Interim Checkpoint: English 10 Checkpoint 3- Part 1

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Part A How does Mundra develop a theme of the story? Part B Which quotation from the text best supports the response to Part A?

Her decision to escape her situation develops the theme that there is only so much abuse a person will tolerate. "She knew not what might await her there, but, childlike, she had faith to believe that even unknown people would not treat a beggar more cruelly than she, a widow, had been treated by her own."

Part A What is a theme of the poem? Part B Which lines from the poem best support the answer to Part A?

In helping others, people often help themselves. "A thought stole into my saddened heart, / And I said, 'I can cheer some other soul / By a carol's simple art."'

Read this sentence from the story. Towards the river, where the jungle lay, the tiger might be; down towards the well, where the village street joined the public highroad, there might be—the child did not know what, except that somewhere in that direction lay the great city. What is the effect of the word choice in the sentence?

It conveys the author's admiration of Mundra's bravery.

Read these sentences from the speech. And even a college degree cannot be used to prove that he can read and write. For the fact is that the only way to pass these barriers is to show a white skin. What is the effect of the word choice on the tone of the sentences?

It develops an outraged tone

Read this line from the poem. And my life's cold winter that knew no spring; What is the effect of the imagery in this line?

It emphasizes the struggles the speaker has experienced in life.

Read these sentences from the speech. There is no Negro problem. There is no Southern problem. There is no Northern problem. There is only an American problem. How do these sentences convey Johnson's viewpoint?

Johnson believes that when one citizen is affected by inequality, the whole nation is affected.

Read the passage. A panel of local judges awarded Mandeep Dulani first prize in the Montgomery County Youth Poetry Championships. Dulani, who lives in Silver Spring, read his original poem "Be the Change" in the competition's final round to beat runner-up Jackie Yuh of Germantown. Which sentence most likely comes next in the passage?

The free-verse poem called for youth to speak out against injustice.

Read these sentences from the speech in which Lincoln describes his perspective about the cause of the war. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. How do these sentences advance Lincoln's viewpoint?

Lincoln believes that if the South had simply accepted restrictions on the expansion of slavery, war could have been avoided.

Read this sentence from the speech. With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. Which theme does this sentence develop?

People help themselves by helping others.

What aspect of Mundra's culture is revealed in Paragraph 6 of the story?

People of different social classes avoid contact with one another.

Select the sentence that contains an error according to the style manual.

She published her first short story, John Redding Goes to Sea, in the Howard University campus literary society's magazine Stylus.

Which sentence contains a misplaced modifier?

The neighbor waters our plants whom we trust the most while we travel.

Part A How does Lincoln's use of the words anxiously, dreaded, and destroy affect Paragraph 2? Part B How do the tone identified in Part A and Lincoln's repeated use of the word all advance his purpose in Paragraph 2?

They give the paragraph an intense and foreboding tone. They clarify the universal dread of war felt by both sides even while engaging in it.

What does music symbolize for the speaker?

a means to bring joy to others

Which revision fixes the misplaced modifier in the sentence? Jace organizes his collection of coins from various countries sitting on the floor.

Sitting on the floor, Jace organizes his collection of coins from various countries.

What is the central idea of this passage?

The Egyptian pyramids are amazingly large.

Which quotation from the speech best develops the central idea that America was founded on the belief in equal rights?

"In their name Americans have fought and died for two centuries and tonight around the world they stand there as guardians of our liberty risking their lives."

Which quotation from the speech most effectively develops the central idea that the South cared more about self-preservation than about the good of the nation as a whole?

"To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war,..."

Part A What is a central idea of this story? Part B Which quotation from the story best develops the response to Part A?

A young woman is rejected by her community due to circumstances beyond her control. "Her hair had been cut off; her pretty jewelry had been taken from her; her coloured saris had been sold to a neighbour; and in place of all these belongings she had been given a few yards of white cotton to wrap about her and part of a ragged blanket for a bed."

What concept does Johnson develop in Paragraph 10?

African Americans are being illegally prevented from voting.

What is the old woman's viewpoint about Mundra?

Because she believes Mundra caused the sickness that killed her son, the old woman feels Mundra is cursed by the gods.

Which statement most accurately describes how the language in the essay serves Gandhi's purpose?

By using hyperbole, Gandhi emphasizes the dire situation for third-class train passengers, which garners sympathy.

How does Lincoln's word choice in Paragraph 2 affect the meaning of the speech?

By using words like "all," and "both," Lincoln tries to avoid placing blame on or showing favoritism toward one side of the conflict or another.

Which aspect of Mundra's culture is revealed in Paragraph 10?

Communities blame individuals for natural catastrophes.

Which sentence uses a colon correctly?

For their honeymoon they went to the following places: Florida, St. Lucia, and the Bahamas.

Read these sentences from the speech. With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. Why does Lincoln conclude the speech with these words?

He appeals to the audience's sense of community to support his purpose to show that both sides are equally affected by the war and should work together for resolution.

Part A How does Dunbar's word choice affect the tone of the poem? Part B Which lines from the poem best support the answer to Part A?

He creates an inspired tone by contrasting depressing images with positive ones. "In a strain to soothe his bleeding heart, / And he smiled at the sound of my voice and lyre,"

How does Lincoln convey the idea that the federal government's position on slavery before the war was reasonable and measured?

He depicts the federal government as merely wanting to act within its rights to limit slavery, not abolish it.

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