Internet of Things: CandMercIT

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S6: Issues to consider with radio technology, e.g. sigfox)

- Environment: where will the IoT device be placed - Size: has an influence on antenna, battery, durability etc., - Cost: If a device is too expensive, it's a problem - Data: size, persistence etc - Service life and ability, interoperability - Power availability, battery life, power harvesting etc - Local processing requirements - Simplex/duplex: operational mode - Security: a major constraint

S2: Positive benefits of digital infrastructures

- Highly evolvable as they: --- Are scalable and replicatable --- Exhibit modularity --o Digital infrastructures: evolvable and scalable -> add new components through replication or added to overall infrastructure -> more capable -> capabilities expanded. - Highly Generative --- through combination and informational modular components to produce multiple innovative outcomes

IoT digital devices are highly generative and have innovation potential

- Leverage: how extensively a system or technology enable a set of different uses (e.g., GPS, smartphones, microphones) - Adaptability: how easily a system can be built or modified to enable a range of uses (e.g., APIs enabling apps to be built) - Ease of mastery: how easy it is for broad audiences to learn how to adopt and adapt (e.g., software development kits) - Accessibility: how accessible it is to those ready and able to build on it (e.g., opensource, licensing) - Transferability: how transferrable any changes are to others (e.g., how are products of innovation distributed in app stores)

S2: Negative side effects of digital infrastructure

- Reflexivity: o Changes in one part of a complex system produces feedback within the system which results in unpredictable behaviour and outcomes in other parts. - Complexity: o Self-reinforcing networks effects - amplify growth o Path dependencies - infrastructures become constrained by prior investments and design decisions - resists change at the macrolevel o Lock-in of installed base means that effects of failure become unavoidable

S5: Ethernet protocol (not very important)

. Ethernet is a pipe, and what really defines what happens on the network is TCP/IP. ISO/OSI defines the layers in a protocol stack, each layer talks to the one close to it. Running ethernet on the internet means you look at only four layers. Transport layer is TCP/UDP. Network layer is IP. Simplified version of OSI.

S3: 6C framework

1. Context 2. Constuct 3. Configuration 4. Cooperation 5. Capability 6. Change

S1: 4 different approaches to delivering IoT

1. Device-toDecive Model 2. Device-to-cloud model 3. Device-to-Gateway model 4. Back-end Data sharing model

S3: Three critical measures of ecosystem health

1. Productivity 2. Robustness 3. Niche Creation

S4: Archtypes of IoT business model

1. Service-centered business model. ....Classical physical products are connected with digital components e.g., sensors and the internet. 2. Data-driven business model. .... new method of collection data and usage enabled by integrating sensors. 3. Platform business model. ...Platforms can support companies in the implementation of the data BM because they connect the market players and enable the exchange of best practices

S1: IoT Data

1. The right data 2. The right quantity 3. The right time 4. The right place

S1: IoT Drivers

1. Ubiquitous Connectivity 2. Adoption of IP-based networking 3. Computing Economics 4. Miniaturization of technology 5. Advances in Data Analytics 6. Rise of Cloud Computing

S5: Example of WSN network

A typical WSN network consists of two main components namely node and base-station. A node is a device that is normally equipped with sensing, processing and communication capabilities, and is responsible for measuring the parameters associated with a particular application. A base station is responsible for capturing and providing access to all measurement data from the nodes

S5: Internet of everything

Aims to look at the bigger picture in which IoT fits. "bringing together people, process, data, and things to make networked connections more relevant and valuable than ever before- turning information into actions that create new capabilities, richer experiences, and unprecedented economic opportunity for businesses, individuals, and countries

Readings S2: Porter, M. E., & Heppekmann , J. E. (2015). How smart, connected products are transforming companies

All smart, connected products from e.g., home appliances to industrial equipment share three core elements: - Physical components (mechanical/electric parts etc) - Smart components (sensors, microprocessors, data storage, controls, software, embedded operating system, digital user interface) - Connectivity components (ports, antennae, protocols, and networks that enable communication between the product and the product cloud)


Alternatives to IP. Lightweight messaging protocol. Does not do handshaking, published subscribed, operation to exchange data between client and servers. Small size, low power usage and low data packets.

S5: Actuations

An actuator is a device that alters the physical quantity as it can cause a mechanical component to move after getting some input from the sensor. In other words, it receives control input (generally in the form of the electrical signal) and generates a change in the physical system through producing force, heat, motion, etc. An actuator is a device that actuates or moves something, converting energy into motion or mechanical energy.

S2: IoT Funcional architecture

Application, Service, Communication, Device, Security, Managment

Readings S3: Iansiti, Marco & Levien, Roy (2004) Strategy as Ecology

Business ecosystems: the loose networks of suppliers, distributors, outsourcing firms, makers of related products of services, technology providers and a host of other organizations, affect and are effected by the creation and delivery of a company's own offerings.

Reading S4: Uckelmann et al. (2011), Business models for the IoT

Business models add to the competitiveness of a firm by offering a logical and consistent approach to the innovative design and execution of business - architecture of products, services, and information flows including actors and roles and potential value creation for all participants PaaS: Shifting from providing products to providing services. Information Service providers: If information ca be measured and billed -> new business opportunities for information service providers. End-userInvolvement: IoT will link all customers across the life cycle of a product. Right-time Business analysis and decision making: IoT provides real-time access and analysis opportunities across supply-chains and product lifecycles.

S3: What is a business ecosystem?

Businesses cannot succeed alone but prosper or fade together with their peers. They need capital, partners, suppliers and customers to create cooperative networks

Reading S4; Ehret & Wirt (2017) Unlocking value from machines

Components of effective business model design Value proposition: Identify opportunities for value creation before fixing actual product or service specification. Propositions that enhance the value-in-use in the context of users. Value capturing mechanism: Translate value-in-use into financial value for service provider. Broaden revenue streams beyond sales and manufacturing etc., Selling the performance rather than the product itself. Value network: Increasing connectedness and fluidity of business organization. A firm is rarely in the position to exploit an opportunity on its own, and requires an ecosystem of suppliers, complementors, and stakeholders to effectively serve customers. Networking is key. Value communication: Co-creation of value resides on perceptions and interactions between actors in value network. As co-creation is important; communication and trust play a critical role in business model design.

S2: Layered modular architecture

Content-, service-, network-, Device Layer

S5: Main components of WSN

Controller, Communication devices, Sensors/actuations, Memory, Power Supply

S5: Things to remember

Data transfer rate (bandwidth): maximum rate of data transfer possible on a given data network. Throughput: maximum rate achieved - typically measured in megabits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps). Not always relevant in IoT networks, but in other kinds of networks it can be hugely relevant, the way a mobile cell network is built up - each cell/tower is a star network as it can support so and so many users and has discrete capacity/bandwidth. Things get slower on smartphone - many users - you are using a shared resource, so the bandwidth is important rather than the throughput.

Readings S3: Endres et al (2019): IIoT Business model classification

Digical business model: Existing BM is developed but no radical change that alters industry logic. Established companies use IoT to optimize existing value creation processes. Companies make gradual changes to existing BM. Focus on sub-areas and not entire BM. Value proposition remains the same but improved through products or processes. Sale is still at center but combined with additional services. Tracking of user behavior.

S2: Digital Infrastructures

Digital infrastructure as the collection of technological and human components, networks, systems, and processes that contribute to the functioning of an information system.

S2: Porter & Heppelmann, system thinking

Digitalized object becomes one small system in a larger system. IoT is a system of system.

S4: What is a IoT business model

Explanation of how a business makes money and is able to deliver a value proposition and make profits from it. Their value creation comes from the information captured from IoT. Frequently need to consider how the rest of the ecosystem contributes to how the company can create value

S5: Four stages of IoT solution archictecture

Hardware and software stacks: create ecosystem Hardware: sensors, IoT, communication etc -> we work with it Software stacks: management, controls and analytics

S5: Characteristics of IoT

Heterogeneous Dynamic Interconnectable Scale


High level presentation networks that goes through transport and network protocols link and physical protocols. Chose UDP or TCP. Tcp Is too inefficient and power hungry to apply to emerging IoT applications. MQTT and CoAP are other alternatives.

S4: Value proposition

Identify opportunities for value creation before fixing actual product or service specification. Propositions that enhance the value-in-use in the context of users. Value is not created for the customer by IoT technology, value is created from the service which is designed to meet customer needs - enabled by underlying IoT technology.

S4: Value network/ IoT ecosystem

Increasing connectedness and fluidity of business organization. A firm is rarely in the position to exploit an opportunity on its own, and requires an ecosystem of suppliers, complementors, and stakeholders to effectively serve customers. Networking is key.

S2: Three mechanisms that power DI and IoT Evolution

Innovation, Adpotion ad scaling

Reading S5: Khaddar & Boulmalf: the ultimate IoT and IoE device

IoT and IoE are communication concepts that interconnect a variety of devices and allow them to communicate. E.g., home applications and sensors. Internet protocol: main network protocell used for sending packets in the internet WIFI: allows devices to communicate over a wireless signal, and contains any type of wireless local area network device supporting various specification versions. Bluetooth: cheap communication tech for small distances that allows connection between devices Zigbee: used in home automation, medical monitoring, industrial controls and digital architecture. Enhances features of wireless sensor networks and widely used for wireless home automation systems Near-field communication: shortrange wireless tech that allow customers to make transactions, connect electronic devices and exchange digital content WSNs: hundreds of thousands of sensor nodes communicating with each other and passing data related to physical or environmental conditions such as pressure, temperature, motion, location etc Actuators

S4: Value activities

IoT facilitates traditional companies to do things differently. Use to augment traditional product or to develop a new value proposition. When they adopt internal change there are new ways of doing things to deliver the value proposition.

S6: Communication channels

IoT is loosely based on the internet - uses it and needs specific protocols to communicate with server systems (cloud) in different ways. IoT generally loosely based on the internet to communicate. Message protocol.

S4: Value capturing mechanism

Maximize revenue: Most advantageous revenue model for capturing income? subscription model? Pay as you go? How does IoT create unique capability that enables you to capture value? How does it create novelty in value proposition? Does IoT create a unique asset/capability (RBV based VRIN) that gives monopolistic power to set higher prices - how? And or provides novelty to increase revenue by attracting new customers and what is the risk this uniqueness can be copied and competed away? Minimize costs: How will the IoT enable cost to be reduced within the firm? Use of IoT in manufacturing helps enable a process to become more efficient. Sustainable profits: How does it enable lock-in of customers? How can it be sustainable?

S3: Roles in ecosystems

Niche player - Hoppekids Keystone organisation - Apple Value dominators - cominates horizontally Commodity player - no value

S6: Why is IP not the best?

Power constraints, Duty cycle, Memory constraints, Handshaking, Security

S5: Sigfox overall:

Sigfox devices are not operated using the internet protocol (TCP/IP) and each device equipped with the unique device ID. In addition, it is not connected to any particular network or base station. Sigfox network built in such a way that it can protect itself from the threats of denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) or massive device cloning.

S7: Components of our devices (long answer)

Sigfox uses ultra narrow band (international name: Lower Power Wide Area Networks). It has very long range and data can easily be sent from the device to a base station located several miles away using extra power. Because the amount of data is so small, 12 bytes, and the device only send and receive at certain times -> they use very little power. Sigfox is based on UND. The data is forwarded to we use callbacks. is an open-source cloud-based IoT platform which retrieves and represents data from the IoT devices. Arduino MKR FOX 1200: Board based on SAMED21 microcontroller. Open-source hardware component that can connect to Arduino Create for programming purposes and Sigfox cloud infrastructure. DHT11 (Temp&Hum): Can measure temperature and humidity based on a digital signal output. Humidity sensor and NTC thermistor is used to make relative measurements. MQ135(Air quality): Detecting and measures the air quality of surroundings. Can detect and measure the presence of various gases like NH3, smoke, alcohol and CO2 to mention a few. Digital pin on the MQ135 can be used to detect one particular gas and the analog pin can be used to measure the surrounding gases in ppm. Breadboard: crucial component when building temporary circuits and prototypes before permanently soldering the components of the IoT device. Breadboard was connected to the Arduino development board which supplied power to the breadboard itself. Jumper wires were used to establish electrical connection between two components. For MQ135 (GND, 5V and A5). For DHT11 (GND, 5V and 7). A5 port is analog and can handle input/output in continuous format. Digital ports can only manage binary input/output. Antenna: black thing An antenna was was attached (the black thing) to enable bit stream on a radio level to the Sigfox network. The

S6: Software stacks

Software Stack refers to the set of components that work together to support the execution of the application. Three different ones: Device, intelligent EDE and Platform/backend.

S6: The IoT technology stack

The IoT technology stack is a range of technologies, standards and applications, which range from the simple connection of objects to the Internet to simple/very complex applications that use these connected things, the data they gather and communicate and the different steps needed to power these applications.

S1: IoT

The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

S5: Example TCP, UDP, IP

When sending an email from a server, the TCP layer in that server will divide the message into multiple packets, number them and then toward them to the IP layer for transport. At the IP layer, each packet will be transported to the destination email server. Each packet goes the same way, but the route they take to get there may be different. When the email arrives, the IP layer hands it back to the TCP layer, which reassembles it into messages and hands it over to the email application.

S5: Networks

computer network is two or more computers connected via software and hardware so they can connect

S2: Things and decives as digitalized artefacts

have properties of digital artefacts + capitalize on the properties of digital data + arranged in a layered modular architecture

S2: Functional architecture def.

implications on IoT device service innovation When using IoT it changes how the organization operates, functional architecture shows hint on actors etc., that you need and from that you can create a new business model.

S2: Digital artefacts - Have properties of digital technologies

o Material (tangible) digital artefacts o Memorability o Programmability o Sensibility o Addressability o Communicability o Traceability o associability

S2: Digital artefacts - Capitalize on the properties of digital data

o Nonmaterial (intangible) digital artefacts o Processed and manipulated from material objects o Properties that set them aside from material objects § Non rivalry in use § Infinitely expansible § Re-combinable

S5: Device

piece of equipment with the mandatory capabilities of communication and optional capabilities of sensing, actuation, data capture, data storage and data processing. It collects information and provide it information and communication networks for processes

S3: 1. Productivity 2. Robustness 3. Niche creation

· Productivity: ability to consistently transform technology and other raw materials of innovation into lower costs and new products · Robustness: ability of ecosystem to survive in unexpected disruptions - measure by survival rate over time relative to other ecosystems · Niche creation: Ecosystem capacity to increase meaningful diversity through the creation of valuable new functions or niches

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