HUSH, Constitution

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Who are involved in the Napoleonics war

European Coalition vs France

under the VA Plan of 1787, the gov was suppose to be split into three branches, name the three.

Executive, judicial, legislative

What is missing from the Articles of Confederation?

Executive/Judicial Branch

How does pike die?

Explosion in stockpile ammunition

In the Election of 1796, who were the 4 runners?

FEDS: Thomas Pinckneys John Adams REPS: Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr!

Where are the Seminole taken from? Creek? Cherokee? Choctaw and Chickasaw?


After being defeated on the Ga side, where do the NA run and meet up with?

FL (spanish portion) Seminole Indians

Describe what stylized duels were like at the time

Face off over pride bring seconds and physicians Back to back, pace, then stop @ the same time NOT SUPPOSE TO KILL EACH OTHER

When did they return?

Fall of 1806

Name a few occupations of those present in the Constitutional convention.

Farmers, merchants, layers, bankers, singers of constitution (8), state governors (7), veterans (21)

Disarm what two body of water?

Great lakes and Lake Champlain

How does the Haitian revolution start?

Group of runaway slaves held voodoo ceremony, women is possessed and starts naming great leaders for the revolution

Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) Which islands did France control?

Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Santa Domingo (Dominican Republic and Haiti)

What two ships were involved in the Chesapeake Affair?

HMS Leopard Chesapeake

Why do they think Tenskwatawa is a prophet

Had epilepsy Though it was him communicating with spirit world Heard about eclipse from trader and "predicated it"

What ruins Napoleon plan of world domination?

Haitian Rev

Who were the three writers in the National Debate?

Hamilton (50), Madison (30), Jay (5)

Name a few examples of Federalist Supporters

Hamilton, John Jay, Madison, GW, Ben Frank

Why are the farmers angry?

Haven't been payed, cannot be off debts

The US pays close attention to other nation's gov, but what was the one thing they DID NOT WANT


Who wins the 1820 election?


What starts as a presidential speech to congress?

Monroe Doctrine 1823

voted 69% on ratifying constitution, "NO!"


Southern indians are located in what states?(7)

NC and SC, GA, TN, KY, AL, MS

Technically where does the duel take place?

NJ, since they crossed the Hudson River

What is the 3rd amendment protect?


Describe step one of the NWO of 1787

NW territory put under Congressional appointed gov territory secretary 3 judges

Where is van Buren from?


voted 55% on ratifying constitution, "Yes!"


Who charged Burr with murder? Why is he never imprisoned?

NY and NJ They let him go back and finish presidential term? Never arrest him

what is the minimum you can say if getting arrested?

Name and address. ("taking the fifth")

Maison-Dixon Line

Named after Charles Maison and Jeremiah Dixon Separated border dispute among Brits and Am

Who sends his brother in law to stop the revolution? What is the name of said brother in law

Napoleon Victoire Emmanuel Leclerc

What event really weakens the French?

Napoleon "attacking" Moscow, but it is burned. General winter destroys army.

Why do the British choose "now" as a good time to attack DC?

Napoleon exiled

The war of 1812 is spilled over from what war?

Napoleonic Wars

What rebellion is a major event in Jackson's era?

Nat Turner Rebellion 1831

Summarize Branzburg vs Hayes (1927)

Reporters can be asked from where they got their sources. Can be jailed if refuse

What is the orders of council?

Requires british trade ships have to report to british ports for inspection and paying of fees

Describe NJ Plan 1787 and why it doesn't really make sense

Revise, and make congress more powerful (regulate business) name 2 people as president but have no veto??

Why is the south perfect for growing cotton? (3)

Rich agricultural area, lots of water, large labor force

In 1802 what does Spain suspend for the US?

Right to detain cargo in New Orleans

Name three unalienable rights.

Right to trial by jury, religious freedom, representation, habes corpus

Extend it to what river?

Rio Grande ( all of TX and NM)

Who does Jefferson send to French?

Robert Livingston

Who is the 2nd person that Napoleon sends


extend it to what mountian?


Good at compromises, also part of committee of 5

Roger Sureman (CT)

who proposed the CT Compromise 1787?

Roger Sureman (CT)

3/5 Compromise 1787 was proposed by whom? (2)

Roger Sureman (CT) James Wilson (PA)

What problem does the US run into LA purchase?

Running into NA

What is agreement between Us and Canadian British called?

Rush-Bagot Agreement

Who is the first to break the continental system?


What 3 rivers set the border in the

Sabine and Red and arkansas

Who was the Key to the Leark Expo?


Who is the first president of TX?

Sam Houstin

Who is sent to attack MX army at Santa Cinto?

Sam Houston

Who calls for the hanging of Shaye's rebellion?

Samuel Adams

Who is the person in supreme court who was an extreme federalist? Why was he safe?

Samuel Chase Other republicans realized how wrong this was and voted no

Telegraph and morse code

Samuel FB morse

Where does the Mx army march to?

San Antonio

James Madison used to be what before president?

Sec of state

What is the fourth law of the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)?

Sedition Act

What act does this case have to do with?

Sedition Act, Federal Overstepping Power

How has the US been helping the French?

Seizing British cargo ships and selling it to French

What does the US do to make sure less NA?

Sell land for very cheap to encourage settling

What do the farmers have to do?

Sell land, and get sent to prison

What three forts did A jackson attack?

Seminole, Brits working in Fl w/ Spain, Ft. Fensecola

What is the day of this event?

September 14

What is the purpose Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)?

Series of 4 laws that suppressed Republicans

Name a few reasons John Quincy was not a great president

Shadow of Corrupt Bargain, does not exercise full power of president, wasn't charismatic, great ideas but doesn't force them, Lafayette comes back and overshadows him

Name what John Quincy's two occupations were, besides president/

Statesman and diplomat

Who brought 100's of americans to texas?

Steven Austin (VA)

Why is it called the XYZ Affair?

Story leaked to US newspaper, referred to as Monsieur X, Y, Z

What's the conclusion of York?

Successful, did not keep it

Why is Jefferson really upset about the supreme court? What does he start doing?

Supreme court will actually question him, very federalist Impeaches on no actual charges

name the positions of the following the the executive branch, Thomas Jefferson, Hamilton, Knox, Edmund Randoff, Ben Frank

TJ: Department of state AH: Treasurer HK: War ER: Office of Autherney of Attorney General BF: Postmaster general

Due to increasing Pacific activity and purchase, Spain is mad. What state do they try to bar?


Where does Burr move to and what does he do first?

TX Buy 40,000 acres from Spanish to recruit people

Slaves count as 3/5 for what two things?

Taxation, representation

Once say you want a lawyer, can they still make you talk?

Technically no. But, if you talk to them, you are volunteering information

the death of who really helps the americans?

Tecumseh, lack of NA support afterward

Who are the two NA brothers? (One's a prophet, the others a warrior)

Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh

What happens at battle of tippecanoe?

Tenskwatawa tells NA they are invincible against bullets, are slaughtered

What does the US guarantee to Spain? JG Treaty

Territory in the US

Why were federalist against westward expansion?

Their main power was in New England

Why did Republicans want more westward expansion?

Their power was mainly in the south

What does Pike tell Jefferson?

Waste land

Why is Rockies is called continental divide?

Water goes east and west from that point

Where are NA moved to?

West of mississippi

What must you tell a judge before you get a warrant?

What and where you are searching

What 2 rumors did A Jackson spread about John Quincy?

When Adams was still a diplomat and Russian Czar, asked him to get him a lady of the evening Was promoting gambling in white house, since he bought a chess set and pool table

What is a judicial case?

When supreme court looks @ laws passed, states have no powers

Tecumseh mets with who?

William Henry Harrison Gov of Indiana

What type of america did anti federalist (nay) (federal Republicans) imagine?

agricultural, rural, self supporting family farms

Redress of Grievances allows you to sue whom?

all levels of government

How did voting work back then, as in how was president and vice chosen?

most votes is president, 2nd most votes vice

Why is Key in British ship?

negotiating with british for release of captured combatants, actually doctor, Dr. William Benes

Do you have to witness against yourself?


Describe the 8th amendment

no excess bail or fine no cruel or unusual punishment

Is wearing a flag illegal? what about burning one?

no; no

Explain the Naturalism Act

now 14 years instead of 5 years of wait before one can apply for citizenship Targets mainly Irish, who were northern city workers

What is DC protected by?

only militia

Jefferson gets the what of florida?


why did they survey and sell in the LO of 1785

pay off debts

Name the 6 clauses of the 1st amendments

protection of establishment of religion practice of religion press freedom of speech right to peaceably to assemble petition for a redress of grievance

How does John Hancock respond to the rebellion?

reduces direct taxes & lower court fees if you go bankrupt: you can keep clothes, household items, and tools

What are the other terms of treaty of Ghent? (4)

release all POW return all territory return slaves stop impressing

What terms is the Treaty of Ghent?

status quo antebellum

What does he accuse him of eating?

strawberries, celery, califlower

What monroe do that has never done before?

take a tour of America (get republican support)

In NE, what industries are dominant? (3)

textile, timber, livestock

Who ratifies the articles of confederation?

the 3rd continental congress

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

the territories will be split into states, involves 3 steps

How did Nat turner get around so easily?

you already know

What does the 4th amendment protect?

your right to privacy, very important!

How did Nat turner get around so easily?

"Owner" let him walk about to run errands, so it wasn't suspicious to see him walking around

What was sad about the Battle of Baltimore?

"Peace Treaty of Ghent" December 24, 1814 In Netherlands Finish 08 Jan 1815

Why is A Jack seen as a hero in the south and west?

"Protected peoples property"

What phrase is coined out of "to the victor belongs the spoils" for A jackosn

"The spoil System"

What phrase was used to describe the election of 1828?

"Two criminals running for the highest office of the land"

Name three problems with the Articles of confederation.

1. Congress can only ask for money 2. can enter treaties, but unless states agree, cannot be enforced 3. can call for an army, but cannot draft anyone

Who builds the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney

Describe Cherokee in GA

Against stereotypes, literate, agricultural, education, newspaper, constitution

Who does spain send to kill the LC?

Agent 13

Name some dirt about A Jackson

Aggressive, power abusive, points to problems with spain, coffin handbills (18 coffins around bill for 18 people he murdered in cold blood), adultery

In 1814, where is Napoleon exiled to?


Who's looked upon as an ideal federalist?

Alexander Hamilton

Left in protest of loss of state power in CC of 1787

Alexander Hamilton (NY)

Who helps Jefferson win by pushing federalist to vote for him?

Alexander Hamilton (NY)

Who proposes @ the Annapolis Convention to write a new constitution?

Alexander Hamilton (NY)

What is the third law of the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)?

Alien Act

What is the second law of the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)?

Alien Enemies Act

What is the Judiciary Act? (Feb - March 8 1800)

Allows to create and fill positions of judges

Why did the black hawk war start?

Black Hawks moved west of MS too early, no crops. Cross east of MS to plant, military burn stuff

Sing it to what tune?

British Drinking song

What will Spain protect the US from? JG Treaty

British encroachment

In 1794 who tried to seize Haiti? Why?

Brits and Spanish Wanted to protect their own slave trade

Sunday Laws are also known as what?

Bue Law, Newhaven Ct printed on blue paper

What do they target and why?

Burn Public buildings and gov buildings out of spite for the landmines

What do they do with the bodies?

Burn them

How does Hamilton die?

Burr shoots him in the arm, it goes through him and ricocheted against his ribs, caused so much damage he died

In 1804, what does Napoleon declare himself?


What is the era called in Monroe?

Era of Good Feeling (ie expansion of west, good gov, advancement in transport, economic growth)

What is the name of the group who wants a northern confederacy? Which states is it? Why is NY important

Essec Juntos New England states, need NY or else they won't make it

What allowed MO to enter the Union?

Missouri Compromise 1820

Where in the South are the British aiming for?

Mobile AL and New Orleans

What is the Burr Conspiracy?

"Burr is planning to create a nation with Mexico and US southwest, then build an army, break away from Spain and declare independence"

What did we get from star spangled banner?

"In God we trust"

Who was leading the fighting on the GA and Fl border? What battle took place?

Andrew jackson Battle of horseshoe bay

Unusually quiet at CC 1787, but secretly pulled all the strings.

Ben Frank (PA)

What are the "justifications" of slavery?

"it helps them, "its like a paternal system", "cultural supremacy, we teach them about the good of Christianity by beating them!", "they are un educated and need us"

What does Walla walla mean?

"place of many running water"

Charles Pinckney D&Q


What is the cost of their destruction?

$2 million

How much money did the french ask for? (XYZ)


When does the US find out?


Who was sent to deal with shaye's rebellion?

Benjamin Lincoln

how much does Napoleon offer the LA for? How much is it actual?

11 million 15 million, due to forgiving french debts

created township and divided into lots

6 miles, 36 lots: 640 acres

Under the VA Plan of 1787, the US is now what?

Bicameral, 2 houses gov

Name three huge cotton export cities.

Mobile Al, New Orleans LA, Savannah GA

what does shaye do?

Releases farmers Surrounds courthouses Burns official's houses

When did Jefferson take oath?

04 March 1801

Under the Articles of Confederation, how many votes does each state get?


What is a unicameral?

1 law making body, no separation of power

What happens to Nat Turner?

hides in woods for 2 months, eventually caught and executed

How does he use the constitution to his advantage? (3)

1. International slave trade abolished in 1808 2. Illegal to bring in slaves 3. transportation of unwilling africans is illegal

How many reps does Adams send (XYZ)? Who were they?

1. John Marshall (VA) 2. Elbridge Gerry (MA) 3. Charles Pinckney (SC)

What was Congresses biggest issue in the VA Plan (1787)?

Big state population vs small state population

What 4 things happen during A Jackson's presidency? What increases (1)? Greater call for what? (3)

1. Sectionalism increases Greater call for 2.states rights 3.nullification (state right to void fed actions in states) 4.abolition

What is added to the Constitution to protect individual and state rights?

Bill of Rights

How much is given to public education in the OL of 1785?

1/16 of land

How many amendments does the Bill of Rights?

10 amendments

how does his executive order help workers?

10 hr workday

How much did US owe to foreign countries? To its own country?

10 million 40 million

How much did the 3 reps ask for, as a loan from the us and asked what of the US (loan wise)(XYZ)

10 million Forgive all french debt

How many percent does A jackson replace of executive branch?

10%, and his friends pretty much suck

What year did GW retire?


When did sacagawea die? two possibility?

1812 1884

When is it become national anthem?

1931, Hoover and Congress aprove

When does official term limit become law, when is it ratified? What amendment is it?

1947 1951 22nd

What does Jefferson emphasis in this speech after oath?

1st amendment and state power Reduce federal gov spending " We are all people"

What happens if there is a tie?

2 names get thrown to congress, house of reps then next body of popularity = 1 vote state

How long does the Alamo stand? Who survives?

2 weeks 3 women, 2 children, 1 slave

Under the treaty of Fort Wayne, how much NA land is given away?

2.5 million acres

Why is Haiti so important to the French?

2/3 of oversea trade

Besides territory, what else does Spain get from the US from the JG Treaty?

20 years of sole control of the Mississippi

How many people were sent with Victoire?


How long is FT McHenry bombed for?

24 hours

What is US first attack plan?

3 prong attack on Canada

How many MX soldiers at alamo? How many americans?

3,000 188

What does border does Spain agree to? JG Treaty

31 degree parallel, US terms

Formal possession of La Territory date

4 July 1803

What was the average age in the Constitutional Convention?

42, but only cuz Ben Frank was old actually 20-30's

what parallel is the border in Adam's onis Treaty?


Survey what parallel ?


In the Adams onis treaty, how much is Us giving spain?

5 million dollars

How long is the American Canadian border?


How many free white males until they can help govern the region (NWO 1787)


Out of the 600,000 people, how many were enslaved?


How many warships did they send and how many troops?

60 14,000

How many free white males until they can apply for statehood (NWO1787)


how many people dies in the rebellion


How many essays were written in the Newspaper, and what did they sign it as?

85 Essays, Publius

Who ruins Aaron Burrs plains? How?

A Hamilton Claims that Burr is part of a plan to form a northern confederacy

Who was sent to deal with the "indian problem"?

A Jackson

What is the Alamo?

A mission

What did the 3 reps want from Adams? (XYZ)

A personal apology

Who holds off attack in Mobile?

A. Jackson

Who wins the 1828 election?

A. Jackson

Who shot Alexander Hamilton?

Aaron Burr

What do the British agree to in the jay treaty 1795?

Abide by treaty of Paris

John Adams married who?

Abigal Adams

In 1793, what was accomplished in the Haitian Rev?

Abolished slavery

Who are the two famous people involved in the Black Hawk War?

Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis

What are the two options for NA?

Accept state and fed gov, or move west

What is spain to LA territory? (1800)


What is the first clause of the Monroe Doctrine?

America (north and south) are no longer subject to colonization by Europe

What is the name of the Spanish slave ship?

Amistad, "Friendship"

Who spreads rumors about John Quincy?

Andrew Jackson

Trail of Tears is what?

march from GA to Ok, 1/4 die force to leave or sell

Who does Sam Houston capture?

Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana

Who is the mexican who wanted strong central gov in MX?

Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana

What is the third clause of the Monroe Doctrine?

Any attempt to meddle or colonize will be seen as war against the US

What is missing from the Maison Dixon?

Anything about Native Americans

Why do slaves "count as 3/5's"

Apparently they are 3/5 as productive

Describe step three of the NWO of 1787

Apply for statehood. Equal to all other states immediately. Constitution with certain unalienable rights

what is the 1st doc to describe government in the US?

Articles of confederation

Jay Treaty 1795

Avoid crisis with British and French

British lost how many vs American?

B: lost 2,000 800 POW A: lost 13

After DC, where do the British go next?


What is the Non Importation Act?

Ban US importation of some British Items

Black Hawk War includes what battle?

Battle of Bad Axe

Attack on lake eerie leads to what battle?

Battle of thames

What does France send to America to reopen the ports?

Cadoré letter

Is there any mandate that state constitutions that....

Cannot be in conflict of Articules

What five things do the British target?

Capital treasury department of war Presidents residence library of congress

What happens when Pike goes into Spanish territory?

Captured, they take all his stuff

Who suggested the idea of the cotton gin?

Catherine Littlefield Greene

GA wants to get rid of the Cherokees, so what do they do?

Challenge Constitution in court, say its null

What does Burr do after he loses the run over NY gov?

Challenges Hamilton to an illegal duel

Who are the two runners in the 1808 election? Who wins?

Charles CC Pinckney James Madison

Charles Francis' JR son was?

Charles Francis Adams III

Charles Francis III's son was

Charles Francis Adams VI

Why does A jackson refuse to send troops to uphold a court decision?

Cherokee prove their constitution right, but he doesn't accept this and pretty much is being a baby

What is the name of the event that involved the tricking of an american ship? (think scandalous)

Chesapeake Affair 1807

What is Ft Dearborn known as now?


In the Judiciary branch, what position is John Jay

Chief of Justice

What does American decide to do in response to Chesapeake Affair?

Close all foreign ports

1792 Robert Grave explored up what?

Columbia river

The US attempt to rule by what? (think John Adams)


What are the 2 causes of War of 1812?

Conflict on frontier Conflict on hight seas

Describe step two of the NWO of 1787

Congress divides NW into 3-5 regions 10 males selected, 5 chosen to hep govern

The British demand these 5 items to not be exported in the jay treaty. They also demand what?

Cotton Molasses Sugar Coffee Chocolate Pay off debts

What invention separates cotton fiber from seeds?

Cotton Gin

Why does Spain not want UK US friendship (Pinckney treaty)?

Could shut down entire Atlantic (think of the geography!)

What do southerners do after Haitian Rev?

Create slave shelters, stockpile amo, and weapons

known as the old Gumbltorian, didn't like ideas that weren't his

Elbrige Gerry (MA)

Agreed immediately on ratifying constitution (3)


Who lead out Shaye's Rebellion?

Daniel Shaye

Why does MO enter a bit late?

Debate: only slave masters can free slaves, and free african americans can't enter Mo: violation of Constitution

What does jefferson do that is ironic and really overstepped?

Decides to buy wo congress permission

What were Jackson's supporters called?

Dem. Republicans or Jacksonian Republicans

What's mexico's problem? How do they try to solve this?

Does not want slavery, but needs good relations with US Sets tariffs on property

Who's Madison's wife


First mental asylum maker

Dorothea Dix

What was his first language?


VA plan (1787), who proposed it and who did the details?

Edmund Randoff (VA), James Madison(VA)

Explain national bank

Federal bank that regulates state banks. Invest in businesses and stocks. Favors the merchant class.

Who was in Election of 1800? (4)

Feds: John Adam (MA) Charles Pinckney (SC) Rep: Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr

The british aren't allowing the US to what?


What is the British Royal Navy nicknamed? What are nicknames for brits?

Floating Hell Limeys

What does the NW rely?

Food crops

What are the names of the 3 separate branches of congress?

Foreign Affair (State) Finance (Treasury) War (Fence)

US is afraid of what two countries taking advantage of the chaos?

France and Russia

Why is spain even angrier? Why couldn't they do anything about it?

France gave away their territory Not strong enough

Who helps create a textile boom in the US?

Francis Cabot Lowell

what american lawyer wrote down something after seeing the bombing?

Francis Scott Key

Which President served three terms?

Franklin Roosevelt

Who owns LA territory?


What are federalist horrified by

French Revolution, slavery, westward expansion

Where does britain blockade?

French West Indies and America

What starts the XYZ Affair (1797-1798)?

French upset at Jay's Treaty, say it's against French American alliance, so they steal cargo ships and sell it

Speaks what languages?

French, English, Shoshone, and Hidatsa

Who does the US side with, concerning the Haitian rev? Why?

French, want to keep French Alliance in case England goes after them again.

Where does the Battle of Baltimore take place? fort wise...

Ft McHenry

Name the three forts that were to be attacked

Ft eerie Ft Detroit Ft Montreal

Describe British vs American (strategy of lack of) Battle of New Orleans.

Full frontal attack, americans hide and shot them without being shot, in trenches

Who becomes the first president of the US?


What is William Hebert Harrison promoted to?


Arthur of VA declaration of rights, wanted to keep slaves

George Maison (VA)

@ Constitution Convention 1787, who was in charge?

George Washington

John Quincy's two sons were?

George and Charles Francis Adams

term of political manipulation of land for mainly voting reasons


What does John jay in the jay treaty ask for? (6)

Get off US soil Stop impressing Stop violating neutral terms Open West Indies Compensate for ships and cargo Pay for run away slaves

Who is the artist of this famous saved painting?

Gilbert Stuart

Who is the reason we have the "taking the fifth"?

Giles Cory, who was pressed to death after refusing to speak @ trial

What does Aaron Burr try to run for?

Gov of NY

What is the series of expeditions that jefferson made called?

Journeys of discovery

What is so unusual about Nat Turner?

He was literate

When is the war of 1812 declared? (Month)

June 1812

What lead to the Haitian revolution?

Hearing of the French and American Revolution, 1789 Human Rights

Charles Francis Adams VI's two sons were?

Henry Brooks and Brooks Adams

Who challenges A Jackson to a duel (but doesn't do it)?

Henry Clay

Who got a fair amount of votes but not enough publicity in the 1824 election? What does he become instead?

Henry Clay Sec of State

Who are the two speakers of the Warhawks house?

Henry Clay (KY) John Caldwell Calhoun (sc)

Captured by what tribe?


Is it legal to shoot an intruder?

If you are in present danger, yes

How did the British take revenge?

Impressing Americans Blockade French West Indies Seize 250 ships

Summarize the Wooly vs Maynard (1977)

In NH, state license is required to have state motto. you can't force a belief under the 1st amendment supreme court overturned state law

Where did they want want to put the NA?

In the undesirable lands, in "desolate" lands that actually is desirable

Clark has held what positions? What did he do?

Indian fighter and soldier Map and supplies

What else did the 3 reps ask for that really made the americans mad (XYZ)?

Individual bribes

She acted as a what?

Interpreter and guide and diplomat

Why attack York?

Is capital of Canada (Now Toronto)

In 1956, what was decided concerning " taking the fifth"

It cannot be considered proof of guilt

1840 election is also known as what?

Log cabin and Hard Liquor Campaign

Who wins the 1824 election?

John Quincy Adams

Charles Francis's sons were?

John Quincy II, Charles Francis JR Adams

Name three huge cotton growing cites

Jackson MS, Montgomery Al, Memphis TN

Who were the two main contenders in the election of 1828?

Jackson and Quincy Adams

Who was secretary of state while Jefferson was in office?

James Madison

Who won the 1816 Election?

James Madison

Very brilliant and informed, but only 5' and high pitched voice, had chronic headaches

James Madison (VA)

Who does Robert Livingston go with to appeal to French?

James Monroe

Who's Madison's sec of state

James Monroe

What's her babies name?

Jean Baptise Charbonnez

Where do the slaves end up, after killing the crew?

Long Island, NY

Who wins the 1804 Election?

Jefferson who won by a landslide over CC Pinckney

Summarize CA State Court Case (1858)

Jewish Shop owner says sunday laws unconstitutional won. for now....

Who made fun of his wife, who was asking for women's right to vote?

John Adams

Who wins the Election of 1796, Pres and Vice?

John Adams Thomas Jefferson

Who reject the idea of a national bank (3)

John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison

Feds arranged so that there would be no tie

John Adams (MA) 65 Charles Pinckney (SC) 64 John Jay, 1

After Shayes rebellion, who becomes the MA gov?

John Hancock

Who are the ones involved in the J-G treaty of 1785?

John Jay and Don Diego de Gardoqui

Which Chief Justice cannot charge Burr with treason?

John Marshal

Who is the Chief Justice in Marbury vs Madison? What's so ironic about his support of Madison

John Marshall He was sec of state for Adams, so it was his fault.. he had assumed that Adams would do it

Who is the person in supreme court who was an alcoholic, a bit crazy, yet innocent?

John Pickering

John and Abigail's son was?

John Quincy Adams

Who does Monroe send to negotiate with spain?

John Quincy Adams

Who steps up and protects the slaves of the Amistad?

John Quincy Adams

If your property is damaged by the government, what do they have to provide

Just compensation, but its up to their definition of "Just'

What starts showing up in the congressional records?

Justification of slavery

Name three restricted actions under the Sunday Laws

Kissing in public, cannot buy objects such as alcohol, hunting, boxing, barber shop, clam digging, rooster fights

What is the problem when Americans enter York?

Landmines, 50 die

Who is the new king in France?


What is the name of the foreign spanish minister?

Louis de Onis

What is a big key even in Jefferson's rule?

Lousiana Purchase

Shaye's Rebellion (1786-1787)

MA farmers vs MA state gov, armed insertion

What is Quincy currently?

MA house rep

voted 53% on ratifying constitution, "Yes!" (2)


Which state is ready to enter the union as a northern state, yet still has slavery?


what is the Missouri Compromise 1820?

MO allowed as a slave state with no restrictions, if and only if, ME is allowed as a free state (to balance out power in congress)

What is the huge mistake in america's close all port scheme?

Macon's bill #2 Will trade again with everyone! Except Britain France has been given the power to control the US

Women's right advocate

Margret fuller

Who was A jackson's campaign manager?

Martin Van Buren

Who are the two people in the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Mary Weather Lewis William Clark

Why is John Adams so popular? Name 3 reasons

Member of 2nd continental congress, US Navy, Draft declaration, negotiate treaty of Paris, diplomat in England for US, member of bunch of committees, Vice President

Why is closing all ports bad for the economy and who does it hit the most?

Merchant class in New England, which has most active port cities and merchant fleets, without jobs. Go bankrupt.

Is land west of what? Where does it end?

Mississipi, Rockies

British focus on south, want control of What? (2)

Mississippi (control it) and Gulf of Mexico (want to shut it down)

What were Adams supporters called?

National Republicans

A. Hamilton was in charge of what?

National debt

What is the First law of the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)?

Naturalism Act

What is the Continental System (1806)? Explain

No one french controlled can trade with Britain, wants to destroy economy. Uk has very cheap products however, so does fine w/o them

in 1806, what act did america pass in response to british impressing and breaking neutral rights?

Non Importation Act

In terms of the MD line, where is slavery not allowed?

North of it, except Mo

Join occupation of what territory?


What territory is Spain giving up in the Adam's onis treaty?

OR territory

Where does Tecumseh travel up to recruit other NA?

Ohio river valley

who lead the attack on lake eerie?

Oliver Hazard Perry

We have met the enemy and they are ours

Oliver hazard perry

What 4 things are decided in the Pinckney treaty?

Open Mississippi Port of New Orleans without change Reformation of 31° parallel Take responsibility for NA from Fl

What has spain given up to the US? What is spain too weak to protest?

Or, LA, FL Adam's Onis treaty

What is the British passed law that has to do with trading?

Orders in Council

Seminole wars are lead by who?


What is Britain's goal in the Napoleonic war (2)

Over throw french republic restore monarchy

What is the plan for the Haitian Revolution?

Overthrow plantation, then go overthrow another, Ripple Effect

The Maison-Dixon includes what 4 States

PA, DE, MD, VA (now its WV)

What was the purpose of sending the three reps there? (XYZ)

PREVENT WAR Also end stealing and get compensation

Why is the White House called it?

Painted white to cover burns

Problem from Jackson's western land policy

Panic of 1837

Describe 1610 (VA) , 1st sunday law

Pass a law requires everyone goes to church, if you miss 3 times, you DIE Limited sunday travel, only to and from the church and cemetery Tithing man enforces the rules

"I smell a rat", did not want strong central government

Patrick Henry (VA)

Name a few examples of Anti-Federalist Supporters.

Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Elbridge Gerry, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr

What is named for Pike?

Pike Peak

What is A. Jackson's crew made of?

Pirates, vets, formal slaves

Name some dirt on Q. Adams

Points to adams fam (as in you can't compare to your family), accused of making fed power greater than state power, "Old Hickory"

In GW's Farewell Address, what three things did he warn against?

Political Parties (NO PARTIES) Avoid tangling alliances that could drag US into war Don't except favors from other nations

What's her babies nickname?


Believed urban centers brought what?

Poverty and government corruption

What are Robert Livingston's 2 goal?

Prevent Exchange of land Maybe get western Fl? Fail both

Who were they scheduled to meet with? (XYZ) Who did they actually meet with?

Prince Talleyrand, foreign minister of France His three secretaries

What did the farmers want the government to do?

Print more money

What is the town of Tenskwatawa and Tecumseh named?

Prophet town

Peaceful Assemble is only legal on what types of land?

Public, as long as you don't impede traffic and the peace

What made the National Debate possible?

Publication of Federalist papers

where did they plan to attack from?

Put in bay, south of eerie

Summarize McGowan vs Maryland (1961)

Questions why the state can mandate stores to close on sunday overturned, it is legal for a state to set aside a day of rest

voted 92% on ratifying constitution, "NO!"


@ Constitution Convention 1787 which states does not show up? What is it's Nickname? And why does refuse to show up?

RI Rouge Island Scared to lose power since they are very small

What happens a year prior to the revolution?

Rebellion for right to vote

In Battle of Horseshoe bay, who did americans fight against?

Redstick Indians Baton Rouge means red stick btw

What happens to Toussaint Louverture after he was captured?

Shipped to france, agreed to peaceful control of Haiti, then died in Prison

What tribe did she belong to?


What the creditors want instead of money?

Silver and gold

Who is leading the british @ new orleans?

Sir Edward Pakenham (brother in law, duke of wellington)

What does the NWO exclude?

Slavery, cannot take slaves into these states

What are TX six flags?

Spain France Mexico Republic of TX (lone star) USA Southern Confederacy

Why is spain mad when he finds out about the sell out?

Spain gets money from LA

Under the JG Treaty, who can the US trade with?

Spain, but not spanish colonies

What are his jobs? (4)

Spy on Spanish, NA Allies, map, find source MS River

Sent from where to explore where?

St Louis, middle of LA

Which states in 1786 held the Annapolis Convention to discuss business relationship and trade?

States that are connected to the Ohio River and Potomac River.

What is the one industry that does well?

Textile, esp cotten.

What else is the CT Compromise 1787 known as?

The Great Compromise

Lewis has held what positions?

military officer, aid to military aid officer Jefferson,

in 1803, what does the french decide?

They gave up, Haiti is now a republic

Explain why their want for self supporting farms and education ironic

They owned plantations Had slaves whom they denied an education

Explain the Alien Act

Us gov can deport non US Citizens if deemed dangerous to US/suspected of being a spy

Who does he send to York?

Zebulon Montgomery pike

Describe the Upper and Lower house representatives in terms of the Ct Compromise.

Upper house (senate), 2 reps regardless Lower House (house of reps), based on Population

Who's looked upon as an ideal Republican?

Thomas Jefferson

Were abroad, did not come to CC of 1787 (2)

Thomas Jefferson John Adams

Who tied with 73 votes?

Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr

Who wins the Election of 1800?

Thomas Jefferson Aaron Burr

Who started the Kentucky & VA Resolutions 1798?

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison

Why are some mad?

Though not every one was present, everyone's land was given away

What does A jackson do once he is elected?

Throws huge republican inauguration party, totally drunk on beer ransacks white house

What is so different about these new politicians?

Too young to of been in rev of America, eager for war

Who is her husband?

Toussaint Carbonnez

Who helps get the word out in the H revolution and later become the governor?

Toussaint Louverture

Who did Victoire capture? And do they want to re-established?

Toussaint Louverture Slavery

describe the upper house and lower house in the VA Plan 1787

Upper house by State representatives, 6 year term Lower house by population, 2 year term

A. Ham envisions what for America?

Urban, international trade, commercial development, national bank, made in USA

Adams Onis treaty of 1819 is also known as what?

Trans-continental treaty

What is Burr charged with, what is the difficulty about the charge?

Treason Must have 2 witnesses

What treaty do the US GOV and na make?

Treaty of Fort Wayne

What is france and spanish's secret treaty?

Treaty of San Ildefanso

Thomas Pinckney 1796 is also known as?

Treaty of San Lorenzo

What was that treaty called?

Treaty of Velasco

Tell the story of Chesapeake Affair.

Two ships are supposedly trading mail. British one asks for permission on board to look for runaways. American one refuses, open fire. 22 direct hits on Chesapeake! 1 on HMS Leopard Impresses 4 men, 3 are american News gets back. the warhawks screech for battle

in the CC of 1787, delegates agree on power to the people, and that society must be protected from what?

Tyranny of Majority

Explain the Alien Enemies Act

US gov can jail/deport citizens of enemy nation if thrust into war

What is the second clause of the Monroe Doctrine?

US will not meddle in Europe politics or vice versa

Explain the proclamation of neutrality 1793

US will not sell weapons or privateer Will trade non war items only

What ship stops the Amistad?

USS Washington

Ship names by GW

USS constitution

Under the Articles of Confederation what is the US?


who is A Jackson's secretary in state?

Van Buren

Who was in the 1840 election?

Van Buren vs william Henry Harrison

What 5 countries have freed themselves from Spain?

Venezuela, Mexico, Chile, Brazil (Portugal). argentina (kinda, still trying)

Where does shaye run away to?


Why is shaye safe in VT?

Vermont is not officially a state, so they are not obligated to return him

What indians do they run into?

Walla Walla

Why did they attack those specific areas?

Wants control of Great Lakes, and St Lawrence river (access to Atlantic)

Why is R Grave exploring Columbia River?

Wants to find trade route through Rockies

What are the names of those who called for the war of 1812? and who are the ones who did not want war?

War hawks Peacedoves

Probably the most defining moment of Jefferson era

War of 1812

Who are the people involved in Marbury vs Madison? What was the problem?

William Marbury (last of the 3 illegal judges, appointed as Justice of Peace) and James Madison (current secretary of state) Madison refused to deliver appointments, "it's not required of him"

What do they reassure the French?

Work with them, imply will help with army

What does Napoleon want to build? Where does he expect to get the money from?

World Empire out of French West indies

Why were the Brits and Spanish unable to seize Haiti?

Yellow Fever

How does Victoire die?

Yellow Fever?

How does one go about receiving a warrant?

You must prove there is reason to investigate, such as future danger or potential crime suspect

Who leads second Journey of Discover?

Zebulon Montgomery Pike (weak eyebrow game)

What did the anti federalists want?

a clear statement of individual and state rights

What does TX declare itself?

a republic

What is a confederation??

an association that has voluntary association of members

What is federation??

an association where membership is not voluntary

What were the goals of Robert Livingston and James Monroe? (3)

ask for right of deposit French to insure free nav of MS Want Western Fl

What is the unofficial term limit?

at most, 2 4 year terms.

What do the British do in revenge for attack on York?

attack DC

In 1802, What did the Haitians want to be?

autonomy within French empire (some wanted independence)

What do americans do in response to the baring of TX?

buy more land and weapons, "you can't tell me what to do" attitude

Where does he write star spangled banner? what is it called originally?

back of letter Defense on Ft Henry

Describe Miranda vs AZ (1966)

background: mugs bank worker, and steals $8. Is arrested and they question him for 2 hours until he confesses to kidnapping and raping a women 11 days earlier. 20 years jail time -----> never told he had protection or right to a lawyer Appeals case, but AZ supreme court rejects ----> Supreme court in 1966 reverse ruling, making a new trial where the confession did not count. Miranda Rights: rights you must be aware of and have access to

Where was the Amistad going, with what?

between cuban ports, with africans on board

What is France and Britain doing to make America mad?

breaking rights of neutral nations, ie america targeting trade america ship

why was this so important for early americans?

brits made it illegal to carry a weapon, and therefore were helpless

Name three ways Van Buren advertises A Jack?

campaign song, parade, pro speech writer "man of the people",

Describe Roe vs Wade (1973)

can state tell a women what to do with her body (concerning abortion and birth control) NO

Define due process

certain legal steps that must be followed before your life, liberty or process can be taken

What three terms does Santa Ana sign

clear out troops TX independant Rio Grande is border

what are the French excuses for still being in US Territory? (2)

contest the FL and GA 31 parallel, disputing navigation of MS river (the mouth is in spanish territory)

Name some of the NA being moved to the desolate lands

creek, cherokee, chickasaw. choctaw,

What's the argument for "it wasn't in the atlantic, it was from cuban ports"?

detaining free people is wrong

Describe what Jefferson was like as a president

did not focus on Building Dc, wants more rural towns, avoid giving big gov speeches, mostly just wrote to congress, overall not a big spender

@ New orleans what strategy did they use?

dug trenches

Describe what started the Midnight Appointments

during lame duck term, adams created federal judge appointments, yet left 3 undelivered; illegal

What is the French law passed in response to the orders in council?

empirical decree Any neutral ship who stops at British controlled port can be seized by the French

What does the Va state legislature debate?

ending slavery

1st president to issue what?

executive order that helps workers

2004: Why does US put army near the lakes?

found out the borders drug running area

in 1813 what does Toussaint do with pomp?

gave away to Clark

What do settlers find in land?


Under freedom of speech, what is NOT protected?

hate speech, terrorism, leaking closed information, danger warning: anything that creates clear and present danger

what are the British excuses for still being in US Territory? (2) Why did they want to stay?

haven't payed off pre war debts haven't returned loyalist property fur trade with NA

Why didn't Madison want a Statement of Rights?

he would never be able to write all exceptions, by writing it he was cutting off many options

Describe the 10th amendment

if power has not been expressed as federal power, power goes to state and people

Explain the Sedition Act

illegal to inspire the intent to oppose government can't write/print any scandalous about US gov/President Fined and/or imprisoned Illegal under 1st amendment

What is burning a draft card considered (illegal vs legal)? why?

illegal, is technically federal property

why are unions illegal?

impedes progress of buisness

Was the first president born where?

in America

What does the 9th amendment protect?

individual rights; catch all.

What type of america did Federalist (yay) imagine?

industrial, large cities, powerful merchant/manufactoring

The internet is considered freedom of speech and press, unless what?

is used for illegal means such as looking at ponography at a place where children are present, children are more important than your hormones.

Why was the killing legal?

it was self defense

"dont give up the ship!"

james lawrence on Perry's ship flag

What are the borders of the Land Ordinance of 1785

land west Appalachian Mountains, north of the Ohio River east of the Mississippi River to be divided into ten separate states Public land

how much was each acre in the land ordinance of 1785?

less than a dollar

Who does he recuit?


What is his nickname?

little magician

What is shaye's idea?

make it impossible for judges to sit down and declare bankruptcy

Describe US vs Miller (1939)

man used sawed of shotgun not protected, it is illegal to modify weapons

What does the french demand the Americans do?

respect NA and french

Describe the 6th amendment

right to speedy and public trial impartial jury informed of charges right to obtain witnesses in your own defense right to assistance for defense (can wave this however)

What does amendment 2 protect?

right to bear arms

Describe the 7th amendment

right to trial by jury must be preserved in civil case

Why is 1824 known as the corrupt bargain?

see as an attempt to rig election, sec of state is stepping stone to president

What is van Buren's response?

send it back to spain

Tell story of Dolly Madison and the portrait of GW

setting for dinner, when british arrive runs and takes portrait of GW

explain panic of 1837

settlers buy land on credit, suddenly need to pay in gold or silver, saying money has no value?

What do the americans do to their ships on purpose?

sink them to create debris and make it hard to get close

MX doesn't want what?


Whats different about the 1824 election?

so many candidates, , rule top 3 vote winners go to house of reps

Why was it important everyone have one, why is it irrelevant now?

so they could form a last minute militia have army now, don't need to form militia

Summarize the Oregon Department of Human Resources vs Smith (1990)

someone uses illegal drugs for "religion" it's not legal because the drugs were illegal.

Separate and meet in where?

st louis, LA

When asked to apologize, what does A. Jackson do?

threatens to cut off the ears of the senate chair for the committee questioning him

What's harrison's slogan>

tippecanoe and tyler too

What cash crops do the Southers rely on (3)?

tobacco, indigo, cotton

Which political party supports the revolution?

trick question, both of them supported it!

What happens to osceola?

tricked into peace treaty, captured and imprisoned

Why is the Jay Gardoqui Treaty 1785 created?

tries to solve the problem of British and Spanish still in American territory

Who wins the 1836 election?

van Buren

What does he call van Buren?

van ruin

Why is Jackson's Indian Policy ironic?

wife and him adopted a creek baby

why was GW in charge of Constitutional Convention 1787?

wealthy leader of continental army moderate in polictics from VA

What does A Jackson do that was really illegal? (2)

went into fl and killed indians, without permission, then claimed land for america

When can the government legally invade your privacy?

when a warrant is approved by a judge

Describe how the term double jeopardy can be applied to amendment 5

where life/liberty is at stake, cannot be trialed for the same offense twice can be tried for very similar events though

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