International Marketing Quiz Questions for Final

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China spends a larger percent of its national income on foods than does the United States. True or False?


China, Korea, and Japan are examples of neutral cultures. True or False?


Chinese consumers are less accepting of products placements than are Americans. True or False?


Concept tests and test marketing are some of the types of research that are conducted to gain insights into a company's product policy. True or False?


In low-trust societies, non-family members associate with one another to accomplish common goals. True or False?


Internet firms are good examples of companies that do not need to adapt products to different cultures. True or False?


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is universally applicable in spite of cross-cultural differences. True or False?


Negotiating with the Chinese takes much less time than negotiating with people from the U.S. or Western countries. True or False?


Nonverbal communications or body language are similar across all cultures. True or false?


Owning 100% of a foreign subsidiary assures management control over that subsidiary. True or False?


Parallel imports are commonly used by MNCs to optimize global pricing. True or False?


Parallel imports are the import of illegal products through legal channels. True or False?


Parallel imports hurt governments because they do not pay taxes. True or False?


Personal selling is one of the least expensive forms of production. True or false?


Quota sampling would be appropriate for Japan and South Korea. True or False?


Reaching markets through an intermediary located in the exporter's home country is called direct exporting. True or False?


Smaller family sizes lead to a decrease in sales of consumer durables. True or False?


Standardized advertising campaigns have decreased over the years. True or False?


State owned enterprises were established to generate large profits to fund government operations. True or False?


Temporal orientations depend on the education level of the people. True or False?


The Hofstede's scores are absolute values and capture the complete culture of all countries. True or False?


The U.S. has a present-oriented culture, whereas European cultures are more past-oriented. True or False?


The U.S., Britain, and Australia can be grouped together in a regional organization structure because English is the first language in all of these countries. True or False?


The highest growth rates for franchising is in the U.S. True or False?


The offset deal is the most basic type of countertrade. True or False?


The proper organization structure for a firm never changes, and it is determined by the industry. True or False?


assessing the cultural influences that affect their global operations is one of the simplest tasks for global marketers. True or False?


Counterparry refers to defending against a competitive attack in one country by counterattacking in another country. True or False?


Differences in the marketing environment, climatic conditions, and disposable income require special adaptations in product packaging. True or False?


For products whose customer needs vary from country to country, a decentralized approach to decision making for advertising is preferred. True or False?


Global brands tend to evoke positive feelings overall even among antiglobals. True or False?


Global mandates may be temporary in nature. True or False?


In Asia, consumers are more positive towards advertisements than are consumers in the U.S. True or False?


In a market with few large buyers, prices are usually lower than in markets with many small buyers. True or False?


In a matrix organizational structure, there is dual or multiple lines of command, with individuals reporting to more than one supervisor. True or False?


In a modularized approach to global advertising, a company selects some features as standard for all of its advertisements while localizing others. True or False?


In code law systems, judges play a far more important role and juries play a lesser role. True or False?


In the Japanese horizontal keiretsus system, the keiretsy bank helps out members in times of trouble. True or False?


In the Middle East, working in a service occupation is often considered akin to being a servant. True or False?


International divisions are proactive compared to export departments and actively seek out market opportunities in foreign countries. True or False?


International salespersons are only needed when companies deal directly with their clients abroad. True or False?


Japan ranks #2 among countries in overall dollar volume of direct sales. True or False?


Licensing can be a means of entering a foreign market quickly. True or False?


Logistics costs are 4x high in China than in many developed economies. True or False?


Many companies charge higher prices in foreign markets than in their domestic markets because of transportation costs. True or False?


Most franchises in Kazakhstan are supervised by master franchisees operating out of Turkey or Russia. True or False?


Most translation problems occur when global advertisements are literally translated. True or False?


Non-probablistic sampling assumes no prior list of names or residences exists for researchers to use to survey a target population. True or False?


OPIC insurance covers losses due to currency inconvertibility. True or False?


One phenomenon that supports a just-like-us strategy is world migration. True or False?


One reason global marketers are attracted to BOP consumers is the chance to build brand loyalty. True or False?


Outside of the U.S., many countries have longer distribution channels thereby increasing channels thereby increasing channel costs. True or False?


Overall, US retailers have entered foreign markets later than European and Japanese retailers. True or False?


Payment for new textile machinery with the output produced by the new machinery is an example of cooperation agreement. True or False?


Price controls are usually temporary. True or False?


Quota sampling would be appropriate for Hong Kong and India. True or False?


Ro-ro carriers have made exporters more competitive with local manufacturers. True or False?


Russian negotiators can surprise Americans by their emotional outbursts. True or False?


Sweden's smaller populations explains why IKEA, Saab, and Ericsson have looked beyond their borders for significant growth opportunities. True or False?


The German embassy may be a good source of information on locating agents or distributors in Germany. True or False?


The development of an independent marketing research industry in Latin America has been stymied by poor enforcement of intellectual property laws. True or False?


The emic research approach focuses on understanding each local context from its own cultural frame of reference. True or False?


The etic research approach assumes that a research question developed in one culture can be more or less translated for use in another cultural context. True or False?


To be a successful salesperson in Japan, one has to call customers often and build relationships before finalizing a sale. True or False?


Trade fairs offer companies a chance to promote new products and meet with prospective customers in a less formal atmosphere. True or False?


In which country is the time between the first sales call and the purchase decision likely to be quickest? a. Japan b. Sweden c. U.S. d. U.K.


Steel is an industry that requires heavy financial investment and enjoys substantial economies of scale. Which strategy might be appropriate for an Indian steel producer? a. Contender b. Defender c. Subsidizer d. Extender

a. contender

Products are sometimes standardized across markets... a. to achieve economies of scale in production b. due to high development costs c. because of short product life cycles d. all of the answers provided

d. all of the answers provided

A disadvantage of the licensing agreement is the a. nurturing of potential customers b. uncertainty of production quality c. dependence on local company to generate revenue d. all of the given answers

d. all of the given answers

A factor influencing government purchasing is... a. preference for local suppliers b. protection of national security c. protection of local industry d. all of the given answers

d. all of the given answers

Cancellation of distribution rights may be problematic in foreign markets due to... a. local laws b. social norms c. the cost involved d. all of the given answers

d. all of the given answers

Which of the following criteria should marketers use when assessing opportunity in global target markets? a. current size of the segment b. anticipated growth potential c. competition d. all of the given answers

d. all of the given answers

China now ranks 5th in patent applications. True or False?


A firm must choose between exporting to a foreign market or opening a market subsidiary there. True or False?


A licenser is the firm that initiates a licensing agreement. True or False?


A push strategy is suitable in countries that have very good advertising media. True or False?


An important indicator of total consumer potential of a country is the total imports into the country. True or false?


Business groups are typically publicly owned companies and have a presence in 1 or 2 related industries. True or False?


Buzz marketing involves hiring high profile sports stars and featuring them in advertisements. True or False?


Comparative Advertising is common in Japan. True or False?


Consumer ethnocentrism refers to the belief that foreign-made products are usually lower quality than domestically produced products. True or False?


Developing countries have better trademark protection than developed countries. True or false?


GM was forced to operate divisions as separate firms to guarantee fairness among competitors. True or False?


Global marketers realistically can only target the upper 10 percent of the population in developing countries. True or False?


Hinduism prevents the paying or collecting of interest on money. True or False?


In India and the USA, McDonald's connotes convenience in a family-friendly atmosphere. True or False?


In India, Hindus consider blue the most sacred color. True or False?


CIF refers to cost, insurance, freight. True or False?


A common problem with global account management is that customers demand lower prices. True or False?


A firm's need to invest in redundant capacity is one of the costs of terrorism. True or false?


A geocentric orientation returns power to global headquarters and centers on global markets as a whole. True or False?


A modular approach to product design helps companies realize economies of scale in manufacturing. True or False?


Advertising directed at children is regulated in China. True or False?


An export department is appropriate when international sales account for 1 to 10 percent of a firm's total sales. True or False?


An international transfer price is the price paid by the importing or buying unit of a firm, to the exporting unit of the same firm. True or False?


As sales to foreign markets become more important, a company often replaces its export department with an international division. True or False?


Branding in China may rely more on the visual appeal of logos than on the brand name. True or False?


Psychographic segmentation involved grouping people in terms of their... a) attitudes, values, and lifestyle b) combined household income c) age and income d) psychological well-being

a) attitudes, values, and lifestyle

Islam is the major religion of many countries in... a. Asia b. North America c. South America d. none of the above

a. Asia

When the value of the euro drops against the U.S. dollar... a. European products become cheaper in the U.S. b. European product quality decreases c. European products become more expensive in the U.S. d. there are no changes in the price of European products

a. European products become cheaper in the U.S.

On Hofstede's individualism/collectivism scale, Japan scores a 46 and South Korea scores an 18. Based on this data, which of the following is a true statement? a. Japan is more individualistic than South Korea b. Japan is more collectivist than South Korea c. Japan is a low power distance society d. none of these answers

a. Japan is more individualistic than South Korea

Similar to _____________ , business groups have a financial core. a. Japanese keiretsus b. SOEs c. multinational corporations d. start-ups

a. Japanese keiretsus

Karotu is a successful advertising agency in South Africa with several MNC accounts. What can Karotu expect in the future? a. Karotu will lose some MNC accounts due to the increased use of global theme advertising. b. Karatu will lose some MNC accounts due to increasing MNC ethnocentrism. c. All MNCs will eventually move to global agencies. d. None of the above

a. Karotu will lose some MNC accounts due to the increased use of global theme advertising

Indopharm is planning to export to Taiwan and is investigating local distributors. A large, well-respected firm is interested, but this firm will likely become the channel captain. Is this good for Indopharm? a. No. Indpharm will lose control over its pricing b. Yes. You always want a large firm to be your channel captain c. It doesn't matter who the channel captain is d. Yes. You always want a well-respected firm to be your channel captain

a. No. Indopharm will lose control over its pricing

Which of the following countries serve as an example of a polychronic culture? a. Saudi Arabia b. Germany c. U.S. d. all of the above

a. Saudi Arabia

Selecting a probability sample is difficult in developing countries due to a. a lack of usable lists of names. b. poor knowledge of probability and sampling techniques. c. large populations. d. high labor costs.

a. a lack of usable lists of names

Shelf space is difficult to find in Saudi Arabia and advertising is limited and expensive. In Saudi Arabia, Karavel Foods should consider... a. a push strategy b. extensive distribution c. a pull strategy d. piggybacking

a. a push strategy

ABC Autos is planning a new advertising campaign in the Japanese market. It should... a. appeal to consumers' emotions b. avoid US themes c. not use any English words d. stress how its autos are better than competitors

a. appeal to consumers' emotions

Anna Wischtuch, who is fluent in German and English, composes the survey in English (version A). She hired a first translator to translate the survey from English to German (version B). She hires another translator to translate the document from German back into English (version C). She then compares the 2 English versions (version A and version C). Anna has conducted a(n) ______________ translation. a. back b. obstructed c. parallel d. tiered

a. back

Sales peaks for consumer products are influenced by a. climate and local customs. b. the budgetary cycle. c. nothing. d. None of the above.

a. climate and local customs

A group of firms that share in a certain contract or project on a pre-agreed basis but acts as one company toward the customer is known as a(n) a. consortium. b. merger. c. joint venture. d. acquisition.

a. consortium

Foreign manufacturers often find themselves at a disadvantage due to local manufacturers because ____. a. consumers have more confidence that a local supplier will accept a return or fix a product if something goes wrong with it b. consumers prefer the modular approaches commonly used by local manufacturers c. consumers are aware that foreign companies are always in the introductory phase of the product life cycle d. consumers worry that foreign companies come from lead markets

a. consumers have more confidence that a local supplier will accept a return or fix a product if something goes wrong with it

What do geocentric and ethnocentric firms have in common? a. Decision making is centralized. b. Input from subsidiaries is not appreciated. c. Decision making is at the regional rather than at the national level. d. None of the above.

a. decision making is centralized

The Swatch group markets watches in all price ranges, from the Swatch brand at the low end to luxury brands such as Longines, Blancpain, and Breguet. Which target market strategy does this illustrate? a. differentiated global marketing b. standardized global marketing c. concentrated global marketing d. none of the given answers

a. differentiated global marketing

Taco Bell's Gidget the talking dog was inappropriate for a global campaign because... a. dogs are eaten in Asia b. many Muslim countries forbid dogs to be depicted in advertisements c. the use of animals in ads is very controlled d. dogs are taboo in Russia

a. dogs are eaten in Asia

The Nigerian government decided to host the All-Africa Games in 2003, despite the fact that building costs for a new stadium exceeded $340 million, twice that the government planned to spend on health care for one year. This action was motivated by the Nigerian government's interest in... a. enhancing national prestige b. promoting national ideology c. self-preservation d. protecting national security

a. enhancing national prestige

Power distance is defined as the: a. extent to which less powerful members of the society accept that power is distributed unevenly b. tendency of people to form in-groups and out-groups c. ratio of power to distance d. level of assertiveness

a. extent to which less powerful members of the society accept that power is distributed unevenly

BMW had to modify its cars for the Japanese market to meet... a. higher quality requirements of Japanese consumers b. higher quality requirements of the Japanese government c. lower quality requirements of Japanese consumers d. lower quality requirements of the Japanese government

a. higher quality requirements of Japanese consumers

National media habits are affected by a. income levels. b. inflation rates. c. exchange rates. d. population.

a. income levels

With a trend toward the dissolution of nuclear families in Western Europe, there has been a(n)... a. increase in the demand for consumer durables b. decrease in the demand for consumer durables c. increase in demand for consumer nondurables d. decrease in demand for exports

a. increase in the demand for consumer durables

To assess clients worldwide and to ensure products and services are designed with clients in mind, marketing information systems should be a. integrated and standardized. b. localized and standardized. c. integrated. d. localized.

a. integrated and standardized

Which is not associated with a global organization? a. International division b. Regional management centers c. Product organizational structures d. Functional organizational structures

a. international division

The development of large corporation in the U.S. can be attributed to the fact that... a. it is a high-trust society b. the U.S. government helped those companies financially c. there is a large number of wealthy extended families d. it is a low-trust society

a. it is a high-trust society

Proctor & Gamble is thinking about bringing a new detergent product to the Ukrainian market. They ask Ipsos, their marketing research supplier, to determine the size of the market and the clothes-washing needs of Ukrainian consumers by conducting a national consumer telephone survey. Ipsos has been asked to conduct a(n) _______________ study based on ________________ research a. market; primary b. complementary; primary c. environmental; secondary d. competitive, secondary

a. market; primary

When marketing in India, the Korean car manufacturer, Hyundai, launches new cars... a. on auspicious days selected from the Hindu calendar b. on the first day of the month c. during the first holy month of Ramadan d. on New Year's Day

a. on auspicious days selected from the Hindu calendar

World Cigarettes, a British MNC, has heard that someone is smuggling their cigarettes into a Latin American country where there are no tariffs or quotas on cigarettes. What advice would you give World Cigarettes? a. organized crime could be involved b. this report is unlikely because the smuggling of cigarettes has largely been eradicated worldwide c. Latin American governments encourage smuggling d. smuggling will not occur in the absence of tariffs and quotas

a. organized crime could be involved

The Iraqi government limits foreign ownership of businesses in Iraq to 49 percent. This is an example of a(n)... a. ownership restriction b. operating conditions c. direct subsidy d. indirect subsidy

a. ownership restriction

Before entering into the Syrian market, a Danish consumer packaged goods company requests a consulting firm to analyze the possibility that an unexpected and drastic change due to political forces will result in adverse circumstances for their potential operations in Damascus. The Danish company has asked the consulting company for a(n)____________ assessment for the Syrian market. a. political risk b. domestication c. none of the given answers d. accession

a. political risk

A South Korean company has registered the Vakko brand in the U.S.. This prevents the Turkish company, Vakko, from entering the U.S. market unless they want to buy the brand name rights from the South Korean company or create a new brand for the U.S. market. The South Korean market has ____________ the Vakko brand name. a. pre-empted b. counterfeited c. pirated d. none of the answers provided

a. pre-empted

Mexico is an example of a ___________ society. a. present-oriented b. future-oriented c. feminine d. none of the above

a. present-oriented

Retailers such as Carrefour that employ standardized back-end systems and processes while creating largely tailored formats for each overseas market are called... a. reinventors b. replicators c. global-local formatters d. performance managers

a. reinventors

Linkage screens for government contracts a. require firms to implement various government requirements that relate to assisting local business b. require firms to identify the final key decision makers. c. weed out smaller or not serious firms. d. involve numerous bureaucratic procedures that the firm must properly address.

a. require firms to implement various government requirements that relate to assisting local business

Canon Car Mirrors is planning to enter Taiwan. How might the company's personal selling be affected? a. Salespersons will be expected to give gifts to clients. b. Salespersons will need to be compensated by commissions only. c. Selling costs will be much higher than in the U.S. d. All of the above

a. salespersons will be expected to give gifts to clients

A global account team is one that is responsible for... a. serving a particular customer globally b. serving customers in a specific region c. international accounting issues d. serving customers all over the world

a. serving a particular customer globally

When identifying global market segments, a fundamental guiding principle should be the need to determine: a. similar needs and buying behavior b. similar geographic regions c. similar languages d. similar ethnic backgrounds

a. similar needs and buying behavior

An alliance involving two or more global firms in which each partner brings a particular skill or resource is called a... a. strategic alliance b. contract manufacturing c. licensing agreement d. marketing alliance

a. strategic alliance

Heinz first used its new teenager-oriented ketchup advertising campaign in a limited Canadian market, then rolled it out worldwide with minor modifications based on consumer surveys in Canada. The Canadian advertising campaign is an example of a... a. test market b. conjoint survey c. stratification study d. concept test

a. test market

Licensing of foreign technology is a good option for companies... a. that have limited funds for R&D b. in a lead market c. in markets with exchange rate fluctuations d. in markets with high inflation rates

a. that have limited funds for R&D

Taberet, a German company, is planning an extensive move into Brazil. How will Taberet's personal selling model be affected in this new market? a. the compensation package may need to be adapted b. selling costs will be higher than in Germany c. salespersons will be easy to recruit d. communications must be in english or Spanish

a. the compensation package may need to be adapted

In a piggyback agreement, a. the manufacturer retains control over marketing strategies. b. the distributor controls marketing strategies. c. no one has channel control. d. the manufacturer has no channel control.

a. the manufacturer retains control over marketing strategies

When McDonalds opened its doors in Johannesburg, South Africa, thousands of people stood in line. When Coca-Cola entered Poland, its delivery trucks drew applause at traffic lights. These strong reactions occurred because... a. these firms had globally recognized brand names b. these companies had adapted their back-stage service elements c. governments paid people to do this d. brand champions had initiated large-scale media campaigns

a. these firms had globally recognized brand names

Which is not true about visual advertisements? a. They are more culturally specific. b. They are appropriate for the EU market. c. They rely more on pictures than words. d. Cartier used them in a campaign destined for 123 countries.

a. they are more culturally specific

Which country heavily regulates door-to-door selling? a. Germany b. China c. Russia d. Saudi Arabia

b. China

Latin Shoes wants to shut down parallel imports into the Egyptian market. Why might this be difficult to do? a. Egypt applies the national exhaustion principle. b. Egypt applies the international exhaustion principle. c. Shoes cannot be trademarked. d. None of the above

b. Egypt applies the international exhaustion principle

Electrolux is targeted to the high-prestige, conservative consumers throughout Europe. Electrolux is an example of a _____________. a. global citizen b. Eurobrand c. brand champion d. All of the above

b. Eurobrand

Multilateral embargoes have been aimed at... a. Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia b. South Africa, Serbia, Iraq c. Cuba, South Africa, and Russia d. Vietnam, Iraq, Cuba

b. South Africa, Serbia, Iraq

The highest penetration of on-line purchasers is found in... a. U.K. b. South Korea c. China d. U.S.

b. South Korea

Market entry through acquisitions is an attractive option when... a. high inflation exists in the market b. a market is saturated with competitors c. there is no competition in the market d. a company is an early entrant into the market

b. a market is saturated with competitors

What are Russian and Chinese negotiations likely to have in common? a. Emotional outbursts b. An apparent irreverence of time c. Both a and b d. None of the above

b. an apparent irreverence of time

____________ represent(s) the cumulative added value of a company's investment in the marketing of a brand over time. a. brand image b. brand equity c. brand extensions d. brand loyalty e. co-branding

b. brand equity

When operating in Muslim countries, U.S. fast food companies respect local traditions by... a. closing all day friday b. certifying their products as halal c. certifying their products as kosher d. not using any beef products

b. certifying their products as halal

In the mid-1990s, Caterpillar's brand was suffering globally. It was positioned differently in different markets, and the logo even was different market to market. To rectify the problem, Caterpillar decided to hire a brand ____________ who was charged with the responsibility for building and managing the global brand. a. auditor b. champion c. general d. monitor

b. champion

Subjecting a new creation to a series of tests in actual use conditions in order to determine commercial feasibility is known as... a. quality assurance b. concept testing c. market testing d. test marketing

b. concept testing

In the early 1970s, McKesson, an American firm, owned 31 percent of the shares of stock in the Iranian firm, Pak Dairy. During the Iranian revolution in 1979, the Iranian government seized and took full control of Pak Dairy by force. They did not pay McKesson for their losses. This is an example of a... a. quota. b. confiscation c. boycott d. none of the given answers

b. confiscation

Colgate-Palmolive hires several anthropologists to observe Mexican housewives clothes-cleaning behavior. The housewives are videotaped as they clean their clothes. They are also interviewed about how they feel about clothes washing: what they like and do not like about the process. The anthropologists interpret their observations of and conversations with the housewives in their field notes. Research and development experts at Colgate-Palmolive then use this data to identify new product additives that can make clothes washing a more positive experiences for Mexican housewives. This is an example of a(n) ______________. a. focus group b. consumer ethnography c. survey d. experiment

b. consumer ethnography

The Australian subsidiary of Ericsson converted the company's AXE telecommunications switch from its initial analog design to a digital model. The subsidiary's engineers also helped construct several key components for the new digital system. Ericsson's Australian subsidiary is playing the ____________ role in the company's product development process. a. implementer b. contributor c. strategic d. hub and spoke

b. contributor

Firms should not pursue importing as a source of new products if the product is a(n) ____ product. a. consumer b. core c. industrial d. standardized

b. core

Taberet, a German company, has an Argentine marketing subsidiary that complains that export price escalation makes Taberet products too expensive to sell in Argentina. The subsidiary wants Taberet to adjust the transfer price to Argentina. What should Taberet do about the transfer price? a. Decrease it. Transportation costs will decrease. b. Decrease it. Tariff costs will decrease. c. Decrease it. Transport and tariff costs will both decrease. d. Do nothing. Transfer prices do not affect either transport or tariff costs.

b. decrease it, tariff costs will decrease

Phone interviews are rare in ___________ countries, and data collectors must often intercept respondents in the streets. a. developed b. developing c. English-speaking d. masculine

b. developing

When Ford brought its Fiesta model into the Indian market, the product design team made several product adaptions. Since many women wear saris, or long, flowing dresses in India, they made the door open wider to make it easier for them to get in and out of the car. This is an example of a(n) ______________ product adaptation. a. mandatory b. discretionary c. modular d. heterogenous

b. dicretionary

Action Toys markets toys for children and adults. When determining a pricing policy for its Middle East markets, the firm should consider... a. independent income of buyers b. discretionary income of buyers c. variable income of buyers d. income of buyers

b. discretionary income of buyers

When many European e-tailers chose to sell out to U.S. competition, they could be said to following a ____________ strategy. a. takeover b. dodger c. defender d. counterparry

b. dodger

English is spoken by most consumers in which industry? a. Cosmetics b. Electronics c. Textiles d. Packaged goods

b. electronics

A study designed to better understand the economic, political, and legal context of a national market is a(n) _____________ study. a. national outlook b. environmental c. market d. competitive

b. environmental

Products that contain standard modules that can be easily connected with other standard modules are said to have a(n) _____________ design. a. insular b. modular c. variable d. standardized

b. modular

GlobalNOW!, a management consulting company, is debating whether or not they should set up a subsidiary in Germany. They ask their marketing research department to prepare a report on the political, economic, social-cultural, and legal characteristics of the German market. The marketing research department bases their report on data found on the internet, in periodicals, and reports published by the German embassy, the Economic Intelligence Unit, and the U.S. Department of Commerce. The marketing department has been asked to prepare a(n) ______________ study based on ______________ research. a. competitive; primary b. environmental; secondary c. market; secondary d. complementary; primary

b. environmental; secondary

Paris Pharmaceuticals is based in France and is planning to enter the U.S. market to sell its new hypertension medicine there. Which of the following is not an appropriate entry mode for the company? a. Exporting utilizing distributors b. Exporting utilizing U.S.-based contract manufacturers c. Licensing the product to a U.S. pharmaceutical firm d. Forming a distribution-based alliance with a U.S. pharmaceutical firm

b. exporting utilizing U.S.-based contract manufacturers

Estee Lauder, a global cosmetics and skin care company, decides to standardize its cosmetics throughout the world. Which of the following is a benefit of this decision to standardize product lines? a. decreased product costs due to varying local inputs b. fast global products rollouts c. greater sales revenues attained by responding to local cultural preferences d. all of the answers provided

b. fast global product rollouts

Which product is too costly to transport long distances and is therefore a poor choice for export? a. clothing b. fresh orange juice c. coffee d. shoes

b. fresh orange juice

An expressed assignment to carry out a task on a global scale is referred to as a _____________ mandate. a. ethnocentric b. global c. matrix d. polycentric

b. global

In Europe, anti-trust laws are established primarily to a. protect consumers. b. guarantee fairness among competitors. c. lower prices and keep competitors out. d. All of the above.

b. guarantee fairness among competitors

Young populations of Southeast Asia are an attractive target for companies because of their _______________ income. a. high per capita b. high discretionary c. low discretionary d. low per capita

b. high discretionary

An American company sets up a subsidiary in Thailand, including a production facility and marketing/sales office. In this example, the USA is a(n) ____________ country. a. auxiliary b. home c. host d. subsidized

b. home

Harmonization of advertising regulations in the E.U. will... a. not affect the potential for a Pan-European campaign b. increase the potential for a Pan-European campaign c. decrease the use of Eurobrands d. decrease the potential for a Pan-European campaign

b. increase the potential for a Pan-European campaign

an online social site that brings strangers together is an example of a(n) ________________ market. a. collectivist b. individualistic c. polychronic d. present oriented

b. individualistic

Raytheon is preparing to sell radar equipment to the Taiwanese government. A Raytheon saleswoman recognizes that a certain general will be particularly influential in the government's buying decision-making process. She meets with the general to ensure that Raytheon's sales proposal will meet his needs and expectations. The Raytheon saleswoman is striving to make sure that her company successfully proceeds through the ____ screen that is common during government purchases in developing countries. a. linkage b. influence c. eligibility d. procedural

b. influence

Which of the following is not a reason for branding? a. give a product credibility b. leave market quicker c. help consumers identify products d. make market entry easier

b. leave market quicker

In developing countries, governments may limit competition by a. market liberalization. b. licensing local production. c. anti-trust laws. d. All of the above.

b. licensing local production

Karavel Foods has a line of soups that are in the mature stage in triad markets but have only recently been introduced in some major developing countries. What type of advertising approach is most appropriate for this line? a. Standardized b. Localized c. Global theme d. Global cycle

b. localized

In Germany, rules are strictly applied because of its... a. high power distance and negative HNO b. low power distance and negative HNO c. high power distance and positive HNO d. low power distance and positive HNO

b. low power distance and negative HNO

The Nestle Company became a target of boycott by consumer action groups in the U.S. due to... a. the use of child labor in Asia b. marketing of infant formula in developing countries c. a lack of concern for environmental issues d. trade with Cuba

b. marketing of infant formula in developing countries

In the case of indirect exporting... a. licensing agreements are arranged with other companies b. markets are reached through intermediaries in the exporters' home market c. marketing operations are set up overseas d. markets are reached through intermediaries in the foreign market

b. markets are reached through intermediaries in the exporters' home market

Rules concerning advertising to children may become more stringent in Europe because of a. less consistency in regulations across Europe. b. more consistency in regulations across Europe. c. recent lawsuits. d. new standards for the toy industry.

b. more consistency in regulations across Europe

Taberet is a family-owned company in Germany. As such it is a. required to join a cartel. b. not forced to think short-term. c. unusual. d. All of the above

b. not forced to think short-term

Channel length refers to... a. number of sales outlets b. number of intermediaries between a firm and its customers c. physical flow of goods d. distance between manufacturer and retailer

b. number of intermediaries between a firm and its customers

The guarantee given by the company winning the bid that it will pay certain specified damages to the customer if the job is not completed is known as a a. guarantee bond. b. performance bond. c. junk bond. d. warranty.

b. performance bond

When a firm considers each national market to be unique, it is said to be... a. multinational b. polycentric c. geocentric d. ethnocentric

b. polycentric

Focus groups in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia typically show up late, if at all, for focus groups due to their countries' ____________ culture. a. low context b. polychronic c. low uncertainty avoidance d. high power distance

b. polychronic

Tekstil Hazir, a Turkish apparel manufacturer, makes T-shirts that are labeled and packaged with the Old Navy brand name. Tekstil Hazir is an example of a _____________. a. brand champion b. private brand c. global brand d. local brand

b. private brand

To be considered as a supplier to the Bolivian government, a company must follow numerous bureaucratic procedures and fill out numerous long forms. This is an example of a governmental ____ screen that is common during government purchases in developing countries. a. eligibility b. procedural c. competitive d. influence

b. procedural

In July 2005, the U.S. Congress blocked China's plans to acquire the U.S. oil and gas company, Unocal. Congress argued that crucial raw materials, such as oil, should not be controlled by an economic rival. This action is motivated by the American government's interest in... a. protecting national cultural identity b. protecting national security c. enhancing national prestige d. promoting national ideology

b. protecting national security

Which of the following is not true about affective cultures? a. speakers express emotion loudly b. speakers appear inscrutable c. speakers gesticulate d. speakers can unnerve people from neutral cultures

b. speakers appear inscrutable

"Private branding" refers to... a. brands of privately owned companies b. supplying products to a third party for sale under its brand name c. brands not protected by trademarks d. hiring someone to find a brand name

b. supplying products to a third party for sale under its brand name

A common complaint by multinational corporations about distributors in developing countries is that a. they want to be channel leaders. b. they fail to invest in business growth. c. there is too much channel conflict. d. they are always haggling for higher margins.

b. they fail to invest in business growth

Which of the following offers good protection against counterfeits? a. generic design b. unique packaging c. subcontracting d. standard packaging

b. unique packaging

10. Which is most likely to prove to be a global segment? a. Newlyweds b. Housewives c. MBA students d. Retirees

c. MBA students

Action Toys is thinking of employing a contract manufacturer in the Taiwanese market. Which of the following facts is not a reason to use a contract manufacturer there? a. Toy technology is relatively simple. b. There are many toy manufacturers in Taiwan. c. Taiwanese factories are operating at full capacity. d. Taiwan is a major exporter of toys.

c. Taiwanese factories are operating at full capacity

The development of an independent marketing research industry in Latin America has been stymied by a. market volatility. b. poor enforcement of intellectual property laws. c. a & b d. None of the above

c. a and b

Ford is considering employing extensive advertising standardization across its many national markets. What would be a reason not to do this? a. Standardization for automobile advertising has never worked well. b. Standardization is not appropriate for global brands. c. Automobiles are at different stages of the product life cycle in different markets. d. Cost savings would be minimal.

c. automobiles are at different stages of the product life cycle in different markets

Fluctuating currency values contribute to a. transaction risk. b. parallel imports. c. Both a and b. d. None of the above.

c. both a and b

The main reason governments impose price control is to a. raise taxes. b. encourage local businesses. c. combat inflation. d. discourage hedging.

c. combat inflation

The U.S. Safe Harbor Framework was established to help U.S. firms a. fight unfair trade practices. b. understand Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). c. comply with European standards of data privacy. d. act effectively if their managers are kidnapped abroad.

c. comply with European standards of data privacy

Which is not a typical type of strategic alliance? a. Production-based alliance b. Technology-based alliance c. Consortium-based alliance d. Distribution-based alliance

c. consortium-based alliance

When consumers are biased against foreign products because they believe that buying imported goods results in job loss locally, this is called a. consumer animosity b. situational animosity c. consumer ethnocentrism d. social protection reflex

c. consumer ethnocentrism

For business buyers the main factor influencing the purchase decision is the... a. performance of the product b. social and cultural factors. c. cost-performance criterion d. cost of the product

c. cost-performance criterion

Comparability of studies across cultures can be made difficult due to respondents trying to guess the answer the interviewer wants to hear. This leads to what kind of bias? a. scalar bias b. metric bias c. courtesy bias d. guess bias

c. courtesy bias

Primary data refers to... a. data that is useful for research study b. currently available data c. data collected specifically for the assignment d. previously collected data

c. data collected specifically for the assignment

Western Electronics has decided to open a marketing subsidiary to sell cash registers in a small Central American country. Now the company will have to a. find a local partner. b. choose a contract manufacturer. c. decide how to price, promote, and distribute its cash registers in the local market. d. All of the above

c. decide how to price, promote, and distribute its cash registers in the local market

A licensing agreement typically... a. decreases exposure to political risk for the licensee b. decreases exposure to political risk for both licensee or licensor c. decreases exposure to political risk for the licensor d. none of the given answers

c. decreases political risk for the licensor

GlobalNOW! is changing its product development strategy. Instead of developing local products, the company wants to produce global products. Which of the following should the company do? a. Consider the unique or special concerns of the company's major markets first before designing the product b. Produce a product that will be identical in all of the markets where the product is sold c. Develop an initial prototype product, sell it in the company's major markets, and then use customer survey feedback to make further localized refinements to the prototype d. Produce a product for the domestic market only

c. develop an initial prototype product, sell it in the company's major markets, and then use customer survey feedback to make further localized refinements to the prototype

DISINT is a direct sales firm that markets cosmetics and women's accessories. DISINT is planning on entering Brazil. What advice would you give to the company? a. Customers will expect to pay considerably less if they buy from someone they know. b. Direct sales are culturally unacceptable in Brazil. c. Direct sales appeals to Brazil's collectivist culture. d. Direct sales appeals to Brazil's hierarchal culture.

c. direct sales appeals to Brazil's collectivist culture

A global product manager of a major U.S.-based MNC is upset over two incidents that have occurred in the firm's Mexican subsidiary. The country manager has argued against a price increase proposed by headquarters and has insisted that the local sales force be expanded. What advice would you give the global product manager? a. Don't listen to the country manager. You have authority over these issues. b. Listen to the country manager. You don't have authority over these issues. c. Don't be upset. Conflict can be good. d. These issues should be taken to the CEO immediately.

c. don't be upset, conflict is good

Eight women are invited by a market research company to participate in a group discussion about a new skincare product produced by Estee Lauder. A moderator leads the group discussion. Representatives from the Estee Lauder company watch the group discuss in the next room through a one-way mirror. The group discussion is called a(n) ________________ study. a. consumer ethnography b. observation c. focus group d. survey

c. focus group

To avoid duplication of efforts across countries, a global firm should adopt a ______________ structure. a. country-based b. regional c. functional d. any of the given answers

c. functional

U.S.-based Tin City Bicycles is about to undertake a global roll-out of a new bicycle developed in their Indian subsidiary. Tin city most likely adheres to which orientation? a. Ethnocentric b. Polycentric c. Geocentric d. Market

c. geocentric

General Motors is considering a global theme approach. What advice would you give GM? a. use of global theme advertising is declining b. develop a simple theme in the U.S. that then can be used abroad with minor changes undertaken at the discretion of the foreign subsidiaries c. incorporate input from the subsidiaries in the original design of a global theme campaign d. develop a theme in the U.S. but allow headquarters to later consider and approve minor adaptations proposed by foreign subsidiaries

c. incorporate input from the subsidiaries in the original design of a global theme campaign

When Toys R Us entered into China, they targeted their marketing mix toward children because this was the strategy they employed in the U.S. market. This is an example of using a ____ segmentation strategy. a. cosmopolitan b. Maslovian c. just-like-us d. None of the above

c. just like us

The benefits of strong brands include all of the following except: a. more elastic consumer response to price decreases b. less vulnerability to marketing actions c. less inelastic consumer responses to price decreases d. greater loyalty e. larger margins

c. less inelastic consumer response to price increases

Reclassifying a product may be a way to... a. lessen transportation costs b. discourage parallel imports c. lessen tariff costs d. encourage cartelling

c. lessen tariff costs

Walmart decides to sell the same jeans in all of its retail locations throughout the world. Which of the following is a benefit of this decision to standardize this product line? a. decreased product costs due to varying local inputs b. greater sales revenues attained by responding to local cultural preferences c. lower manufacturings costs due to economies of scale d. all of the answers provided

c. lower manufacturing costs due to economies of scale

Mexican wine suffers from poor perceptions of quality in the European market. To compete in Europe, Mexican wine producers should a. launch a promotional campaign to address consumer ethnocentrism. b. launch a promotional campaign to address consumer animosity. c. lower prices in Europe. d. All of the above

c. lower prices in Europe

In Vietnam, foreign electric component manufacturers are required by the Vietnamese government to prove that a minimum of 20% of the components must be made with local input products. This is an example of ___________ . a. indirect subsidy b. ownership restriction c. operating conditions d. direct subsidy

c. operating conditions

When Proctor and Gamble entered into the Russian market, the Government Relations department put together a report that identified all the individuals in Russia involved in a regulatory decision and summarized their points of view on foreign investment regulations. In this example, Proctor and Gamble conducted a _____________ in this report. a. political risk assessment b. political advertisement c. political map d. list of home country pressure groups

c. political map

The main role of public relations personnel is to: a. create bad publicity for competitors b. create buzz marketing c. promote goodwill toward the firm d. promote new products

c. promote goodwill toward the firm

The main function of a missionary sales force is to a. distribute the product. b. sell the product. c. promote the product. d. finalize negotiations.

c. promote the product

Borrowing locally helps companies to... a. address legitimacy issues of the host country b. borrow at lower interest rates c. reduce exposure to political risk d. strengthen relationships with local companies

c. reduce exposure to political risk

Retailers such as Starbucks that export their retail model virtually unchanged are called... a. performance managers b. reinventors c. replicators d. global-local formatters

c. replicators

The European VAT is a form of a. tariff. b. quota. c. sales tax. d. "sin" tax.

c. sales tax

Should we target French housewives or French working women? Should we develop a different marketing mix for Brazilian teens than one we developed for Brazilian adults? These questions concern the firm's ______________ strategy. a. cosmopolitan b. none of the given answers c. segmentation d. financial

c. segmentation

In Australia, foreign ownership of television stations is limited to no more than 20 percent. It is feared that if a foreign country controlled the media, it could influence public opinion and national sovereignty. This regulation is motivated by the Australian government's interest in... a. enhancing national prestige b. promoting national ideology c. self-preservation d. fostering national prosperity

c. self-preservation

Texas Taffy is planning to enter Mexico using exclusive rather than extensive distribution. This decision should... a. increase market coverage b. lengthen channels c. shorten channels d. none of the given answers

c. shorten channels

A highly competent subsidiary in a market of strategic importance that is responsible for developing a new range of products to be used by the entire company is a(n) a. lead marketer. b. contributor. c. strategic leader. d. implementer.

c. strategic leader

Global products are those a. whose design is fully adapted for each market. b. whose design is fully standardized. c. that have a portion of their design standardized and the rest is adapted. d. None of the above.

c. that have a portion of their design standardized and the rest is adapted

A product organizational structure is best suited for companies... a. with homogenous product lines b. that have production in only one country c. that have several unrelated product lines d. targeting similar markets

c. that have several unrelated product lines

Extended families are less important in... a. high power-distance cultures b. masculine societies c. the U.S. d. China

c. the U.S.

In a global theme approach towards advertising... a. different themes are used for different countries b. there is considerable variation across countries c. the same advertising theme is used worldwide but varied slightly with each local execution d. some feature are standardized while others are localized

c. the same advertising theme is used worldwide but varied slightly with each local execution

More awareness advertising may be needed in one country versus another because a. of different national laws. b. of different national norms. c. the same product may vary in its product life cycle stage across countries. d. consumers may have different attitudes towards humor.

c. the same product may vary in its product life cycle stage across countries

Marketing subsidiaries are preferred over independent distributors because... a. of higher tariffs on imports b. of lower fixed cost to the company c. they provide better control of after-sale service d. of government regulations

c. they provide better control of after-sale service

Many Chinese firms acquired companies in foreign markets because... a. governments encouraged acquisitions b. acquisitions were relatively expensive c. they were late movers into those markets d. all of the given answers

c. they were late movers into those markets

Which of the following type(s) of research is done to provide insight into a company's product decisions? a. Focus groups to generate ideas for new products b. Test marketing c. Concept testing d. All of the above

d. all of the above

Eligibility screens for government contracts a. require firms to implement various government requirements that relate to assisting local business. b. require firms to identify the final key decision makers. c. weed out smaller or not serious firms. d. involve numerous bureaucratic procedures that the firm must properly address.

c. weed out smaller or not serious firms.

Quota sampling would be appropriate for a. Japan. b. South Korea. c. Japan and South Korea. d. Indonesia.

d. Indonesia

Wholesale channels are longest in... a. U.S. b. Canada c. Germany d. Japan

d. Japan

Which of the following is not a reason for Brazilians developing orange groves in Florida? a. There are high transportation costs from Brazil to U.S. markets for fresh orange juice. b. The U.S. consumes 40 percent of all orange juice. c. There is a high market potential in the United States. d. U.S. competitors attacked the Brazilian market.

d. U.S. competitors attacked the Brazilian market

Which is not a common source of foreign distributor information for U.S. firms? a. Industry associations b. Trade shows c. U.S. Department of Commerce d. WTO

d. WTO

A target of a grass-roots boycott of foreign products in the Arab world was... a. Coca-Cola b. Pepsi c. Sailsbury's d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Contract manufacturing is preferred in countries by a. Procter & Gamble b. Starbucks c. Unilever d. All of the above

d. all of the above

Culture can be defined as: a. human behaviors encompassing social, linguistic, and family behavior b. the entire heritage of society transmitted by word, literature, or any other form c. the traditions, morals, habits, and religions of a people d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Where would offering a gift at first meeting possibly be interpreted as a bribe? a. Arab World b. Europe c. Latin America d. All of the above

d. all of the above

Henkel, A German consumer packaged goods company, decides to produce laundry detergents whose brands and formulations are custom-tailored to each market in which it operates. Which of the following is a benefit of this decision to adapt this product line? a. modified products may perform better under different use conditions b. product costs may be decreased by varying local products c. product costs may be decreased by eliminating unnecessary product features d. all of the provided answers

d. all of the provided answers

Pepsi tried unsuccessfully for years to get into the Indian market as a wholly owned subsidiary. Finally the company found a powerful local partner in the Indian beverage industry with whom to enter into a joint venture. The joint venture was quickly approved. In this example, Pepsi chose to employ the ____________ strategy for managing regulatory change. a. alter b. avoid c. accede d. ally

d. ally

Taberet is considering moving from regional organization structure to a product-regional matrix structure. What can the company hope to accomplish from this? a. lower costs b. product managers will dominate country managers c. clearer authority structure d. better global roll-outs

d. better global roll-outs

Which of the following is forbidden under Islam? a. pork b. alcohol c. beef d. both a and b

d. both a and b

In which country does the government control what can be asked in focus groups? a. United States b. China c. Vietnam d. Both b and c

d. both b and c

In high-context cultures... a. words tend to keep the same meanings in all situations b. communication is explicit c. none of the above d. communication is implicit

d. communication is implicit

When considering which foreign construction company would be awarded a contract for India's new highway project, the Indian government weighed each bidding company's experience, reputation, and cultural sensitivity in addition to the price. In this example, the Indian government is executing the ___________ screen that is common during government purchases in developing countries. a. eligibility b. influence c. linkage d. competitive

d. competitive

For most Venezuelan family purchases, the husband makes the purchasing decision. In the U.S., most family purchases are made jointly by the husband and wife. This illustrates differences in _____________ between the 2 countries. a. real gross national product b. Maslow's hierarchy of needs c. purchasing power parity d. consumer behavior

d. consumer behavior

At McDonald's locations in China, managers regularly go table to table, chatting with customers as they eat their food. McDonald's has adapted to culture differences in... a. the wait experience b. back-stage elements c. service personnel requirement d. customer expectations about service levels

d. customer expectations about service levels

Steel is an industry that requires heavy financial investment and enjoys substantial economies of scale. Which strategy might be appropriate for a South Korean steel producer? a. Extender b. Defender c. Indicator d. Dodger

d. dodger

ISO 14000 is a generic management system standard concerned with a. quality assurance. b. military management. c. transportation management. d. environmental management.

d. environmental management

Lisa Fritz is deciding which mode of entry to propose to a Japanese pharmaceutical manufacturer thinking of entering the relatively small Peruvian market. Which of the following would be least appropriate for such a market? a. establishing a compounding facility b. exporting to Peru utilizing a marketing subsidiary c. exporting to Peru utilizing a Peruvian distributor d. establishing an integrated production facility

d. establishing an integrated production facility

When Taiwan Graphics first entered Indonesia, all decisions for the new market were made in Taiwan. Now all decisions for Indonesia are made by the subsidiary there. Taiwan Graphics has changed orientations from... a. polycentric to geocentric b. polycentric to ethnocentric c. geocentric to polycentric d. ethnocentric to polycentric

d. ethnocentric to polycentric

A major goal of the E.U. government is to provide full employment and increasing standard of living for its citizens by encouraging foreign investment in the E.U. and promoting E.U. exports in foreign markets. These actions are motivated by the E.U. government's interest in... a. enhancing national prestige b. protecting national security c. self-preservation d. fostering national prosperity

d. fostering national prosperity

Which of the following is not an internal force that affects organizational structure? a. Firm's commitment of financial resources to international efforts b. Importance of international sales to the firm c. Diversity of international markets served d. Geographic concentration of the firm's customers

d. geographic concentration of the firm's customers

A company would adopt the "alter" strategy to a regulatory change when the issue is of... a. low importance to the company, and the firm has no power to influence a change b. high importance to the company, and the firm has no power to influence a change c. low importance to the company, and the has the power to influence a change d. high importance to the company, and the firm has the power to influence a change

d. high importance to the company, and the firm has the power to influence a change

In Germany, it is assumed that people cannot be trusted to obey the rules. Germany is an example of a(n) __________ society. a. feminine b. individualist c. human nature orientation positive d. human nature orientation negative

d. human nature orientation negative

Global price fixing is encouraged by a. variable tariffs. b. government price controls. c. global segments. d. intense competition.

d. intense competition

Cathay Corporation produces packaged foods and is a member of a Thai business group. Which other business is the group most likely to be involved in? a. Grocery stores b. Steel c. Software design d. It is impossible to tell.

d. it is impossible to tell

If a country has a surplus of labor, then... a. high labor rates are likely b. sophisticated high-technology machinery will be commonly used c. none of the given answers d. labor-intensive methods of manufacturing are appropriate

d. labor-intensive methods of manufacturing are appropriate

In typical feminine societies, which virtue is predominant? a. competitiveness b. education c. acquisitiveness d. modesty

d. modesty

In many Asian cultures, the display of emotion is encouraged. This is because many Asian cultures are _____________ cultures. a. masculine b. affective c. feminine d. neutral

d. neutral

French Bakery Breads primarily controls its foreign subsidiaries by setting behavioral standards. These could include a. sales and profits. b. customer satisfaction. c. market share. d. None of the above

d. none of the above

Paris Pharmaceuticals wishes to establish a pricing policy to avoid dumping charges in a West African country. Three global pharmaceutical firms export to the country, but there is no local manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Paris Pharmaceuticals should a. be sure its prices are not much higher than the prices of the other MNCs. b. be sure its prices are not much lower than the prices of the other MNCs. c. ask for price controls. d. None of the above

d. none of the above

Which of the following refers to biases concerning the quality of foreign products? a. Consumer ethnocentrism b. Stable animosity c. Situational animosity d. None of the above

d. none of the above

Tanner Tractors is considering licensing its new line of tractors to its joint venture in India. Which of the following facts would make this unfeasible? a. you cannot license products to your own joint venture b. tariffs on tractors are low in India c. tariffs on tractors are high in India d. none of the given answers

d. none of the given answers

If a U.S. company pays a customs official an extra US$100 to speed up the clearance of their shipment of US$1 million of goods through customs, it is _________. a. a violation of the American Overseas Bribery Act b. not a violation of the American Overseas Bribery Act c. a violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act d. not a violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

d. not a violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Retailers such as Ahold that expand globally by acquiring existing retail businesses that retain their independent identities are... a. reinventors b. global-local formatters c. replicators d. performance managers

d. performance managers

In the past, Iran and Venezuela have attempted to outlaw foreign brand names, requiring international marketers to establish names for their products in Persian and Spanish. These governments were interested in... a. promoting national ideology b. none of the given answers c. self-preservation d. protecting cultural identity

d. protecting cultural identity

Under Islamic banking practices, Muslims prefer to invest in banks that... a. offer high interest rates on savings b. offer low interest rates on the loans to the poor c. offer low interest rates on savings d. provide profit-loss accounts, allowing customers to invest their savings in businesses that banks preselect

d. provide profit-loss accounts, allowing customers to invest their savings in businesses that banks preselect

The same customer survey is used by Toyota in Brazil and Japan. The survey gauges customer satisfaction via the use of a 10-point scale, where 1 indicates that the customer is "extremely dissatisfied" and 10 indicates that the customer is "extremely satisfied". A Brazilian consumer feels that he is marginally satisfied and circles the answer "8". A Japanese customer feels that he is enthusiastically satisfied, so he circles the answer "8". This examples illustrates that there are often cross-cultural differences in _____________. a. scale frames b. courtesy bias c. parallel transitions d. scalar equivalence

d. scalar equivalence

Taiwan Mirrors wants to enter the Vietnamese car mirror market but does not want to become involved itself in producing mirrors in Vietnam. However, the company does want to keep control over the marketing of its mirrors in Vietnam. Taiwan Mirrors should a. license its mirrors in Vietnam. b. employ an export management company for Vietnam. c. establish a joint venture in Vietnam. d. seek a contract manufacturer in Vietnam.

d. seek a contract manufacturer in Vietnam

Domestication is defined as... a. the seizure of an asset without payment b. the seizure of a company without payment c. host-government initiated actions that result in a loss of ownership d. the limiting of certain economic activities to local citizens

d. the limiting of certain economic activities to local citizens

Burberry has registered it famous black-tan-and-white plaid as its _____________ since it has become a symbol that enables customers to identify the brand, distinguishing its clothing from other brands a. brand register b. single-country brand name c. none of the answers provided d. trademark

d. trademark

Joint ventures are preferred in markets a. with high transportation costs. b. with low market potential. c. with high political risk. d. where important customers are willing to invest for a portion of the output.

d. where important customers are willing to invest for a portion of the output

Communication is explicit and words tend to keep their meanings in all situations, in high-context cultures or low-context cultures?

low-context cultures

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