Impaired Muscle Performance

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oxford technique

% of maximum was reverse in the 3 sets compared to DeLorme's 1 set, 100% of 10RM, 10 reps 2 set 75% of 10RM, 10 reps 3 set, 50& 10 RM, 10 reps

single set

1 set of 8-12 reps of an exercise performed at slow speed


1 set of 8-12 reps of several exercises for the same muscle group and on after, or several sets of 8-10 reps of two exercises for the same muscle group with no rest in between


1 set of 8-12 reps with light resistance, then increase in resistance over 4-6 sets until only 1 or 2 reps can be performed, can be reversed

name three physiological adaptions to training:

1. tendons, ligaments, etc increase in strength 2. mineral content of bone increased 3. maximal O2 uptake increased

multiple sets

2-3 warm up sets with a progressively increase resistance followed by several sets at the same resisitance

McQueen's Technique

3 set, 100% of 10 RM, 10 reps (beginning/intermediate) 4-5 set, 100% of 2-3 RM, 2-3 reps (advanced)

Muscular strength

Ability of a muscle to generate force against some resistance

Knight's DAPRE program

DAPRE: daily adjusted progressive resistive exercise allows for individual differences in the rates at which patients progress in their rehab programs set 1, 50% of RM, 10 reps set 2, 75% of RM, 6 reps set 3, 100% of RB, maximum reps set 4, adjusted working weight, maximum reps

Describe characteristics of a progressive resistive exercise.

Isotonic contractions, use of barbells and exercise machines, greatest when angle of pull is greater than 90 degrees

sander program

Total of 4 sets (3xweek), 100% of 5 RM, 5 reps day 1, 4 sets, 100% of 5 RM, 5 reps day 2, 4 sets, 100% of 3 RM, 5 reps day 3, 1 sets, 100% of 5 RM, 5 reps 2 sets, 100% of 3 RM, 5 reps 2 sets, 100% of 2 RM, 5 reps

more muscle fibers means an athlete would have _____________________.

a greater ability to have hypertrophy

Muscular Endurance

ability to perform repetitive contractions against some resistance for an extended period of time

Berger adjustment technique

adjustable within individual limitations 3 sets, 100% of 10 RM, 6-8 reps

define intensity

amount of weight or resistance

The amount of force necessary to move a weigh through a range of motion changes according to....

angle of pull of the contracting muscle.

delorme's program

based on repetition maximum of 10, 1 set 50% of 10 RM, 10 reps 2 set, 75% of 10 RM, 10 reps 3 set, 100% of 10 RM, 10 reps designed for the beginning, intermediate, and advanced stages of rehab

econcentric contraction

controlled concentric contraction while at the same time an eccentric contraction is occurring

disadvantage of isokinetics


Muscle strength is proportional to the _________________.

cross sectional diameter

strength/body weight ratio can be reduced by....

decreasing body fat while increasing lean weight

what was sander program designed for?

designed to be used in the advanced stages of rehab and was based on formula that used a % of body weight to determine starting weights

Which contraction requires a much lower level of motor unit activity and is less resistant to fatigue?


what contraction can generate greater amounts of force against resistance than the other?

eccentric can generate greater amounts of force against resistance that concentric

One joint is moving concentically as another joint is moving ________________.


free weights vs. exercise machines

exercise machines: safe, easy to add weigh, usually allow only single plane motion free weights: more dangerous, harder to manage plate change in weight, allow for more functional movements in planes.

name 3 plyometirc exercise characteristics

explosive, emphasis on speed of eccentric phase, consists of hops, bounds, and jumping

overload principle

for a muscle to increase in strength it must be pushed to work harder that accustomed to, in rehab this is limited by healing process.


group of 3 exercises for the same muscle group performed using 2-4 sets of each exercise with no rest in between

hypertrophy can be caused by....

hyperplasia, increase in number of capillaries (theory: no new ones form, dormant one fill with blood), myofilament theory: actin and myosin increase in size and number, muscle fibers increase in cross-sectional diameter

increase in muscle size is________


decrease in muscle size is ____________


difference between strength levels between males and females are best illustrated....

in relation to body weight minus fat

Resistance training increases efficiency by:

increase in number of motor units being recruited, firing rate of each motor unit, synchronization of firing.


increase in number of muscle fibers (theory, number of fibers genetically determined)=hypertrophy

number of muscle fibers is a(n) _______________ trait.


eccentric contraction

lengthens and produces tension

what is variable reisitance

machines in which pulley system (CAM) is incorporated where resistance is variable throughout movement

define rep max

maximum number of rep at a given weight

what is an advantage of surgical tubing

movement can occur in a multiple planes simultaneously

what is isokinetics

muscle contraction in which the length of the muscle is changing while the contraction is performed at a constant velocity, Max resistance is applied throughout full ROM by machine

define frequency

number of time's done in a weeks period

define repetitions

number of times repeated

define set

particular number of reps

During a strength training program a muscle must be ____________ to improve strength.

progressively overloaded

what is plyometirc exercise

rapid stretch of a muscle eccentrically, followed immediately by a rapid stretch of a muscle concentrically

define recovery period

rest between sets

circuit training

series of exercise stations

concentric contraction

shortens and produces force

Factors that determine levels of muscular strength, power, and endurance

size of muscle, number of muscle fibers, neuromuscular efficiency, biomechanical considerations (tendon attachment placement), age and overtraining.

isometric exercise can have gains in strength at what time?

sticking points

Neuromuscular effiecency is associated with ______________.


developing muscular endurance is more important that ________________, especially as we age.


what is isometric exercise?

strength is increased at the specific angle of exertion, but no corresponding increase in stength at other positions in the ROM, this produces a spoke in systolic BP

Length of a muscle determines the....

tension that can be generated

Isometric contraction

tension, but no chance in length, no movement

Disadvantages of any isotonic exercise is that....

the force required to move the resistance is constantly changing throughout the full ROM (variable resistance)

strength training programs must be dictated by...

the healing process

Type 1 vs. Type 2 muscle fibers

type 1: slow twitch, slow oxidative, time required to generate force,slow to fatigue, long duration aerobic acivities type 2: fast twitch, quick forceful contactions, fatigue more rapidly, short term, high intensity, anaerobic activites, powerful contractions

split routine

workouts exercise different muscle groups on successive days, MWF upper, TR lower

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