Humor Final

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Blanchard et al. (2014) found that people use humor to:

**All of these things Ridicule others Undermine existing power relationships Enforce social norms

In research by Kuiper and colleagues (2004), which of the following was found to be related to higher levels of the self-enhancing humor style?

**all of these higher levels of self-esteem lower levels of depression lower levels of anxiety

What was an unpleasant finding in the study done by Gorham and Christophel (1990)?

10% of teachers surveyed admitted to using aggressive forms of humor towards their students

According to Jean Piaget, by what age is the typical child able to think abstractly and consider theoretical ideas?

11 or 12 years

Adults laugh about ____ times a day.


Ekman and colleagues have identified ____ distinct types of smiles


McGee (1979) argued that children do not have the cognitive capacity for symbolic play until around the age of:

18 months

Martha Wolfenstein (1954) proposed that serious make-believe play and make-believe joking become differentiated in children during which year of age

2 years

Beard (2005) studied advertisements to assess what percentage utilized humor. He have that _____ of ads used humor.


Chan et al.'s (2012) brain imaging study using fMRI on humor comprehension supported the conclusion that there are _____ stages of humor processing.


In research by Bainum et al. (1984), at what ages did negative interactions that included teasing increase?

3 to 5 years

Teasing as a form of aggressive humor is observed in children as young as

3 years of age

Kids laugh about ____ times per day.


In the research on teasing by Shapiro et al. (1991), what percentage of children responded to teasing by teasing back?


Jean Piaget, the famous child psychologist, proposed that children's cognitive development occurs in ___________ stages.


Paul McGhee (1979) proposed a theory of human development in children, which was composed of _____ stages.


According to Pien and Rothbart (1980) children can experience humor as early as the age of:

6 months

Studies have shown that children are not typically able to understand the intended meaning of ironic statements until around the age of:

6 years

In the outside link titled "Why Humor in the Workplace is a Key to Success," _____of respondents in a survey said the number one kind of workplace they'd be most reluctant to leave is one that was fun, with good working relationships and high levels of trust.


In the outside link titled "Why Humor in the Workplace is a Key to Success," what percentage of CEOs surveyed said that they would rather hire someone with "a good sense of humor?"


What is immunoglobulin A?

A component of the immune system that is involved in the body's defense

What relationship did Boyle and Joss-Reid (2004) predict about sense of humor and illness symptoms?

A negative correlation

What kind of relationship did Svebak, Kristoffersen, and Aasarrod (2006) find between sense of humor and longevity (how long people live)?

A positive relationship

The hierarchy of needs was proposed by which of the following:

Abraham Maslow

Which notable psychologist developed the therapy referred to as rational-emotive therapy?

Albert Ellis

What is typically collected for participants when studying the effects of humor on immunity?

Blood and saliva

Which of these habits are part of the "Seven Humor Habits Program"?

Both adopting a playful attitude and laughing more heartily

In a study by Amy Bippus (2000a), how was humor measured as a way to help friends cope?

By having participants fill out a questionnaire

You read about a study by Stewart and Thompson (2015) that examined life span for the funniest comedians versus less funny comedians. What did they find?

Comedians who were rated as funnier also participated in an above average amount of risky behaviors

What is the conclusion about humor and longevity?

Different types of humor may affect longevity in different ways

Those who have studied different types of smiles have given which of the following names for the "real" smile that is produced naturally when we are happy. Muscles around mouth and around the eyes are pulled up.

Duchenne display

Decker and Rotondo (2001) asked employees to rate the extent to which their manger used negative and positive humor. The results were that:

Employees thought their boss was better if they used positive humor

In the world of professional comedy, which of the following has been found to be true?

Female comedians have faced many obstacles as compared to male comedians

In their study, Lefcourt and Martin (1986) examined the use of humor to mitigate stress by:

Having participants write either a humorous or serious narrative about a gruesome video they watched

Research has shown that

Higher status people use humor more often than lower status people

In the outside link on why leaders need a sense of humor, which of the following is NOT one of the ways that humor can serve a positive role in leadership?

Humor can increase tension in times of crisis.

Where was "laughing yoga" invented?


In a study by Parrott and Gleitman (1989), infants between 6 and 8 months of age were observed during a game of peek-a-boo in which the person who disappeared was not the person who reappeared. What did the results show?

Infants laughed less than when the original face appeared

What is a cold pressor procedure?

It involves immersing a person's arm in a tub of ice cold water

What is the biopsychosocial model?

It views health as determined by biological, psychological, and cultural variables

Studies have shown that ____ causes muscle weakness


Brain stimulation studies has shown that

Laughter can occur without being accompanied by mirth

Prior research has shown that people high in _____ are particularly averse to feelings of _____, and as a result, they engage in distraction, denial, or focus on the positive to avoid thinking about related topics.

Masculinity; distress

In a study by Janes and Olsen (2000), participants who watched a video of someone getting teased later showed

More conformity when performing a task with others

What evidence is there that Duchenne laughter helps with pain?

Neuroimaging studies show that it releases endorphins

Which two dimensions of the Five Factor Model of Personality have been identified as important correlates of psychological well-being?

Neuroticism and extraversion

You read about the work of Dr. Sven Svebak and also read an interview featuring him. In what country does he conduct his research?


Robert Provine, the scientist who studied human laughter, received his bachelor's degree from which of the following universities:

Oklahoma State University

Social play occurs in

Only mammals

What is the "halo effect"?

Overall liking of someone can make people perceive them as having a better sense of humor and leadership skills

Out of all the five subjects discussed in this chapter, which health benefit has the most research backing it up?

Pain tolerance

Research has shown that laughter is a genetically based trait that can be inherited in which of the follow?


Research shows that patients with damage to this area of the brain are most likely to have trouble comprehending humor

Right hemisphere

Which of the following actors played the role of "Patch Adams" in the film about Patch Adams's life?

Robin Williams

What is one big issue with researching humor and illness symptoms?

Self-report measures of illness symptoms are often confounded with neuroticism

What order do Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development occur?

Sensorimotor stage (birth- 2 years), Pre-operational Stage (2-7 years), Concrete Operational (7-11 years), Formal Operational (11-Adulthood)

What is the most common form of sexual harassment for women?

Sexist jokes

What is one reason Dr. Barbara Plester become interested in studying humor in the workplace?

She had previously worked at a well paying job that did not allow laughter, and this made her curious about the effects of laughter in the workplace

In recent years, the opinion of humor in a learning environment have:

Shifted towards people wanting humor in education

One reason why humor has a positive effect on classroom environment is:

Students don't expect teachers to be funny and are then pleasantly surprised

What did Sabina White and Phame Camarena (1989) use to measure the health effects of laughter?

Systolic and diastolic blood pressure

What information has been said about laughter that is not true?

That it provides the health benefits as jogging

What does the literature say overall about the benefits of humor on immunity?

The current evidence is weak and inconclusive

In educational settings, what does immediacy refer to?

The degree to which a teacher makes a close connection with students

What do people in AATH share an interest in?

The desire to apply humor to medicine, education, and other social environments

Cogen et al. ran an experiment about humor distracting from pain. What were the results?

The humor condition gave participants the highest pain tolerance

What is true about research on humor on the therapeutic process?

The research has extremely mixed results and no real conclusion can be drawn

Which of the following describes the attributes of people who regularly use self-defeating humor?

They have lower self esteem and more anxiety and depression

In a study in which a large group of people had to work together to solve a problem,

Those who interrupted others the most used humor the most

What is the goal of Provocative Therapy?

To provoke emotional responses that lead clients to change their perceptions and actions

In two outside clips, you learned about two companies that are famous for having non-traditional workplaces, which include lots of amenities and a laid-back, fun atmosphere. Which of the following were these two companies?

Zappos and Google

Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation, or TMS is which of the following:

a device that pasess a magnetic pulse through somebody's skull and temporarily disorganize the function of the neurons there

Extended periods of mirth during humor experiences:

active both the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary (SAM) system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system

Therapeutic clowns have been used in facilities caring for which of the following:

adults with dementia

Humor is processed in the mesolimbic reward network in the brain, which is also involved in processing which of the following:

all of these

Higher levels of ______ have been shown to be related to greater increases in the sympathetic nervous system activation.


Laughter leads to

an increase in the production of antibodies

What condition did Norman Cousins have? Norman Cousins wrote about his experience in how humor positively affected his life (i.e., improving his sleep/reducing his pain)?

ankylosing spondylitis

Any language deficit that occurs following brain damage (usually to the left hemisphere) is called:


When are the earliest smiles observed in infants?

before birth

In the clip with Sophie Scott, you learned which of the following about laughter:

breathing increases 2.5 fold after we laugh

Those who would like to work in hospital settings as therapeutic clowns:

can obtain training in a growing number of therapeutic clown programs

Which animals exhibit a "play face"

chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans

West suggests that children who have this may be more successful in standing up to bullies?


According to Blakemore, brain development....

continues through adolescence and beyond

When the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) system is activated following a stressful experience, the adrenal cortex releases this stress hormone into the bloodstream.


In research with married couples, which of the following has been found?

couples with more satisfying relationships report have higher levels of humor

A student by Hirosaki (2013) studied how experiencing humor affected individuals with Type 2 diabetes. The results showed that blood glucose levels _____________after participants experienced humor.


People use ___________ when they feel threatened or in distress.

defense mechanisms

________ functions such that it allows people to release prejudice.

disparagement humor

Which of the following is true about fake smiles?

does not involve the contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscles

One brain imaging technique involves measuring electrical activity on the scalp while participants carry out a cognitive processing task. It is referred to as:

electroencephalogram (EEG)

In the talk by Robin Dunbar, you learned that laughter triggers the release of _____________ in the human brain.


What term is used to describe behaviors that a speaker uses to preserve their reputation and/or to avoid embarrassment?

face-saving behaviors

Sharing humor during an initial encounter typically increases

feelings of closeness

Around what age are typical children able to comprehend irony?

for the first time, around 6 years of age

Which of the following is NOT one of the universal basic emotions that Ekman identified in human facial expressions?


The Terman Life-Cycle Study included which of the following types of people as participants?

high IQ individuals

You learned about S-IgA. Which of the following is true about it?

higher levels of S-IgA means stronger immune response

Research from the 1980s involving school children suggested which of the following?

humor increased how much was learned

Which of the following is NOT among the needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

humor needs

What has research shown regarding how humor on tests affects test performance?

humor on tests does not influence students' test performance

Which of the following brain regions is involved in feeding, fighting, fleeing, and sexual intercourse.


A genetic study by Hayashi (2006) examined changes in gene expression in individuals with Type 2 diabetes after they experienced humor. The results showed that after participants experienced humor, there were changes in 23 genes related to ______________ function as compared to when a non-humorous lecture was watched.

immune function

Research by Cogan et al. (1987) showed that experiencing relaxation or comedy ____________ pain tolerance participants as compared with a neutral control condition.


The research by Nwokah and colleagues showed that for infants the amount of laughter ______________ during the first 12 months of life.


Research by Nwokah and colleagues showed that the rate of laughing by infants:

increased during the first year of life, but stayed the same across the second year of life

Multiple research studies have found that watching comedy ___________ levels of S-IgA in the body.


In what country did the laughter club movement start?


Which of the following is not one of Maslow's needs in his hierarchy of needs theory?

information needs (knowledge, facts, language)

Moz Jobrani is a comedian who was born in which of the following countries:


Which of the following is true about anecdotal evidence?

it can serve as a first step in understanding a phenomenon it is first hand experience/accounts of a circumstance or situation of interest **all of these it is not useful in establishing cause-effect relationships among variables

According to Janes and Olson (2000), ______ refers to the social influence that a group exerts upon observers of ridicule to behave in conventional ways and abide by group norms

jeer pressure

Research suggests that among groups of people, some individuals may interact primarily in humorous interactions versus primarily serious interactions. These types of relationships are referred to as:

joking relationships

Gelastic epilepsy causes the affected person to have seizures that can involve


Which of the following was found to increased the success of IVF fertility treatment in women?


Pathological laughter refers to which of the following

laughter that occurs without any triggering funny event

The commercial you viewed, which contained multiple puns, was for which of the following types of products?

laundry detergent

When people engage in humor and laughter, they tend to feel:

less anxious

In Wanzer et al.'s (2006) study of humor by teachers in the classroom, what percentage of the examples of humor involved spontaneous, unplanned humor?

less than 1%

Moms Mabley is a comedian who was known for which of the following:

made more appearances at the Apollo Theater than any other performer

A study by Berk and colleagues (1989) showed that watching comedy for an hour increased levels of six out of 19 immune markers in participants. What type of participants were tested in the study?

male medical students

Which of the following is true regarding the use of humor by male and female teachers?

men use humor more than women in teaching

Decker (1987) surveyed 290 workers and found that those who rated their supervisors as having a high sense of humor also rated them as having _____.

more positive leadership characteristics

A study by Sherman (1988) found that children who were perceived as more humorous were also _____ by their peers.

more well liked

Which of the following statements is true?

most people prefer to have romantic relationships with people who enjoy humor

In the outside link titled "Bell Leadership Study Finds Humor Gives Leaders the Edge," what was the duration of the study (i.e., how long was data collected from employees)?

multiple survey sessions over two years

Exposure to humorous stimuli also can diminish the experience of ________ emotions


The "peek-a-boo" game is enjoyable to infants when they are in the process of mastering which of the following:

object permanence

The cold pressor task is a measure of ________________ tolerance and requires particpiants to put their hands in ________.

pain tolerance; cold water

Individuals with some health conditions, such as Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), as well as tumors and lesions in various parts of the brain may suffer from:

pathological laughter

According to Deutsch and Gerard (1955), normative influence refers to which of the following:

peer pressure

In the talk by Daniel Gilbert, he describes research that he has done that shows which of the following:

people are not always correct about what will make them happy in the future

In research by Provine (1993) on the topic of laughter among groups of people, which of the following was found?

people laugh more after a funny thing that they say themselves versus after funny things that a conversational partner says

In the research by Bergen (1998) in which children between 1 and 7 years were studied. The results showed that most humor occurred during which of the following situations:


In the talk by Dan Gilbert, you learned that there is a part of the brain that is involved when you think about whether you would prefer option A or option B. He calls this a simulator. What part of the brain is this?

prefrontal cortex

Which of the following, changes most dramatically during adolescence?

prefrontal cortex

Studies done by Kimata (2001) found that watching comedy did which of the following:

reduced allergic reactions

Ziv and Gadish (1989) found that, for both men and women, the perception that one's partner has a good sense of humor was related to which of the following:

relationship satisfaction

______ is a form of disparaging humor intended to make fun of something about an individual's behavior, personality, or appearance .


In Rebecca Saxe's TED Talk, she discussed that there is a brain region that is highly active when we are thinking about other people's thoughts, feelings, and knowledge. Which of the following is this brain area?

right temporo-parietal junction

Infants' laughter appears to occur most often to instances of incongruity as long as they are in a ____ and playful environment.


In the talk by Robin Dunbar, you learned which of the following

satisfaction with an interaction with friends is greater after laughter

In research by Kuiper and colleagues (2004), which higher levels of which humor style was associated with higher levels of depression and higher levels of anxiety?

self-deprecating humor style

Research by Kuiper and colleagues (2004) found that the ______ humor style was associated with higher levels of self-esteem


People tend to like others they perceive as similar to themselves. The term used to describe this fact is which of the following:

similarity hypothesis

In the outside clip that provides an example of RET, the person featured provides an example of a shame attacking exercise, which involved which of the following:

singing a humorous song

The Duchenne display is a type of______


Social identity refers to the part of an individual's self-concept that is based on ________________________

social group membership

In the study by Bizi et al. (1988) in which they found that people rated as being more humorous were rated as coping better with stress, what type of people were being rated in the study?


In the research by Wanzer et al. (2006), which of the following is true about how students viewed a teacher's use of self-deprecating humor:

sometimes students found teachers' self-deprecating humor to be appropriate; sometimes they did not

Which of the following are defense mechanisms proposed by Sigmund Freud?

sublimation displacement projection denial repression **all of these

E-trade has become well known for having which of the following in their commercials?

talking babies

Research by Derks and Berkowitz showed which of the following:

telling a joke that others laugh at leads observers to rate the joke-teller as more attractive than someone who told a joke that no one laughed at

In the past, Moz Jobrani performed as part of a comedy trio called which of the following

the "Axis of Evil" comedy troop

Moms Mabley died in which decade?

the 1970s

Theory of mind refers to _______________________

the ability to infer a speaker's beliefs or intentions

In a study by Zigler, Levine, and Gould (1974), children at different grade levels enjoyed cartoons the most when

the cartoons were intermediate in terms of difficulty to comprehend

Richard Petty and John Cacioppo's (1986) Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion. Which of the following describes the different routes of processing that people can use when considering information.

the central and peripheral routes

In the study by Marci et al. (2004) in which therapy sessions were observed, they found which of the following:

the client laughed twice as much as the therapist

Rebecca Saxe's TED Talk described a study in which participants had a region of their brain stimulated (externally) with a magnet while they performed a moral reasoning task (judging an act as an accident or a purposeful "naughty" act). When the stimulation disrupted activity in the brain area (i.e., decreased the amount of activity occurring), which of the following occurred?

the decreased activity led to placing more blame/guilt on the person in the story

Children are able to appreciate jokes having double meanings during which stage of humor development?

the fourth

In research, you learned that when group members put each other down, which of the following was observed to happen?

the group members felt closer

When a person is called a "ginger," what does that mean?

the person has red hair

The expression that is used when a video clip because popular having thousands/millions of viewers in a short period of time is which of the following:

the video goes viral

Research suggests that when one engages in forced laughter (i.e., laughing on purpose when there is nothing funny occurring) _____________.

there is an increase in positive mood

Greengross and Miller (2001) suggested that humor is used during mate selection. Which of the following is also one of their findings:

those who are the funniest are the most intelligent

Which of the following was NOT discussed as one of the functions of humor?

to teach others about how different topics are related to one another

Downs et al. (1988) found that award winning professors:

used humor more than the average teacher

In McGhee's model describing the stages of humor development in children, which of the following example of humor would NOT be observed for children in the first two stages of humor development (i.e., the youngest children)?

using a pun in a conversation

Which of the following can occur after a big bout of laughing

we can feel weakness in our limbs

Robert Provine's research showed which of the following about naturally occurring laughter:

we laugh more at funny things we say than funny things our conversational partners say

In the talk by Robin Dunbar, you learned which of the following:

we laugh more when we are with others versus when we are alone

In studies in which people's brains were stimulated with electricity to see if laughter and/or mirth can be caused to happen, which of the following was shown:

when laughter is stimulated it can occur with or without an accompaning feeling of mirth

In research by Provine (1993) on the topic of laughter among groups of people, which of the following was found?

women laugh more than men

Bressler and Balshine (2006) found that

women preferred the humorous male target over the nonhumorous male target as a potential relationship partner

In the study by Carver et al. (1993) in which they found that greater use of humor to cope was related to lower levels of emotional distress, who were the participants?

women undergoing treatment for breast cancer

Research has shown that if you tell a joke to a stranger and the stranger does not laugh, then you are likely to feel which of the following about the stranger?

you view them negatively

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