fluids. You obtain fluids not only from the water you drink, but also from the water in foods, particularly fruits such as oranges and apples.


You may think this as dietary enemies, but they are as necessary to the body's normal functioning as the other essential nutrients. Dietary fat helps the absorption of vitamins, supports cell membrane health and helps maintain the immune system. Not all fats are equal. Choose healthy unsaturated fats such as olive oil and nut oil instead of saturated fats from fatty meats. Omega 3s.

Static stretching

You stretch until you feel tightness in the muscle and then hold that position for a set period of time without bouncing or forcing movement.

Body composition

Your proportions of lean body mass (muscles, bones, skin, blood, organs, and nervous tissue) and body fat.

most common way to measure body fat

a caliper test

mindfulness meditation

a form of meditation that involves paying attention to the present moment and letting thoughts and feelings come and go without judging them. Other mindfulness-based practices include yoga and focused breathing; can lower blood pressure, improve immune system functioning, and alleviate a variety of mental and physical conditions. It may also improve psychological well-being, enhance cognitive functioning, and increase momentary positive emotions. The specific components that contribute to positive outcomes include attention regulation, emotional regulation, body awareness, and changes in self-perspective

8. According to the Health Belief Model, individuals are more likely to change a health behavior if they hold all of the following beliefs EXCEPT that: A. they can avoid negative consequences. B. they can expect a positive outcome. C. they can successfully take action. D. a higher power controls their behavior.

a higher power controls their behavior

30. Whole grains, vegetables, and nuts are examples of: a. complex carbohydrates. b. incomplete carbohydrates. c. functional carbohydrates. d. simple carbohydrates.

complex carbohydrates

34. Acculturation is defined as: A. a psychosocial change or stress by a minority ethnic group due to contact with the ethnic majority. B. becoming accustomed to the ethnic minority on campus. C. overt racism. D. none of these

a psychosocial change or stress by a minority ethnic

3. Which of the following does NOT describes "wellness"? A. a deliberate lifestyle choice B. the integration of body, mind, and spirit C. purposeful, enjoyable living D. a way of life designed by others for your health and well-being

a way of life designed by others for your health and well-being

Which of the following activities would be considered binge drinking? A. A woman drinking 4 standard drinks during a daylong tailgate in the Grove B. A man drinking 4 beers (12 oz.) during a basketball game C. A woman drinking 5 standard drinks during a pre-party (pre-game) before going to the bar for a night out D. None of the above are binge drinking episodes

a woman drinking 5 standard drinks during a pre-party before going to the bar for a nigh out

intake levels of essential nutrients that provide nutrients and reduce risk of chronic disease

acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR)


adopting patterns of behavior that can lead to improved health

3. We achieve cardiorespiratory fitness mainly through: a. stretching. b. proper nutrition. c. aerobic exercise. d. body composition.

aerobic exercise

24. An example of a phobia where an individual is afraid of going out in public places is known as: A.Claustrophobia B. Hematophobia C. Agoraphobia D. Arachnophobia


What is it called when an individual develops a strong craving for alcohol because it produces pleasurable feelings or relieves stress? A. alcohol use B. alcohol abuse C. alcohol misuse D. alcohol dependence

alcohol dependence

47. Which of the following are appealing aspects of the Facebook/social media phenomenon in our society? A. Making new friends B. Discovering user's identities C. Freedom to voice your opinion D. All of the above

all of the above

Accumulation of excess abdominal fat increases the risk of: a. Hypertension. b. Type 2 Diabetes. c. Heart Disease. d. All of the above.

all of the above

STI's can: A. Last a lifetime. B. Put stress on a relationship. C. Cause infertility and/or birth defects. D. All of the above.

all of the above

Smoking tobacco causes: A. Lung Cancer B. Heart Disease C. Stroke D. All of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is NOT a method of transmission for STI's: A. Direct contact with someone's symptoms B. Sharing contaminated needles through injectable drug use C. Maternal transfer to fetus in utero or childbirth D. All of the above are methods of transmission for STI's

all of the above are methods of transmission for STI's

14. Which of the following is NOT a reason that college students are considered to be at an increased risk for mental health problems: A.Risky Transition Phase B. Age C. Romantic Break-Ups D. All of the above are reasons college students are at an increased risk

all of the above are reasons college students are at an increased risk

Ovulation refers to the process by which: A. the uterine lining thickens and becomes engorged with blood. B. the uterine lining is shed during the menstrual cycle. C. the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. D. an egg cell is released during the menstrual cycle.

an egg cell is released during the menstrual cycle

today's G.I. joe action figure has a build that most men could not attain without the use of these

anabolic steroids

Which of the following is NOT one of the five health-related components of physical fitness? a. Body composition b. Muscular strength c. Flexibility d. Anaerobic endurance

anaerobic endurance

an eating disorder marked by distortion of body image and refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight


carries highest death rate


23. Trans fats: a. lower LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels. b. increase HDL or "good" cholesterol levels. c. are found in baked foods, fried foods, and margarine products. d. are not as damaging as saturated fats.

are found in baked foods, fried foods, and margarine products

44. Trends in loneliness among Americans can be attributed to all of the following EXCEPT: A. Attending college B. Busy schedules C. Long work hours D. High divorce rates

attending college

10. Which of the following would be considered a predisposing factor for changing behavior? A. attitudes, values, and perceptions B. previous exposure to illness C. encouragement for meeting a goal D. physical and mental capacity

attitudes, values, and perceptions

stretching muscle by bouncing rapidly

ballistic stretching

type of stretching done by Olympic athletes which is not recommended for most people

ballistic stretching

38. A surgical procedure where surgeons slip an inflatable silicon band around the stomach is known as: a. gastric bypass. b. elasticithis. c. banding. d. ballooning.



belief that one can perform a certain task

4. What is the BEST method to measure an individual's muscular strength? a.1 mile run test b. bench press max test (1RM) c. vertical jump test d. DEXA scan

bench press max test

9. The relative amounts of fat and lean tissue in the body is called: a. muscle strength. b. muscle endurance. c. body composition. d. cardiorespiratory fitness.

body compostion

32. The makeup of the body in terms of lean mass and fat mass is called: a. body composition. b. body mass index. c. body ratio. d. waist-to-hip ratio.

body mass index

consuming large amounts of food then throwing it up


the most accurate way to measure body fat

by Immersion

The most widely used psychoactive drug in the world is: A. caffeine. B. nicotine. C. alcohol. D. cocaine.


34. What is meant by the basal metabolic rate? a. body mass index b. body composition c. Appetite d. calories needed to sustain your body at rest

calories needed to sustain your body at rest

non essential nutrients

can be produced by the body in sufficient amount

36. Stress: A.is not closely related to skin conditions. . B. can strengthen your immune system. C. is not a significant risk factor for heart disease. D. can initiate social connection with others.

can initiate social connection with others


capacity to maintain an intensity of exercise for a prolonged period

the only source of energy for brain cells and blood cells


Ability to efficiently deliver oxygen and nutrients to the body's muscles and cells

cardiovascular fitness

Vigorous intensity exercise

causes rapid breathing and a substantial increase in heart rate, as exemplified by jogging. The recommended activity is in addition to the light activities associated with daily living. ACM recommends 20 to 25 minutes on 3 or more days a week

The most widespread sexually transmitted bacterium in the U.S. is: A. Herpes simplex. B. Chlamydia. C. HPV. D. Gonorrhea.


a waxy substance produced in the liver and obtains from animal food resources needed for body functions


All of the following are considered opioids EXCEPT: A. cocaine. B. codeine. C. heroin. D. morphine.


38. When spouses, parents, children, or friends enable their loved ones to continue their self-destructive habits, they are known as: A. disruptive. B. predisposed. C. codependent. D. dissociative.


proteins that in combination provide essential amino acids

complementary proteins

two types of proteins

complete and incomplete

29. Proteins that contain all the amino acids needed by the body for growth and maintenance are called: a. complementary proteins. b. functional proteins. c. incomplete proteins. d. complete proteins.

complete proteins

36. A BMI (body mass index) of 30 or more would indicate that the person is: a. underweight. b. of average weight for his/her height. c. borderline overweight. d. considered to be obese.

considered to be obese

strength training that conditions the body torso from the neck to the lower back

core strength training

Supportive relationships: A. cause increase risk for disease, stress, and distress. B. increase the chance of dying prematurely. C. create increased susceptibility to colds and serious illness. D. create stronger cardiovascular and immune systems.

create stronger cardiovascular and immune systems

All 4 of these are considered vigorous intensity exercises

cycling, jogging, swimming

standards used on food labels to indicate how a food contributes to the recommended daily intake of nutrients in a 2,000 calorie diet

daily values

Alcohol is classified as a(n): A. depressant. B. hallucinogen. C. stimulant. D. None of the above.


People are more likely to smoke if they have: A. higher levels of education. B. depression. C. a good understanding of the risks. D. parents who do not smoke.


35. Coming home and taking out your anger from work on a significant other is an example of which defense mechanism: A. Projection B. Repression C. Displacement D. Reaction Formation


39. To find your waist-to-hip ratio: a. divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. b. divide your hip measurement by your waist measurement. c. add your waist and hip measurements together. d. add your waist and hip measurements together and divide by two.

divide your waist measurements by your hip measurements

What hormone creates feelings of satisfaction and euphoria and influence drug dependence? A. Endorphins B. Dopamine C. Oxytocin D. Relaxin


Taking your roommate's prescription for penicillin because you feel sick is an example of: A. drug misuse. B. drug abuse. C. drug dependence. D. anti-abuse.

drug misuse

best time to exercise to minimize impact of air pollution

early in the morning

2. Which of the following would NOT describe one of the dimensions of health? A. physical fitness B. environmental recycling C. economic financial management D. social networking with friends

economic financial management

a tall and thin body type


Once the zygote reaches the uterus and becomes embedded into the lining, it is called a(n): A. blastocyst. B. fetus. C. placenta. D. embryo.


When comparing factors that encompass psychological health, which of the following most apply? A. physical and mental health B. mental state and social health C. emotional and mental states D. mental health only

emotional and mental states

Unwittingly contributing to a person's addictive or abusive behavior describes: A. abuse. B. controlling. C. enabling. D. coercing.


a short and fat body type


25. Water, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates are: a. micronutrients. b. antioxidants. c. essential nutrients d. incomplete nutrients.

essential nutrients

Biological status as male or female (sex)

established at birth by the appearance of the external genitals.

From an anthropological view, all of the following are true about romantic love EXCEPT: A. Every romance is almost identical to every other romance. B. Romantic love is a basic emotion. C. Romantic love seems to be universal. D. Evidence of romantic love has been found in most cultures.

every romance is almost identical to every other romance

planned physical activity used to improve fitness



extreme anxiety

When an individual consumes excess calories, the human body stores the extra energy as: a. Carbohydrate. b. Protein. c. Fat. d. None of the above.


24. Vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are absorbed through the intestinal membranes and stored in the body, are known as: a. fat-soluble vitamins. b. water-soluble vitamins. c. simple vitamins. d. complex vitamins.

fat-soluble vitamins

Which of the following activities would put someone at high risk for contracting an STI? A. Engaging in protected sexual intercourse in a monogamous relationship B. Feeling invulnerable and taking risks C. Using a male condom when engaging in sexual intercourse (anal, oral, or vaginal) D. Discussing your sexual history with future partners

feeling invulnerable and taking risk

complex carb found in plants that cannot be broken down by the digestive tract


5. The range of motion around specific joints is: a. endurance. b. agility. c. body composition. d. flexibility.


ability of joints to move through the full range of motion


low income areas where more than 33% of people have low access to a supermarket

food deserts

food contaminated by disease causing pathogens

food infection

food contaminated by natural toxins

food intoxication

FDA regulates what?

food labels

41. Sharing personal information with another person that you would not otherwise share is referred to as: A. self-disclosure. B. intimacy. C. friendship. D. social networking.


The condition where transsexuals feel trapped in the body of the wrong gender is called: A. gender dysphoria. B. transgender. C. gender queer. D. transsexualis.

gender dysphoria

23. Excessive or unrealistic apprehension or uneasiness that causes physical symptoms and is chronic in nature is: A. panic attack. B. a phobia. C. generalized anxiety disorder. D. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

generalized anxiety disorder

simple carbohydrates

glucose, frutose, lactose, galactose, maltose, sucrose

All of the following statements are true about gonorrhea EXCEPT: A. A symptom for men is a burning sensation during urination. B. Gonorrhea can spread through the urinary-genital tract in men and women. C. Gonorrhea is not curable. D. Gonorrhea is the leading cause of sterility in women.

gonorrhea is not curable

ability to perform daily living activities with vigor

health related fitness

obese people have an increased risk for:

high blood pressure

effects of sleep deprivation

impaired physical, emotional, and cognitive functioning; Some sleep experts believe that for every two hours a person stays awake, his or her brain will need an hour of sleep to support communication between the hippocampus and neocortex

Which of the following is NOT associated with test stress? A. memory problems B. improved exam scores C. the flu, skin flare-ups or insomnia D. poor concentration

improved exam scores

A college binge drinker is more likely to be: A. a female. B. over the age of 24. C. a member of an ethnic minority. D. in a fraternity or sorority.

in a fraternity or soroity

16. An emotionally healthy person might exhibit all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: A. unselfishness. B. flexibility and adaptability. C. inability to adapt to a variety of circumstances. D. compassion for others.

inability to adapt to a variety of circumstances

44. Which of the following has been proven to be the most effective diet for losing wegiht? a. Atkins b. South Beach c. high-Carb, low-Fat d. increasing physical activity and monitoring caloric intake

increasing physical activity and monitoring caloric intake

21. An autonomous individual has a locus of control that is:A. negative. B. internal. C. individualized. D. external.


45. According to Stenberg's Love Triangle, which combination of factors contribute to consummate love? A. Intimacy, passion, commitment B. Intimacy & passion C. Intimacy & commitment D. Intimacy alone creates consummate love

intimacy, passion, commitment

Which of the following methods of birth control protects against pregnancy but NOT against STI's? A. Intrauterine Device (IUD) B. Male Condom C. Withdrawal Method D. Female Condom

intrauterine Device (IUD)

Which route of administration gets drugs into the bloodstream the fastest? A. oral dosage B. intravenous injection C. inhalation D. subcutaneous injection

intravenous injection

Thermic effect of food

is an estimate of the energy required to process the food you eat—chewing, digesting, metabolizing, and so on. The thermic effect of food is generally estimated at 10 percent of energy intake. If, for example, you ingested 2,500 calories of food during a day, you would burn approximately 250 calories processing what you ate. Adaptive thermogenesis takes into account the fact that your baseline energy expenditure varies with changes in the environment, such as in response to cold, or with physiological events, such as trauma, overeating, and changes in hormonal status.


is commonly defined as a person's connection to self, significant others, and the community at large. Many experts also agree that spirituality involves a personal belief system or value system that gives meaning and purpose to life. For some individuals, this personal value system may include a belief in and reverence for a higher power, which may be expressed through an organized religion.; there is no definitive scientific proof that religious involvement has positive health benefits

Abstinence from vaginal and anal intercourse has all of the following benefits EXCEPT: A. It is not available to everyone. B. It is extremely effective at preventing pregnancy and STIs. C. It is free. D. It has no medical or hormonal side-effects.

it is not available to everyone

Before alcohol can leave your body, most of it must be metabolized by the: A. spleen. B. stomach. C. liver. D. heart.


28. Which of the following is a valid recommendation to improve sleep habits? A.drink alcohol in order to help fall asleep and stay asleep longer B. take naps every day that last 30 minute to 1 hour in duration C. maintain the same sleep and wake times on weekdays and weekends D. catch up on sleep you may have lost on weekdays during the weekend

maintain the same sleep and wake times on weekdays and weekends

26. What is the most common mental ailment in the United States? A.Bipolar Disorder B. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder C. Major Depression D. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

major depression

7. What would be the best regimen for increasing your muscular endurance? a. fewer repetitions with heavy loads b. fewer repetitions with lighter loads c. many repetitions with lighter loads d. many repetitions with heavy loads

many repetitions with lighter loads

The most widely used illicit drug is: A. cocaine. B. marijuana. C. LSD. D. Adderall.


39. Which of the following statements regarding married people is NOT true? A. Married people tend to be healthier. B. Married people tend to live longer. C. Married people tend to have higher rates of mental illness. D. Married couples tend to earn more money.

married people tend to have higher rates of mental illness

a stocky, muscular, high testosterone level body type


Which of the following drugs is considered a depressant? A. Cocaine B. Methamphetamines C. LSD D. Heroin


The term contraception refers to: A. methods to stop spermatogenesis. B. the clump of cells that burrows into the endometrium. C. methods of preventing conception. D. the release of an ovum.

methods of preventing conceptions

26. Vitamins and minerals are: a. micronutrients. b. antioxidants. c. macronutrients. d. incomplete nutrients.


2. The ability to perform repeated muscular effort is: a. muscular endurance. b. muscular strength. c. flexibility. d. body composition.

muscular endurance

amount of work performed by muscles in a given period of time

muscular endurance

maximum force that can be applied at one time

muscular strength

Vegetarians often have to perform this in order to get all their essential amino acids

mutual supplementation

The colorless, oily, addictive compound found in cigarette smoke is: A. nicotine. B. tobacco. C. ammonia. D. tar.



no temptation of old habits

29. Stress is a(n): A. negative response. B. resistant force on the body. C. anxiety disorder. D. nonspecific response of the body to any demand that is made.

nonspecific response of the body to any demand that is made


normal stress that is beneficial


not even considering a change

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the obesity epidemic in the United States? a. 2/3 of Americans are overweight or obese b. obesity is only seen in adults and is not reported in children c. over the last 30 years, obesity prevalence has tripled among men and women d. the CDC recognizes obesity as an important health problem

obesity is only seen in adults and is not reported in children

When a couple refrains from sexual intercourse by engaging in intimacy such as hugging, kissing, and touching, this is known as: A. coitus. B. contraception C. outercourse. D. failure rate.


17. The principle of exercise that involves providing a greater stress or demand on the body than it is normally accustomed to is the: a. reversibility principle. b. overload principle. c. specificity principle. d. FITT principle.

overload principle

48. Which of the following is TRUE concerning romantic love? A.Dating trends have not changed over the last 20 years B. Oxytocin is the hormone that is released when we are attracted to another person C. Intimacy is not a key component to establishing romantic love D. None of the above

oxytocin is the hormone that is released when we are attracted to another person

when a partner applies pressure producing a stretch beyond what you could do on your own

passive stretching

20. An example of a carbohydrate that provides the brain with fuel is: a. pasta. b. butter c. chicken. d. fish.


activity that requires any type of movement

physical activity

ability of the body to respond to physical demands

physical fitness

20. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, what is considered the base of all human needs? A.Physiological Needs B. Love and affection C. Self-esteem D. Safety and security

physiological needs


plan for change

program that train muscles to reach maximum force in a short period of time (jumping)


Marty is abusing several drugs, which is known as: A. drug diversion. B. polyabuse. C. tolerance. D. intoxication.


oils that remain liquid when refrigerated

polyunsaturated fats

7. Health disparities for minorities are most significant because of: A. poverty. B. lack of sanitation. C. poor water quality. D. bacterial infections.


spiritual practices

practices such as meditation, prayer, and worship seem to promote positive emotions such as hope, love, contentment, and forgiveness, which can result in lower levels of anxiety. This in turn may help to minimize the stress response, which suppresses immune functioning. Many people may even turn to religion in times of stress. Studies have also shown that prayer and certain relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and hypnotherapy, reduce the secretion of stress hormones and their harmful side effects.

nondigestable carbohydrates that fuel probiotics


When a person is planning how they will institute a change in their life, it means that they have been engaged in which process? A. Contemplation B. Maintenance C. Preparation D. precontemplation


living bacteria that helps digestion


energy drinks

provide a brief burst of alertness, typically fueled by caffeine and usually followed by a crash.

37. Which of the following is an example of binge eating? a. rapidly consuming large quantities of food in a short time b. picking at food and selecting only certain things to eat c. purging after consuming large amounts of food d. strictly adhering to minute quantities or low-calorie consumption

rapidly consuming large quantities of food in a short time


realize a problem

11. All of the following are key constructs of the transtheoretical model of change EXCEPT: A. processes of change. B. reinforcements. C. stages of change. D. self-efficacy.


Which of the following best describes a compulsive behavior? A. an unrealistic apprehension that causes physical symptoms B. a recurring thought, idea, or image that is senseless C. repetitive behavior performed according to certain rules D. irrational, intense fear of certain objects

repetitive behavior performed according to certain rules

31. During which stage of the general adaptation syndrome does the body mobilize internal resources to try to sustain homeostasis? A. adaptive B. alarm C. resistance D. exhaustion


12. Your pulse when you are lying or sitting down is your: a. target heart rate. b. minimum heart rate. c. resting heart rate. d. maximum heart rate.

resting heart rate

What principle of exercise is commonly referred to as the "use it or lose it" principle? a. FITT Principle b. Overload Principle c. Reversibility Principle d. Specificity Principle

reversibility principle

8. For aerobic activities, the best time to stretch is: a. an hour before you work out. b. right before you work out. c. right after you work out. d. an hour after you work out.

right after you work out

these fats remain solid at room temperature

saturated fats

What is the 3rd leading cause of preventable death in the United States? A. Liver Disease B. Breast Cancer C. Secondhand Smoke D. Alcoholism

secondhand smoke

19. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which of the following would be achieved by individuals who function at the highest possible level? A. marital bliss B. terminal happiness C. self-actualization D. basic fulfillment


What term refers to the biological maleness or femaleness that results from structural, genetic, and functional factors? A. Sexuality B. Gender C. Sex D. Sexual well-being


Physiological, psychological, and social factors that attract us to members of a certain sex are referred to as our: A. sexual identity. B. sexual preference. C. sexual orientation. D. sexual behavior.

sexual orientation

Which of the statements regarding sidestream smoke is NOT true? A. Sidestream smoke is produced as a cigarette burns. B. Sidestream smoke contains more tar and nicotine than mainstream smoke. C. Sidestream smoke does not affect the person smoking the cigarette. D. Sidestream smoke contributes to environmental tobacco smoke.

sidestream smoke does not affect the person smoking the cigarette

27. Natural sugars like fructose and lactose, as well as added sugars, are examples of: a. complex carbohydrates. b. incomplete carbohydrates. c. functional carbohydrates. d. simple carbohydrates.

simple carbohydrates

ability to preform specific sport skills

skill related fitness

45. Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic among people who have lost weight and kept the weight off for over one year? a. regular exercise b. skipping meals c. monitoring d. frequent eating

skipping meals

The ability to develop satisfying interpersonal relationships is an example of which dimension of health? A. behavioral B. sexual C. social D. intellectual


40. The process by which friends, acquaintances, and others in our social networks influence our behavior is referred to as: A. social health. B. social contagion. C. social recognition. D. social environments.

social contagion

43. The ability to interact effectively, fulfill social roles, and develop satisfying relationships refers to: A. sexual health. B. emotional health. C. social health. D. psychological health.

social health

42. A severe form of social anxiety marked by extreme fears and avoidance of social situations is: A. loneliness. B. social phobia. C. shyness. D. social rejection.

social phobia

body type


The ability to identify one's basic purpose in life and to experience the fulfillment of achieving one's full potential demonstrates which type of health? A. emotional health B. spiritual health C. social health D. intellectual health

spiritual health

18. Which of the following translates into a capacity to sense, understand, and tap into the highest parts of ourselves, others, and the world around us? A. emotional intelligence B. spiritual intelligence C. intelligence quotient D. emotional quotient

spiritual intelligence


state of complete physical, mental, social well being

stretching until you feel highness, holing for 30 seconds

static stretching

Which of the following statement is true for most college students? A. Students often become more sedentary in college. B. Most students eat healthy diets in college. C. Students often increase the amount of time they spend on exercise and recreation. D. none of these

students often become more sedentary in college

Double blind study

study participants are randomly assigned to either the group that receives the intervention or the group that receives a placebo and that neither the participants nor the researchers know until the end of the study who got what.

13. Which of the following statements regarding how gender impacts the incidence of sexually transmitted infections is NOT true? A. A women's risk is higher. B. Symptoms of STIs tend to be more "silent" in men. C. Women have more exposed mucous membranes that can transmit STI's. D. Pelvic inflammatory disease has no early warning symptoms.

symptoms of STIs tend to be more "silent" in men

this combines probiotics and prebiotics



take action for change

27. Which is more likely to occur with sleep deprivation? A. enhanced memory recall B. weight gain by altering metabolism C. less stress D. more production of influenza-fighting antibodies

weight gain by altering metabolism

5. Which of the following statements concerning the health of Americans is FALSE? A. Americans are living longer. B. About 10 percent of the population is overweight or obese. C. Americans could be living both longer and healthier lives. D. The United States spends more than any other nation on health care.

the United States spends more than any other nation on health care

Amenorrhea is a condition of: A. painful menstruation. B. the absence or suppression of menstruation. C. painful intercourse. D. disease caused by bacterium.

the absence or suppression of menstruation

Which of the following is NOT an acute effect of stress on the body? A. The digestive system speeds up. B. The heart pumps more blood. C. The brain becomes extra alert. D. The immune system is depressed.

the digestive system speeds up

Which of the following statements regarding students and drug use is TRUE? A. The majority of undergraduates use illegal drugs. B. The majority of undergraduates have tried marijuana at least once in the previous year. C. The greater a student's religiosity, the less likely the student is to use alcohol. D. College athletes are more likely to use illegal drugs.

the greater a student's religiosity, the less likely the student is to use alcohol

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) refers to: A. your blood type. B. how much alcohol you consumed. C. the percentage of alcohol in the blood. D. the rate at which you metabolize alcohol.

the percentage of alcohol in the blood

All of the following statements regarding marijuana are true EXCEPT: A. There is no association between frequent marijuana use and increased anxiety or depression. B. Long-term marijuana use may include significant brain injury. C. Teens who use marijuana are more likely to develop mental health problems. D. The strength of marijuana today is greater than that used in the 1970's.

there is no association between frequent marijuana use and increased anxiety or depression

Mentally Healthy People possess these qualities

they have high self-esteem and feel good about themselves. They are realistic and accept imperfections in themselves and others. They are altruistic; they help others. They have a sense of control over their lives and feel capable of meeting challenges and solving problems. They demonstrate social competence in their relationships with others, and they are comfortable with other people and believe they can rely on them. They are not overwhelmed by fear, love, or anger; they try to control irrational thoughts and levels of stress. They are optimistic; they maintain a positive outlook. They have a capacity for intimacy; they do not fear commitment. They are creative and appreciate creativity in others. They take reasonable risks in order to grow. They bounce back from adversity.

Purpose of Protein

to build and maintain muscles, bones, and other body tissues; form enzymes that in turn facilitate chemical reactions. Proteins are constructed from 20 different amino acids. There are nine amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. These are called essential amino acids. Those that can be produced by your body are called nonessential amino acids. Food sources of protein include both animals and plants. Animal proteins (meat, fish, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs) are usually a good source of complete proteins, meaning they are composed of ample amounts of all the essential amino acids. Vegetable proteins (grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and vegetables) provide incomplete proteins, meaning they contain small amounts of essential amino acids or some, but not all, of the essential amino acids. If you do not consume sufficient amounts of the essential amino acids, body organ functions may be compromised.

fatty acids that are considered hazardous

trans fats

All of the following are true statements concerning smokeless tobacco EXCEPT: A. Smokeless tobacco contains powerful carcinogens. B. Smokeless tobacco users become just as "hooked" on nicotine as cigarette smokers. C. Smokeless tobacco may lead to oral cancer. D. Use of smokeless tobacco products has declined over the recent decade.

use of smokeless tobacco products has declined over the recent decade

Which of the following is the only vitamin the human body can produce? a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin D c. Vitamin E d. Vitamin K

vitamin D

6. When you start any aerobic workout, your first step should be: a. stretching. b. aerobic activity. c. warming up. d. cooling down.

warming up

22. Vitamins that are absorbed directly into the blood and then used up or excreted out of the body are known as: a. fat-soluble vitamins. b. water-soluble vitamins. c. simple vitamins. d. complex vitamins.

water-soluble witamins

Which statement regarding condom use is NOT true? A. Women become more insistent about using condoms during their first year in college. B. Those who drank excessively were less likely to practice safe sex. C. The top two reasons for using condoms are to prevent pregnancy and STIs. D. Those with worse grades were less likely to practice safe sex.

women become more insistent about using condoms during their first year in college


work to prevent yourself from falling into old habits

4. Psychological health refers to: A. your intelligence quotient (I.Q.). B. the absence of problems or illness. C. your emotional and mental states. D. critical thinking.

your emotional and mental states

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