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Developmental improvements in reaching are linked to two changes in neural circuits for:

action and changes in the brain from learning new actions

All of the following are main processes involved in the development of neurons EXCEPT:

action potentiation

For optimal perceptual-motor development to occur, Held and Hein found that a kitten's experiences with perception and action should be:


Accommodation is said to occur when a child:

alters a scheme to better fit something new that has been encountered

The use of many different techniques to study a problem, and then using all of the results in combination to further our understanding of a concept, is called using:

converging methods

The brainstem is concerned with all of the following EXCEPT:

coordination of voluntary movement

The study of Hopi Indians in the 1940s added to the maturational account because the infants strapped to a cradleboard:

could walk, and had almost no delays

The difference between the independent and dependent variable is that the dependent variable is the variable that:

is measured by the experimenter

Piaget's sensorimotor period of development typically lasts from:

birth to 2 years

John Locke, taking an empiricist point of view, famously said that a child is a(n):

blank slate

An important concept involved in understanding whether infants understand causal relationships is called spatial contiguity. This means, for example, that causal relationships can occur because:

block "A" hits block "B" causing it to move

Which Gestalt principle(s) do young infants use?

both common fate and edge alignment

An advantage near-infrared spectroscopy has over other methods of imaging for infants is that it:

can tolerate significant head movements

Infants' strong reactions to events that seem impossible or violate physical laws suggest they can think about:

casual relations

Knowing spatial representation is important for infants who are learning about space, as a new parent you would want to set your home up with several options for all of the following EXCEPT ________ to help your infant learn the space.

categorical cues

As an infant, Macie develops arm control before leg control. This is an example of:

cephalocaudal development

Infants who are inferring causal relationships may do so based on temporal contiguity. This means that events that happen:

closer in time are thought to be causal

Dr. Allison focuses on the way we learn, represent, use, and understand information across different parts of the lifespan. She is using the ________ perspective.

cognitive science

6-month-old Gina's parents want to help her categorize. They should focus on her learning:

"dolly" and "toy" because they involve both concrete and abstract categories

Which of the following is true about methods for measuring visual acuity in infancy?

.Visually evoked potential measurements reveal sharper levels of acuity than preferential looking or habituation methods.

When you provide an infant with an enriched environment that includes things like a floor with varying textures and inclines, you are providing:


An example of a global change is:

.an increased ability to pay attention in middle childhood

The type of imaging technique that a scientist would use to measure oxygen usage by the brain in a magnetic field is


As described by Moro and others, when a baby experiences a lack of support, she will:

.flare her arms out and then close back around her center

Kuhlmeier et al. (2003) showed 12-month-olds animation of a triangle "helping" a ball move up a hill and a square trying to "hinder" the ball. Subsequently, they found the infants:

.looked longer when the ball approached the "helper"

Evidence for infants being able to "add" and "subtract" from Wynn (1992) would be their dishabituation at seeing:

.one toy mouse after two were placed behind a screen

The idea that unresolved, internal conflicts can sidetrack development comes from the ________ perspective


Infants can demonstrate a genetic influence for handedness by ________ months


The period of the embryo begins at about ________ after conception.

2 weeks

Infants are generally able to roll over and sit up on their own in the first ________ months.

3 -7

An impressive amount of perceptual-motor development occurs within the first year of life. Infants can learn that objects may be out of their immediate reach when they are only ________ months old.


Investigating differences in development across species is associated with the ________ perspective


Studies of 3-month-olds have shown that:

Caucasian infants prefer to look at Caucasian faces

According to your grant-funding source, you need to incorporate a neuroscientific approach to your behavioral study. You will find competent consultants to help you perform a(n):

EEG while infants are reinforced for target behaviors

___________ principles provide ways of distinguishing one whole object from another.


________ are ordered clusters of genes that turn on and off genes that affect the general body plan in many species.

Homebox genes

In order to protect children's rights when they participate in research, studies usually are approved by a university's:


Which statement would support a nativist's interpretation of the development of categorization and the understanding of objects?

Infants have predetermined biases to think about categories

All of the following are common challenges associated with scientists using the preferential looking method EXCEPT:

Infants may demonstrate an overwhelming preference for one of the stim

___________ refers to fusing and integrating information across sensory modalities.

Intermodal perception

___________ cues to depth are based on the relative movement (or apparent movement) of objects based on their distance from the observer.

Motion parallax

Which best describes a newborn's color vision?

Newborns are able to tell apart different hues like red and green.

Researchers fed male mice either a normal diet or a low-protein diet. Mice on either diet were then mated with females raised on a normal diet. What should the researchers expect to find about the resulting offspring?

Offspring of males fed the low protein diet will demonstrate a marked increase in activation levels of genes involved in cholesterol synthesis as a result of paternal diet.

According to Spelke, all of the following would be ways infants would think objects would interact EXCEPT:

Outside forces like wind can move objects.

Which lobe of the brain is involved in processing and interpreting touch sensations and integrating visual and spatial information?

Parietal lobe

___________ refers to an organism's ability to adjust to environmental changes.


___________ involves registering sensory information as it is initially taken in.


Sakhi is born with dense cataracts in the lenses of both eyes, which prevent her from seeing patterns of light. She is scheduled to receive corrective surgery to remove the cataracts at age 5. What should her parents expect after the surgery?

She will likely experience restored optical acuity but some forms of processing acuity will never be restored.

What does a heritability of .9 for height mean?

The differences in height across the whole population are 90 percent attributable to genetic variations between that population's members.

Which of the following is true about cochlear implants?

The earlier the patient receives the cochlear implant, the more normal will be her ability to distinguish between different speech sounds.

Which of the following is FALSE regarding premature infants?

The more immature the preterm infant is at birth, the higher the risk of medical problems just in infancy but not in childhood and beyond.

At what age do infants begin to pick out words from a speech stream based solely on how often certain syllables tend to occur together in the same order?

This ability is present at 8 months of age.

________ refers to a phenomenon in which the fetus is sometimes able to slow down the rate of growth when it senses environmental stresses and drops in nutrition.

Thrifty phenotype hypothesis

Which of the following best describes the categorical perception of color?

Two different systems influence the categorical perception of color.

The infant shows a crude initial ability to localize sounds, which seems to decline briefly before reemerging in a more sophisticated form. This is an example of:

U-shaped developments

Dr. Jacobs needs to infer what infants are thinking for a developmental research project that involves watching an object move. He should use:

a computer and other technology to track the infants' eye movements

Margaret consumes a large amount of alcohol throughout her pregnancy. Her son is born with fetal alcohol syndrome. All of the following are associated with this condition EXCEPT:

a large head

According to Piaget, children commit the A-not-B error because of an inability to apply:

a new scheme to the object that is now in a new location

Dr. Photon is conducting an fMRI study on the effects of an aspirin or a sugar placebo for the treatment of headaches. He randomizes his participants to one of the two groups, performs their baseline fMRI, gives them their medications, and then later does a follow-up fMRI. In this example, Dr. Photon's independent variable is whether:

a person received a pill or placebo

Elena is a 2-month-old infant participating in a research study. She sees two rod segments moving in the same direction behind an occluding box. Elena infers:

an unbroken rod is present

Neural structures can be pruned through programmed cell death, or


When during prenatal development does a primitive brain appear?

around 4 weeks

Piaget is known as a "stage" theorist. This means that he believed children's development depends on:

assimilation and accommodation leading to qualitative changes

Which statement best accounts for preferences for "average" faces?

average faces signify health and better chances of producing healthy offspring

Explicit cognition refers to a thought process that involves having an:

awareness of knowledge

Jamal was born with eye muscles that made his eyes excessively converge, resulting in a "cross-eyed" condition. Although he had corrective surgery at age 7, his vision was never what would be considered normal. This is an example of a(n):

critical period effect

___________ refers to developmental "windows of opportunity" during which specific sorts of inputs can profoundly affect the organism in ways that are largely irreversible after the period is over.

critical periods

You need to determine the similarities and differences in teens suffering from taijin kyofusho in Japan (an intense fear of harming or offending others) and social anxiety disorder in the United States. To do this, you should choose the ________ perspective.


Changes within a culture over time that lead to differences among your study groups are especially a problem for:

cross-sectional studies

Visual flow fields are

different visual patterns of information we come to expect when moving at different speeds

Macie, a ten-month-old, has been presented with many pictures of other infants. She grows bored and does not look long at each of these pictures. When the researchers present the image of an older man, Macie becomes quite attentive and looks much longer at this new image. According to researchers, Macie experiences:


According to Piaget's theory, children experience a very different world than adults; this is partially because children:

do not understand there is an external world separate from themselves

Thelen's important contribution to our understanding of motor development was that an infant's reflexes:

don't necessarily disappear, because they're affected by the weight of their limbs

What type of depth cues are infants most likely to rely on in the visual cliff paradigm?

dynamic cues

Dr. Johnson uses a white noise blast in a quiet, sterile lab room to study her participants' startle response. While the physiological and psychological data she will record will be reliable, her study will likely have less:

ecological validity

If Eugene remembers that he left his book on his right, near his leg, he is using:

egocentric representation

While pregnant, Juana is exposed to a teratogen known to affect the heart of the developing organism. The effects will likely be most severe if the exposure occurred during the:

embryonic period

Researchers have conducted studies in which they give infants unique opportunities to experience causality (for example, by picking up objects with Velcro gloves). The findings from these studies contribute to the idea that causation is:

environmentally driven through learning

________ lead(s) to changes in gene expression without changes to DNA sequences.

epigenetic regulations

If 14-month-old Anna plays with a remote control first by treating it like a phone, but then by understanding it is different from a phone and points it at the TV, she has engaged in:


A lesion in the intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV) in a bird will:

erase whatever imprinting has occurred

You are setting up a longitudinal study and have decided to use microgenetic analysis. This means you will assess your children:

every few days

Quantitative development is described as

existing abilities growing and changing incrementally

From the ninth week until birth, the growing human organism is referred to as a(n):


Generally, motor deprivation leads to:

few consequences unless severe

The A-not-B error involves children:

first looking for a hidden object in a place where it was previously hidden

Empiricism is the idea that development occurs:

from increasingly interwoven systems of knowledge and experience

Piaget believed infants make the A-not-B error because they cannot:

fully mentally represent unseen objects

External validity is whether the findings are:

generalizable from the lab to the world

If a father places his index finger in the palm of his son's hand, the newborn will:

grasp the finger tightly

You want to study number concepts in infants. Your best choice of research methods would be to:

habituate an infant to 3 blocks, and see if dishabituation occurs when you show 1 block

If an infant sees a furry object "beep" and turn to "look" in a particular direction and then he turns and looks in the same direction himself, he is suggesting all of the following EXCEPT:

he likely views the furry object as a nonsocial physical object

________ control the timing of major anatomical developments.

heterochronic genes

If you place a toddler in a moving room (a room that seems to move toward them even though the toddler stands still) he will be knocked over because:

his balance is disrupted from the visual flow

You want to have some fun playing with your friend's 3-week-old baby. You know that if you stick your tongue out at him several times, with clear pauses between each time, he will likely:

imitate you and put his tongue out

A child who understands how to throw a ball even though she cannot explain exactly how she does it demonstrates:

implicit cognition

Piaget's theory suggests that development occurs:

in an invariant and universal sequence

The development and use of number concepts occurs:

in both animals and people

In the A-not-B error task, A and B are, respectively, the:

incorrect location of the moved object, and the correct location of the object

As the infant develops, the eyeball grows and develops a more spherical form. By about 1 year, the infant's eyeball is roughly spherical, such that light passing through the lens now lands, in focus, on the whole retina. What accounts for these changes in the eye's shape?

increasingly focused input

A child engaged in secondary circular reactions is most likely to:

increasingly refine his physical movements until he can make the rattle shake

Infants look longer at happy faces than sad faces while hearing a happy sound track. This is an example of:

intermodal perception

The degree to which the findings from a laboratory study are due to the manipulation of the independent variable reflects the study's:

internal validity

Having two examiners evaluate the same child's responses during an activity and then comparing their evaluations for consistency allows researchers to evaluate:

interrater reliability

Piaget's theory is said to stress "domain generality." This is important because it means that his theory:

involves a child approaching all tasks in a stage with that stage's level of reasoning

According to Piaget and other theorists, for Ming-Mei to progress beyond the A-not-B error, she will need to:

learn object permanence, overcome reflexes, and develop more cortically

Compared to many other species, human newborns are born:

less physically developed and more helpless

Jackson, a newborn infant, is given a pacifier covered with bumps to suck on for a few minutes. However, he does not see the pacifier. When shown the bumpy pacifier and a smooth one, Jackson will likely:

look longer at the bumpy pacifier

Child-directed speech involves all of the following EXCEPT:

lower-pitched voice

All of the following act as teratogens EXCEPT:

maternal exercise

________ refers to the unique process of cell division that produces the egg and sperm cells.


Mirror neurons are interesting because research with monkeys has shown they fire when the:

monkey grasps the block or sees another monkey grasp the block

Imprinting is important because it offers evidence that:

nativist may be correct

Who would claim that right from the start, infants have specialized abilities to link up inputs from multiple senses to create integrated mental representations of objects?


Reviewing the body of research on the nature/nurture debates has led psychologists to conclude the cause of most phenomena is:

nature and nurture

Studies that have examined the use and understanding of number (such as Izard et al., 2009) by using visual and acoustic information have found:

newborn infants can recognize the difference between numbers like 4 and 12

Studies examining pattern perception in other species suggest that:

not all pattern perception requires learning from experience

In the human embryo, structures vaguely resembling gills emerge early but transform into facial muscles, middle ear bones, and other structures. This seems to support which hypothesis?

ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny

Researchers using the ___________ method attend to the jumping of the eyes as they track a continuous succession of objects that stream by.

optokinetic nystagmus

A within-subjects design is conducted such that all children:

participate in all experimental conditions

A scheme is a child's

pattern of interacting w/ the environment

While young infants can tell apart both individual human faces and individual monkey faces, older infants show a decline in the ability to tell monkey faces apart but an improvement at distinguishing between human faces. This is an example of:

perceptual narrowing

When your friend tosses you a cold bottle of water, you catch it. This is a demonstration of:

perceptual-motor development

When Juan is shown his bear being hidden under his blanket multiple times, he learns to reach under the blanket and get it. This time, you hide his bear under his blanket, but then move it behind your back while he's watching you. If Juan looks under his blanket again, he has committed the:

place error

Dr. Patel presents infants with a picture of a regular face and a scrambled face. He presents both stimuli at the same time and records the amount of time infants look to each picture to determine if they spend more time looking at one over the other. This is an example of the:

preferential looking method

Which brain structure is likely to be the last to develop?

prefrontal cortex

By approximately 12 months, an infant's perceptual-motor development has advanced such that she can do all of the following EXCEPT:

quickly stand and walk over to an object located across the room

Your young daughter seems to be 1 month late in reaching the milestone of walking independently. Friends ask you if you're worried that her motor development overall is stifled. With what you know about infant motor development, you would respond that there is a:

range for age-appropriate motor skills, and one skill is not necessarily linked to others

Stanley inherits one allele for normally pigmented skin and one allele for albinism. Stanley would not display albinism because the allele for albinism is:


Gerard is setting up a detailed investigation of social agents. He could use all of the following for his social agents EXCEPT:

red and green blocks

Lucian grew up in a Romanian orphanage under conditions of severe deprivation. All of the following statements are true of extremely deprived children such as Lucien compared to typically developing children EXCEPT:

reduced pruning

Eight-year-old Judy was brought to Dr. Jones's clinical psychology practice by her parents for an assessment of her phobia of the dark. Dr. Jones decides to assess Judy's fear by giving her a widely recognized IQ test that has established consistency using test-retest methods. Dr. Jones's choice of assessment in this instance would be:

reliable, but no valid

Physicians routinely examine reflexes in infants because they can:

reliably inform physicians about nervous system problems

f Dr. Gonzalez repeats an experiment she has read about in a journal article to see if she gets the same results, she has examined the original study's:


When held, baby Jamal moves his head toward the side of his face that is stroked. Jamal is exhibiting the:

rooting reflex

If an owl younger than 60 days of age has one ear plugged, it will adapt and adjust the localization system. If the owl is still young when the earplug is removed, it will initially localize incorrectly but then gradually readjust. This is an example of a(n):

sensitive period

A child who explores objects with her mouth is most likely in which Piagetian stage


In developmental order, Piaget's stages of development are:

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

Once infants understand how social agents and inanimate objects move, they have an expectation that:

social agents can move on their own; inanimate objects must be acted upon

Jason understands that his younger sister Angele is different in important ways from his teddy bear because of all of the following EXCEPT that:

social agents cannot respond immediately to causal influences

Which reflex is shown when a baby is placed in a tank of water, given support by the researcher, and then "walks" under water?

stepping reflex

All of the following would be involved in a study examining what infants expect to happen to objects when they pass out of their sight EXCEPT that infants view a car roll down a ramp and:

stop at the bottom of the ramp before it gets to a screen which blocks the infant's view

During which of the sensorimotor substages do tertiary circular reactions emerge?

substage 5

Certain cells might first differentiate into three general groups: cells that can form muscles, organs, or bones. At first the cells in the muscle group can become any kind of muscle but later they specialize to form particular parts of specific muscles. This illustrates:

successive differentiation

Using an experimental setup, a 5-month-old infant sees a hand move a ball and not a bear. When the hand reappears the infant will "expect" the hand will move:

the ball again

If 4-month-old Jacob has developed an understanding of object solidity, then he will dishabituate more strongly on the drawbridge task when:

the drawbridge passes unobstructed through a solid object

For $29.95, the "Widget-for-Your-Infant DVD" promises to vastly improve your infant's abilities by using neuroscience principles to increase the number of synaptic connections in your infant and selectively prune unnecessary connections. Based on your understanding of neuroscience, you are skeptical because you know that:

the patterns and pruning of synapses in infants are mostly influenced by genetics

During which period of prenatal development does the heart begin to beat?

the period of the embryo

If you were to apply an animal learning model of imprinting to infant facial recognition, based on the research you would choose a(n):

two-system model based on orienting followed by recognizing

If a child is said to be in the preoperational stage of development, this means she is able to:

use symbols and engage in mental representation, but not think abstractly

A 3-year-old child who understands object permanence and solidity begins to be capable of:

using symbols to mentally represent objects

After you've been running on a treadmill for 30 minutes, you complete your workout and get off of it. Suddenly, you feel like you're walking forward quickly. This effect, in part, is caused by having disrupted your:

visual flow fields

An observational study is one in which children are:

watched in their natural environments and data is collected

Heavily myelinated bundles of axons in the brain are called:

white matter

More modern research on the A-not-B error has found all of the following EXCEPT that infants:

who receive communicative cues are more likely to look in place B

Mia has just moved into the next stage of Piagetian development. Based on this, you can expect that her thinking and abilities:

will change across all domains simultaneously

Your cousin's daughter is able to stand on her own at 10 months of age. This would generally be considered:

within the range of expected development

If you are watching a student beside you take notes in class, it is possible that:

your mirror neurons are firing for note-taking as well

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