ILOVEJESUS (religion test 2)

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(1)-Isaiah advises King Ahaz during Syro-Ephraimite War (735-32) and King Hezekiah during Assyrian invasion of Judah under Sennacherib (701). -Many prophecies in First Isaiah warn Judah of potential destruction by the Assyrians if they do not repent. (2)-Offers hope of rescue/restoration to those experiencing exile in Babylon. -Second Isaiah reflects awareness of growing power of Persia, which will ultimately conquer Babylonia.


-A priest who is exiled to Babylon after siege of 597, prophesies among exiles from 590s-570s. -Experiences prophetic visions concerning events in Jerusalem leading up to the Babylonian destruction of the city in 587/86. -God shows ______ a vision of the Jerusalem Temple. __________ sees people and priests of Judah worshipping idols in the Temple; As _________ watches, he sees the glory of God depart from the Temple, signifying that God will no longer dwell there -God's judgement: People eat each other; 1/3 pestilence or famine, 1/3 sword, 1/3 scattered; scattered corpses around other gods -Valley of dry bones: God shows ______ this; after ______ prophesies, the bones join together and are covered with flesh. He prophesies again, and they are filled with breath


-David's oldest who rapes his half-sister Tamar -Murdered by Absalom -David did nothing

Fall of Israel

-Following Jehu's death, the kings of Israel are all wicked and idolatrous. -When Assyria threatens to invade Israel, Hoshea, the 19th and final king of Israel, agrees to become a vassal of Assyria but he stops paying and attempts to make an alliance with Egypt against them so they invade and take Samaria -Many of the people of Israel are taken into exile in Assyria. -Ten tribes of Israel largely disappear from history. -Assyrians re-settle Israel with foreign peoples who did not worship YHWH. 722/21 BCE

Daniel and three friends

-Hananiah(Shadrach), Misheal (Meshach), Azariah (Abendago) refuse to eat king's (Nebu) meat and wine(bc dedicated to other gods) and eat only water and veggies, yet stronger and healthier -Nebuchadnezzar makes 90 foot idol and orders everyone bow or furnace; Daniel's peeps thrown in furnace, don't die or anything not even smell but people who threw them in died

Immanuel prophecy

-Isaiah 7 -Matthew uses it for Jesus but that wasn't Isaiah's plan bc it was kinda just a buffer for him

Names of both kingdoms

-Israel (northern, capital at Shechem and then Samaria) -Judah (southern, capital at Jerusalem, David's descendants)


-Murdered Amnon and then fleed

Amos facts

-Prophesies just before 722 BCE. -From the Southern Kingdom of Judah, but prophesies to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. -The Northern Kingdom grew in wealth, power, and injustice in Amos' day. -Amos 1-2: Oracles Against the Nations (cursing enemies bc war crimes agaisnt other nations) -Amos 3-6: Judgments against Israel / Day of the LORD (lol Israel doing the same thing to own people) -Amos 7-9: Visions (locust, fire, plumb line, fruit, temple destruction)


-Prophet who tells David he doesn't get to build the temple (too much blood shed) -Criticizes him for Bathsheba and says son will die and he does


-Raped by Amnon

Kings of S

-Rehoboam - first -Hezekiah - best (1) (destroyed idols and sanctuaries, got an extra 15 years) -Manasseh - worst (rebuilds temples and kills innocent people) -Josiah - best (2) (finds book of the law and does passover and stuff) -Zedekiah - last


-Reigned 40 years (only Judah for 7 years from Hebron) from Jerusalem -King instead of Ishbaal

Reason for the split

-Solomon was a dummy and didn't keep covenant so God told him he would split the kingdom -So after he dies, Jeroboam takes 10 northern tribes away cause of the tax thing

Elijah miracles

-Widows oil and flour also raised people from the dead (such as widow's son) -The contest at Mt. Carmel (the fire thing, killed the 450 prophets of Baal)

Solomon 4 Ws

-Wisdom (settles disputes between prostitutes, ect) -Worship (builds temple to YHWH, the cloud comes, most holy place entered once a year, etc) -Wealth (he people from other nations and enslaved them and heavily taxed his own people) -Wives (700 royal wives, 300 concubines, started worshipping other gods because of this)


-________ prophetic ministry occurs in Judah c. 627-587/86, beginning during reign of Josiah and lasting until fall of Jerusalem. -Only major prophet who we know actually experienced final siege of Jerusalem. Prophet of doom - repeatedly predicts Judah's imminent, unavoidable destruction by Babylonians as divine punishment for disobedience -Because of his message of doom, ________ clashes with wicked kings of Judah and false prophets, is repeatedly beaten and imprisoned.

Synthetic parallelism

A literary technique of Hebrew poetry in which a second line expands on the idea of the first line

Synonymous parallelism

A literary technique used in Hebrew poetry that repeats in immediately successive lines the same idea using different language or imagery

Antithetical parallelism

A literary technique used in Hebrew poetry that sets opposite ideas or statements in immediately successive lines; often signified by "but"


A literary technique used in Hebrew poetry that thematically and structurally links 2 or more lines

Thanksgiving Psalms

A psalm in which a person praises and thanks God for blessings or for being saved from some predicament


Bathsheba's husband that David has killed because he got her pregnant and didn't want anyone to know

Wisdom literature

Books that reflect the literary forms and outlook of the Wisdom tradition; they rely more on observation and interpretation of the world than on direct revelation; seeks to discern nature of world and of human experience in a way that makes sense of our experience and provides helpful guidelines; examples in the bible: ***proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes***

Lion's den

Darius the mede comes to power, Daniel wins favor, officials jealous and convince king to make people worship only him for 30 days Daniel doesn't listen(orays 3 times a day), thrown in lions den for a night, survives, so King throws all the people who convinced him in there


David gets her pregnant after seeing her bathing on her roof


David's wife that finds offense with his dancing so she criticizes him and ends up being childless for forever

Stage 4: Rededication

Ezra and Nehemiah gather the people, Ezra reads to them the book of the Law; In Nehemiah 9, Ezra offers a prayer in which he recounts the entire history of Israel from Abraham to his own day, emphasizing God's faithfulness in spite of Israel's repeated disobedience.

Kings from N

First- Jeroboam Worst- Ahab (and Jezebel his wife) (evil in sight of the Lord more than anyone else, had someone stoned bc wanted their land) Best- Jehu (wipes out Ahab's fam and destroys everything except Jeroboam's calves) Last- Hoshea

Stage one; Rebuilding the temple

Initial waves of exiles return gradually between c. 538-520; Prominent leaders during this phase include Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel (governors of Judah) and Jeshua (priest); Altar rebuilt, foundation of new temple laid; Work on the temple stops for several years. Book of Ezra says this is because of opposition by neighboring peoples. Book of Haggai says it is because people focus on rebuilding their own houses instead; The prophets Haggai and Zechariah urge the people to finish rebuilding the temple


Israel's first king, set up golden calves for people to worship at Dan and Bethel because scared about people going to Jerusalem


Judah's first king

Elisha miracles

Multiplying the widow's oil, raising a boy from the dead, neutralizing poison, multiplying food, healing Naaman the Syrian from leprosy

Nebuchadnezzar's dream

Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a statue composed of a variety of materials, which is smashed by a stone that becomes a mountain; Daniel interprets the dream as predicting a succession of empires that will be replaced by God's kingdom

Stage 3: Rebuilding the Walls

Nehemiah's primary mission is to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and restore the rest of the city beyond the temple

Day of the Lord

Originally it was a phrase prophets used to speak of the time when God would act on the behalf of the Israelites to bring them victory; Later prophets reverse its meaning to warn of the time when God would act against Israel and Judah because of their unfaithfulness to God; uh oh Israel's now doing wrong and God hears the prayers of the opposed

Fall of Judah

Phase One -In 605, Nebuchadnezzar II becomes king of Babylonia, besieges Jerusalem. King Jehoiakim of Judah agrees to become a Babylonian vassal, Babylonians take some of the upper class of Judah into exile (including Daniel). Phase Two -Jehoiakim rebels against Babylonians, who return and besiege Jerusalem again. They capture the city and loot the temple. A second wave of exiles is deported to Babylon, including King Jehoiachin (Jehoiakim's son and successor), the prophet Ezekiel, and most of the public officials and soldiers. Phase Three -Nebuchadnezzar installs Zedekiah (brother of (Jehoiakim/uncle of Jehoiachin) as puppet king of Judah. Zedekiah rebels, Babylonians besiege Jerusalem for a third time. The city falls, Babylonians burn the temple and royal palace, take most of the remaining population into exile.

Didactic Psalms

Psalms designed to teach about God and how God wants people to live

Imprecatory Psalms

Psalms that ask God to harm others and put curses on one's enemies

Royal Psalms

Psalms that deal with particular moments in a king's career, thanking God or asking God's blessing for the king's future

Lament Psalms

Psalms that mourn a personal or communal loss or defeat; 88 is darkest psalm


The problem of the presence of evil and basic unfairness that exist in a world made by an all-good God; it is sometimes expressed by a person asking why bad things happen to good people; = "Trial of God." Attempt to explain why evil exists in a world created by a God who is both all-good and all-powerful

Psalms of praise

These psalms praise various characteristics or acts of God

Stage 2: Purifying the Community

When Ezra reaches Jerusalem, he learns that some of the people have intermarried with other nations; Ezra intercedes with God on behalf of the people, confesses that they have again disobeyed and prays for forgiveness; Ezra instructs those who have married foreign spouses to divorce them

The Davidic Covenant

"I will make for you a great name . . . I will give you rest from all your enemies . . . the LORD will make you a house. . . . I will raise up your offspring . . . and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever . . .When he commits iniquity, I will punish him . . . But I will not take my steadfast love from him, as I took it from Saul . . . Your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me; your throne shall be established forever" (2 Sam 7:9-16).

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