In-class Essay Notes - Study Guide

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When is it acceptable to use the 1st POV in writing?

1st POV is acceptable for personal narrative and college essays.

Is it acceptable to use 2nd POV in academic writing?

2nd POV is least acceptable. Can lose the audience in first sentence and could insult the audience.

What POV is acceptable is acceptable in academic writing?

3rd POV is most acceptable for academic writing. The 3rd POV is used to sound like a fact/ expert but don't start sounding like a textbook.

What is a hook?

A hook is a type of introductory technique.

What is a thesis statements?

A sentence with an arguable opinion about the topic. This gives purpose to your opinion and the paper.

What are some potential elements of a title?

A title can be humorous and/or controversial. It can also be a pun or an allusion. Check with instructor first.

How does a writer avoid a false statement?

Avoid everyone, always, never, etc.

What should be avoided when writing a title?

Avoid using story's title in essay's title. Avoid using character' names in title. Avoid using essay prompt in title. Avoid using 1st and 2nd POV in title.

How should the analysis demonstrate the writer's understanding?

Be insightful about the literature/ topic. Reveal one's ability to analyze the literature as well as the course content. This can help enhance the writer's voice.

How can one test if my paper develops my thesis?

Check the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

What is the purpose of commentary?

Clarifies meaning and is revealing, purposeful; comprehensively develops thesis/ claim. It reveals the writer's own thoughts rather than regurgitating the teacher's points. The writer should offer a fresh perspective.

What does CM stand for?


What does CS stand for?

Concluding Sentence.

What is the purpose of a conclusion?

Conclusion is more than simply repeating body paragraphs. Conclusion strengths thesis/ claim and brings essay to dynamic and meaningful ends. Wrap up ideas; tie up any loose ends.

How does a writer use CS to their advantage?

Conclusion sentences wrap up the paragraph and transitions into the next paragraph.

What does CD stand for?

Concrete Details.

What is the purpose of body paragraphs?

Demonstrate the writer's ability to read, comprehend, analyze, communicate, create, persuade and explain as well as demonstrate critical thinking skills.

Why does one use transitions between paragraphs?

Develop ideas/ relationships. Between paragraph helps the paper flow smoothly from one idea to the next.

Why does one use transitions within paragraphs?

Develop ideas/ relationships. Within paragraph further develops the point/ idea of paragraph. This can also enhance and emphasize the writer's points.

What is a concluding sentence?

Ends paragraph - transition to next paragraph.

What words should a person avoid if they are trying to avoid a false statement?

Everyone, always, never, etc.

What is a concrete detail?

Evidence from text/ source.

Why should the writer save something juicy for the end?

Gives reader reason to follow paper until end. (Rewards reader)

What are conventions?

Grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. correct. Too many errors can detract from content.

Why is it important to identify the audience?

Helps the writer know how to address the topic. Helps with the tone and voice of the writer. For instance, humor may not be appropriate for certain audiences.

Why should a writer vary their sentences?

Helps with flow of paper (structure). Can enhance the writer's voice and purpose (content). Helps engage the audience and adds interest.

What question should the writer ask when writing a title?

How does the title enhance my essay/ purpose?

What is a solid body paragraph?

Includes the paragraph components: TS, CD, CM, and CS. All topics, evidence, commentary relate to thesis.

What qualities should an analysis contain?

Insightful, interesting, and informative; goes beyong obvious and below the surface.

There are different methods of weaving the quote into the paragraph. Name one method.

Introduce quote with sentences or key words. Transition can also introduce evidence.

How is commentary like a treasure chest?

It is like a treasure chest: the coins/ jewels = evidence you are sharing = commentary. The audience is fortunate you are providing this for them.

What is literary commentary?

It is not merely stating the opinion. It reveals the writer's opinion about literature by analyzing it not summarizing it. It supports and develops the writer's argument/ thesis/ claim. Use this demonstrate the writer's knowledge, skill, craft and course content.

What is wrong with being too obvious?

Lacks purpose of paper.

Where should the thesis statement be in the introduction paragraph?

Last sentence

Are quotes necessary in the conclusion?

May be all commentary; no quotes are necessary.

What should be avoided in conclusions?

Merely re-stating body paragraphs; there should be more to ending.

What does a well-developed paragraph contain?

More than one CD and CM and has a pattern like TS, CD, CM, CM, CD, CM, CM, CS or TS, Cm, CD, CM, CM, CD, CM, CM, CS.

When should the writer address opposing viewpoints?

Only if necessary.

Metaphorically, what should the conclusion provide?

Provide dessert not leftovers.

Why should one avoid using a quote for a CS?

Quote must be explained not "hanging" or "floating".

Why must writers explain their quotes?

Quotes do not "speak" for themselves. Explaining quotes demonstrates your understanding. The audience is fortunate that the writer is providing this for them.

If there is time, why should one re-read their in-class essay?

Re-read the final essay for any corrections.

What can the conclusion include?

Re-statement of thesis and body paragraph ideas (no more than a couple sentences). Connection to "real world". Connection to title and/ or introduction (full circle). Suggestions/ solutions to problem (don't complain). Emphasis of the point/ claim. A question for audience. "call to action" by asking reader to act/ change (vote against ________). Sometimes necessary in argumentation essays.

What should be avoided in body paragraphs?

Repeating ideas- unless this is for emphasis. Using the same quote/ CD- unless you are analyzing author's style. Summarizing rather than analyzing. Using vague or "dead" words. Using slang or trendy words unless it directly relates to purpose of paper. Commentary (opinion) without enough evidence/ support. Unexplained quotes that are hanging or floating. Using quotes as TS or CS. Assume the audience agrees with you. May lack explanation and support.

What is a topic sentence?

Sentence that explains the topic of each paragraph and connects to thesis/ claim.

If known, what should the introduction paragraph include?

Should include story's title and author (if known).

Why is analyzing more significant than summarizing

Strong analysis will include commentary which helps the essay sound more interesting than a text book.

What paragraph components should the body paragraph include?


What happens if there is more summary than analysis in a body paragraph?

The essay will sound like a text book if there is too much summary and not enough analysis with commentary.

What is the purpose of an introductory technique?

The first sentence of the paper must grab the reader's attention. The purpose o an introductory technique is to "hook" the audience and invite them to read the paper.

What is a conclusion?

The last paragraph of the essay provides closure.

What is one method of connecting the title to the conclusion?

The title could connect to the conclusion for the "full-circle" effect.

What two parts of the essay could the title connect to?

The title should either connect to the introduction or the conclusion.

Should the title relate to the essay?

The title should relate to the essay, but not too obviously.

Name three aspects that make a good thesis statements?

Thesis answers the topic/ prompt. Thesis shows the organization of body paragraphs. Thesis is clear and arguable. Thesis includes your opinion about the topic and its purpose. Thesis is statement rather than a question. Thesis clearly identifies type of essay. Thesis is often last sentence of introduction. Cannot be false statement.

What are in-class essays?

They are timed essays. One gets the prompt the same day it is due.

Why is it important to carefully choose words?

This conveys one's intention, meaning, and tone as well as one's skill and voice as a writer. Helps engage audience.

Why should a good title be interesting?

Title should catch reader's attention and invite the reader into the essay.

How should the title relate to one's essay?

Title should directly relate to the essay, especially the main point or opinion on the topic or prompt.

What happens if there is too much commentary?

Too much commentary lacks support and may appear to be simply opinion "hot air", "fluff".

What does TS stand for?

Topic Sentence.

How should a title be typed?

Underlined or italicized.

What is sentence variation?

Varying sentence lengths, types, and beginnings.

Name one tip for writing in-class essays.

Write an outline first to keep the essay organized and focused. Plan out how much time is needed for each paragraph. Plan to finish with a few minutes to re-read the final essay.

What is commentary?

Writer's explanation of quote (can come before introduce quote and after quote. Writer's opinion about the topic.

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