Identifying Poetry Devices

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And I will return, my love, / even if it were a million miles.


Chant in a wail / that never halts, / pace a circle and pay tribute / with a song.


She soothed her secret sorrow.


Women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys.


Vague pageants woven on a web of dream! And we, pushing and fighting in the turbid stream / Of modern life


Silver bells!... How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, in the icy air of the night.


The streets were strange and still, / Through the doors of the open churches The organs were moaning shrill.


Chicago is a city that is fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action.


He answered her he knew not what: / Like shaft from bow at random shot,


He would contemplate the distance / With a look of pensive meaning, As of ducks that die in ill tempests.


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