IB DT 3.3 Physical Modelling

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Instrumental physical models, measurements, data

I............... p........... m........... are equipped with the ability to take m................ to provide accurate quantitative d...... for analysis. .


What type of model is this?


What type of model is this?


What type of model is this?


What type of model is this?


What type of model is this?

Concept, process, test, specifications

A prototype is a sample or model built to test a c....... or p....... A prototype is used to t..... and validate ideas. Prototyping can be used to provide s........... for a real, working product rather than a theoretical one. Prototypes are developed to work from two perspectives: the point of view of the development team, which can learn by creating the product, and the point of view of the user, from whom the development team can learn through user interaction and feedback. A prototype can be developed at different fidelities within a range of user and environment contexts.

Restricted, general, partial, total

A range of contexts are possible when designing. They can be: r.........— within in a controlled environment, g..........— designed for any user and any environment, p.........l—designed for the final user or environment, or t......—designed for the final user and environment

Physical model

A p....... m...... is a 3D representation of a design or a system.

Smaller, larger, visualize, scale, architecture, size, testing, insect, molecule

A scale model is a s....... or l........ physical copy of an object. Like a physical model, scale models allow the user to v......... the product and provides information about what the model represents. A s....... is usually provided, e.g. 1:100 Examples of scale models are seen in a........., whereby a full-size building is modelled at a greatly reduced scale. This enables designers to visualize the size of the building. The purpose of a smaller scale model of a larger object or design may be to have a better overview, for t........ purposes. The purpose of a larger scale model of a smaller object may be to see the structure of something that is normally too small to see properly or to see at all, for example, a model of an i...... or of a m.........

Design, scale, time consuming, manipulate

Advantages: The advantages of a scale model is that the d........ can be overviewed easily, especially if the original design is exceptionally large. It also gives an idea of the s...... of the design before it is actually produced/built. The disadvantages are that it can be t...... c....... to create a perfectly scaled model and it is hard to m.......... it to show how it works.

Final product, ergonomic testing, visual appeal, look, work, chunks, foam, weight, material, show,

Aesthetic models are developed to look and feel like the f....... p.......... They are used for many purposes including e......... testing and evaluating v....... appeal. Aesthetic models l..... like but do not w.... like the final product. Aesthetic models can be relatively simple, consisting of solid c...... of f....... finished and painted to look like the real thing, or they can be more sophisticated, replicating the correct w......, balance and m........ properties. Usually, aesthetic models are "for s...." and are not designed to be handled excessively.


An example of instrumental physical model is a keyboard that record the actions of the user and provide d..... on how often keys are used and the number of errors a user makes.

Detail, functionality, low, mid, high

Design fidelity refers to the level of d...... and f........ built into a prototype. There are three levels of fidelity: l... m... and h....


High fidelity prototypes are m........-u..... of the idea, as close as possible to the final product

Sketches, brainstorming

Low fidelity prototypes consist of notes and s......... which is great for b.......... an idea.

Wireframes, digital, aspects, photoshop, sketchup

Middle fidelity prototypes are often called w......... They are a d........... versions of your notes and sketches that are meant to represent of a........ of the idea, but they not include any design aesthetics or graphics. They are often produced using applications like P........, S......... or other similar tools.

Test ideas, scale, feedback, prototype

Mock-ups are used to t...... i....... They are a f....-s...... or scale representation of a product used to gain f........ from users. A mock-up can be considered a p.......... if it includes some functionality.

Feedback, functionality, time consuming

The advantages of a mock-up is that it can be used to get f........ from the user. As they are made to a 1:1 scale and they offer a full size representation of the product. The disadvantages are that they do not offer as much f........... as a prototype and they can be difficult and t...... c......... to make.

functioning, test, parts, function, expensive, aesthetics

The advantages of a prototype is that it is a semi to fully f........ model of a product and thus it can be used to t..... the functions of the final product out. It can provide specifications for the p....... involved in a real product and how they would f........ together. The disadvantages are that they can be e....... to make as the prototype needs to be able to function and a prototype does not take aes......... into account as it primarily tests the function of the product

Representation, look, data, feasibility

The advantages of aesthetic models is that they give non-designers a good r.......... of the feel and look of an object. They give the user an idea of how the product would l.... in a real environment. They can be used to give production engineers d...... to assess the f........ of the product.

Visualise, real life environment, time consuming, manipulated

The advantages of physical models is that they allow the user to v........ the product and identify any problems with the product easily. The user can understand how the product would look in a r..... l....... e......... The disadvantages are that It can be a t..... c......... process to create the physical model and It can't be m.............. the same way a digital model can be.

Non-working, expensive

They disadvantages of aesthetic models is that they are n...-w...... models and they only provide a visual model of the product. They are fairly e........ to produce as the surface finish can be difficult to recreate.

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