Industrialization and Effects on Society

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labor unions

improve workers' lives eliminate exploitation increased wages better working conditions opposed by corporations and governments for "restraining trade" workers strike → replacement workers → violence, tensions → police/military stopping the fighting over time, improved workers' lives - decreased likelihood of socialist revolution middle ground - not destroying capitalism, just improving conditions for workers

What was the impact of industrialization on global trade? Discuss the new "geographic division of labor."

more agricultural, less wealthy regions provide raw materials wealthier, industrial nations process/manufacture raw materials and consume products increased global trade increased transportation - land and sea benefits mainly go to Europe, North America, and Japan - industrialized regions

Marx and Engels

more prominent Germans Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels utopian = unrealistic believed capitalism divided society into capitalists (wealthy owners) and proletariats (wageworkers) competition → exploitation of workers state's coercive institutions (e.g. police, courts) maintain capitalists' power and exploitation art and religion - distracting workers from poor conditions, thinking about hypothetical realm rather than their own conditions wrote Capital, and Manifesto of the Communist Party - see below

Communist Manifesto

abolition of private property radically egalitarian society all human history: struggle between classes capitalism would end overproduction, underconsumption, diminishing profits exploited proletariats want to overthrow capitalists future in the hands of the working class socialist revolution → proletariat dictatorship → old government/state gone - abolished capitalism and private property - no exploiting class, no coercive institutions fair, just, egalitarian, humane society doctrines dominated European/global socialism growing socialist parties some disagreement as to how to go about overthrowing capitalism why is it unique/different from socialism? marxism is more (extremely) revolution socialism = fairness, government preserves fairness and protect citizens, not necessarily equal-class society marxism erases class differences - everyone is the same government has a larger role

What were the ideas of socialism that evolved into the ideas of communism?

alleviating socio-economic problems caused by capitalism eliminate economic inequalities and difference in wealth between classes eliminate exploitation of women and children enlightenment political equality → economic equality different ways to achieve this - utopian socialism (Fourier & Owen), communism (Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto)

How were social classes reshaped by the Industrial Revolution?

before: mainly rural farmers/herders few artisans, bureaucrats, etc. in cities privileged class of rulers, aristocrats, priests use of slave labor changes: less slavery more free-wage laborers who could buy products wealthy captains of industry - powerful elite middle class - small business owners, factory managers, skilled workers, professionals, etc. - also earned a lot of money working class - unskilled laborers in factories

What were some of the lasting effects of socialism on politics, economics and society?

encouraged govt to protect working class, condemn abuses laws restricting child labor, underground (mining) labor, and women's labor retirement pensions, minimum wage laws, sickness/accident/unemployment insurance, hours and conditions regulations

What were the effects on family life and on the expected roles of men and women in this regard?

families before: basic productive unit, worked together, pooled money together, working in the home changes: work outside home, distinction between work and family life still pooled their wages - over time increasingly separate money and lives men: increased stature/responsibility mainly wageworkers - main source of income - "more important" than domestic chores, light agricultural/industrial work done by women and children professional men - dedicated to self-improvement (reading, attending lectures) - impose values and work discipline on laborers (don't miss work or be late, go to church, don't swear, be respectable) workers resisted - extended their weekend - sporting events, gambling, going to bars, dog-fighting police could not control their behavior women: originally domestic manufacturing in the home and being mother now no work unless they get a babysitter society tells women to stay home, take care of children working-class women did work, but earned very low wages some laborers, mainly domestic service for middle-class laborers in textile industry - dexterity labor-saving devices eventually replaced women's jobs (spinning jenny, power loom) domestic service - independence from family, life with a new family, easy to switch jobs (many servants needed), sometimes pooling sometimes keeping their wages middle-class women: confinement to domestic sphere - role as mother and wife independence, working = unfeminine women = weaker servicing husband and children

What changed about the roles/expectations of children during the Industrial Revolution?

previously worked at home exploitative child labor away from home and parents all day abuse from overseers, but families needed the money 1840s: British laws regulating child labor, eventually stopping child labor - education mandated

Fourier and Owen

utopian socialists original form of socialist ideals Charles Fourier, Robert Owen = utopian socialists ideal communities → equitable society social transformation away from competitive capitalist market system → cooperative control of industry communities - love over coercion - working based on what makes them happy rather than profit raised wages, reduced work day, spacious housing, fair priced goods - still made profits children's education

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